10 THE GSAWA TIMES, Betwiey, February 28, 198) LIBRARY WORLD ; dy Ie there & PowlicHt ange 1 » Awiivie #AgEA FAR wanies i po bins pa PR py Ry Pl Artist Hates [OF VRE, 1RREIRE, FRA Ik y J ing ~ Wk they wien wanted i orn n rican um fiiucteman IMA FeponIers There {or wae. His aly ope was that , dd Rung 0. the ' an wowid he shocked into ad met . WA i 8 ew peer Wy the possession of (he io anew MH The #4 African members of Brynner Book About Children BRING FORTH TRE CHOUD- (ohiow the great epsndes of rick REN, Yul Beywner and Liagetdy . the establistnng of The world Refugee Year end the mal (gts somth of Bvenos oA in 1060 bt 15 millon refugees Aires, # foveed landing mm the in the world represent & pr [yan Aesert, & crash in Cust lem still far from soiwtion. Alemala and the Nnal Feconnws special consultant 10 the Upiedisance (ight over mccwmed Bations Commissioner for Befu- France, in Jwby 1044 from winch gens, and a known fim actor, he never retuned. His works in Yul Brynner, was pengned niclding ight FRghts Wind 1990 ta visit WT refuges cAmpstSand nd Bars The Wisdom in Central Europe and Wndredslof the Sand'. won Wigh hen of others in the Middle East. and awards in many cowmnes Alter this visit Mr. Bronner he- The wikings of BLEERETY #1 came the champion for the oiten quoted by Migen (0 He cane of the world's Mispossess- Sipie the prescenpeiion and ed. In # compassionate and im: ideas of the remarkable French pressive way, the author tells aviator we ahowt the "contimimg hell' : of these "foraatien' people NOBEL: A BIOGRAPHY whase career began with bombs. WY Nicholas Halas and guns and whose life 1s full Each VERE we hear #4 read of silferng ahowt five famous Nobel prize Ih 15 the children for whom Mr, Wt Tew of Ws are acquainted Brunner pleads particulary. With the We and deeds of (he Most of them have never known [OWREer of them, the gener any home except that of Camps Swedish nventor-pacifist, Allred (me hoy, when asked i he had Nobel. Nicholas Halasz made a home. replied: "Yes, ut we the ography of this Hist riais Aan't have & house to put tn it." RAR & Mast aRSOIMIRE hook More than half of this hook Known te many as the inventor is devoted to beautiful and tell- of Aynamite ing photographs made hy Inge' Nobel was also a 5 Maorath and Mr. Brynner. The artist, #8 humanist and business pietures and sincerity of the tyeaon, His friend, the Austrian lext make an arresting story pacifist, Bertha von Butiner that the readers should take 10 cited in her memmrs me of heart Nobel's warmest desire | . 3 wish I cowld produce a sub THE STORY OF SAINT KE ens stance of such frightful efficacy IXUPERY hy Marcel Migen. that wars should become allo To those who are interesied gether impossible," This ides in aviation and whose Teminis-luas the mast paradoxical of cences (rom the last world War| Nobel's invention. Having inven are still fresh, this hook, ahoutiied dynamite, which made the the heraic French pilot-poet and industrial revolution, he turned his mysterious death over the himself into & businessman on Mediterranean ses, 15 of Dgh! an international scale y Ambition wa mast. rribie wezpom. Wis savy 14 CERI bs sre il AHIRERSION iE 16 NER TR (RGR # AEE of Wohel prize winners pad #lf [esakr BEIETEISER RRA RITISIE SEIINOEY, A BIOGRAPHY by Framemon Beja The triwmihs of Bussian Ballet from Ws I RIVERIARER WH Fans in May 1099 were ane 16 the selievements of the gees est Wussian snes whe, already known and geclaimed wn Russia WEIE EAREY 10 periorm hetore Aemanding and spied Fanisian thewtregners. Vndoiniedly the Aggrst SRF RAMONE Ihe Was Vaslay Ninnsky, He was hom in Bissia of Falish parents, hth EHIER Racers Vaslay was sdmitied (a the Im penal Ballet Schont In BY Petershrg, Dunng cignt year wo hard work and training he developed the inherited gilts (9 a perfection whieh amazed Ws ontemparanies, Aer gradua Liam, hie wed four GeaVS of Work # the Maryinsky Theatre in 5 Pelerstmirg, where he danced ws WH Having wrlresdy scored We cess in Pans, where he Sanced AUrIng Wis SUMINEr Vacations he left Maryinsky ahraphly, not without scandal, for a mare hi FRlIvE ARG PFORNGINE CRAFEEF, A a permanent member of hag hilev's company. From