MACMILLANS HOST TO HARRIMAN ty House in London Monday for dinner. Harriman will re present President Kennedy at the funeral of King Moham med V of Morocen in Rabat WV. Averell Hernman US. ambassador-atiarge, is | greeted by his host, Botish Prime Minister Harold Mac millan, on griival st Admiral CAPSULE NEWS Old Member Back In House (LF) on A ng Nn buckets Lo caten rain roof. Nort) eaucalon lerea vw arin legisla from Alexander York returned to! lold Mone House Monday|FRIEPRYET ahsence with a he replaced Mackenzie SETS DAT alive mem FORONTO (CP)--A decided Monday that daylight APPROVES BUDGET time here will begin at 2 a.m TORONTO (CP)~--City ecourni- April 80 and end at 2 a.m eil Monday night approved a" " pital budget of $13,835,600 for 1061 TORONTO The nldes member of ture, TS-year-oid (Lex) Mackenzie his seal in the alter a ten-week broken ankle. Mi Progressive Conse ber for York P Ihe IRENE ay night. Parents ans Jrgen that the he noarg Wa ity esuncil yorin bel URGES COOPERATE BARRIE (CP) = Co-operation between management and labor with a view 1a Increasing de ell Monday night decided to let! $180, quality and markel value group life insurance on of Canadian goods was Again council members expire without advocated Monday night hy action. Council was told there! Trade Minister Hees, He is no legal authority for the in the kiwanis club here that eoun SUrAnCE. 4 tries once devasialed by war are using this formula to the FOUNDED WEEKLY detriment of Canadian trade TORONTO (CF) Edwin ¥ Eland of suburban Mimico WANTS BYLAW founder of the weekly Lakeshore! KITCHENER (CP)--City en Advertiser in 1017, died in hos Bineer W. L. Bradley will ask pital Monday, He was 88 TO SURVEY BUILDINGS OPTAWA (CPy=A survey of the winter, Motorists the protection against nus lear| equipped for winter tend to hole fallout afforded by 1,200 federal {up traffic and are as much bulldings across Canada was an- hazard as speeders, Mr, Brad nounced Monday by Prime Min-|ley said ister Diefenhaker. The proceed ures wherehy engineers would be able to assess fallout protee tion afforded hy existing build: | ings were developed during al pilot survey completed nine months ago at Brockville chairman of the UA's local or URGES WIDER LOOK ganizations committee, OTTAWA (CP)=Thorkil Kris-| Monday. They are the Neigh tensen, designated as secretary: hourhond Workers Association general of the new Organization/the Catholic Family Services for Economie Co-operation and|the Jewish Family and Development, urged Canadian| Services and the North government and business lead: and Weston Family Service Cen ers Monday to look at European! tre will receive about $300,000 and North American trade and! from the UA fiseal problems in a wider per 3 . spective than national self-inter MARKIVE MEMENTO est. He addressed the Canadian FARIS (Reuters) Anyone Club of Ottawa during his toyr|IKINE UNUSUAL Souvenirs now of capitals of the organization, [28n buy an almost indestruet thle memento of Paris SCHOOL HANS BUCKETS wrought iron subway statior PORONTO (CP)=A wooden entrance, About 88 of the elah schonl housing 280 puplls in sub-larate entrances. now being re urban North York was sched: placed by more modern ones uled for replacement hy Sep {have heen sold, one to Frencl tember, 1056, hut it 1s still stand: (oi) workers at Hasi-Messaoud iv ME In spite of being Overrun | pe Sahara, It will be set up ir with skunks and lit-'the middle of the desert COMING EVENTS | NOT CLAIMED FARIS (AP) tombs, considered abandoned FASHION show wh shansored by Kiwanis are being transferred to a mu Terylene Shawlime | adh 1 presented by Canadian Industries MEIPAL 08suaTY because ab Oshawa Central Collegiate In. comet erie s are avercrowded stitute, Wednesday. Maren 1, 8.380 Ad | il atl: @& mission $1.00 Dour prises. Tickets a1 C11Y