The Oshawa Times, 22 Feb 1961, p. 4

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! Would Avoid | WHITBY And DISTRICT [Fathevinlaw (pro os 5 Mrs. W. Pellow [Fined $75 On 7 = £722 Advances Is WI Hostess rick (81310 be in the field of wis intensified during in Pickering Township, par-| | Whithy Women's Institte held the moto, "Preserve snd eher rly In connection with their Febrwery mesting at the ish the oid the rere md the ehiidren and home of Mrs yp, 2 henisitid huh often Puy ed ., WW id he card these the new, 7 @ 6 wees president, Mrs, CG. Welaan, the shoddy, simply hecause It 1s LAR dare Jor Suis ps ing Kit hed a (wns in cherge, Tope of the modern" Two poems 1858 WY one month for driving while We When he went (6 his imesting was "Historical Be Mrs, Word were greatly 6% ficence was dad, ¥ 1&6 defence the fatherin dew | sepreh and Corrent Events as . Chomisky, 18, of BR 2, Whithy, struck #1 Wm with # {The roll call "display and tell Mir Jobers CORYERET, IN her dred heflore Magistrate chat, he said about Your Best hook" hrowght paper on Historical Researeh ie Evbs in Whithy police In Wis own defence, My ot & namher of interesting ex- drew mitention 16 some of the court Wins rake the pttacker"s nose " Mr. Robbins, whe gave Wis gddress ne East Beach, Bow: hares ix A man, whom 19 mites th back coun might In question, Feb ronds before being wie to had been 88 the was Tuesday fined WI5 and wiles parents 5 Mh § 8 oi i G frend k ia ¥ TR i H af kh i i i # the Ontario Depa , i which theese Safe] Patrols were come t worked owt well The report continues that dur ng the year, every pititie shoo lin the pres was visited by PC Box on ot lenst one occasion during the school term, and # film on general traffic safety was shown, snd 8 talk given on this subject Appronimately attended these talks and they were given safety erature f : ot " TECHMICOLOR PLUS | TODAY OWLY "THE RAT RACE" "THE PAGANS ---- The Epic Marine Story that GOES ALL THE WAY! # SCORCHING | ASSAULY AS AM LANDING! «oo AND TO TICKLE YOUR FUNNY BONE! wi FRENCH PROVINCIAL bibits, some of them over 109 beautiful oid homes And PONE 4" further charge of intomi- and opened up & €ut WINER 100K pened the BE two visors were present have heen preserved FE the reauest of the Crown Magistrate Banter reserved BE Aner the renting of minutes LoTed while some (owns W6RE PC Ernest Slaneman, of the sentence til Mey 7, L ond communications by the see. hese Gown 19 make wey 107 Wiithy Police Department, said . di ' in p 5 GOH YEAR cussion of Badin and Tele © in the name of Progress. had heen on routine patrol when Firing programs, compenng, 1 16 the duty of Institute ne come upon # cor procesting. TONDON (CP)~/The Ministry | het values and suggesting im. MEMBERS to sce that SOMEONE OF east on Dundas street east, in of Labor Gazette says 1989 was! wvements, The secretary will or re & report 10 forward to Mstory of the Lown and aRxions just as he pulled beside this most of Italn's manual work ) office to preserve our heritage rather car, the vehicle struck the ers, Weekly pay rales went wp thin the 'I couldn't. eare les' south shoulder, then Wack out on (our per cent and the Normal" Wye camonian work inciuded eho for Hetrded COMren not 0e0 ig be oo nd shot back past IE per com one separate schom, Boy Bemis ! ' . i WHE COUNTY, ne 10 cruiser > { 4 4 ; this wren, There are 28 CIBrento cr conscious of is historical, He said thet he turned the Brownies ang (irl Guide groups, | r Y A . mstihie Box Is fo be com- ££ 4 pn Is most important And wsed CoE an wxample thei chase. he seid, which cover DAY-BY-DRY iy w PRX 0 Christmas cards or , Seaasion town of Williamsburg which Bas ed 19 miles of country r080s, ot project." sates Police Chief BRIDGE TAKES FORM AT HIGHW eRrds are always In Aeman heen completely restored," she speeds no greater than 45 mph LEFT ACCIDENY Resinala fo bBo Forks (aad " 3 Mrs un 10 pass the ear (0 stop (x i ' duel-lane bridge system over | tion crews of (he don Gaff bridge system, eh will Roberts for her Interesting i Ah Aust and driving Cleon, was iat) 4 nd conls Bhan fg (Mdeomd sarvies the Canadian National Rell: | ney - Construction Company | #erve he no raft N T Cr t waper, The meeting adjourned conoll He said that he re : ' oh, | © nd Home and Schoo oh and Woehwy rh Har ering the north amen of Harwood avenue, will be 0 own ani paper, 'The meeting ACINPNES; conditions i wt TE remain al the seene of an Rech grouns on Safety and Police : he up ' entines followed. Mrs, Drewry flasher Nght gang hefore bring: Magistrate ¥, 8, Bibs in Whit: teed: underway, The pletire, taken | the bridge span The existing | year ik Time For Hos tal was judged the winner, A de ing Chomisky to & stop by police court on Tuesday, The, from the existing bridge over | bridges were constructed Just | ___ =Oshawa Tim 5 Photo lieious lunch was served by the. In addition fo the fines, charge was laid when 8 parked . » The town of Whithy will 8d-\sres "peiigy or three months mont on Jan, 29 Pickerin | ownship { 'hief (pital hat there will he na mu | FAILED 70 VILE nigipal grant made towards the ? i g construction of the new 222-hed D ' A 1 e | Jackson Sleep, Brock street through a report of the finance river 8 e FP and €onls. for Julling to file Nl committee which 'was approved tenar sgn dB, 1 i {by council this week | Enarg ' PICKERING (Staff) -- Pre:(responsibilities that will be in-| Detective Training st McMaster 107 William Davidson, char DRUNK AT DANCE he authorized to advise the hos : heck PC hn and fence and stopped in Township, wes fined $10 and ship Police enforcemeni and service to resi-| Patrol Sergeant Peter J On a routine cheek, PC Am: ditch and fence and stopped n° i fhe icusrin ar oie Com. | dents of this ares, We have a|wood attended & one-week pital that the Lown I PAYINE oq gn mers rapped at the wins field costs or 10 days when he plead : 4 the Ontario County grant of ; ; 4a 2% intoxicated at & Thorah Town: Parker repori- who have demonstrated that geants, These courses did not | 55 The hosp . Altona road early on Jan driver through the whole pro abv 5 stable Reginald 24 " they are capable of assuming! set an examination, hut both of $240,000. The hospital will also and to his amazement, the 688 ceedings and he never lifted his shi dance hall on Fob. 16 He tize f the 7 n { f sibility than they are presently knowledge in these fields, Patrol [Serihed by {he eis ns ou he 7, went through a diteh, through (act. he told the court, he had Fibs in Whithy year eonsisiad of 18 uiitormet handling Sergeant Hollywood tito attend. & fence and stopped in & field. io call another officer to help SUSPEND LICENCE arin men, inc ' ed for one week at the Metro." ; Tort that we are adequatelyi Chief Fork ined "Th politan Toronte Police Traffic or Tugralone, the town coundl fan at the wheel slept through enough to apen dhe doy - of Scarborough, who never had HUNTER ; Mel Darker cORtinue 4 the whole thing oth | i PC Ernest Col- a licence to drive, won' staffed and equipped to handle|k eg ping with this expected operation of our Radar Speed y Both he anc } ) cence to drive, won't have Timing device, after which he further grant," said the report |, "oo, "pr pii, "oas' given 14]lin had heen drinking and was Magistrate ¥, 8, Ebbs recom: arise during 1061. This area is were sent on (raining courses Earlier this year, the hospi Svs in Jail for having the earelin no condition to drive n car, manded that 'ha' nat. We wae now on the threshold of rapid during 1060, and 1 hope to send equipment hy three of our con: 1A ) vic > UMEAL BRA 1 stihles a capital grant of §i6,000 while impaired, A charge of ing conviction and His Worship 850 and costs or one month for| DAMONE Vaal anlaly Sovdlammon; 2» A Gus Courses ha will he fered or llended & ons, : driving while under suspension levied the 14-day minimum sen-| leaving the scene of 8 threecar| PATRICIA i # during 14 The cost of these for Chie tonstables @ [ | Master University in Hamilton | . ore wo ed six months Tere ih OFGer that. wh TAY|that In one of the Dest IN nd aise o werten of lectures WHITBY [admitted hat thers wis néled 4 JAILED SIX MONTHS | keep pace with the develop:iyvestments that this department | Osgoode Hall in Toronte onl BOWLING NEWS Hans Bras, 17, of Ajax, was ment. ean make at this time Criminal Law, | | Po Summar id nat wien SERMON TAPE he was eonvieted of being In : '§ ly sources that the subdivision of \Bodley attended a seven - week| department are alse itending he rapped at the win possession. of two typewriters Bay Ridges alone will increase course at the RCMP school inla series of lectures at Richmond Results of Tuesday night's he noted that the Manat the [sold in Toronto. He Was alse 18,000 persons in the next three g.erprints, Photography an d|speakers so far have been Beton 81 County Bowl: Courtiee| wheel was asleer TO REPENT sentenced to one month, coneur to five years, and it is reason-| Criminal Investigation, and at- members of the Ontario Alior Hillcrest Dairy, Basseil's Jew sid, nd te Bal oa du When the thiof who stole (of driving while disqualified, of the township will develop inlon his examination and & t 0.0 d|staff, These evening lectures ery doing the same lo Bud Hing » : | carder turns it on, he will |Fividence taken last week indi: conjunction with this increase! third in his class at graduation, (are attended by eae oon Market taking the odd point ahead, crossed the highway,| he surprised and, hopes Mr, [stolen from the Federal Pack: "We are fortunate to have a showing by this officer as many well attended, We were also from, Homi Tire and Mercan Haekuoill. in aging plant by another man | ! are 1078 | Ne Ju staff with the department at|in this class were officers of fortunate in arranging a foc. odd pot from Burtinsky Flor No raucous rock and roll been, bli I Bg nariene Ine we Affleck les of 18is, ras' ear, is capable of eoping with the | experient ge In this type ofiney Bruce Affleck on rules o [] tones of espionage plots will |» many problems | work 'In Fatal Accident { lef, Instead, he throu s the sudden growth of| h|to which I Invited the other |last section so the teams that | ; groel the thief, Instead the department and the many attended a one-week course on local police departments. haven't won a section as yel| An East Whithy Township by Mr, MacNelll (a lay preacher) which begins one, which her sister was killed, was | Top Shooters thin week wereiuesday placed on -suspended| #Ins , ' p |SYuSiAY Dita pond Mr, MacNeill, 700 New . . 4 Check Gil #32 (3208, 284); Bill ae Hh : . Didn H Pay Bill Grviis #10 (306, 994, B50); Myrle eharge of careless driving, Shir:| the recorder was stalen Hit 8 In 1960 BOWMANVILLE (®tafh y ley Hadley, 24, was convicted! from his ear Monday night, [agi ot don 8 (802, 961); Jim C Jordan 18 (402, 01); dim Cas |Whithy police court, | vestaurant with a man suf PICKERING TOWNSHIP the hlackest for traffic deaths in the history of Plekering Town: Reginald Parker in his annual report to the Police Commis Chief Parker stated that six persons fad died as a result of roads in the Pickering Township area and 88 persons were in: on the roads, "Despite our most strenuous and the fact that there were more policemen on patrel in in the history of Plekering Township, 1060 was our blackes! "Pwo men died In a head-on collision between a ear and a duced vision on Rrack Road he said Two men were killed in "eparate mishaps invelvins eros ngs," Chief Parker con the "A vouth was killed when he of a car at night in Dunbarton and one man died after lying uncons ious in hospital for #6 the