/ SCENE ON 'BOUNTY' LOCATION 1780. Riding Background sion of Bounty gt anchor Wn the film ver buiit at Lunen Fan dives wnly. Fhe petion 1s FEMALE AahEe the refilming Provincial PMs Fight For Better Tax Deal Jungle of the From now on i's man for himself in the in discontinue the come field." when pre Premier Lesage of Queher March expressed hitter criticism of the plan. He told reporters "an immense deception unthinkahle an | [Ana Where the OER 5 Feit y HH i of MN fist wn Mu By f 0 the ax 19305 ang By ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press Biall Writer OTTAWA (CP) of the 10 provincial premiers (0 day the Do Lon-proy bargaining table. Every winted to a determined fight ta get hetier financial terms from tawa for the radicall era facing them Prime Min proposal hie sili WETRImer [ the turn ' / ta fax M fem at nelal Vv i ARIEEMENIS Xt EEPITE od Fl federal prov: it is a not acceptable of unbelievable," in Premier Frost into whose provines anly one uhstantially said the proposal is "very, very remaved from Ontario's re eal hat of federal mea the receiving collections n nstean of new tax of Ontario would he the and corporation he forced tax tr ter Diefenbaker's come will Thursday Ine OVETNIIE nt cr With Lhe lax Ia hea ene ing Ir owl io gan Ii miler Ag 4 $ Lhe prime minister gid al left the provinees far ! mn Li that auiremenl MARITIMES PRAISE the other hand three Al lantie premiers--8mallwood of Newfoundland, Stanfield of ova Beotig and Bhaw of Prince Edward Island-had praise fo the plan | The prime minister promised an Increase to $45,000,000 from 25,000,000 annually in the spe Atlantic pravinee adjust ment grants shared hy the four provinces Premier Rohichaud of Brunswick said the federal "extremely dis cal conference he thi I tahls their an £ DENSE of tans tart ar Mr. Dielenhaker offered premiers increasingly more Lax ing room in the personal income tak field, And he said the fed eral government will collect the provincial taxes for free under certain circumstances But he also proposed a down grading of federal equalization payments to needy provines that, for some of them, would wipe out the henefit of the larger tax share CRITICIZE PLAN At least half of the premier were strongly eritieal of the new federal plan which would government hold of FTaisIing Ihe P ng own ine On fake next ye hilit Oe ponsibility On 6 present tas-rental agree allot the provinces 18 pey cent of personal income tax col lections and nine per cent of corporation profits--roughly 22 cent of the corporation in fax lake ment peg come PROPOSE Ha In place REDUCTION of this, the proposed a reduction in the fax prime Progre federal | Fanging from a 16-per-cent cut in 1062-63 Proposal J a 20-per-cent reduction in! 8ppointing 1066 Much of the provincial criti he = federal corporation in| "18m reserved for the fed eastern Bul (er ersonal Iincoms Werf fl H7 Sale Of Indian Land Causes House Furore [| i | : OFIAWA (EW)~"The sale of # fraet of Indian lend Rear Gaama--aR TERRERETION AREETRA ae igi ons" by Fiera MF i. W. Plakersgii--radacest an explosion Thersday ww the Com Nad Mr. Pickersgil, member for Bonavista « Twillingate, clashed wih Citizenstig Minister Fam: cowgh Ww # sormy Relieve | spate that lindied Wah fer { m on both wider of the Homes ! yr, Pickersgi 'dada Bl iis attack, peswied Wire y A clowah nd her Aepartmental Aavisers of EEE NEENEERCE and dereliction of duty for jet tng the lend go at what he {termed an Inadegiate price | Mrs. Fairclough, fished with FoI} indignation, faweht back with ; the assertion het the |ihersl SM WNW UF was being "decidedly brves 3 "fa poniiie." She wise called hm Pp ("the worst fusshwdgst in (he Y's Havise | ANGERED BY SALE Mr, Pickersgitl was incensed that part of the land the Chip pewn Indians sold te Dimen sional Investments Limited ahowt. g veRr RES was resaid hy imensiongl to the Ontane Hy dro-Electric Foawer Commission A HER MERET Fale Indians collected $6521 3.100 geres--ahowt ¥1.206 Dimensional eatlected from Hyden for 176 ahout 87.006 an pers Fickersgill 1s the former mimster of eibizenship, & por folie thet includes responsi ity for Indian affairs It the second yess ning Mr, Fickersgill af The M46 fom mR RETR $1.20 mh REYES Mr ad Fel had Wes that from wans of the big, N original ship Nuclear Deal For Orenda? TORONTO United fueiear Oificials firm (CF) Plates fl TORONTO (CF) Raberison MAKINE Davies, editor, author and play Equipment Bre wright, has heen appointed conferving nearby Mallon master designate of Massey with Orenda Engines Limited College at the University of mn the prospects of Ovenda 18k: Toronto Ing over some of The appointment rng operation: nounced in a joint statement 16 IL, K. Black, general sales day hy University President Dy manager of Teleflex Ine, of Claude Bissell and Rt, Hon, Vin North Wales, Pa., said there 1s cent Massey, chairman of the # possiblity the Canadian firm Massey Foundation and former might win nuclear energy con: governor-general of Canada, 1 tracts in the U worth $5,000, will take effect when the col an in twa or three lege opens in the fall of 1062 YEArs "Mr, Davies will be the admin The of istrative and intellectual head remote control systems and ©f the college, a residence for other equipment. About one- graduate students being built fourth of Ovenda's work now is furmshed and equipped hy the ir Brey foundation Mo i hy d Iu if 9 There will he no formal ye di ag 0 fed al oo! teaching within the college, In pears Rio ad Fl gov tellectual attainment will he the ernment cancelled the Avro Ar 4 only hasis for selection of the fou i fighter program. I fh 70 graduate students, or junior Hg foquata engine iM fellows, who will live there Mr, Black said the first WILL HAVE SENIORS enda order vesulting from a The college will also have a two-months-old agreement he: number of senior fellows, all tween the two companies is for drawn from the teaching staff $700,000 worth of components of the university for a nuclear reactor in Haly Mr. Davies, his wife and three He sald the companies are daughters will have an apart working on two smaller orders ment within the eollege for reactor parts for the United! The master designate is edi Blates i POWER al Hs manila wa un A Year orders might consist alam WHR Oy ply for five years starting Apri come tax would be reduced hy eral plan to make a fundamen firangii. my the Samia land desl IRE Commons Wivs COMM, He #ian 160% SWiGes wl IVER sdonel and the Ontario 199 ART sm That (He [and LIRRERCtion asl. YERY He swid he Commissions Fe: port "whitewashed the part of wtario Wyden in the Aes Mir, Pickersgit made # mom Wer of WncomEimeEntary Isler eness (6 FAmensionl, AeCanng gem thet judging from Toros and WRer REWEpRpers WH was "hol me of the most ancient nd rep aie ga mizations wo hie if he CARY He referred to firm as & ""Byhymght Fes knfle perRion, Alea wht the sowrece for Wis reference (6 the Tova COMME sion, Mr. Pickersgit rephed I read the Rewspapers na It Is reasonatie 19 AEE Eoronts yr proved that when #0 HIE REWSPRpETS Agree mw # fact ¢ ihely to he # fact Kaunding owt Thivrsday's bet ter amiAg rr. Pickersgli swe gested that Mrs, Fairclough w Higle an tigation tn Geter mine Whether here NACTHARGIRE WF hetween Ontario Hyden and Ii rar Investments hefors fie the Indians to MERSIONRI Was Comes SUGGESTS REDRESS I thers Hen an } eat that The ld ahs ery nn give FY RH Was i sale Wy RETR whe Wi SH Med iia ment mater Hiakk there ran Lrusiees He said the Chippewas have CRFTLHIN aime FRAKES the Indians dds is 5 still WN WE wr Robertson Davies College Master tor and publisher of the Veler horough Examiner and is visi profes of English liera al College, Tr i Trinity ing bre mtn Mr. Davies horn Wr Thamesville, Ont., in 1918, He attended Upper Canada College and Queen's University hefore going 10 Oxford as ms research tudent His thesis was aspect of Bhakespeare's matic technique WORKED AS ACTOR After Oxford, Mi went on Hy time a member Company in London ing an actor and on dramatic Hlerature in school that was attached to the theatre ? He has written a number 0 plays, most of which have heer WR written on ar fra stage 1] \ 7 work performed in Canada, and some (the vote was favorable, If that the had heen & vole in a in Norway, Bwitgerland, U.8. and Great Brilmin He has written @16 hooks many of which have also ap peared in Great Britain and the UE, and in translations latest work, A Volee From the Attie appeared in the UR, an Canada In 1060 and will he pub lished in England this spring, imei gatan any agreement' again 16, thie that WE Davies and was for © gathered to vote on the sale of the Old ta Dimensional there seemed to lecturing the His| proposition was made hy the 'Mike Starr Denies Reprimand Charges FTAWA (CF)--F abhor Wimig-. CCF Fender Argue snd J, W fer Bary isoned # Rested de Pickersg iff (F, Pomavieta nial the omens Tharsday Twillinguie) sngaasiad thet the fo & Frege Hat wnempioyed suliect Be referred to & ow persone wn Git kad heen "rig mittee fav further study rimanded and intimidated Mr. Starr Mengreed, saving National EMG IREnt BEFVICE noting comtEnverSRl was officiils [oF Renting Bovienias yoiged, The charges wers fo ® Conservative WFP orely witht foundation The iswne tonched off A067 Mr, Argue persisted, asking exchanges betwen Mr BOF, that Che musing relation: CCF Leader higue and Willem committee be allowed 16 hear ARBETEOR (PO = Weron witnesses on the matier Sowihy, | When Mr. Anderson said the CA Cathers (PC ~ York charges were falee and "made North) began i by aoking ME. for solitical pwrposes," the CCV Barr hoot REWFpRIET TEPOFIE (coder trtaniad; "A Totten state that persons who sent PIES mene r Leads fo Mr. Anderson asking where they cowid find jobs were calied win the NES office af Galt and reprimanded Mr. Barr swid "ne one wes reprimanded or enticized in the any way" by WES officials, Hel wr aid the cards, poperently pert of # "campaign were males Barr for advies, Mr. And- CTsOR Was RAvised to send the jails to the WES office at Galt make # statement (6 the effect! The lahor minister said NES (that is remarks are decidedly oNcials had called the card. bevespons Lh le" retorted Mis [Wikers in for interviews 16) Frirciough les whet type of Jobs they I think we made an exeetient "oid handle deal for the Indian hie said, Mr. Anderson said Larry Bef ad | have no apology to make ton, head of the district office in anvhody, including the honor- of the United Steelworkers of alle memher, for that desl America (CLL) in Toromta, has Fhe department had oained issued a press release Saying vitluations on the land ithe card-writers were 'intimi and none of them came any: dated" at the NES office where the valuation that! That charge, he said, was my honorable friend now likes disgrace." to propose ah Being a (rue val My Starr said the charge was ¢| wation of thal jropenty completely unfounded, NES of Wo Bis Bus Lg ficials had not yet reached A from Ontario Hydro on behalf sage of efficiency where they of the Indians could recommend persons for 'Hyen i Hydro had paid di Jobs without first interviewng rectly to the Indians at the/'hem about their abilities same rate the amount they are, He was going on 1 report reputed (6 have paid now, the 'SOme SiEange circumstances Indians still would not have as About this card campaign' much money as they have at|when Speaker Roland Michener| the present time from this cut him off, The Speaker said! property Mr. Cathers' query had heen! Mr, Fickersgill; "If the hon: answered and there was no! orale lady thinks it is none of need to £0 further | her business, when her depart - ment knew that Hydro was in titerested in this land, to inquire in advance whether they could tinot make a beller deal with them, | regard that as a derelic Viton of duly and I do not think it is irresponsible' for any iy member of Parliament to de serihe it in those terms." CLAIMS DOURY Mr. Pickersgil claimed that when the Chippewa hand coun i» far collected owiy part of the money from FAmensona The Mopwie crwpled as he Howes -comgidersd he 19642 PERMINE estimates of the In an alleles ranch, The es mates, (Aang V1 6 400. were | RTA Mrs. Fateciowgh, in # series of Pristhng repties io Mr. Pick | erg Henied that she and her wides has licen derelict or negh WB RTRIIRE The sale In Fhrmengiong The Lhersl member made en of the fact that the citizen hig Aapariment knew that Om tarie Boden was erased in part of the land tract that IA mensional was bing, In feet, he seid, there wei "neon Micted' evidence thet the mwensional-Hydin desl was com {Edad thier Ravs helo sale to Dimensional was A The Bpeaker ont off al fur ther prgwment and declined ts answer a demand by Mr, And eran that the CCF leader with IRRESPONSIBLE f he wants to make & sate ment 16 the effect that the In Mans were chested, then FAY } SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER VERT p I f # CARRIER Is Learning To Become A Your Help Will Be Appreciated Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY "The modern way to he some doubt it would he ap travel is by air,' proved ""Aecording 1o ton given to me, a legal rep resentative of the company,| when he saw the way. the vole fl was going, said there would he Hanother $100 paid right away if| the informa " For information regarding any form of travel ,, , PIAL RA 3-944] We have # direst Torante telephone line for prampt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE 7, SOUTH, OSHAWA | PIAL RA 3.944 Qwned and spsrated by Thomas Meadow and Go, Canad bid, Jederal election, that vole would have {heen invalidated " { Mrs, Fairclough: "The honor: e able member is saying that this [eampany (0 the Indians before the vote was taken. I say the proposition was made hy the In. |dians to the company after the |vate had heen taken, and that is a different thing.' In answer to another inter jection hy Mrs, Fairclough the [ 1 Liberal MP explained he had 1 next year, Provinelal delega tions worked late Thursday night preparing for today's con cluding session of the two-day conference Mr. Diefenbaker's proposal in : um effect wrote an end to the tax area rental system which has gov erned Dominion-pravincial tax flat pine percentage points-- tal change in the formula of ulvalent ta the present provin equalization payments to needy cial provines OVI eq nare Diefenhaker ald the Instead vould be free to oe: on vield part or all of the two tax fields vacated hy Ottawa---and|income even mare if they wished [=the his would he dotive vesponsibilities which! revenues constitution upon levels of Hn the federal Higher Taxes On Liquor, Bets i ti! double TORONTO (CP)=Pravineial||, (ax Increases on lguor and rac track belting were sug ted Thursday hy suburban Forest wanting Hill Reeve Laurie Bimonsky 10] gonnett Metropolitan Tarento welfare said flatly and housing committee Ihe committee adopted a record SEER DANGER $10,075,000 welfare budget for Hut Premier Douglas of the year kitchewan said the federal Metra Chairman Fredrick 6 move Is "fraught with dan Gardiner sald a tax rate. in: ger crease for the Metra area now| "Without clear-cut leadership is Inevitable, because of budget from Ottawa, there ereases for most departments, possibility that we Forced Into Yacht Club? PEMBROKE (CP)=-The Ob certificate authorizing that erver quotes two unidentified money be taken off their pay Camp Petawawa soldiers as| Col. Egan said the boats were identical n 9 , A A 3) J saying their battalion colonel is for everybody's use and thatl ac far succession duty. inl forcing 800 members of the Ca. the "voluntary" fee entitled the provinces wishing to collect! i H | ) yacht J "life hership , py Radian Guards to join a yaeh men ta "life membership in the {0 awn the federal estate tax pati : tonicd by Col." "It's 1 il N - would be out hy half, Provinces I'he charge is deniec ay Cao t's an all-ranks club, They not wishing to collect the duty A. D. Egan of the 2nd Battal:-|can sail any time they want to Hi \ ng on who says participation islin their spare time," he said would get halt of federal eatate ¥ 3 Mm ui i Spare Aa ® BRIE tax collections, as at present, | 'voluntary. The soldiers claimed the According to the soldiers, the boats were bought out of regi Dope Peddlers . Get Six Years hased only from the direct tax personal and corporate tax and succession duty payments would alse he! of heing the natural. re forests, mine from uen as and oll wells confers the SOUTees gayernment tem spell it out wth I UP TO AVERAGE possibility ofl More important, equalization taxation in any provinoe PA nts would he designed to than the federal bring tax yields in less wealthy provines Fhe national ay sign of| erage of the two wealthiest, On tario and B.C, as al present I'wo provinces, Quebec and Ontarie, already are exercising their constitytional rights in the direct tax fields of income tax and succession duty Quebhee collects Hy own per anal and corporation. ingame taxes and succession duty, On tario rents the personal tax to EVOTY Oftawa but collects the other PRIURR hwo taxes on ils own The other elght pravinees rent all three tax fields to Ottawa in return far the agreed share 14 per cent of personal in come taxes, nine per cent of] porparation profits and 60 her) cont of succession duty Mr, Diefenbaker's offer pro vides for free federal collection of personal and corporation in the come taxes, so long as federal land provineial tax rules ave ax reduciion Wi f 0 premier In gave any do this, Premier British Columbia that he wauldn't 15 will of claimed else was the 83 SAVs wanted $1 dollar membership fee has/mental funds and that when heen made mandatory in order this was discovered the money ta pay for the twa $1,200 sail was ordered returned to the hodals improperly bought out of fund and payment found "else regimental funds a year ago. where" When those boats were pur They the WINDSOR (CP) Sentences chased, Guards were told they where" member totalling 14 years were imposed were ar the use of the whale ship Thursday on twa men found battalion, They didn't get out of The soldiers said that mem: guilty of dealing in narcotics the hands of the afficers all last|bers of the Guards feel there is Thomas Nichol. §8. of Taranto summer one of the men is!little they can do about the fee antenced 1 Y f quoted Thursday as saying he oolonel pay an Waa sentenced ta six years of "Can you imagine 800 of us that's it." Iratficking and two years for Ml trying to use two sailboats! Explaining why they y Possession of narcoties, The in three summer months." their names withheld, one af 'C178 are ta be served concur He sald men who refused 18 the guards said rently pay hy April 1 were told they ! been in the Raymond would ho put on arders bhefare as ason should Windsor, will Col. Egan and made to sign a be {term for trafficking Burns, 2% A SIX yea i John serve | you've ever IA mi abhvious. Car Thieves Church Approves 01 15 Years (fleials ta the institute {tee which prepared the brief, Given Total By GEORGE CORNELL, SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AF) comhination of Protestant : A TORONTO (CP) Five Tor de A return toigeared in part to provincial tax onto men were sentenced Thurs: nominations joined Thursday inl! day to a total of 16 years for andarsing selentifically aided running an a, 000 theft{hirth-control as a hoon to sound ving family life and a potential help Toseph Natale raopiveditn the welfare of the world four years on 18 charges of pos Acting In A zone of keen veli:| sessing stolen cars and fraud; |glous eonfliet, the U8 National Patrick Perry, 40, six years for|Couneil of Churehes declared) conspiracy and fraud; Petep|that contraseption 15 an entirely) Peretti, #0, two years for pos Christian means for oon il] sessing stolen can Michael tous family limitation tio Norris, 20, one vear for con. 'Periad continence \f rhythm method==is suitable for piracy and receiving stolen z ss but is not inher goods; Donald Clarke, 24, twel50Me couples hut is ral years for fraud : ently superior from A mora point of view," the statement Lois Fry, 10, was given a sus said pended sentence and put on pro:| Phe general Protestant con bation for two years vietion is that motives, rather Car ih 9 The court was told the cars than methods, form the prim were sold through Mlamingo/ary moral issue " Mators, run by Natale On this point, Roman Catho [lies strongly disagree, contend: | ling that only the vhythm| Plenty Jobs a woman's fertile periods---is| \agoeptable, and then only if ¥ there are serious reasons for it, Nn nauroa The clash has erupted widely | an hath national and community | hadied man in search of a jobh|the political arena, artieularly | can find one easily as a sectionlin connection with the problem | hand, the Senate committee onlof spiralling world population, | manpower heard Thursday WANTS US, AID Rallways cannot find enough! In this tense field, the Na ance gangs, sald a brief from|government to provide birth the Engineering Institute of control aid to backward and | Canada aver - papulated countries upon Garnet Page, general seove: their request, tary of the institute was asked! When such a proposal came the information, He said it was hower, he steered clear of it, | based on statements hy CNR of suggesting private agencies commit: could do whatever was neces sary. The council statement said GUEST ARTIST--JAMES MAYHEW CONDUCTOR-~FRANCIS J, FRANCIS Oshawa Missionary College Auditorium Saturday, February 25th, 8:00 p.m, Tickets Available Wilson and Lee Music Stare, Henderson's [methad=-avoiding intereaurse in| OTTAWA (OP) Any able: [levels and often spills aver into | men for their section mainten- tional Council called on the US hy the committe for source of hefore farmer president Eisen Book Stare, Alta Music Shop Birth Control such agencies don't have the re Sources, I'he council represents 46 Pro. estant and orthodox denomina tions with 40,000,000 members, hut orthodox delegates formally abstained from the action, Their chureh traditionally condones only sexual abstinence to regu late hirths The proncuncement Is ist time Protestants have spoken on the subject in con cert, although more than a dozen denominations have done §0 Independently It condemned state laws ve strieting birth-oontrol services, A case challenging such a law in Canneeticut 1s hefare the U.S, aupreme Court, About 30 states have such laws In various forms These said, the laws, the statement violate human liberties. What You'll This Week-en referred to "another hundred in cash right away not an in: orease in the price, of course," Shocking facts about the NEW | danger of VD Venereal disease is again on the | loose, and threatens ta become | more widespread than ever, ape iil medical repori in March | Reader's Digest tells why publie | health autharities in 15 eouns | tries (including Canada) fear VID will reach epidemic prapors tons, Infection amongst teens agers is increasing at a hideous vate, What is happening { Have | Wander Drugs lost their puneh? | Hove ave staviling facta which | everyang -- particularly parents should know, Get your March | Reader's Digest today ,., 41 | articles of lasting interest. Many Plans and Repayment Schedules to Suit Yeur Budget $50 10 $5,000 witheut sndersers or bankable security, Loans, Life Insured The Fastest Growing All-=Canadian Lean Company 17 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 5.6541 15 Offices Throughout Ontarie strations and Displays on , , . How te paint a basement floor te look like a carpet, Haw to install floor tile, How to furnish your complete home, What bricks ar stone you should use on new homes, What is new in plumbing fixtures, See the newest in cement blocks, See Salada Tea's newest mobile kitchen, See the newest in building materials, Pre. Fab Cottages, and Appliances, See the latest in Paint and Glass, See the latest in Aluminum Doors, Windows, ote, See how to get a Dream Home in Beau Valley, See how we can build an at a price you can afford, MAKE IT A POINT TO VISIT BEAU VALLEY THIS WEEK-END There is Something of Interest for Everyone! Directions , , » North on Simcoe to Rossland Road -- then east on Resslend, HOURS , , , 3-3 PM, house better , , 1.9 AM, Uv, J KASSIRGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED