The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1961, p. 7

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Women's Editor Wied RA 35474 Mendey, Febery 77, 196) | omens wad & om KE aie, the show wading the wha Mrs, ws the artists ROrmaly sesh om Mes. the sereen, The jowney Rome PRE WHAETTINAER Toy # Visit 15 Whe Fant. rast animes mR refresh havi: the #4 the commities, Wr. end tr, Walter Jack: Jom Wonter, Mr. and Mrs, Vie tor Kushen, Mr, and Mis, San fey Brooks, Mr. snd Mrs, brine Macleod, lor the enjpyabie eve RE Aid on behalf of the presic| dent, Mr, BD, A Warren, a» BOWRCER het erectile Marting wild be calied shortly The FElIn JOWIREY WHE FR Woened by # Sngsong maha RB hanksome PrEsamt ation on beheld of the ch, Dwimg the serving oh TEITETRments Ihe gests of honey vt # "oR VOY pe che The tindstionet Semty of (Hie EARN AEGER KITFRRCAS this decorative atlas mat Finished merswre (oF the mat s 1047 sanere, ERR Mest KEEP Id TRIM 8. Sowth Dele Didi LAr whl | acal AEsaciation memmen held & swrpnse perty wn honor of Mrs. RB. 8. Hayward, retinng Matnet commissioner, Mis Wal ter Jackson Mrected an on jovable evening of fon and games, Mrs. Hayward was pie sented with » matched set of gerge hy the Mistnd Mr. and Mrs, Cecil BH. Dud ley and son Mr. Noel Dudley and Miss Margaret Erickson were in Hamilton on Wednesday Februiry 72 and attended the Philermeonic Symphony Concert when their son, Ray Dudley CORCEIL ARmst, Was BUEst SOIH ist with the Orchestra, Mr, Bay Dudley returned with his par ents 10 Courtice for (wn 0aYs before returning (0 his home and the University in Blooming ton, Indiana Mr. Robert 6 om William King Sirest Wet, han received wird Pychange Vows John Collison, Kinkmuirhill Beotland Mermhers wand (rents wm Andrew's Compe' s Cm made # towr of television sation CFTO on Saturday, Mier & ghmpie of the many otfices wna dd ments, the CIoND Was COREL eA 10 & sudin where the "King Ganam Show' was 19 he lee vised. The last minne preperi: "THIS 18 FUN" Enioving her date with the ( 15 The EFRpaasugnicr wo Mr photogramer 15 LANTFIE | and Mrs, James Smith nd Ken, daughter of Mr. #08 | sy ond Mrs Awgwst Bere Mrs, James Barnoveky, Gr Ghia 4; : den Court, Lawrie was one | POVPEY #l of Oshawa year oid on December 1. Hhe Photo by Trelend GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES itzki, There were 14 members Claire MeCullough, secretary present with the president, Mrs, and Mrs Robert Boss, treasury Mosier, presiding ¥, ERve thelr respective re monthly meeting at the church scussion was held to plan ports, Mrs, Douglas Redpath with Mrs Dennis Abbott, a different meeting mght with social CORVERET reported on president, presiding. Visitors hopes of gelling more members the annual father and son han 10 the meeting were the Hey: ol 19 meetings quet held recently at Chins erend Kenneth Mathews and Plans ed for Memorial Church parish hall representatives of the hoard of the and daughter The president and the social MAnARers who spoke 1 6.30 convener both thanked ail whe church husines had in any helped to make the By IDA JEAN KAIN Shared experiences form the hackhone of this column, Young mathers ofien gam (a7 160 much weight with their first preg nancy, When the excess pounds fail to depart after the baby #r rives, the new mother feels dis heartened and unable (0 cope 87. TUKES GUILD The Ladies Guild of Bt. Take Presbyterian Church hei Hs Bonnie Long Werk WAREr March anna hanguel mn 4 al J na arming 14 Cah / The marriage of Bonnie Jean Mary Tong, daughter of Mr. and Teas, birthdays, parties, wed Mrs, vereit J, Long, and Wil ding anniversaries, coming and am Patrick King sn of Mi goings of guests and your own and Mrs, Hugh King, all of Osh holiday plans are always of AWA, Was solemnized recently interest in this column, Write at Bt. Gevtrude's Roman Cath telephone or visit the social de- otic Church als wa John B, Myer wedding musi Miss Bimone William Tong Cox meet : y i meeting Refreshments were served Wy PANANEL 7 BHECESS ih ess | plans Mr Robert Rechitzki, The Mrs Davis Bt, Andrews re were Miscussed regarding the