¢ "0 THE OANA TIES, Tossdey, Vebrwery #8, 19H) NEW WHITE 50K HOPEFULS, MEET HOPEFUL MANAGER in Berssois oer Viom it: Mgr, foes: Boh | ¢ hg | CRIED Cal Ui, pile L (left), 4% ensirs ils te menu Three Tied In (Bruins Explode, By Geo, H, Campbell wequired Wn trade from the o incinneti Beds, and 10 tin, wp from Ben Diegs tin Is » Wikely ily Ladies the oe Mar: | the ehh Mar for Pepin third hase (AF Wirephos) 'Spiel (READER'S VIEWS 2 Sadie Ave LZ i the forming of the chants Hockey Tenm, Who, w a (Kington had | (DAVEBLACK TROPHY Club Manager js TH Says Thanks' Gidani Baswathili fang, Weve had to wit # fH to ee Wo rae Bran 48 co oat Hockey i Nehana ads Win Atom Title In the fing) len at $3085 a i i 3 i Aen Herters mest Cobleginte Wn # ath final for the rig (9 iksomnirt Ww the iv fingls, Ki von the game of 1 series in THOR ThE game, last Betir Tis will bring tousther two first time two Ben have payed in Oh AR fin (wo Hewat iets "oi will 19 handle the game and the Oh avi folk wil get & chance 19 see the twa We Lemgram's game, the Beattie were awrrded the #6 Canada handle on 'levees bn Cenarion AR | AF lor the ton three teams in the TW, ealire PERV and Ly the ime the Lloyd Satins 4h heatian ink, Chatman Alor f : proriemen- i Pave Black hy 1a the ¢ , Toys he coh | Bathng 7 Rn. WATTS MEMORIAL well Bh hark fat he we All Oshaws bowlers SPORTS EDITOR " OPTAWA (CP) = Onteria,. Jovee MeKes of Baskalooh, Bruins camtured "Everything From Soup To Nuts' Gankatenen and British Coa deadiy-eiticient stylist wHB won the Aom title 4 inte the third either the knockout oF the rn rob Place and sists, Melherson and '0 known 14 FA wih hay ae the Wingy defeat lost them! or nian nd Bert Chrnamn ng howled 4 ph score in minded LA Hie We. In Sunday's game the Bruins ihelr Wh of cain the title after the Pan + American games and the Motor ( Lanes fom menial Fred W st Mrs TERRY KELLY, the man who revived goccer in Oshawa and District, had his qualities recognized this pest week when he wes named vice-president of the Ontario Soccer Association, He won the vote for this t in hands-down fashion, sn indication thet the soceer folk of Ontario recognize Terry Kelly's ability and Interest, The Oshawa and District Association is the fifth largest in the Ontario Association, It's not only the th biggest--but it carries a lot of prestige and we only hope that Terry Kelly and his locsl cohorts will bring enough pressure to bear that 'the old guard" that hes tried to yun soccer in Ontario for tee long--will wake up and give some of the new hiood a good ehance, This business of executive types who hang on for yesr-and-yesrs, has "killed" a lot of Canadian sport, We issue & Warning to Terry Kelly and his soccer men, right now, This gould happen to you--so get tough--and bring in the new blood and get rid of the "old fegies', It is na longer a feet that you heve to speek with an eld-country Becent, to prove you know something about soccer Get rid of the old school ties, the accents and "we did it this way guys'--and soccer has # good chance for both sury» fval and prosperity, in this country of ours. SWEEPS AT CURLING: -- Ev, Granik, Claude Phipps, Peg' Phipps and Bert Granik, skip, won thelr three games in the Labatts Trophy event (mixed eurls ing) st Orillia on Saturday but had to be satisfied with runners-up honors in the 'spiel, but received handsome rizes for being second-best of the day , , . PR, JOHN ROCK, who has been busy mixed- -bonspiel curling in recent weeks, took & men's rink consisting of Larry Hetfering, Hal