path of encoming traffic an a ourve," he stated, : In commenting on the Pick the ee Chief stated the fol: wing: SPEED VIOLATIONS . "The autherities in Traffio forcement goes up; accidents go down. Unfortunately, this has not heen the case in this area violations inereased fram 7 in 1950 to 840 in 1060, Care: less driving prosecutions in 100 failing to stop at through , falling highways horoateq from Wm 199 to Min 19680, failing to stop yesrs oid, Eleven members and Wildngs wn other (owns waied Anving was withdrawn #6 10 stitches retary the members joined in p MTVICE Hatons oF paring 1048, that at 1.20 am. Jen [i their council 1s interested in the! gn erratic manner, He said thet a "double benefit" year for (old some H / " i Bg rag h aititude of others," whe sald, the street agen. and Wed working wesk went Gown D4 visitations to 11 public schools pitending nt present, Wandwork Jon ound & ] y i ' H - dif WW and anwious to pre-erviser armnd Ang gave Chak mended on this very worthwhile Mrs, BE. Ward commented oh g4i0 PC Stoneman said that he wes, Russell A Construction of the new ( the highway, shows construe: (20 years ago and (he pew ~~ Mclean thanked Mrs issell Albert Blundell, 18, of oo iivinaten in panel discussion and a contest of homemade Val- sounded his siren and had #l gent wood avenue, Alex, 18 well | footing, which will support completed in June of this 4 ont when he ppeared Wefore| sunjects hostesses Mrs, Saunders and Chomisky's car was impounded car "was damaged in Clare: |vise the Oshawr General Hos wddition, The decision came {south, Whithy, was fined Gives Annual Report es Ann e ' 3X ] The report, read hy Council Car Enters Field n ¥ 4 ta | 4 senting the annusl report of volved in administering efficient University in Hamilton #& nd! [M80 said that the clerk Is to Henry Shilling, of Rama pd PH 2 per cent of / : mission on Friday, Chief Con:\number of officers on the staff|course at Gravenhurst for Ber: approximately 92 per cent of |E PONCCCL SCAT ar on thel He said that he watched the|Ud EUINY to & charge of being od that $42,000 wi pe h higher vanks and more respon: these officers gained valughle he advised that $42,000 was sub rolled ahead, crossed WIGhWAY head off the steering wheel. In appeared before Magistrate "Our stall at the end of the ngher va / th ivilian employees, and I'FRAINING | outa To add to his amazement, the him get the driver wakened Gordon Donald Graham, 16, ree civ " TP NIT Division and was trained in the FRE TE fot, Tetuest for @ the various problems that will hi I t officers accele 10 HY he on Tuesday, Nelson Hamlin, |linson told the court thal Ham: one for another year either JANSSEN growin numner of Oieers supervised the operation of this ion in population and if H I had written council asking. 5" nfvol of a motor vehicle It was his second impaired drive one for & year as he fined him eXpans i 10 as many, or more, no the Var "I attended a one-week course necessary during the next few i t high and 1 feel Me: {was dismissed when the Crown|tence, His licence was suspend: crash in Ajax | ad COUrses 18 no NEh ane i and also a series of lectures at | driving the car, [Tuesday jailed six months when "i am informed hy veliable| patrol Bevgeant Richard) "Most of the members of this| WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR locked door heside the ariver| BEGS THIEF [Stolen from an Ajax office and our total population hy about|Ottawa on Identification, Fin:|Hill at which the principal] Pharmacy took two points from an automatic transmission, hel rent, on each of thres char oF able to assume that other parts tained a grade of 04.43 percent ney General's Crime laboratory | wr MacNelil's tape re the men onl Cooke's "Essa", Wilson's Food he said; and the ear rolled |cated that the two machines, in population This was an exceptionally fine|thelr own time an MacNeill, inspired to return Nlore also taking the Su nd Sent nce now serving six months, had this time which, I am certain, higher rank with some previous ture hy Assistant Crown Atto: spe e ngs nor conspiratorial at will arise |evidence and court procedures! This was the first night of the - "Patrol Sergeant John Pug will hear a sermon prepared | will be going all out to take this housewife, driver of a car In F | Mi 1 Lost Wallet "3f thou shalt confess thy ata B a 8 Doug Rowden 886 (261, 268, 308); | . . 1 P # sontence for six months on A man Ores, Whithy, states ! son 801 (266, B62); Mart Appearing in Magistrate's Court hee ) by Magistrate ©. 8 Hbbs In| While discussing quietly in a (Staff) = The year 1000 was ship sion. moter vehicle accidents on the Jured as 'a result of accidents efforts with traffic enforcement 1960 than there has ever heen year for traffic deaths," he said truck in blowing snow which re thele ears and trains at level rode his bieyole Inte the path days aller his ear swerved into ering Tov nship traffic death toll Studies tell us that where en: this year. Our prosecutions for from 18 in 1859 ta 31 in red flashing signal " traffic violations have shown a marked increase In prosecw: tons. 12e have pursued an drive during the year all ant 0 halt fo reported Police Chief| of The reports state that the and 190 persons were arrested Leger, 91, 0 70 (sells THA (263, 861); Geo Olliffo| in ane of Hb (363, 260); Mel Himes 746! The court was told at her| [(301); John Wootton 781 (374); trial earlier this vear that she effort has been very small in: pear when © [ert Mewett 724 (484); ahead heen the driver of a ear) gm pear when ealled upon | Pere Sweet| Which backed out of a driveway| deed The . accused was charged Hrishola. 716 (368) \ "1861 will receive even more with the theft of 43.09 worth of 711, Clare Hutcheon 700 (34h);|0n Deo. 40 and was struck by 4 attention, as 1 have Increased gasoline from Nichol's Garage, [John Breuchle 700 passing gravel truck, Her sis the trained personnel on -the!Caurti Feb, 11 ' ba (ter, Lilllan Varty, on her way to [oe : |Paurtice, Feb, 1, | Good singles were rolled by sohaol, a passenger In the ear operation of radar from four] My, Leger told the court that yim Patterson 328, Rob Murphy | vas throy APS t d killed in to seven men. We will have toihe had lost his wallet andlugs. Tome Pollard 254, Ia ri the Ali oul an 4 in wall and see just how effeotive|didn't want to use this as &n|yordan 971, Al Hepburn 269! 10 § A nt, | this will he excuse to the attendant who! by » Fl Meat. His Worship also ruled that The annual report states tha | serviced hs ecar, He further sla 208 i i Hicks 968 Al the ear itself was not in fit eon a total of 313 traffie accidentsinted that he had returned 10] Re ls oH one LR Idition to he driven hecause the were investigated last voar asthe garage the next morning!s eardon ff, Mickey MeMaster windows were covered with 06, Doug, Fox 337, (frost whieh prevented proper! Tuesday, P, J this needless toll on our hgh [Jarvis street, (ways, and the reward for thisimanded out of custody to ap: fering aleoholie problems, the no-dvaft window on his ear was pushed open and the recorder removed, Since several parts of the recorder are still in Maes Neill's possession, he says the eulprit will find little use for the recorder, MaeNelll says "If, after listening to the sermon, the thief wants to return the res corder so that I may eons tinue God's work, I will pot press charges," | | compared with 308 in. 1050, before the police arrived, te Lal 100 visibility Damage 8 vehicles aver 100 wake resin. © . . erms Total Damage $700 |, 3%. Years For damane to other property total: In Collision hui , Pickering Pair ed $2545, | RAOWMANVILLE = A total of Two Plokering Township . Minor Thefts Numerous $700 damages was veported Re | Tuesday morning when a amall