counell approved expropri ons ation of the tambs because they Forahill Binge, tonight at Avalon at [have not heen claimed 8 Am 30 games 56 and 510. Seyen M0 JAskpals, doar pries . TO AUSTRALIA Euchre Wena ny Wheres VIENNA (AP)=About 34,000 els, Pilses. Admission 80 people have emigrated from Austria to Australia since 1953 the Australian Immigration Mis __|SlOn says [10,000 Hungarian refugees whe fled ta Austria after the Hun garian rising of 1936 OTH ANNIVERSARY HECHINGEN, West Germany (Reuters)--layally and families fram many INSURANCE GOES WINDSOR (CP)=Cily coun it city motorists to equip thelr not AID IS CUY TORONTO (CP) United Appeal revenue last year to four agencies, Richard RK. Smith and rats SOCIAL binge al St George's Hall, cor wer of Albert and Jackson Street. Wed BeadAy, March 1 818 BW KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, FEB, 28th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 58 and $51 TEAM | JUBILEE PAVILION parts the celebrations of the H00th an: i told council to pass a hylaw forcing Cars with snow tires or chains during a Reduced will mean a $100,000 cut in ald Toronto family service gpid Child York a Remains in 988 dian Army in Ottawa Paris|y This Hgure includes vice ducal of Eurape are expected to attend "Energy" Truck! 'Goes AWOL 'Minus Driver ROWHASTHAR, (Salk) ~ Mt Tom Ear wah lawily wh ME. 555 this movmng # Acer §. Baer LENCE arkaR maida Tie Several Bina [ames wIERA mowed Boral (owe Aviver Fier oh the World Dey of FIRVer ois David Sanding was ineide service @ Wampion on Fries. woes deliveries), took of om Helen Knox, mirie WR IRI E. i's own, free wheelieg Wk Gehan Hospias. spent overs gods 2 8 Wack Awww the ARETE fii e TERE WREK dove wn King sirest sae Wr. and Mrs. Jobw Enox vight- The Ariveriess truck crosses oh the latier' s wt, Wis, Wary the desi. jmped the sidewalk of Locust WR, on Wer bike off Rk PRIVEE REET, on Wesneshiny, smashes himeh the Shepherd I. Leger anh and Magh Lamber €, fence leavers games which were en cgidren. Oshewn. vised Wr. snd wes finally sopped by. the iored by #8. The pert mecting and Wis. E. Cryferman font fender of & Cor SwRed Lill oe on March | with Aone Mr. and Mrs. Boss Cryler- bw Keith Jenmngs, parked Ww Werry's grow Wn charge men and ciwideen were Swanley the Anvewsy of We IEsidence Mis. D. Tavior read an W- visitors with Mrs 5. Bundle snd 0 King sliest cast feresting Temperance Horry # Jean, Bowmanyilie The rogue trek hore & Hen Sunday School, Sunday morn Mi end Wis. George Bembn, resting "Energy Packed' : Oshaws, viewed Wr, snd Mrs. Constable Dondld Anderson of Genrer Knox wal family the Bowmenyie Police Pe Mis. 6. FE. Werry 16 visiting periment nvestigated the pec relatives wn Eorenis Akin Blue Ray Chapt. In Host Role ey Easter Hi-C Group Holds Meet The Wot Gig lawn Weahriafs with Pat Enox, vicewesidest in the char. The Aeystioned period was 16d by Mas, Francis Johnston, The topic mm Fath wae prvangst by Pet Deve ER EREE, WHE SEYEIRE REM bers Giving hort as on (own Aitlerem religions faiths. b Ries siormaire on wr religious (the Wine PRE RESWETES wks WiaTkAay % Hovey conducted. My, pnd Mrs SAAB A wet iw fhe #¢ Ld A Court Whist party wes held pt Bradley's Bchost on Fri day wight. Mrs. Ross Cryder man nd John Hancock recety #4 ges for Wehest scores while Clarence Bugging recy £4 consolation RWRIGS ANNUAL, MEET The sonal meeting of the Bo Wine Public Iiwary was held in the hall with the chairman Mis. 6G. Enox, presiding The SECTRLBYY LECRSNTET § FEPOIL Wis read by Mrs. Stan Millson During the year 9 new books were pdded and at present there RB splendid suomly of geod books on hand. New members will he welcomed by the Wbrar ion, Mrs. 1, Kellett The committee 19 new hooks in 1961 is Kellett and Mrs. B The members 196) pre: Chairman Knox; vice-chairman Honey; secretary Mrs. 8. Millson; Wbranan I, Kellett; assistant, Mrs TORONTO ~~ A Horm OVEF northern Tennesse 1&6 expect, | £4 19 MOVE TRIN ROFTRERM | WRIA CRHONE CNY Fics pnd # few snow Ties OF Fen 16 CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The (lowing streets will he hosed (or Cons rNetion Lomerieow Feb, 15. Bloor west pt Bleven son ¥oRA sith, Slevenson south from Gib 1a the CPR; $leven son south closed # the CHR Mohawk street, closed from SHervnmt RYEHNE BYERNE VISITORS AY ROTARY Visitors at the Monday neh eon meeting of the Botary Chik Oshawa Included William Toronto; Rey, M. A Pury, Arthur Berry, Grarnet Yubh. Witham Austin, Kenneth Braithwaile Ald Hayward Murdoch, all of Oshawa and Don Beaton, of Oshawa ROTARIANS AY TUNCHEON Rotarians from other clubs attending the Monday luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa included Oliver B Strapp, Edmonton; M, Martin Bowmanville Ross Murison Pickering and Dr, Joseph Rud dy, Whithy TWO-MONTH TERM GUELPH (CP)~John Blanley Mcleod, 28, of Oshawe, Was sentenced today to twa months 8 siiended in jail for theft of 12 bottles of the Party at Whithy heer from the Commercial Hotel Chapter and report a wWonaer-iae Arthur, 26 miles northwest of ful time, The entertainment BY here, Mcleod, whe pleaded "The Charleston Follies" Was guilty, had heen employed ALE MAU weekends at the hotel, | DRAW WINNERS | Winners in the draw held last Saturday at the Children's Arena, for the Kingside Park Cheerleaders, were; Mrs, 7, Treen, B68 Coleridge street; ¥, Murphy, Gertrude Colpus School land Douglas French, 758 Ches PERRY oA Were hosts 18 BY Fry N men pe Valentine party held in the han ques, hall of the Masome Eempie Queen street Wik ihe Emi ertainment CB miiers mn regard Fhe The gain PORT and Re f wrted fa io "Hyde Feney lent GE RAL vE iB REYARE IB NEEBY FEGNESS The Ways and Means held & siceessinl Candy Bale. The Bs f Lomm Fepories hat they spprecipied the support of the members at the Penny Drill Invitat WETFER IrRecivesd from mie a number of Chap fers and seveirl Were pecem ed. Markham's invitation 1s for March 1, Laurel Chapter, March 2, Faith OC fer (Becretary and Treasurer's Night) March Ww and the Hon for he Grand Chamer Officers is being held at the Royal York Hotel Yoronto, on March 7, some of the members are planmng 9 attend this social event he closed in the manner with the worthy matron saying the Fare well The entertainment commities prepared a handkerchief bingo for the enjoyment of those pres ent and the refreshment commit tee under the capahle supervi sion of Marion Bandison, PM served delicious luncheon in keeping with the valentine thems 8 (rier 7 y ie yprably Showtime COMIRHILLEL : WR ad ark The LChapler Wes ing Opened in Feguipr orm with the ma Ades Wine ng sled By he regu aif off off All stations hie exerption of before resuming his Was of mejor Enropesn ca pitals to meet with Western leaders. (AFP Wirephotn via radio from London) OBITUARIES 7" MBS, ELTON WW. JOHNSTON Tunch was in falling health for two years social hour Viola May Walling, beloved wife meeting of Elton W. Johnston, died at! The Explorers met on the family residence, 84 Bowe day, ¥eh. 18, in the 8 evening, Feh, School room The purpose, hymn gna the late Lewis opened the meeting and Mary Walling, the deceased call was answered horn Port Perry and name of a8 missionary. For nex was married in Oshawa in 1980. meeting the roll eall will. he A resident of Oshawa for 41 favorite parable or Bible years, Mrs Johnston was a Boling Gond Neibhhors Club Ing mem of the Peterborough met ¥riday might. Mr. and Mrs School and ta ind. Laird of Maple Grove, guests and Peterborough he- of the evening introduced Marriage hy Mrs, Wes PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs today Low PUEChRSE Mrs. I. B. Honey of the board for Mrs. John } Mrs, B treasurer Mrs: EB | ar fk wWorny Fi WEI a : LETS ds were filled with three officers pably filled by PM. James Hervey Painter wWEeiE | Bansson pp ana a] o Stewart Served ANNE the of the presented 16 the WET matrons Jessie soe, Margaret Cornish, Mar aret Jeffrey, Maron Sandison Carnegie and May glong with past Among those East TRIE Bt the rloss past Batu Margarel garel Honda lame fi HNAARY Explorer prayer The with street, Saturday pa bron pandison The and sunshine mitiee had Quite a 1engihy re on the sick list fruit and had heen sent out 19 gil meeting was Aayghier of roll the { i «om YER IRT al port of memner Several get-well cards flower han 4 sory SEVEFR] Imemners aller re VAFIUE i bs i graduate Were weleomen hack ail a for cuperating fram ments. Bi hes and speedy recovery wished Je Riehardson, Irene Haughen and Fred Johns who are at the moment hospitalized The WMrthday convener Fk ported. a number of members had heen remembered with birthday cards and those pres ent were saluted with the tradi tional "Happy Birthday Song' Hold Pot Luck Supper Event the evening of Tuesday, The girls were shown samples Lerten street Fehruary 14, an enjoyable of material whic h might he used| SUSPENDED SENTENCE Verna-Mae, Oshawa, Mr. How evening was spent in the Pick: for their .summer blouses and| Charles Mussen, b7, of no fix ard Westlake, Raglan, visited! oon "pownchin hy the Broug:| skirts, and also discussed the eq aqdrecs was given 8 Six Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake pe o® women's Institute, their|choosing of materials month suspended sentence, for dr, and family and Mrs, Frank poco nas tamities- and friends,| The winners of the February, voc oe on "hy Magistrate ¥, § i. wha died at the Oshawa| Westlake Br he nocasion was the annual Pot 21 weekly Euchre sponsored hy Ebbs, Monday, He was placed General Hospital, Friday, Feb Won Helen Hake) Luck Supper and family night|the Women's Institute were as Fos © Cbial' oF the Salvation 4 neld at the Meintosh:|? and Mrs. Walter Ormiston | the Brougham Women's In follows: Ladies 1st; Mrs ATinY Anderson Funeral Home at | And family, Oshawa, Mi Barey | stitute (Davis, dnd Mrs. Thompson, Con Cowling, Bowmanville, were The tables: were beautifully | #olation Mrs. W, Carlton | ] I Monday, Feh, 27 | The services were conducted Visitors with Mr, and Mrs [decorated with red streamers) Gentlemen 1st, Mr, J, Hon-| | nd Glen White, Consola hy Hey. M, A. Bury. Interment and hearts, thanks to the efforts Ingh was in the family plot in Osh: Heine) son, Edwin, and a of Mys, Jack Mitchell, wim also tion, Ben Lawton awa Union Cemetery rother, George, all of Oshawa, |gave a Valentine to each of the Mr. and Mrs, J Knox, He is also survived by four| children present and Mrs. G. Glover, My randehildren |" When everyone had finished (Mrs, R, Crawford and Mr. andes cave of Cobourg, offered to The deceased was horn atl eating, Mrs.-Mitehell hought out| Mrs, B. Miller attended a hirth:| 00 aie Knight and try fo get Worthing, Sussex, England, the|a Birthday Cake and presented [day party for their aunt Mrs nim a job, Three other people son of the late Joshua and ji to My. Chas, Burrows who was. Miller an Thursday last appeared in court as characler Blanche Clark, He married all Golohsating his eightienth Birth-| Mr. Rus Pilkey has bought a witnesses the old Bt, George's Anglic Al day After "Happy Birthday" | home in the Pascoe subdivision, | Chureh, Oshawa, in 1014 Blwas sung to him, My. Burrows| GETS TWO MONTHS had come to Oshawa 48 Years| yanked those responsible Patrick John O'Toole, & trans: ient, was jailed for two months, oh Green Still Hot AT SERVICE [ for possession of stolen goods, Normal JEN Were wi Werry Lindsay are ner Mrs Was mem ber of Baptist Church and taught in the Sunday School Flaine Oshawa of the church