Butler, Norm Allan, to Barrie last week» end, They lost their first fame of the event but won svery game after that, to ta honors in the premier sonsolation event, beating Paul Michael's Oshawa fours some in the final game, Paul had Frank Young, Giles Goulding and "Rich" Vesey with him, They won every ame up to the semi-finals, then lost out to John Brock 4 the Consolation series finale , , , THIS WILL SUR~ PRISE some of our skeptical readers, no doubt==hut they had 80 rinks (80 players) in the "Clergy Bonspiel" at Tam O'Shanter yesterday, The entry from this district won honors in the two-division. They included Rey, Harry Atkinson, of Albert Bt, United; Rev, John Moffatt, of Bimeoe Bt. United; Rev, Fred Reid, of Hampton United -and Father J, C, Pereyma, of Bt, George's Ukrainian . Catholic Chureh, as skip , , , AN OBHAWA RINK copped the Boyd & Corkey Trophy in the annual Sportsmen's Bonspiel at Kingston last week-end, Gordie MacMillan, Bev, Smith, Doug Beatle of Peterborough and Doug Rawson of Oshawa, as skip, won their five games to take top heners THE HOME BTRETCHi~--Another long and success ful curling season at the Oshawa Curling Club, enters the home-streteh, last month of play starting tamorraw, with the annual Rotary Inter-Club honsplel carded for Wednesday, Drawmaster Bill Brownlee has a bit of a problem, In addition to separate requests, he finds almost every Wednesday and Saturday from new until elesing day (April 8) filled in==and yet he needs time for his awn playoff games, as well as other special events , | , OSHAWA CITY LEAGUE Midgets, anly team to survive the first round of Ontario Minor Hockey Assoc, playoffs against Peterborough, will he drawn against Kingston who beat aut Belleville) and the series will be played in the next 10 days, with the round likely to apen either here or in Kingston this week-end , , , BARKETHALL FANS stand a goed chance of seeing a real "treat" here In Oshawa at Danevan Collegiate this Ry night, We don't know whether arrangements. have been coms pleted yet or not=--hut indications were that Kingston and Toronto YMHA would likely play their vd and deciding game of Ontario Senior playoff competition here in Oshawa, this Thursday night, T'weuld be somes thing to see || 'Boomer' Leads Point Getters MONTREAL (CP) --- Berle Geoffrion, searing steadily, wid: ed his lead in the Natlanal ockey League scoring race to ven points last week by seer two goals and two assists, (3.56) and Glenn Hall of his} cago (3.57) were neck and nee in the vace for the Vezina Trophy, awarded to the goalie) who plays the mest games for the team that allows the lowest eaffrion, with 40 goals and 43 assists, 1s beginning to look Hke a good het ta win his see: ond NHL searing title, His clos: |g est rivals are Frank Mahovlich of Taronte Maple Leafs and Jean Beliveau, Geoftrion's Wine: mate with Montreal Canadiens Beliveau alsa scared two Is and two assists last week 0 move up into a He with Ma: haviich, wha was held to two assists, Mahovlich has 45 goals and Hi Assists while Beliveau has foals and 47 assists, Johnny Bower of Torente number of goals, Hoth clubs have heen soared goo against 157 times, but at week's nd orone Md Raye she more game than Chicage, giv: ing Bower the edge. "ny The leaders: G A Ps Pm Geoffrion, Mil 40 42 82 8 Mahovlich, Tio 48 80 W 112 Beliveau, Mu 0 Moore, Mil "© Kelly, Toronto 13] {Rathgate, NY bo 2) al | Ullman, Det (Richard, Mil [Howe, Detrait lita of the Canadisn women's ewriing championships tod gy with wndefepted records, ng BRME, #HeRked