The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 6

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WHITBY And DISTRICT "Moc Order To AT 100F HALL Chasczewski Injured | Be Instituted + Ed Umwirkon Ernie Maier, of the Ancient Wyss aes Hh Srimaiians, Ihe Wey AsksEnlarge (FOLLOWED IN SHOW Wrecking Yard Tracked For Miles, In Township Jailed Three Years RU NERERR (6 Tr Rie fon TRE Shey ers om A wars Farmer sad wm iad. town ETVIER. He wie fi Winey Fownetng td # FRET (Rat Ao fanch o the Odd Vehows 4 , HEARING, Wl RETIVE WW Waagnm Comet #5 Renkin mesting Womaiey might As Hillcrests Win 5-4 By CLIFF GORDON Well (ols, they #4 Fhe Wiichy Biierests soapind oi of their shpmy ak beet the Bele ville Mok sriands 54 here fae Bight Wn the best game of Bk &F WE Dave eel nM eps theese years. BH wis #2 HEmen dons lors by the Winthy 'eam wha IRE Hh wR BRN Fi from the spemng winitie 4 twice ame from hekind is the fingl period n Lake the verges i was however g mighty (os ly win 2s big Tom Chescien sn SHIETIDG # BETING WIWEY #08 H is feared he wii lose bis left eye. A try wHlariuneie REE dent Ln such p grand 1eloy Dave Nicholishen was the Wig gon for the Winthy term as he fired two goele and assisted mh OhE MOTE. BINEIE CONMETE WER * 10 Gord Luke, Ben Boberts and the game winner by Len Bobbie at the 1446 mark of the fing frame and broke # Lense AR) tie. For the Macs H Gover with twa and single goele 19 Larry Mavely apd fon Bul Toren Campbell played wn gel for the very fine oh eral good sav Fletcher also Pickens wp # Meh & wore The sixth game of his series is in Belleville on Friday mgmt 8 pine o'clock ana he sé venh game. WH necessary, Dark here on Saturday might at 830. Thers will be game here Satyrdpy night regardless of the ouieome of the game Friday night, ang against the same Belleville team. The game, should the Hil crests lose in Belleville, will he a Tom Chasciewski henefi game, and if they win on ¥nssy meh # be a seventh and wil i wie Gary he made sey Monte wns layed and eReh point for thelr al L " Whithy team spd 48 8 = REA west the wwner of the 5g nF Heri Eh E7I£5 FIRST PERIOD LEAD The game aries ol wt & 9 Morom was lwapng the off SHWE) Marek $3 nd pack wih the Wass oi 18 pou wd 4 wp Ww five gemes. They ienikh CRmpel wih # £ of Bk hes ERIN 5 Weston wns Bin rE blood 2 15.19 as Like 84 #8 Lig THEBANS J of WOTKIRE We way BE We #8 Bnng # 4 snder the ng arm of Morom up fas Gover ant Wis first of # PRIF #5 ope Just WW seconds afler Nich he caught the top left band cor ner of the net gs Campbell made Ben Boberis fired the eqnahzer the for i Aesperaie Wid 15 SHRIE disk. The Hillcrests were fight ing herd and Bicholishen Arles mg out with their chaps now one home Bl the 49 mere # he rounded owl Bg WORRY Dass ng play with wet winger Tran The lead lasted for less then both clubs were playing short the handed @t minuies ROWEVEF, BF took advantage of po and Aelensive we Mass LIERTINE men wn the elegr in front o Campbell the puck came ok Ron Hull whe drilled W home giving Camphell nh chance making # save. The play wi close and hard checking for the # #hot thet hounced right inte balance of the period as hoth the Belleville cage and the fans Lrying no Middieion LERING WEIE WRLENIBE (0 make B mislpke Two Jailed On Driving Counts Two Misinel arnivers Fan gloul of the drunk driving see tion of the Criminal Code when they appeared helore Magis: Harwood avenue Later, he 888, fight tossed in. The Hilleresis Whithy the car drove Beross B service then hack trale ¥, 8 Ebhs In police court on Tuesday were sent to jal Clarence Tindall Both 22. of Rich I iled 10 days Highway 8, oad Ju pounded three drove Reross ing lot and back out on and his car ths and his licence suspend: lor ane year when he plead: gulity (0 hay the gare! and oa v vehicie| while Intoxicated ih PC