from regidarty on Monday evening inthimide. For the nest meeting Troop carried the Sanday School room #t Mrs, Gavliner's fhe mem ment csremonies. The second mest of the hers will bring # patiern nd ithe 12 Boy AH Ch Girls Cotton material for & skint and . and Ghutens, Was at me oe of The Kinsale Womaxs iO Diblis Fetations ' bgp ssi ers Wes wiley leaders (we wanch met on Wednesday oF ere ' F mersred each girl for a sort at the home of Wes, Charles Mc tie ot the OAC fast Way, Wr. and Mev. Lesiie Wilson Scomt Troop met for the eee Brooks, were wes and Wowse for swmmer, The Taggart with # go attend. when Vibe Relations and Me, and Mrs. J. Fisher mony of wesenting pins and and. peckerachiels members browght their sewing ance, Wes, I, J, Wheeler, the crs held # comference 00d ve returned aller several fadges, The parents ond some, At the cose of the meeting kits including & ruler, dress Sowth Ontario District WE Pil bile relations individually and to Washingion, grandparents were guests, Mr, the Grow Commitics served # making pine, & hodlin, a tape fic Relations CoMVEnsr, Ww FAs EIOWGS OF commanities js 978 08 # trip Frank How, District Commis. dawnty Inch, The Boys mest measure, & PIR cushion and © present and gave B Most. inter: carrying owt the Golden Rule. 'DE, USA THE OSHAWA TIVES, Thordey, Merch 3, 196) 13 ge 1 GREENWOOD GREENWOOD ~ On Satur 5 Aay evening at the chwreh the neckerahiets Fist Gresnwood Cily Pack and 4 7 A func served by the esting and enlightening address A deity Bah, served by he CANNED GOODS SALE ALP Pansy Quality Rog. 1 tine Bo--BAVE be WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 «2.9: CASE OF 24 TING 1348 ~ SAVE Me Dsl Monte Pineapple Reg. tin Me--BAVE He GRAPEFRUIT JUKE 3 4-100 CASE OF 12 TING $500 =~ BAVE Me Groen Giant, Bliced Rog. 2 tine Wo--BAVE 109 CUT WAX 3 sem Qe CASE OF 25 TING $3.02 =~ SAVE The G.E. LIGHT BULB SALE! Best Buy, B-A0-60 Watt Reg, & for Me~BAVE be LIGHT BULBS 2 ove 3 Best Buy, 100 Watt Reg. £ for Bieo--SAVE de LIGHT BULBS 2 ovis 49s Shadow Ban, 40-60 Watt Rog. sash Fo--BAVE Be LIGHT BULBS wh 2 5¢ FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! French Fried Reg. £ pigs Bo~BAVE be AtP POTATOES 3+wned7 Fancy Quality Reg. £ pkgs We--~BAVE be lies with them during tours of ---- & 12-01 phos duty in Europe, Here Lit. IA 0ek's Jone Parker Quolity as iad A p PEAS 4 69: Harold Gilbert of Champion, | | SPEC IALS! BAKERY Weekend Super-Right Quality Meat Features! Diplomat Pl : Ss and his landlocked homeland of CRED 1 APE OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS FEATURING CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED OR BLUE BRAND To Return Here BEEF R ST S the size of Nova Scotia, Both OTTAWA (CP)=Bilver-haired|developed a deep and ahiding Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST J | 3 | are federations, with similar) Dr, Vietor Nef, leaving Canada|love for Canada, He Is partic YT constitutional problems such as question of tax-sharing, after 15 years as head of Bwitz- ularly enraptured by the North. outh 49: (used to be ~ Austria, we have || ANGEL CAKE BREAD 60% Whele Wheat 2 24-08 loaves 3 3 POINT SIRLOIN ROAST Jane Parker COOKIES 2 phot 5 3 R SIDE BACON 35 dome Farkas Gumi 2 | CHICKEN LIVERS FisH "STIC WIENERS KS 10-02 pkg 3 5¢ +h pke 79: SHR PORK SAUSAGES IMP 2bbex 1,49 CORNED BEEF & 79 COOKED SHRIMP 14 FLORIDA, MARSH BEEDLESS, FULLY MATURED, NO, 1 GRADE, 81ZE relations between the various "Being a small country sur erland's diplomatic