Hex! meeting will he on March ported on the executive hogrd v y is tn bel t the home of My eile Meeting held on Wedns Vi A March 1, Magee, 197 Grenfell street It was decided Io hold the #n in the lower half of the Ukrain GOODWILL GROUP nual bazaar on Wednesday, No ian Preshyterian Chureh, 4 id AY Ae Tol the [EMher k. The following will Simcoe street south, comment 4 Ly " # of 8i bid he copyeners: Christmas novel at 1.00 pn, Mrs Abbott | 100awH WA Group of -BINEOE ties Mrs, Robert Clayton and mg # LB treet United Church held srs, Stanley Gales plain sew welcomed a new member, Mis. oo ony with the president; ing Mrs. J. WW. Bulls 1e A. dohnson to the group. Each yu i ding Ing rs y uiton # j member attending the meetin it Fin nie i 400m Mrs, Claire McCullough; partment with your items of The I verend donated a tea towel to the kit: or fatien AN Seon Hi knitting, Mrs, David Bt, An news for which there is no officiated. "Fh chen of the church ie iad AY 3 I boty A HER drews Mrs. John Robertson, charge. Telephone RA 34-8474 was played hy Mrs, Abbott closed he Allred i' A i Stanton olin, ys Alirea Harrell, Mrs Gimblett and My 2 bene 8 FER VHRR Trinte it BURNEY, t sang iit th, eon, Lf cas em 0 ch sc igor was wr, College Hill H&S "iho sure vr be Mrs. Melville Henny and Mi members, Miss Leona BLainton Sianley Richardson, executive ' . father, the bride wore a floor py IIR IA called the roll commissioner, who spoke on Founders Night length gown of antique white The devotional period was the life of Lord Baden Powell, , vat satin brocade, The fitted hodice HOLY TRINIEY WA, conducted hy Mrs, Frank Cox!the founder of the Boy Beout ali IR Rg was designed with shart sleeves The regular afternoon meel- and Mrs. H, G, Willes read the Movement, Mrs, Dwight Bunner| oo, C0 do a. and Sehaot And # round neckline trimmed ing of the WA of Holy Trinity scripiure, Mrs, Cox read an arc introduced and alse thanked| Cor 0 ve cM aiiiam Dear with iridescent sequins and in Anglican Church was held re. He le on Getting Life's Perspee: Mr, Richardson, Yarn x Pg hid verted panels formed a V atl the cently with the president, Mys, Hive Right Mrs, Edward Rose, The members of the Pelican hers. Ave esume of the in:| nak of the full flowing skin Clinton Nickerson, presiding, #ave # talk on the hymns to be patrol had charge of the social ers Kav ef) , Mi De nald| A tara of iridescent sequins Wollowing prayers, the secre: [ound in the church hymn book; hour which followed Hn A BUI first sind held her shoulder-length veil tary and treasurer gave their and facts and re ois mm hymn) FIDELIS GROUP dent and her executive included|and she carried a hotiquet of reports, singing In worship to God, trac [ The Fidelis group of Simcoe\Mrs, W, Gibson, Mrs, K, Mor American beauty red roses, A committee was formed to NE hack to the time of Moses |Btreet United Church WA held row. Mrs Tack Crags, Mrs, Miss Marilyn Kelly, the maid investigate prices and materials] Mrs, Frank Cox and her com«|is yegular meeting in the ehureh|w. |, Richardson, Mrs, J, 1. |0fhonor and Miss Barbara Tus suitable for drapes for the mittee sevved vefreshments. parlor, Mrs, Harold Boddy, pres: inkson, Mrs, (Gordon Rae, Pin: the bridesmaid, were dress Chureh Hall, Mrs, Leonard Bigwood Mus | ident, had charge of the meet: Four of ihe original executive, ®d alike in roe lngth re Mrs, Joseph LaRoeque vol Arthur Pearse, ri I Ing y , ' at. peau-de-sole fashioned with fu unteered 10 be cha for the Reynolds and Mrs, M, 1, Cooke| The devotional period Was (ho . Pearoorn, Mis. Mat| They wore matching annual Church school pienie. (will have charge of the March! conducted by Mrs, Alex Creigh:\Mys. Luther Locke have chil-|peav-drop tiaras with fine red 2 fentattye date o Wednes meeting fon. and Mrs. Jack Young, we Idren attending the school and yin ue hig a (arried day, June 28, was sel for the an "4 Bl the - y of |white gladiolus petals in cres iid) Strawherry Tea. ATH SCOUT MOTHERR' AUX, read hy Mrs, Lloyd Whittington org Jl tute & Adlive fan cent shaped houguets Refreshments were served hy! The Bth Oshawa Sea Boout|followed