for many vears, |W. Tink, Ebenezer, visited My Besides her hushand she is @nd Mrs. Bruce Tink and Mrs survived by two sons, Dr, Ed: H. BE, Tink ward EB, Johnston of Torante] Mr. and Mis. Joe Snowden and Alan H, Johnston of Osh-|@nd Brice were Sunday dinner awa and a brother, William guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, Lang floyd Walling, of Toronto {maid and family The remains rested at the! Sally Lasgmaid sttended » Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Wirthday party for her eousin Home for service in Calvary Christine Goyne, on Sunday, al saptist Church at 2:80 p.m.|Prestonvale Tuesday, Feb, 26, Rev, W. N,| Miss Marilyn McCarroll, Ome Aitken, pastor of the church, ee Mr. Tom Westlake, Peter conducted the services. Inter borough, visited on Sunday with {ment in Oshawa Union Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hills and Cemetery {family Mr. and Mrs 1 $5 ,: Johnston 8 Ae I. Harrell and Mr. and Mrs Calvary Memners Valentine everal wis ( Parker and oh FUNERAL OF MRS. EARLE KANE The funeral service for Mrs Earle Kane, 66 Colborne street! 4 Forontn, | Was TRY TO GEY JOB Roy Knight, 21, of B26 Dean street, Was RIVEN BR Year sus [pended sentence for thefts from |three Oshawa stores, by Magis and vate 9, 8, Ebbs, Monday, Wal The pallbearers were Leonard | | Lawn Roy Short, Ernest Jones, | Nelson Sargent, Walter Hooper and Robert Stewart EDGAR ALBERT MeDANIEL Edgar Albert MeDaniel died | at the Taranto General Hospital| on Sunday, Feh. 6, after a [lengthy Hliness. In his 40th year he had heen a Whithy resident | ) term WES a al 3 FALSE PRETENCES Pearl Patricia Livesay, of 42 Beatty street, Ajax, was given a year suspended sentence, for ob: . | taining goods by false Ruetenoes, hy Magistrate ¥, 8 Ebbs, Mon: day, Hhe had earlier pleaded {guilty to getting $70.83 worth of ladies' wear from Fairweather's his wife the Cana and two Roach (EH and Mrs of Tovaning KE. Me I§ survived Murray hy mn sisters, Mrs. | reth) of Hailleybury Balley (Grace) one hrather, Donald Daniel of Toronto The body is vesting Ww Fown Funeral Chape {in Whithy, far service in the |Chapel, Wednesday, Mareh 1, at {2 pom. Interment will be in the [Graveside Cemetery, Hranklin JRev. 1 Smith of Whithy United [Chureh will conduct the ser at the FUNERAL OF MRS, ELIZARETH WAGAR Funeral services for Mrs {Elizabeth Wagar, wha died a the Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, Feb, 233, in her Hird year, were held at the Arm.| strong Funeral Hame,. today, at 0 am The Pat Harden | Margaret Miller Margaret Roberts . . Mr, Clark worked for General Motors, Canada, Lid, until he| The Girl Guides and Brown BiG pD Ve for the past eight years retired eight years ago, He Wikies pt ned church Bunda y| On Arms Talks hy Magistrate ¥. 8 Hbbs, Mon: Son of the late Harvey and a member of St. George's Angli-| morning at the Claremont Bep:| OTTAWA (OP)=-Fxternal Af RY ih a id hi gael of Eva MeDaniel, My. McDaniel can Church, He served Oshawaltist Church falrs Minister Green served no. [MORN fonse uve on each 0 was married in Toronto in 1942 as an Alderman for one J : . - tice Monday that Canada in:|'Wo Charges in the former Ethel McKinnon, [in 1081 Phe Girl Guides had 8 bOWRg) oe SER ucs, is disarmament ) who SHIVIVeS him J T : lecensed WAS § tive| RATLY on Saturday afternoon af|!0nas 10 § ITsue \ py Hs | $10 FINE The deep aged sleam Wr Bg Aorinthi n Loder the Markham Bowl Hiintive ah} X { I he pit Ruth Louise Arp, i, of 170 J hy 8 4 f HAE Answe I # By , 4 fitter and worked for Universal| No. 61, Independent Order of] The 1st, Pickering Brock ReOWt | ian hy Harald Wineh (OCF $10 and © oad Rotlh, wae ned Plumbing and Heating in Sear: Oddfellows. He was a Past|Troop went for a hike Baturday (Vancouver Hast), he said the! and costs, y Magistrate VV, horough, He