The Oshawa Times, 28 Feb 1961, p. 14

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14 TWE SSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, February "198 = 'Argue Charges Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange | ; Fy 1g . RAR J... PRE VR, A sos tues ge 100 O00 rr me tor 1 pA Law Payoff - p bd Son Eachange ¥en W v Se ie Vow Fon oo bes » W 2a 0G IS LE 8 Be +3 205s pers maries § hs We Wh + La Hom RR 4, Baik » 1 S 8 7 " a Mihai, 3s # " i i Fike Et J p27 oh 3 i Roni A ww Trim A "» ; ; Aa OFTAWA (CF) ~LEF lander The oowomition wrgues thet the - i ® the Y Vo 7 w "4 5 +8 ; : : Haren hrgie Wonday Rescribed Aefmitions 4 . w 9 ' INDUSTRIALS oe ve ion WY, le ' Suid : BARTER ERs ® +8 Int hove 15 8" 5 y vriss ud % hi Fata i» 19 8 the Canadian Customs law #6 iRCTEASRG tartls # Soe eB yrs # peyote "eerie A very widespread increase esti foe: Wend on anh Linky ' s db 7 #4 E ow itriests in tantls aflecting goods of Jar vo y Se Ws " yn vn ipa He wisn mecneed the gwern very great valne," was the wey BIW AR wi oi u's wm Soi ime we i 4 ih Ih 960% Keiklm ment of 18 40 by wh Mr. Argue saw the provaie re -- p1 . "1 wh 7 Acrhanded what it "does silt i" wn nok Aare Ao by open method ~ Finance Minis ter A AA namely the incrense in tantls" oe a " » Mr. Argue spoke as the Com- the gesertion, "Not ome single % o [RODE GREE RERR CAME (0 ENPS Tete" would he changes. V5 WH 6 with & controversial resolution. Mr. Argue termed the we ¥ © 1 CRiing lox Aefinition of the term posed Wik "the answer of the en Lb 'goods of class or lind made conservative government 19 cer " in Canada" ns npphed 18 the tain financial friends in " mm ot + CHsOmE bariff Wg corporations whe wanted i was the fifth time that the this kind of protective legisia resoiistion has heen degit with tion in order 16 make famine by the Howse and the fifth time profits that the CCF and Liberal oppor He went on Es Gar we ws wil yout i 'm 9 16 + % Hon managed 19 prevent Ws 'Tis 1s a pevott, tn Homans 14 ; ; 5 A ' Ys Ie 0% = 8 COMING 19 & Vole Wdgment, of the Conserv ; pe ' Wiis stam ; i 7 Pieh tr of The resolution has 19 be #p- party to certain financial : idly ol v dis dod "an , » § % # ¥ 44 = d 4 : : ¢ iy : 9% a ' } a 8 . 1 4 proved before the legislation ests in this nation and : Rr Am 200 : , ohn 3 "18 ol Ge Asch Bing effect 19 is poRopies pothing whatever 19 do with the PANES ARE IRR Aa € Chen ' . : . " ' 1% 17 West " 5 a Mets ns can he introduced wellere of the Canadian publie, jo A GW i gud Mg Bg "int Cn : oH Jotamm 4 4 He. ae ov os Ih en os ns! di # 7 CARRY WIGHER RATE wan gh ' : ' Mp * 7 4 4 Ws 9 y i " : x Re : p 7 ' . My Fleming yi hil 7 4s ree : " 72 y 0 i 8 ' pet? ¢ 4 . a 004s of # class or kind made Sr dm or Oumewe Times bith Asamence jon LW dw 2 50 Nem ; rd : i ibs Vi , ie : rin 108 Wh Wh 18 in Canada €arry a much higher sg Msi Mg BR vin IB gl ra fishy 7 La or one wh BT ic Ma" di ly i ot bie of duty, Then Jmporied. the tari low cluding ihe ma wr w " Hos y $ hh Ph in Sil 10 Th Mee oF Wh a" 8 ge 4 ; not made in Canada iy ainiice iwinistex ag +4 > $a 4 dai IN " 4 Lo 3 'i 4 ve ry '4 Roe AY C7100 S64 # Midis ew ws Faraday 10 is 1s rt Ui Mb 155 Io gue that Revenue Minister Now- Royal Bank $n TH + 0 Yor th os APA, ; Fatima . ; ws Ie Ie J lan would, under the oth, Karp 2 ie hae ¥ hs 02s In ' ig i A 4 EE (AE 4 NET EARNINGS Wl, "have al the " ; YK #9 Ws ibe + wom | ' i # powers that the Right Hom, C, Bes 4 on Snisy, Foy So fer Wigh Low p.m 6 gb Be fishy rt ; EH $e Me SITE IN 3 . ' sow, B c ' "on Tn To im 0 Tite 7 , a wwe mw in WB anhwA A id Ths : 4 i 75 7 d Wawa Aw wm Te 7 ddd Aran 0A | OMawy (ones s hey for Pe TOWER ~~ Boy snd Eise sw how ka . 4 ww BER iE lhe Wath Wl ey Range Lg f 2 # 4 Seber son Bllep Roth, on Friday, Fewrsey 17 5 " 5 Site Ie Kelly wis HSE at the fihawn ener Rosia wa Vem win 4 grid A Bote bor dames snd Micha WA esd : gL $3 FRET SR EY EY $3 i » Seiads wie i 54s Seven Aste 4 BY " liad 118 oii He bi Iho Hee 008 18 BH HB By THE CANADIAN PRESS DD. Hove in the former Liberal i 7 Pgh fi Ad Bg id 2413 Mabie #3 iad 4 he Bh , # : ~2 ena 1 i Wh Asbestos I Donohue Brothers 144, year Adminstration was scewsed of : MEARE 7 8 ; Kis / 5 oh rove Gan Bh 04 0 Oh Gunes wi 5 bil ens or ended Dec, 31; 1660, $1,067,598, having.' Headway " te pps fe ar 7 4d $176 a share, 1958, #940911 - Hollinger wm Vi Hud Bay 45 #4 7 Weedon 1 3} $1.57 line), wad Fd bnther of Georg Pia y $id , 187s § Sei nh : idl i nt Mo oh 4 Wikirs %0 187 7, Clark, oi of Oubaws Toe pie We. ony BT oo bop ' Ss" 1" i pone fs or, "7 Yond we 40s 5D Grand and Toy 14d, 9 mos Lad nl hla ba an guts cn x oh 5 ins Cop With ended pec. 31; 10m," 917.00, EREES 1 OU mm Bid day dq 2 i : 4 7 & ? 6 5 a 4 Mn 4 lwp Bay ae | J I foley 0 0 2m 788 14% 1959 $594,000 ¥ will ha serview 1p the M. Loeh 144,, year ended Dee i BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ni wigs dens Canadian Todge 100k wos ves er IN MEMORIAM | IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Frost Urges TORONTO (CPA short an MeBANIET Ais nor ene sl | Honpiel, An Sunder / Feb. 25, 105) Edger A nis R---------------- OO H gh L ] sudden spurt of profit - taking ! rans rt oh 881 Gareaid Wand, Dehans WROWN -- In loving memory of WATTWEWS -- In loving memory of STEWART -- In loving memory of s| KB) eve aw a eria E] 100k away most early gams hy ved Bushes f wl dens sons and brothers, Tech. § ot % loved hus ' # and § Ned 1 acti: away February 28, 1054 passed away Febuary 2, 1980 industrials and other sections of des father of Murrey 1 awa Norman Duke Brown, killed in 4 } « th : t p. bw en. s Will linger forever Iw Bot there Lo see yon die, | : Le S . : brother of My oi, in eer 60 i odie et meine, wih Inger sore |t Sef we er fev de, | Of Construction | the stock market during moder: BARBIE (CP)~Trade Minis. of Malievbury, Wes. V. alley (Grace itliam i Rows. Wild in action! ime conhef shange them. Ibn Munsi To hall your hand or hiss Sood e; 4 | M n ! Now ale trade Monday ter Hees urged industry Mon- Resting » C. Town Fy i of faly and Germany (NF 10ViRg remembrance of you, | ihrough | ONDON, Opt, (CP) ~ Pre Industrials, after striking new day night to make greate i ' Lovingly remembered by Polly The last few words | bad with you Frost f Onis dl 4h aps Erepler use The Chapel oh W M i gh Mig the place Bill, Besirice spd Charles Bul when | mw you seeping | "WEF Krost of Ontario urge 1960-61 highs twice during the Canadian transport facilities se 3 pm. Interment 6 ' ort, 4 dear | BIER Tove's pentane memory of a] | EEEEEly, free from pols, general Sontractors M anday By FORBES RHUDE and who has served on other| day, dropped 19 at 54775, Golds that freight rites may be rer " S Ovi RMA 0 A bh ¥ 7 ot . " v > ] pk RE ond pa ' . ob dear Dad, Arthur Blewart, whe passed To sufler that again Bl A ) eX) J ety Bh on " Canadian Press Business Editor bodies of an economic and dip-\were down 49 to a new 1961 duced by the increased volume ThE #0 A AIAMLIRE KF Lovingly remembered by wile, Kath nah aining A WEN 8ve 0) yin A sort of modern philosopher's lomatic nature, said [low of 84.18, Western oils shipped of shipments ve : What we would give W we could say | leeh er construction and employ g # at 96,56 and base metals 18 | : na speech to the Kiwanis mother, br. Sway Feb. 28, 1960 law Grothers in ' ' Hello, Ded" in the same oid wa ment stone is disturbing Canada's ex: INDUSTRY OUTPUT p . to 17446 Club, Mr, Hees, former trans floral requiremer 6 y r ne » passed AWAY Iway her by daughis ot @ , 4 ; A bl req Aida Bd Phased away (Always remembered hy - deughioy the post war period on private Meal Into another becoming & iioaied in the sense that it con-| 2,146,000 Friday ains relative | Power Cg 0 ains relatively higher inputs off, Power Corporation took the vances which make reduced ENTRI f Stewart, whe passed awsy Feh Improvements must be made|?f the Canadian Institute on materials in the process of con ¢ #nd sister inion Marion For ihe call wae sudden, the shock ClOus 3.50-5, B.C, Delicious 6.50. 