The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 23

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#5--Raet Kotor Vor Sate (A5--Resh Rotate for Sele (AS--Resl Rorote Vor Sele (7 --Automobiles For Sale (47 -- --Automdbiies Vor Sale (S0--Aricles Vor Sale (S0--Anicles For Sale | THE OSHAWA TINS, Thurier, Vibreery 16, WY 23 A ---------- WOREVROLET, Tadin, Whewslh, vs BOWE hort ARELAES tering Auring por. Woes 0" TY walent coments, mew "Wetwrn RACRIPERL fowher (esnsder dio Lohesi Mans, Tenses navi , oh He lintas Saes, i, mariana ®ig hime riesrsiae pres Snail tw mii he. BA BAGS § OF BER, LAB FRR IE Fa wr Wy 34, p a arms Loy tod i 44 ih uh ! pis Rit AP 1s Orit i 04 JOI iN I DE Wi H [ieee oo Frade RA 0 or Th iw Vote bet P "ox iy marie, WW; ends |WEW oriemisi Resigned fois, v Tess icture phe, (rnd getter, fenced Ug [a . "PORTIA Fotiaiante, Pod i" iss - ' ia £ $s Lowes po Bein? os i, et fowiax, $iaonn Fos waht $1 ov HIRI "i " dias riald 1 Ly ged 4A "lh iy LIST WITH LLOYD iri AL oer. Rb vid We spwie, Paalior and Genero) Rovnson Vmors, W6 Riteon piss Tr ALLY yA dl Pre id Weds, ws ein with y+ sah oe A : ---- FIECTRONOWS, Temidifery, . CALL Y6 MOVE Ae ise . . adel fiom RII RERES, SHEREI TH A tar i. Bi Tm pam wanes a ey A CT Tt A I i Fe ontem - ' add 4 ' oy PAVE yy Pg Ang in pd Heweastie--~Phone 3341 fo i A ssa engl, ores! Wis Penis cones WO. (ellghs fier omen, vival] } SG--%2 000 ! # bikin hy SR: _~ ade (Retier Rahs 5, BR Miss, Pie I FELL Rows Gey ment, BA Wx 160 - sere form wenied $ Wi FAIRLABE Fond, Tudor, hariiop, od Ass A Ue oy (her o% ham anne, I wren 1 --tont & Found Sree WINNIVEG (CF) ~ A man(the third ear nsalicd In the po Ah WE ASK YOU TO DG cane. Es Vr Cbows, wR [Give tne, VioRe. res wa STERIL | oot Rady snd tives, S15. TIS DOVERNE| sermet (LOWE -- isch lapther wailet, vicimty Leharged with crimingl negh- cident, died July 18 6 TO GO AND SKE THIS ee "chs | stream, TO x 32 barker, [LCL Hn cmdition. Teens MO Gove Withy, We) BHD, LREPTYIMEnt Wes G8 AR Berni RENCE Pad Wis case declared #1 | oChance was scensed of be 154 FARRAR BIE . be -- & wondertn pro---- nity Iw oy anid Funsdpy atbarnons. iwrsd HOME, NO BETTER IMAE Lawn, Wo BAW. Westhons Rew] roomed Wns, Heavy BAY (Ri Came AW, wis Ph onttit .. lage reimiert aeons peers I eta' ni pr mistrinl Wednesday becanse of ing the driver of 8 ear thet ARP ENE Reiger were mls, Ave hes, #16; | oad one pumer, mder S09 mes, § bt pra, eve, oe ier. Yon gioran, ot "Wenn prices, Come ia Fiaetria Teier setieh. Vici |B DIElure prbbished earier larch the resr of the mg so DOWN, Roereom Wisk Wnie wired, Comider hose In RA G8 Moons, ovposts Brewery om 0e4 Vinoewsiars, #71 Gms Evo arimith an Vor ir 17 Koma ard ihe fd by the Winnipeg Vron cay pushing it head-on inte el gy Jom Sed. lew, verees by oh hows s. Wr Wee Origen for dom payment, |i WERVOR idiom wees, Benin | ad yr : = {hone an [path of the Rosman ear tray ang AW Ss SIAE . Bath, sacaiient TGsation. af i [Lm laha WenwR, sAInENE, WILT WE Wi [3 0 1 mattress, Wen ww RA a Hehen with lgrge ding (VERim. RA Bois BD, Rymen Res. oo farm, located 10 lage, $505 Babeirent hoes. Kime al wings al oy A Tor pA rd od contin. ele BEAGLE, doy a Wark nd ton The trial Wo A ruled that ling in the opposite Birection. Gr85 Al told ng closets cud mile from Cuban with |More, ouwwie Roping Cents em