The Oshawa Times, 25 Feb 1961, p. 15

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(8--Aeqf Seton for Sete WS--Rest Soto Yor Sele (45--Raoh tote Vor Se 45--Reet ote for Soi (47 Automobiles For Sate | THE OWAWA TIMES, Serardey, Vebruery 15, W6V 15 Sg. w few faves for wy fom) " ari roy ETRMET. (ov do, erie ger BERT Ea, Aid gE Testor. Tecmrne WA ls GG ptomebiles Wewted | 50-- Articles For Sale ---- p Ea Wh nl Vg "He 0 nk Wel Aix, hueting #, PEDWELL a | NEW BUSINESS UNLISTED NUMBERS TE = FETE TE om a oF aa pe 4 y a TEA = Wise "Box i ote mee | A ---- LE MOULIN ROVGE MAGEE CATERERS = nm. 19 gress WATS (a, are PART ES RA 8-436) _ LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 MBERT 57 HOME FREEZER Si00LIES A PECIMTY WE CELIVER--RA BAT) ) rpg. & 1 & Plots E room pn rir, on: A BA a ee Bn, wane lor wn 4 dios "en Yoon ine AFARTHENT. Aorriown ns tion, ww Ragin vot hers fis # BRR IRE, IE EAMEE RW 4 Contset #4 Fensomiiie mw 6 pes. VERVE or posers wom for! 4 firemen. so cori ol oid win ok + Fc wir jpeis sein. hme J; pe oe Von DRAPERY MATERIAL taiadded ; Crspes mise . nid " 1855/7 FH) 4 M & C DRY "Go00s | _T4Coting 4, BATH] CANN'S FABRIC §i9 BYROH $7. § VIHITRY -- MO BE152 Kritting oh ring pric, Ws par y A48--Rooms For Rom pl wim WA hen Tor GE Te He 6 rosy og 9 [A is Nae, EH i» 4 nd endbelledball = TY TTA ¥ pra, i ve Tone, Rens Wary rev igi Wid ! lowne IIE, poly Lov gal and Hind Hoe Ww moniity . As allaiie Marek |. Bove, i in BHI Re ARIA permet 1igei iin, washer ahd River, BA SIH2 Jose Restiar. Hh dds 4 A anrneny hiss 1a9ms, fre Founa CORNER ot, 44B~Rooms For Rent CARGE oom" fy rent, Hawt WE priviiskes, Ieiniger may ore. Mick, net home. Apby Wer Bireet, nese Blinsos FUBNIBRER rn, 3 weekly, gentle mar only BLU BA 14858 ONE om lor Heb hovaekesping, som friable, clean, Bese wth Generel Minors, iween sopping cepiie Aown Wh, mised or Bal rmished, mae oF, #1 Fark Hand bowih. BA B48 WOUSE for pent in Harmony THsipiet, | MI sanyeniepess, ml hast, avila ww medinialy, Telephone BA S258 ROUSEREEPING privileges, Hive min wes Avwilown, suit hiss gins wr hiss bright cheery roms Kingsdaie, Telephone RA 8H FURNISHED bedroom omnes, en, Boras RISTOW & OLSEN oh poi Y . " hoa" eh gly Hy, | REAL TORS 150 ACRES oe wy L.A Bruce Biresi BER - siting room and Wichen for! One of the better terms in the Bowmanville district, + pampletely furnished. Apply FH Frontage on 2 paved roads, Dearborn Avenue or Ixlephons Bh ANE or two Turnished honsghes mame, relngersior, laundry. fash s| tie drained, small young 2% Wales, eenteal, Apply 303 Atholl orchard, B room house, a id conveniences. Large i Shaped bam. Listed af $50, 000 with good terms COUNTRY HOME And farm for gity family en paved road 30 miles from Oshawa, Excellent B room brick veneer house with hydra and furmace, 4 mile from ood beoch on Loke Scugeg 60 ocres workable land fresh seed ready for spring pasture makes this farm land a profitable investment. An eppartynity ar $27,000 with 1erms COMMUTERS FARM B86 gers sandy loam farm, sxcellent duck pond renting for $100 per year, small aver vnning stream, Buildings in BOOM for rent, Wn furnished home: | finn repair, Farmer retiring, neon led hy ke business girls, Tels deal location, 10 miles from phone RA 55 Osh n 9 F ly $1 0 TWO single i FONE M41 " 000" ox M790 vale heme, for Sentiemen, otal preferred, len garage for peal GRAVEL FARM 100 qere farm, 20 acres Pre RA 0:1300 NEWLY decorated bedroom and kit tested A-lgravel te a depth of 48 feet, 60 acres workable chen, furnished, would sult two working farm land ream brick peaple, close 1h shopping sentre Mier § pom, HA MATH house, hip reef han, small bush, geod stream, 19 mile ROOM In private home, VERY eonial, SRFING mattress, gontinunus hot water aff Na. 12 highway seuth of Sunderland. A real buy at Bull gentleman. 