0 0rd efficient use 1s F'n, professor of English liter is growing so vapidly in relation|two points at 56, Dominion 88es available through more ef: # dear Dad and Grandisther, Arthur Kindness beyond price | Who was more te me than wesits| God gave us strength io fight I |brussels sprouts B25 - 5.00 A least some part of the winter|once were |will be subtle enough and skill: metal losses International reductions, they will find sn RA B-6226 Aways femempered hy daughter, Lovingly remembered hy daughter \yots unwashed 1-125 a bushel, rio General Contractors Asso-(for the royal commission on that it uses and will be able Hudson Bay Mining gained %|all costs of the products which LOCKE'S | 215 : Fo hear your vejee spd see youl port markets, with a variation ) 3 smile The premier pointed out that "The output of industry every:| Final volume for the day was! , i : 1 Funeral arr ving memory Bf To mt with vou snd chat awhile MARKET PRICES of the $31,000,000,000 spent in of the old dream of turning one where is becoming more sophis-| 2,301,000 shares, compared with pont minister, said he believes i 4 g ¥ F the transport industry has kept aeons Norma snd son-in-law Ea . . " e 05 SHOPPIN et Gg Mave patent nes Sho of TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale Ad Public capital expansion in|Present-day reality [ Paneer tun ho Lo gloat ade OSHAWA SHOPPING oad dp wed won cated a EWAN = In loving memery of fruit and vegetable prices atl PHario, §20,000,000,000 has been This theme was advanced atiskill and science, The impor: biggest industrial loss, down one HAI OFRIT BO sible a, |FULL AD Bgetahle prices spent on construction the week-end winter conference (ance of what is done to raw point at 55, International Paper I costs pos ' 24 HOUR PHON m home. 1h was Wie wil, | i680 : 10:15 a.m. today were: Apples Paid 8% at 83, | "If industry itself will look 4 | hearts he liveth stil i n when | woke thet mem | 3 5 Pp she 3 ! p p 4 { rh re close RA B-655 Lovia emembared by DFother| Me sorrow the day would beng, | LCIMOSh 83.504 @ bushel Del in construction techniques, how. Public Affairs hy Douglas Le: verting them into finished goods| Crown Zellerbach was ahead more closely into the advant- severe 7, Spies 450-5, Russett 4.50; : ature at Queen's University, ip rs aterial ts that we|Foundries and Steel and Moore ficient use of the services we "0 5 A > STEW y 10% pemory of To part with ane we loved so des '11o be made of the men engaged ) FAW Material inputs that welFoundries an Ah GERROW FUMNERAI tear ont and Granitathar, & Someiimes 1's hav io undersiond DEANS, green B06 a hamper in "ine construction industry, Canada's natural resources, it sometimes seem 10 be Almost Corporation each gained a point have, and, in particular, use CHAPEI 2s "ima, "10 Passed away February | Why some thnks have lo be, ivellow 700-8; heels $1.29 8labout two-thirds of the indus. seems, are not quite the ir-lon the threshold of an age of| at 49 and 52. Canadian carriers in order te Dad Heart of wold | evens our power lo see," (Dushel; broccoll 375-4 & ease; [y's work force is idle for ai|replaceable ems which they metamorphosis when industry Falconbridge dropped Y% to/five hem He Increased Volume a p 41% for one of the bigger hase|th®y need to make possible ra sntoid And courage ta bear the Blow id cabbage, old 85-1, Cali-| he told delegates to t) Prof, 1LePan, who was secre-|ful enough to virtually disregard yet thin react 1] o--" well he fal B Bat It east te Io 'pag, | ATUM; hag {months, he told delegates to the rof, 1ePan, ! E | y y8t witin reach 2 Tih whl maerion tun me kann | Da mY one nieve vou; Ded | oi 3.75.9, Ted LIbLI ear annual convention of the Onta-|tary and director of research the nature of the raw materials Nickel was down % at 64% opportunity to reduce the overs 390 KING STREET WEST ener" low Lawsonce snd grond: | Dorothy and son-in-law Renneth" snd | oo Ched 1.50.2 | ciation Canada's economic prospects, to transmute them as it 46%, they have 1a sell, ho said, WU "= WP \ 4 S » y "s 'SECONDS' of Much Higher Priced Lines! HARDTWIST BROADLOOM Cleared by noted maker at exceptionally low prices! Heavy quality, deep dense wool pile, Hardtwisted yarn for minimum marking, hard wear and handsome texture Classed as "seconds" because of barely per- " ceptible imperfections in weave which should not affect in any way either the appearance or the wear, per sq. yd. Three widths: 9' width in maple cream, 12' width in blue, light beige and chestnut; 15' width in green, light beige EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 272 PHONE RA 5.7373

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