; THE SANA TIES, Pidey, Pimeery 16, WHY 15 TELEVISION LOG, WRENTY Chappe; b--illaie Tenn yh ri CRIAAY Channel b--F promis WKBW TY Channes TRI WROCAY Chapel b--Rachesier CFUORY Channel b--Twomin CKYRTY Channes Harrie EE -------------------------------------------- " M. i oor Bod gu "mse Nl Se |, i | E, n Aver | ris wih om im AM, He | [hore £7 i 2 rons" [2] 2.0 ¥ (A Sok : 5 ct 4 rhe |. hus ld om ba |i, an a a ict h Ah i MY (Fr 4 n [Hf ® Las bows = ond Bh YY iby Loe' 3 wud Tf fo A comms 15 yr hen ro lus TA wi Wher?" ' Repo? oo Shor Irie ow hindi la ytd ether | 7-Mgrming Show ame | oy 1d i A i [7] 4 ' ! $4-Fury ' LA The isin | Eo Hsict Long ue a i; #7, Mes 1" sy ud Em) Foithy 7 REI | 5a--The Fone bo dein sy Paton) ety A 4 Hoy Rogers oB oi fable ACRORS FA EA a cd : wi ART A 21) 3 ih ahd : 7+ ! fra rl peti Yo Wi To Be The gl French 5 y | |; Gores ih IM, | pi Tray ee / peop Wil | dan [= fe Hm (2 po. 05 Covered 18, Senden us Sh 4 881 A Fri vr £ | ui 24 oh Jamboree 2 td Fipwers, walk iT aT LEA CE iy p ; 7 fo oe ip rs | # yi Wester: | Bonahis #45, (herd (hot) "id i 4 (re 7 (4: > i ul A: v7 fo BL : i o Yi hi (TEDW le 7 Litheh With Sovpy st 4 Lig A sop 09, Nose Gr El il Ay "th ' Oh , ] | Fh plod Jie i | nonth e |g, nowN "on #433 Er HL) le ih : ¢ | Wass Vio 448. Worcs How ids Western 4 ih #04 | #4FR . Bi VM, Bi o, Froth 1 i TREE] F } 2 Eigse 4 ys fA ili six Voor AR ld | H--Gunsmone Bracing ' - ez J 4 h3p 4 uh i im lh hi oi fi 7244 ! 4 H 4 Wipers | vi him Mow 1 In ! wh od dey's MosWeEr f: 4 240 " ve LA (1 | ay rg 1A 1, Aipha snl Javian edn wicks Werierdey hardiaip b Volar to jie, Thebes oi Shed Vor Busciel Dey ! Bi PM, | Bane #0. (566k) ! i 50 Ho os JA Vg oi ky } oi le fietows 16: a PM, He pire | 14, Moth a! ind g 1 sal. ORR inant | CUE Y, | Rea 0 Rl rm Tobi The Piesr 54-The Toll Win WI, Wilidliten Bruck Worst G5, 49 4444 ne Hi oom T=5p dhe Bol {Checkmate (abbr Cort rt ime | tt Yt Wo, |e i vi indl iad dP Hatigehes lent to revi Wikre Town bt Ts Gh "io PM, | LE i yj Terns _fiansde, " 19, Let ik a Jedi vin iit + Vie wh pak sees We Bie view Ror of Welk sland one #40 holier pent Tape Hons Wi 4 Wit day Win he ol " {prasd DOWNTOWN DURAN, FRAGVE itch ly Mel pikhiip wine ba 0:4 M. F ; Movi ~ Mike Wallace benef hdd wits! ton : 174 F o = Wil Travel | ot, Dlacerd ii , Whey the (13 ACW hi LLL = Aventis of Ron 4 The Nation's Futise % $ icon sss iii it po Howl $--dackie GIEasoR hit i err ' "of type Ym mh Lvah ) - wih b 8 8 a ane | 2 het ow wa ms, 4 Degen : ; 3 NT (amram mone i T| [THERES HoT A Eagle mT pire wlio, Wis ere ft r F GRANEG WY 163 IRS pAiIRRT 6 KER ¢ Ean fuses Wn 2:0 FM, + wim am. husband ha RANA Ee we he Aes) FAT THEY BEYR/ rik TAL, VT BrkR bi, Myre ll of fly la id ' |, Biull EAliY TRkY/ " TRL a. B= Theatre WL 14, #1. § = FE J ip. Gill |Home (AH Relive | tla {ih ' i fh diy 1 B= bit fe HN "Foner ki pit of i Kia Robi 0 Extume f ul Hm fa ye a Tit fw, wt ¥ | et YEWINESS 4 io History . Zn Story % 88, From i A ious ih Ehirope F det Movies FM, ! ny a 0 100 FM, Hd Hi wi 0, Yale ! ot ars a, fo trom § ns a poi hy oh Wily He 84, Jap i Wii, A (wi y oe gtier Late Ll Wan by iA i. m= 4 115 P.M, 8 ". Bit Award Thesire 86 festival (asi Fug 1M on fire Jury i kale Show Movie Hil P.M, hy LONE Basel onians / B ewpnint i PM, We-News, Weather yange 1, Ay 2, Pei fe Hy or 1) ports He = Cartoons bps iJ missl oh Mig 70st flies 0, Rie il 1:80 P, Pla ti #h Blunt Mystery #7, Walking i igh Vir Helals Show Ir far Panastans Hi ' Gunsmoke Hawling ih Were #0, Bharp snd nis wy { 4 [5 "Ww i Thies th i Vikings Lire hars wih bn wd {ld Wescals " we 40, Black ut wh Fim x EARL SCHAEFER HANDPICKS A QUALITY GOODWILL CAR FOR YOU HE Crh he a Wh oil's Wieh #40 ih i Hil CORLL i 7 1 A real maker, cf ocd il we » 4 195 CHEVR LE aw » reo meney Ld this slump hb Ami fi on 78, Hlasslord lm WiddT7Y fl Lee lr al, Wh ll 230 KING ST, W.--RA 56-6661 « THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. a KATOWICE, Poland (AP) - A r. f JE il (The touring American amalens =AND DES hi ot AN DEAN THe ny Ei 11 { [ATE hee § " | yi qth hockey team, en route to the Folio A ema | BIA Sisk 111 Bad RTH A y] IF THAT, Wy erialh BECALSE | |= GAME HERE 4 ! world ehampianshipg, last a in fapesshhit io : y Hii, HK Heil THATE THE : J . an exhibition game to & Polish ANIMATED JUNI id iv Al po wart FEE j | A \ Bil |leam Thursday night, 100, 14, SALLY'S SALLIES § EAN'T FINR BOW ARPA A [8 WITHOUT THEM [Lh LIF ALL OVER fhe Ath ty' Wotiiviy N 4] Weve gob wll 1 oan dusk" CLEANERS RA 5-191 "The Best In Town" i OSHAWA YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR : * WILD BIRD 56D -- : *» WILD BIRD FEEDERS esos een) [a sow or en ry APA, JN] CARTER HAVES SAN * 108 JAY BAGWOOR + {| | TWO HOT TAMALES Sov ! rer ACE EH ) ANTE ra ae sieve Tou J TAY KEPT A PERN a 0 ho por) oy ENAED PUAWER } 10. oh [] + WAR J0FTENER SALY LUNEH - THE STIR AHEWER CHRO" 2 Ty CONCEAL h Bl + NOW SHOVi C SEED NST AS A GAG B | i BOVETHIAG J Lue \ ne NP FEL, : AW | * RABWT PELLETS 2 PP Wh J fe i \ 1 | Wem I + MASTER DOG FOORS oo 1 WY | Vc St "Nf | Sse ||| EN TORTI 54 CHURCH §T, DIAL RA 3-2229 Free Customer Parking