108 Figin Fast $30,000 with terms i» 85 Ww» ud wel ud we Doth. Lar Ly rr MA March [I w A ool hs Bid, 8 Fm, BE Wom Rand Boh a SPANKING new pone Dedioom sem € Went on growind Fawr of Avpies on! EXCELLENT TE git Miah VEY Rein , es ndl 0 Gi nd { A dd hor Whew IIT ger er enaale Ve 2A Bist be seen Wh 39917 #hier § nw oom sosrtment, coniew,! OV by 110, close ts schools BSE. 5 Pi Pl HOES ores wd mpertetion wer . Fm Li hg ww oe ale Fhene # 087 al ad p Wei: KA ito. 12 Verk Rosd RA 5.4939 Conca agen we have listed ar atsianging yy b-r9om gr A I Vostorey Wick wo 201 College 1. Met water heating, aluminum sorme end SETRENS, ANIMIPWM GING s and many other exis. This sry homes se 4 8 at the full ce of $9,700, with $2,500 down poyment, one | mortgage for the belance Trily & ny of buys, make an appciniment new call 5, MACKD REALTOR, BA B-Ab] Up AIE Thm pest; Haht and wide shed _ 3) #4 Incl oe) ,t Beli ihine Hn rooms, fully mi wih wok ond relrigers Abglainers only 4 mare By lan telephone HA bi in firnlehed ng." "Witson Road th, heal, hyd, oa) [7] bier, (tA i [17 Wert Mh 840 Wi me 188s ranma, A fur { ight housekeeping, eth fhe aldeteln refrigerator, stave and \eleol won. Use of Washing machine and dry or. Central to downtown and THapping Contre, Bult working couple, $18 week Iv, RA bo03 Bi I siting room for [il ath, beoadloom, sveryibing Mig noking piivils £8, betler Wome, Ress haspita), 'RA BAH CLEAN, bright, Jurnished | Nem, lt lie with Hein heds oA Shes senirally located on ane We hav ONE Tavis unfurnished room, MANE able rent 96 Hrings Sirest | ary woman to share home, two hedsoom single beds; working girs a Phone after-6 pW RA For mare particulars en any ef the abeve, call Howard For © der at RA [) S107 ar even Ings RA 8.2155 RA 5:6165 RA 8:5107 19 ATHOL ST, WEST OSHAWA Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WHITBY CLASSIFIED ae oe hans "MO LR ih " ROOM (EN hard for pentiemen, ath ing son hame way fram Fuh on ' dae: rane ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS home, Call ----y-- Available in private 82 Park Road Nerth between § and 7 pm RA 8.867) ing, siding, Yonghing nauiabion, painting Winter pi 8 il Harper, MO §-4558, {POR BENT = Thies ynhirmishe ible for envple; alse parily hi hi FOR RENT = Nowiv decorated Tires | Telaphone fib + 1 i pho Fgh i LN] snaven oO "Yao FY TOWERE 40 #1 sirviolure hot Fi Ring Sirest South, Whithy Ped walvaniand, installed with all ohan 1 FOR [Y) i Foo hres eer Ay Hi + Buaraniesd am suites, with spring = i 1 Low - : "Four "vee Xe 5 yh | ih 6 We wid i Miran oie ms a Eh ed BW IW hadron ENT > LAL A float avy day i _ Fld Blue 847 Wain Righ ue Fain Laundry PF a OR NTS This roamed iF Fa ih Rud Su Wdniatd LB iy ment, pantral, hedvy wiring, andl tn hart one lady, clean, quiet hams 318 Panis Ay oars --_---- shildren any ade Street Bouin, MO § aa 0 fone earners. MO § 160s FOR REXY - Largs modern (wa bed pA Rl afding machines, ah AFLERE In ARATMent hid nw he law press oF al I" Ki * * monstvation all fuel