Dorothy Thompson's Edmonton mink TH in extrs ends In the defeated the Finck Hawks to Kading the league during the 14: aid the calls for the Russien-| ent # or 7 Lisi M i {United Sintes series last sud take over him [lace from. the Hed Wings. The HW Awks were fe The fentiure event of the § first Found and then came from a by the score of 39 am. EST draw was the maleh pitting Mrs, Emily Woolley's Torani rink, consistently effec tive, against Joyes MeKee's hard-hitting rink from Baska toon, established as honspiel Ia Varies BL. met New Brunswick Quehee played Alheria, Nova Scotia and Manitohp were matehed and Newloundland faced Prince Edward Island Going ne the third round (Alleria, New Brunswick, New (foundiand and FEL each had|thet sppeared heavy, A Onelunable to put behind to defeat Mrs Farker of Steathelair, Man, W [1 Mrs, Marg Fuller of Nanime, BL, won hoth her malehes easly the first a [ree-scoring 44 decision over Mrs, Violet Pike of Grand Falls, Nid, and the second # 15-4 licking admin istered to Mrs, Elzaheth Mae Dongld of Charlatietown Miss MeKee, #1, Ialiered against Manitoba at first on lee John Roraheck opened the aroring with # goal In the first erion, The pesist wes awarded to Donald Picard In the second period Pleard seared & gos! to put the Bruins ahead, Gordon Maonre fired the Insurance gonl given the Rssist, The Hawks were held hack hy the superh Hon tending of Jim Morisset, The Hawks played well in the first foriod hut were We puck In the 14 win and loss while Quebec, point she trailed #3 Biter 1OWF pet Nova Beotis and Manitoba were winless, ends but 8 Wg four on the sev:| enh end gave her 8 74 RAVAN ice hopeful of taking the finals Brine The Jubilant Bruins left the Mrs, Waelley, #7, whose rink tage, Bhe took another three onlin fing style, includes two of her sisters whipped hriskly to two les In trampling Nova Beotla 12:6 in the opener and handling Quehee easily 10-8 the ninth end=--one that included aller @ Manitoba Fock hownced| ng 8 pac {hoards The Bed Wings lost the oppor losing an important game to the Canadiens HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS OHA Junior A WELT VF AF Guelph 86 0 6246 166 64) Bt, Michael's 26 15 4 140 144 b6| Niggara Falls 2210 65160 157 46 Hamilton 2010 7181 146 47 Bt. Catharines 17 28 § 150 108 80 Peterbor'gh 1684 7187 181 87 Marihoros §a8 B18 106 26 Monday's Results Niagara Falls 8 Hamilton § Tonight's Game Guelph at Bi, Catharines Western Jangve Edmonton 4 Winnipeg § Western Jahnny Kent's Western Tire bowlers knocked off Knoh Hill Baw! hy a scare of four-games: tn one, last Baturday afternoon, It was most unfortunate for Knoh Hill as they had previous: ly shared the lead with Tuxedo Junction Formals and the loss ta Kent's almost practically eliminates them. All the teams in Group '"B'"" found the gain very tough at Knob Hill Bowl: ing Alley as the highest seare on the day was BEAR which most unusual. The Knob Hill team was pressing vight from the start due ta the faet that they were sharing the top spot and this pressing on thely pant, together with thelr had howling did not help and far that rea son they suffered the reverse, In the first game It was Kent's with a scare of 1184 ainst Knob Hill 1016, Fa ant's It was Paolone with 38 and Ron Swarts with 258 who led the way, Far Knob Hill It wt Taylor with 200 hut the other seares were way dawn, The second game was also taken hy Kent's with a score af 1188 aver 1008, A I§ game It was Jones with anlone 260 Ron Bwarts 388, For Knob Il it was Pele Law 383 