BA 500) lor further poeiemers sie, lost IH yy sen. Finder {Publication PLELUFE The caption of the sg fe ris nighnnt Bilton vanity $m kt, down ee treom, |ohoped Berkiem 4.4 i A Sim, by on le i Victor " [Ta (Iehaws showing new 1960 heby Hess tu # "which bh dood not an exhibit at seribed |aChance as the driver wir fnpls glass medicine Jase or 14.4 wn Mors, cose to drive shed, ec; Boroomed tore, Wit Witson Rood Bowth Aor sehen, wreaiient Go anes i CB rigid ba pot 52--Legol (the trial" and its Recompanyng! of one of the v Fram Wik, [ov gainet. One of the best of [SLES bul" ST tmiareet, BEReoRl house. Frick $22.000, Terms, 186 CHEVROLET gor, $058 Tiley, oe swner. Telephone WA SID | coins rosione or nite ein oie, ee ities K. araing Jud Defence counsel Harry Walsh "prejudics (he rin nesting tity installed. Only tease. WO $5005 sition. Apply MING Wind Gann for friher Forliciars Ihalf price risssanes VI, PiRy PER . " LE % BHR, Vk PSY NY | sony BOWE, BHA resets. (NE Vass WA 100g form on Me 2 fim rine Hmm WW WETROR conch. The 60 Ww WH. sirotiers $50E, Wign chavs 91H, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Poisson in the minds of the] 44 thet In referring to Lar F2950 hil price with one [live = reem these - tedesom Weick, . Mighway with dream, 1698 Tok PORN lador THe e670 18 IR Wh VEO Jom rian to] leprivaliied mattresses "Han Wiison AND OTHERS Iwry Chance as & dniver involved, MHA mergege. Phone Bill wa sion, Rewly Seeisied. ¥ ow piece ( haped mrkharm, #96 maciate condition, BI. BeRwey | seh Ve ¥. Motes, Furmiture, 8 Chareh . i ithe caption "in that respect Mitlar ar yim ot BA B.5123 |seramic bath, dvided hmsement. Ty 16 Bb rmmed stork hese, off (A0ors 144, Whithy, MO BI, vente Brewery on King ow (CHEST of Arawars for soie, Fg po IM THE ESTATE OF GEORGE | The picture, taken #f fhe CONES contempt,' i by, RA & 8044 5 Sal 0 or BA 5.296 {ree dod yA Aviad etonont Th Eda COVEN EE, Indes condition, BA BHI for move \ioimal MARSHALL JACOES, Soles Mime of the secident last year, |. vr : v foo. Directoy, Asconsed appesred in the newspaper's $1.00 DOWN $1000 [27 -l ¥ ag Ta Avking WHER, baste wd Fevsive tor oi mapas Ail persons having claims |marning edition on the thir day (oh the Junersl of Hine Ida i > # a Ld a / ek mphel neon Sat, HUMBER AVE IN CRESTWOOD BAIRY FARM. 200 ocrms with 10 #8 Snnianieed reronaninied woe ot inst the estate of George of the trial a ad saves, Pagiy's Markel, Hamp lorshall Jacobs, lete of he | Cle f LaChance was vorgom brick bungalow, § € bh drive # tom, £00 3 001 City of Oh y the | ment 1.8L Jy { Ledrasrms, igre Wiichen, poy HEIGHTS BIG Hoiy Soy rive shed, sd iy of Chews, ed Miss Vdith Graham, Longlord - ud p charged ns & result of & three | A ad $e, Ink tankeadier, ete; 10 WINTER anise, everything mam hel County of Ontane, Seles D) | eharged 28 A near Mills, is visiting her cousin, ments under 9 Renny tL roomed brick house with aff is, ur Ibrve. wii hinds of Aeese,| rector decessed, whe ded on Mrs, Wesley Beacock and fam. Including interest, principe 56672 Ee. COverieIasE: CDA hint materiel, Thanssnds of remppnts,| ool) EE day of Janus (Headingley, 11 miles west of y x f il Bald price, Beresin Biors, 82 Oniarie i RA Bs ze PIE | LL DOWN PAYMENT | mir ta, Price ieludhng Seand priet, Bossts Son ory, 1961, ore heresy netle |Aowntown Winnipeg, Four