The Oshawa Times, 23 Feb 1961, p. 20

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= 164 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurséey, bevruery 44, 179} Coll The Direct Classitied Mumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS | 35-- Employment Womted VISHISE [shy Aepisns CIepWng wk Emns Hh Gy ' CLASSIFIED AD RATES "0 pods wr lee Ennigs Bis ism . WER TIE $75 44% o not gon within 1 dors We Enarge reise will opsty . Myr 8 (GIES RELEY ry 15 GF rah ders Vor corsasitius ney ens AG NETTING ARIE BM & ioter Rata comsidifng § ren LI1GOH (77 FAEFIRASE, WHA es YANNG lady LL ati und hss nik by (he Ay 4 iW alter 5 pow 8, Reedy prs p----y Wah shot gE 4 ok Hone WaTkE ¥ Cpr SENT 1, FENG man, esr yep s pl ie Felaphoarn Kh S913 FARY Aewires fii ff part Hank Wrisk wink, Teicihone KA # LEO NG man with lov vem y Wah EhRafiane's Harpies Ea Bi adda Ll Frteswonsl Iwtings V7 50 months for § hoes deity. Eoeh tional tne $1.60 per month Business corgs #1) $IR6R For many Ean tial letter GERrerRlan $ ond « vgn, NGgus, samis 0% § word Box sigs 156 RASH ING) ME Classis ABRIIEIIETAE mast be 1 by § pm he fay be fore piheation sxcept Bins, Memoriams. Corde #1 Thanks which wll be sccepied tH om, Peodiine for Lost and Found snd Concaliotions B30 am Office Harry Parly 8-6, Sotwdoy BZ, REGLAAT 1A The Conows Times wil not be rasponsiin for BT s Im ave tice: ments smmitied etherwise han n witing. nor for more than ne EorTRst insariien of Gy Gaver fisement, ner Bayend Ihe pres charged 151 a single mere " the sdvertmement nn which #f gcse, And gle reserve the flu io classify advertivng ecesrding 19 We own classifications in the case of diecioy advertise: ments The Times wil nol be held reponsible' for mois fpnes Thon mar which Ihe gclusl sie sceupies. The publishers sr "i 10 reproduce GN BAvRIIISING matier sorrctly Bt qssmes ng habiity W any inecaynciss Wn any tam of gdvertisement are Esnigined therein FARO ARERR, 5 REE HR HA 3 mii, GRADUATE. pharmacist, EF, sabia tt, MIRE 10 KIRA D EB POR iy A aves. Hy ast BRE EIRIGY ERE, Py Bex v4, ods Mae Fines Tomie Help Weonted GRRORTUNITY Jor sulsn ERIPIRES BLERGEY MEE 3 atl clerk tyne, on nesded. Wie pRiticdis iientions 14 Box 5 Gave Himes HAY RE business lady with severm ye genesal lier EEIRTIERES A sx8 position, Box Uk, Chews Ti or FEFPERIENCEN solesiady etme n od i aupenrance. Ay Brwinne's vy» i Binend Bliset Bowth, YOUNG ladies 18 9 BB Free 10 teavel to Winmpek, Calgary, Yaneowyr| Wd FELER WAR ERAS RES BIRR, Ll ids Earminus 1 fir pis n Ait ol, 2pm 14 i 9 Whone calls plepse Mn Bpesiat ed Ba experience hove BYETRKR naked. Dak Dinusss, Mist medi ilely o ¥ dail wa NTE p | t 4 Yom ph we ehiidien week, Wve in (" Bn 10 look Ri oid FAIR wh for Any Bl # pn aisiinie, 14 BELIABILE Joe wkeeper ur fond of © wrk ve in, Wikh wages, Wik Fox BIA, Osmawe Wimmer, far fa Ades homes Idien 19--~Personal IF ¥0U drick that's your business! I 08 want to stop, thal |s eur hasiness rite PO Box #8, Whithy VALUABLE lige Wt minded persons Health, Vo phone BA ELECTROLYSIS hair n Children's Experienced jin ALESLANY ' Fdmited, 2% Young ng Contre Fo i vor LICENCED HAIRDRESSER f Wi 1-300 it g yment or In RUDY'S FASHION HAIR STYLING SOUTH PLAZA Remay Marie gl of superfiy Murduft Oshawa, March 16th, Phene ( on dates ment 21 Personal Service ov will be 14th ng end Hotel int WILEL iM RA B43 f | these af ea mm 37 Male Help Wanted || AER a siding Rive nes En for vs, Bax Vi TRY QUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, halt with french fries chips, hamhburgs milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER RA 25--Pets and Livestock Foon A Hoos CARVARS ening 4 FOUR m for doer ta "hn chicken sh and dogs, " ALY ad an ineer # Times MAN or part time fi I "of Gand pasition na kgs mit talnhow Aluminum | ¢ B16 Brogk Btieet I Ca 3687 Five th travel aneauyer and Puppie # Wack ta lenve | hi Unit #1F 0 4.50 pm. ia | Wale or Female Help | ' Wanted in ta do oifice gleaning | and experience lo | a Times | f large hresd on. Apply 91 depends on # reliable peek Frucks for Sale" In the Bectlgn right away WOULD LIKE TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR IN BY $80, $180, puppies, purebred, | IF YOu Telephone THA B03. | i {fps fabawa FE ARG in lars apen for | sub-leling Must | 5 5 TWO (AA--Houses For Rent Wot for rent, Las, wy aE FY pest Litming Wiest Bast oF wi 174 : wien Vis WOOTEN -- flow - rm Te, and garnpe, wh ini fA son Mush |. Apply 8 Bieor Biss rr Five - [evenness $45 monthly Close 14 shove LONE BF twp fermiehed Fine, FEIEHRBIRIAE, | And sold Fas Hy Viti Wn snAned im Vii, wan, Wik wales, VerRe 1awh famen, s close to schon, EB « hedeoom hoes, Soh 5 mantiny, wiley ries Telephone W nek: Bod, Wisk How, RERF FRA tested Srl HT dor further aa INTRA FRome, TAF U8 FROM, WETRIE BRLFRNER # Bewiy Recurpled heavy aoty wiring, de] wer, water, HA 6 FIX ERIRIRETEIRE IERRERLY, sth Apply 50% Frum Blast, BA 32578 FIVE - room Apartments, beied, 4 loention, WarEing, close 9 his | 788 Bimene Bisel Boh ™o Thimed ARRrLment, private en Lennee, slave, suphnirds, sink i: BEst house saith oF past of Erling Breet SPACE lor vent, 29 x 12. Buliabie 10 immediately, ro Lia B18 any sepals workshop or Fd Fiminess. alice 6 om LS fow rent. Pha & BA APARTMENT 1a rent bedroom apartment In Tare unlirnished. Fhone Five ram hungslow, Foams, oil heating, hat water, sorte, 590 per month, BA BE564 His 8 wii room three half house, fully Lally loesled, nus st 1/1 nt. Telephone BA 81747 SEVEN furnished Hensonahl am brick house, clean, pri vale garage, wil heating, Ill basement, avalible Maseh £. Telephone BA §-2033 KIX roam pus hath, pew brick hypgi: in henled, Basement cupied. £0 den welcome § mankaly, #0 Facil Avenue, BA 5-806 BYORE for rept, wo able, Apply 12 Frings Birest tA BENZ ar MO B-5786 i BENECA Btrget North, new in three bedrooms, Hving Kile shen and bathroom, 4 moanthly A alle bmmediniely, Apply B36 Bim Marth, BA § Gane raom house far rent twa slarey Albeit Slreel stare downtown leeation ied to suit tenants, heated BA 6:5580 for Farther ral and pEason hungh KIX lint walter tank ply il isl Celing lh Wil Tele partiey he Ve hous Pion Witte 634 WOVSE on Bruee Street, Will decorate for [FURNISHED a BUIL tenRnts, hese eanven' ent Telephone RA B-8572 VEN roam hick house, elost W Ishawa Bhopping Centre and school Apply 386 Dundas Breet East Whithy NIX hig ten ants dra in ited Hoor East poom hrigk house to re 806 monthly, heat and hb Basement oeen led. Appl Monday through Friday mom apartment, heated, new Private hath, semi Ample parking. Mid: | preferred vemadellgn entrance couple V rivile Ly need HA B-8ike NEW six + dd. all genveniences, Telephone RA §-8463 OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Approximately 12' by 331 or larger if preferred, APPLY 23 CELINA ST room hriek house, oil heats good $300, $500 PER MONTH OR MORE your leisure time, own heme Box 56 r further during from y Write Oshawa ur P.O Ont, infarmation TEMPORARY TEACHER REQUIRED FOR AJAX PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD GRADE 4, APRIL 1st 1961] ta JUNE 30th, 1961 according to Jory and experience ily In writting to secretary tr Ajax Scheel Board, P.O id 1, Ajax, Ontarie, A --Room & Beard aos machine | A-3018 | ¥ i traller, 34 ' LJ Lik attachment fo | Phone MArket 4.3 cate Salary pla App close ta water; deal | mile i Write Rox 2-008 | - | 1surer Box 08, An f in Osh 1088 even / wm and hoard for one, in ll i Priviite MO B481Y Vi #8, five Wehon paelied, pel © WA BU Telophis [4 188 6 i] ar Tolephs vd far twa Hentlemen ath General neh i "Tele phane Pale Raw eash §-2708 arean, MA a i have; NORL ¥ 8 hagked f RA #54 madated. Apply v6 oand 7 pom 1 Whithy haa n in AH pi! hoard far ane Whithy and Oshawa Telephone RA KHONERN 4 04 Ave of Ld ably we hile: withe ng . Alyeet OOM and v ¢ f hare town iarge in Moe a Wr he sey aller wil hus LL HOM eh handy wm PW ROOM or KING CO Parts and Open for gentle four pol ar tele pam and ham k RE SpACH: £1080 10 Wreck Ing 15 Maple Street 0713 scrap iron Phone bough u EA -- ~Wanted To Rent FUNNISMER hame, two Wa three hed it ve-yearald wel ile tenants, Tmmediate oe "Hox 330, Oshawa Times or thiee = ream apart hath, hy Mareh 13 ap HA twa ar three hlacks of Apply Box 408, Oshawa | avn A) Ane yaly ARH i COTRATS SCRAP AND Ho bedrooms ¥ (minimum) | \ HATH nd sand hig 0 Sepa 835; Oshawa hres \ RA iin au heal Ti PaFticul ONE hound, 10 weeks old has permanant inoculsl Beatrice Blrcel. HA 53160 BEAUTIFUL hahy budgies training, talking stra Brand, 114 Elgin Street Eas OR BALE ~ Blond longeant Chibun Ua, registered; @ Boston Ferries reiistered, Phone MO 84358 FOR BALE Pet dog Retrlover, Tal radar, Black male, Telephone RA 8-847 for any further partieulis COOKER Spaniel very #lectionate 26--Farmer's Column | PORN tractor plow, hay mawer, dou: | bie harrows for sale, Jack Blzan, NW mer Champlain Avenue, Stevenson and South PORTABLE milking ne | single unit, Telephone OF for mare Iafarmation DEAN farm stack pleked up promptly Tone enlleet, Hampton: COMax 3-278) Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone fd wheat straw, Telophons COWax | 2RaTrailers 0) ALENDAL gondition, Lrak 2000 ar best 29---Summer Properties For Sele LOTR for sale foeation, reasonable, hres Trenton an Bay of Quinte #84 Trenton or phi ne Exeter 30--Swen & Barter WILE swap equity In two industrial hullding nine equity In any other proper! awa ares. Tolaphone RA 6 ngs WA A 7R40 32-Articles Wanted PIANOS wanied, any mal Will pay cash. Write F. Pike farin Ripeel, Taronta, Oatario phone eolivet WM 6183) WANTER bay phane until pm manville THE ROVAL Coin and Stamp 64 King Street West, Oshawa 108 plekel, Queen Vietaria ean Canada if nol hadly warn, silver dol ars helaw 1040 expept 1850 ald { dian and other lokens, Bald coin Any gaunt 0 Ree SeATeE Aer ean soins s cents Indian head cent pleces ele Fair prices paid SHAW AUTO WRECK Wants cars for for sale, alsa metals, ele Saturday all day RA 5.2311 89 BLQOR E IRON, POULTRY FEATHER TICKS TURNER 3.2043 RA 3.3374 {callect) Want to sell a house, car, saxop hone, bicycle dog, stove, diamond ring or what-have you? Want to buy oie? The Oshawa Times classified sec tion helps you whether you're buying or selling Classified advertising does not cast--it pays CALL RA 3-3492 Fi --Fmnlovment Wanted '43---Wanted To Rent AD all ar fav A ee! RA Sh) : RGENTLY WA Sab _o § da renin Rh, Ra ih wanted small farm Sohal bus, Gray Coach bus nee awn heme ar yours, SSRI MO S300. Welle Mus, Plowhy, THA wall 4 » (8) Graven Baad. Ant & Whithe, v FOUR MArke! THEE NEW plex FOUR ih hydro supplied free 4A--Apts, & Flats For Rent roamed self-contained with garage wlern flogrs. Available now $3065 Jor further hardwand flaars stave, refrigerator, apart nent kitehen, UL partielle sep he | roams, ne entrance of washing machine and telephone, een: | TV Antenng, HA 5.4847 twa hedranm apartment In dy Ritsan Haoad South, averloaks ra felephone HA 68088 for further rally loeated vine partieulars MODERN two-bedroom apart ment, | lex, washing faolll , Barth end, Near Immediate po half of ¢ mhoa dry M shopping, HA 8 1083 roam self-contained apartment minutes fram downtown, he at TA BA906 or RA AS07150 FURNISHED {apartment far cals IF desired wn twin ream hasemen HEht housekeeping or Telephone HA #66790 ream apartment siitable for twa gentlemen, private en teanes, sink, vefelgeratar, stove. Cal hefare § pom, 116 Adelaide West MODERN heated, ane-hedragm nohrae stave a and Inundey triok Atilts preferied 1168 hedraam and apartments, eanvenienge robrigeratar, TV anton Thomas and Codap dis wa Taam apartment, heavy wiring, television outlet, four niece hath, SRO monthly APARTMENT selfoantained, unfurnished, ane ann ving penin, Kltghenetie, monthly Five minutes downtown phone KA 3.9304 NEW MODERN APARTMENT 1100 bus, all ing, twa Telephone for Rudy OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevate service New building, Centrally las cated In downtown area, Moderate rent. Leases now availahle THE TIMES BUILDING Contact 1. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 y Aply 304 Alhart Stegel Rath hes HH Tele Three + lope Close ta conveniences, paiks private entrances RA 8.235), ask sfuare feet BEDROOM APARTMENT Al BUS STOR SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Stove, retrigeratar, parking RA 5.3302 One and Two Bedroom APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 ed be Kh we TTR Bee, Rear Region, wh Immense Ng io? dl TT ohh Wolas, Kemiss), ARIE BH ALRS 4 low, 4.4 Fans, ps maminy MAFLImEnt, 4h HP i aha Bath g Wewly decoraiad, os | "ar A Arive. uu Hae with Khoi hadith, Coll WA $1616 100m hawse Kor FEpk Gr wale, IESE Idina, pry ete + ERREW Avphy ORV, Mae ALLL) Vikan Twn: | dupes, | theese hed: hue IRF E8 NEW maiern ohhh r headroom, storey |Rlor wen: | minutes walk io General Motors, Vetephons | BAT70 Ram, 1 heated, 47 Telephone | THRE ¥ location, |* Telephone [Street North, fully wauipped Newly decorated fully furnished, | Telephone BA vwi duty, | MA=Apiy& Flos (1AA==igi § Ho { oom pstment, wovsle en (IWERE = Foom Iiwiks, Beste, hokey wed wisr, #0 ChE od #het, moniiny Trisyhone Yilkon SIN tor a in as + HA TRET IRR Am. Invision Brest, BA RB NEW, msfern, Re, hom {Aeris Rew SERItReRt (dry si Fark Rosd, Metwics Biest, omy 4 i fon, tastatolly Aecoriien, roored eth, FREE IREEREE, Bove. washer, REY | Faved fr ps Must sss lo aw. ret N.. rrdtlatrtanbidd dead id THO RERILIRARE, BERT Bik oy Imimedinle posession, Ap-| § Malign Howd eiudisg Jochen, n . RA BIE UNLISTED Pr pp-- da leard oh, Ry When, hon oi A rs NEW BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS BAM tob PM, MONDAY 19 ¢ x SATURDAY § 78 32 MAA, & Flots [Meets & Flors or Rent or Rent CIA wa, ton (4 #4 Junky. - ron dr Bg giv "rive op FREER levis uninimishen vomme, sok A Tiominhy J ERE wy Eb rr Bath, | A iaie Maren oe NUMBERS Hirst glenn home, TY mitiel wr VU Toler Cresent | PESIRARIE second Noor Aowntown | EAPLIRER. UEP Fine isheR, hasvy wings, Jas phy Aviirine LE MOULIN ROUGE WASTER CATERERS BOWLING BANOUETS WEDDI PRIVATE PARTIES RA 8-436) LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 ALBERT §7, HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES OUR SPECIALTY WE DELIVER---RA 8-247) newt pid Apri 1, " | FOUR « Fomm apsriment; aH some | lieness, bambon HEnphs, conn) walst, parking tise, Bh $010) or 74 dd [4 "rim Wplarmiehed BRE LERL oi and EuhRine v ianndey Fog, hewt and hydro i BRECIAL Bachelor apartment, in spat | Heal lor smile, Fh, era included. TY mwbiet, A VAS BEATER, hashelox spartment, ladies hres Fonme, Mave, Felirigersior, Loris 1B BURR IAS, 1RIRE Clets, AFRES, wonirnl, fTusmshed If Aesired, LH wr Hove, ud DRAPERY MATERIAL Modern Designs Drapes made 1o crder of 18969NGIA8 Prices, M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina 5, RA 3:7827 ANN'S FABRIC SHOP 113 BYRON §7, §, WHITBY = MO B-8152 Knitting waels 39¢ per vd ATTRACTIVELY FURMISHED ROOMS Available in 2 ACRES IB seres planted with respr berries, new six: Jy nings- low, twa dings ond machinery for ha we, lor cored wo miles from Oshe "" RA 5.607 private home £2 Park Koad Merth, Coll between 5 ond 7 pm, RA B-867) VERE 175 nde, BOF Rast Fok WH To, {ud FIG, RIYA FR AREE, BERRA JIRICFIER, Bien HRFRER of Ew, 4 W pion aie wi frie home, 7 ie, | re , pups iil BI WHE, ERORIRS, FIER, 16h nme 'Wi Eien HAthmme, WnRiE hare, Basininl, Moves, apf hus © fr li King spice IF Fens 4817 wold hedrnomi LF 0 for: Fiptar pn Breet ie WA Vl |r Apply #8 218 eoting Home [dated Spring print, "ladies only; Contr dls Foe, BERYY DERE, ReAwnoR Lai oA ot on A flpors, Bok, ise 14 bss. BA 5-1 ath Ag vB BR Lmtd Mae | I AREY, rf ui oi fo EER PERIL fo gs bv spi: fl Bo a Yd ef soit oR Hiren prs orrished roomy peri HA $l yu ry 4 hon BAGE lll id piv A ae. Hom bel fr IER 19 per | one BA v0 47 ply NY 7 Telephone RBA RIO NEWLY Aecorilid pry Mo LIL x ond PIRELIIERLE, B81 Biman Bhiskt (HER, Farm oheR, tl ld ote ho KE FINE, TRIERETHAT BOVE, FARE, Fe Th RGN FEMS Hi Telephone BA Misr § wm. BA SVB) REE © Wm Wl pEmisheR Apartment, 1 wilh down. Reievme WA ows; pus Iowa » HE iv FEMS (WOR RY st oom sined bo opaiment,| (14 YY, yn i iid LEDER wr 7 or SE (KA #5904 or Bh 5000 hs W longs, ames THM 448 --Rooms For Rent WHRKING do fA Sul ony 4 VERNER Wonsehocving 1om iA (ie (ya pr gentlemen: £apienl , Rony Barth ys BB on Fpished beds wi cmlorianis, Apply 12 Ein East ww mn - Fz dutd hime ts 4 (of A {ity KELWIng Li fy Cen ieneks, Available pow LARGE honseckrsping Jo. PEI ale ERLE RDCE (FURNISHED dole hedioom with J Wing wom snd Kichen (Roles, [A hie Bh b-0608. VAnart ment E,W Gh Brest THREE unfurnished rooms for rent, LL. yeitahie pow Near dawmlown BA #4705 CHER E 8 ¥ Felephane FURNISRER twa + 100m Apartment Fein iger nine, slove, v Asal wee of WREHINE mashing, private entianes Parking space. Apply 14 Beastly Ave BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY WAT | hiding Fefrl des wing, hve Accountants 7A - HA 06% (5, m, WORKING and Company, "ger fr ullis eauniants 17% lied iinet East, Oehaws, Antari a] n hew aid MpAsHnEnt 55 Mulakn Road TWO - room wpartment, fully fuenish ed, pRrking, specs Ayailaiie. Apply 2 Elxin Sire { Fal Telgphone BA {THREE Wistar Abarimer ele ha PEE math, Fe phone RA BRIT PRIVATE _aparin three yan plus hath, PV gullet, puking. 