The Oshawa Times, 25 Feb 1961, p. 5

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RT a a. -= J) UL) 1H n fi B | fo ar sl in pa on ely thy an ly all | om hw da ma wal thi for exp are) dre) will the grat Whithy Bwrean (fice; Manager: Lloyd Woherise WHITBY and DISTRICT Market Survey To Aid iii Dundas B56, Wes 4 Gl OSES RE ye y----- TIMMY STARTS EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN The Whithy Rotary Clb with | Town Clerk John B. Frost by look on Left to night in the he. ¢} first Timmy, this photo are Terence M. Moore open Me annual Easter Beg Hi A l 4 Ail ry F# wear Michael Reynolds, 10, of Rotary president, John Mier FAmpRign the Town M0 | Des cdal drive Ahnrye thairman of the club an March 2. The first sheet Michael presents the seals tn Kasbed Seal Campaign Mr. Frost while Rotarians Wichael, and John Frosl. Be of seals was sold this week 10 » 8 you hnance on the LAL IGH Winners Of ¢ AR |1 immer SG Ws the easiest way. 09 special interviews, Macs Take 3-1 Lead LUB CALENDAR || Giosik tudes) . ' A Woencing srrsngemenis or you. In ARE . LJ 4 MONDAY, Veh, 2 § Uansaciion on the spat Is Cansde's mon a ns ace ; convenient way in buy an ims ' * . United Chueh YPI % Whthy Baptist Charen Explor | Poy 6 LAC, MERIT PLAN Way... 0d snjoy of the ous sols I | 1 i 11~ 11 1A eries Results of the seven-year filly ram enry » u en % honspiel held hy the |adies TUESIAY, Vib (Ll " Section of the Whithy Curling Jira iiss WOFE Foo BY JOAN CALDER finals will show ardent fans the By CLIFF GORDON hath teams managed 10 score a.der (or this area, lets nol blow Club are us follows Whithy Rapum Tren con Modern Indoor Comfort , , , bi Wi cor. best playing they will see for Belleville MeFarlands took a 1910 of go@) For the winners iit all in a week of poor playing. ¢ : } Rapin ¥ Saves Health , , . Bo w lJ fang faces paraded th I" van Hit i. Hull and Me. SUMMARY am. draw Ist prize vidars of Henry High this week, # long Lime, Our Henry Bemior strangle hold on the Eastern Jy oo py " Ra ang me: FE Whithy: Mrs. Donna Winter, WEDNESDAY, Feh, #2 Exams hegan on Wednasda Lig i ne planing uP yin Aodidig Fl un oe Whiths "For he Hiller iw in Mich FIRST PERIOD Mrs. Ruth Dryden, Mis, Rita B Iohn's Anglican Church WA 9 Tt convenience of this dis: OUF CREEFINE BECHOR thi id incing 7-8 win over ihe Wihy J Vi eh N Aidipe Bradley. Ski " ahe husing nieling tricks Tei et i ( ni hid on! heen greatly hutlt up in Hy last-Hillcrests last night in Belle: Mhshen Middleton and Robert : Jat ig A heli ig 3.87 ridley P Mrs, Manel 1ywin al AIT W : Frain [4 v bg a ona Thursday made it easier for us [Ew week We need the helping ville. The win the Mags With pi Eih 2 Belleville ' Kellar ! EL and price Oshawp: Mrs. go CY oar Clover Hand § A ' tn study in advance "though, and|section i A) jead in dof aevel Glshen y fdr i as h (Forsythe, Weston) 1% Aline Hy Mrs Irene Fdmon Hillcrest H and § ] VOL BYROK STS WHITBY ONT Til MOB 2991 it might he # good idea tn have Members of the Junfor team [I0ils and the senes could wel GEER Ere ir rei | 5 Belleville: Kella) son, Mrs. Betty Tipney, BKIp Ain ond's Church WA holiday every exam weel are Mary Louw Cuddy, Teresa Me wrapped up here on Tus I BIREIE LRINES LO INET CFE) / op Mrs. Margaret Blore hi : # holiday every ¥ Pi Yq day night if the Hillcrests don't! And as @ result the score ended (Forsythe) 15.26 Benevolent Kehekah Lodge 182 The hrawling fighting Seffler, Julie Tweedy, Gemma Co7 TUT Go Belleville 7, Whithy 3 Penalties G. Hull, Chase: fed prige = High Park: Mis, Knights of Columb reaming nateh Ly hi is or he wi J mieaen pig AB Hi Hh : night s game they pla Icy, CHIPS Personally *% ski L146 \ M Murdoch Mrs Ww. | } { Ww " y p 5 ne neg \g ¥ f HH ddd > y 7? p JHE / hail COBRA Ht id " i " i if iy" BI ; Anne 0 like they had never heen We are somewhat bewildered hy SECOND PERIOD Parker, Mrs, ¥, Bacid, Skip PHURBDAY, Feb. 33 Hone cho We want Henstack. Margo Hamer, Kathy Shown a thing all year, and were/ Ihe sudden falling to pieces off 4 gejleyille; Bt, Hull Mrs. W. B. Maguire Balvation Army Women's HI, # enry Blree whon v i shin HIERN Ff » y 3 > 4 iY & IM & tn phig this tournament hecause Cuddy, and Angelika | fh eqn mark for the hard hit the lot al loam. We do ih io (MeGuire, Titterson) 4.15 Consolation = Granite: Mrs Faith Rantin Church WME i we hope tn make same money The team manager is ping Belleville eam la 3 id i W ettes hee an $ Hal Penallies--Napiorkowski 416, 1, RB. Lawion, Mrs. W, D, All. HP Bulle . ; . t Maes in nn 1h in H "Hi hascrew i an { h 3 / , aut of i Phe charge will helCuddy showing who was going tn he CTeW hut ane thing we will say W me Ir yi in nl mi fy port, Mys, J, W, Beaton, Skip FRIDAY, Feh, U odd > --" I M cenis per person Henry High was temporarily has in last night's game as they! 18 that they skate & heck of a lol i Het Ai Lis. 4 Pu ™ avely Mrs, €. Fi, Winters senior Citizens Liroup It will hegin al 10.00 am A geeupied hy clase 10 40 White hiasiid 12 shots at the local net harder and are concentrating 5 sg J C1128 KR. Hull 11.26, Mb am, draw: Ist prize ~ ' / EMMANUEL that Saturday morning and will Russians Friday evening. The| the & rth 4 ) 48, Roberts 11.2 full 11.2 f e [4 4 7:00 or 8:00 o'clock lah Hy in the first 18 minyles of play(on the game more than 1rYing| Bobbie 11.88 Scarboro: Mrs, June MeCain, a iat mit necasion of their visit Was 10) and managed ta score on two of| 10 be fancy Dans, Their defence Mrs, lene Armour, Mrs, Ruth| Hutchison School REFORMED At nigh give the second in the ewrrent| them This showed where the men ie alert and can gel thal THIRD PERIOD wieen, Skip Mrs, Fenny Mel y bw Bay. of Quinte will play series of concerts, promoted by erdiot was (0 lie before thel puck out of their awn end, their, §, Belleville: Hunter Cowan 0 ens March 3 0 0 1] FRED, against Lake Ontario South andthe Wii thy Concert Assoc: gama way a third aver. MoGuive, forwards go both ways and (Goyer, Titterson) 1d = P OF HIGHWAY 12 Narth @trtets Many Himes Aur: lation bagged the first goal followed make a mighty interesting crew 6, Belleville RR. Hull 3 nd prize fam 0 Shanter The first classes will he held 10:30 AM ins a Rien he Sams Many students attended the hy Kellar with a pair, The Macs|1o waleh We da nol think (MeGuire, Goyer) veo 8.03 M78 Lira Aohnston, Mrs, Adi the BH. A. Hutchison Publi Church Pulen Boric ' were ph Ah ud Lig i ane concert. soaking up the Cossak! led 80 at the end of the first, that they are so good that (hey 7, Whithy: Nicholishen Shriver, Mrs. Anne Butler, BKIP School on Friday, March 8, he 10:30 AM | with the girls' games during the! ese' of traditional Russian) The second period was a roe can spot the local team the first (Ike, Robheris) ro 1RB6 MIS, Jaye Graham ginning at noon. This will mark » Sunday, Schoni, Fralish He day . P , again! gi and then come hack and! 8. Whithy: Middleton he last 5 ibility i The onli k dances and spiritual bust affair with the Macs again) Rame ane Thy x ird Prize Tarkw Mrs, the last day of staggered classes The CORBA Central Oplano folk song a 4 doing the only scoring of the per: win the next a row, hal (Roberts, Nicholishen) 15.568 } A Park ny » Hh in Whithy hl fg an0ls A Is English, Service Whithy Beconds fichonl Asseciation, presentations Kay Miller, Mrs, Edith Beattie, |) y publi haols 2:30 P.M feanaary ad 0 