per. : Mrs, Bert Brown ! : EY, Wik gow 50,000, " hry Aly, J fied to send in to the under | sons died #8 a result of the week] , DOWN $2,000 DOWN THREE BEDROOM PLAN Ay fom, $9000, AT ELECTRIC fants. hover Wo y os on signed Persone! Representa dent (visited Saturday and Mr, ary | : rake Wlorm elon - tives of the said deceased on The picture showed the Mrs, Ken Brown snd Dor $736 DAIRY FARM, 200 occres AWNINGS, conver, prompt service | cr before the 10M day of |smashed Volkswagen In which! Oshawa, called Sunday on "Country Ting, stone's Wirew trom ety, 1 Va storey, b-vaom free estimplen, (hate, Lali rentels Merch, 1961 with L-shaped berkbam, va' Fox 415 Sinene Marth , full particulars {three of the vietims--Bent Ros end Mrs, Ceell Hill with attached garege ond FULL DOWN PAYMENT drive shed, #t 16 -racrned of their claims, Immediately Iman, 33, his wile doyee, 8,0 Messrs, Fred Trewin, Leslie sn porch, on large 78 x | rie I y wick hese with sll modem eawad O or WELLING Wurpituret Well imp W n after the said date the Per As LA Buda 4 00, fully landscaped of FOUR BEDROOM PLAM : fh A opi " ne | frigerators, TV's, washers, pisos, and their free - year old son, Tavior and Murray Byers, od EONVIRIY BEE GY " oves, ele, For op sash oIed son sonal Representative will dis i [te Ae Full price only $11,500 bes oh tina 475.000 tact 16 Primes Stenel, Pimms iA BAIR] tribute the nssets of the said |70M=had heen riding nded the Swine Breeders con this immaculate home Yeh time maisiely di Bu SMITH CORONA Typewriter, Bun deceased having regard only | Henry T. Snaith, 54, of neigh yention m Toran Maney ell Bill Homer, RA B.5125 | ted. double iu | tearm hate ever, movie screkn | to claims of whieh they shall (horing St, Boniface, driver of Their wives enjoyed vy rated, double Sin dod DAIRY FARM, 150 scres, Ie f le Red then have netics | shopping FULL $11,000 PRICE | fan. colored bath, Herm & 18 cated £5 trom Cshawa TYPEWRITER Wi, oiiee desk, WIE Tp EE TERE | Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dayes and For Wis broom home all | resem ' ped Bankban, | ' key with subtractor id sash doy of February, 1961 BLACKSTOCK Mrs, W. A. ¥llord, Manitoulin Horms ond screens, right bulkeaoler, ® otc; B {Fekinter, 196 Simone Sirest South, HA RUTH GLORIA JACOBS Island, called on Mr, and Mrs floss 18 Your eormers. Carries RISTOW & OLSEN roomed house with ell mod | ON THE FOL L OWING A : JSED CARS ini LAUREN ROSAMOND 4 | ' 4 Reg, Sutton, Orono, then sll ow Ls 4 $70 @ month principe) r erences, Asking {10 PACERWIF, "Wi Johns 18 hp miter | ELLIOTT ig | BLACKSTOCK = The ONA'five vigited Mr, and Mrs, Ke £ 4 . on id third wheel, 18 IT, and HAROLD bs rs, n ond interest. See this fine . | $32,600. Terms NO DOWN PA RT nr An , third ohh i] JAMES WALMSLEY {met at the home of Dora Mar gisord, Toronto, Sunde kome by calling Henry REALTORS S ' . io he appreciated, Call MO 82150 Exucitors tyn Thursday night with %"giad 19 report Mrs, Jaronee | 00 .-acr farm sith east - J ' A i . ! 