(HOSPITAL REPORTS 1183 Admissions During January Pring Janiery, 16% aduits 54 of the dolly wv: and children were admitted 10l erage of PRtients iw 7 ¥ Owipatient visits for the Oshawr General Hospital Ay the end of December, there) month (otalied 1764. OF the were M3 patients Wn residence. | visits, W713 were to the Kray de Of the [18% admissions ta hos | POFIment, 621 to the emer pital, M5, were residents of Osh Operating room. and 179 d awe, 105 residents of Whithy, #0ry examinations were Con 10 residents of Fast Whithy Gueted Township, V1 residents of me | WWERATIONG f by Township, 16 residents of of Pickering uy vaflons perlormed in the ha The Oshawa Tones WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 196) PAGE THIRTEEN SECOMD SECTION FRI EINE Alix, 6 residents Trion es Other townships In OWSII0 and ireatments administered in County accounted for 7 of he the emer opeTRLing Foom danvery admissions. TR e & ¢ totalled 4 townships Include Reach, 2, rative for the! Untridge, three and Brock, one | Oshawa Gener 192 COUNTY PATIENTS | tans during 4 One hundred and two patients TFEVION i were admitted from other coun (075, HAT In January #5 come fies in Ontario, Of the 10g |Pered 0 1,156 during the pre other county admissions, 76" big were from Durham County, Fif- | Admissions and wirehe in Jon ty-seven of the Durham oA taka Pe. ar ii admissions were residents of |10 19% during Pee ud 68 5 Darlington Township agi id 5 iy 4 A pu Frovinees other than Osteria] gio. fs if necounted for & single admis sion and one patient was admit: MORE OUT-PATIENTS ted from the United States Out-patient admissions during Fifteen of the 1163 admissions the first month os this year 19: were (0 private wards, 927 to|talled 1764 as compared to 1597 | semi-private wards, B41 to pub: during the last month of 1060 fic wards and 200 babies weve and 1481 during the first month Recognition of her many | trict Councll of the Boy Scouts ( was an active worker for | senting the citation on hehalf | admitted to the nurseries ol, jan VERY bed ' ; f d ; ' : . p genes of service tn the Boy = Association visited her home | scouting in one of the Osh- | of the Ontario Fravinedl | Diseharzes in Jamiary total: ie AYETAER AEEHpRREY Sasut. movement in the -- and presented her with the | awa auxiliaries. She formed | Council of the Boy Beouts | od 1306 Frare vere A births January was #8 per cent, "The dig wi | Governor General's Medal of | the first auxiliary In Oshawa | Association, At left is Stanley |i hospital during the past] Preakdown for the AVETREE Accu: misnity wes given to Mrs. Wi | Meri, Mrs, Corbett has heen | and has given more then 75 | Lovell, president of the Osh [month two stillbirths and §1|Pancy of beds is medical and Ham Corbett, 109 Ritson road | treasurer for the provincial | vears' service to the move south. Thursday wight when awn District Council, deaths | surgical beds, 09.1 per cent, ob commitiee, ladies' auxiliaries ment. District Commissioner | members of the Oshawa Dis Istetrical beds, #1.2 per cent, J for many years and previously ' B. Alker, right, is seen pre #85 DAILY AVERAGE | paediatric heds',, 108 per cent Ross Bennett Is 4 Authority Head The daily average of patients and hassinettes were 0.7 per in residence during January cent filled during the month was MRE, Adults and children] The average stay number of accounted for 323.4 of the daily days in January dropped to 78 average in residents and new: from the December average of| The Central Lake Optariotinued smoothly and quickly Conservation Authority had dif! Hs Bennett accepled (he fieuity at its annusl meeting, at position as chairman of the Cen-| the City Hall Tuesday, in finding ral Lake Ontario Conservation] f someone who would accept the Authority. Prior to the recess he | [horn habies accounted for thes 8 Job ns chairman of the author: had turned down the nomination ity #t least four times stating that § The problem stemmed from he had given his decision a' the fact that most of the elect |Breatl deal of thought prior te) od representatives from the var. |COMINg to the meefing [ fous municipalities in the au | Gordon Comer was elected thority were too busy with|Vice-chairman, and Hayward official matters in their own Murdock as chairman of the ad: communities, and some of the|visory hoard representatives were too new on) The Conservation Authority the authority or lived in an area udget and municipal levy were where it would be difficult tothe major discussion after the| work for the authority effective. elections [E Ld TENTATIVE BUDGET Ald. Hayward Murdock, the, The budget apparently had representative from Oshawa been left hanging in the air, so eity council, told the authority that the secretary - treasurer that the coming year would be nl the field representative, one of rearganieation, and Poth paid employees, had te 4 PARKING PROBLEM er o improving pubic rela, draw up A tentative budget, : | E : {| The writer suggested the] "Ag far as the parking prob if ind i ith the new executive Ini hoard should give property own : oad. " ] em is concerned," Mr, Ross recently heen like 'a ship with-\office, the authority hegan the {lors in this area assurance that po "1 da nat feel the hospital Out 8 sail" for the past number] process of hammering out § new {in time to come, If there 15 a|ig entirely responsible, It is one of months (budget and municipal levy, the need to purchase these proper] of thase thins and OCVI could BASIC CONCEPT {terms of which are not avail ties, provided the board did not Times Photo | ~LIshawi re 3 JAYCEES DISTRIBUTE BR f the | of literature setting forth the annual Brotherhood Week Din- | meaning of brotherhood, ner Monday night at Hotel | Shown with the Javeee dis: Genosha was the distribution Riay, from left, are Jim hy members of the Oshawa | Moore, a member of the Bro: Junior Chamber of Commerce | therhood Week Committee, DOCTORS OBJECT Hospital To Install Automatic Elevators FS ALARA bp dar Sun uowir, automatics could be manned part of the time, 8, V. Everson pointed out if a life was lost due to a faulty ele. vator, it would take & lot of dole lars to make up for that life, ASK RESERVED ELEVATOR When it was apparent the automatic elevators were fas vored by the majority of hoard OTHERHOOD LITERATURE Fred Upshaw, vice-president of the Jayeees and Bill Kel lington, a member of the ors ganization's Brotherhood Week Committee --~Oshaws Times Phote, Hospital Files Owner's Letter The Oshawa General Hospital| Keith Ross commented it is Board voted Tuesday night to apparent the writer obviously reply to a letter from E. G. was hoping the hoard would huy Nichol, a Golf street resident, | the properties, He suggested informing him that his letter|that it would be an easy for had been received, noted and ithe owners to sell them, any future action Is to hel When Mr, Nichol suggested in taken, he will be advised, his letter that the hospital's new Mr. Nichol wrote the hoard in| Wing would devaluate the resi: connection with purchasing the| dents' properties hy causing a properties surrounding the hos:| Parking frohlem and not permil pital on Golf and Alexandra Hing sunlight te shine on the streets, He suggested the prop: Properties Mr. Ross replied; erty owners in these areas west| I'd like to see him prove the of the hospital 'wanted - theiy|bullding will not permit sun: properties protected', Hght to shine on his property-- 1 because I know he can't,' i |BEEK ASSURANCE One of the [ialures Bs Not without considerable ob- jection from its medical staff representatives, the Oshawa General Hospital Board, Tues: day night voted to purchase two automatictype elevators, at an approximate cost of $35,000 each, for Installation in the new wing, currently under construe tion When H, A. Washington building committee chairman, suggested his commitiee agrees satisfactory for a hospital," Dr, Doherty protested, he new elevators the board agreed to purchase are the same make and type as the ones cur: rently in operation at the hos pital Dr, Doherty said the doors on this type of elevator are not good enough and it would be far mare practical to install manu: {ally operated elevators in the new wing, "It's faster to walk able for publication very well he just as responsible, Ald. Murdock noted that the A New members of the author. authority needed solid leader:\iy were intrbduced. They are! ship, and in Hs thinking should) srovineinl appointees -- J, V, be "getting back to the basic|\Reath RR 2, Oshawa; EA. coneept ' of conservation' He Elligitt, Oshawa and E. Pol stated that an elected repre-{iard Courtice, Other new mu sentative was too busy to do|picipal appointees were: Ralph Justice as chairman Jones representing Oshawa, Acting Chairman ¥, Jackson Robert Chater, representing enlled & recess to discuss the| Clarke township, and D, R. Wil. problem Informally, After the 15 son representing Whithy Town: minute recess the elections con: ship CAPSULE NEWS More Plugs For Ontario TORONTO (CP) was paved Tuesday for tourist industry to make a larger effort to promote the beauty and historical spots of Ontario. Travel and Publicity Minister Catheart introduced legislation that will provide for government grants to local tour Ist associations so they may "maintain, develop and pro. to lend Cowichan up to $1,000, 000 te reopen the property IN QUIET REGINA (CP)=A workshop in which handicapped persons can work In shelter, away from (the pressures of competitive |employment, has heen opened here, It is part of the vocational and rehabilitation service of the Saskatchewan Counell for Crip «= The way the A y 4 QUEEN SEEKS HONORS feet three inches tall, has black hair and brown eyes She will be one of the #4 chap- ter queens from all parts of the province competing for the Miss Ontario Credit Union title during the convention Photo hy Ireland Studio Cites Role Accountant In Business F, CHAPTER Miss Brigette LeSurf, 804 Simeoe street south, Oshawa, who will represent Oshawa and district eredit unions al the annual convention of the Ontario Credit Union League in Toronto March 2, 8 and 4 Miss LeSurf, 20, who is five Income Tax Talk Theme How to hecome more "Tax Wise," was the theme of a talk given by Ronald ¥, D, Wilson, a Ineal chartered accountant, at the Oshawa Lions Club dinner meeting Tuesday evening at Hotel Genosha "You many not be accountants or lawyers," Mr, Wilson pointed out, "but there are two things you ean do as Individuals to he come more tax-wise; Join the Canadian Tax Foundation, a non-profit organization apen tol all individuals and ctmarations| to ald them in their tax prob. | : a larger role y 1h NSS lems; and co-operate with your|: arger vale in guiding husiness G Plummer, (members of the Oshawa and Digtriet Chapter of the Soeiety night, urged that they, through| improved communications with| management and executive play wish to do so at the present that 4 will pay "a just price" for the properties T, Kelso Creighton, QC, chair man of the executive commi tee and solicitor for the board, said he could not see how the assur hoard could give such ance, He sald no it ever come Second Marsh 4 Discussion Theme The Oshawa Naturalists' Club "Phe municipal will discuss Secon Marsh", a 20th annual meeting of who will attend, Three speakers, several films of Industrial and Cost Accounts/@hout nature and en election of ants, at Hotel Genosha Tuesday [officers will be highlights of the one-day convention, Nine Drivers one ever knows what a "just price' will he when that time comes should wildlife preserve, on the shore of Lake Ontario, east of Oshawa, at the the Federation of Ontario Natural: ists' in Port Hope this Saturday, Dr, C, B, Kelly, of Port Hope, executive President of Willow Beach Field vice-president of Dunlop Tire of Naturalists, will act as host for Canada Ltd, in his address ta|the more than 400 birdwatchers I don't see any letters going to the board of education from these residents complaining ahout the parking,' Mr, Ross said Ernest Marks, QC, said it was apparent the wriler "may he missing something, Mr, Marks sald Mr, Nichol could always seek an appeal of his assess: ment if he on the hospital is devaluating his property, More Staff At Hospital Mrs, M, Teltord, Oshawa General Hospital director of nursing, sald Tuesday night, that this is the first time during her service to the hospital that it has been "comfortably staffed. Presenting her manthly report to the board, Mrs, Telford noted seven new appointments were made to the general duty nurs. ing staff during January, Three appointemsnts were made to the part time staff, five nursing assistants were ap- pointed and one ward secre tary was appointed, Miss Rev. erley Hear was transferred from the general duty staff to to award the contract for new autematio elevators and submit it for signing, Dr, G, B, Do herty, medical staff vioe-prasi- dent, objected strenuously, He was backed hy the medical staff president, Dy, W, G, ¥, Grant, MEDICAL STAFF ORIECTS Dr, Doherty sald on hehalf of the medical staff, "from a prae- tieal point of view, the elevators now in operation in the hospital have not met the satisfaction of the medical staff." "Not only have they not mel the satisfaction of the medical staff, they have failed to meel the satisfaction of the hospital staff or of the patients, An automatic elevator may he all right In a business establishment = but they definitely are not CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulation and best wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and dis trict who aie celebrating theiv birthdays today: Murs. Mavgavet Veenhof, RR 4, Oshawa: Merecine Fleming, 774 Chesterton; Dale Coalidge, 104 Maontrave Ave. Allan Irwin, 722 Hast t it d down to 15 (the pavilien wing) and ride the elevator, installed in 1018, to the fourth floor, than elevators," he sald, LOSS OF TIME dent charged there was a loss of personnel time on these au: tomatie charged that doctors were un: able to get them to transport patients to and from the oper: ating room, "You even have to use this public conveyance to take a corpse out to the morgue = and that's bad public rela tions," medical staff, Dr, Doherty re: quested that manually operated {elevators be installed so the doe tors could get an elevator when emergency, building committee was not in favor of installing manually op: erated elevators and have man them 24 hours a day be: Scouts Plan Open House members, Dr, Doherly suggests od then that ene elevator he reserved expressly for the does otvs and that it be reserved partieularly for the operating roam, He sald this should esper elally be done during the morn. Ings when the majority of the surgery Is performed, Keith Ross urged the board to give the doctors their own elevator, "Then if they ean't get it when they need it, the anly ones they can eriticlze 1s themselves," he said, The board voted to approve the contract for the two auto: matie elevators and submit the contract for signing, Board chairman T, L, Wilson sald the operating procedures would be discussed at another meeting, As the vesult of the medical staff protests, HKrnest Marks, QC, suggested the house cams mittee conduct a survey of the use of the present elevators, Dr, Doherty and Dr, Grant agreed that would be practical hecause they felt the hospital would then be able ta get the maximum efficiency out of them now, Growing Of is ta ride these automatic The medical staff viee-presi- elevators, He also he sald, Speaking on behalf of the is needed, particularly in an Mr. Washington said the to mote' the tourist industry in their areas assistant evening supervisor, Mrs, Telford said, The nursing director accept ed five resignations fram the general duty nursing staff, two fram the part time staff and ane nursing assistant's vesignation during the month, To date, ANE have pled Children and Adults {accountant by telling him every | paley, I that. atants. al Da thing he wants to know." ee At accountants a TWINS GOING HOME MOST FALSE He further stated that to he|the financial end of things are BOSTON (AF)=The Nightin-| CORNWALL, Ont, (CP)~This sure vou are minimizing vour/i" # wonderful position to he ale twins, 123.yearold sisters] city has decided to serap its fire [tax burden. vou must he Sure objective about company prob. pom Steinbach, Man, are go hox alarm system. In the 1ast yay are taking full advantage of /8Ms == but I feel that account: ing home Friday after a sues|three years actual fire lina allowances under all the tax|@M8 generally are poor com cessful kidney transplant apera:/ alarms have heen turned in onlacts. "This is tax avoidance |Municators", My, Plumme tion, Peter Hent Brigham Hos: [the 70-year-old system, But iniaking full advantage of (hel "0 pital reported Johanna is doing 1900 alone there were 41 false laws © and not tax evasion | In developing this theme, Mr lovied in 12 traffic cases tried well after receiving a hoaithy alarms which is illegal." Plummer said that the. prinel:|hefare Magistrate A. 8, Mitchell kidney 'from her identical twin MICE AT WORK He gave some history. of the(Ples adhered ta in good adver |in the Oshawa courtroom, Tues:|anens Mie~felford said Lana | y : an. | Hsing should be related to com. \ | \ elord sald, f FIMMINS, Ont, (OP) == Mice |Deginning of income tax in Can R ol POM: day, rr MAY ALD TEST BAN are making life rough for trap.|3da and told the methods by| Munication With executives, Rryce Haugen, of Port Perry OTTAWA (CP)--A seismology pers of the Gogama Qlstriet, | which it is administered {anol ally in written reports, land Hen John Malda, of ¥ Blames Cold program now taking shape may Trappers have brought in mink,| After explanation of terms and i rst avoid complicated reports) Fairbanks street, Oshawa, were ad 1h Canada to play a malor/fisher and marten pelts with the [the basic fundamentals of in and advance a single idea in a leach fined $20 and costs for On 0 en Wind role in the policing of any hair chewed off and perhaps/come tax, Mr. Wilson went an Clear slinbie fashion. Ta demon careless driving, John Labus,| P indow atomic test ban, officials said part of the hide gone, The mice to give in same detail the subject | HH&10 this basic principle My 17, of 18 Olive avenue, was| Ald. Cephas Gay was in the Tuesday, Seismology 18 theialse get into the camps and(®f Capital Gain, "Tt is a question hither Shawed wh Nievensul fined $30 and costs an the same| chair Monday night, taking his study of earthquakes and earthiruin hlankets, mattresses. and|of fact in each case, he ex nage he aluiomoh : adver charge, ; [turn as chairman of the com: tremors, The program will sel/other equipment, plained "and each case turns on 'iement ta members A careless driving charge mittee of the whole council. He selsmograph stations--about| --- its awn facts The second consideration against Morley Black, 24, of Col: | ag calling for reports of spec: o in all at 500-mile intervals, There are two basie principles should »" Uming his, Mr brie, wit Samissed, t ae ®™ committees { involved: It vou sell or vealizel Plummer thought was largely a! N. E. Hutcheon, 22, o Ald, Gay is 1981 chairman of APE PARRY NNT (CP) an ordinary investment, the gain| Matter af common sense hut the Madison street, was fined $20f, cco noi Emergency Measur- ObROrvers at this combined es Qrganization committee, He RCAF-USAF radar hase on the frozen shores of the Arclie Fire Damages 9 made is a nontaxable capital|oPportunity for the presentation and costs for making an im ¢ v § @ 3 ple e " ] gain, but if vou carey on alo ideas should be planned [proper left turn. Douglas V started to call for a report from his vice-chairman, Ald Hay-| Ocean foresee the day when| Eskimos may be mare adept at| Chicken Coo IC en P scheme for profitmaking, and! In reminding me mh ers of Frayer, 8, of Caesarea, was An estimated $50 damage ve-lend up with gains, such gains|/their naturally passive vole in ined $23 and costs on the same Nit Mari But before Ald. Murdoch could tossing "rocks" than harpoans A makeshift curling rink has sulted from & five in a chicken ave taxable income." business, Mr. Plummer urged charge A similar ol A il coop and garage on Taunton A lively discussion period fal.[that they develop the image of AERAINSt John C. Ross, 36, of 22 say, "No report," Ald. Norman Down, a member of the same been built here and among the most avid players are Eskimos wood Ave. Mps, Doris Wood, if Tecumseh Ave.) Mrs. Francis Schneider, f82 Rlnor street east; Margaret Ovenden, 018 Farewell Ave. Leon Krout, 297 Bloor street east; Tan Jolly, 1057 Ross land road west, BR 8, Osh. awa: Thomas Chennette, 78 Buckingham Ave; lea Atkinson, Hancock road south, Courtice; Orville Hindman, RR 1, Hampton; Susan Jackman, 187 Nassau St: Mrs. Bernard MeQuaid, RR 1, Hampton: Mrs, Lean: ard Wright, ad Verdun road; Clayton Smith, Larry Ave, RR 2 Oshawa; Val erie Ash, 222 Verdun road: Raymond Jackson, 771 Lake view Ave: Joey Kovacs, 8% Stevenson road: Larry Gal lev, 3% Division St: Rus sell Clarke, 623 Fernhill Rlvd.: Kenneth Spives, RR 1, Hampton; Ravmaond Wage, Rroaklin: Bradd Paw less, 110 Easthaven: Gordon Farndale, 8M Centre St Whithy; Mrs Ravmand | Raivin, 238 Court St. and Rrvan Poot, 760 Tennvson. | The first five persons ta inform The Oshawa Times of their hirthdavs each day will receive double tickets ta The Regent Theatre, goad for a four-week period. The current attraction is "But terfleld 8" Reports on birthdays will be received anly between the hours of 8 aii. and W am. Phone RA 38M This week the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are celebrating Boy Seout Week, Al groups will he holding apen house far their parents and friends to provide the opportunity to see scouting in aetion, Mast of the ehurches in Osh: awa sponsor the Ray Seout pro gram and the Oshawa Soroptis mist Club sponsors the handi- capped group, On Friday evening the Oshawa Roy Scout District Council is holding an open house in the Counell Hall at Camp Samae. The public is invited ta attend this event and see the display of scouting, Members of the dis: trict staff will be on hand to answer questions, Keenly watching the Bay Soout Week activities of aver a quar [ter af a million young Canadians Iwill be their, Chief Scout, His Excellency George P. Vanier, {the 11th Governor-General tel hold office as Chief Scout far Canada During Bay Scout Week it is interesting to note that Canada now has 32 Seowt groups fer [Nandicanned bays, us a faut new development, the use of thel: ." t 4 Sout program in 13 institutions he any new Wembers for for mentally retarded children! "pia 1861 Year Book of. the i . [Club was distributed to the wil ons TAX {members along with informa CANBERRA (Reuters) = The| tive notes an the oulture of government Tuesday announced] "act la 10-per-cent reduction in the { The door prize was won hy {Rayna Morrison at the Monday sales tax on automobiles to help meeting and hy Bonnie Childers {Australia's motor industry. (hose of the meeting. Cactus Is Explained Members of the Oshawa June ior Garden Club met in the banquet hall of the Childven's Arena wheve they received ine struction fram Mrs, Earle Sand. ford on planting a cactus dish garden, Good drainage is one of the most essential needs far the success of the plants. Cacti do not like averwateving, Instyue tion was alsa given on making a planter and at the close of the meeting each member was given soil and plants far their praieet which they ave expects od to enter for competition the latter part of May. Reports on the progress of the seeds: which were planted after the January meeting were heard from each member, A pot with a granefruit nlant, which was a seed a couple of months ago, created consider able interest, The membership drive, which is being carried on, Is results Convicted Of Offenses A total of $160 in fines was no y heen received for the school of nursing wh the new class [road, east of the "Five Paints", lowed when the speaker ans: serving the business, rather fitnitil street, wat diamined. | Tue eo 5 asiti § witie . ft" 1 0 2, i at 10:45 pm, Tuesday wered the questions put to him|than that af eritiolaing (", Mr. jo YER (SEER Soammittoe, jumped to his foot The fire. was on the property hy the members of the Lions'|Plummer's final vecommendat. |} ho } 3 and said in a husky voice | of John Kutasienski. Firefighters Club ion was that accountants 'he Ailing ta came to a full stap at} #70 SHES 8 N | hired to work at the base \ ' : » a stop sign. A similar charge Mr. Chairman, 1 would like {didn't return to the fire halll Ron Wilson has the distinotion/® Part af the business against David Harold House [10 report on that last EMO Ry MINE REOPENING until 113 pm, The cause afjof being the first Oshawa barn! "7 feel that the accountants' by of 994 Sonervillo stiout on ing VICTORIA (CP) ~ Cowichan the fee 15 not known j [and educated chartered account: advice should be at least used dismissed. Mr. House was fined "L sat hy a window and part Copper Corporation has an-| Members of the Fire Dopart-/ant to complete all his training/as a starting paint at 'executive $25 for speeding way through the meeting, same: gos dn Rag sglig alah hy 3 a Oshawa and establish pre meetings", Mr, Plummer added. "Erie Waadcock, of Toronto, (one opened it about five feet at Jordan River, on the MR 4 Py me Rp N enue, at/fessional pra tice here. He wend Head table guests were @./was fined $10 for not having his! "'W ell sin, I've had a cold ever coast of Vancouver Island, tof : 8, Ae Was minor. finta partnership in November. |Riehl, second vice-president; D. lownership Wm his truck. Julian!since | supply copper concentrate to! Ambulance crews answered(1880 with Bd. Burrows, whe is! Reid past chairman; N. V.!Zubrisky, of RR 1, Brooklin All, Down didn't say whether , i od. The four routin mb lane palls the second 3 Mitsu! Company Limited Ne ABAF TOUTE ambulance calls the second such accountant to Roe, chairman and & H. Wik was fined $10 for not having a he thought emergency measures Japanese company Is prepared since Tuesday morning 4 {be 30 trained (kins, first vice-president, | signal light, were needed! | \