M, | PFEs | ind as RB. Hull got his fivst of fellows if you want to let them) 8, Whithy: Robert Mrs, Millie George, Bkip Mrs Attending the new school, In Worsh ! Bo twa goals with MeGuire and Tit-|they are just the fellows who (Luke, Nieholishen) 18,46 Toy Kidd J cated at the south end of the rs " 1A Bowmanville terson gaining the helpers. The will do if You will hive 10110, Belleville: MeGuire : Blair Park subdivision, will he un ay Bowmanville Sunday Scheel 0 a u ens Hillcrests came close on a ool: Feme mhber there is no tarmorrow (R, Hull, Gover) 19.15) Consalation = Richmond Hill: [all the pupils who are curvently EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME {fhe of shots but failed to fight! night ar nex game if you hlow| ; Middie! y Mrs, Helen Pipher, Mrs, Ruthlon half-day afternoon classes al hard enough for 8 marke: the one here on Tuesday nigh! | oF Challice 5.90 W yan havity, Mrs Rena White, 8kip| Dundas 8. School / Manager Ivan Davie and Siteer NA, 1 Mrs, Andy Lyneft On Monday, March 6, pupils ST, ANDREW'S FAITH BAPTIST Easter Seal Campaign The anniial campaign to raise pled childien In various par funds to assis the crippled children of Ontario heging in Whithy on March 2 The aster Beal Fund, an an nual project of the Whithy Rotary Club, gets underway that day as 5,500 letters, con taining sheets of seals go oul All proceeds of this direc! mail campaign go (a the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and will he used here in Whithy and district as well as for the aid of erippled children in athe io ihe ie y id Tl lub! o 4 # bis A parts of he We nee 'o Jar He Rotary Skating | Wb eliminated Dunlop #4 on the Coconvenars are Mys, HR. Arnald is celebrating hev birth: Barrington, The next weekly| EETING Rotary Club pi AAI yi apt round Matthews and Mrs. O. Hoag|day, Her friends wish her many leuchre will take place at the Terence M Moore oi " at . Tovanta enters the finals due assisted hy Mrs, 5, Roblin, Mes, happy returns of the day home of Mrs, Grace Hieks with Rev. Thomas Webb, Minister Rov John Mami BA, BP the present time only three John Mitehell, chairman off io their 4:1 win over Dunop ont', reek, Mra. J. Vickery, Mi Mrs, Rose Barrington as host Mrs W Rev. A WR BA | ) the district eda. ar mW, E Summers, AT.CM Butler, BA, sriphied | Hiren Ne hi the club's Easter foal Cam: gunday, Scorers for Tovante d, Wall, Mrs, J, Gartshore, Mi Fhe fourth and last lesson on pss ' ' M Aviinant Minister : are receiving ald fram the club : i a A ) vi Public Speaking and Leader 8 3 " eaten TE, One of them is Michael Rey: PAIEN "tat seals hn he wern Barnes, Harrison, Dutfy!M: Detlor and Mrs, 1. Huihe #1 i Shing hat held onl Mr. Eddy Cauchi has vefurned ' 0 p.m, 10:00 AM Organist nods, 10, of Dovedale Drive, Sent lo a W " Radnnls 8 and Shoeny, Rohe garnered DUR: 4 coovive bivthday party was Tuesday evening, eh, 98, at 8t.|from a trip lo Malta BAdy} toms to be discussed nend MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM He has heen selected as the well as ve idents of Braokhin, laps single tally held in honor of Mr. Harry Town/dohn The Evangelist Chureh[@rrived in ime (0 see his father || views and support of all Legian SUNDAY SCHOOL WTHOUGHTS ABOUT REVELATION" club's Timmy, and he 5 he Myptle and some -aveas of Marksmen for Caesavea wore al his home. A group of meeting room with Miss Verda (before his death, He still has | Members, Make a special effort S LT) A Mii oa bo ) | a § 9 a | i Girly and Bays § years of Pickering, as in:/his mother and sisters in Malta, |} to attend 11:00 AM. & 700 PM and aver first local hay to he chosen On Friday afternoon, Timmy in a wheelchair