Hes, $80: adulla prefersed Bamiten, Prive Roan hy _-- Bedioam Apartme ih hepied, A an RENT -- Three roam SpAHeHI Apartment bai Ay A Jehiols, Bh Abie V [8 ing, rat Hear, " penn VAIN: Breakin, a hav | -- Rms Fish Vale entrance nel 25 ACRES | # scrms plored with rece SEITE, FEW Gi (IN BH on fos Baidngs ond machinery for form we, io saied two miles from Gov "oe 56071 FOR RENT -- Two an pl ding Have yy he. ne jad hy year oa al Basie Ng facilities. Telephone MO LL \ te y | Lon Wey Wilks apartingas aw and | [Nora Vow CURE A | MUA s, madera ane & ha bed ee Irn y sipped media, ane and we Ne ecieals eauiaped drapes PUTLY APAFImantS fe FRNE, $84 40 488 PAINIRE Rentals M3 10 5180 monthly | Phene MO § ATH Alle Modern theese and fone hdtaol FOR RENT Fourmam house all Bungalows 4 a B11 manthly SORVORIBRPES, arEe garden. alsa twa Sonate Realiar. antael 4 A SAL hive roam self eaniained apart MO RTS WARIS. reasaaable real MO Ra ! FOR RENY LL RENT = Hoag TRAM Rew Apart eam apatiment, A Tait PAIRING Nt ~ thn FRR, Ls hwdia i WaRALY, nakl's BN FOR SALE == Used boat motars, boat trailers and canoes FOR RENY cabin rales SEI saws, sanders. ew WILDE RENTAL SERVICE. & SALES 1415 Dundes §& MO 8.0224 Wie Newly deoarated towy private LL \ Ra i, oR Ch - Av 0 Ve fave wi vey Large gro Wh om BO RERVIONS -- Complele hgh 4 Wg servion far small PusReIes, Wee 5, manihly ar as desired Statements Prapated, Income WA fiwine NY a RES IMARIVG A Mlarations and EN Fonianiesd, « Bax ot and ehain eal and he" IRE rary, RSIGW es gonlastimary Wok snd 7 Coad LE ee XC FRIES, PEIVING WSs SRG Coed dona lie ad IR Gi RRA (6A, wi iakie for sertsl sr medical stfices Aging price $1] 600 66 Frond Mewcsie 9 WHITBY $1290000 ..., $13,50000 .... $1,400.00 DOWN $1,700.00 DOWN Cronforth St. nesr new Anderson 5. High Scheel ond St. Theresa's Separate School Viase Bloadroom lungaions with mehegemy Chess, Mem ona trim, ve ho 8 em ond screens, will be the Iatest in every wey of these cimtom homes scradied for his Gree Mm JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED RA 3.7122 Whitby Estates Produly presents B different Medel Homes of 3 ond 4 bedroom slid brisk bungalows, Fully decsroted with vanities and fixtures DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $600 ONE NHA MORTGAGE ONLY, CARRYING FOR $70.80 MONTHLY $12,090 Ma open located subdivision, with new FULL PRICE aicnes In he GENEIGusly Planned and sa conveniently whao!| happing and bus line Paved roads, curbs, sidewalks, street lights, storms and sanitary sewers in and paid for 0 16F.M NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY » HWY. NO. 2, B50 YDS, EAST OF BROCK STREET, SALES STAFF OM LOCATION WHITBY H. D. BIRK, BROKER AM 1.8520 MO 88734 MODEL SHOWING BY HOMEBUILDERS (OSHAWA) LTD, OPEN THIS WEEKEND FROM 2:00 P.M, TO 5:00 P.M "FEATURING" Clay Brick Ceramic Tile Bath Mahogany Kitchen Twindow. in Living and Dining Rooms Aluminum Storm Door Mahogany Planter Box Colored Fixtures Chrome Closet Rods Split Entrance Basement Garage Hood and Exhaust Fan Built-In Vanity Storms and Screens Vinyl Asbestos Tile Bifold Doors Wrought Iren Interior Railings MH. D. Stove Cable Front Lawn Sedded and Crushed Stone Drive FULL PRICE $14,750 ONE NHA. MORTGAGE FOR BALANCE DIRECTIONS Fram King 5 E Ga North on Ritson Rd te Hillerah and fallow the signs From Simeos $1, N. Ga East an Hillereft te Ritson Rd and fallow the signs From Rossland Rd, E