4 Te OH AW TIMES, Mondey, February 8, 1961 High School Drama Chih, ¥ ni day, Feb. 4, 1961. The retor RNA REVIEESES RIE BNOWR TE hearaing their binge for thelr presented by the Fort director, Mise Norah MeCully Will Present "The Heiress' PORT PERRY High for for the first time in time has years the Fort Verry act, three-nauarier Behan) Drama ame i these plays ng a complete Propose duction. The Dark ess' which they a pw is & btwn act | Night for twa and With length and was and Augustus Go "The Heir the novel "Washing by Henry Ja The Drami that they enuld § play, since this | that the ne has heen a undertaking The present Prama Club ance of the clety Is lo ¢ sale nf Heke! prize ta the stident who the most fickel before the n " of the production, Feb 24 ARF of the hetng PICTURED ABOVE some of the mei cast of "The Here hers ¥ ! gar al ork Ferry £ VER) thd In hat a ne nour pia Thi VES 7 §i High WEBEL gih Pro- we ri Heir: Bird senting Brow of Many fu ander Wing Nellie Mehah Midsummer and Roya i Dark Brown, Pari v the 18% Inter play On The ring Loy 1rea a Wik dad rien by But el BEM proud ACTOR 1 i an Assis | "Pas hier first ime in Another first inh Far 1s ard on mietion a 5 ann and the first iditari ich en a YEA) The in for fan aw i ina aelre ih hanl neoNra nh Bg Ari fr the noe Lian A greal deal of work has heen fone dy in set design hy the members the Drama Club and My. John Jefford, the Each student in the school shop teacher and there Is much hi asked to sell ieast twa still to he done by curtain time tickets in an attempt ta reach! 8.18 Friday, Feh. 24, but the height of at least 700 tickets the results are shaping up In being sold plendid 'fashion The director, Miss Norah Mi In addition to the many people Cully, BA, head of the English of Port Perry and district wha! Department, offering alrea of pm AERIAL ICE PATROL 1,000,000 tons, US Guard planes and the International tn pratect users Coast ships con foe of shipping lanes of A US, Coast Guard plang | out of Argentia, Newfound: | land, eireles an iceberg off the coast Newfoundland checking its position and actions, The is 100 feel high ahove 00 feet long ahout duet Patrol Narth Atlantic againat dangers and floating ioe of berg the and Wrtace weighs } FEATURE TIMES == 130 + 338 + 830 + 740 5 040 § The trouble with house parties is YOu never san tell which parties will end up playing house! DERORAY i NBER Jo NITCHOM SIMMONS "THE GRASS 1S GREENER PLATA 2 x Ve ABA PR NAT Mrecien | hushand Jahn their icehergs 142 Competitors £5 In Rifle Contest BA. They wre, Is Elizabeth © (8 RIMT t 3) Mi | Eunice Boaeh Two Kill BEAMFPTON b Baturday HEE BL B IEVEL § 15 miles north of | way Ih an WEFE Hed inred Dead are Wil ard, 72, of | of one eal Thomas, # 18m ile ann of To Li tn hospital here jaw and knees Falice sain cars had siopped accident when hound car swer and collided vehicle Mr. Howard Taronta until president of the and Hunler faunder wn "a 1857 i Anglers nf pref Farontn A Al the iee-presinent Was urer of the Caledon Riding and Hunt €lub furniture and - &m props, the Drama grateful ta the O late In DNshawa el nf This courtesy BARE Club Some women never give a name... This is Liggalt wha called Glo'la whenever his wits was away iii (CF) time of his t them coming from Alar 1113 clubs "Visiting ft tn right fim Berd el ully and (Blanding l ed On Crossing Ton me per and nm iB IWNERE £8) SINE SOME he ere mn High Shanly How don, drive Mrs Fania was anmities with 8 broken northbound for a third narth ed around them with a southhound resinent " n Wis pa Taranto Anglers aciation and & he 18 RBENT VEsaciatinn Aeain and reas all persona Club 15 alse ieill Colleg for stairs tn the y and en-nper has heen teaching are making costumes, supplying! ation is deeply appreciated {OR 4% just Dora roe Laps whose these minor he lending £ By GEAE WHA tae Mark eis ~~ fost ", G7 TER J A Mik With second, Gms AIRE ~ Bundny, Fob. 11. was Fond (Alan) White # heart ib ony Any, kewl (ow - # Anve fiom Norwich 19 Alex #4 The Wink RITE RIIE BHD IER Rifle Clal members rived w Aix before § # wm 18 take pat: WW the Ray's malah. (Akers (1mm Hamiton, Brive and Toromas | 2 served witlon # B-mEie peria Althemiah Nvairy was Been a riasses Mf he cRmpEin on there wee # iy ng By i sphere (hight. the day. Bev crit of the Aix Ch pil wel (Saif) pennainied with the Norwich oA witibnde and TRrantn Eompelitions and & more pers wf Emtec to theagh AIERMRE PF EV I A 0 & waits those of # Miferent color meets wt these replies iaee ar creed will he the Wass a COMPETITORS Witing the peoples of the A 4 : a WEHETR PvE} with those Wn All 1A there Were #1 BITES (he troubicd areas tf today, Said Sor the competition nine of Hey bir. Fam bastin, Friday with hia SLERREIREMBE WM eprrsented aingeiher A # y irs 4 ¥ his Colombn Plan wad he one clubs were: 1easide Rifle and Revolver (Club, A 1 1a many of these Leaside Anglers Chih, TAHA PFONER the persons North Taromin Chal TAHA rama wisselves and North York, Borwich Bifle and hese peg Handgun Club, Sowth Borwich Dr. Dustis Rifie Cli, SimpsonSears To manville and Chub, his Rifle Club of and chaplam Mon, Pithuaman Yeleran of Marksmen, Taromin Bevolver Club. A 10ia) participants As was expected the hg ramaly prizes went 10 VISIIRE PEPEYIS tact in the who make a habit of shooting he inevitable WINNING BEATES Winners in their classes, starting with af Ing Fla WETE Master for Individual in su Prone scares first, 4. 1. Wy att with 188-14x; second, 1. Mun 108-145. Being flied TAHA members had 16 ' i shoot a second aay Expert class PEONE BEATE 106-12%, second with 198-10% Sharpshanler vidual Prone M. Buckstine Wall . 187-10% Marksman class Hal PIONe BEATERS Found (Ajax) 187-14 A. Mills 197-12% Club pairs (ass first and 8 TLyitle Wyatt 108% Cape #64 Expert Class Behultze 86-fx 074%; second and 8, Carroll Sharpshonter class Need Change Of Attitude 'InThe World EW MABYHAE B ERRinels Frimkih AF dNEWE] REAIN WELW RER [£4 formerty of Bow naw Reanmasier at he Bishop Lol India, 10d and guests at the Mo the Botary ME WHER 18 shrink His, B CIO6EF EON Ery near iure will Fa Ham lim Barre of fon Behan, Bima Hh FREEING Wil, Wha Emer MEEIng Ww 180 respective MUST CHAMGE ATTITUDES Master We must, and | press aiiine ana Know #i men ar Sail the peak ERanEE BUF rlass hearis thet Crealen equa! r Ej Fhe nr coined Ih Feparis gach Fapiadly EnRangmg target / ® eRkINg complels for first J jess of men individie INAEENAENLE I. Carsm Troulitake Fhe biggest problem in India Abii He explosive In Wi popilaion, whieh, By heer numbers mane, will affeel the world. All preparations by NATO powsis, Brining and sich will he ia hold them hack ahd is for Indi first second, K Ciaks EFERGE BEATER 166-4% for individ first, 6 second f f hahie Alter | what?' asked Dustin As long as Nehru alive, democracy will exish in India; with the efficient Moscow trained movements there, the mil with the Chinese gov ernment al the border, could he fatal A HAVE THINGS TO LEARN 0-2 The Weslern powers now re first, BR alige that they should have en Smith 878% and A. Augustine couraged the Nehru neutrality 100-7; second, J. Troulitakis and are further realizing that 008% and 1. Troulitakis O8-6%, A they, tan, have (things tn learn hushand and wile (eam ahout Democracy Marksmen class first, ¥ The majority in India have Howard W-fx and A. Mills 08: 5 Jove for democracy, hut then thx; second, Gard Found (Aia%)|eriers (he problem of communi (00-hx and Larry Huot (AIa%) | eating because of the language id4x harrier Club teams exper! class, TAH There Jd. Hope 100-8%, §, Lyttle 86: snaken ix, RB. Brown 068%, GG, Millar|gs giving this team total of #06-20% his often creates misunder Bhavpshoaters class, Norwich standing which, nn turn, slows Rudy Behultze 100-8%, A. Au: the preaching of Demneraey gustine 087%, H, Newlon 08-fx R, Smith 67-h%, making a tolal lof 808-36% fav (his team to prevent the Communist Chin: | ese from moving In, eam:| Marksman class, Alax BI munism will sweep all of Asia Awards 00-4x, Gord Found 87: |5aid Dr. Dustin | bx, Larry Huot 874% and Ken Bmith 06-8%. & total of 880.16% In conclusion he noted that | this warld 18 faced with many | (far this team "perils, hit far the first time we| Individual Kneeling, Master have heen given a chance in got| class Rudy Schultes 884% Expert olass « fiest, A. Baugh man 4x; second, J. Munroe |Cape 07-1. Sharpshanter class first, 4. Hope 68.4%, second FH, Martin 03:8x. Marksman elass=-first, 1. Rudravicius 83 {a 1%; second, H. Muschamp 81.8% Standing, Master elass first, HB. Behultze 03.1% class first, Gard Found (Ajax) 00.1%: second, H. New ENKI Master 7! Hope 06x! second, J I. Munroe prong | 0-H and first and H Ida Binge: Rudy Newinn i 160 gE are ahoul 200 dialects English, then, Is used means. of Interpretation of these dialects A A IMANE User If India is not strong enough! toms and eanfhrts of others ONE KTONE fall wi Wales was a Ihlg gunce stone that plunged theaugh the vonf of a building Expert in September, 1040 | (Pontypool in hey plete ploser amd fear abil the 4 i {Hans far & nuelear Personals POWTYROR, ~ Mes. Thom #e Winie is Lrg the » in Torontn wih her pox fee heen on the sek snes fhe Bew Yewr, # fume of her Awwamier Yella A lige repre. apiation from fire alianfed the meting of the Manvers chrrge of the Eniied Chek oY elverion Ehivreh on Wednesday mem The oiect of the mesting was in Miacnes the Wniding W-& Rew PRIBORGEE DrEswmaty wt Beth ay. I was Mecussed pra and cam and finality Aecided 1a bring i helore FPreshytery, Pontypost wwe tn he lowed 16 Fein REIT PRIORREE hfford Curtis # present Arrving # well for Harry Rick RING 1 We BRsement Mr. and Mis. 1. KE. Biche! an, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bichol som, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rich ardeon. Mr. and Mrs. Willies Richardson atiended (he funeral HH thelr meee and cousin, Mr Mantis Hoberison Millar. New York, ®t Lindery mm Friday #liernnon f1 and Mi Cordon Fed Peterborough, were sip per guests of the BH. Richard Eng an Sunfay £yERing Sorry tn report that Frank Hyland has heen confined 16 Wis home lor nver 7 week now Mrs, Earl Gilhank was Laken in the hospital. Peterborough hy ambilance » week sgn, We HBAETHIRNG She 18 Slowly mr The road 18 reCOVErY the Jumor pnd Pee hockey 1eams Iowrneyed 6 Omemee mn Balurday wiley fan. The Juniors won aver memes il the Pes Wees Ins Mr. and Mrs. Boh Brown Kingston, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie on Baturday Mrs. RB. 6G. Robertson, Vind Bay, 16 BlaYINg with her sister Mrs. H. Richardson, for 8 week Ar sn Mi Detront H i fist EFC Wee HYEY and Mrs, Cecil Boherison visited Mr. and Mrs Richardson on the weekend Miss Zetia Pollard was taken Ia the hospital in Pelerborongh mm Monday allernnon he H. C, Group meel an ¥ri day evening al the home of Calin Richardsan Sympathy to Mrs. Lelly Car 1er an the death of her father Mr. George Simpson, In the rest home, Newcastle. Funeral service on Wednesday gfler noon ta Oronn Cemelery Buck Says Communists Gaining Here LONDON Buck, leader Ont. (CF) Tim of the Communist party of Canada, said Bunda) the necessity for greater ovel eas trade will vesull in changes in Canada's foreign policy and awn eeconamy My. Buck told a press confer {enee (that current conditions are impelling Canada toward com socialism, He oiled mass unemployment which can he solved only through direct gov {ernment intervention, the need | for expanded trade with saeial I6t eountries and that Canada must iiself fram prepara Wal Mr. Buck said the Communist party in Canada 1s gradually re disengage result of the eold memhership dropped As a when '2 Cars Hit a growing \ f Drivers Safe 1k od Herph ot TaGWIAR FIRE (H 1egimm Comes oH Ine ETE plier the Hem ROWMANYHIIE (Bi nll Albert WW. Ween, W. of Sher WAR RURRNE. [IRWR. Whe freniah # the Oban Generd Heosghal ov Wes Feces yes £REly SRlwEhay OrmIng When fhe £30 We WRe ARE wen Win & Sid ana Tied pver Ww the emirance of the Fastway Bowl, wit east of (hawk OW Highomy 7 Fotice reported heavy Re 16 the Wilson vemele MIB pm, Fnaey, § eri aviven by Boss Fimlay, WB, oH BE 4, Bowmanville, came wie Elisa mh Highway, wel north of Ovens, with # tractor ane by Cathet wha Anven by Fred wn, of Grady Fret ebormt igh A Fimiay we concession wt the Memon Hospial, Bowmanville, snd is REIN ACipingd (or ohservation ARIA if bin FRIES ¥ rer gh lie Wy vali y F175] fresied Im FARIRHBIVE ARMBEE WES Fe paried of kh vetiels fick An (40 ww Hii ka FF Was i Whanigh considerame Asm BEE Wik KEpIER Aone 1 we velneles wineh came in eolh ian on Main sleet, Orang, # KA pm, Friday, neither Any £F8 Were inpred ihn Degnnyer SA Opens New Hall BOWMARVILIE (5 BRlurnay marked he opening of the William Booth Hall, & 22.000 pddition In the exisiing Salvation Army Citadel al Bowmanville The funds raised for thi YOURE people' s combination Sun f Behaol, reerealion cenlre and hanguet hall were raised Over B period of years hy the congregation of the Bowman ville Army, with few donslions heing forwarded hy interest ed eilizens ig, of Arh tall whieial Vay Fhis building was constricted OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE presents MONIQUE A FRENCH MYSTERY DRAMA BY DOROTHY AND MICHAEL BLANKFORY Dirested by A. 7. ELLIOTY McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE FEB, 22, 23, 24, 25 8:30 P.M, SHARP BOX OFFICE At Henderson's Book Store SATURDAY, FEB, 18, 5:30 a.m, to 6:00 p.m, MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEB, 20.21, 4400 p.m, == 6:00 p.m, ON NIGHTS OF PLAY AT THEATRE 7:00 p.m, GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 1a create activity for the future Army leaders in this area of whieh there are 126 now silend Ing Bunday Behoal classes Lieut, Colonel Frank Moulton ational Young Peoples' secre tary, declared the building apen with the unlocking of the main entrance door and the unveiling nf the planue In the vestibule alam pm in the and Lae slood In EONg Captain i Man inined n Fain prayer Greetings and fulure success was voleed hy His Warship Mayor Willred Carruthers anil Hev, Amald ©, Herbert of Bi, | dohn's Church of Bowmanville, | guests al this program Also In attendance was dep: uly-reeve Ivan Hohhs | WHEAT EXPORTS DROP | OTTAWA (CR) Canada's wheal exports in the August December period slipped to 152 hon.000 hushels compared with 144,000,000 a year earlier, the Dominion Bureau of Htatisties reported (oday, Meanwhile, to tal exports hy the hig four {United Kiates; Canada, Avgen [Hina and Australia-~rose 26 per (eent tn 466,800,000 bushels fram 860,400,000 FEOWER "TRADE The prosperous flower trade on Britain's Sellly Isles began | Ihe anly recorded melearile govering fram losses stffered| ip {861 when some blossoms | war, | were sent in London In 8 wom from 28,000 fo 5,000. He said the An's hat hox party membership now is 7,000 {ton 82.4%. Bharpshoanter class first, Ida Singer 811%: seeond M. Bueksiein 882%. Marksman class first, K. Wall §0.0x secand, J. Budrevieius 849%, | In the individual aggregates, | the following seares won medals far individual prone positions IMaster class first, 4. Hope {A07-0%; second, FL, Wyaytt 406 [28%. Expert class first; A. (Traulitakis 804:20x; second, A |} Baughman 804.21x. Bharp |shantey first, MM. Buckstein| EIT) Hx] second, BH, Martin 404 : LAURENCE HARVEY phone This is Steve Anew that no one an owned Glodal number! 1 METRO COLOR wha SA we NLDRE) UNE BETTY a RTTRY LIN NAY MEDFORD AN LAER: 5% ELIZABETH TAYLOR EDDIE FISHER ADMITTANCE Re ie wan re 1] Rey OF AGH oh Ove / T NRLES SONNET oc NN ENED NOES FEATURE DAILY AY (BIRBINEIRSIRNL] NTE) "a ALL COLOR FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT { + 4 and| led! HAPPY! "1 like ta keep up-to-date on everything, including the latest dance steps, That's why 1 enrolled st Arthur Murray's where I've had some of the happiest moments of my Jife" You, ton, will have a good time al Arthur Murray's, because sin: din parties ave included In your course, And learning to danee is an easy when you put yourself in the hands of an Arthur Murvay teacher whe guavaniees your he coming 8 wonderful dancer, Siu: dios open daily 10 AM 10 10 I'M, Studios open daily 1 pom, te 10 pm, PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS SPECIAL OFFER § (Adis Only) ONLY 15.00 ARTHUR MURRAY W. MARKS, LICENSES 1114 SIMCOE 7, § RA 8140) FEBRUARY 20th, 21st & 22nd, 1961 RIB or LOIN PORK CHO ¢ b PS BREADED AND COOKED COD PORTIONS DRESAED, RREADED AND WHOLE RRAEADER AND COOKER SOLE PORTIONS Ih 39. 2.49. nS5¢ OOOKED SMELTS ~ a