KEN BL SPORT THRIL (Death Toll | i i I Record Set Last Year toll from traffic pecidents in ; i Ae » #y Warhees 1, Title Wisks ¥, Gems 1) Je # Tumblers 2 BERGE AWTR WESE | EAGUE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Vebraory 33, 199} 1". Advocates [i Aug oh Hanns ast nyse, iad OFTAWA (CP) = The death Jerioe, roentng were, Kamar with 5 Rey Gee Canada reached 8 recovd Wet, seven {last vear of 777% persons killed, | Faves, CK RECALLS FEAT desvite reductions in * oe prov A fnees, | i wien Lied Asaf d Pitts Phe trite dears Rere waelbl rite th 2%) " LA bs i Katacs had rfl open 418, 54 HI I Jet A ne (24, Sify wp 1.3 per cent from the 19507 the Dominion Bi - C1, reas of Statistics venoried Wed | fatal of 51 nesdny, #64 lives, Traffic deaths rose last year ng Newfonndiand to 45 from 8, in Nova Scotia to 168 from 121, in New Brunswick to 165 from 108, and in Alberta to 258 from U8. Ontario's toll was reduced to 1166 from 1187, Last year #5152 persons were injured in traffic accidents com pared with 84,751 in 1960, | Property damage, excluding Quehee where figures are not pvailable, rose io 851.547.0090 from W78,706.000. This counts only mecidents where damage |exceeded $100, Great 1936 Finish In Golf. Tournament VANCOUVER (CP) =~ eouver celebrates its 7oth birth day this year hut it is unlikely the sports fraternity will be able to match its contribution to the Golden Anniversary In 1036 The feature of the sports pro gram that year was Open Jubilee Golf Tournament which attracted most of the best golfers on the continent The final day of the 72-holé event was filled with drama Byron Nelson had finished with a 276. Only two men had a chance to beat him, power-hit- ting Jimmy Thompson and 24 year-old Kenny Black, a Van x y dhe money, $978, Black wasn't eon tent with a tie and his finish) competing with the best in Brit+| with the greatest in ish Columbia amateur golf and must rank golfing history. He ran up a i By the time he was 15 he was was soon heating most of them the Lad he string of six birdies in the last| His record includes three B.C eight holes Amateur titles, membership on His 275 won him the champ-| 10 Willingdon Cup interprovin- lionship and & silver tea set-- cial teams, one B.C, Open title, couldn't collect any money the Western Canada Open | because he was an amateur,| championship, the Jubilee title { And he has the honor of heing| and one victory in the Canadian the only Canadian amateur ever] Amateur {to win a tournament trail com He hammered Edmonton's | petition | Henry Martell § and 6 in Mont- | Today Black is 8 stocky, real to win the Canadian erown poker - faced once » a - week| jn 1030 and has been in the fi- golfer of 48 who devotes most nals three times, losing 6 and of his time to his Vancouver(s to Martell after the Second printing plant and executive World War. ecouver amateur work as president of the Cap They were in the same four: iano Golf and Country Club some and when word reached| But though he plays less than them on the 10th fairway that/he would like he says: "I still 278 was the magic number |love the game, I've loved it Thompson yelled to Black: ever since 1 can remember ' "Well, Kenny, all we need tof catch Nelson is three birdies, 1 guess we'd better start before it's too late," FABULOUS FINISH Thompson got his three bird ies and a tie for first « place PREMIER DUR STARTED AT FOUR That would be back to the age of four when his father, Davey, the retired Club here, gave him his first clubs, wrofessional at | Bhaughnessy Golf and rd | But there's evidence that golf | wasn't quite Black's whole life On his return home from the {1099 title victory he kissed his | wife Mayme and this conversa tion ensued; "How's the lawn, dear?" "Oh, Ken, there's a big brown spot right at the front," Kenny slowly shook his head, I knew I shouldn't have gone away." ern quarters two years Ago, says there are ahout 2000 courts tucked away in schools, colleges and clubs across the United States, Canada has fewer than 