The Oshawa Times, 24 Feb 1961, p. 14

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LL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Piidey, Pebruery 24, 196) We. pak Mey Brown see BEEP, . nom of Wey ad AW m by, Fotwiory 75, ot he Goon "me First gr $ Me. mt Wes Gordon Brows of wey Kenta ys RY Korth snd [mde imen Comelery © 1 sall- at the Funersl Home he ~ Baturinyi BORKOWHAIAE, Eilisheth En | tered ite rest a Longley, BE, WH) Thaesdey, Feb 85, 191, Flizaheth Bkesi, wie of Ihe inte Wiiem A Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange BAR TH 1 AW. PIGERE By The Condon Virse Trent Mark Exchange Vey (IARI E IB ERE IRE avid § (ME Ih, #4 Fa biaifand, 2i-Var A tiled dani ded INDUSTRIALS "Ne Fow om LWgn ie HM " ne a wim ws ad Th wi » % Hi Boies Yl oy Ld wy ed Ati Aosta bt] Aig wt Ag ie mt Aig Tre w Mia Fons Aaliow wv Mis Gos w Ala Hal Mg Cw Ye diid Adovnim ABER Rigs Alias Bian #5 Bonk Mone 4 Book H8 w Belt Phone Jim Bomwiay 4 Yaad wh BA IW od BEE 66 3 0 BEE Vin w 5 BE Fornst #0 Be Pow i#% Be Phone Ld Boia Frmd IW Eo Pow Can Cem £F Fadey Con Ferm Bank ¢ € Brew xd RAL Bw fan Ean A fan Lnlan £ Crem © ECnem w Cathierins € Cunt £ Bisdis Yk CF Fog | pr #0 © Gas In wr WH Bows Moves Thy Fon War ant Pom Tar gv iH Ps Fost WD hy ins» ind rly Nd ad 74 io rd 47 i | ne eid od Ld oh od & bey 1 HAE folie A fobs Wages ih I Fower iH Gh Gas Bw BY 15 for Weg 6 19 for Weg nt 20 Gr Wg Ww Hapnes Kid Hash Carp wo Horne VI wy Emin wi Hur Keim 144 f lov i159 id bmp IH 1% imp Toh um tnd Aciep AIF I As wis ad Inland Gas IH inind 6G w um int Vig 2 int Lh 1% Intprny hd Inter B 4 4 Inter PI By AY nt 54 F 40" ng; Vong 6 pr od 7i4 oly i Fh wr Ww 249 ye i yd Rorsomdale, dens mother of Wiliam 1 Ohawn; Ahoy ad h: Matione = In Smith mith Faia opie, ast: wi John and Margnerits 2 Whithy. Funersl from Metntosh - Anderson Funersl Home on Raturday, February 3, ot 11 80. Inter ment fd fregmry's (A f melery LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements end floret requirements for oll GCLBSIMNS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B-6555 GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL | Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all | RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM {band and father to Reverend H Special thanks low snd Reverend lLavering fo CAMPBELL ~ In loving memary of kindness & father and grandisther, Hugh (i mi many |Home for their Kind and silicient serv lew ahead 65 at 172.47 and Western| bell who passed sway February 1960 The memory of someone Assi, | In like # thyead of gold, | Ii does not dull or tarnish # Nor grow the least hit old Emma, CAMPBELL = 18 loving memory of 4 dear father, Hugh Campbell, whe pa ed away Fehrudry M, 1860 faving and kind in all his BL Upright snd just to the snd of his ays Sincere and kind in heart and wm What & besutiful memory be behind Badly missed and Hod remembered by sen Stan and fami f ad! 74 I on Thitsdey, February &, fovir yours, heioved | | oid CARD OF THANKS sorvaw we wish to express our heart Larne and boys |Ielt | many relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown | Smith for his consoling words donors of offerings and iribules, oft fo Hell ol Ruiz Furnitire and w Town Funeral Chapel for thelr kind, | efficient management of the service and Southam advanced me 175 eller son Jnskey HB Jock 1 pr Gas lw Fd Husky wil Hyde wa IN MEMORIAM | NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Aunor Gold Mines 14d, year ended Dec. 51: 1960, $460,149; | 1959, $377 566 rd ad re is Win a is YELLE In loving memory oH » dear wie, mother and Erandmather whe passed away Felmwary 8, 19% We lost 8 mother with » best of Wha Jie more to wa then wealth Bell Telephone Company of Yithot farewell she 16] asleep Canada, year ended Dee, BH ih vy memanes § 5 0 kesp Apo Bliid gid of bas snimed | 190 $95.511.007, 82.52 a share on Ore of the best mothers the world 