The Oshawa Times Published by Canadien Mewspapers Limited, 86 King 5. E., Oshawa, Ont Voge 4 _Frdsy, Fabnsry 24, 196) Try To Relate Welfare Cost To Ability To Pay A furious debsts is going on in the United Kingdom over the Macmilion governments propossls to adjust the costs of state hesith, welfare snd housing to whet it judges 10 be the tressury's abi lity to poy. Following recent adjustments to the heslth service, which increased direct individual contributions te the scheme and sls the charges for me dicines, there is the announcement of 8 new netionsl ilding policy, Present state subsidies for low-cost housing sre to continue snd mey be @aduslly incressed, but in the futire the sim is going 10 be 19 see thet those whe can afford to pay whet & house sctuslly costs do so and that only those who wre in need get help, In this wey, it is estimated, subsidies for slum clearance rehousing new towns snd old peoples dwellings be boosted, This is something of & revolution, #8 the Christian Science Monitor points out. It is arousing some disappointment snd resentment; people get used to paying "whet they do for things, snd sven when they get some service "free" ean quite genuinely lose any awareness can of being swpporied by others, even perhaps by others worse off then they; and slmost everyone objects to # means test 1g see i he or she qualifies as "poor" or net, The British government can hope 19 reduce the opposition, snd even chengs i to understanding, 19 the extent thet it convinces people by is sections thet its purpose is justice, the Monitor thinks = thet it sims to ensure thet ne Briton has tg live in 8 slum, or can be denied physical care for lack of money, or is going to be forced intg deeper poyerty because of age, Welfarism may be controversigl snd contradictory, but compassion is univer: sel and untroubled, The trouble with wellarism is thet only & rich country can really afford it while only & poor country actually needs it. The cost of welfare snd subsidies if they sre freely wveilable to sll ohviously becomes prohibitive, When most people can gfford to pay their own way the need for sid diminishes, And if, nevertheless, many whe do not need financial help continue to receive it while their neigh. bors get nothing, the evil of privilege is reintroduced, Safety For Children A child in shining armor? I children were shining armor they might have greater protection in to days desth dealing traffic, But the only armor we have in which to clothe our children today are the rules of traffic safety we teach in the home and st school, Parents must assume responsibility for training their children in sound traffic safety habits as they have the care and control of the child during his mest formative years The major contribution of parents is sxample, It is of little value to tell a child that he must cross the street slways with a green-light if Mom snd Pad thoroughtiessly defy » red light with junior in tew, A study of child traffic the prime accidents over several years by the Ontario Bafety League showed that the majority of these accidents were caused by six specific hazards; and from these stem the basic pedestrian rules that children should fallow: Go with the green, not in between, Look both ways before you eross the street and walk (don't run) when vou leave the curb, Keep out fram between Parked cars, Ride your bike safely i obey all signs and signals, (Bmall children must ride their trikes and scooters on the sidewalk) Play your games away from the street, Where there are ne sidewalks walk on the left side facing traffic, (Wear or carry something bright at night), wagons, in a wile place Now Leap Backward The disasters which overtook Come munist China's agriculture last year have impelled Peiping to some drastic steps, The most dramatic of these is the concession to peasants organized inte farm communes which were little more than forced labor camps, Now, it appears, each peasant is to be allowed a little land of his own, to keep a pig and a chicken or two, and, most im: portant, to eat or sell any surplus pre duction, After the leap forward, step backward, the New York Herald-Tribune suggests, Although the Chinese Came munist autharities are interested in long-term land improvement, the agri cultural output required support their industrial plans have evidently laid too heavy a burden on the countrys side. The communes themselves were organized in bureaucratic panic when the demands on the Chinese earth were fully understood Although the droughts, floads, storms and insect plagues of last summer could hardly be blamed on a Come munist admin stration, it seems certain that the land was {ll prepared to meet The Oshawa Tinves Eb WIION, Publisher and Sansmal Mansaw © GWYN KINSEY, Site the to Tha Ow sambining The Oshawa Tiny iy PT Bnd the With Gazette f ich (atabianed 1883. Bublished daily Sundava