hy the treasurer's re: ""yeo "gonad M, Brown, the| Mr. Gerald King acted as best Mrs. Robert Williams Auxiliary held Hs regular meet: port hy Mrs, Robert Cowie, | ining) "demonstrated (he seman and Mr. Gary Vaughan ing at the Scout Hall, Hillcroft) Three members volunteered os audio visual aids in the ushered ATH PARENTS COMMITTEE streel, recently Fhe Presiden, tel i Yiden at Hillsdale Mant! i. covoom. These included the| A reception was held at Sand The 4th Parents' Committee Mrs, George Fitches, opened " in March, =o chalkboard, bulletin board, -flat|alwond restaurant, For the of the Girl Guide Association/the meeting oa malie ites wore dISEUSN | pictures, flannel board, film|nceasion the bride's mother held its February meeting al Coprespandence wis read hy May B and May 10 4 | LAR strips, radio hroadeasts, tape wore hiue peau-de-soie enhanced the home of Mrs, Robert Rech:|Mrs, ¥. N, Farncombe and Mrs The pragram Tor the aftarnon (recorder, record player, opague|hy an insert of silver sequing {Was in the charge of Mrs, Hn: Projector and the movie projec:(and hla 0k ACCRROTieS | he lest Legge and her group, Mrs, [Or It was desirable for each bridegroom's mother woe a [Alex relahton, Mrs hairy teacher to have a flat pieture|mauve wool dress with match Wilson and Mrs, Fred Bartlett,|file as the pictures could he|ing accessories, Mr, Clarence Toase, aocam: hed for creative story writing,| Tater the couple left for the wanied at the piano hy Mys, health lessons and social stud: (wedding trip ta Quebec For illiam Dunn, sang twa solos|!e8 The vecord player was|going away the hride ware a "Have Thine Own Way, Lord", [used for teaching music and|light green jersey sheath with {and "How Great Thou Art", [folk dancing, dramatizing im: |a matching green mohair coal {The Shenker was Mrs, Clayton portant nistorieal events e.g and beige accessories The new [Lee, whose subject was Cana: the signing of the Magna Char:|ly wedded pair will live at La {da's Hast:-West Panorama which ter, songs of Ontario hirds, Salle Court, Oshawa |dealt with the beauties of the| Mr, Brown stressed that all (country as seen hy her while on these audio visual aids ave tools won (he attendance prize, The a trip ta Victoria, B.( [0 better learning but their effec |daor prise was won by Mrs Mrs, BE, (i, Legge and her|tive use depends on the good Roger Plancke, Mothers of the committee served refreshments [Judgment of the teachers, [pupils in Mrs, Annie Dion's Storie Park Aux. | Mp Poler Aimpson's room class served refreshments, Names Officers Storie Park Ladies Auxiliary enjoyed a pot luck supper on Vednesdar February 32, at the home of Mrs, Harry Williams. Twenty-one memhors were pros: ent, Following the supper the regular meet ng. a held with President Mrs, Bert Fry presid: YOU'LL SAVE MORE BY SHOPPING AT , ., GLECOFK SUPERMARKET (74 RITSON RD, §, = Open Daily fo 10 p.m, Specials ! Mon,, Tues,, Wed. Harry Williams; vice-president, | COOKING ONIONS 3. 21° LBS, Mrs, Jerome Hickey; secretary] FROZEN Mrs, Peter Musik! treasurer | ¥ Mrs, Joseph Larson; Social) LBS, {oanvener, Mrs, Thomas Wilson; | BUTTER FIRST GRADE 66° (4B ing, Fie minutes, treasurer's and yearly report were read, Mrs, Harold Cameron gavel the sick report, Mrs, George Hell! and Mrs, John Musik then pre: sided for the election of atficers as follows: President, Mrs. | [assistant convener, Mrs, Vin BREAD "ic 33° FOR {oent Russell; vice + convener, sLicee (Mrs, Googe Bell; siek conven: | CIGARETTES .. ...... 