Ernest Collinson, of the ped He said that the ear Arove paid to get in to see it. There to 8 parking lol in front of 8 were plenty of goals plenty of an restaurant, then hack oul or station parking Int oul on the street ggain He said thet as it reached it turned east, and| an another park ghway gain, pe emi dod thet he stoi wind MA 10 he the driver, He told the court that Melvin gimme for the Tig 14 MEER & TERERAE hakes 1H i Re ERE wryy woh chicks @ the IN wel IA Tie Hillcrests rey first WEE ater and Willcrests hed plenty of fight The Whithy "4 wen he in to their MEWS lead held wood Fieicher and Mogre 16 knot the in knotted right hack work URE oul 1ong sentences around the local net as with two 1445 mark and the Hillerests ut tg LEN of the corner an passes from Rob he now | , Wisthy wn Friday eVERIRE ot Warch 19 11 KR Rh HR5k the 199 1ark 56 he wis righ PVE the Gegice (FB IeTEE wih sed the wer Tighe (TB Of CRRMARIES RE WENN bond commer of the pel ws PR REE BRITE WR Bre the Wlciests & igs 1 is fully erpeciah this Wik I wae ol Lich wp BORE Wo Ie tik Hf Ihe (GEERT BRIBE the fmsl period snl the goodly of the rorthern Sidon of # pmher of fans, pearly IW of cigs brash of the O44 Fel thers. We Wa ths werk Fesl- lowe (OOF), known 19m comet Wy BELIDIIRE 16 WORBEE WE Wh 14 copit in Canada mod the Lip. Wa break first. A LI the ed States as the Play branch, Mace i tor their thud endl 3% yuk Marianas nd ohers ex Gover gm Wie second marker perth 9 be in piiendance Irom The hearts of many A the fons yarions pois of the Sales snd Bippeh somewhat #6 hey Canali, (8 # otal of well over figured thet this wes it, Bu 1he the hundred mark Thoss who have rliesdy icknowiedgd and 51 ERI 1 ied their intentions 19 he present on this special necRpIon re the Supreme Monsrchos Erms Miler from Durham, Conn. Bison Supreme Wongrhes oA the northern Mvision; Carl Dresser fiom Biverside, Opt past Supreme Monsrchos Bohen alier he bad Laken # pass from Middleton. The Bilicrests penne Wel seconss | the Macs realy ured the neg end wl 19 Bo yen team failed 19 gBVE ponndings, The for the first pering The Macs opened the second PENS he count al the 199 mers @ eft. Wichaiishen, who was term rookies or last combined with Brink CONE BL Ihiee Bh But once pein the Macs came 4 199k the lesd § Mavety was the gunner on this ohishen had tied M wp. A B12 Monsrchos Max 8. Thomas, Om Clinton Ome, and Becretary Belmont PRL BUpIEIE Kendall from Supreme Beorelary Iolly from Geneva Divisional Supreme Ed. Covemry from Opt, wlong with those from Bulfalo Jamestown and Rochester, B.Y., and many On the second time wn the ERNIE MILIER pening. The tans were reslly giv vemng the sanctorsm wil be instilled by the Supreme Mon BEchos and wihicers. The lowes) sanctorm Hiicers for this 16m Ruenrdmgly he installed The lores number of past snd A _ resent supreme mcers, slong 14110 Bah igi 190° PUIHET ON with the Aegree siafl and mem ot this time hers rom Cynens sapeioriim The local senctorum will I: zs well as other members i members selected from he presem necessitpies the his district and olficers each hamility degree and instiution erm will he elected. from var being held in the Anderson OE istrict lodges, who have Sireet igh school auditorium members in this play branch However supper will he served On Wednesday, Fehrugry 22, 19 the Sigmitaries, installation "lass of 1 candidate re: and degree stalls wn the Whithy ved their degree inte this OOF hall on Brock street south Ancient Mystic Order, conler All members of the AMOS red hy he degree sig of have an open invitation 1a he Cyrens sanclorum No WU, present in Whithy on Balyrday sounded with the Willerests all Peterborough, and this same March 11, afternoon and eve around the Belleville nef degree stall will glso confer this ning, st the Anderson Sires | NCE