Sons of Patrice Tumumba who was killed in The Congo play in Cairn, Egypt, Tuesday, | # unaware that the death of | their father had heen ARROUNL ed the day belore, The hoys Hold Carnival For Students PERRY Fhe School held a de PORT Perry Publis lightful carnival for the students Mary Community Lit Fort Perry Avena co-operation of Cornish was an in the Memarial splendid principal, Mr. Ro his stall of teachers H nustanding success There were aver 4 ranging from the five in the teen-agers on the ice, in costumes of all shapes, hues an varieties, Out of this hage en and with the and pun thusiastic competition approxi Brenda amn mately 185 voungsiers were prize winners There was a splendid sentation of parents and friend on hand ta enjoy the afternoon entertainment which was put on hy the young fry of the com munity The judging and the awarding was in charge of Mrs Cochrane, Mrs. Hunter, Mys Foster, My ells, Mrs. Beare, Mrs. Hastings Mrs, Lee, Mrs, MacMillan, Mrs Bailey and Miss Johnson. My Cawker and My, Lane were in charge of the welfare of the eh dren on the ice and it was a well arganized party The following are he winners REST DRESS CORTUMES Kindergarten and Grade | Lori Mark and Laurie Williams Junior Girls and Boys -- Jane Hlogan, Charles Nelson Intermediate Girls and Boys- Mary Nelson, Ricky Ballard Kenior Givls and Boys = Risa Stein, Ricky Walker reve firiee the wenn Bourgenis year-nids Kendal COMI Kennedy nie Cawkey Sheryl Ll hig Mrs, Bam ay " Charles Raine Parte hava Taylor hara Taylor Port ORIGINAL, COSTUMES Kindergarten and Grade 1 ILynn MacMaster, David and Boys Anne Menzies and Boys Junior Giyl Greg Intermediate Girl Brenda Geer and Charlen Bobhy De Shane Senior Girls and Boys Brian Knight COSTUMES Kindergarten and Grade 1 Bweetman, Billy Van Lind Tunior Girls and Boys=--Karen Peter Vernon Intermediate Girls and Boys Robert Mairs Bon Ma i LCAegie Senior Girls and Boyd and Tynn McDonald iregor; Pele Jiri RACES Kindergarten and Grade 1 = Reader, Laurie Wil: Grade 2 lanet Raines Nelson and under Donnie Finney Anna Fa Eight Janet vine and unde) ber, Larry Marks Fen and Under «= Anna For dey, Billy Mark [leven and Under = Janice Dale Beare I'welve and under Nelson, Garry Jackson Thirteen and under Bar Wayne Saunders Fourteen and under Bar Wayne Saunders Barbara Cathy Senior Open Race » Paylar, Billy Beare Grand Falls On It's GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (UP) An era has ended in Grand Falls where for 33 years the giant paper mill around which the town was built acted as a paternal rule And like a duekling about to gel wet for the first time, the town's 6.700 citizens ave some what apprehensive On Jan. 1 the lawn became the province's 86th municipal iy, It will he governed hy a fivesman hoard of trustees until elections for mayor and council are held next Nov The trustees assumed mand when the Angle + News foundland Development Com pany, whieh carved Grand Falls out of the central Newfoundland favests near the site af thei mill, left the community 1a govern sell The campany has spent al most S400.000.000 on wages goods and services since il be gan operations in 1905. Hs pay Toll ROW 1s about $16,500,000 an nally Under company guidance Grand Falls was a planned community, Its neat, well spaced hames on carefully mapped, tree-lined streets es tablished it as a model town From a small paral village 1 has grown until today it has L137 privately « owned dwell Es, #1 streets, five churches and three schoals Over the years the Campany eallected water and sewage Charges, Wa In lained sewage avstems, plowed strebls Mn Win or and handled complaints fram residents, There were ne Property taxes halt a hockey pink, © sev oral baseball parks, ouldons SWIMMIAE POaly, playgrounds and contributed mare han $132.000 annually 1 the various charities Since IMT, when the company offered 19 sell outright dwell Mes 1 had provided for its ew PAYees, workers have pur chased 451 homes al an aves age af 12.000 each Ahoush the company will be SXOMPM Tom PAYING taxes un der he ROW ATTaRgement A Will Contre S100. 