11 Mary (8, 5 minien from downtown, Cail ih" 5 | manthiy pd BERROWE Bimens Blees Toon wid A B. Wison Edmond Buriows, CA, BA B457) ¥ EWR da Auding Foam Iwisny 54 Accuni ant Beith ¥ en and Ea, Cedur Glen Wag, 11 Oa THREE EI ARER, cHphnRIds chen, heavy duly fram shaping centre fell Bireet ARE apartment nd sink Vir ne v 184 Gren Wm i FRIENLANRER, HUNTEK, | voauntants And Auditors Licensed Frusies In Bankrupley ne Bre' | fishawa: BK, | EA Friedlander, B hut A MONTEITH MONTEITH weg En v7 wh Vile Ki ¥ALF Wioek | snd wr mn hg 0 Ai) Comm, BIEN) locking for you in the ments, In quiet outlet, parking i [laundry faeliities inspection FOR BENT | apartment KA 4-847 something Hal aren? BEThtar HA an Sirent North Love Call § 1260 for Aj hin CLANCY'S Ontarie ' oiler pamele Telephone [services (oF small business, 144 Fok |Bireet West. Bag | Offices BA Ahi rooms | Hesidenee, BA $7505 RUF Fast Articles for Rent iii FLOOR SANDERS | CUPBOARD SANDERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT REDUCED. RATES 30% discount en famous make Enamel and Paint WEBBING HARDWARE RA 3.4873 SICKROOM EQUIP MENT vam apariment,| FOR RENT OR FOR SALE SI week | 756 Gillard H invalid Four-raam wnfurnished hdd vale EniEance Lyles further partieulasrs ori far apartment three {heated clean, Barags pleasant Lrondings adults ahstainers | end Telephone KA 84300 [TWA hedror Apartment building, » Wl Craydo apartments In i] ilahile ter bh p.m y Kowd Whiths FIVE tar ail bh [refrigerator [suitable to radia Fam upper 0 ple #0 1 Ie 1 I ay aptianal, elused In pareh, | share Charles steel, | furnished | shared rom apartment velvigeralne, cuphnn Apply 168 Fairbank Btiest new apartment In | hardwood throukh Available now Telephone Wal hedranm hedragm hullding oul good leeation Clap ta hus and sehen! 0% Fu JNTRHE n [Two wa laden onl now, Apply wheel chairs, walkers, hedsides, crutches pital hed Mreet THREF am ment a artment eurtaing, drapes venetian blind plied, TV aerial, laundry room, eilities. 508 Ritson Road North GROUND floar, new, mam apartment and hath, © unfurpish fd, eentral, 856, heat, water Ineludes (One ehild welgome, Dial BA B6404 TWO hedroam apartment self pontained hase tile floars throughout and de alsa rall-away beds Ald Rentals RA 8 1644 cammaodes, | canes Phone |Aute Parts IKENT'S Western Tire, guaranteed Lk tamative parts and aeeessaries i Street West, Oshawa. BA § {07 4 Ive service hays 0 serve you." fa: | | modern, four an Kimean | Teles hone | | A B6344 heiween 0 a.m. and § §.m ihe {Barristers Hark oad | BOWMAN, DAVID §., Barsister, folie! tor, 8% Bimene South, BA 50008, Kosi roam and kitchen far couple J! vn single men single ar double hed parking. 60 | Bouth (FURNISHED hasement apartment, fo denen, KA B-0264 videratar, stave, euphoards, hath, sepa rate entrance, very eenteal Atluits MeGiINBON and BASTERNO, Barristers, ln nl ¥. Alka furnished seam with Kitchen | Boligitars, Clients' funds available privileges RA 30188 rst martgages, 20 Simeae Blreet Narth Charles ©. MeGibhon SELF-CONTAINED Eilgar ¥, Bastedo, Gf [ment with stave Bip ele: | phone BA 80131 or LIOHN A, CAMERON, PRIVATE main {ta 1} and 1 notary pullin, kl Fast } 2200 NHA SEA RL LLL LD mortgages areanged hath, Laundyor Wayne Strep THOMAS M, RUNDI Li citar and natary publie, {TWh anfurntshed, | Gieor Fast Phone RA i170 Private en auphoards, Hivinoe Bib twa [NUMPIREYE, Bavehyn and [itis HA #1500 Harry stern, Bolieitarss Him Fry i i Qe G6 Hovohyn, BA, W ream hwimished ARartmen na Hii, Ln aw King Siveot LT alsa hres 0 apartment, | gedit SEER TRA RT Re elose 10 bys, Telophane HA 54004 or Whitby, MO A701: RAS iN (Maney fa loan py fLREER and Kelly, Barristers, Sollel Lois, a 7i Blmene Street Howth Hint A 'AAuT8: Residenew phnnes M. Geper, BA, By "a Bonin: Tey [iio vi RONG, Wh, BOR: BA BiB [RALPN JONES, BA. Thomas 1 firoer, Assoelnte Raveistors and Ball Ine tors, 140 King Street Fast, RA §-6840 anstdowne © Dy ve S08 | Martgage loans available, MATER 1 SAVE IE ORPIGHTON FRASER, RRYNAN Ah MURROCW, Bavvistors, Solipitavs, No graunditny Fable Rank of Cammeree Hid, flan, all WE eaunle, [48 Simone Street Maith RA LLL T lavallahle ¢ B-0408 he fare : Crelehtan, QC N 4 pom 319 Ritan Read South i Niynan, 6, FIVE © room arivale apartment, theee. |MOrtEages ianked piece bath. garage, TV antenna, Avail [MANNING CF. SWARTE alle Mareh | RA B0311. HA §0040 [Salipitar, Notary, Maney ta loan NOUERN four + 9am wpariment, Hee ee hin AA videratar. stave, wa her, dryer, pad] i Wh! AH parking, 08.50 monthly 14007. Residence, Dial BA 4088, land Road Bast. RA §1810. JAMES A, MoeRONALR, BA, WLR \ THRLR OAM Apartment. self-eon {Rereie \ And Bait ior Ah Notary Pith alned, private entiance, voll PAL a and slave In Kitehen, suitable fh, Ontarle, Client park ple, 30 Gladstone Avende aller {INE wvailihie UNFURNIN a RUSEELL § MURPHY, BA, LLB. INFURNINHER roann Aarelsior and Salloitar, § King Sivas} contral lopation. RA S-5360 Fast, Ouhiawa, Ontario, RA 8.2071 TWH «roam madera furnished apart 108% i R MANGAN al A ALLE went, sink, vefelgeratar, hed - silting Hi \ | ha a i AUG wi | PAI, POERLe Bath, separate eutranes Hd treet Bast, Oshawa, RA #8 parking space, TV aerial. Centval, W denen, RA S404 Ritson Raat South after § ARNE WEAK nonns NnERN vo. lane Solioitar, 9A King Street frigeratar, stave, hot water included. | Tolenhane Hsin RA i washer, dryer, [andy Vibe 830 Mao. (9600, RA H&E trave Avenue, Apartment Na. 1, RA TROWMAN, David 1, Jbl tor, 24 Simear Santh FIVE $68 wanthiy, [4enee. RA § 0364 of pantaned, hal and water pad EF FALMER BA wards sell eontral Telophone RA 3-300 i inteae Steel North S13 WEEKLY three team furpshed Oiflor "WA VER Residenoe, RA $5340 {apartment privat onl, aun a [ew "saryion, Raking inelided. Non Building Trades Gun aff Simeas North RA YOUR | i " ' \ Weal chimney eleanar hm SPANKING new one Xa avant (hexs built and repaired, gas linings tn ment an greund Boar of duplex on sialind, IWrnaces vaeuwmed. Free onl] Wail steal, very moslern with many mates. RA 3890 extras. With ar witha relvige aio slave, Aust he seen) HA 33097 after 6 [ALL types af hawme vepairs modelling Recreation voams, | Warkmanshi Wranteed mates. RA Awa {ALL ple ' h A Fhone HA §4566 four apart nine HA flnny Frigidaire al, Free hing Apt, 6, HA B-a058 roam nih 0062 haveister, soligl W artment 10s King Bree heat ill havrister, soll ay roam apartment h sink, hot walter, phaking facilities gentlemen ar eouple Hillman YE |eiildren I Hi hed 1780 [Tw Hy north " [] 84 wh Ey BA BY for Pai BPRYEmMant, furnished, re frigeratar and range, Very penteal {Clase 0 hu Apply 148 Huran Sires! and half poam apartment unfurnished roams, striel, graund floor, heavy Im why deparatod vate Laleg- basement spavtment [THREE [new triplex mantily. Available trigovatar, washer A AMA BIYMENT (hie POOms, ANsQ plate Honry 1 | Black, Ross iltahle fay ) eanvenRlenpe, Raveister | Wa-hedtonm aRaTiment East Barrister, Sallel FoOm apartment and re ranting La Fre ADELAIDE TERRACE heating supplies ¢ N81, Harald Ro Stavk am hing, he A RE And ensineer Bh Shmeae Steet South, NOW 18 THE TIME TO GET MEN AT YOUR CALL REFAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL ICALL AJAX--THAT'S ALL RA 8.5103 110 KING ST. BE. OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR "AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ; hing 129 ataves, New apartmer Ave. W Outiet a water, parking laundry facilities No medem wom Lu LEY inghucles space, and Apply Apt ONE MONTH FREE RENT and nents Mage room wo. hed ay $85 and Best Phone RA 8-8676 \ One location 5 VB LERNERING BA Harper Chartered FRYER Ah, chimneys, fireplices, sides Agchunianis I nw pl Oshawi, Ontarig, BA LE A Ascounting| hiakkesn th # or ly of Blmurave and Fark Hoad.) ("184% and private King ay delivered ana Fy Mutdon ih iN Barvister, HA 0 King 1444 | Rest: | NA S000 Real | (Building Trades [Insurance HOME Owners renting, Bang, saves PON HOLDEN ERIBLAR, nRIBHBE [41] mty Insurance, Bi Whithy MO b 460k fOshiwi. HA BEORI building Fire, ants, and gas King Brest Fast Res. BA 4-3975 IALISEATE Aula Insurance. Bave 9 2 per rent manithy ta pay PRFSIRR] BEFVIRE Bh VI hame, r BAS REL) MA lypes ne alien; ¥ook nd, Jai FIREY "ow Whithy kb Mortgages SEE w MORTGAGES =r Arranged, Bought, Seid Company and Private Menies RA 5-4044 Jahn BOLA fi 6 op Limited Realtor Member Ontario Morigage Brokers Association {Nursing Services | IYIDUALIZER thoughtful care Jor leach person in Runnyhrie of Bhp --- HY supervised. Inqul invited, yA shnahle rates, BA h-24 |Optometrists [§ WICHARD yiulks and second MOrtEREes wehatzmenn, Marts nfesw anal BI) saps, HA Lidl Gdn May [Money to Loan FIRBT pnd second Warigage, Afrapmepty purchased and sold ann Heoniek, Barniclers, 3 ll Fast, BA 8703 i nis money to nan on first ort | gage, Morigare and aaveement of sels purchased. NHA mortgage areanged. | Crwighton, Fraser, Tynan and Mur | MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all tynes