CHIPS = This was one of degree of humility on & class high school, to parbicipale ithe best games of hockey welol Wh mr on Saturday hours of fun end good fellow have seen in three years and afiernoon, 1, In the ship Was worth every nickel the fans 4 Credit Union PERSONALS | Annual Meeting We feel that some of the | pressure 15 off them now as the, Mr. and Mrs, James Reld,| Tne annual meeting snd sup {Macs have only got & BO » 60 their sons Ron and Gordie, of per of Whithy Co-op Credit chance of taking the locals out Toronte, were Sunday guests al Union was held in the Odd Fel But fellows, you willl ine home of My, and Mrs, D, 6. : eh, 1 have to play just as hard and" lows Hall on Saturday, Feh. 25. avhe harder on Fridey night Tushingham, of Hallett avenue, wriple Tink Hebekah Lodge! in Belleville ) p atere ¢ And remember) Joseph Byers celebrated | "ered to the supper, After a her birthday on Monday, A sur. much enjoyed supper the busi-| § The tension was terrific and the neat of every flan was awn in Wis month 89 10 spesk. The the 145% mark as i y Badwell and G. Hull were si Al the 19 quale { DIESSIng deep in the Macs' Bobbie that end grabbed n0se had come ; out from any PULK s £Fis and Nicholishen and Jet go L nearly Iifted the roof off the g @reng. From here in the Hill cyests checked like their very lives depended on it. They did not let the Macs get a play or ganized at all. The final whistle fi cel mare March WHITBY real hockey action and even # played like they were going to come back and take this series fellows, think of Chasczewski un In the hospital and give out with Whithy Detachment of the OFF, | siaggered and used his own ear just a litle more drive and fight [186 Party Was arvanged in heriness meeting was held and re | said that he had investigated 8iand the police cruiser for sup: and make him mighty proud of honor on Bunday, All members ports given hy the various com two-car collision near Uxbridge port to walk to the cruiser. A'you as all the people in Whithy|® her family were present on Feb. 11 and found the ae cused to he one of the drivers, | The other driver, he sald, was| Howard Merrick, of Uxhridge, | He said that he observed Tin dall in the Uxbridge police sia: tian and in hig opinion he was intoxicated Henry Melvin, 83, of 518 Ches! nul street east, Whithy, was jalled seven days, his car im pounded three months and his|Arive through the town in see licence tn drive suspended for| What time Il was since he had He had driven across months when he was econ six | intaxi victed of driving while cated PC David Fleming, of Pickering Township Police De partment, sald that he had heen an routine patrol on the evening | lime spotied a on Har of Jan. 4, when he car proceeding north wood avenue al a very slow yale| of speed Roads Group Formed In | Ontario County The Ontarin County Municipal Roads and Works Association requested 810 from each muni elpality tn assist In setting up!tured the evening, with women | neal the association. Whithy Town ship Counell approved the move alter the local road superinten dent elaborated on the assoeia fon The Pepartment of Highways endorsed the association which will vepresent 20 municipalities Ww Ontarie County. The aim of the association 1s to exchange information The association's first dinner meeting will he held al noon March 8 al Ushridge County read superintendents and fore men will attend the meeting Whithy Township Road Supar intendent alse reported that there were no had road wash owls during the recent heavy rains, The eounly sprayer, he reported, needed averhauling and an approximate Hgure as hinod count of IB) CHECKING CLOCKS In his wi sald that He na heen, Proceed ing from onto Hm Whithy test showed » and was supposed tn pick up 15.18 As his wile in Whithy at 11 he reached Ajax, an 