and DeGiras 381 Kent's still eantinued on thelr winning ways hy winning the third game with & score of 1147 against 1074, In this game it was Ron Swartz 203, For the aphaution 1t it was Salt with 288, fourth taken hy Kent's with a score 1063 Haina! thelr apposition Kent's It was Ron oe with 338 and for Knob Hill there was ane scare of 200 With all the ethers belng under " the Hh ne team rallie ¥ @ seare id 1080, Far Kent's it was ame the Knob and won aver Nl AME Was Alia jap Saskatchewan senior Moase Jaw 4 Baskatoon | (Manse LA eh best-of-five semi-final # Senor Ierprovineis Pembroke § Ottawa § (Ottawa leads best « of « seven semi-final 4-1) Kaskatehewsn Junior Melville § Estevan 7 (Melville 1 ¢ # i § best-of seven) semifinal 14 Ontario Fontan 1] Bt. Catharines § Stamford 1 (Bt, Catharines leads best-of: seven Niagara District semi: final 8:1) Ontario Junior © Leamington # Wallaceburg 8 Tiremen Clip Knobb Hill again Ron Bwartz with 287 whe was high and for Knob Hil it was Halliday with 267, otalu=for Kent's 8617, Knoh Hill B17 Far the winning team It was|! Ran Bwarts whe was high with 1218 made up of (883, 426, 2a, 248, 287) followed hy Panlong with 1166 (360, 956, 816, 206, 238); Brown 1084 (248, 265, 406, 1A, 104); Jones 1060 (167, 266 ga6, 108, 211); Mike Paulo 06 161 (300, 160, 214, 908, 186), Fop the losing team It was Jack Bait with 1100 with the others turning In very low seares, There will he a week's lay-off next Saturday and the final day's bowling will take place an Maveh 11 at Plantation Bowl, 'Reader' Writes, China's Soccer | Attitude, Bad PEKING (Reuters) = Hpeg: tatars at Peking sports events have been taken to task by Communist party newspapers for partiality and far abusing relarees or players, Hditarials appeared in the China Youth Dally and the Pe: King Dally recently alter thes titer nd Wibabel printed a let: reader eritielaing Manhontthy Attitudes" In the modern, 80,000 - seat stadium ifmes are played against visit: ng teams, Recently, teams fram the So viet Union, Poland, Korea, Burma and Lebanon have come here to play against China's top 144 /5000er clubs, The Ching Youth Daily, sum: "ming up the discussion, ealled Delvecchio, BD, 8 WN Olmstead, Ta 17 02 {Nevin, Toronto 16 3 Hull, Chicaga 38 3 [Mikila, Ohl, 18 30 Hay, Chicage TT 4 tL) in a 0 i (whole Communist on all youth organizations 'ta 13/80 youth an education in cluding sportsmanship, and to treat this matter as part of their weation," 7 |starting Sunday, he|skl and W ig Tany Flonek paced the Cana diens La victory with a hat trick {He scored twice In the first periad and once in the fingl Brian Bmeagle scored the lather Canadien goal, John Van: dermeer was given the assist | Doug Kirby, Derek Holiek and Larry Wry were the gon! gel ters for the Wings, Wry, Bill Yaneh, Doug Kirby LLL Dan| City: Wide Answering fervice and the Oshawa A's went "ane ame up' In the Oshawa Major Tockey semi-final Ehamplong 4 play-olts funday night, In the Bowmanville Arena The telephone hore with a tremendous last period scorin effort, hlasted "City League Juveniles 74 while the A's, second « place finishers during (he Fegulae campaign, upset #)' Surariaed Pino's Garage oul fit bd Boh the semifinals are @ hest-af-three affalr with the re dheeiive winners' advancing to g finals, which Is set for a hest-af-five, Originally the play offal weren't supposed to start unk next weekend, however with all fhe position elnehed, the Teague executive voted ta get them The play-offs will continue next weekend, with City-Wide hosting