was a member! Noble Grand enoking their dinner out and IM Canadian disarmament resolu: |B ihhs, Monday, when she [of the Whithy United Chuveh Funeral services will he at|general enjoying a good s0aKING (ion now has 19 eo-sponsors, [eajed Billy 10 theft of #440 | He was a member of Loeal{the Melntosh-Anderson Funeral|in the rain The resolution, ealling for al Worth of groceries from Lob: 146 UAW and also a member of Chapel, Thurdday, March 2 Mrs. Gibson attended & eon:|more active part by: middie and laws, Athol and Celina streets, ithe Plumbers and Steamfitters|2 pm, Rev, Clinten D. Cross, (ducted tour of the Art Gallery| small powers in working for ¥€% n, {Union of Bt. George's, will eonduet in Tavantn on Thursday with her | disarmament, Was set over | He the service Interment will he mother Mrs. Hatherington [when the UN assembly. ad #& son in the Oshawa Union Cemetary | A new water tank has heen journed before Christmas, The The 100F will have a Service| inciatiod on the local five tuck, [session resumes in New York in the Funeral Chapel Wednes Mr. and Mrs, Ken Pascoe March 7 day at 7.80 pm {ealled on Mr, and Mrs, K, Pow y | ) § Sunday TAKES TIME FUNERAL OF ell at Columbus on A | | ) MRS. GEORGINA ALEX Mrs, W, J, Brown and Jaek| A good persian mig takes Funeral services for Mrs [called on Mrs, Malcom on the years to make, a few represent: Georgina Alex, wha died al he | Weekend ing the wark of a lifetime, Oshawa General Hospital, Wed-| The first meeting of the nesday, Feb, 22. in her Aim BArouEham Busy Reavers, (4 H year, were taken from the|Bivis) was held on February 18, Armstrong Funeral Home toatl the home of Mys. Harden, | N OoTI C 3 ! St. George's Anglican Chuveh, [their leader oe i Nelo seven Monday, Feb. 27, at 2 pm girls present, The following were pa Wad i { Rev. I. Pililis and Rey. [elected officers for the unit d for Gov \ Rental Ap (Dimopoulas, of Tavonin oor "Separates for Summel [ 2 BEDROOMS $73 00 ducted the service. Interment | President Mary Lynn Black . | was in Oshawa Union Cemetery, man 3 E 00 S $79 50 Pall hearers were: T. Curzon, | Viee-President B DR M . Ww Beamish, N Lakas, P, Ma (Secretary Includes. drapes, heat and janitor services, Any or all. Children nos, C, Paulas and G, Haggis, "Treasurer alo me, LOCATIONS: 1. NEAR CEDARDALE SCHOOL (Simcoe St, §.) 2, PARK RD, §, AT ELMGROVE Half Load Regulations Are In Force On service was conducted day over sowthern Owtans, | chenee of 7] Bediord | THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR CHAPTER LODE presents nversary of the House of Ho lny Rev. BE. H. Ward, of West hengallern at the historio family lmount United Church, Oshawa castle near here In August [Interment was in Union Ceme First mentioned in a medieval [tery, Tamwarth, Ont chronicle of 1061, the Hohensal-| Pallbearers were: F. MeKee lerns have produced German |R, Clark, 8. Ward, W. Hunger kings and emperors since' the ford, A. Blackler and J. Fegan 15th eentury EDWIN CLARK "SILHOUETTES OF SPRING! MOVIE HOUSE Bdwin Clark, 72, of 148 Park VATICAN CITY (AP) = The road north, died at the Oshawa by LA BOUTIQUE wivate movie house of Pape General - Hospital, Manda) 13 tw Pe lavening, Feb. 27, He had heen Hoy Stor High Schad (Fh Su Bu Bn ht "A" 1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, [120d The house, in the apastalie [few manths 1961 {palace, Row has new projection | Ha is survived hy his wile 813 PM TICKETS $1 {equipment and an air condition, the former Ethel Nichol; ane {ng unit. 'daughter, Mrs, Ray Gibbs (Ma: Ontario County & Suburban Roads Effective March Ist to April 30th Vehicle loads may not exceed the allowable loads given under Section 31, Subsection 3 of the Highway Traffic Act, R, E Sims, B.A Se, County Engineer REQUIREMENTS ! Applicants Yearly Income Must Not Exceed $3.750.00 Notiee! This is a survey only, and it the demand is preven, sonstruction sould possibly he started this Spring, WW yeu need larger, new, modern accommodation at a price you san attard, this is your opportunity ta obtain i, Please Hl in ous name and address, ete, belaw and wiv ta BOX 347, SHAWA TIMES NAME ADDRESS yt PHONE CITY OR TOWN OR CALL RA 5.4544 Exclusive Agents, John A J Bolahoad Le a wer The westher office spys cient: = dong the ng pics pre expected 1m. } River pre Cindy comiitions and WEATHER FORECAST Wet Snow May Fall Late Today Winds Went today, west fo soithwest 15 Wednesdny Lake Ontario region, Tor: oie: Cloudy (oday with 8 few wel snowflurnes or rain In the causing cloudy skies and @ few afternoon and evening. Partisl wel snowilurries or Tan Over clearing tomeht snd suany with Southern Ontario today, Clear: dowdy penods Wednesday, » ing skies are expected tonight, Itle cooler. Winds light today, Another disturbance will bring westerly 15 Wednesday variable amounts of clowd and Northern Take Huron, Georg: Jeatereq Lioutiummat 16 Cen ian Bay, Haliburton regions: Lake Erie, southern Lake Cloudy with sunny periods (a: Huron, Niagara regions, Wind- day end Wednesday, & Witle sor, London, Hamilton: Cloudy colder. Winds Vght today with periods of rain or Kirkland Lake, TimminsKa Wel how Partial ele ring to puskasing regions, North Bey, might and sunny with cloudy pe: guahury" Yarighle cloudiness rinds Wednesday, a Nittle cooler, and a few. snowllurries todey and Wednesdny Not much Plan One-Day [ia mers sini Interruption South Plant TORONTO (CF) ficial forecasts issued #L 5 p.m Synopsis: A ELOFEM VEX northern Tennessee is expected to move rapidly northegstward sERERS PRR RERRREY | Did You Know , , » In the mein Dining Reem of the GENOSHA WOTEL you cen nave o Pullssoume Dinner for ONLY 95s, Nn hm. vw NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS ® Dysing ond Repeiring ® Binding and Fringing ® Mothpraoting Wall-te-wall sloaned In yo Wingham srveeeres sume on a normal basis Mon: giizioe vvreesrres If you're hot under the Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Wednesday Windsor ] 4H Bt. THOMAS 1100000 Kitchener There will he a one-day Inter TOXONLD 1 rrr ; ruption in DRESEREEY CAY AS Peterborough or. sembly at the South Plant of rhe Eh General Motors of Canada on Bf, CRLBATINGS +100, Friday, March # the company gamiiton ,,vv0e0e0 Any, March 6. Truck production | @aviton ©1vverseere will continue Friday on is veg gdhury | 000000 es 18 lar schedule, as will opera' ions North Bay +, ow 15 (at the company's engine plant 00444 lin Windsor, Kapuskasing teens B The average person ean tolerate a temperature of 240 degrees for shout 28 minutes, according to a sgl entist at the University of collar hecause of high hills gel extra cash fast hy sell: Ing your old power tanls or sports gear with a results getting Oshawa Times Want | London said today, Production will Te: Me ickoka rs sees CAN TOLERATE Michigan Ad | Store at the Oshawa Shopping Centre, using the name of a (friend, INTRODUCE NEW MEMBER Richard ¥, Fairthorne, indus: trial relations manager of Hou: dalle Industries Limited, was| introduced Monday as the new: | est member of the Rotary Club of Oshawa HEAR EVIDENCE Prosecution evidence against Mrs, Annie Bukowski, 68, of 231 Mitehell avenue, charged with illegal sale of liquor, was heard in the Oshawa Magistrate's court, Monday, Magistrate ¥, 8, Ebhs remanded her a week for defence evidence, She pleaded innocent to the charge, 21131138 Tender EAT'N A] TRUE - TRIM BEEF 12 KING E, -- RA 3.363 Meat Specials! Wed Only ! BONELESS [ ; Ib Porterhouse Steak i SHOULDER Pork Chops 2 lbs. 1.00 FRESH Veal Patties 3 Ibs. 1.00 FREE an GET § LB, FREE! mA 8-4681 174 MARY STREET ph a. } Rump Roast BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP --