The Oshawa Times, 21 Feb 1961, p. 4

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RE 1 s THE OSHAWA THM, Tussdey, Febery B1, WHT > lg ™ i T § i : » ii i iis i 1 xf i 0 Wy EE 3 Ng ih ho : Het AL ir il Hy! ti 4 dh i ® E i §: ERR gi i It {] | 1} i £ E Jo Sal ; - om 1 pMEE ' ¥ YOUNG PEOPLE'S HALL IN BOWMANVILLE | EY comp Ores Tey 14.0. Frank Moulton, of | Salvation Army Citadel in | tractor: Rey. Arnold Herbert, ( outside (on walsh it and 19 join | SETI? + iid the Selvation Army, at right, | Bowmanville. The new annex 5t. John's Anglican Church; 18 hymns and prayers led by Hidded ir Fg . fms the key 10 officially | cost more than $22.00. Guesis and Mayor Wilired Carruth Capl. B. Coles of the Bow: " > i A open the new Young People's | ai the ceremony wciuded, left | ers. The weather was wet for | manville Ciladel ; PAY AY , + 1,803:25-5:307:359:40¢ Hall and vestibule at the | 19 nght, Ernest Laird, con | the ceremony, hut many seed Lshawa Times Photo BAD TO STEAL, GENEVA (Rewiers) ~ Wows their ' £ E---------- rn ih Seven years of Mrowght 0h ing' Droduction wn the Soviet - i ne i a 0 a lowed. I was an W-mile ke [1000 ace, df e tha ya. ¥ Dai H d N B T : F R ai for ber bushand each Azy for hol fh lo Varopetn hone as he came mi of prison FEATHRE TINS = 1:08 » B65 + $9 +» THO + 09 | L) iy ( 1 i ¥ 1 ( M | ee 15e Haas ai jo L000 RE Ww lerms ier serving B I1higR-yR2E The trovbie with boves porkies is , YY PeYH (had fo " on One fay, o the fisher of AV EWngs, SVE sentence son 15H which perties wil snd wp pleving howe! © H A though, the hldren were cry: g Hoes . TNE MpYeY Phe cout Biscovered that he { m : Xp ing lor water and | st couldn't eed. here had Aone po work since be came 1irec OIS my husband re. The swivey, publiched by the out of pirson, They found the! » oi ara att a wait uphill . COLUMBUS ~~ The World Be a ] turned N Economic Commission 198 he was officially registered as held F i OWMANVILIE (BLafl) -- "WINER. d Enrope, pa0s that there w oi the hushand of two w Ww Ter waa hs | Friday BROUGHAM -- AL the annual continue in milder weather, She HP ExPlanation [or the raise in Wo Xc. 2 14 Pils innies # housing shortage mas foe Yuhand on Jyamen whe fees for the inspection of plumb: countries of ENrope, and that 0 short stays. Al the seme lime eling of the Pickering Town asked (or volunieers 19 assist 4 re and. Ms Raglan Association Jing with meeting 4 & Ng installations was forwarded io # Foliivad Minions and, uy MARY countries there 1s Ver: he lived with many others. He Columbus. Mrs. James McKen- ship Historical Society held in with this work Wofte b J zie and Mrs. Thomas Flett prethe. Township Hall, Brougham, Mrs. Clarke spoke of & visit to 19 the Bowmanville Town Coun| (ge puikets down # railroad tank Fro¥ Bing robbed them all and Misap- sided for Columbus while Mrs.lon Feb. 16, a Board of Direc: the museum of 26 representa is Monday meh, hy W. Cam- or walter and walked back Nevertheless, the nver - pl pepred Nottingham took part for Rag tors was selected, with the offi- tives from Wis organized by 70 chief PImBDING Inspector) "igure it was stealing and i " lan. Mrs. Ray Scolt gave the cers to be appointed from this Mrs, TF. Wheeler in December he Northumberland #18) 1d been caught | guess I'd have Finan A address on "The Origin of the group. They are: W. G6, Law: and commended members of the Mrham Board of Health heen fined. But when your chil THE NEXT KINSMEN | Day of Prayer." Soloist for the son, Robert Miler, ig io al Women's Jamies for hy 4 yr hoisd that the dren are Iisty hat sort of e aglan. McKay, Mrs. K. Clar 18. their assistance. She expressed old rates did nol defray costs thing n't count." ' vik was Mis Moon of Raglan. ¥ rp A Mrs. L. Johnston, gratitude io Mr. and Mrs, Vas- lor these inspections which She has an instinct for teach SUPER CAR BINGO WICH Dairy Herd Improvement Asso- Mrs. M. Loucks, Miss M, Brown, lokas, of the Royal Ontario then had to be made up by the ing FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, B:30 PF.) SHARP iation was held last Thursday W. Brown, D. Gibson, KE. Petit: Museum, for their arrangement Health Uni "We brought wp hive children ER i -------- ---- at the Brooklin Township Hall.liean, J. Grosari, and Mrs. K. of displays in the Museum his This new estimate, 8 for in oh the lorm and § Yughi. 4 $6500 IN PRIZES INCLUDING JAOO (O | J (1) A 4 Po Fallis summer, and expresse ection 4 o | Bib J il ( | [ | i FEN | he following Fotis Wem President Lawson (old the hope that they would put the gid id Ai och Bxture, taught them myself. Neighbor 1961 FORD er $2000.00 In Cash Jiu 1g Ul tL] and Mrs. Norman Gimblelf, My. \ meeting that a communication finishing touches on the 1081 an roned the necessary coun hood children used to nde miles) 100000 Wl Le Jackpot and Mrs, Walter Holliday and from 5. J. Gooding, Museums house Mrs darks Jointed out fies rates 10 the munis ipaity every morning 19 aitend. 100," 00.00 Snowhell : ' 4 e Department of i { elehes by Mrs A " . I Director of he Department o R Saat on of sketches y i fo cover this oo 5 added » HUSBAND En 2 al BRING A FRIEND BOTH OF YOU COULD BE WINNERS | RT schnicoter Tachmigma T ) P title of the Museum play at the meeting, and an PUREIES 1EYIES On Ihe e family moved (0 Adel] - he Columbus, Doubles Clubithal the He a in the Town- arrangement of historical items MUMEIpRINEs in the counties, mide after 1B fruitless years op 144] PETERBOROUGH 44] A wrobFihanr thei ini ® 8 ry on Saturda ship of Pickering, the Museum by Mr. Glen He further added that ali|the farm, There Mrs Pocock| FORD MEMORIAL CENTRE FORD A Ly pg om Y Committee should include two fees collected are reigined hy! Bought herself a sel of instruc: Kins March 11 on the municipalities tion hooks ta study shorthand The Columbus Elders are members of council, and all urged fo attend their important finances should pass (hrough NET EARNINGS The third reading was given meeting on Friday Feb. 24 atthe hands of the township, 10 he this inspection bylaw, number 8:00 p.m. in the lower hall of eligible for the Provincial grant.' Alias Steels 14d, year ended ed 1704 and passed by council the church Mr. Lawson noted that the deed pec 51: 1060, 3.025.000, 82.77 8' Other bylaws given 8 fhird Parents of boys who would be|lo the museum Property WAS share, 1050, $8,268.061, 88.02. |,onding "and passed hy the interested in either Scouts or|already in the hands of the Credit Foncier Franco-Cana:| council were 8 payment of Cubs are urged to sign the in- township, and (hat the other dicen year ended Dec. 81: 1960 fee for the A a of 8B Hi terest-survey form on the door requirements would not be diffi: 61 670.465, 83.05 a share; 1089, 1o0 5" REECE OF BEE of the church, Cubs 8:11, Scouts! cult to comply with 1.642.307, $3.87 posi iio MAP Th 12:17 A SING Rolland Paper Ca. 1Ad., year. oy OFFICIAL OPENING ended Dec, 81: 1080, $045,078, |R5%ensed in parcels of not less PERSONALS Mr. Lawson said thal this $4.08 a class A shave and $4.56 than five acres, numbered 1706 We fish to extend our symp:|year was the 150th ARRiveraary a class B share: 1950, 8758420. It was carried by council that athy to Mr, and Mrs. Frank|of Pickering Township, (4 180 and $3.55 the payment of $4260, the first Simpson on the death of Frank's|first minules of SOURCE WEE TORONTO (CR)--The stack|of two payments for the new father Mr. Saar 3 Simpson port gi 8 aml was held| market came to life late Mon: grader, he forwarded. Miss Kaye M and Mr, 160 A I tater, Wn 1911, This| SRY to shove industrials and! The date for a Court of Revi Robert lar Tecantly atiended ~My ipl BA resumed, | Western oils Lo new highs dur: sion in connection with the lay Gary Coope Oshawa [there would be an observance "f maderale trae, trials ad.|!8 Of the water mains on cu: Mr. and Mrs, G, Bowman, En. |of the 160th anniversary by the) 00 1 5 5% SUCWECES high | 508 ol reel was set tn field were Monday visitors of|lownship, and he expressed 8)" ooo 6 Tonite Western oils MAFEh 16 Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Scott, (hope that the official Opening of eq ched a new 1961 high with a| The resignation of Mary Mr. and Mrs. W. McLean, (the seam would coincide oot" 00" 56° at 06.08, Golds Fagen, bookkeeper » cashier, al Oshaws were Sunday ganar with this even climbed 08 at B5.64 and hase the Yawn Hall, was accepled hy uests of Mr, and Mrs. Edward) TEE RE wy metals dropped 05 at 172.45 council with power heing given Avioletie and family hy 44d THE RE ome of The final volume was 2,276,000 (lo the finance committee 10 ap Miss Gwen Shaw and Mr. Donohoe Museum Committee, report-| shares compared with 2,548,000 point # replacement. Miss Nichols were Sunday dinner oi on the collection of pieces on Friday, Fagen wishes 10 take a new guests My and iad Walton! for the museum. and said that fiondyen, Tire paced hatars position ascoe, Bowmanville -» 2 be ay with a Ba-point gain at 140 anc , they were hecoming increasing: | vl ¥ Council id thal Mi Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Scott ly difficult to obtain. He said|{U#8. Ford gained one paint al ™ 4 ( wig ho March | recently attended the golden! ii "ii the Society fell theretfd Ford of Canada dropped 14 "¢ 561 88 the date 10 men wedding anniversary of Mr, and| za: » : Site. he he. Al 142 inintly with the Planning Board nw as room on the site, he he 18 Board Mis 1 Norman Leach Taunton, jiovod he might secure a hlack Papers were mixed Maare to discuss the problem of weih: whic was held at Boling Com:| smith shap, a beef ring huilding gained % al ds and fiyeat| oy to, or nol in, approve the ma yy Neil & Land was attempting to obtain a| fakes maved ahead 3 ABS leonveyances of lands in the Mr. and Mrs, Neil Bmith were jog. vear-old small building now Bathurst Pulp and Paper A laveas of subdivision cont Sunda) 5. Richan Ahitibi M a i weal, Sunday visitors of Mrs, Richard!in" Brougham. He spoke of a|APitibi and Minnesota and Onc\where municipal services such Griffin, Enfield stone lifting machine, a stump] HAE jane) all dropped "A |A8 sanitary sewer and town pulling machine, a reaper, a Jal am wai head " a 4%: | water are not available, In pas REMEMBERED MINE hand-cranked lathe, an ivon| International Nickel and Deni: oo c con 0 applications have LONDON (CP) Former| fence cast in Claremant wood. | 500 each dropped % al 6h nd heen approved and ni 4 I t Labor MP Tom Williams, cve:|en roller, turnip drill, and sap iy 7 JF wleanhridie advanced Velo on "Gon ated a life peer in the New|boiling kettle, all of which he ol As. Hollinger had the hea! Year's Honors List, has chosen|believed weve available. He sug- [S000 K&N, BNAC 4 al 24. HOME| ooo 1 0 TE Lord Williams of Barnburgh as| gested that a structure ta house however, was down # at 21% ELEC TRON COMPUTER his official title. He began his|larger aviicles would he ' | WINCHESTER, England (OP) political career as a union of 8dvisable Court Adjourns On [The British Army's new ele ficial at Barnburgh, a coalmine.| Mv. Miler reported that the ironic computer was recently Museum, unofficially apened Faloney Ruling put on. shaw al the Worthy last Beptemher, had been well WAR BAMAGE attended TORONTO (CP) The #u-{Pown hase in Sussex, The com LONDON (CP) = The War| "Mys, K, Clarke, Chairman of preme Court of Ontario ad puter will process the accounts Damages Commission paid oul (he Household Furnishings Com: Journed Monday ta Feh. 37 an f s ap ; more (han £10,000,000 last year. (mittee, said that work on the application by quarterback Bers" €VeY soldier in Britain and Among the heaviest payments interior and exterior of the log nie Faloney for a ruling on|Huvepe was £600,000 for the rebuilding house, now In its permanent what team, if any, has a con of Coventry Cathedral pasition on the grounds, would tractual right ta his services ---------------- " d | In a Big Four trade last fal + Kamion in Ter re % yi Jn Should Have Died for Ham Hicheverry ig hi N a : i ; Cat atte Nations GREATEST WAR FILM ) jLardinals }_Nalional| y ; Girl Now Well i NTE OF ALL TIM. by Bus... the Finest Ride on the Road 5 V ef f dea : TORONTO (ch - Ahe doc. nhility of ternal hetmarshage ROUND TRIP FARES ARE k ow oars never go 16 autopsy ye: in ection or SUrgI( a al ire y § J WE MM pe J BUFFALO , , . . . . (8830 OTTAWA, . + 814.80 standards, she oug 0 ave an, LN 18 iypothalamus Bh FA fh coi G0 Reynslds | Beer DETROIT . 040 NORTH BAY . 190 wh IL EX any HUNTER PHILADELPHIA 30,66 SUDBURY , . 16,06 singing and had a promising] When Denise continued tal + 1 : PAVIR Taiee. a Faronia, suriean ob ted both corieahs wil sivorn. J | JANSSEN SARASOTA , , . , . . T4006 QUEBEC . 26.20 Thurs Twice a Toronle surgeon op erated, the second time remav- lin at ance. § , X 3 ¥ x VIG PATRISIA ; LF cyst which encircled the! Suddenly, her pulse began ta Y DAMONE OWENS SAN ANTONIO ee 11.26 TIMMINS a 32.18 itary stock, & tiny ink be-limprave. Assisting doctors ve: tween sections of the brain, ported evidence of blood pres: 3 - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Such a cyst often presses on sure, Her breathing became) i | the hypOInAlamS, the section] stranger and she Appeared ta be Added Fun Mit! MONTREAL oy 9p. 8 9 17.96 SAULY STE, MARIE 21.30 that controls the body's ve: sleeping fairly normally, -- sponse to emotion, In a month she began ta show Although she seemed lo be|flickers of response to wards recaveri she later hecameland touch, In another month drowsy, The doctor found sheishe was partially conscious, In | 1eohmioolar" | tues: tom £2 Added Hit! | RE 3 See your Local Agent Br all Bus Thave/ Information y. (NSIpI hs she evidently| > psp had develope ch Mut haw. bev toy. | Aes Gu \ WHITBY body tissues wowld not retain Today she is a happy young| f p = --_ HARRY DONALD, AGENT 300 DUNDAS ST, BAST, PHONE MO 8.2675 (North) AJAX COFFEE SHOP, PH, WH 2.3390 water. She did not respond tojwoman and is frequently in: | HO re BILTMORE . OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL, 18 Prince Street = Phone RA 3.2241 (South) THE COFFEE CUP, PH. WH 2.3940 H r pulse was feeble] detected: hot ¥ vapid. She be:(remains, Denise has a constant we HAY TIME TORAY: came unconscious and uare:/appelite for food because her "Tess of The Starm Country sponsive ta any stimulus hrain does not register a full} & "Wake Ms When Wty Over® 0 SUGGESTIONS and salished feeling after she BOTH IN colon The doctors ruled out the pas eats

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