401, he sald, he decided A m Highway If nn wateh the parking lots dd he sald, 1s time to passing motorists, Fin ally, he said, he from an attendant station al BETVIOE Melvin told the eourt thal he 1g-nunce had consumed (hree drinks of liquor that night | Work, Pray Group | Emmanuel Meeting The Work and Pray Society of | 18M Reformed Concession! meeting! Phe Emmanuel Church on Third held its semi-monthly in the church basement ten-Missionary program A Lon fea from several of the churches aliending as guests Devotions for evening, oon ducted hy Mrs. 6G, Reselman centered on the Lenten theme I'he guest speaker far the eve ning was Miss Hurlbert, from Oshawa, who gave a very In teresting talk on her four years of misstonary work in Nigeria Africa, She Hlustrated her mes sage with a series of oolored slides which depicted in an in teresting way hey work among the African people Mrs. Regelman sang a voeal solo, "The Ninety and Nine", which was accompanied by Mrs W, Eylstva on the organ. A mis slonary offering was taken dur ng the closing hymn, afte which a social hour was enjoy: 10 expense will be presented to od In which the ladies served the chuneil, J refreshments WHIT AM LY ENTERTAINMENT TY So Shows 7 and Tr LAST TIME TODAY | defence, Melvin if the places of husinesss the! had electric clocks showing the nhiained the # [Rdna 6 miliees Mr, Peter Van Hoof, Dundas) Credit by Mrs grat west, 1s Saiebrating his! supervising by Mi Bahker, birthday today. His friends wish " ' 4 igs Mim many happy return of the [frasurer by Mi, H. Bevmour '| Penalties 6G. Hull, Tripp *® |successiul one allowing four per 10.61, Bobbie 16.85 Asseltine My Murray Hobbs and Mys. (cent dividends on shares and 20 Titterson 16.44 William Hobbs, of Bearbaro, Per cent rebate on loan interest nd Period were weekend guests at the Membership. has grown and 8. Belleville: Goyer 1.00 home of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph/hope for still larger } Whithy Nichalishen Vanstone, of Green street, Mrs! Mrs, G. Currie conducted the (Tran) 1rvi0i10109 4.52 Hahbs is Mys. Vanstone's sister. election of officers. New ta the 4 Belleville: KR, Hull hoard of diveclors are: ©, Hal (HUNLer) srvvisvirneer 8.47 Mrs. EH, Withman, her hus let and R. Davies; ta the Credit Penallies Bobble 11.17, hand and children, Sharon andl onmitiee, A. Smyth and J Maxam 18.18, served hy Goyer, |8heila, of Niagara Falls, spent pe - 4 ird Period the weekend with Mrs, With 8. Belleville: Gnyer man's parents, Mr, and Mrs (Mavely) 1.80 George Munns 81 af Henry Whithy treet. They also called an for (Fletcher A058 mer Whithy residents now liv Belleville 6.47 ing in Taranto, Mrs. and Miss Whithy Ravage (Tran 812 Whithy will he T. Beymour | SUMMARY Ist Period Whithy: Luke (Middleton) J 1 1 n| Noel Smith, of Oshawa, spoke on the Credit Union Chapter apd invited all to attend to further thelr knowledge of the Credit Union movement, The evening was spent playing cards and cribbage, the priges going to Win. Boys, 300 Kent/Mrs, E, Fraser and A, Rear has returned to Oshawal!don for cribbage; euchre, N Penalties Pitterson 7.06, |General Hospital for minor sur: (Gouldburn, Mrs, A, Ashion, Mrs {Middleton 7.08, Kadwell (minor, Bey and a period of complete F'. Adam and Mr. and Mrs, 1 {major and misconduct) 15.84, rest, Her many friends wish her (Seymour, Door prizes drawn fi Hull (minor and major) a speedy recovery after such aland won hy Mrs. E. Burgess [lengthy tliness {and Mrs. M, Hicks, Nicholishen Moore) Mavely ,.» Roberts Luke) Baohhie Miss (Raherts, Nicholishen) 14.45 street | ¥ ¥ | Many Traffic Cases Heard In Whitby Court | [ Two careless driving ehavges| Alfred Gordon Wood, 18 Mary| Not having three lamps on his (were dismissed hy Magistrate road, Ajax was fined $30 and car enst Anthony Baldassarre of A,B