40, located in Hali- fax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Regina and Vancouver ROBLIN 18 REGULAR Nearly any day of the week Premier Duff Roblin may be seen at the club eating lunch al: though the time he devotes to playing the game is not as much as he would like, says Hopwood, The premier was the wo. first person given a life mem: "4 bership, ING WORKOUT SPORT SNAPSHOTS Fitness Promoted By Squash Clubs WINNIPEG (CP) -- Between football in the fall and hockey in the winter, you would think Gerry James was getting quite enough athletic activity But the Winnipeg Blue Bomb ers fullback who plays rights wing for the Western Hockey League Warriors this time of year is also a proponent of squash, spending his days off at the Winnipeg Squash Racquets Club, He's in select company, too, with such other members as the premier of Manitoba, his hockey boss, Canada's football commis sioner and other sports person: alitles, "It's a great place to relax before a big game," says James, Others with sedentary jobs find it helps keep them fit, Charlie Ives, club profes sional, says "about 30 minutes a day on one of the 32-foot-long courts is all it takes to keep a dub lth man in good physical Of. | The general idea of the singles |game, which is internationally {popular, is to swat a hard black rubber ball weighing an ounce off any or all of the three walls inside the court to a spot where an apponent can't reach it before it bounces twice on the floor James is "average but new at the game," says Ives, who has been at the club since 1934, His {football teammate, Norm Rau haus, "started only a vear ago and is impressive." Other Rlue Bombers who play squash are fullback Charlie Shepard and quarterback Kenny Ploen, The Winnipeg club sent twe players to the Canadian champ. lonships in Montreal early in February, Byt Canadians gen. erally aren't up to international standards, seldom placing well {in US competitions where the Khan family of Pakistan cus tomarily cleans up The club was founded in 1000, almost 50 years after students at Harrow in England devised the game, Cost of playing isn't expensive, About §15 will cover a racquet and a ball that will survive a year of average use Tennis clothes are worn The courts usually are busy at noon and between § and 6 p.m, when businessmen « members arrive to work off extra pounds or frustration in a game where the hall, Hopwood says, 'comes flying at you at more than 90 miles an hour," Jack Perrin, manager and owner of the Warriors, and foot. ball commissioner Sydney Hal: ter spend a lot of their leisure time at the club, REMEMBER WHEN? , , | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gene Tunney won the Amer: lican light » heavyweight boxing title 28 years ago tonight with an unpopular 10-round decision over Harry Greb, the Pitts: burgh "windmill," Three years later, and one year after he entered the heavyweight ranks, [Tunney won the heavyweight title in the "long count" battle with Jack Dempsey, NHL BIG SEVEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS Andy Bathgate of New York picked up two assists Wednes- day as the Rangers defeated Chicago Black Hawks 42 to consolidate his grip of sixth place in the National Hockey QAgue SCOTINg race, 'The two points, which gave him a total of 62, on 33 goals and 39 assists, also lifted him to within two points of fifth place. There was no other NHL action Wednesday and Bath: gate's increase marked the only change in the top seven, The leaders: a Gealfrion, Mu RL] Mahovlich, Tor a Beliveau, Mtl Moare, Mtl Kelly, Tor {Rathgate, N.Y, Iman, Det COOKING CHEESE All types of cheese should be | Jack Hopwood, president cooked slowly aver hot water Isince the club moved to mod-land never over direct heat. I game In the last five YeATS wher tw traffic aecidents have taken 18,000 (over 0 The death toll increase was [LF Foe) concentrated in four provinees, dim Themen won two gsmes for the) ' LANWER STARK CLASC LEAGUE Fagies er the The (Hiazsrmane A od wid