which was pro vided by the Rotary Club, sold the first sheet of seals la go out in 1961 to Town Clerk John KR. Frost Over the years, says My Maonre, the Whithy club has as sisted as many as 16 In one vear hut currently, in this area there appears to he few crippled children wha can he assisted through the chib Funds the campaign here, he saul, are not anly used for the assistance of local erp pled children but are alse used to assist evippled in other areas of the pravinee where the need is greater. A current praject ol the Ontario Society Far Crippled Children is a new centre in Toronto. The society alsa pro vides summer camps for crip ram {and further treat/of the province and provides # nursing serviee for all area The society's nurse in this area is Miss A, Doris Hannah, | of Peterborough, and she will he attending A meeting of (he Whithy Retary Club an March 7 to tell the club of some of| the work their efforts have made possible Pimmy, Michael Reynolds, in cidentally, will also he a gues! of the ¢lub at that meeting Timmy will also he on hand Caesarea will fage Toronta whe Whithy Township If everyone wha receives the The third period was rough an goalies as there were only nine! coach Bus Gagnon have put shots on the Whithy goal and eight an the Belleville goal and help build & lop noteh conten: Titlerson Mercantile Finals Open On Sunday Caesarea defeated Bowman and Gibson 21 and advanced int the finals during Whithy Inter-County Mercantile League hockey action in the Commun ity Arena last week Chalking up a 74 total point win aver two game B and G Clarke and Venning, Huntley netted the lone goal for Rowmal : «In Downtown Plan | rel, MO, BATNG As past of 7 Wan lo renal wark of BEIRG Ihe SEvEy 1: gate paring IF # ju un the Awomiown section of VETWRY wich is ne lees B peRRADRE 0 FEE Whithy, the (hamber of tm PRIVEAN WAIL He howd. tue arte. viola I I Ally si Later in the meeting. Tes graphs of the man wiests of Meson 1 conduct such TIO%, WhO Vash Month wave Wintty ans oherved thet W p ' or uh ring * Ger: eh Wis plans (oF & AN IR wold he possibile to fie # Agus Mig we mE mall (ov the fowr Weeks 1ama- capnon' wy the sidewalk and wh reeting of (he CRAIDEr 0S ng gut fram the Ikersection net Int # sou werk In wR fans fax # Ave of Brock and i bas Brees £5 Hie pies peadwced sketches he a, Wh Ras BEER IY piaised its operation. The aR hed made of the same #rees poset Auiing Funiiry WEIE RE odd divert tralfic Eom WER with & wine Covering the side planed a the general CRAMMER ways Land |i theoieh the Bown walk wid new fr mits FRET REIKIG Laws section Wik wie show AdAresming he ol EETIRE 0 shoppers 19 BNVe ard park in Fom BETTER STORES the matics of # Markel sEYEY, that RIes Cordon Kichards, hamber £ A Wing, of the BEPC, said Ce resident, 4 thik eting | f i w oy 4 Fl iibham Hamkine PYRE em, au : He meeting hit pnd v # srry : Le WER oct whe, Rcidemally, does mw id han tH pa Jarving FARE FOR A LI tas WE any Ahi 2a live in Whithy wt says he finfs Asian in the AWIRGWR bes wities and had browght 16 Bem i" arming (own, 108 the OR oud work withew the TUNE-UP IRaRy [HARE WHICH més meeting that the trend Wn re dL i ag Crh wo » ® 5 hants may RA BRVE TERR sens years Was heen for people #YEry ETE Hie sid tht aware cused, By med of to mave a the sibwirhs Wis co-nperation wow have 19 SAVE MONEY -- DOAT-HOW enlored shades, he was aie 16 fake the fmm wo hetier mer fetailers he said, move p . show what Bad WeER REC handiang. wd rengiRlion of plished in same centres by (of with them wn the form of hop the premise shed in» ef y f dd png cepties, Bit this rapid ; : came from hossewives ang EFOVIR RIGHRH NE ERIGE gid not