saloist he became chorengrapher. His 10 transenhe hal let dancing nla natations, he dream of generations of choren graphers. He was prevented hy Winess from Wii ing this dream The greal dancer was menrahle chaophreme, For #1 years he lived a miserable existence, un tl Wis death in 1050 in London The glamour of his life start ed early, glory. aceow panied him in his adolescence, his later YERAl were marked hy fatal Hine Many hiographers have de erihed Ninsky's tragie hile AL the pige of I} King Kong Hot Show : Hy CARN, KENNEDY Canadian Press Mall Wikker 1008 oi. Even the Giehard Ar repwialion crimes Believing Ws girl friend we of Eye {16 seemed as tRowgh some great faithiul, he stated her 19 8th brown mess, they mwrmred. Wah With ball her teeth miss FA Ay akan aha: ww EESETVME Of FEpEEssed aitection --then called the police #08 how (riendby |ondomers seemed, HE pam hecoming LADEN (EF) -- Look owt, EAmne press WoeB SHE IRIHY EY | amdem--Hing Kong is KAMNE Tie larry, a - Mican aa ad anaes and based on # NY rwetile (rpgely, was exploded Feb. 20 on the of he #04 Primers Thestre ore Pron foes ame aT win had insiired the slim pes { i IRATE RARE God help the Enghsht" ex OR B BIRRAEE, more claimed an Mrican reperier at eal, the sary of King Kong FRE slum ited up olf §is base andl Kong was an ongingl, recalls Awys shahe hetween the races had suddenly hegurd tn be caeaied. Bi the 4 al. ors 10 the Wid.» o yi fire h Ha hands and llaoded the cowl senienced Wm to 12 years 16 is & modest & Hemraomment - This final flow IE Wong 1am 108 five monihs Ing of Is Busting snapped We wardian 1errmces something of # brain i waend Ihrowghowt southern Al Arowned Wmeell In the prison harriers of aperthed, wesw Margaret and # gittering PER, Just as Is pnzelighier dam Inter he Wig they sey His story has heen hammered with," What will Londeners make of Ie With Ins Wilinecken courage ont hy compnser Todd Matshi AMINRUNE the Company kiza in drumming thythms and Nathan Maisie, who i 5 khong the Beart kay Wels of township ie WRN MR PERS FREER fon wer ther smal here, wae TRIGA 19 Komment skelel pad and giared Bt Ihe preptic mm the wider impheations of ny And the audience cheered (he man, and GvErmgeht We Bere cise dow. They wet wanted 19 pense ERgHE miMiepi es In warm, theohing Auk poke of their fine hotel avi: wid pecking kA BIE rammed down on eo the stage | Pal Wiliams, the lne-writer, can hear on any Johannesburg personal nerd of the pre There'll he a viet, man!" # huge, solitary haw & anneshurg Wn 109, It It was a CONEY ' nok with & ifference wn a race: Wh & Wack skin' AL ane time torn land where vielence leaps Ms Bandy career seemed headed white musical Mirector whe or for glory with the prospect of chestrated the score Africans Comraet was can proud of the show as the Afr in the sun hike & brush fire Far the first time in the HERng in England Union's history, # mised audi But the an wilehed a show forged Frustration. One might, in # i f i und whites together out of the songs, dances and he knocked out hy a smaller i } FERRE Iar of native town ship life trican rawr-hlade sales man winle the music; 8 white winan provided the tyres. The cask lived in Jo'hurg's teeming locations; the producer and choreographer in the eity's pros perous white suburbs Wack the publication of Nijinsky's Mary after his death. Ballet ad: mirers, as well as others will spend many exciting moments Wandy- street earner fit" was the word for the WInded ape of #8 man who 0d FRERER CCaminny oh & Penny apeping might in Jn What he pleased, fiercely, in # whistle where his swt easy 18 slreaked with Wes, while ated in separate celled. Kong sank Into brooding £an (Hlasser, Ihe nurse sippnriers of Minister Dy recklessness. he let Wmsell Verwoerd were publicly wishing in Famdan There will he v6 Wf Lie sun in 1961 and h Lun partial eclipses of the moan. sists of # hel course a the tavern = with glass brie piped out by # nehier He JHIRINNE BERER Get y 5 the only FOUR ECLIPSES twa for the whe they wre amide the we gl grow wp wudh brick, These new lames ast peRIRg = Arr i Lass Mrising Imysically Kery than the origimsl--"Kong sways the last rehearsal in Johannes Ws Teal name was Ezekiel hla musical inflwence the Arican walked as iH he meant 10 Mig re. "This ESE ODETR, OF Whitt: IRI the story of every sim: has whsarhed is here, from Vie boles in the pavement Ever they re EEpecting -- We Phe Country boy whe comes Lo (orian hymns 16 AMERCRR av Bophiatown. Ws & whole Wack he ely and 15 destroyed by W. of the recalls rilshrkiia--gt WHR sombre There 15 & lob of brooding eyes and # darker skin on, which you than the wihers, Malle was # professions) veggy Fhangn, whe plays oppasile Fim, Wied to he and the others worked as { clerks, leaehers, domestic sery: i pad x on that Ants IRESSENRErSs and EVER Pros Montreal already show parts oflin the city in 1 vs, he Were #5 Hiwies, al avers on national Magannes MONTREAL, (ECF) Artist Art Biudent's Tenge in Wey Jon Little looked wp from We York snd an 18 + yA A ; creptor of an TAN these Wasted parking An L lots," he mitered. "They make "in & few more years, Vi Mamtreal look Ike # Deawisinl ave pent Fitle, Wi 3 Montreal's scenes 18 years sgn. The taverns are al He loves the oid and hates the and leather naw | They depress me. did fiw " He paused in We shetehing eles wre hes REWIND 10 Jah # PERE) BER PEW FESLANERIS * iE pr FREE wt home We fife "Ean wt this new Saf . Glass Crimmy and sleet. Balmon colored The lgnements are Misap- marhe that's » ok rly, they Never get spy 4 als he people had ooh, i h ahs . He glared in disgust as # Ae: holes where ou very truck roared past themselves -- "m In Fans," he sai, "they'd the back porch oF dove estes on sap the truck in the middle of the ronf the road, take W font nd "Bin lak whit they'r CRIFY IE arownd the artist lo Sherbrooke sieef, qinielly, Here they say "Oh, Ws arehitectivre = and we have to st an Arist sare al I for the rest of ovr The whole city's ehtiered hives" with cars and trucks, If you gol ible recently was a flown lo print Bonsecours Mar: sioned 19 de & series of ket, yon can't see anvihing for hased on photographs of rks! : real taken 70 years ago, Many of Liie's paintings of) the city that have Misappesred, said in the name of progress, His. "Every time | think V've found paintings have heen used 8s @ Mee spot now, there's § sper: § market crowding inte the pie: Litle's technical (raining cone ture. Or & neon sign, rev interest. The book is & depiction|" Fhe idealist in him knew loo Mme Reiss gives us # new ver: while reading the ahave hi of rich, intense Vife, IL 18 Wrik-lwell that his dynamite waslsion enriched in detail thanks io egraphy ten by Marcel Migeo, a friend of Antoine Saint-Exupery, and since 1021 his fellow - aviator, | Saint Exupery's life was one of courage and tenacity and we can "Bounty' Sails Again PAPEETE, Tahiti (AP)=The Bounty sails again The famed ship embarked from Bpithead, England, 174 years agn in search of Tahitian 'Brgadiruit trees to feed West Indian, slaves. In 1085, the Bounty was once mare on the seas for the filming of a movie classic starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton HMB Bounty now is. on an other vayage-=in quest of hox office gold, MGM, which minted millions with a remake of Ben Hur, 18 re-filming Mutiny on the Bounty at the same cost as the Christian epic=§15,000,000, That's a lot of money. Bul when you visit the locations in these fahled isles where It goes STATE FARM WORLD'S LARGEST CUTS RATES IN ONTARIO MAREL LH village constructed al Matavi you can see 4 : ' You can see a greal native ---- . = Ray, where Capt, William Bligh . ' anchored the Bounty in 1780 Y / y You can also see a reproduc as 1 OU 0 e " : y tion of the ship built in Nova LJ if Aeotla and sailed here hy a \ Canadian crew, You can see a high-powered cast and crew walling oul a rainy day al a $20,000 daly cost BUILT BLUENOSE This new version of the famed sfuare-rigger was built - from the British admiralty plans of the original warship In the Lunenburg, N.A&., shipyards of Smith and Rhuland, builders of the Bluenase, fastest Atlantic racing schooner af the 1920s Actually, she is 28 feet lange: than the anginal Bounty at 118 leet, Tonnage 1s 480 gross and 125 net. Below her two decks wre Jddashay CPOWeS marine en FIGHT OF THE WEEK ging five generators, air con ditoning units