and Matulery halidkive sscaptedd) Mamba of Canadian Dally Newsapsn Bubiivhan Awesintion, The Conadian Pies Audit Buieen of Clisvlation Ry We Ontaria Pravine Daten Awe siation, anadan Pram wu esehaively entities 9 Ha ™ ™ wovhiication af all ews despatched the fcos cradled to 0 ote (he Aneciaied We 0 Reuited and alia the eel neva published herein A Toh ot wecial debatches Ge ale ated Oiticas Thomeen Ny al A Vitveisity Ay Torenta Ontari 840 Cothatin treat, Mantteal, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Wit, A vared By oarrieis In An Iamanvie. Brookin, og Parry. Poines 1 op nav Hompton, Frgnehman's Bay, WA ad avatan. Duona Dunbarton Banik iien, ona Wo Boovigham TARRBIE, { apmant Columbia, Gasnwaod Kade, #ackatech Manchester Pontypool and Newest, tat ower 4% Po week. By wall Bn piavings oF Dadowiol Svivele Sonia h delivery oreen 12000 ehmewhere (300 pw he Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 them, Cropping of marginal land, soil exhaustion in the more fertile fields, forest clearing and insufficient fertilis gation resulting from the attempt to increase harvest undoubtedly contribute ta the agrieultural failure of 1960 Agriculture is the dominant problem in China because, besides feeding a vast and rapidly growing population, it is necessary to export food in erder to pay for industralization at home, Bo the pace of industrialization itself will slacken, This is » situation which the Russians must have predicted to the Chinese, and which must he partly responsible the friction between Moscow and Peiping, purely ideological though it may appear on the surface, Indeed, the Chinese might have profited hy the Russian experience with 'intractable farmers and recaleitrant soils, if vot hy Russian achievement, Other Editor's Views PAYING FOR COLUMBIA (Vancouver Sun) Ottawa will get its money back if the Columbia development pays, It will not make a profit, If there is a loss, it will accept it, In the financing, if Mr, Bennett can raise money more cheaply than the Federal treasury can, then Ottawa will charge only the lower rate against the project, and pick up the tab for the difference, Tt is weak ground for British Columbia to dig its heels inte, And, in any case, this 1 00 time for healdigging Bible Thoughts And take thou unto thee Aaron , + that he may minister unto me in the priest's office = Exodus 28:1 Jesus Christ, our high priest, is Gods mighty snowplow that cleared the track that man might find a way from earth © heaven, for How lightly you gad about, changing your way! = Jeremiah 3:38 A lot of own wouble is caused hy being off center; we depend on human alliances instead of God Himself, LIBEE maveks yan / CRAMIEES ~ od ig THIEN seusTe OTTAWA WINTER CARNIVAL OTTAWA REPORT Bits And Pieces From Parliament By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Last week ihe Bpeaker of the Benale, Hon Mark Drouin, and Madame Drouin held a reception in honey of the divectors and gsetors and aciresses of La Comedie Fran caise. This theatrical eompany from Vrance's most famous stage of comedy and drama 18 Row touring Canadian cities gly ing performances before sell-out and enchanted audiences As Bpeaker of the Benale, Mark Drouin ranks 80th in the Canadian table of precedence among Canadians who are nov mally in Otlawa, Bul the eharm ng and attractive Jeanne Biouin is rated as the No. 1 hostess on Parliament Hill for the gracious manner in which she receives her guests at her #lways-enjoyahle receptions Mere man in the House of Commons perhaps does not even notice those gaudy sports shirts worn hy the CCP sell-advertiser Frank Howard, But they quickly proved too much for Niagara Valls' new MP, Judy LaMarsh Bhe presented him with & white Shirt as a hint, But it was not adult sige, only Juvenile size, and MPs are wondering if the choice of sige was also a subtle hat by waspish Judy that How ard should grow up Retween the end of the wary and the elose of last year, 4,000,850 Immigrants came to Canada. The British Isles was easlly the prime source of New Canadians, supplying 641,065 Haly was second, far hehind, with 260,437, Then in order fol lowed Germany, the Nether: lands, Uh A, and Poland, Our ariginal founding nation, France was our seventh source of set Hers, sending only 45,978 In those 14 years Canada 18 mare than pulling her welght in the jaint defence of North America. Although aur QUEEN'S PARK | tegm population is only one-tenth that of UB A., we supply 18 per cent of the air foree squadrons now deployed hy the North Amer: ican Air Defence Command (NORAD), And we have paid no less than 80 per cent of the cost of the three radar warming lines stretched across our northland U.8.A. paid all the $600,000,000 cost of the Distant Early Warm ing, or DEW, line; we paid all the $200,000,000 cost of the mid Canada line; and we pald one third while UB.A paid two thirds of the $525,000,000 cost of the Pine Tree Line the federal elvil service rose 10 per cent last Year Apart fram cases of casual sick leave, 78,888 med leal certificates were issued, covering 717,786 working days during the |etest year sup veyed Hiness in The Canada-United Btates In terpariigmentary Commitiee Is meeting In Ottawa this week, On Baturday, the group will fly to Quebee City, where arrange ments have heen made to pro vide a tour of the sights and historie siles of that. old capital Hon, Mark Drouin, Speaker of the Benate, and Benator Paul: Henrl Bouffard, and Senator Josie Quart are the Quebee City members of the 2-MP Cana dian delegation The Newfoundland Board of Liquor Cantrel has struck an imaginative blow to help that provinee's tourist trade, It prints a special label hearing a map of Newfoundland, a por trayal of a schooner, and the ttle Famous Newfoundland fereech, This 1s affixed tn bot tes sold by provineial liquor Slores, whieh presumably eon tain West Indian rum with whatever additives make the consumer screech in the New foundiand tradition, Premier Finally Tested On Rules Ry DON O'HEARN TORONTO=It's like a snake chasing its tail to find its head," That was one eynical mem: her's desoviption of the eurvent House, Going vound and round and gelling 50 mad it tries to hile off its awn tall One result: There may have 10 he & new desk for My Speaker, Hon, William Murdoch has pounded his present one so much It is beginning 10 wear out, FIGHTING PREMIER One reason for the. frenzy of this year (aside fram the fact that the House is frustrated in NOL geting Us work done) is that the Opposition 1s standing Wp firmly 0 the government an ales, For a long Wwe Premiey Frost had things largely his own Way Wm he ohambey For years he was the oham bey What he said went But now both Liberals and CCF ame standing wp 10 him AR the change is remarkable PREMIER DUCKED Ve GAY, 9 Instance, Atha Reaune Actually oharged that ne APORKET Was wader the Jhumb of the premier This, of course, Is about as big a parliamentary sin as you can cammit In other years when a refrac Hon was asked it would Rave been humbly given But not this year. Wher the ehalrman of coms mittee asked him to retract My, Reaume sald he wouldn't, And all of the Opposition members hacked him wp, He should have been named, But My, Frost obviously didn't Want 1a see him named---and got all the publicity he would fecaive He wa side-stepp WAS SOUR Taking advantage of House ules, course, 1s part of poe Hueal and patliamentary prag- tive, One does not got indignant aver it normally, (And when Opposition members do got ine dighant they are only playing he game.) Bul when it goes to extremes oan be sow And It had reached the sour stage in our Howse This was nol the goverament's fault really. The main fault was hat the APPOSITION Was weak And 1 is heartening to see 0 FIORE AR. od 10 get the issue BY-GONE DAYS # YEARS AGO Oshawe Intermediate Hockey advanced in the OHA championship race, eliminating : Cornwall by five goals Approximately 70 ladies Bl tended the annugl Women's Day of Prayer in 8t. Andrew's Unit ed Church with Mrs, ¥. J. Max well presiding Mayor R. D, Preston vecely ed assurance from the Ontario government that Oshawa would receive the same assistance 19 wards unemployment relief as granted the previous year H. D, Tresidder was appoint ed manager of the newly open ed Toronto office of the Dshawa Daily Reformer Peler Christie of Manchester was elected president and W. ¥ Batty of Brooklin, vice-president of the Canadian Clydesdale Horse Association al is annual meeting in Toronto W. H, Wilson, Bh-year-o0ld In dian Mutiny veteran, passed a way #t his home on Broek street ean All the pupils at Mary Street Publie School were given a hol day as the result of an explosion in the hoiler which blew oul foot and gas The first anniversary of Knox Preshyterian Chureh was ob served with special services preached. by Hey, Dr, A, §, Grant of Toronto The second annual banquet of the Employed Boys' Brotherhood was held at the YMCA with Btephen Baywell acting as chair: man, Norval Luck, general see: vetary of the Broadview YMCA, Toronto, was the guest speaker, L hike es 4 greet gs Larrespontem, For The Osha Times LONDON ~ The wily head vaiigl MLTR ith We hi, IR e¥ls WigrRtion 15 Biikein Wn 1908 w fii #nd twice § ida iod figures in rr ou hia #10 Puss dss # ill Laem i the Hiniee of Commons 16 Eo teak immigration of colored pene wie ints the commtry. He Wanls INSIDE YOU 23 i SR if ie yt | * i Rest Important To Ease Ulcers By BURTON HW. FERN, M.D, ALLENS family paced the Cornder nervously while sur: Eeons tried to repair ne weer Only five months oid, Allen glrepdy belonged 19 the weer sel, where males outnumber females § 10 1, Women seem protected until the change of ife ~ technically erlled "peplic wleers', are OPER BOFES incide the stomach or small intestine, Perhaps the lining 1s eaten away hy excess stomach acid, Perhaps Ws pounded and sandpapered hy hopped-up n- testingl muscle, Bo one knows, When your stomach emplies # few hours wefier: eating, the ulcer gnaws like a giant hunger pain, Bometimes spasm sharp: ens the ache nto cramps Creamy milk and most 1908s can quiet this pain, but alcohol and spice feel like salt being rubbed into the raw wound You have to swallow chalk: like often chocolateflavored barium to outline the ulcer on X-ray pictures. Even then, the doclor has to push your stomach up, down, back and ground ta gel the proper pose The main ingredient In ulcer remedies 15 rest Acid neutvalizers and sooth: ing milk or cream slow down acid secretion and rest Intes tinal muscles Tranquilizers, psychiatrists and other nerve soothers can rest your mind when worry and disappointment PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM trouble with the "resl heatniks 18 that they are "Dicers', The Bone'! not "People who ave able to work after age 66 should do se," says # physician, In quite a few cases this would not he possible #5 an old dog ean't learn new tricks "Why wives ean't talk to thely hushands,"'="Title of magazine article, If any wives ean't talk to thelr hushands, the reason must be that they have lock: law Wasn't about the ultimate In galt" living veached not so long ago with the introduction of the electrically-operated ean: opener? Inland freight and focal faxes axle In fact, with a Fiat 600, everything goes a long way! Money tor instance (buys a great car, plus loads of extras as standard equipment), A gallon of gas goes a long way (50 miles or more), Parts go a long way (practically never wear out), Passengers can go a long way, too, (in four-seat, foam rubber comfort), And, you'll go a long way toward making driving (and parking!) a pleasure again. pre hard Wb slomach, A fill of nervous tension and hh tration can INgger wicers, This may explain why wicers tend 10 calm down during leis spring and summer, when flow: ers bloom and it feels great 7 be alive. And why one Canadian doctor throws the special meny nto the wastebasket once the Weer ealms down, Hig patients smoke, drink, earouse and eat Anyihing, hit, he claims, their ulcers don't kick up sny more often than those lregled with the spice free, greaseless, non-aleoholic MERUS, Now don't go off your ulcer diet! He hasn't proven his ides vet, OFFSETTING NERVOUS TENSION Nervous tension won't affect your uleer i your feelings can't he telegraphed to the stomach, Many ulcer medicines numb stomach nerves that CRFFY these MEBBARES. Surgeons Sometimes eul these Nerves on purpose, But this and Other surgery is usually resery: ed for complications like Allen's bleeding, FEMALE HORMONES British doctors have cured ulcers hy giving men patients the womanly protection of female chemicals (hormones), But manliness disappeared a- long with the uleer, As doctors strive for a per fect ulcer cure, one thing is certain, Until they find it, you can expect more and more Age: thky Beis 16 FELIR home pol want 16 Ao 6 from thet they showid be vetied on bewith grownde and on eriming grovnds,"' There ah Shanes of Bere very far Commons. 1 w up the strong which existed two hb 9, There are am rong ings ehowt it in some the country, "The Deptiord, Tn instance, is grest: Wy worried hy increasing overs crowing wong its his eoléted In habitants, racial ay in ine horovgh, I is asking the government io give consideration to the sifeet of wnrestricied Smmigration on health and housing tions, This netion 1s heing taken he calse of & Warning given by the horough's medics! officer, Dr, 4. Kerr Brown on the overcrowding, He tha immigrants were enlored being given proper sdvice nt living standards in this country, and if the influx were not eons trolled the position eould he. come very serious, Large houses, said, were hroken hog into small fats and allowed to he een) hers far In excess of fy yu limits, Deptford is planning, alse, » full-scale survey of immigrants in the borough, hecause of racisl tensions which have heen grows ing, Bo while on the surface, the enlgr problem has hecome very quiet, there are indications of sore spois not toe far under: neath it, fee) tors to come down with ulcers! Dr, Fern's malihox is wide open for letters from readers, While he eannot undertake to answer individual letters, he will use readers' questions In his eolumn whenever possible and when they are of general inteps est, Address your letters to Dr, Fem In care of this newspaper, re -- would like to enter a If you have previously ewned, er had a desire te own yeur ewn business, and we have semething which should interest you, This Is Sales werk of a completely different nature | Car a necessity, Phi MO 8:8005 To Arrange An Interview very profitable field, fiat Suggested retail price Eastern Port of Entry, DISTRIBUTED. RY. CHRYSLER