matter if they had # homeowners through the sur: "AVES B (Hy Hke # BOE, Ce "she SOTE OF # FEW TREN ' THIN Vy Su WE MW 1 Wil gree hoe | CREE RY hs l % igs halen the wi WEAF SNE, WH THERE WARS B DO Your MODERMIZAT! AIR, ond He said that » sWrvey come tere is 4 il idl 4, : grocery sore for a nesghhor REPL ACEMELT 3 ARTERS he conducied far as little as $0 their Tmsiness would wiles and FOR ALL YOUR PLU BING AN HEA HG . [v 4 bas elective as Me He said that # ShOpRer 15 be urged all interested cham REQUIREMENTS P costing SIM, providing the spon: FYER the choice of EMBER WG her members 19 talk to all mer sors, wn this case the Chamber # Wel Bghied, BirconiBiones chans and iperest them in the FREE TIM of Commerce was willing tn Ore OF WIG one where i 15 plan " y y y : fore the campaign ends. 5.00 werk on i mins not pickle has Deen by Richard #ia hat the m 3 " persons will iis ve seals with Ji wl pr ther pent in I8 years, the answer 15 (prtheoming market survey may a " SEL aimgl fs CEN ER Z Aghia i Bg ceardis 9 i aio reveal that a driven mall is] § DON'T DISTURB YOUR SAVINGS! the fund wineh assists crippled which has been studying te pat he said, is one of the not the answer 1a the problem § % children in the PERVINCE robles of the downtown mer: problems (0 he faced, along If that is the ase he sad, some] % Buy on the ILA.C. Merit Plan 1a 4 LAS. Vier Ian § Oshawa Times Photo hams will now embark on the with the priiiem of finding ade- other solution wight he found in THE GHAWA TIMES, Satariey, Fibruony 15, WH) § the reghns to he questions sv: The fen (95 # Aven Mal mitiek tn the yer ome on of the hemher § sawn he LIE the Members CONCETR Wer he peer of fat je moh the embers SRIVIING omires WH BRE Pity aid wre now three, and whiny 16 Sow Rew HERES Cram coming Wie Whithy oF 19 3 [Han 15 TE7RE RB large wim ; te mewarnt competion. of the Bradley form for # fon h We are not saying "let's net centie wid #2 showing wens be The town" said My Bik case WH will take Iwsiness pis, cannula ors 16 46 with anar" he smd. hel we aie SW 1s BORTIORE WEES Core sang t's wet let owe Aown The mumapeiiy can. alors wu aire fie BY ARERY, Some i Eher hecawse that fo ting which has Rappenes in Soks possily pays 18 per cont Aker crplies of the town's 1o% oad" ¥ \! r LITTLE ¢ || Randalls PLUMBER You can sart using your purchase immediately, poy lof RRR out of EREpings a low Felas aod Br [opremiem 165m, when y affer him their best wishes in'6.87, Napiorkowski, Reld 9.40, G Hi Re Hes Phe i a whn have, since September, al a mighty lot of hours trying tol Hull 12,02, R Hull 14.88, Tran I'he Molson Trophy was| 215 H 4 mie y A 15.14, Reid 17.81 won hy the Scarbore rink, skip: tended Dundas 8t, Kehonl from ned hy Mrs, McCowan, with alt 10 iw m oi Come a 4 4 he! MINE and slay unt pom. The high We of Jt. Boils Me afternoon plasses from Dundas i " M hy M Bt, will start at 8 am. al their Pwin. was a close TURNerUR ew school with # score of 4h points Mrs, Stuart Roblin, King|friends wish her a complete ve ; i § | ARR, icks, Byron street north. Cards treet. opened her home on caver . y 4 AR g 0 IA Thursday evening to the House .. . were Played at two tables and| R YAL CANAD N of Windsor Chapter 10D Mi He rman Rombough, 310|the lucky winners were: firs Fashion Bhow cammitien Frank Bh " Kelton from 3 Mrs, Cora Peel, Brooklin, sec LEGION members to make final arrange Beach Florida, My, [ond Mrs, Hdna Henning, Osh'l WHITBY BRANCH 112 Miami Spring Bil low Mrs, Hdna Sawyer, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1AM MORNING WORSHIP BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 2.45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL A190 Brock St, N., Whithy Pastor: Ray, E, C, Corbett, §,Th, Rad 945 AM Bible Scheel Hour 11:00 AM. & 7:00 PM, Our Paster Speaking Miss Norma Bowen Everyens Welcome #15 AM io Broadcast CKLB Special Soloist ments for the houette' Fashion Show ta he presented on Wednesday, March 1, al Henry Street High School Romhough was vert Hotel a guest at Cal AWS u | : "Whithy, The hostess served a dainty lunch including a hirth:| Mi Phyllis |day cake in honor of Mys, Rose On Monday and friends gathered ta) Packer I'he relatives | Il There are still a few new member | ship cards and badges 10 he picked It is hoped that allt was nine yéars since Hedy has seen his family Il up. Please see the steward struetress large number of ladies will at hostess served a buffet lunch Whitby Baplist Church REV, THOMAS WEBB UNITED CHURCH 11:00 AM==Girls and bays under 1 Jaan 11:00 AM Infant Cars, Junier Warship, WHITBY seals returns $1." he sald, "we and Gibson " tend Wendviee ¥ oo will have mere than ample. The finals will he B68 sevies Mes, Alex Thompson, Byron endylee, daughtev af Mi js. funds far the society hoginning Sunday February 26 stveet north, has been confined, The weekly euchre club mel ni Mw don dren MeCul -- - TTT TTT ---------- at 9.00 p to her home with sickness, Herat the home of Mrs, Grace Bhat! + | al pm | WHEE hivihday on Thursday, Rest i wu ia 5 8 ii SE wishes ave offered to Wendylee JOR x See fOr many happy returns WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY | - b » HOME ACHOOL SPEAKER Gearge L. Roberts, Principal § af OCVE will he the speaker at a meeting of the Dundas Street § Home and School Assaciation on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 830 pm Not only aie all parents of Dun & das Street School children invit: 8 od to attend, but members of home and school Associations from other Whithy schools are) invited Even BROCK WHITBY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Feature Starts at 7 and 9:25 ing Shows 7 and 9 p.m, SATURDAY MATINEE Lid RR going he Bh w ART KING ST, SCHOOL CARNIVAL \ -- a\ Ning Street Publi al. Ah \ Wh , ORIG | ley \ cal { ahi and Ruth Read 10 Schoal shaw their happiness | Arona, nday altlernoon hy «Oshawa Times Photo Mis, A. Bamnett, of Part Whit hy. has returned to her home after visiting her san and daugh terindaw, My. and Mrs. A. Bay nett, of Dunbarton. She alse visitedd al the hame of hey danghter and sondinlaw, My and Mrs. R, Glerman, of Ajax Mr, and Mys, Jack Reid and ehildven, Sylvia and Wayne, al |Tavantn, were weekend guests at the hame of Mr. and Mrs Alfred Tripp, of Newman ores cent Mi. Gamet Treen, of Petey hovaugh, visited his pavents, My and Mrs. Elmer Treen, af Euclid street, aver the weekend Family Menuments Created To ® Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Warks 318 DUNDAS EASY MO 83352 $3 ------SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT . BAILING BSH but Avy hi ant SCREENS 4 Lith LA wars Wye! Ti 3 Lov Robinson, new owner; Robert Villemiore, sale Pigtured fram loft ta sight and Genry Gray, athice man hg tim af RAINBOW ALUMINUM MANUFACTURING €O is solely owned and operated by Low Rob mon, formerly in the automobile business in Newmarket, new residing at 317 Cochrang Mt Wik The manager Relisiar of this company am EAT SALES EFFICIENT SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEER, SKILLED WORKMANSHIP on all prods y \ \ ected at plant Out am 5 te wake the Tesdents of the ama prod \ vole a, ht hove of Anodized Aluminum \Wihdn n ding ba] cis which We sordially invite ou 10 visi our mode shawioam 315 BROCK 57. N. WHITAY 'or PHONE MO S386)

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