3 ) Spykermen, RA B-5123 B.5107 8.5108 | pease arm. soul TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES \GEEARAWCET Beau] Wighen halve] ~~ By thelr solicitors {members and five visors pres nariow returned home from a » 1860s of Taner, 4.9% & ehale. Royal House . ent Lioyd Reglty Lid, Realtors i house, sis; 9 Furniture, 18 Celine. RBA $5432 Messrs, MelGIBBOM n wl {hospital Thursday Fk " fry €7 " ' ing IAS 85125, RA 85124 5 FYENINGSY ko rmomed house with furnace, 1960 FAIRLANE "500" 4-DR,, VB automatic trans (OURSTERVINED wi, modern woilag,| 9d BASTEDGE bd shiling pany for fhe meme| Mrs, Margaret Carley, Whit: RA B § | De3412 8157 water. Asking $1 py ' f Is dow washers whe, WIth WIRER IEFwRYER, Peis Wilh Barristers andSelicitars, ers and IhEr NUSHanas Waskihy spent the weekend with Mr, ' 5128 4 § ware king $12 mission, radio white walls, window wash Aon Wile, 50" 007 B08. | ( 4 Marth lanned to he held on Marlovw's| 101 Eimeae 1, N 19 ATHOL 87, W [BOO with $1,500 dow k blue finish, low mileage , , $2545,00 [fale hed _Reeriice, $4 wis] 20 Simcoe Street North, | I {and Mrs, Clarence Marlow, * 9 A § n a dark blue finish, low a OUERTERFIED sat new foam nib Oshawa, Ontarie pond in February Brian snd Bradley Fordur, i Pp Ws "a he. Belling for less than . A y Fé-aere farm with Lethaped 1959 PONTIAC 4-DR., "6 eylinder", radio, slip [hai wries, Moving, Telephone = RA : ADE Thnk fo the £904 recepiion| Oshawa, were Saturda WILSON REALTOR || 2H RIL Ne, Welel on) So; f il tif ft tutone colors [L9H NOTICE TO CREDITORS (of the residents the girls eol\o Grant and Nell Mel evi garage, etc; B-roomed house covers, white wall tires, soft tu "$1895 00 WAKER Tir sale TH Galion, oer Tout AND OTHERS loin #20600 for the March of" vies "Florence I awrenson, To- with running waler Asking delivered, 84 hour servige. Telephone q mes : £ KARAS y / ing o for otal In the Estate of ARTHUR ronto, spent the weekend with Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 | $16,000 Low down poy: | ii a i 3-0040 for ive Astalle | STEWART GAYNOR, Gentle Plans were made for eee" the Albert Wrights and Ed Har: ment 9 FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR, radio 6 cylinder; HAWI EI] health froduets. for ween, cared ing tn the Warden's banquet, . " 4 o Ll hin se hold a fo priduets an REEQLEL 1 ROWE ST, JUST OFF KING Baers Hinhuoy town. vas} Al condition, In a beautiful Corinthian white | ll ies, Your dester. 4 All persons having elaims Mrs, Walter Ormiston, Har: ir and Mrs, Keith Johnston Siu-rmom brick, 2-storey home with full verandeh across the | po WEEE TRI Tee finish $1845.00 [Grandview Sires! Bouth, RA h-hh net the Estate of AR. MONY, gave an Interesting plas-| ood" cirls "Relleville, visited Mr front, en quist street, Hardweed thraughout, garage, close ta y ¥ lag " e, FLECYROWOME ROA Victor, AM THUR STEWART GAYNOR, [tie demonstration, Lunch of and Mrs, J. A. Johnston, Sune Rehasls, Churches end shopping eres. Closing of on eslote orale, Sve th mn, FORD TUDOR, radio, back-seat speaker. Many |e the finest ip EV, HEH wid #65 late of the City of Oshawa, |"Make Your Own' sandwiches, |q oe sald, make an offer | 10-r00med brick house with other extras, In an immaculate hitond ig Farkwy Television, ip bimeos Street n the County of Ontario, Hid globe 5 Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kyte st. dern Convener . ya : IB IRIAN, a de OWNER FED UP of Pay $30 000 " Miki $1295.0 LADY'S tur cost mae overcoat Just] died on or about the 20th Cartwright Curling Club held | 4" t.ho funsral of her uncle, Commuting te Teronte, Will sacrifice lovely 5-100 d 56 PONTIAC 4-DR, HARDTOP automatic dnt