Juve: piles at 6.80 pm, and pectin, Rurno's at 840 pm, Hoth Cliy:Wide and A's could wrap i their individual play: offs with wins, CITYWIDE 7, JUVENILES Pivat Gerry "Red" Maelean hii ped home & three goal "hat ah! do Dace Ol Olly 4 ( a swerlng Service to ag id i iy Ex:-Whithy Dun o Gordie lod patted \ wa iy ekertan and Renniek ham ng in single etforts, Pune Brodie, one of three Ivinson vi wit the hl iy d the redlight on hath ALLL for the losers JUVENIL Ae goal, Hi kaon plence, O'Connor, Babando inten, Arlee dipapel 5, Nelson A HW oh Wat, nave Palen, Hlson and Ll pi "WIDR, = fefence, ¥ ph 5) ue ridge Caekertan, Delves, it Towards (+) os, TAR, Mae| 1 oe orton, N Aplaraw- 1, O:Wid a hvity 0: Melean Rennie, Delves) wn AM 2 Juves: Biodie (Vahn, Bintan) vovnp Penalties -- Mus oan 1 i nd Period 3 O:Wide: Renniek lids 8 Cale, Priee Allg, Alsi game schedule, HEAPS AND RANGERS TIE The Lents and Rangers play ed 10 & I te in the other Alom game Eugene Ballowr scored for the L&nls lois In the second period) to drawn the Banger hopes for # victory, John Wicholls was the| marksman for the Bangers, The Flenrd wis aonist Was given to John Brooks | Each teem tried desperately 0 break the tie and gain & vie:| tury Tomy Flontek of the Canadiens! won the scoring championship with 4 gonls (oF the season Hy nearest rivals were Ballour of the Leafs and Picard of the ie Alam fingls begin on Tuesday, March 7 with all teams vietor- #8 W-minute sorting-out period CANADIENS DEFEAT WINGS competing, All games played are sudden ked house from the nity of taking first place by death, ¥ INAL 8 TANDINGE Bring Wings Canadiens Leals Hangers Hawks PL AVOF¥S Tuesday, March 7 Leals vi Hawks; 440, Bruins; 6:80, Hangers dens, i i i § 7 J wo A100, Wings vi va Cane Major League In Playoff Upsets § C Wide: G, Myles (WHEE) sroorerrenenr 10.86 3 Wile: d, Myles (Wright, | D, Cookertan) 17.00 Penalties -- F, Cockerton A Fhives 0.00, Dowe 6.80, Yahn , Myles 14 ARS PUNO ] Using only 1 players the 'fived = up" AY upset Durne's Garage 08, The Garagemen aremed to he over ean lent in this contest against the A's whe have been gulity of playing party In recent games derelinhle Ryd Arnold was pin the tap sharpshaater net: Ln A pair with linesmates die Romanuk and Gary Law: gon eolleeting one each, Al Myles was the other marksmen, George Westiall and Danny Gray replied for Dumo's, DURNO'S GARAGE = goal, Melniek; felon 8, Olesnik, Hughes; forwards, 8, Westtal fall, a, ential reakl, Wills, Gray and Middl ORHAWA A'S = go elon, obin soni defence, Koon Me Hii Hiliott, Edwards; forwards, Arnold, Lawson, Romanuk, England, Myles and Dodsworth 188 Period 1, Duma's: a Westfall (Tarski, Cole) 2.50 Arnold Lawson, BION) 1yyyy 10.00 Penaltips = whos YA7 and Lawson 14 " Period Hrawn, § Mills, 1M foarin Penall "= Ax 1p Lavin ed a) LA Arnold (Lawson, Romanuk) + 4.86 A's Hom fk TRILL L) Durno's: I i Wills) nee 600 RAAT, England) 174 Penallies = Pris 4, Riliott 1.68, Offielals = Paul Kawsenuk, Mel Suddard and Tom Wilson, fiearer, Jim Shaw, " REMEMBER WHEN! ' ' By THE CANADIAN PRESS After years of discussion on ) 4 § L! 4 an (THAR) ssi ures nany 380 Penalties = Delves 4.35, Glas: pall 4.45 and ¥, Oockerion OM, | Ard Poriod Juves: Brodie 4444 way O57 O:Wide: Maclean vay, 481 C-Wide: Maelean a Tran) 10M ew D, Cockerton 13.181 1 i L} L the suhieet, the Canadian Rughy Union males commitiee adopted [the forward pass al a meeting in Tarania 31 years age today The move made far a moe [Wide apen game and alse lod to {the Whparting of many stars {fram -\ 18, In