Mitchell at OPP traffic costs for earveless driving He #17 Atlas steeet, Taranto, $5 and onurt in Whithy on Tuesday was involved in an accident on|oosts Hillwood Neil Patterson, 31, of | the 401 op Jan. 83 Not having proper identifica 100 Park road north, Oshawa,| Falling to report an aceldent ion lamps cost Ken Porter of had his careless driving charge 0080 Arthur Noah of Fairport Oak Ridgas 86 and costs dismissed. He was invelved 'n|road $20 and costs, He failed to Pwo ethers fined fo imil {an aceident on Highway No. 3/1epart his accident on Feb. 4.1 000 ie Bern - Hin {west of Thicksan's road an Jan. [His car left the road and struek| ys Bavoy street i WOnia id i a ratlway sign on Highway 401 IT ; John Pali | i of W \ Patrick Grimi, Rosebank|. Was John Falford of Wes {road, Pickering, paid 85 and {eosts for driving a mator ve hicle without rear Hghts Pestifying his tive went He pulled out to pass a ca MAKING & turn off the highway and skidded intn the path of an ancaming vehiele Owen Stephen Dowling of 68 Cavell street, Taranto was fined flat | 1 and costs for not having three ¥ were Magistrate Mitehell, dismiss Hghts (and therehy caused his car to ing the ehavge, sald he was not niaw through 10 ed | A Failing to stop at a stop sign satisfied that the oar making fail down an embankment aod! Him Cooke of Fairport {the turn had signalled properly. | ihe 401 bypass and Highway 2 Heach 810 and osts | he ston eareless driving Mephen Clanoy way fred $20} { 0 HSSEH Was Against and casts far careless diving. | Barnard BE. Sweel, RR 1, Wes:| Magistrate Mitehell said n e are [1m He was invalved in an accel: [Clancy aver-compensated when | dent on Highway 401 an Jan, 18 {he went into the turn and there: | 3 ayn " both a bd erashed through the guard n it y wp. S08 was Terence Kelly of rails | Oshawa Falling to notify a ehange ofl The Public Welfare Cammit Cell Hayden Jones of Nor [registration est Harry Madden tee reported that theve were 44 (wand was fined $35 and costsof Stouffville 320 and casts people reoniving welfare fram or eareloss driving on Jan. 4. Fined in absentia the!the Township of Whithy at the other car on Tigheay 401, Te) OWIng "Fhe Weltacs Comm | LL Ehway \e | he 3] : accident tank place west of the| (00vEe Mitton, 300 Albert St [9 Pos Wella £ Gp Jos OPR underpass and was the|OIPAWA, was fined §10 and costs) f8 AH LOH VORA! a " gg b 0 hich | TOF B ol Fine id a Ag soem of Another accident which yy a On the Fight of & ve Tooting af the Whithy Township eure minutes earlier Counetl, Monday night 0 Driving 80 miles per hour cost] Leslie Pulte of Poterborough|ypn uid? wigwt ot Broey Wong, 7 Harhard Si (was fined $18 and costs 108 Tone Whithy Township Prop Taranta $30 and costs: She plead. speeding erty Committees reported a tree of guilty to speeding along Edwin Langstalt which endangered the safely off Highway 401 at Brook street on was fined o0ats for the Hrooklin Town Hall had] * (ipeeding (been removed from the lawn Garner £45 amd vf idan, 14 ROTES Bae Is JRih. He was refuses & REERCE 1H DEIE # PIER yRiR eRiier this yer hecawee Hantingion wad we oA the cars parked owode masting, seh tht i the town Wikamem, 18, were Wied Ap WA et Im purchase the Pickering Towneimg Votes be | gid A he ud mawy Egyit over cemunies pen wil he the Wgihom of Hasicrucian conclave to be held crncian | o00es Walker from Hackenseck, B4., SUPREME MON ARCHOS here on Fuesday, March 2, st Vinson hioughow the world $15 pm ' philesophica) He HaihR hid Wis fm #4 Was AA (Ey wh . " Ap was, WW ser f ' fe had to sore care om TTT Mu SERMEREE WEEE CAREIITER gon, 1. of Kongacowt Apr ' Ls wid ¢ " J tomes Ww the snow. (ne sot of tracks, they wid, led 19 # Wank i Bd Homtisgion ? WE RITES, asiaiasd Townhnp yowthe, Lit Woksien 77 = ems Were Labanovich, whe wiiested the Wo. of Siation Bead, wd pond z ig vg 4 asieartta F L frsaiomt Howtingion 19 thes "what 49 § got iaaudiaisi yeas oy rUERE 16 Dreak wt 19 the Yard periment oificers whe were Ww ond swer That Service Hatin: | CWA DRI the excess there, vestigating an Ritempled brain # service Halon om Rosemont. Drive The two yowthe were last week fen The request was referred 19 Purposes (ommiiee the owns (neh wamcipnl office. hike Years 108 remiing wn eriering Mary 107 BYROM $7. 