and "a 20,000 tonight gallon fuel tank il She was launched Aug, 27 1060, and sailed far Tahiti Oct 20 last he ariginal HOumy omens the memanes of mavie fans PRESENT POLICYNOLDERS WILL SHARE TOTAL NEW SAVINGS OF $384,000, , , THE SECOND SUBSTANTIAL RATE CUT WITHIN A YEAR! Clade Chistian, eame here -- - oi htatiun, vue ere: Cha 1 } Nn el © To ronlto Are you a careful driver? Chances [© " So why | i again? are you too may qualify for State | LOOK! A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE NEW SAVINGS rr an oly Si -- Farm's famous low-cost car insurs | ONTARIO POLICYHOLDERS WILL ENJOY THIS YEAR! fim projects \ ance, Call a State Farm agent now! i iv i sss of te ving ere stars bad by swing wih Sake Form wood 's gues: fal thal i mil § al 1 hat will permit. lung hy Are you a careful driver? Da you want de- en Marlon Hrande re-creates the pendable insurance protection fora truly low Gable vale as Fleleher Chris rice? Call yaur nearest State Farm agent tian. He will probably net $1 aday! New Rating Plan! How can State Gar driven 196 pleasuis Farm, well known for its law rates, now afier : even greater savings? The answer is a new 000,000 for the film, including Sal fiiva ht pans 1 to to up te IY ar $14.40 112.00 rating system that results in pin-painted, $3000 a day avertime after five tailor-made rates. They're fixed more precise: | HSU 1 ad Hew IH va | ih up to | $4.80 | 97.00 | $8.40 | 36.80 pg - If you awn a "'eampast' months $16.80 | $20.20 ($16.40 | car (foreign or Canadian), ) JW HUWARD FLAYE BAGH on ly than ever 10 suit your individual eireums | sun way total misass stances, Your rate depends on how good a | vis 15083 m A . State Farm gives you an extra discount in most cases, Mutiny an thy evergreen Ww Stata Farm new has sueh elaasifigations! That's haw detailed and fair the ne faling pian is. That's how we can afford te after sueh new low rates, aspecially ta the better classes of fiaks ameng the earetul drivers, WORKING FARMERS! YOU GET AN EXTRA 20% DISCOUNT) Note ta Present Palioyhalderal The new rates will be reflected (n premium notices an whieh payment is due January 1, 1961 ar after, Three aut of four af you will realize new savings, If you happen nat to ba ane of these, remember the chances are you're still paying leas with State Farm than most folks pay elsewhere, Nag fll Priving Oharastonishies | Ottawa Car wed primary foe | Business: otal mileage over 12.000 a yea didn't make it, A fire broke oul ! in the engine roam 10 days out? risk yau are, not en how pear a risk of Panama. An § O §& was dis patched, bu the hlage was brought under contral. The Ca nadian crew brought the Bounty | to Matavi Bey last Dec, 4, just! 8 days after departure Captain Bligh had required almost a year to got there fram | England, but he had only sail and a restive crew ! Most of the cast is British Trevar Howard was signed to portray Bligh at a reported $375.000, Others imported fram London include Hugh Griffith, Richard Harris, Duncan la mont, Percy Herbert, plus Chips Rafferty fram Australia AIS year ald native girl named Tanta was selecled to play Brando's native sweetheart in the film, somebody else is! For axample, i You drive far pleasure, JOH \ Loamples a6 based on full coverage 196 4 1960 Ford Failane. V8 4 dons sedan 10% be clasaitiad anly with other pleasure drivers, | (gai iu an Props Damage Labity, mds 310000 $20,000 30d 15.800 and you'll pay the low rate that's fair for you Medieal Payments, bmits $500; Comprehensive (Wik and $100 Dedushible It you drive less than 7,500 miles a year, you'll | Soboen Coverages) No male drives wader 119 25 Savings samparisnns haved a) be classified with ether similar low-mileage | Mf nermalien avaible Navembes |, 106 drivers and again pay the low rate you deserve TEX AVE AR GUUS ORE GRRPRUNIAG YOUU Fale, 400 XaU( 106al Stal Farm agent, Own two cars? State Farm's sacand-car discount applies to collision insurance as well as liability, STATE FARM the caretul deiver's (and careful buyer's) CAR INSURANCE / State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Canadian Head Office: Tareas, Oatarie Contact Your Local State Farm Representative: ZEN M. WARENYCIA pou ni soi