of mert gages for first and second mortgages en all types of req) estate including vacant lands; far and econd agreements hased Apply Va King Eres! Telephone RA ' Buokiseeping L. SCHAPELHIUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 666 OSLER STREET OSHAWA, ONT, RA 5-9953 Bile en ni Business Oppertunit WHANYH LE hested slors, main wet, Will decorate ta suit tenant Pree ih Hi, low rent, Walker, 61 King {West A ph 7, MAKEL 3-6000 {GENERAL plore WIRE enmmunity ya, | Nain slonh neh Saunie, Broovs hay Ax %, tilly equipped. Present Business Over eight yeurs WOU dawn, lus stock, halanee on ene |b artghde. Bor Iniorniabion, cell Bill {Harner, at KA §-5185, Alter hours, RA 2336 BIGHT [nn oh | ries and lunch reem In h 16 miles fram Osh HRBELMent for swig, iy goad vol depart | | term mortgage | first and shart Bui martgages for M, Swartz Egst, Oshawa, 34697, MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 ta $60,000.00 for lean en first and raage Agree on vacant and i" Wir {ment Ider § BLACK, Doctor Optometry the examination of pres contaet lenses, 136 Bimeos North Colborne. Evenings hy ALG "0, ApiometHy Please HA 44181 C,H TUEK, A pay aeeounts at downl wh aminlen Wank or 74 Burk treet invalids ex [amined at home. Dil BA $4087 |My REA NEW, ©, wi aptametr Billie und 4 (1 West, MOE LN Cloned Painting ond Decorating | BROWSE thrangh an eld fashioned var: Hely stare In your awn living pom, [Cheek the unusual offers under "Sale Miseelianeaus' in Classified PAINTING. and paperhanging, inter ies. 6 hi Fury rh Meet Telephone HA BY WA pane mile PROFESSION AT in HA andl i sale p ine ta sell of the | Ww dy Ji inl now I8 the hess your farm. Take advants alytahny peaspegls Farms fof Sale" dally Wo kel your alice to them EQUIP your affies the easy, a Bike way, book wver the harkuing alfer {ed under "Oifien Bauipment' in Ww | dhs Classified seetion he Whiihy, Immediate Becond M ments for Sale, impraved property, residens tial and industrial eity, subs untry, and Sums for rept 80" x B8' or BU ¥ BW Ve ein residenting rr xgelignt hesuty parlor loeation Marek 1. Telephone KA (sronp fit ig |Oeeapiney 1748 ¥ nuit urhan and er mer ecitages Summerland ited, 112 MNerth, Oshawa 5.3668 Mortgages OANS TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS You can Borrow $50 To $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills, This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Egsy Manthly Payment $50 $5,000 Without Endorsers Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All { Canadian Lean Company Loans Life Insured 17 SIMCOE §T, N RA 5.654) Open Friday 'TILA P M Saturday Til 12 Neen Securities Limi» Simeoe Street Phang RA (Money to Losn [Rug--Uphelstery Bervies I MAT 10 ER tis CAPRIS 24, 2 % i ment ele Viti Hw Fo ok wR oe # Ee Matiresses Feu WL Co, 10 Bond soi ww, BAD 0, AFT Bi its Hilt. SAMSON RA B-8180 OSHAWA T.V, _36)_ GIBBONS ST, _ 40' TOWERS $45 130 ROOF ANTENNAS $30 20" ROOF ANTENNAS $22 Completely Installed With 2-Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY. 1.V, RA 5:7844 B02 SIMCOE §T. § T.V. Service Calls, $3.00 SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE hanger, guaranteed work and Selevision ord + Range Control Repair Specialists, PH. RA 3 rials, Pree estimates, Al CORFOY, LRU "| Canrage JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Oshawn, Whithy ~~ Reasunahle rales, Fully eauipped and insured. Phone RA " anal | OVIAN Cartage; for fast dependable servige HA B-3014, Na Joh tea hig of aa small '|Bressmaking [MINOR alterating on ehildren's and ladies' wear, 403 Albert Beet (farmer PAINTERS & DECORATORS industrial, Commersial, Pomestie Repairs -and Alterations Weed Finishin Home and Office Furniture, TW co, PUNBARTON PAYS MO 8-8729 EVENINGS -- TE 9-2364 PODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Paintin 107 BYRON § iy 8 JHrey DAYS MO 8.523 NIGHTS RA § Fans Personal Service PETER Pan Day Nurseey, Wi gays B30 to 530. 65 Bimeos HA oli fl a SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten er lengthen garments, Cults and pockets renewed, Complete stoagk af huttens, GILLARD'S CLEAN! 