Ga South en Ritson Rd te Hilleraft and fellow the sign EXCLUSIVE AGENT S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8.6286 RA B-6287 RA 8-6288 SALES PERSONNEL Harald Segal Bob Stevenson Bullied acKinnen Dewy Glen | Spring Is Home Buying Time OPEN HOUSE For Your Personal Inspection 2 Model Homes featuring w=Spacious Rooms Carport «Bonded Roof Stone Planter ==Clay Brick 2 Storm Doors «Ceramic Tile Mahogany Cupboards Extra Large Vanity Double Stainless Sink No. | Oak Floors ~Exhaust Fan China Cabinet wmfook Case DIRECTIONS Drive south of Farewell Avenue fram King St. Fast These Homes Can Be Constructed On A Lot Of Your Choice tor further information please contact DON HOWE 67 KING STREET EAST RA 5.7732 } 3 ! | | | | "FoR REAL ESTATE DON 5. SMITH Me Vickary Posi Ente FA 84728 fas fA 84877 WHITE CLAPBOARD HOUSE ; 7 15mm Funwn in Price Mist on town weiter, Price $7,506 wih $500 down HOUSE, BARK, B ACRES Good siwionnial 9 - room lrick. howe on paved rsd. re mite from shed, Hors, sic. Schodk nw Price $16,000 with y+ down. Contact MERYYM BIRD BROOKLIM Prop («S511 Harmony Village Hiding away from the wy traffic, yet so close 19 King S. Ws herd 19 believe, A made! "village with model homes, an archinest"s dream come trie | 3 and 4 bedroom tridevels, spin levels and bungalons with gi1ecned g&/ Goes or carports. Extras 198 numerous 16 High, must be "er TRADE CASH TERMS Visit Ted Cunminghom or Bill Swarbrick Between 2-4 pm. Daily Or call RA 5-6544 for ap- pointment to view. Locotsd on Hermony Rd. South hg posite Donevan High Schoo JOM A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REA TOR INSURANCE HILLCROFT HEIGHTS Three-hedroom brick bunge low under construction, full price $14,600 down pays ment $2,000, Ravine loft, walk-out basement One MN.H.A. merigags, Call PETER JOHANSEN LTD RA 3-9207 OPEN HOUSE This Weekend 1961 POCKETBOOK HOME --3 Bedrooms Modern Kitchen ~Carport ~=Storms and Sereans Fully Decorated Directions Drive east on Hoskin Ave, off Wilsen Rd. §. to Bald- win St, Invest in Happiness CONTACT DON HOWE REALTOR INSURANCE RA 5-7732 67 King St, E LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5:4330 ~ RA 8.5109 BROCK ST Fourrroom bungalow, twe hed: rooms, Bright living room, cheery kitchen, four-piece moder bathream, This heme within walking distance of downtown can he bought with a low down payment, and good financing. Call anys time, Jan Miller, RA 5.2993, NEAR WILSON SHOPPING PLAZA Three:badieam, nearly-new brick bungalow, with garage Large kitchen, 4:pe. bath, mom. Priced at only $11,900 with eonvenient financing Shug will sary ane mon fae Please call Phyllis ubb, RA 3.3240, INCOME CENTRAL Sevensroom bungalow, gone ssh of 2 apartments == 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, Sep- arate entrances, Priced of only $8900. You can ses this property anytime by eal iv Roy Flintett, RA 59484 WARREN AVE It you are interested in @ 900d two storey brick home on Warren Ave. Six rooms, private drive, garage, nicely decorated. call us today for further information «Irene Brown, RA S.3847 WANT TO SELL? Phone new tor an appraisal without cost hligation Wi LSY LO.0F Members of the Oshawa and Distrigt Real Estate Board [mains $340 hho" we, Rowers, Koss, Wim fH [an HOE ov We = ia ET Good gwen cor. Youd - 38 or down, Liens peid oF, DODD MOTOR SALES $14 PARE RD. § FA 39421 ange, wee, em ew, A A HILLCROFT HEIGHTS gies AA