6, WHITHY MO 8.523) CL, Paint Dealer Fainting bb Decorating oun Gypton, P Flt Well Morel wikkwlly Aameging & soft Anink Rosicrucians To Observe New Year == "iii The reenactment of B core cal sgnilicance of the rgeoid Hemme, that began 0 RAcEnt ERYIAan Is . ADIETIONAL, WHITRY NEWS # March 1) 1s wen the hedinning ON PAGE and the cate is marked by the According 1 Bodd Apiiehy, insighiation of new ritualistic Master of Bosicrucian Wiithy and abmimstiative officers Fronaos, Ine aent Key imines New oilicers of the loezl Rosh from the lime of Meme 19 crucian organization whe will the Piolempic period, Began he installed are: lan WM, Bell their New Year on or show the Master, Mit. Kathleen Taping time of the verngl equines When secretary, and W, VW. Wilkon the Sunn on We JOWINEY, LEOREES guardian the celesnial cqupior and eMers -- The ceremon y and conclave is the rodiacel #gn of AVES, 1o he held at 10 Brock street WINCH BIWRYE OCCWER OR OF north, second floor, Whithy whut March 74, This Was 600 Many visiting members (rom sidered the beginning of the the surrounding cities are ex New Year and was symbole of pected to be in aitendance new We 5 , The occasion of the New Yerr is celebrated, states Mr, Apple by, by # symbolic feast In which the participants pariake of simple [00ds corresponding lo wertgin basic elements of nature, such as, salt, corn, and Wniermenisa grape Jee As the Rosicrueian AMORL non-religious bul fraternity, main teins thal is traditionsl origin necurred during the reign of Amenholep IV. in 1860 B.C, the order commemorates this #n cient New Yer beginning with # ceremony, though non-relig: foci of the fiscal pened of ah Bos Chapters, snd BLACK MOLLIES-NEONS SWORDS-FANCY GUPPIES 3 for 99¢ ALL OTHER FISH AT NEW LOW PRICES We carry a complete line of food, plants and pet supplies, SPORTMAN'S CORNER 105 BYRON STREEY SOUTH WHITBY I Block west of four comers then tum south Open Till 9 p.m, Thursday and Friday Family Monuments Crented To individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works B18 PUNDAS EASY MO 8.3552 Ordey Wu ous, thet embraces the sllegori:) HOW TO BE A NON-CONFORMIST WITHOUT PLAYING BONGO DRUMS willed, you ean even close it and save some for later, Thrifty! Happily, it manages to take the best of both worlds by being half-way between red and white wine, Never too sweet or too dry, We call it light as laughter, and that pretty well describes Jordan Valley Still Rosé, Except, of course, for the bottle, An award winning beauty, Tall and slender, delicately proportioned, As modern as a new moon, , and just aa delightful, Great stuff, A soweMIAN FRIEND of ours tells us that bongo drums are all the rage these days with the non-eonformists, It's getting so that more people are playing hongos than baseball, Pity, Another trend with the avant-garde we've noticed, is the swing te drinking Jordan Valley Still Rosé, Small wonder, we say, Everyone who discovers Jordan Valley Still Rosé usually reacts as if he found a priceless Pioasso in his attie, Eureka! The thing about Jordan Valley Still Rosé ia ita versatility, You oan drink it with any food, in any glass, and at any temperature that pleases you, Ambidvinks trous, to coin a word, If you are strong JORDAN VALLEY Ae We PINE FABLE wins ARI Ba an TORREY TO AR JORDAN WINES

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