1, SFRvice LT. 49 BURK STREET _ Fast Service » Sensible Rates TV TOWERS 40:11. selt-supi Ain | tower, Het dip galvanize aint, Complete with Ah Rai, 61 all » ehannel antenna, Tata! price, installed and guaranteed fer year $57.50, Alia preamp! set services TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3583 i / [ARFERATIONG of Wi kinds for Tom, wamen and ehildren. Formal dresses, [Heversinle hive 3 Reelally, RA Brad [Fuel and Weed nRy NALS, J] hardwood ends, suitable for fur slaves, fireplaces, ele, 88 large Hilane BA #3014 "PIECES of hardwaad firewaed, Al ' Ha prices Far further informa Han, ¢ ll RA 0:0308, \ |Food Freezer Services SIGIR PER week assures a family al Hauer good living, This ineludes a heavy Iduty Westinghouse Frovser and (he {finest of foods pragurable, hy Bohneld ers Think ob We fale weuther ar foul, your shopping centre ie ¥oup Kitohon Your bee maobie sip br ob foal Jade antees hotter planned meals ab far losy than you are naw paying. The east of Hiving heing such as 6 1s, 3 18 nly [iat 1a yourselt and family, that you eal BOONOMART, MO §8501, No Dawn ayment Na Obligation, Our food eon siltants will gladly explain aur way to helen Nving, and guy many sabisiied Ahi verily our statement, There NOW | | PAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS Complete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 5:7844 or RA 8.5804 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT = DAY OR isan T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Wark Guaranteed, SHAWA ELECTRONICS BEATTY APPLIANCES Surveyon oon Barn, equipment, pumps, DONEVAN AND VLRIOHMAN. Gn SS ho} 0 Land Busveren | i Pin Hi Biro ETE [ER Fi N wi Rel Ontarin x Ha oh Avenue HOR Sy and Amite, 8 ) ® a and HEY 4 die Ai F801, Max v8 Watch Repairs WATCH REPAIRS J, Cornish 299 King St, West Specializing autematie watches RA 3.4548 Well Drilling W WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE whitey, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 A CHESTNUT ST, W, PO. BOX 329 are many substitutes BUT you ean be SURE IF ws Westinghouse, Hous for | this month, 18 pound steak pack STOP HOMARKET Food and Freezer Company new in Whithy. Offers the finest tead service in Ontarie, All name brand groceries. Steaks and roasts 1a delight the eve. At low prices, Hind quarters eut and wiapped, 38¢ Ib, fronts 42¢ 1b: We have specially des signed HOMARKET home freezers fram 294.00, No Leposit, Lifetime warranty, A family of four ean live well and awn a freezer tor $16.00 per week, For infarmation, Call HOMARKET, 107A Cals bane West, Whithy, MO 84630 Richard Mayeck RA 3 488 Gardening and Supplies OSHAW, HOME LANDSCAPING Pruning. of fruit ees and amamentals; tree surgery and removal, Expert work guar anteed RA 8-6366 Instruction LEARN 0 donee, expert instyuetion in Jha Hream HARERA Far appointment, tole: | {Hane RA #3 [HHUA _-- MARSH, dance eduea dancing sehoal, ballet, tap, haten, haf pre sehon)l, character, Fy AAV, Satarday, Masonie Temple. RA LR 3 SR] PRIVATE § vears Aol few [Fimbing Heating ell burners, hat water end forced air furnaces, hathream fixtyres, parts and servige, FARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day er Night PLUMBING and AeAlng bi \e HES, FNires, Apw a wield, Shang WE fram septie (ARK 1a sewer & PIA Installations at rea Information and estim Wie af plvmhing, BN Falay Rug=--Upholstery Service FURNITURE vopalied and vo-uphol [stored Soe ane materials or re-g0 ey Wines 8 Dalton, 13 Ohavles iil IRA $n [VRHOLSTERY at its host or loss, We [SHOCIATES 1h DNRSIETHOlS. avered, remodeled, ropated Free | pi Ma GARY tors. RA S36 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Protessional. Cleaning, Home or Plant Me nbers of the National Institute of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY -- RA 8.4681 SEGERS RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Piotessional cleaning at COWeT prices RA 5.7488 | | | | Offices Throughout Ontarie MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Interest | w= Current Rates Fast Confidential Service Na Hidden Bonus Na Chattel Mortgages No Cassigners Pavments to Suit Your Budget Absolutely Na Cas You Unle Arranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 51 KING STREET € Dial RA 3.3993 Anviime Fe t Ta Mortgage Day a \ Evening ne PRO is teacher, shadent caunseilar BY IlRryview wily AFF ACR( Member Ontaria Mortgage Brokers Avociation ATED OFFICES 55 ONTARIO (Wamen's Column [srexew uh AE rd TR ho * ER APR I RA § HARVEY RANCE AVAREMY {Batan, Tap, Haval Academy. Ravel, | [ann 4 now Ring

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