Fs le HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION rx BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE LA SERVICE MOTOR TUNED A GEIERAL REPAIRS 87 KiNG ST. WW. fA 37822 Mew, four bedroom brick bungalow now under cone issetion Full price $15, wn payment | $2,440 ~ One MHA, martgage, ravine lof with | wolk-out basement, Call P, JOHANSEN LTD AT yd ak 7, i de 27 Ee en ire, ere ds trie ou West jr Srovping Lote " W--Avtiemebile Repairs $ALL CASHS For Soon gars we dash up ov down, Liens poid MNICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. M., WHITBY HO 8-800 Hr SION came, 4, Eas AG. ohn or td Tl [ad Hit fad it er RA 39207 PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 200 | ship €, gy A ri, 0 St or METEOR Ridesn ", ks Rew Fae, Vail wh LA ", (rade yn 4 ih | onlas, Ws Manvers Towne roam brick house, 7 borers 40 x BO, ime i WONEA Harn plement shed, hen hose, Lid bud acra8, with Ld a bn RE Git oe via At "5 NAVY Boss w ' ANDY iAGY NAGY'S hr 5 fegren cn in Co A PTE hts TE conng, Wresl alignment, yam ond wheel straighten. Ld ey Warr = x. " sTevensow's RO. § vision wed eivett povics, i | farm pond, 65 acres In Fell |shaine A poste phon ments px] oars | wheat, owner would consider & hose in Oshows es down jon COWETT, sedan, Wes] we cimd ear, Cash, bende wr lorme f payment fo | Matar Biles, MO BA [1 CHEVROLET, ooteh cro heen Felinihed od bird ww r, MO ay Hl al woah, id misnian, 9% oe he of i iE Pek up, 0% or hast offer, WRECRING 10% Cheri violet sed iy tang wo bate ane, ooo 6 geres with Texocn Service Station, snadk ber, livin quarters, 4 cabins, 100.000 ollonage. Situsted on Ma, 2 Hwy $14,500 with $3,000 down payment Corner block in downtown Oshawa, small confectionery igs OLOSHOMILE 8 (we Hore, 3 apartments, good tap, In excellent sendition revenue, good location for |Mervies hen Sy Wvact Bout, Row doctor or dentist, Priced of [116 MAS only $27,000 hoof ey OM Victor are AL ete wt Pl padi wie | Bo Atces For Sale p din Ma vi hare ond IRpairn 1or | i HLL i tg LiF a gir. spp 1, fue Ld Gs Feesnd 01 usd A, 47 wo. en "png, BUMP pimp, most ge ELECTRIC "Fange, wr "MH, EA 8-445) USER tires, ot, § od 99, "Woy WHE my "i To 50 Win Ws y dip amine A S404 6 apply Hi ht MORTGAGE LOANS [xaatient condition, en IA selling. HA 3A656 J HAROLD C, PEDWELL BROKER NEWCASTLE PH, 36856 DO YOU PLAN TO BUILD A HOME ? Relieve you of all the worries, have an experienced builder put @ home on your own lot in any location in Oshowa, We buy the best material in sock, Arrange for your money problems the N.H.A, way, For the home of your choles, call the builder of better homes, Ses the JUDAR HOMES In the Cedar Valley |doer, sutomatie, Hatem area, Den't delay, call any tap, radia, hydvamatie, winds i Ih miles, real clean, $1788 time Lisi P A JUDAR whihers, tinted glass, host offer. BA 283 SENECA ST. RA 5.8404 [5425 REALTOR 'MFO ietoria hardiop, Wry, Telephone RA dol 44 new Ionia sans, miles fest Sephamicel Vreneh wry A, Ving eOuntey, Wise a 'y With ier [1] a. orne East 1056 FORD tudor, good: condition, Tilly | till ped with extras elephon me RB # yd far further partie Hee ri bo pf Ry AA AUSTIN #50, driven six months, still} p under warranty, prise No down! pi [oament wasy Lerma tg reliable persan 1064 PONY onan, or TH FORD, In excellent condition. Bes cash aller accepted pnd Lake over hal: ments between ts o evi ry Rd] Bh #0 ONE owner eat, 100 Ohev 