aia hans: We JHE fof Th id 4 amor Jae ea honspiel In the local arena all jy, 50 wriday bungalow 3 bedrooms, 4-pisce tiled bath, nicely decorated ank Hunter, RA 5.25 y a oll . . ierely nelified 16 send In 10 gay Friday, Twelve rinks com: 4 and equipped with gluminum sterms and screens, landscaped Frank funte R d 4974 mission, power brakes, hawer steering, fy irs Winchesiar, 13 gaude, shot grads) the undersigned Fersonal pelted First prize Trophy went br, and i i ¥ MeAtthur and fenced lat. Carries far $BS menthly principsl, interest and Panald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 inder"', radio, white wall tires, tutone $945 0 [Mossnare o3 model 146 MH Twe Beryl Representative of the sald to Neil Werry, Keith Van Camp and Ardis an ses _ Jessie taxes, one 6% mortgage for balance, Call today for particulars, | 1. A Perrgull, Clarke 223) | / Kodiak hows, 96 Ths, and 46 Ibe. with| deceased on or before the Hi ward Trewin and: Ken Lee and Betty MeArthur, -Toronts, 56 MONARCH 4-DR., radio, power steering in @ |arraws, eis, Telephone Neweustis #186. 20th day of February, 1961, mn Ar n # d to R 'are away to Stratford to at: OWNER TRANSFERRED 7 --Automebiles For Sale beautiful blue grey finish ,...... $945.00 [GAR radia sed 'twa 'monte, binght| full particulars of their |fecond prize awarded to RoYifeng the funeral Tuesday of the a Canadian Tire 858, will sell for #35, Kix MeLaughlin, Herb Swain, Blake ctor' 4 $8,900 $2,000 down. Six-reom, |V4-storey, 4-pisce bath, |ALISTATE Auta Insurance Save up to | ' vill, san he ndaited to 18 vail Tele | aims. Immedigtely after shin, Doctor's er, Mrs, Alex Man double garage, comer lot, Convenient 1a sverything, Must be [30 per cent. Bix months ta poy, Perl 1955 DODGE 4-DR., VB sedan. This car must be [phone KA 81550 the seid Persona! Repre Ginter and John Nesbit, ied son. We extand sympathy of the pe " personal #sEvice 4h your home coll RA 7 i | tative will distribute the es [Prize to Harvey Malsolm, How: | oom unis wold. See this bargain |e ¥ | seen and driven to appreciate $745.00 WIHICA. Fume shit Win, pire now | 1s Of the sold deceased hor. lard Malcolm. Norman Wilson Mr. and Mrs, Mervin on, \ \ -- nm 5h714 Ing regard only to glaims of [and Floyd Stinson, fourth prize 48 DO 1 * 1] rT 4 3 WAME YOUR WN PAYMENT (ATOM a en Prd fire) 1955 FORD TUDOR in spotless condition inside and ABOLIRI dry alr wiih "the Fiee which she shall then have [tn Merlin Buggitt, Douglas Sleep, ham, bedampanied by dy, ana $8,900 I V4 st ney, completely remodelled. Mew ail fur- |Blares, 46 Bond Street West | out. Al mechanically $695.00 {rohame Humidiier, fram, 8 wp.| notice Allan Beacock and Alan Assel: vistted Mr, ul and Mrs Leslie nace, new bathroom, Interior yenovated. Garage. Double lof (067 NANGE sis, spatiess sandiiian eaghers, 3 King Sireet Wes DATED at Oshawa, On { ' Amal ¥ int em] Mammon Fished or igo SHER EEE i Sons |" wo, n,n mo a fi REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE SETHI ow ovine Tow To ST transmission, Finished in a working black ten ary, 196) ¥ MANNING, | Stock Recreation Centre was fill Lain, Tyrone: M y ing, Cash for your sar or will sell on ebony Cy 545.00 |6UNE, Win muiion aid Waning oi VERONICA MARY MANNING, oq" o capacity for the Valentine Toms, Mrs, Lloyd na 5 his attractive R ds home with sesend