mission land, Reg, M6 = SAVE 20s Jane Parker Raisin Twist Reg: pkg 190=--BAVE be Super Right, Bmoked, Bliced, Rindiess SUGAR 0g: PHO 26e~BAVE Be Fancy Quality LAYER CAKE wi 69 +39 Meaty Swift's Premium, Bmaked, Rindless Bea Boald oi Te~BAVE 8 nd9¢ Vae Pao Cooked and Breaded 79 Sliced, Pickle and here, Is already planning to re: Dr, Nef says the highlight o many, France, ay andeets COFFEE CAKE Jane Parker, Brown 'n Serve 2 ih 29: SIDE BACON ips 69 dane Farid phe d619¢ LAMB TONGUES LENTEN FISH FEATUR ES PORK SPARE RIBS 49: n SIDE BACON HADDOCK FILLETS iv: 39 SALMON BOLOGNA RINGS +45 "99: | PIMENTO LOAF thm 37 CALIFORNIA NAVELS, EXCELLENT FOR LUNCHES, NO, 1 GRADE JANE PARKER HOT CROSS BUNS a i I BUY QUALITY) AsP INSTANT COFFEE 3 ii is - oa A fi | 0oz iv 1.39 CANADIANS IN FRANCE gt 2oriw dBc bor BOs stall in the shadow of the an- cient Cathedral of $t, Etienne in Metz, France Alta, takes his wife and chil- dren (left to right) Glenda, | Meredith and Patsy out to buy Canadian servicemen are encouraged to take their fami- EZER AT THIS LOW PRICE Tog, Boe=BAVE 166 wh 39¢ (his Canadian life has been "dis: oq to remain aloof from their Ambassador Nef, 66, retires covering Canada," He has trav: oq vels, otherwise we could nol fu end of March from he elled tens of thousands of flies, have survived," says Dr, Nef, co i eve city ; the bri vw learned 1020, In =m northern Quebec and northern | French an erman in his has had but two postings: New Manitoba, He has been to the childhood and now also speaks| York and Ottawa, | Calgary Stampede, the oilfields English, Kpanish and Italian as He has been here longer than of Alberta and the Rocky Moun | well as some Portuguese, [ any other envoy, resisiing re-|tain national parks, The Nefs plan to make their! ated efforts by officials in 4 , home in Switzerland. "But we frase to transfer him to some| MUCH IN COMMON will spend part of each year in other capital, He notes there are some strik-| Canada where we have lived so "Phe government wanted to|!N8 Similarities between Canada'long" transfer me several times," sald the affable, multi-lingual diplomat ag he puffed at a cigar in the embassy reception room "I said 1 wanted to stay here, my wife wanted to stay here and we liked Canadians so much," And so they stayed, WASN'T DEAN Pr, Nef opened Switzerland's first diplomatic mission here in 1046, Until four years ago it was a legation, then was raised to embassy status Except for that technicality, he would be the dean of the dip- lomatie corps, the title going to the person with the longest stay as ambassador, It currently is held by Francis Lacoste of France, ambassador here since November, 10568, In his time here Dr, Nel has NEWS IN BRIEF EDUCATION CONFERENCE HALIFAX (CP) == The Nova Scotia Hducation Associa tion plans to hold its first pre- vineial education conference at Dalhousie University here May 11:14, Delegates from 237 mem: ber organizations ave expected to attend FISHING OFFENCES SAINT JOHN, NB, (CP)= The federal fisheries depart: Fancy Quality BEEF KIDNEYS More Outstanding Values! TOMATO SOUP 4nd): Balada Deep Flavour Reg: pkg B6s--~BAVE 4s TEA BAGS pha of 40 gauze bogs 5 T¢ Ann Page Reg, B btis 80c--BAVE 4s KETCHUP 2 nexbonies 3 Se Bright's Fancy Quality Reg, tin ROe--~BAVE 8¢ TOMATO JUICE 2 «sini 5 5¢ Bolo (Re OFf Deal) Reg: |b BOe~BAVE AN EXTRA be MARGARINE 2 to squeere boss 5 3¢ 8 Off Deal Reg, tin 18e--~8AVE AN EXTRA Be AJAX CLEANSER 3 ind49c Ballet (20 Off Deal) Reg, pkg Blo~BAVE