1066 OLDSMORILE 8, two dosr fi (wa sell FOR SAL Flack sedei 7 Way, | Phone R Ai Hour Secondhioncd, | GREY did walirenn, WF, Wale: pd alr § wy thd Standors, pa caver pir RA 54408 FURN VRE Et rt te Provingisl or TAs New I} hy Medios, Li ERFFIN ie, ll xe Wolo i es fa cnt betas, | ELECTRORONE | ". W v . {|COAY, thes Suatier, hrow #hard Hest dd #rranged, "ele, AR Tat ils 1 Tmitlon, rep RE CREE, ROW ON w lf A 05, 8 Bulalia yd Hy Mier il IR Hawlelgh Go Wealth Po ut A sr alier § pm nd an Fla ihisand a CR kan oo FT --Cawr & Found AR A Vidar ose "watt o_o 52---Legol Al NOTICE TO DCE ITORS AND Rid new, Visi or hats. in Tele: hone HA 6-168! i Pum witure, 80 Chureh AER Queen a and Telephone [yf we Uh iral on finest In i W sheet. prade-n f mah arkway Television, 918 arth, Color TV on displ Lo ALL PERSONS Javing dlaime ' the ERY Torn DANIEL £0 fmieh, wo late of the Town of n KIA WKIn; Ho) 18-90, i weal _- 6 rssh Bidn, prise 416 Talaphons RA "a mflaw x Poly 94 G. NEWELL and white, Must sell, 88 G6 he | PICKERING Avenue 1065 ROTOR epneh, body work, Jost offer BROOKLIN Attractive brik bungalow, six resteful: ly decorated rooms, 4-piece well Aven 'M A "reconditioned bathroom, basement, lands scaped $11,500, terms, new tires ne mow tres, 6% mortgage, carries $76 sell, HA A707 he Bu Medan, excellent motor, monthly, tax included WHITBY Brick house, tires, hiematle po ud brakes, pr centre hall p Plan, SEVEN rooms, a : Mw B, vadin, Iwo lane, 10M WUIOK y eondition, Apply' id awner, excellen Whitman Orescent 1060 CHEVROLET nine-passenger sta: Hon wagon, ox exlinder, sulomatle, hackup Tights, washer, radio, fe hrakes, extras, good condition LA Parry, YU &74 Aran "San, RR 3 Seagrave 108 CWEVROLEY, Jeaving country, Will sacrifice J a in good cond): Hon. Phone HA 4-348 10 FORD, new slip COVERS, slack, heater, radia, Rest ley over 8 BFhone KA 3.0080 after & Hod VAUXHALL Cresta, While walls, wi tone, grey an maroon, Nw le ae. ale " viaher Wpholste phone HN M Xe Ayal Dodds Vi, posh excellent oandition + ad and take over vale, $145, RA "Mi FAIRLANE Foard iW hop, in a Hood bath, powder room, modern kitehen, basement, garage, sandition, private sale, And eream. Telephone Mi treed lot $15,800, terms Five new NHA, 6% hrick 8 DODGE sedan, goed Wi nn bungalows, six large rooms, dikian and appearances, Ritary, good tres, By Apply M4 Buekingham RA a-821Y drpiece ceramic bath, some with vanity, garage, from $13,800, easy terms Excellent re sales fram $10,650 with $532 down Residential Lots, Commercial, Industrial lands, Whithy Pickering, Ajax Rental Brick six » room bungalows, $80 monthly Ryton, Moma . Many brah TY payments, HA & a i Direct ling ta phghering Lid 0088 ve Whithy, in the County of Ontario, Salesman, deceased, whe died on or about Fobe ruary Fifth, 1961, are quired to file proof of hime with the undersigned on or before the first day of Jon 1961, after which date the estate will be tii having regard only te claims which shall then have been received, NESBITT and BURRIDGE, 14 Finkle Streat, Woodstock, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works, Room B. 322, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ot fuawe, and endorsed "TENDER FOR DREDGING, OS AW ONT" RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The heme of Qualiry, tradis tional and modern age furs niture, Complete room groups available, 295 Simeos South, Bradley's former lee cation = RA 8:317), WATER Purified water for cisterns and wells, delivered any: where, $5 for 1,000 gals, Special rates en request for larger amounts, RA 84771 SUPERIOR APPLIANCE 49 BURK STREET For Jesconditioned furniture, TV.'s washers, stoves, stg, We will buy, sell or trade, For an evaluater telephone RA 8.4873 will be received A MO 8.4703 + MO 8.4703 + WH 2.5770 + WA 3 e813 1953 "BUICK CUSTOM SEDAN Fully equipped, perfect candi tion, Responsible parties, Ne down payment, $22 monthly BROOKSIDE RA S.1247 ACRES [™\'ilis EXECUTIVE HOME | \v~TORS Large ultra-modern 7-room TAUNTON RD. E. brick bungalow, double at tached garage, family ream, Your AUSTIN Dealer Whithy ' Piokering ++ _Torenta , PM, (EST), By MARCH 22, Combingd ain and farm of tender can be sean and obtained at the flies of the Chiet Engineer, R E-443, Sir Charles on Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ont, Distriet Engls ner, Jarvis Street, Yoronta 2, Ont, To ba considered sach tender MU (a) be aceompaneid by one of the altemative securls ties called for in the ten: der documents, NESOAY, BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S RA 3.4663 TYPING PAPER on Sale Letter size, White Newsprint BUY IN BULK LOTS AND SAVE dW pha, 1.00 lb, pkg 2,00 CIRCULATION DEPT, OSHAWA TIMES 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, built RA 5.0331 in steve and even, Many fine features, Calle We have a good assertment of Used C PETER JOHANSEN LTD LL BUYING OR SELLING SEF TED CAMPIN MOTORS 407 KING §T, == OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Read) RA 3.4494 Res, 5.3874 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES « BENZ . DKW Sales and sarvige, Showroom open until 9 pm. at 408 KING ST, WEST RA 3.7132 SABYAN MOTOR dfs seen SALES LTD). aa iM Whacking. hast PEGE Pak RA S100 PARESRORE™ Alle STUDEBAKES VOLKSWAGEN ATS FC wreeking SALES and SERVICE RA dh 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH [FWMIVATE [ON will OSHAWA, ONY Teli RAndolph 3-344) 4 | RA 3.9207 46--Real Estate Wanted "hungaiow th ares; fired as down Reome "Noms rh Street acre farm far house hway heh am, i PUMP alow Oshawa [area I you LR Ww A ne rap arly aall us at ones. W. MeAuley tH a F313 ar MO | 47 =~Automubiles For Sale [TR TREVROLET hiseaine, radio, White walls, twa tone, financing ar ranged, exopliont condition, Taguire Ml Of) Station, King Bash, al town ne 1 'or, 13 Prine Sires 4T8 Wieokers wan Highest aripas vad oash for a Metre Wille Bes | ona QWRAF far 1 olen nthe" (bh) ba made an the printed forms id by the Des partment and in accords ance with the conditions set forth therein, Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the werk, The dredges and ather floats ing plant which are Ine tended to be plod on this work, to eligible must-- ) be of Canadian or United Kingdom registry, and be of Canadian or United Kingdom make or manus eure ond, in the case hy K, equipment, have been in Canada at leost one year prior to the date of Whegtender call, The lowest or any tender not necessarlly accepted ROBERT FORTIER Chiet of Administrative Services, and Secretary -- (Continied on Page 10) OOK, . IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR OR GARAGE SURE TO BE MANY THINGS THERE YOU CAN SELL FOR CASH Use "Parsonste-Person® Wont Ads AT THIS SPECIAL RATE na N Warh Days Only 7 2 5 PHONE RA 3-3492

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