youths were Tuesday sentenced to terms totalling three and ane: JOKERING (8 PICKERING (8tath CC [English car and a Rell Tele: norting on eriminal enforcement R ho the Patice Commission in his Pane. truck callided an High: ANNUAL report was Gio (| AY Li. one mile north of the/half years on seven different \ wh darker \ counts but will serve only six Cuttinle Repay Paser ot The driver of the oar wasimonths sinee they received Hix H ¥ [Keith ®, Montgomery, 710 Mon: | manths concurrent on each charge, They were Leif Hofsten, | 18, of Station Road, and David MM ae % ain DMITEANEE "w AW ve UA! NAR Hoh fit Some women never give a name,,, Just a phone number! egg Tove avaRAS BUTTERRELD flow nd HELD OVER ! hoard UEThacoen SHOWN DAILY AT... 1: Department | agha 3 i : n fad south, Peterborough | Chief Parker stated the fol The track driver was Orville lowing (Magee, 200 Oshawa boulevard \ "Herious eviminal activity IN] notin 'Oshawa ikaw son, "of Piokenng| the township is almost non Extensive damages were sus: They had pleaded i | existent, bul we find that there tained by the Montgomery ear | ¥ had pleaded gulity as is ever increasing number of with little damage to the Rell vote 10 by i kl service station; breaking and| | entering Maivs' Hardware Store, [thefts and entries of a less serl:| Telephone truck fous nature, The PErsons ye |= ee m---- sponsible for this activity are 18 REMANDED ; ipa generally younger persons, and| ROWMANVILLE (Staff) = rg TR i we find that it is not UNCOMMON The case against Nick Chipliek, entering the Plokering village {to find youths of 14 and 13i31 of 413 Bloor street east, Osh-l municipal office; attem ting to [years involved: in thefts andawa, was remanded one weekisioal a car, and wiltully dams automobile thefis, (hy Magistrate R, B. Baxter aging a door at the service sta: "This trend seems to he prev: Tuesday [tion ; alent In all the areas around Mr. Ohipliok, eharged w1UR yin con hag nioadod guilty us indecent exposure, Was re ah Rau : "Increases in criminal activ: manded out of custody on bail] 9, Charges of having a sawed ity will 'necessitate the forma-|of $1000 por 08 and having a tion of an Investigation unit® | Host leaded \ f | le , a cars were recovered in the! Ofsten pleaded guilty to hay of one or two detectives in the 29 INE A hoff vif 1 break near future, but 1 am going to [ARE R shweralt NIE An real HONE 10fiownship thal were stolen else:iine and entering HG Designs| postpone the organization of this/where, Two hundred and. one|{imited last year [unit until late in 1980 unless Criminal Code charges were Daniel ~~ Hu Hem inoreased work in this field laid by the Pickering Township se } on TR forces me ve so Palice Department last Year Raat tt guilty to he eharges was remanded for sen SLIME in fines was ©oblience for one more week. He lected resulting out of offences|nleaded AS HABA um not guilt b ki crease of $1212 aver 1859 Joommitted in the township and entering (0 RL ps Seven cars were stolen, and 1900 and of this amount thelfice and that charge will alse later recovered, in the area and'lownship's share is §7985,08. (be tried next week, GOURTEL ol of {value of property stolen in the fared in 1960 was $13,560, an in WIVES MONEY OR LIVES TAKEN JUSLY AND EFFICIENTLY! Elaht gentlemen ® sohames are far ON a T™E ... from genta, who dress like playboym and play for keeps! AART BAY (ADULT 'THE GRASS IS GREENER" A Fabulous Value . . . A Lifetime of Beauty EXTRAORDINARY CHARM! Superb French Provincial styling and craftsmanship In this lovely bedroom suite, Reg. 398.00 Value NOW ONLY '329 AT RICHARDS @ Beautiful nine drawer triple dresser, ® Antique frame mirror, ® Spacious five drawer chest ® Full size bed SWAN WHITE FINISH! wi 206 SIMCOE ST. § RA 831 4 Store Front Parking BRADLEY'S FORMER LOCATION FINE FURNITURE J #

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