00 annually ow oom We fowls capital eity Own aver a Y0-year period And it has agreed to continue financing aperations sHeh as treet maintenance, until the and of 1961 Puring the 20 years the com pany will appraise the value of assets on the town site, sueh as roads, water supply, parks, and wills Yenter into an agreement which will permit the muniel: pality ta acquire these assels without imposing additional taxation." Giving up administration of the town, Anglo-Newfoundland ald, was necessary "in view of! the vapid growth and impor tance of self-government and the state af development whieh (rand Falls has attained." Cal. W. B Tueker, ohairman of the hoard of trustees, said Ws group 15 Ysadstied that we want have 1a harrow for quite same time," In fact, if the 'awn handled Ws money wisely "it would even he possible to save a good partion." The trustees now are as sombling a voters' list fyom| which they will determine the number of taxpayers. And they| don't anticipate any diffieulty in} vaising the money 10 run the! own fyam eiizens long aecus tamed to freedom fram taxes Municipal Affaiys ~~ Minister, BJ Abbott, whoa has the job! of overseeing the ohangeaver sald he didn't encounter "one single abjection™ in Walks with Citizens he changeaver is still in the AMliYe stage he people don't know the fall details yet and this 1s what is giving seme of them Jitters," sad Oa hokey it's about time we lot the ADRY COMPANY make paper and ook aver our awn atfams. saw Mike Blackmore: A fey WWF papermaker, he 1s ane of the low I town whe do wot WIS at the pant I was long overdue" sald agent Tom Quitlam, "If a small awn like Windsor can have a oounell why ean't a POI PRTOWS awn ke Grand Falls W needs Winer TOM here N Some day om with Grand PRNS WD aw DON'T KNOW FATHER 1S DEAD LW, right, are kicking Newiowndiapd 's | BROVGHAM ~ Wr, and Wr | Ken Procoe nd Aang ier) pent. Sunday evening vill Me pavenis, Mr. and Mrs. €, Pas oe ft Winthy it is hoped that Bobby and Gerry Besiy wilh soon he over the 1G LE My, and Mes. B, Knox snd Aanghiers called on her mother | Mis. Meulin, tt Goodness Binnay i Mr. and Mis. Bay Ellicott) ana family spent Sundny eve ming with her mother, Mrs. Me Gis, A Condens BAEdRy EVEMRE VisHors the home of Mrs, Florence Car: ler were Mr. and Mrs, Alex! Sachiko of Torome, Gordon Bee heck of Foromta, Mr. snd Mrs | Jim Gray and Saughier of Alex nd Miss Diane Milley of Osh! RYE Mr, Chalice spent the week | end at ms home at Bethany, | The Women's Missionary So ciety will meet gt the home of Mrs, George Duncan on Febry wey 25, Boll call, "Fah," FisH LIVERS LOBDON (CV) =~ Badio oper alors are refusing to sail ahosrd Siiish Lrawilers in protest BEamst hewmg required 1a help) bank fish Wvers, Trawler owners RIE NEROLIGIIRE wih the oper: @ory' union te seitie the dis ® nr CIGARETY MACHINES LONDOR (CF) Camber: DOYOUER COUREI Bas pr held the right of municipal hous | ng lenanis 19 install cigaret) machines on their premises, The) local chamber of commerce had complained thal the machines take away trade from ralepay Ng tovacconisis gnd Franenis well § Patrice, dr. 9 # hall given them hy & member of the visiting Hunganan soccer leam (AP Wire fram Cairn) hala radin I'm a working girl, so saving isn't the easiest thing in the world, But I've found how to make it easier 2-Aceount Plan, 1like the way it keeps my saving and my spending quite separate, +++ Tuse the "Royal's' 1 use a Personal Chequing Account to pay bills, My | Savings Account is strictly for saving, I'm really gets | ting ahead, now I've stopped dipping into savings, | They've building up, eam interest too , , , it works! | THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The bank with 1000 front doors | Oshawa Branch: S$, F, Donnelly, Manager a mar re 0 y, 7 fy ¢ : e /( Mido FILTER Sivpte r ' CE s sso fy iwonn THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondsy, Febreory 19, WEY 33 NOW! MATINEE takes 2 tips from nature to improve both ends of the filter cigarette ~ restores natural moisture to -- silkens every puff' every tobacco leaf | 1 Exclusive" Humidor Process" 92 Nature' own filtering agent Nature knows it, ,,s0 does Matinde: tobacco craves moisture! Dry, crumbling, thirsty tobacco can mean poor smoking, The new, patented "Humidor Process" exclusive to the makers of Matinde--hreathes soft, moist air into every pore of every tobacco leaf, So every Matinde is packed firm, draws even, tastes cool , , , delivers full, fresh tobacco flavour, And nature's own filter, made from the natural cellulose found in growing trees, silkens your smoking , , , lets sweet, satisfying flavour come through, Try a Matinde, You'll see, 30 seconds can switch you Matinée-wa 5 EN A AN Tap It! Pinch It! Light It! Open a pack, tap: No "gaps", no "soft Matinde's tobacoos test a Matinde, spots! Matinde in end ia clean-cut, No ne dry tobaceo packed full and "flare-up" from "Aallout" here! packed Sram! dangling shreds! Fresh-leaf flavoun flows pure an cool through the Matinde filter! 5 . naturally... MATINEE tastes right all day!