succeeding years, Apm, 8k the same . last Saturday ih and fennick) ve ' =O "Wosttan §.00, will referee the game, here, The game will give lees! fons the apieriunity th see Just how meh better Senlor saline bal 15, 10 the Inter AQ Pla (ed hy. the Hawks dai (have played, here, [Fd with Oshawa WOE hy live to Kingston snd by #ix to {Foronts Buch sare fs Charlie Fenster, Murrey Prior | and Neal Nolsmith will go aeainst George Stulae, Hervey Sneteton Doug iy nd the like in what should he # resi {thriller = diller, Game time for Thursday's Senior A game is § pm. wt Donevan Collegiate, The) 35 late starting time Is 10 Allow |p |the teams (especially Kingston) time to get here and Warm wp [for the § o'clock start Al against Taronte's hest will the regular ne time 0 Jmevan C YMCA Men Win Control Of Rjax, 50-44 YMCA Men's All-Star team, | won thelr two: fama total olnt series 116:107, y defeating Ajax 0:44, In the seeand game, The game, played In AIax, | ons saw Oshawa take and remain in the lead from the epening| qt whistle, The erratic shooting of the Alax evew led to thelr downfall Af the 'Y' men clased the firs half with a slight 21:15 edge, Newitt led Alas with six, pe 0 il Br legiate, se # inh ih are I AL shomter Snitheq ith in the five Pr person of oh Gala A fut ol ig "Eight pins iy pra oy | Wilson Kingston's! of the Ww fifth WA w : pA ri ; day's game piling the Hawks! i it i eke is a ia HE fo vir jd oe rh hh while Oshawa's Kelly The second half showed the Alax hoys' searing ability, Hye this however, failed to stave off elimination, a8 Oshawa pro: duced some great ball control ahility, Nelson led Oshawa with 19 points, followed hy Gunn and Selly with 11 and ten, Alax's Newitt, Watehorn and Rie lod wilh 17, 10 nd nine AJAX: Barry 1, O'Chiena ¥ Rae 0, Newitt 17, Bulleek and Wateharn 10, Total 44, OSHAWA: Boivin 7, Kelly 10, Goddard B, Tunniolithe ho 18, Clarke, Winters 4, Brady Graham, Gunn n 11, etal "lo. w Rig HHOT WON AMI, Fla, (AP)=Miphel) a Bhita:l shat, won the poo race at Hialeah Mo day tn ea plete a $1,000.90 daily double With Vinee, winner of the firs race, It was the first aver: Ai double of the meeting, thus eam: ng under the Internal Revenue Bureau directive requiring hold: ors of winning tekets to identify themuelves hefare he ing pai a ' highs, $10 Yokes pid Wl ning combination; six "tickets and m RIA tiokels, §, Lasky Asean e i' ris iy ey fo lon Belin wid doy Wardh, Vo of 2, Cleaner he oo HALE - wires 80, #04, is worthy of all the Ry at we, uh oh ond 48 for! sible, ie rige went 10 Fred entries, March M4, eriny's Timberianes Doug Rowden, County -------- Expl} yd i HE wy he" hd hap Jia Roo fb wh 2 furpiigremen wi oho ii UA he ke alts fo di hy i J i Lee, go Oe fo were! ol i Wt hawt ore Bath Bibs and PEOmOIonsl w Remember the tone rons 4 with 27, further Information, MOTOR CVFY MEN'S MAJOR WW Drivatn ih Mim Wal iy Sebi, Py ih hin Fatal isd, en; A CAF LEAGUE nh folie 4 Ii hi 4 ok th findtes CL ' Hn a vik ft Fi hn i ih El tha i yf i NE [] Wr i § fi | VA ro anions b el wil SH fi 4 fui A i) AN proven ae i 3 i i A! Lo a bi W 'enon WM (Y fo Ji) 0 I [Roti / - Bla ¥ 4 Samer He uh A ay Epi Lis iE wr ned I il ih i iy gry i Fa A EAM ata 4h ! Li i ah AI AR EASTERN ONTARIO JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 4th GAME OF THE SEMIFINALS (Bost 4 out of 7 Series) TONIGHT, FEB, 28 8:30 PM, BELLEVILLE MeFARLANDS WHITBY Lh HILLCRESTS With Community Arena Adults 786; Students with cards and Children 50s wn lh Vogue is your best buy Wn convenient pocket pack or hatfpeund bn