floor rented, ewnmition. Lists paid aff or Ha Rles, haw ahd use ad jetine 1 53 ent oft fuaautom eit Dance sponsored hy Cartwrl ht yy Mins horesn Trewin Han Is priced at enly Goad terms trade in aad an 1954 CHEVROLET 4:DR., sedan, radio, in a light [dine Raninies The lars, MANNING Fr SWARTZ High Kchool: arrangements for were Sunday supper Open Evenings and AN Day Saturday orig Aud na Au HA Flr ; blue finish, a real good car ++ $495.00 WRT G0 Fomilar Mechailia dollyour| Barrister & Solicitor, this dance were made hy Grade pr, , and Mrs, Harold LB NAV il th 3! plapasdiag: 9% villg) ny 4 1 Ah dou | : oa A i pay ord idea) MA Of CHOON Te) abhons) HIP, ahi Devel, hone RA 614 King Street East, § students, Red and White va iin and family, ter Hours Fleas Coll second oar. Oly SA65. Van Heusen OUR FINANCE Y BARANY OFFERG YOU LIFE AND bik Ln Oshawa, Ontarle entines and Cupids decorated |= on : H nd on i h IMPANY 8 YC h " " Lewd Corsen RA 3.2537 Dick Yeung RA 37183 |Matara, opposiie brewery on King ACCIDENT INSURANCE, TOWING AND ROAD FILYER Geen sales avd Wii Fi the walls and a valentine cov: NEW SECRETARY Wes Ellen RA B.058) Charlie Ranking RA B-3482 [1688 FORD, four door, eustom radia . demonstration. Telephone BA, ered wishing well stood In one 4 . $185 Telephone HA 30488 for more de SERVICE, ETC FOR the heat buy In rugs and carpeis MORTGAGE corner LONDON (CP)~8ir Clifford [all fry Nu-Way. BA B-4081 Wesley Beacock, Mrs, M.|Jarreit will take aver March 51 [iit EH BARA hE GRODRICH Blores = Hres, bat SALE Tan, iad . bh John as secretary of the admiraity, A fh candibion, HA badn ers aq WwW a y @ fo I'S Vieton, Thetis Rudues Plon ne' 54000 Beacock, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd|former private secretary to i FORD cuslamilne, Fadi, TWIA- 80 748 ROOMS bedeoom furniture Tar sale | UNDER POWER OF SALE eas |Beacock and hoys, Canon and Alexander of Hillshorough Naust, wiiiewaily, new wig ol hot Ineludes dressers, di , of %| contained In a certain Mort Mrs. Ashmore, Mr, and Mrs (Tord of the admiralty hii TOR WENY Warm Deal furnished (CARH Rur hast Raby Bonus eheaun posite rewsry on King Avily "Mr, Finer, Genasha Hotel, BA| gage which will be produced |Adelbert Beacock and Mr Herh|the Second World War, he sue i [1 Hehene witha ol H | i U . \ ; py y re va chile Mathias se Mereanille, Contest Winner will| Fg sgive 0° Chovinin Weal; "7 | t | GRAVITY Taree sare god sonar] 9" the time of Sale Hooey were the Cartwright ve. ceeds Sir John Laing, who fis slream large banknam, lied. Bult ane ov two adults, B31 Pun: |eantile Dept, Stare 108 Brock ®t. N.|Chevralet; '66 Volkswagen, "85 Austin fon with pipes sand oll burner, with eon ; latives and friends who attend: retiring a West Whithy a Bh Huleki '81 Hulek Meteor. Law iro, | Best alist. Also jnchet heater, RA| There will be offered for : dawn Jax ment, easy terme. Wellman's Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION - FOR RENT = Twn bedroom 4 arime {HA 34 ( 52-Legol phe ment wih fegltee [Na Trt (pw, pls. "love, "rfrgsralar me ant Twn Waar susiamitng, 4748 SELLING Farpliyre?" Weill Wily Tf Wa: on RALRSBAY, A VAREH Ll Street: ranch wivle house, o plecs bled, ion ARE Phane hi Can finance, HA BAI08 after & Bm WHI TRY frigeratory, washers, planes, and, | at | slaves, of v top cash offer, eon THE PREMISES © H elu, replete, WE tod WILL hoard ehiliven hy day or weak, | 1? CHEVROLET coath, sutamatic, low tant 19 Hisar Phase HA 1101 KINGSWAY SUPERMARKE 7 AJAX AND PICKERING FOR RENT or Five roomed house, ofl] iy "hearonme. Centre Street North |MIenke, one owner, Telephone Bow [ADMIRAL upright freecer, & month LOCATED AT, KING STREET | and gas heating. Apply 112 Wellington Foie MO 8-8034 manville enlleat, MA 53413 | ali also table saw and stand, 8" hiade, « / Hired, Whithy FOR RENT Brick bungalow, large | FORD eustomline, tulons grey and MO 8- 3331 4 horsepower motley, Telephone HA EAST ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 BENT or sale theaebhedvoom living and dining ream, threes hed. [S000 with the seanomy sis ovlinders, | A0180 ADJACENT TO THE EAST . , Fo be | : wri hungalow | Withy, Rent, $100 | roams, ol ta Blah sehoo! (Only $1005. Van Heusen Motors, appe WATT Ta oe So on™ WAY 10 PIN. BOWLING ads My 0 Sails i poi pully 0 deknol dha habe |, He Waweiy an Ring |48=~Automobiles Wanted |49--Automabile Repain gest welection, engthwise AiR ALLEY JUST EAST OF YOR RENT Large rom wilahle or pratinble Fehruary 18, Telonhone MO 1868 PLYMOUTH sedan, blue i | WANTED he awier. URGSreREy Open Tharsday and Friday (0 0 pm | TOWNLINE ROAD. OSH ol LLL punning avder, no rust, good fires, $388 fh 4 Sportsman's Comer, 105 Byron Sfreel 3 ane KL two i hw " hor vitnot | WRV pT (Rig West Motors, RA 18141 iy) Ly KML alee to Kart lone ANDY NAGY'S Routh, Whithy AWA, ONTARIO, lands and y oy i ale ¥ machines W male, centrally ny low averhead, low prices. Call us for [1608 DONGE sedan, Maxialr, ariginal | KE sedan BODY SHOP WE way highest prices in the eily| Premises upan which there is AJAX ONTARIO FOR SALE Small gleotrie stave, oe (8 home, offles, demonstration, Bi [Anish sutematio, elderly souple's ear LARESHORE Aulg no poktre MA {for used furniture, Pretty's Used Paral BOE AD be averted 4 odarn ' \ ompAsin arg year ald. Prige 870. Phone MO 84787 |Hamilion, Ashhurs, Rroakiin [absolutely beautiful, new nylon tube Frat ® | Complete sollision servies, [ure Blove, RA 3-3871, 444 Simons South M4 Chestnut Street Fast, Whithy WANTED Garden trac leas, 8005. King West Maolers, appasite Radiator repairs and ree PAINT, Ini Tard ar, shat five |} | nleriar, exterior, $3.05 gallon stare and apartment at rear BO SERVICES ~ Complete haakkeap: | 1078000 wer WANA pansies ane. Reed: |e BLH Centre [LAKESAORY Woah Athol ' HH coring Whee! alignment (AL colora Giaranieed fal Cylons A ANNUAL CORP RATI veioes for amall businesses, week. [INE Tepairs, Call MO § 4300 MM METEOR, Tudor, in good runainy (0H Sahat TROY, Tights! pritws p Frame and wheel straightens [Oshawa Hardware and Kloot, 8 The land and building will be . aihly @ s desired. Stalements FOR RENT N \ ardey Wilane helge and cream, aly It ureh Sireel 37604 f ar S " 'Wan Income tax | Feluine. MO | Foam NY oh Amedinty, Rai [R483 Van Heuseh Motors, apposite . Ing 2 PO you Want quick warranty aervies offered for Sale subject oe ans good parking, near sehionis +110 manth: (Rrowery en Ring | SPOT CASH STEVENSON'S RD, § without wn argument, Try Bill Hamii:| "eserve bid conditions of Sale vou WENT Four - reamed heated |B. MOC E363 ar MO #8463 [58 OLNEMORILE (wn door hardiap \ | RA 8 445) won, Offigs Equip, Ashbim, Al used or other information may he