to weep wp the (hie sestion Fridey mans ly eRe FREWRE WG MRE Ite When it (hess Regity place, We sod whesd of 7, Lions 7, the a ediadet 75 lenm, F 9 games ~ Ed #6 1992, this WERK 2 men Filed Us, Tih) Ral ratum oh wh, y od wa py TF Bil gd Chisfs as #8ch Pia hg A gud or B. Kichardoon VII Tharnson Gh wd the ie in the last three weeks In OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS wo Tesm A por wer 9), Wakkminy's 6 3 0, Mr Ho, dm Wikeme 8 a0, 00, C0 les Wi, Greats Wireless # Aang 77. i | He sold ite is pre Family Crusade [sees vy writers, fim television "as # sate of OFTAWA (CF) ~~ py Pinas and \ovs. and not fhe ioh fr PIES ang Boker 06 (D8, B%, 39, M5 Bers Ba "Haley $98 (I, 37), Worry Wavy $7 fos , Wright's CommMiders 75, ~Ofiers 9, Wawks 4, nes Foters I ents Cilets 1, Falcons ig 7 'WT5, BY, Ress Mewets #3 (267, Wi y 47 a said Wednesday Hive woes thew Rene: 4 pnd Colt §, Rater #3 (159), WW Cronica 6 (006, ang Blais Dress #5 General Vamer Ww reaty dete, win only ome! Bemdings ~ 0, Wonks 6 mm, Jeek Rests 68 (351, B99, BPH Rh "Es dete #1, , 0, biome 95, iia Smith $10 (109), Wadatine Marler? ad the Chste wns Fi 5 y signs SR (0%, B/ wen Wah o Retty | GAR Bs Xa 0 T Comiey 0 (418, 1m, 9H, id Row © bo of fiom Those Vom (979) end © RnR WO (306 I Gems U8 (01 oy Gomes -- Harry Fests (009, ge Ww, Behe Tn B91, 97), MAseriRiom, Uelimmich 5% (U0), © Void, |B, Pega Furie the ire etn aio foarte fiepists oF Te WT Canada bs fo reach pation) Weise Wh, J. Weriewich #8 wud 4, Fome Wickeos Ld Ea aT, Es Si maturity 16 must establish fam: thew > oi 0, 1 1A, , Wath ui, , 2), § i |, Mating. overages = 0. Waster 181, five 1. Comment 117, #0 Gy nT i Lal ; Kyl | » y ah nd Jn Jae wna B Pots Vib Hawn vf / vids wr 2, Fred A right $50 (0), Chad I foes 00, wnt oom ice | o TVATA FAWKE povmiES Os es is ary ted Fuck Years ago, Mr, Vanier suid, Yor the Chiets,| i, i gh WER F118 K€ 8 Were Comracted, ite A cement and alliance should 0 i REF al Warr Worn et . ley's Operators §, Borrowdaie y 7 dat 's rd y id vo hive pikes boon #10 7 Hex : nent 1, welt oi, wars 5, Gk hy's Heihra x. he 08 (0k), Wan [rg st.) Yona - Ewekss I Kergetss 1 Dosiels oh 18 Wid Whegets ies Draen 4 8 4 AAERH , Helen y , Bariendes 'd y { ~f MF LJ iv dd Mal mash 4 the Emil #0 (348), y Keys (248, pein |, Consign §, Firmen br | 3... 4a a ee Fnstivetors 6, Wein [dd bag ver os ' eh wr a family crisade je Necessary 19 gen man end wile and prevent Canadian society from bisth end oi collapsing under the Pressures yep" id # {recom leads to divorce, | dwvenile delinquency i i he 5 ¥ i 5, Vi nd Geotus: d 4 2 » BEFORE YOU CHOOSE A 900-CALORIE REDUCING PLAN... Compare the nutrients provided by the Quota plan | with those in other plans Some liquid diet products list as few as 14 nutrients on their cartons, Compare this with the nutrients supplied in quota, One 8 oz, tin provides; RIBOFLAVIN, . vei 0000: 2.0 M2 NIACINAMIDE.,..,...20,0 mg PYRIDOXINE, vvveee. 1LOME FOLIC ACID, sv vveiee 0.4 MB CALCIUM D-PANTOTHENATE 5.0 mg VITAMIN E...vi00000.10,0 LU, VITAMIN B12,,./::.:.2,0 meg CALCIUM vvenrsnineer did gM QUOTA has been specially developed for The Quaker Oats Company (a reader in nutrition for over eo years) by its Barri ngton | Laboratories, Barrington, Illinois. Available in three delicious, ~ easy-to-mix varieties--Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana. _ When you choose a 900-calorie weight control plan it is important to consider the nutrients necessary to keep the body healthy while the scales go down! CALORIES, ,........900,0 PROTEIN, svveereree 70,0 gM FAT svisiveinieine 185 8M CARBOHYDRATES, 119.0 gm MINERALS (ASH)....15,0 gm VITAMIN A........5000,0 |,U, VITAMIN Dev ,400,0 JU, VITAMIN C....oveeee 78.0 mg THIAMINE, sev venese JO ME PHOSPHORUS. ........1.4 gm IRON: +s veer iresverar 100MB IODINE, ,, +1000 ev 150,0 meg MANGANESE, ,,1101++,2.0 mg POTASSIUM. .,vvv0e00. 1.8 EM SODIUM, ,vvverrereess 0.88 8M COPPER. +++ eerersss 0.78 MB MAGNESIUM. ,..+.,.250,0 mg LING: tre erreavaerer BRING STORES!