821,205 61% shares; 10, ¥0,264,| copiained 78, $2.48 a share on 20,262,193, | Joviegly remembered bushend end amy 4 British Columbia Telephone wy Herk and family Company, year ended Dee, $1 1960, 87,045,847; 1058, 86,672,500 Canadian Tron Foundries, | ended Dec. B31: 1660, $1, 756,264, $1.92 a share; 1069, $46,685, 44 cents Dominion Foundries and Bleel| IAd., year ended Dec. 81 1960, | $11,626,068, 83.31 a share; 1069, TWINE In loving memory dear father, George Twine, why HR away February 8, 19466 Nothing can ever (aks sway The lave » heart holds dens Fond memories linger every Any, Remembrance keeps Bim pens Ever remembered by the family VERT $15,406,636, $4.76 JONES We would like to express our wincere thanks 1a our many friends TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials| relatives snd neighbors for their man sets of kindness. flarsl tributes and|fell Lo Lhe minus side on the cards in the recent loss of a dear hus stock market Thursday for the first time in eight days On index, industrials were down 60 al 547.06 and golds 22 at B4.80, Base metals moved | Everett Harold Jones el thai consoling words tn Armstrong Wi and thanks Mrs. Greta Jones snd family oils advanced A7 al 95.08, | The final volume for the day appreciation to our was 2,180,000 shares compared friends and neighbors with 1,409,000 Wednesday General Development and MUSSELMAN = In the midst of our thanks and us in the loss of beloved hushiand and RO | father, Alexander Musselman, We a Greal Lakes Power were among cially wish to thank the Hey, J si he the industrial leaders, each up| beautiful forse 3 he pallhegrers two points at 14 and #5, Power| Corporation gained J'% at 6) the many The iy point fd 27% 4 memery (i ne hag Lovingly remembered by Aa ghiar Florence, son + a + law Doug grandchildren ROBLE -n {liber memiry of | ind and | Henry, whe | | he. worl Hy year, And friends irom ri ye day But never will the one we joved | From memory p Loving) rememered by his wi fans, an daughters aw and pi MLR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 50-~Articles for Sal FOR the best buy Es M8 carp try Nu-Way, RA 84681 OF hummer: twa showers) sink and ve 0 ing machine, All In good condition, Telenhone HA 511688 or 838 Lorraine Street FOR BALE = 10 volume Architectural Encyclopedia $78 value for 4,00 Phone RA 34874 51--Lost & Found BLACK leather muse Chee ost, initials F.M.B, vicinity North Simeas School Consists of music books and money Telephone RA 53-0631 52---Legol DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP TENDERS 2-Room Addition, » Margot and Roonle Mitchell's Carner's Scheel | 2-Room Addition, Hampton School 2.Room School, Salem Sealed Tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the undersigned for separate gens eral contract prices and com» bined general contract prices until 2 p.m, Tuesday, reh 7. 1961, for proposed 2-room addition Mitchell's Corners School; 2» rom addition Hampton Scheel; 2 - room Salem School, all for South Darlington Seheol Aree Board Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Con tractors only from the office of the Architect and Engin eers on deposit of a $50.00 Certified Cheque for each job payable 10 the Archpitects and Engineers, which will be returned when plans and spe- gifications are retumed in peed condtiion owest or any tender necessarily accepted JACKSON, YPES and ASSOCIATES, Architects and Engineers, 5385 Yonge Street Nortown Shopping Centre, Willowdale, Ontaria, not "oa, Jim and Laurence a | Live the way you've always dreamed of LIVING | LE HOME Me. » This home | can be yours | for only so per month q 6 THIS IS OUR DREAM HOME COME TRUE wien Wigh low so. mm FW " (74 15h 2B a EA Two Light New Trucks TOROWIO (CF) Interna. "I bs # thet (anadian tional Harvester Co. of Canada coment be as % 144. Thursday intraduced two per cent. We pot pew FLERE Umcking vehicles components winch i 18 Recs