The Oshawa Times, 22 Feb 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Necessity knows no law -- and expediency is almost as ignores ant, YOL. 90--MNO, 44 Price Met Guar 6 Conte Far Copy Lo seven Years | the Chinese mainland will he a CATHY ANNETT, 14, SHOWS VALUABLE MISPRINT BILL Topsy-Turvy Rhodesia Fears | Signatures B1q ck. White War On $5 Bills SALISBURY ~ Premier Biv minister of Southern Rhodesia Roy Welensky mobilized his! supported Welensky's stand MONTREAL (CP)="The Bank while supremacy governmeni of The British caught in a of Canada has accidentally is the Central African Federation crossfire, for nationalists are stied 32 Canadian $3 bills con- today against a race war he clamoring for Negro rule of all taining a printing error, it was charges the British government! three areas of the federation learned here Tuesday is inspiring by insisting on more Britain's biggest remaining has The bills carry the signatures self-rule for Negroes in North-|lion in Africa. But the British of the bank governor, J. KE. .[erm Rhodesia government in London an Coyne, and the depuly governor! gir Roy called up 5000 terri nounced Tuesday il Ld deter J. R. Beatie, in an inverted torial troops and summoned the mined to impo f Ihe pow canst position heneath the top herder federal Parliament of the Fed tution for Northern Rhodesia The were released in the eration = linking Southern: and| The Northern Rhodesian con Montreal area last May Northern Rhodies and - Nyasa-| Stitutional conference in London Several have heen traded land==for an emergency session) Proke up last week when Negro| quietly by Montreal numismatie Friday. enlers at undisclosed prices, From were federation's capital The Oshawa Sines la shortage of raw materials WEATHER REPORT Another taste of spring is fore cast. with sweny, wild westher, A chance of rain late tonight. aud Hi ns TWENTY PAGES Aan a8 a8 Send Fok hes Fraparimed, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 196) 'FREEZE TROOPS' PACT AISES CONGO HOPES Russia-China Move To Avoid | UN-Congo Clash Rift Growing - | (CP )~Auah They suggest that while the fied United States informants US, is bracing sel for & new maintain there is a real and United Nations debate next fall growing sphit in ideology and on the seating of Red Ching, ambitions between Russie and once again moves 16 admit the Communist China and that Bed mainland to the UN will he de- China--more so than Russia-- fealed will he the great menace 16 Ag for direct negotiations he world peace during the next five (ween mainland Ching and the United States, they say the US ELISABETHVIILE (AP) representative in Katangs, lan [Premier Moise Tehombe of Ka Berendsen, and Col. Anders {tanga announced today that his K eligron, Swedish commander government and the United Na- of UN forces, They discussed tions have agreed to freee all detolls o insiiiction bio Safty troop movements ity Council designed to halt | / In & communique Fshombe civil war in The Congo (6aid "at 8 meeting this morping, Falier today the UN warned between the representative of Tshombe 10 free a number of {the United Nations and cabinet hostages, including the wife of that is willing to continue perindie {ministers of Katanga an sgree-|a Congoese politician ambassadorial (alks at Warsaw ment was reached wherehy alll A UN statement said the pres. and Geneva bul they see ne {mavements of troops likely 10)ident of the breskway provines possibility of any major prog lead to friction would belis holding the wife of Mwambs removing friction he: stopped.' Hunga, president of the 'Slate COLUMBIA WASHINGTON These sources conclude dangerous and explosive el ment in world affairs manly because of heavy population And ress in tween the two powers It was an abrupt shift for of Tualaba" in northern Ka Tshombe, who calls this min. tanga eral rieh province independent. Tunga's forces, whe seized Tuesday he had ordered a mo- the Katangan area, are follow: bilization of all Negro and white ers of murdered Congolese Pre. Katangans to prevent any al: \mier Patrice Lumumba tempt by the UN to neutralize! 'Tshombe was told in & nols his armed forces, ns called for that any mistreatment of Mrs, # Beeurity Council resolution, |liunga or other of his hostages Tshombe said he and three|would have 'grave' conse (eabinet ministers met the UN quences," Congolese Kill More Politicians LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) took place in "8 cordial atmos. ¥ifteen Congolese politicians de {Phere "" He said MacKeown had nuclear arms of her own tained in Blanleyville were exe suggested g up a neutral % of Kquator They say the major problem Pu, will confront he Western CREATES IMPASSE nowers is how to keep the Red The mainland elaims from altiempting 10 grah re eignty over Formosa--a claim sources and territory in South: which the mainland will not east Asia yeld, creating an insurmount: ahle impasse Other points made Six Said Dead | : is sour i be ut In Gas Explosion control, but apparently still climbs to the possibility of get BORGER, Tex, (AP) ting such an agreement without plosion occurred today at the yielding much ground on what Alamo plant of the Phillips Pe: she considers # tremendous) § troleum Company just outside assel--~the secrecy surrounding' this city and police said several details of her exact military persons were killed power The explosion was followed WY" » Russia is worried over the | a fire which was brought under) a mpitions of Red China and the| control within & half hour possibility that her neighbor Unconfirmed early veports 40) pay one day start producing! | lice sald six or move may Pe died, The number of in-| saver An e% immediately | delegates walked oul, complain value n this ee ing hot | enough ob thes Veaple were being given the vole, Hue Henler m indosia city of the bills al anywhere from $ tan ta $15 to "hundreds of dollars" wa rls plan 0 CONVIRMED aime vi give gihadosinn SPACE TRAFFIC ank ofiicials In Otlawa con. | larger voice in governing the firmed the error, They said a|Protectorate sheet of 82 bills apparently | in Northern Rhodesia the five went through a series of inspec | einhary of the government ex tions with the erver- undetected {8CHIVe council from Welensky's All paper money in Canada i5| United Federal party resigned printed hy private firms and protest against the British delivered unsigned to the hank Pan. John Roberts, party leade) in Ottawa, Bheels of 32 ave then In Northern Rhodesia, termed stamped hy flathed press with/the plan a "diabolical and un the signalures acceptable gamble A spokesman said one sheel ALLOW MORE VOTERS (AP)=Twn new UR satellites, was apparently placed on the "Yiracl Tl ew constitution @rhited around the earth today, press In an inverted position I proposed hy London the prop-{hoth propelled aloft hy a single hore serial numhcrs starting PX erty, income and educational| rocket Ly Annett, 14 [qualifications for voling would The doubleheader launching loets coins. and hills brought the Pe relaxed to increase the num-|aeeamplished late Tues day J hlie light Tuesday, her of Negro valers hy 10 times night, gave the United States its error to pub ) to a total of about 70,000 fourth and filth satellites in five Khe reported finding a mis Sir Roy, Bhyearold former! days who col without a failure Kdgar Whitehead advisers government military and political and the Brussels could not intervene (In Ottawa, External Minister Green told the dian House of Commons use force if necessary to prevent civil war, Tshombe's Belgian Affairs Cana the fused was not YORE TT Prowias Fushehey nd Piggy-Back Satellite Up | and 15 seventh major| the de [target height of 500 miles | nat have separated as they were ers at the United Nations ---------------- French Rat Into Space COLOMB BECHAR (Reuters) France fired its first animal carrying rocket over the French Sahara today, a Vernoniqque #, There is no need of a sum-| § Z.) cuted Monday, qualifiedzone on the be mit meeting between Soviet i informants said here (oda; and 0 ® Kennedy in reac settle. "wii i aL {ments with Huksia, | New Weence piles surprised | cence bureau, By vare coinels n | [ 4. The U8 is ready to veachi oo goon "as Tor Vancouver | 4ence the new plates carried [zenga government in Hanley: der of the L piecemenl agreements with Rus) 4 ' is the same number as the 1060 [ville against such executions, |forces, MacKeown' had origin. [sia even while the cold war Js recently when they arrived | plates still on his car. | UN headquarters here had no/RUY planned to meet Lundula in going on in The Congo --m. from the British Columbia 1i- | = (CF Wivephoto) |immediate confirmation of the fitanleyyille, {On the Chinese issue, fs tha | , (reports, Btanleyville, capital of | netent Anatiean view oh Vor Oriental Province, is controlled fhe 43 hi bh gy Mg du hy followers of murdered de: the Red Chinese urc a e posed Congolese premier Pa Roba 4 | trice Lumumba Cc hi All EXSENATOR A VICTIM Plant Closed | ommunist "Among the 15 persons re: June with Transit 1A and a " 7 Y goted execuied was Alphonse p, q § 3 J | NONE p A 3 ] polation Autelite of 1061 sue By Meeting TORONTO (CP)=The church ers of elite members and the WR imprisoned in October, A J biel talks hrotherhood but pracuses|'inereased numbers of posh) - Shines mn the #Wiltiymoving WEILAND (CE)=The Reli-| racial discrimination and has| congregations, | Jumdmta was ousted from J} p a Space 1114 . | ; : 5 . B 0 B ; aoaroar, In Munsday at lance ileetric and Engineering become a malor ally of com:| py, Mutehmor said he trend| Congolese strongman Lt-Gen, rocket with a rat=clad In a 0 Canaveral - [Company plant teday remained munism among the people of to exclysiveness must be re Joseph Mobutu A tiny space sullen the. nose pe Lanavers inoperative for the second day|Asla, Africa and Lally America, sisted within the church and|' on Sean MacKeawn one: An Atlas missile launched Ah ag the 00 employees, Members a United States clergyman said raed strong opposition to such To oo be Ah ol iy SOW, | The rat, named Hector, was unmanned model of the projectiof (ho United Klectrical Work:| Tuesday powerful media of eammuniea-|; Hi ¢ Lidia turned here hy|fied to a height of about 03 Mercury mandn-space eapsule| ops (Ind), continued what they| Rey, Marshal 1, Reotl, dean|tion as television With its spob|! The Congo, returned here by ies Sud' was" ailve when the on its most severe test and ad: oalled a meeting" to consider|of the Preshyterian Institute of appeal advertising." air today from a Peace Making) pose" cone was recovered, vanced the day when an Ameri:|the dispute at (he company's Industrial Relations at MeCor< He also proposed establish.|//e8on in Equator Province, An official report said the can astronaut will take a rocket plant in Stratford : 4 mick Theological Seminary, Chis| ment of a royal commission to He Sonlarsed there with Moputy cone dropped 98 miles from the ride d, J Hudson, plant manager, cago, Was addressing he an study erime in Ontario, He sald # out a IN Heeurity Council point of firing, It was traced by charged Tuesday that the stopsinual meeting of the Unitediorime costs Canada an esti:|Jesolution Tuesday giving thelyadar and vecovered by a helis D bl H d fie is gy egal sirike, He wid ( huren hoard of evangelism and mated $3,000,000,000 a year Ynited Nations Authority to use| papier, [the men have places @ J social service Rev, W. G. Berry oi g oree as a last resort to prevent T Vv n - A 3 @ he aa ARB; four di G. Berry, associate) V: 4 ie Veronique 18 A sma oubie-rieaaer | ployment with the company in ! The enuineness of aur dally secretary of the hoard. said the vil war in The Congo single stage rocket which Joopurdy ate our love of God|ehureh should never comprom:( A UN spokesman said Mac: French selentists have used sev: Shows Faults Sock | ohantthor ht i hie tr Ue Fe rg pe, ih, Mair nk n ime 1. | . I - o W n XN i] Lo i, | ; J getting a good hearing, at Gemena In Equator Provincelgeareh, u il ; 1CaANS vee giving among the hurt people 8 | 18 ena in 4 Frovine eh dc ABINGTON (AR he Afr C d will he our true witness," he Audie header satellite shoo! | said Suseday night was only par Lead From alata Dr, Scott said technological tally successful and the orbit:| TORONTO (OP)==Houth Afri: pevalution is sweeping #eross ing devices are not living up tol can native leaders are Counting) Asia, Africa and Latin America expectations, a spokesman forian Cansda te provide. leader-land the free id-ahould eithep [Johns Hopkins applied physies|ship that will expbl South All ain with the newly-emerging laboratory said today viea from the Commonwealth) industrial nations, share thely The pair of space travellers when Commonwealth pv im ef gipuggles and help them in their achieved orbit, the spokesman ministers meet in Lordon next choices or they might emerge saith, but the path apparently is(menth, a spokesman for the! without us, in spite of us, and slightly more than 100 miles] Africans says | possibly even against us, ( Rev, Michael Scott, an Anglis| above the earth instead af the | ep , ! gan minister who spent many| WARNS AGAINST TREND He added that there are some years in South Africa and has Rey, J. RB. Mutchmar, secre indications the two units may represented African tribal lead: | tary of the hoard of evangelism for 15 and social serviee, warmed making church mem: exolusive under of the social pow: {Intended to do vears, said Tuesday night the| against The laboratory, an affiliate of South Africa United Front has bership more Johns Hopkins University, is inlasked him to present its view the influence {eharge of the tracking of thelte Prime Minister Diefenbhakey space messengers. It also sup this week, He is in Toronto to M t Police plied some of the instruments. (speak at a rally printed hill "a table In he¥ noxgp and trade union Organ space succes: Jame, H nd Jeb hyd Ani oi izer, says most of the Negroes|(his year i MA anémo ' are not capable of governing py. fledgling Space VOyagers mother NER ) Ray fling ¢ a | hd themselves in Rig hs Rie ave's 250-pound Tran: desia Shove a My O00 sit 1B navigation satellite and Elder! Woman whites about 3,830,000 to 73, a Bd-pound "hitehhiker" sphere Y In a broadeast Tuesday night) _ ood 1 ofti=ta study space ¥ Sir Roy aid constitutional aro nications u ocate IN FIY@ [vangements should he given to Bath. eared: silo: nace. Loam {men who contribute to the y 4 RAGE i 0 ) PR) » 3 10) 3 ) GoDUAI H (CF ) bo hy hi wealth and welfare of the coun [shi fost centre in the Ase " vattocated when fire swept hor|'Y And who ate "capable ef TAMCOIGCU FEC Slo ee iy home here 1 exercising it with judgment and Jase by a J a ted the Firemen removed the body of Public spirit." Snes hy io wl gin ; ) Welensky said Britain would ! Della Hurley from an upstairs [information to ground stations : % % : » (0 Vaceept full responsibil. i bedroom during the blaze, Shelhave : p 3 ) » house. itv for the consequences' of its| Pulling satellites up by the had lived alone in the house WW he Cause of the fire was not Plan hundie is nothing new ta the known, Sir prime Able-Star. 1t did the trick last eS Dbelgluill . S. Urg giuin UNITED NATIONS, NY (CP)==The United States is re ported urging Belgium to pres: officered army continued an of sure defiant President Moise|fensive against rebel HRaluba PTshombe ta bring Katanga tribesmen in north Katanga Province inte a federation of oo bes So . Conge states that would co-op WON'T OUST BELGIANS vate with the UN Congo force, Tshombe also rejected the Se Ld 4 said Ah curity Council's demand that uiMermed Bais ie aid. he Relgian military and political : 50 15 ) y ME p mn \ a We : advisers quit The Congo, Such keep her nationals fram FOIE | a exodus would strip his ad ta Katanga as Ore nea | Ministration and army of key diers far the a Wy 4 ANER men, and Tshambe said the Rel Pravinee, whic h wh : Late] ian will stay even if the Brus sishmed Tui ig "The sols government orders them AS summel - y {home tanga Samed It independence However. in Elisabethville. ram the helglans a K apie ) i hombe Tuesday ordered aly ihe. Kalange, antial ey he able-hadied persons ih Raines ton to orders fram Brussels shilized ta oppose any effar Seana Hy * into effect in MS pros Informants said Secretary hd ™ Security Cone it| General Dag Hammarskjold told Bo) A ROW det A The nee a wutharizing the UN to his committee an The Congo resalution 4 ' Tuesday night that he would write Belgium asking her to get Y EMERGENCY Belgian military and palitical CIT advisers out of The Congo in PHONE NUMBERS accopdance with the resolution UP TO CONGOLESE PO A 5.1138 But earlier Tuesday in Brus LICE RAS ua a sels ft spokesman for the Hel FIRE DEPT, RA 5-6374 glan foreign ministry said the HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Congplese autharities--ndt Rel Igiums-hod called in the Belgian the deal with the crisis in The Congo would seem to have been reduced as a result of the Se curity Council resalution (He said the Security Coun oil's action gives reason for cau {Hous optimism that order can! be restored in The Congo) | Authoritative sources said the! US alse had offered Sudan helicopters to detect trucks that might try to smuggle arms through Sudanese torritary ta pro-Communist rebel re glme of Antoine Gilzenga in the northeastern Congo, The Sudan were reported to have res plied they did not need the heli copiers Sudan has banned shipments across her territory to the Stan leyville regime : UAR. President Nasser in a speech in Damascus Tuesday sald hs government would con tinue to ald Gisenga's rebels "until they win their freedom."| ose wisely? LATE NEWS FLASHES (Nab Gangs 3/0 feet Argos Trade With Alouettes TORONTO hetween Montreal Big Four Football Union was announced here today nauts will get defensive and Doug MeNichal and tackle Rill Shipp in veturn for Babby Jack Oliver, Ron Brewer and Paul Fedar Hit-Run Truck Kills Child SAULT MoNichal sTRE : (OP) Alouttes and Rrewer MARIE struck and killed an 1lvearald bay The vehicle did not stop withheld until his next-af-kin ave notified Dig For Buried Chicken Farmer MISSION, B.C, mudslide today for a a.year-old chicken favmer Fisher disappeared Tuesday as he fed his hirds long and buried Fischer, the coop and hundreds of chickens rescuers gave up haope that Others felt the breaking timbers may have made an aiy pocket, : Ont Rescuers dug through a wassive Of Juveniles TORONTO (CP)==Three gangs {of Juveniles have heen arrested [on a series of charges ranging {fram fraud to damaging a syna- gogue, police sald Tuesday Four givls, 18 and 14, were charged on §1 counts of theft, frand and false valving almost $1300. Six boys, (8 to 12, were charged with 13 thefts from store, htiel. and (supermarket counters and Jnvee boavs and two girls, § to 13, were charged with causing $900 dam! {age to the Hebrew Men of Bag Wallgang (land Synagogue on midtown The slide, [Spadina Avenue a hill and Some found alive unconditional trade Argonauts of the Argos five-playey Toronto and Fedor are Canadians truck way to Was (CR) \ logging on his The hoy's identity deep, rolled down damage ta HRihles, religions symbols, curtains and a plane The synagogue has been closed 'since a fre last July, Fischer would be pretences ine' WASHINGTON BARGAIN HUNTERS WASHINGTON = W.- Town: The synagague raid involved send Raplee, wight, is first in | SWre of hs George Washing line at a typewriter stove in Washington for a 98 cent (ype + writer, He took up his position | merchandise on sale at ridiow | night, lously low figures in this ane | hual event, This photo was taken just before midnight, | with other prospective pum chasers bedded down for the = (AP Wirephote) A Sunday night, Feb, 18, to be | ton's Birthday sale bargain, | Many Washington merchants put a few items of expensive )

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