The Oshawa Times, 21 Feb 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Priohush Voge 8 64 Wy Canadien Wewspapers Limited, #6 King 4. E., Gshows Vissdey, Feoranry 24, 1961 GOpt 2 Canada's Tight-Wire Situation On Trade When Canada was largely sn suger of primary products and an importer of finished goods, it was quite easy to be on outsndowt frectiader. But as Consda developed wibwtantial mane fastiring of its own, pestective teciffs became more and more alluring Wow Canada is will a great primary produces, with # large secondary manufacturing industry ~ and & split personality. The split is evident even within industries; western whest farmers, for example, oppose tariff harriers because they want exports of grein to be as easy as possibile while some esstern cashcrop farmers want tariff protection against imports from the United States Primary producers point owt, quite rightly, thet their big markets are out- side Canada and their sales awe vitusily important tn Canada's economy; but to buy from Canadas, customers must be able to sell in Conada. The domestic manufacturers point out, also quite rightly, that Canadien jobs depend on Canadian industry, but Canadian indus try is frequently placed at a disadvan- tage when wmports from lowcost cong tries flood inte Canada Herre H. Lank, head of Du Pont of Canada, puts i bluntly: "MH Cana diss expect Americen wages end Asiatic prices, there simply witli be fewer Canadian jobs We must cone tinue to buy some goods from abrosd, and we must sell ghwosd, But we must realize the prime ivhportance of our domestic markets, It is not # case of less mining, wt of more manlastring - fy € for Canadians, Our imports should consist of those goods which cannot be produced economically anadiane in Canada" He pointed out thet in the decade 1949-59 the number of Canadians ems ployed by primary producers increased by 15000, if sgriculture is excluded; it diopped by 360000 i agriculture is included. In the same period menulac. turing provided 2168000 new jobs and it comes There is no simple solution shrewd can only be found Wn promise between free trade and protec. tigmism Values And Purposes Leaders of the New Party shudder at some of the speeches being made by supporters whose enthusiasm outruns their good This, of course, 1s the burden of all political leaders = to live in constant fear of embarrassment by friends, It politician who first said that he could look after his enemies if someone would myst BENIRE was =» only protect him from his friends Launching a drive to get his 40,000 members behind the New Party, Wil liam J. Smith, president of the Cana dian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport ond General Workers, was saying: "We have passed the we can leave the direction of to the owners and managers of industry and commerce, This vital making power must he transferred to people ~~ we, the people, can influ ence and control, We think of real values and purposes for which we live, instead of following the will-of-the-wisp, which are held out to us by those who control industry and the media of mass communication," quoted as stage when our society decision must begin to insubstantial purposes we do not and taken out of to Mi rest of To be Smith fan have the his speech the quaotghion ahove may he context. He may have explained more precisely what he meant by "real values" and why he thinks that "the owners ang of people managers industry and commerce" are not On the face of it, hows an ins engaging faith the powers of a political party to run than tell ever the statement _reflects genuous and rather in industries and businesses better the present owners and managers the ' fia of mass communication" what should be printed, picturéd or and higher standards decide should spoken; set new morality and what and These of public "real values purposes" he for everyone things might he achieved In doubt if Smith had in mind Fortunatel Messi Douglas, Knowles and Judein have the g one-party state, of course, but we that is what Mr, men like Argue, intelleet and toughness to Party manently on Cloud y maturity from settling pers 9 keep the New Reducing Publications the On. save One can scarcely cavil at tario government's money by reducing the number of its publications, but it is a pity that the very good little magazine Bylva was caught by the econoiny wave Sylva the Departs decision to was issued bimonthly by ment of Lands and Forests; it was well edited, tastefully produced and could be used as a textbook on conserativon of forest and wildlife resources The other publications, The Road and Our Valley, will The Road, a Department of Highways extra vaganza, had a fortunately brief but highly publicized existence, Our Valley was put out the Department of Planning and Development, Sylva, how ever, was something we looked forward not be missed hy to, and was a valuable source of infor. mation, It could have been and may have been == extensively used in schools AS A text, There are other government publica. tions that could be discontinued, The The Oshawa Times TL WILSON, Publisher and Genaral Manage: 6. GWYN KINSEY. fditer The Oshawe Times sambining The Qihawa To lished 1871) ond the Whithy Gaigtts and enicle (established 8&3), © daily {Sundays ane statuary halidavs Members &f Canadian Dally Newap Ansacistion, The Canadian Pies A Cireulation and tha Onlarie ravine ciation. The Canadian Fras ia awe to the ue for Tepublication ot @ in the paps: credited ta It ® ters, alsa the io oh rights 4 special despatches ade ved ews published alw Avene Thomean Sul Mantreal, PQ " Ontarie: $40 Cathea SUBSCRIPTION RATES Palivaed © Plek 0 apie Hamaton, Fie nH ene Dunbar |B are Blacks a0 Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 6,999 highways department issues a booklet on road conditions that comes much toa late to he of any practical value; the department's district engineers are much better Much of the information issued by the Depart. ment of Agriculture duplicated hy releases from the Ontario Agricultural sources of information is College at Guelph and the federal de On the the De. partment of Travel and Publicity issues partment other hand, useful material, and the annual direes tary al services departments and a gavernment is invaluable, providing ready reference for a wealth of informa. tion about the government personnel, history and statistios, As the Sudbury Ons tario government's publications are but a trickle eompared the flood of material that pours out of Ottawa, The Star that Ontario's action will encourage members of Pars Star notes, the with suggests perhaps liament 'to ask questions in the Cams mons about Ottawa's extravagance in the field of publication, Other Editor's Views BROUGHT IT UPON HIMSELF William Times-Journal) (Fant If the Cavernor of the Bank of Cans ada were to confine his admonitions to the Government, to which he is directly responsible, and eschew approaches di rect the on the outside would be arguing against the Government and not the Bank of to populace, the economists Canada's GQavernor Bible Thought 1 pray stiffnecked thee among and Exo a0 us; for its a people pardon our mguiry dus 34:9 Prayes of and our sin the our today must be made in Christ, and the answers His name Le] prayers is dependent upon death for our sins PILGRIM'S PROGRESS OTTAWA REPORT 7 Making Image Vagrant Thoughts On Quiet Monday By OTTAWA PATRICK NICHOLSON It was just tine Monday afternoon in the House of Commans, The cham ber was more empty than usual since the Tuesday n/Thursday members had not yet returned from hideaways in the province Quehee and other nearby communities YO Tripple Interest stirred the J. Waldo 2 rou their of even Hon Hnisler of iethargy when Monteith, our 1 of health and welfare rich, resonant voice Lo give pub licity such cash could nat purchase to the anti Marilyn Munroe forces of certain slim. ming powders "After careful examination of these illed welght-reducing preparations in our mental lahoratori our well-liked health the canclusion reached that made In advertising appear he rea s0 far ast he normal concerned raised his as 50-4 govern announeed minister has heen claim Lo sonable Individual REJECTED BY VOTERS Then Bert Herridge the squire of the Koolenays" who 18 also the Socialists' hig debating gun, alluded the reported killing of -Patrice Lumumba and asked Foreign Minister Howard Green "what contribu tion Canada will make to meel the situation that will flow from this unfortunate incident? A grossly disrespectful imp perched on my shoulder made me laugh at the juxtaposition of these two questions One must deplore sacre of a human dowed with the same human rights you and I, and ele vated hy the same electoral sup port as, for example, Prince Albert's Jahn Digfenhaker, Bul it was hard not to ponder upon the blessed security which our own politicians take for granted when Howard Green described in shocked tones that Lumumba was a duly elected member of Parliament Andi whimsy in Is the mas being en ns was harder not in in the juxtaposition of Monty Monteith's reference to non-fat diets, and Bert Hey vidge's anxious demand as 10 Canada's contribution to an event acourring on a continent where veters do nat merely slaughter their rejected polis ticians, but even eal them as wall Let us nol question the dis electoral practices of the fellow citizens of the lamented Lu mumba, who only a few months ago was received here with full protocalie honors hy his fellow prime minister. But we would PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The United Nations should be ahle to control outer space," says a commentator, May be so It does seem it should he able to control something "I'he average American now pays more In taxes than for food," says a statistician. Yes and paying taxes isn't nearly so much fun as eating "With our fine selection of tools, you oan do-in-yourself From an advertisement. Frank ness in advertising can he car vied a hit too fay will he weather SAYS A If they do. It could worsen "Russians soon pan trolling the Russian soientist is doubted if they the weather population explosion™ vould be disastrous, as it seems the warld problems inorease ae cording to the square of the per gentage in population he lax if we did not note thet at ahout the same time in Upper Volta, the Congo's nearneigh haring country whieh ir equal at the United Nations, the constituents of one senator ob jected so strongly 10 his political that they consumed Is activities him MEMBERS ON MENU? f that Mr, Hervidge's Lion conjured up this power Would the volers of Falls vent their dis approval of their plump new lady MP hy feasting off *'La- Marsh a Ia mode"? Might Brit ish immigrants at Port Arthur uot enjoy Fried Fisher and Chip And Londoners relish "Halpenny Pie"? The men of Kamloops could take their Hill of Fulton, medium rare; but their Vancouver neighbors would find shim pickings on a Green drumstick his the train of thought must spread, Though in this enlight ened decade we may regard Af our brothers under the skin, yet we could hardly agree with them that our sen alors are similarly steaks under their skin Far this deed must But so ton should we the volgrs he grateful that our af fluence does not compel us like wise to ohserve this parsimom ous method of aveiding waste when we signify to a politician that we have no further use for his services GALLUP POLL 30 It was que ful image Niagara FiCANS Aas nur in give politicians thanks ' Of Delinquency MONTREAL (CP)--~A profes sor of psychology at the Univer sity of Montreal dis. turbed child becomes delinquent because he is convinced he 1s meant 1a he Says @ cases this self-image n his sald Coun In most is instilled into the child home, Rev. Noel Mailloux in a speech 10 the Girls selling Centre here Often the parents are unaware of what they are doing or of the effect their tians are Naving, he said There yeh a transmission of tudes hetween parents "For a child is sent on an errand with the admonis tion in bring hack the change, There's an insinuation there that the worst expected of him "Slowly image of himself a the family.' This attitude through schonl himself with other children, sald Father Finally the child becomes up with sehool and leaves af thing emotional child and his as ait a instance 1] up this accepts heep of hulids himself, and the black ne copltinues ne aligns rebellious Mallloux fed where He joins a gang as a last al tempt to socialize himself, He feels he will develop real friend ships at last and will helong to a sociely His ties with the gang hecome 50 strong that unless an entire process of re-education fakes place and unless his hasic atl tudes change, he will abandon everything for the gang and probably for erime, said Father Maillnux Fewer Believe Canada Headed For Socialism By CANADIAN INSTITUTE af PUBLIC OPINION Is Canada heading lowards Socialism? A decade of increas ing demands for unemployment insurance, hospital and medical henefits, old age pensions and such programs, has actually increased the nation's helief that we are not, Across the provinces; about one in four adults see a direct connection between inereasing publie bene: fits, and socialism, but a ma jority of the voters disagree Ten years ago there was rather more concern shown than there is today In effect, the nation splits al most evenly, with 88 per cent saying Canada is not heading for Socialism, and 45 per cent divided between those who say we are, and those with no apin an Heligf that the country is he coming socialistie is held most widely among business execu tives and professional men and Is Canada heading towards Ves Undecided While this is the national av. erage of the public's view paint the controversy gets a dif 1s Canada heading towards Executives Professional HD EH) Yes No TaAs Undecided od 1% women. Labor 1s least likely ta held--tHis apinlen. Interview ers for the Gallup Poll repeated the question for today's survey as was used eight years ago, 10 men and women in every walk of life, selected to represent a oross-secHon of the total adult papulation some people say that hes cause of things like family al lowances and other social se: curity measures, Canada 18 heading towards Socialism, Do you think Canada is becoming socialistic or not?' The columns below show that Canada is less likely today to connect Government sponsored welfare programs with Socials ism than they were 10 years aga. A decade of increasing eons cern with unemployment insue ance. old age pensions, and contributory hospital and medis eal programs has lessened be» lief that the country is heading for Socialism in the publie mind, rather than increased it Soctallsm? 1900 Today % a 19 2% Vi i 100% 100% ferent response from those who are associated with the main accupational groups as the next table shows afciaiiame White Collar Labor Farmers ns Mh Nn MM al LY] N 13 ) 1MN% 100% REPORT FROM DK. Deal In Tractors Might Start Row By 0. WANTIRE ROOD LAPSE The British and Unites Sates Lr ermiments, and # Canaan Company, may be nk vyek in & complicates trade row cemtieh ww the fae that this Company's Brtish sibvsidiary has heen CEpWInE tractors tn Communit Chine The Bistish fem wvslvesd is INSIDE YOU Silvery Scales Yasiey - Fergmoan, of Cryemiry, 8 shoidiary of the Massey Ferguoon Company of Torts, With wide bigness WlerRsiE 8 the Cnied Mates. 08 WR Bay warts of the world. IE is 'ome of the world s largest. mandating ers of trainee and farm esp al - 89 far ws the British govern mah FRGARINE BE ROBERTS there is absvwiely ROIBRE After Red Rash By BURTON M. FERN, MP MEDICAL science is shill try fog tn find the rause snd cure for # IEAMish Fash thet in. Ber Normally, the layer of skin hardens like [Ngern#is But you shed this hornlke sion in flakes tos Liny see. Hun dreds of times each day you rgb here, scratch there and fick these Invisible scales off your skin has lw by Lis js WHEY [7 4 Similar scales grow on pson sufferers But psoriasis cling in the skin in sil patehes me knows BLRIEE Very Ne why Perhaps greases the way SCRILS conigin an tein. Psonasis swilerers same ahmormality Cold weather and emotions) storms ofien tnigger the pson @sis rash, Expectant mothers can expect a flare-up, sithough sometimes PIRELGREY EFBSES their skin trouhis Ey SKIN TROUBLE Silvery scales the scalp, hack hows following rash. Scraping UNCOVERS Taw Scratches abnormal fat Or maybe the NBusuRL PIS inherit ar out on and el the reddish off the scales hieeding skin (alloos ana scars all turn no silver when psoriasis flares The the el blows and knees may stem from and hruses believe that mean the for sunshine are shaded, when pson Coal tar hicak knees up rash al Bling experts scales scratches Some those skin Knees except silvery YRAIMINE and elbows m summery clears Is Asis BY-GONE DAYS 2 YEARS AGO A Canadian Auxiliary Terri torial Service was being organ ized in Oshawa by Command: ant Ivy Mason of Toronto, to Serve Aas auxiliary to the particularly the usually an armed forces RCA A memorial pipe Organ was installed and dedicaled In Brooklin United Church through the generosity of Mrs. J, C. Bell and a set of Canterbury chimes was the gift of the church members An entertaining program for the blind citizens of Oshawa and district was presented at St, Andrew's Church under the direction of Mrs, H, Porter and MeDonald The annual Scouts and Cubs banquet was held in Thornton's Corners Sunday School hall with Seoutmaster Marris Robinson and assistant Wilfred Pascoe fr., in charge. Harry Rigg, dis trict commissioner, was guest speaker Miss Gertrude Best, lbrarian for the Whithy Public Library reported the inaugural meet a most successful year in history of the library with than 1200 members al ing the more Wark wa tart soon on the huge industry plant near Pickering to cost upwards of five million dollars, Farmers living in the avea of the pro posed plant were given notiea to vacate their. properties be fore March #1 in wil Miss Dorothy Elgie of Toran. to. formerly of Oshawa, who was an exchange teacher in Fngland, was guest speaker, at Simeone Street Chureh, She told of her experiences on the tors pedoed "Volendam," a Duteh ship on whieh she travelled for her return trip home King Street United Chureh held a fathers and sons Servs ioe, with musical selections under the diregtion of Walter Jackson, organist of the church. Rev. W. A. Hunnisett of Toronto, was guest speaker for the occasion Work was started on the $130,000 struoture of the third addition to the General Motors Plant heing erecled on the west side of Ritson road, north of the Ontario Steel Products plant » Donald A. Wilson was elected shairman for a second term 1a the Whithy Board of Education (¢. Heath Ross, manager of the Dominion Bank, Whithy, ve signed his position' to join the RUAF. Mr, Taylor of Marmara took. aver the duties man agev as CASTLE CLEANUP FORFAR, Scotland (CP) Glamis birthplace of Princess Margaret, 15 0 ba cleared of dry vat and wood beetles. The hill will ba paid. by ministry of grant Castle a warks vintments magnify the effects of wira-visiet lamps H your doctor tiinks #K will kelp, vou van give thal rash the benefits of Auly sunshine in the middle of January POOR TREATHENTY Medical pmirngls and poplar magannes are full of other treatments, All work some of the time, but none work ali the time! Many psoriasis sulferers keep their rash ahve by coat ng the scales with thick layers of gooey ointments Let your ductor your tregpiment | THINGS THAT BELP He can choose from hundreds of vintmenis and Iotions, or he may suggest Vitamin A, al kinds of Vitamin B, cortisone female chemicals (hormones) or ¥vay treatments. Psychistnsts soothing tranquilizers and brain changing electric shock treat ments have all calmed psoriasis his tangled jungle of half cures underlines the basic truth; nobody vet knows the secret of psoriasis | QUEEN'S PARK pr BELTING 2 "Fhe expmting of these ras. tors 19 Commumst Ching Wa large nuaniitics is & great ex port. sory which we have been wnikie 16 exploit, for there wre eieky regiiations invmiing the patents, Although (he (tractors wre made wholly in the United Kingdom, we have the patents mm Heenee. WM the Amencans make an issue of this, iH cold result in wr losing the Chinese market entirely HEARD NOTHING One of the rade experts ot the United States Embassy in London, questioned shows this, gave the reply. "We have hesrd nothing show this matter. But if the American palemts involve advanced technology of this sort, then i could hesome # matter for the department of commerce or the treasury Wn Washington Massey Harris execuljyes claim that there is no advanced American technology involved in the tractor patents. But they have sent off a cable to the parent company in Canada ask. ng for & review of the patents which sre involved Massey - Harris in Coventry have been hurrying 1s & their latest order from Ching an order for 40 small tractors and 1500 farming implements valued aL $1A00000. These meces of equipment are needed in China by the end of Febru ary Apartment Ruling Shows Maturity By DON (VHEARN TORONTO~Our society has been growing up very rapidly When we introduced legisla tion against discrimination hy apartment house owners there was widespread approval, Only a decade ago there prob. ghly would have heen wide. spread protest One odd thing has heen that the people concerned usually have not ohjected to discrimin: ation legislation Individual hotel keepers, for instance, personally seldom had anything against the principles in the Fair Accommodation Practices Act But they were ahout the practicality Some of them, particularly in the north, were not able to keep their guests when they accepted Negroes However protests ahout cent years INDIVIDUAL RIGHT It is important to note that the new legislation applies only to apartments of six units and more Behind ciple AS Frost concerned there have heen few aven this in re this is a basie prin hy Premier government expressed this 1s thal should not interfere with the manner in which an individual deals with his personal life ex cept that with it he does not offend against great publie pol ley Aside from his respect for in dividual rights Mr. Frost alse knows that if you try to be too extreme in legislation of this ture it just won't work The extreme feeling that the premier has on this discriming- tion question may he a surprise to some This is not so, however, when you know his personal devotion ta U.S, history and particularly the civil war. This is the great hobby of his life. And he freely refers to this struggle as an evolution in the thinking of men towards the concept of freedom In his human rights legisia- tion personally is continuing this struggle COUNTY SYSTEM? A smaller struggle on our landscape is the developing fight for recognition of the county form of government, The Association of Ontario Counties, which was formed a year ago principally to fight those who would do away with the county system, has pre: sented a brief One of its strongest points is on welfare, which it regards as a field in which its case Is par: ticularly strongly weighted, it points out that in most cases welfare can be more ef ficiently and economically han. dled through a county welfare administrator In this it has the hacking of our department of welfare here, There are those here who feel the county form of government might be done away with, But welfare officials aren't among them WHEN BLUE HAIR MEANT 'BLUE BLOOD' IN ANCIENT EGYPT, EACH STEP UP THE SOGIAL LADDER WAS MARKED BY DYEING THE HAIR A DEEPER BLUE a FOR TODAY'S FASHIONS IN HAIR CARE, LOOK FOR HAIRDRESSERS AND BEAUTY PARLORS IN THE YELLOW PAGES "SU" POR EVERY NEED wo $) oi vo po DID YOU KNOW? HAIRDRESSING, LIKE FLOWER 15 REGARDED AN ARY IN JAPAN

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