hich, i sates, are Completely Romie 15 maniactie in Can Canadian - Resigned, and which ads.' (wih compels, "Miectiy #4 Vig Mr. Yess seid Internationsl orously" with now i Harvester of Canada, 8 She: ponied The American o wary of the Jy Rew HW Ne Wigh Low so. CW i» We oy " op FO 4 1A We Wh " iy Wh ot Wn v Wn Hk snd PR 10 B07% Fi% Vive ' Bias ibs Baies Wigh Tow a.m See i Raies a Aumachy Funai td Rasnat ketiim died Kidenw Fran Biainine ntadoad Wigh fow » " wir 2 =» ww i 7 i Hors add dock 6B pr #9 donk wie Wood Lies Wonk 4 Lard Fagin hid Adesng £ Viper oS nn a # » ws i] - i » od hh die Te Wis #ably we Li - "" BERR aa] Fragrant Maclaren ® freiirie Fries Be a] i i Th Bie "w ¥ a he 7 id i i i > fant Fat im Enh WH Fim agas Kranny They sre called the Metin 980 of similar pame, Aetivery van, with & retail price lowed & 4 wie 4 of B10, and the C9 compact @nd man aE - GN Gas wie on wh. wh Bish ia id I. gene ern,! inpsadedane ¥ Free alend db BE BES | ak Lor piri Rulasn wig Seven Arig PAW BIRR satbond warl Fan Bight orl BAe CAR Frere Vw rom For foom 1 § ¥ Gen Wr FF Fin A FFws ¥ Can Home A a -- : Frainahes rim add od firey Yao "ws Wy 3 Hh , Vo id fiddle Grande Cnpag Hearn wy Hinkinasx Howry fla 4 i Wik wl inh Cap rod y ion Bay 5 y a 1 Is 4h "ih Jarabe i is Vid " win pa La ah [ Ww Be Ems Landa id Pele Fang Fup BE is BE wis Fis Vets Faitisep koma Cid ieeid Fran i Reef Bagh Ray alia (2 Tidal Frans Ean Fried Esnen vi in hls Wasne Daiie Kerr Add Buian Lo Infawit wh MINES 0 65 6h 18 49 pickup truck, with # price of bes in Canada. 92,189 I. H. Kam, vice » | 0.6 Von, psd, sido ele, 184 the Wed 0 # press CORIErEnce waned pier comerences "With the Metre we are going fleet swpervisers of bakeries, alter, and expect 9 capiure, W laundries, dry cleaners md de to 40 per cent of shales partment sores, nw Going 19 imported yantype bi Was erigned he added, v (Our confidence is based op i the fact that Wein 1h. oy proved Li {hi duty delivery 3 vehicle ex- creased vehicle {pressly designed for Canadien iy, hetier power » operating conditions, the result be for F SORCE + Het of two "a ios od fly of re- Brepler fuel io scopy, search and jer "Like the Men. the C9 com a oe pact 15 totally Canadian from |hicles." cmeeption 19 pr it is. Both the new cehicles the only compact piekup truck Loweted I A the theing built tn Canada and is tonal « a iheing priced lower than any ERgIne our eyin other compact oF full - size be at the company's Ag \ickup of convention) design Chatham, Ont, with & siarting now being wid in Canada, dale of March, Wesan A Weston B West A mt Advpeate AE Cop Madsen ---- only looks expensive Pleasant surprise! With all its fine car touches and high-fashion flair, the Canadian-built Comet's priced with the lowest of compacts, Comet goes up to B88 mpg~--on regular gas! Boaring in sales--with a high-fashion look that sets it apart as Canada's success compact, Here's the roofline styling you see on cars at twice the price! Comfort for six makes Comet family: size~dashing rear deck houses 28 cubie feet of trunk space, With zip to mateh ~your choice of two Thrift-Power Bixes multiplies your savings by the mile, There's even more to Comet's thrift story .,. you'll drive up to 4,000 miles between oil changes, And Comet's quality is backed with a new warranty for 12,000 miles or 1 year-whichever comes first, Test-drive the first compact with fine-car flair, Comet for 1861 ~the better compact ear! You'll find most compacts cost hundreds more! 1961 Comet 4 Doar Sedan; one of Ford of Canada's fine ears... hullt in Canadas, see your Mercury-Meteor-Comet Dealer Certain features Wusirated or mentioned are standard on some moklels, aptianal at extra cost an otha. we BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON N,, OSHAWA RA 5.4704 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE ST, NORTH OSHAWA RA 3.4675

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