3.09 WIENERS "** 39° i (4H lor, Mrs. John Wyatt; press ve SWEET 25° 4] | porter, Mrs, Peter Musik; audi tars, Mrs, Beverley Jallow and Mrs, Harold Cameron; kitohen SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M, help, Mrs, © Beverley Jallaw, Mrs, Alfred Killingback, Myps. | Bert Fry, Mrs. Jahn MoDaonald, Mrs. Jack Stark, Mrs, William Tonkin, Mrs. Jack Cameron, Mrs. Luther Looker, Mrs, Chan \ ' lle Fry, Mrs, Jerome Hickey RUF F LES {The new president, Mrs Harry Williams presided for the Hortsontal . hands of tiny \! balance of the meeting pleated pulfies add a now di: | Canadian mill Mrs. Bert Fry won the Feb mension 10 the fabric In a © sature theme IK peat fram a Designer's sig Creative use of and green si Young Mother Reports On Slimming Progress SQUARE TATTED MAT | «hd envelope pias 19 cents for handling, 10 the NeeMecrft Department of this paper, 17 anesting TATTED MAY Fon being sare, Come | dnd SINELIONS RIK TR WR leafier No. EVE, 000], Wowid you like to have HW? Please send & Hampel, sei-RAMIE uy he best dada LL (9 restore tone 16 the 'overty stretched ahdomingl muscles your figure with not spread This sample exercise encour wars the organs 19 resume thew with gH her proven I hen glong comes a eller from some one whe has licked the pounRas and is now shim and trim, Her WOTAS CRITY CORVIELIOn With my first y | gained far 106 Muh WeEEm really als AL the sitar my pregnancy | weighed 125 pounds When | went to the hospital 16 have Ihe | 1zhed 19 Well havi } { | cami £ 1 normal gh position Position hient firmly wp-andin with shdomen Movement Slowly lift veriehrs at time off floor the tip of the spine WpwWaTGs making the end of the spine hf 4 Then lower hack floor one vertebra after another at routine four times, rest t four times, At the end 0 isl week of EXercising AFM + of u Wihry W fle hem 190 ae EEN Ie t self 1 am 1 £1 Hp VETENRH we IH ha hack SATE MY EEPEFIEncE Young mothers, Al I was so self-conscious ahi my weight! My morale and I felt nervous, | determined to take action and take exercise "I now weigh 120 pounds; The other day 1 went to my docior for my yearly check-up. He told me my muscles are in perfect Fe 1H normal pounds TRIS flo raised, Give with the ahdomingl when hips. are in ail lower to flog a strong n-pul Wis ow ad Follow your own doctor's vice TREATAINE RXETCISE wie ified and | feel Foe ever fet in my The most important time in your ie for exercise is after the baby rrmves. With exercise soles of feet fiat on floor, arms down at sides, Aim 10 keep) pine flat on floor as you pull ane the The wim is 10 try 19 curl fo and stretch hack on heyond head as hips are muscles Slowly Easy Tetrazzini Made with Wiener (Will Serve Six Fre | KmAensar sony ave ganar, 1 whieh are added Fav ESAN (Tessa, Shank Shoey ana MUEE (AY IRGTRAents Wa cwp walter 1/3 cp nstant sim mivk Ye po grated Parmesan cheese | YW. wieners, shherh Ye cup shard iatand 2 chopped pRrfey b tap. Woraestersiire swvee mest, olives. peesiey, Worces terse saver mk Thyme. (Cook aoar low BER, FIRE KRSiEnt fr, 0 tere comes 6 fhe Bol. Cover 0d Keegy WEEN SEY fo feat, (00K % ROA WE 1H prekage Mvaetione. AHR SE AVEF Tew ie & LOWart CReseroie; with move Parmesan Will chense |W BEEY YEAR VARCOUVER (CF) ~ In her $at year, Mes. Signd Sohy ~# phpnsmoker since ie was Tr fies fanght herself to play the pacoelion and gitar md Fas won trophies in gaweee dances wompeiition, She chops Rey own wood and does her own hop ping, sometimes walking acts to cateh a wig Aowntonn, i | pinch of thyme : f ber) Fmt .d Melt butter in sancepay; Add lowion and fry gently wali fen der wt not Drowned. Sir in RIAREOOm SWp, Wier, Shin milk - powder and aheese; heat gently, Add and wx in wieners oF lncheon "FOR BEAUTIFUL S75 J | 40 King E. RA 5015) J fie on back, knees f f , A zipper is a little like I " tone due to exercise, My are lifted and 1 feel the VE felt in my life "This all sounds hiithe and easy, but tell your readers there were moments when | felt like giving up, But I didn't! I kept on, and now the look in my hus hand's eye is all I need to make me happy | trimmed calories and stayed with the toning ex Ereises I still exercise daily and my waist 18 22 inche almost like a teen-ager, Thank you for all your encouragement,' Young mothers, grah hold of a SPIFILS hes yey Hush-A-Bye DIAPER SERVICE Diapers supplied , , , san itized and fluffy soft, Canisters available Gift Certificates OALL RA 3-2139 For Further Infermetion though the slider pulls up and I mare key sentence in her letter, A FINER BLE YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! cleaning jobs, tee, It takes wonderful invention until it happens to get stuck! If you have trouble with a zipper refusing te close, sven Draw the slider ta the top end held the testh immediately in front of it firmly with your fingers, se thet the testh lis parallel to each other end almost touch, Keeping the teeth in place, push the slider forward with a little jerk, Pen't force When it has gone os for as it will move (perhaps half en inch), stop, then push the slider back end repeat the action, Each time you da this, the slider should gain half an inch or This system will usually werk en all zippers except the open' type, such as those used en the front en windbreokers, Ones you get the knack of fesding the testh inte the slider, you can alse replace sliders thet come right off slippers, The main thing in this job is te keep the teeth flat ond in on oven line, so thet they feed seslly inte the slider, Perhaps this all sounds easier than yeu will find it te be the first time you try it, But thet's the way with a goed many two things that we pride ourselves on here in our shop $0 if you're tusk with « sipper, try the suggestions above, But if you're stuck with clothes thet demand expert cleaning sare == why net give vs & sell right away! Give Blood -- the Need is Great LIPPER WISDOM! - I's on automatic elevator down, here's whet te do; experience and know-how we DuBawny. | "Bright Beauty" Eye Make-up SRRRRRRRRRRIRININY By Richard Hudnut ARRRRRRRRRRRIRANNS r---- Shapes and colours brows beautifully, Eye Beauty Pencil,,, $1.78 Eyes look lavelier, larger with ereamy PuBarry Eyeshadow Stick ,,, $1.80 Mascara-Ade curls as it colours lashes -- wanderfully waterproof, , , $2.80 D. Brush on a ribhan of new PuBarry Bright Beauty Liquid Eye Liner Swiitly, dramatically, you enlarge the shape of your eyes with dazzling colour, ,, $1,80 E, Apply with DuBarry Sable Eye Liner Brush,,, $1.28 E,. 28 KING ST, E, RA 3.4621 ary prize, The next meeting Plegted sheath dress of gold | fabri, (Mill be March 33 at 2 e'clock WHAT DOCTORS Damage Not Permanent ® Glendular Fever '@ Physicals '® Diagnose First QF hot degree does ain plane noise affest hearing? [Ay In one study, a considerbale number of student pilots experi lenced temporary hearing loss, However, complete recovery oe: curred following a few days' [freedom from aircraft noise, Q you please diseuns monanuslensin? A. Mononucleosis ("glandular faver') is an infectious disease probably caused by a virus It oceurs most often in people up 10 age thirty or so. Symptoms vary but in the typical case the vigtim feels tired and all washed out, runs @ slight tever, and des velops swollen lymph glands in the neck, The disorder lasts far one ta several weeks or longed, depending on severity, Rest is about all that can be done by way of treatment (Q, Is concer of the prostate commen? IA, Prostatic cancer is one of the mest common forms of cancer when possible » "RK a King edical Mi ia ro r in men aver 60, A thorough physical examination; including a rectal examination, is the way ta discover this kind of cancer Q. My heels are very ssaly and my han d hair very dry, Would a shange in diet help} A. Probably net, But wouldn't it be best ta consult a doctor? Having diagnosed the condition he could then prescribe whatever is necessary by way of treatment with more assurance of success, Otherwise, it's just a shot in the dark, Note te "measles: in 1958, 552 deaths were attributed to the disease compared to 258 deaths caused by polio. Doctors are now working with an experimental preventive measles vaccine, When available, the new produet will be added to our extensive stock of biologicals Prescriptions called for promptly and delivered quickly, Questions submitted by readers are appreciated and answers to those of general interest will be incorporated in these columns when possible, Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinien of all dogters dingnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's ersonal physician, Questions directed 10 Science Editors, P.O, Box 97 'srminel "AY, Torente, Ontaria will be incorporated in these columns The Dus

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