AN EXTRA fe TOILET TISSUE sige 2 wii 21s Campbell's Mix 'n Mateh Reg, 2 tine 370--8AVE 4s SOUPS « varies 5 100210: 89 Marvel Celle Reg: each 21o--8BAVE Bo SPONGES medium size och 19¢ the central authority and the (| many, France, Italy and--as it| turn for visits, Jane Parker Large Jane Parker Reg: font WemBAVE 00 DINNER ROLLS ~~ 2:29: Allgeed, Bmoked, Bliced, Rindless wh ok 5 9 CRUMPETS Fancy Quality Swift's Premium Wheatley Brand Mog HemBAVE Bo 1Ib cofle pkg 49: Small Link, Pure Uncooked Reg, $1.60-8AVE 20s Mild Cured, Vas Pas Cooked & Breaded STEAKS / Come See . . . You'll Save on Fruits & Vegetables at AsP SE [IN0SIX 2 Lotion Ten+0+Six cleanses your skin with medication ment says lobstering violations in New Brunswick last year re: + sulted in 68 prosecutions and the same number of convictions The province had 4,708 lobster fishermen in 1060 HOTEL TRAINING MONTREAL (CP)=A school to train hotel personnel has heen recommended as an aid to um employment by the Laurentian Tourist and Economie Bureau, In a letter to Premier Jean Les sage, the bureau said Lauren: tian hotels are at present forced to import specialized European personnel FIRE PREVENTION SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP) The Shawinigan Works of Du Pont of Canada Limited placed first among Canadian entries in the industrial division of the 1960 International Fire Preven. tion Competition, It was third among the combined US. and Canadian entries : BUSY NIGHT STRATFORD, Ont, (CP) Three Stratford youths have been remanded in custody after Pleading guilty to 31 charges of] reaking and entering, They il legally entered four homes and five schools, tried to steal gas from a farm and stole a pair of rubbers--in one night, 9 SIMCOE ST. N.\¥. 10:0+6 Lotion cleanses immaculately, deeply. It clears your skin with healing medication, soothes with emols lients, The 10:0+6 formula duplicates nature's normal skin balance =to reduce oiliness or relieve dryness, Protects for hours against blemish-causing bacteria, 1000+6 Lotion is the one cosmetic that helps your skin to complete natural beauty, Remember 10+0+6, twice SPECIAL! FREE, , , One Bottle of Shampoo with every 8-0z, bottle of Ten-O-Six, ---- RA 3-343 § CHEESE for LENT Reg, We--BAVE & 2hienl 9 S¢ dublies CHEESE LOAF Jubilee Reg: Jar Be---BAVE Be CHEESE SPREAD worn 31¢ 40: OFF each pkg of 2 pale of MERRIMOOD NYLONS EVERYDAY 61 GAUGE, 18 DENIER ONLY wi 2w1,.29 AVAILABLE AT MOAT AAP ATORES Hi:C Pineapple: GRAPEFRUIT DRINK «03 5¢ Mild & Mellow (Custom Ground) 11h bag 8% 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE :+::1,71 First Grade SILVERBROOK BUTTER Hb print 7k ORANGES Ontaria Grown, Cold Btarage Steck, Fancy Grade SPY APPLES dat bask 9 Pe Ontaria Grown, Fancy Grade, Excellent for Eating DELICIOUS APPLES 3b eollo bag Bh Se Redeem This Coupon at AsP THIS COUPON vy: GOOD FOR 25¢ ON THE PURCHASE OF THIS WEEK'S HI-FI RECORD! Regular Price $1.49 { With this coupon : you pay enly ju TSCHAIKOWSKY NUTCRACKER SUITE, 1812 FESTIVAL OVERTURE ER A 5-Ib cello bag 7 0. Florida, Ne, | Grade, Pascal, Jumbe Size CELERY STALKS 2 yaw 29° Texas, Curly Leaf, BOTY Tie CELLO BAGS SPINACH "* 2 M00" 28¢ Texas, Large Original Bunch AD BROCCOLJ "© ' Stavt nen 28° Florida, Fresh GREEN CABBAGE "* ' *** , @¢ Ontaria Grown, Snow White ie, 49¢ MUSHROOMS Mo ' %4% 2 ws 20 Th ATOES NO, 1 GRADE THE GREAT ATANTIC A PACING THA COMMNY ATR. Super Markets All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, March 4th, 1981