The Oshawa Times, 21 Feb 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY With respect to its mass, the neaviest thizg in the world is EB woman's thumb, YOL. 90--MO,. 43 ¢ Oshavon Tones Price Mick rer 8 Cos Por Copy FIREFIGHTER PALM KNIGHT, FATIGUED BY LONG BATTLE Photo By Joe Serge, Times Staff UN Council Accepts Congo Peace Scheme By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Seven voles were needed for Canadian Press Staff Writer |passage, UNITED NATIONS (CP)=| No one was surprised when a Ending a hrain-numbing series| Soviet resolution demanding dis of meetings, the United Nations missal of Hammarskjold and Security Council early today|and withdrawal of the UN fore approved a broad Afro-Asian| from The Congo within a month peace plan for The Congo, au-|Wwas defeated theorizing the use of force hy UN| Russia cast the only affirma troops if necessary, to avert live vole ight countries were elvil war opposed and Ceylon and (he The final se which he United Arab Repuhblie ab i ; 0:58 am. Monday Mained IR 20 am. with a dat The resolution also asked for feat ofr the Soviet Union and al Sanctions against Belgium, fo A for UN Secretary-Gen.| mer ruler of The Congo, and for ; the arrest of ral Dag Hammarskjold bi) . wi ig Hammarski I'shombe of Katanga Province The meetings ranged all the and Maj.-Gen, Joseph Mobutu way from drama fo laughter= oon mander of the Congo army und Allempts hy ame delegates of President Joseph Mobutu 10 evoke tears on hi y suffering Congolese people The 11-member council passed a resolution sponsored hy Cey lan, Liberia and the United Arab Republic strengthen ing the UN role in The Congo But it defeated another proposal by the same three countries condemning political assassina tions in the chaotic African republic stan Premier Maise LONDON (Reuters) = Soviel ) commentators today tongue RUSSIA ABSTAINN lashed leading United Nations The vote on the first AIO ge res while reserving com Asian measure was 8 10 0 With ony on Congolese issues before two abstentions -- Russia andi "Gong assembly France--following a debate that The Soviet news agency Tas centred a raund the newls picked out -for a special attack announced execution of Six fol: Dag Hammarskjold, whom Rus lowers of slain Patric e lu sia has accused of responsibility mumba, farmer Congeiese PE the murder of deposed Congo mier premier Patrice Lumumba On the vole Wasi Phe agency accused the secre 6 to 0 with five abstentions ov. general of "hypoeritically after the Soviet Union used its shedding crocodile tears' aver veto to kill amendments Pré-iine execution of six mare poli pased by the United SIRS deians in The Congo A Mascow radia Shserver "TITY EMERGENCY [fb fhe Conte PHONE NUMBERS tion on The Congo did net in clude dismissing Hammar POLICE RA 51133 FIRE DEPT, RA 53-6574 skiold, "whose activities led to HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 cond, tw the tragic situation in The Congo, the murder of Patrice Lumumba and the other na tional leaders The Congo" the radio said mn IWS AB ROOF CAVES IN AT HEIGHT OF BLAZE Photo By {the opening of Monday's meet one Soviet Press | Attacks Da | Atthe same time, British dely Medical uilding Destroyed Explosive gas (umes, escaping from fire-damaged line, added gnm hazard for firefighters batthing the Wiaze that raged through the medical - depts) building on Simene street soul this morning AL is hottest, shout 545 am the fire demanded the use of % firefighters with fire trucks Fire Chief Ray Hobbs said i was the toughest fire, (or smoke he had ever fought Chief Hobbs said floor of the building 3 ferne when he arrived. He had heen called at 449 a.m. He said heavy smoke billowed from the fropt windows when he broks them It was reporied that false par titions in the building made the fire more difficult to fight. Lock ed doors alse hampered fire fighters The Chief would make no esti mate of damage. However, con sidering building and expensive medical - dental equipment, un official estimales range Over # the $150.00 mark Ten doctors and a deplist maintained offices in the build ing, that was owned by Dr. J E. Rundle, It glso included @ pharmacy Labor Loss Might Mean Unions End MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)~ {A report that organized lahor in {the United States Js losing ground in making union mem- hers of workers brought a self (appraisal in the AFL-CIO today that it could spell union labor's "obituary," Organigin ingston tol gathered here for a winter meeting that their unions are staging a losing hattle in woo {ing workers to the union cause Livingston was reported to have told the AFL-CIO execu tive council at a closed session Monday that where all the U.§ iunions had enlisted 40 per cent of organizable workers in the work force five years ago the | proportion now is down 10 48 per | cent, Livingstone also was said lo {have told his colleagues that {independent ua ions, meaning {those unconnected with the fed |eration such as the Teamsters {and Mine Workers unions, are winning bigger groups of new members proportionately to the AVFL-CIO's awn unions Joseph Beirne, president of the AFL » CIO communications workers, was reported to have sald the waning proportion of |unionized workers 'means the {obituary of organized labor un less it 1s quickly reversed the second Wes BAB Wi Bruce Jones, Times Sialf director John Liv:| While the voles on two. reso-| lutions came after | debate on the one concerning|ess is partially due lo the political assassination dragged| rapidly changing composition of on for hours {the work force--with the num Its defeat came as a sur: Der of manual workers declining prise, sinee the council had re along with a corollary increase acted with universal shock atin white collar, or office and technical workers Although the U.S, and Britain] Katanga ney ia eon Mobilizes being committed only on side, "It sets up different] categories of atrocities,' Sir Patrick Dean of fhe Population The Katanga government to day ordered the general mobili: zation of all able-hodied people Negra and white--tlo oppose any attempt hy the United Na {tions forces to carry oul a reso {lution adopted hy the Security {Council Announcing the mahilization \ at a press conference, President Moise Tshombe said: I mean The agency charged Dean hy mobilization, fivst of all civil with making "a show of his mobilization, That means every regrets concerning the death of hody has to remain at their post Mr. Lumumba." But he did not whalever instructions from a ay "a ward to brand the killers | ferelan power may he and energetically defended Dag| Tshombe earlier had vejooted Hammarskiold, one of the main|d part of the UN resolution call authars of the monstrous ing for withdrawal from The erime the agency added Congo of all Belgian military Meanwhile, supporters of the @nd political advisers. The Hel Communist-hacked Stanleyville glans ave the brains beliind regime in The Congo continued | Tshombe's provincial adminis to express indignation with the tration and army United Nations His mobilization order was de Iraqi Premier Abdul "Karim signed ta meet head-on that Kassem said in Baghdad the portion of the resolution author UN brought destyuction to The|lzing the UN troops in The Congo hy the utter failure of its| Congo to use farce if necessary mission there to prevent civil war, Tshombe's (A Reuters dispatch from Pe. army is trying to drive rebel king sald Communist China an. Baluba tribesmen from northern nounced today it will establish Katanga full diplomatic relations with. Tshombe said that under the government of Antoine Giz: mobilization civilians may enga mn Stanleyville, The sibly be drafted inte the palice Congo.) Jorces, ings when Hammarskjold. an: nounced the six new executions in South Kasal province sion, made were egate Sir Patrick Dean came, ir for a special abuse from Tass the pos 1] | Estimate i i vr elo chiels| medical ph a Jama e in the $13,000, he ome "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 196) The fue was reponed 19 baye storied in the basement, The wlarm was tuned wn #6 4.5% a.m. | A caretaker pt Zellers LA4., fur ther wp Simese street, stopped 2 passing motorist, whe pressed on the alarm 19 the Oshawa Police Department, Oshawa Police turned in the fire alarm ALS am. the whole fire Aepariment was called out, By 645 am. the Mae was con sidered 16 be under control. Past of the roof had collapsed, wt Chief Hobbs said pone of the building would have 40 he tom aown When firefighters started 19° pump the water from the base ment, eSCRAPINE BAS caught fire again, The basement water level had 19 he kept up wotil Consum- ers' Gas dug through the pave- ment in the middle of Sim: ene street 1o shut off 8 gas line valve. The outlets were of the old type, with no accessible ex ternal valve in Dr room, About 25 tropical fish H., RB. Rowsell's wailing survived the fire. Dr. Rowsell said he went in after the fire was out. "It had burned through the waiting room. The aquarium water was steaming, but the fish seemed alright. Some of them looked a Jittle sick, though," he said Dr. Rowsell said he thought part of the building had heen standing since before 19M. He said the late Dr.-F, J. Rundle used to have his practice there, Other doctors in the building were Dr. William Boyke, dept ist; Dr, BR, A. Gill, Dr, D, 1. McLean, Dr. H. A, Richmond, Pr. N. Raskin, Dr, H, Verville, Dr. 8. H. Witzell and Dr, W, G. Grant Despite (he size of the blaze, there were not ton many spec: tators. By the time it was fully daylight and people arrived downtown, the fire was under control set at rmacy has now rented the building two doors north of the burned huild-| ing and will be open for busi- ness as soon as stock arrives from Toronto Eldon Kerr, cily assessor, said the building at 105 Simcoe street south was assessed for $14,665, He said the businesses ed for $0015, This is sessment of $23,680 Fire Department crews were still at the site, at 12.80 p.m. At that time, it was reported there were still minor flare-ups LONE COP WINS - Sides shold dond over late tor day, as a storm from Lowisions iz expesied to ring rain. Y ia d. » Second Clogs Mak ead "8 a orimant, (RIEME SIXTEEN PAGES OSHAWA SITE HUGE PROJECT VIREMEN TER SMOKE-FILLED BUILDING --| Wholesale Mart Harbor Location Oshawa has been chosen as. Electronic memory machine the site Xor a $21.00 00 whele- computers will be available 19 sale shopping centre recently chents for recounting and con- announced by Shortill and sant inventory contol, as will Hodgkins 144., Torontn, on be- sien » Scialing services snd # half of the developers, National system of recording all tele Proprietaries Corporation 1i4., phone orders, to be calied "Intermart.' In adition exlenive, fasten: Dr. Charles W. Magee, of HOB #0 MIRE FOOm facilities Shortill and Hodgkins whe is Wil be available to employees, also vice - president of National "Vents, customers, guests, wy: Proprietaries Corporation 144., ©F5 #04 their families, made the statement and sliso Modern hotel accommodation added the following will glee be available on the Hs location, on the Oshawa PrEMIses Harbor, has heen made pos- MODERN FACILITIES sible through the co-operation of The result of extensive re the Oshawa City Council and search hy the developers, archi gil deparimenis of the City of tects and engineers, the centre Oshawa, will be completely equipped To he housed under one roof, With the most modern and effi- the project will cover more cent facilities ayailable for the {than w acres of land and will handling of cargoes of any size, . (consist of five groups of build. It will provide employment, ings by i. for ud peaple, from | Su ; the Oshawa » Toronte area, O FIVE BUILDING GROUPS these 12000 people, approxi The five groups of buildings mately 100 will be key employ: will include the Canadian Inter ~Phate hy Bruge Jones, Times Stall Amish Families Come To CANTON, Ohio (AP)-=Seven Amish families near here have purchased farms and are pre: paring to move to Ontario he: cause of high-priced land an conflict with state school laws, Hot Lead Ends Holdup Attempt MONTREAL (CP) = An off at an east-end caisse populaire retaliate, shot him in the stom-| (credit union), killed one gun: man and eritically injured an-| other in an abortive holdup! Monday night Constable Remi Robert, 24 was shot in shoulder during the furipus exchange of gunfire, Al woman customer was shot in the leg and slightly injured | Three armed and masked gun-| men burst into the Caisse Popu- laire due 8t, Albert le Grand on Charlemagne St, and moved to-| wards the cash wickets | Constable Robert, who was] standing behind the door, apened fire | FLURRY OF SHOTS | Same 20 shots were ex (changed | | Airlines Shut Down In Engineers' Strike NEW YORK (AP) == the largest aiflines in the United States were shut down com pletely today as a result of al flight engineers' wildeat strike that has caused the greatest tieup in American aviation his. tory Three other airlines snavled in the liveday-long walkout were continuing (0 aperate---at| least through today--with dras- tically reduced service, I'rans World Airlines, can Airlines and Eastern Air lines have stopped using all their equipment for the duration of the strike, with 84,000 employ oes due for layoffs, Pan American Warld Airways and National Airjmes planned to naintain token hes § Western { Arhines, already\ down to four, Ameri Constable Robert told police Livingston explained the de: guy police constable, who vol-|he shot one suspect in the leg midnight, | cline in union OrgANIZING Pow: unteeped his services as a guard and when the man turned to ach As a second bandit headed for the door Constable Robert emptied his revolver at him, The man, later identified as Marcel Fournier, 30, an ex-con viet with a long pelice record, fell dead in the doorway, The badly-wounded man and his companion fled "It happened so fast," said caisse president Hughes Ger vals, "all one could do was d uek.' Within 40 minutes twa mgn, one wounded in the leg and stomach, #@rvived at 8 nearby hospital to seek treatment, Detectives arrested the pair on the spol Three of jet flights a day between Las said they weve flooded with ve Angeles 'and Seattle, -also cone tinued a woken effort From Miami to Bestop and from New York to Los Ahgeles thousands of passengers already have been inconvenienced by the walkout af the 3,500-member Flight Engineers International (Union, Eastern Airlines flights from New York to Montreal were cancelled. also Airline executives estimated that through Monday night tra vel plans of at least 125,000 per sons in metropolitan New Yark alone had been disrupted. An es timated 700 flights affecting 35 000 persons were cancelled in the area Monday Trains airlines untouched by the strike buses and the major Wilde the Canad k ees and security personnel whe ationa erchandising an J i f Trade Mart, a horded and free Wil ive on the property. m-- warehouse, a complete distribu. ' accommodation plus a 160-acre Diefenbaker's | industrial park. | John B, Parkin Associates are | tects SASKATOON (CP) Mrs, | The merchandise mart (no re- Mary Florence Diefenbaker, 88, tail sales) fs planned to he Mother of Prime Minister Dief- One of the main features of Mrs, Diefenbeker hospital the centre is that it will enable| oF several i id died all retail merchants and indus. #0 "Acute Hind edema, business in a centralized area, i on to the prime a The developers state ' centre, which has heen son, y i hy ed as a "manufacturer's super. {many Ontario centres, plus 24-|vears after their B0th wedding hour switchhoard service, anniversary, tion centre, extensive office {the project engineers and archi- Mother Dies opened by June 1, 1962, |enbaker, died Monday might, trial buyers to conduct all their|® heart eondi Her Imaret," will provide direct Diefenba n y [telephone connections with/died In Saskatoon in 1645, two Ontario social security and draft re quirements, Rudy 8, Yoder of Navarre, an Amish member of the same church the families now attend, | A 5aid Monday the families are| ets ou est {awaiting confirmation on immi-| | gration papers from Canadian tauthorities, He said they willl CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla, Aim of the test was (o de- {leave late next month or in the (AP)--An Atlas missile pra:/termine what happens when |early summer, [pelled an unmanned space cap:(such & spacecraft returns to Yoder sald the families would syle 107 miles high on its most|earth under the worst possible Join in Amish settiement of 10 (severe test today and dropped) conditions. amilies at Owen Bound (It on targel Twentv-fi i 3 3 : "The families are going Pri-| Ships, Rh and helicopters Pwenty-fiva Minutes after Hf marily because land 1s gelling vaced 10 attempt recovery of off the National Aeronautics and scarce and prices for it ave high! the one-ton capsule, 1,425 miles(Space Administvation an: here," he said, "But. the school gown he Ayiantic missile range. nounced: canfliet and problems With 20 A vadio beacon, flashing! "Preliminary indications are cial security and lity PA iights, a dye marker and an|the Mercury-Atlas spacecraft (Ing also enter into | underwater homh were to help|flew its programmed. trajectory, The Amish, a quaint, religious searchers zero in on the exact|hitting 8 peak altitude of ap: |peaple who live the simple life lncation, proximately 107 statute miles (Without many of the mas HH The Atlas voaved away from|and landing approximately 1,420 conveniences, contend their Chil gic iegite fost centre at 9:10|statute miles down range, The approximate peak veloeily was dren should not attend school|' i Al heyond the eighth grade, To dol ®:M: with the bell-shaped cap: | ) 0 [sn, they feel, would make the S4le perched on its nose 12,860 miles per hour, |ehildren worldly and corrupt their life But Ohio has. & compulsory [education law for pupils up to [16 years of age, | | "There ave no high schools in | Canada, except in lavge cities," Yoder said, "And a child can get out of school there at the age of 14 if he has good school | grades," | Yoder said the Amish children {will be able to attend old: |fashioned, one - room schools, The Amish will not have to build schools of their own, quests far reservations Major airlines not strikebound include United, Delta, Braniff, Capital, Northeast and Contin ental | The six strikebound airlines) already have laid off more than| 81,000 of their workers because lof the curtailed service | | Airline executives indicated) 'that total cessation of flights hy the strikebound aivlines might] force the hand af the govern: PR i ment in its attempts to end the! 88 snarl, DRIVER ESCAPED The engineers ave protesting a Feb, 6 decision of the national! william ©. Widdowson of | Raceway. At left, in the air, mediation board ordering helt] Houston escaped injury yes: | is part of the car's hood. This union and the air line pilots | terday in race at Smithfield, | spectacular phot was taken association at United Airlines to} Tex, as his car, an Elva | by Bob Jackson of the Dallas Courier, smashes inta the hay | Times Herald --APR Wirephote vote far a single union as bay {Gaining agent for both \ { bales along the Green Valley Rede Jide Jie Te SE LE BCE BE TY

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