oak, Parking space, TV ANSROL | SOFFTOR space far enh, 111 Dandas [JU007 8% 10 excellent vandition, 41s PAID FOR MAOhines, ORE FEA EUATARIes secured from the offices of Weyer, $83 monthly. MO [trent Weal Whithy Fane MA" 30 {rade accepted, ABV King test Raat, Good clean cars, Trade up §0--Artie Thicles | For Sale ELMER wil Bx of sell your Wd | the Auctioneers Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the | Rawmanvilie, Onilaria I g | 6 bh y winiture and appliances one CO AREREMARING Bulls, SORIA ANA | 580 ONE hed: Li apartment In soar |' CHEVROVEY sedan, in good sou:| of down, Liens paid aff | VATGUM slenar vel wn i makes, [38004 WHITE & COMPANY, sharehalders of Ajax and Pickering General Hos. ' Mb . A dition. Telephone KA § 8300 after § pw Fr 3 ® € [parts attachments, Aha , FuAran A § drones, Misrations hn or, saver ment hiding slose 0 Achoals shan R AARAROR YH de | DODD MOTOR SALES toed Teh machines, Estimates free [IINOER whthes enhntd 0 Ru Yoranta Auctioneers. pital will be held at 8:00 p p.m. on uesday, March o's PRN am t sis. VRMe. parking fogktn 1 pendahin, Ties Ke Rew, $485. Robinson | 314 PARK RD, § [ektala, Vhtiim Licanes Repaly por RA 5-400 85 Richmond St, W,, 28, 1961, in the Nurses' Residence, a ° Aytime Ss 9 Matars, 81 Ritsan Road South RA 3.941 308 . " ile. No, 409 . PHIC tanks cleaned The Sanlary | @ [11 Ni A > JORIOK hrooder for sale, 350 eapacit , " oy new tanks installed Waiter Was Abus ITINIL roam and Joan, A $0 PONTIAC, Excellent eandition. wit |= {HEAVY fly wood dhapar, Felon iste [1 oa panditlon, ust Like new. Tele EMpire 4.4413 IMPORTANT: In accordance with the Hospital By-Laws, "Any WM Ohastait West. phone MO BBM hus service past door. MO BASAL. acest trade. Can he financed, S603 ay [Wakes a nally Soe SIeRhOn® | phone Temple #3433 " person who pays to the Corporation at least thirty days hefors ROOM and Baad for gentlemen, wash [FOR RENT Fires hodvoam mad. Nearest offer. HA 48148 WwW | L i | S ro frie, ml 3, 3300S AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, Skiar| IN THE MATTER OF THE the annual Meeting in any year, the sum of §1,00, shall ong, & home AWAY fram home. | arn bungalow with attached garaee, |'M CHEVROLET sedan autamatle, | Goudrich "Sores, As P ehestertiald and twa chatrs, hedioam| MECHANIC LIEN ACY Member af the Corporation for the ensul year" There { fatcel Abstainer, Telephone \ Rear high Jehan) awa ares, S100 rain Judas ain B i Redd a? M 0 T 0 R S 2 ig tweed tug, Sle ' Ah arueiet Khe RSO 1950, CHAPTER 227 those wishing to quality as a Member of s 'Cerparation or -- ey bi av Lin a il hee ot | - All aluminum produets == [eouniry, RA 567 the current year are requested to have thelr oe in ht hands thy YY Manis Al "1 FOR SALE w= Used boats, [Rouses, modern one and twa hedroam | PLYMOUTH sedan finished in hea | TAUNTON RD E | maton hoat trallers and aditen, slectiloally squipped. drapes [Hl green and white mechanioally Your AUST N ! Doors, windows, shower doors, |WRINGER washer, very good sandl NOTICE of the Secretary no later than Menday, February 27, 1961, | TV aublels, washer, diver Taokers | #ood. Spring Sale $645 Van Heusen Me | FOR RENT Box, boat and |Alsa modern three and four BEATOR Jd VAUXHALL super four doar asda | Dealer ton, Telephone RA 6158 for further ( CE awnings, TV towers, paving, [oS TAKE NOTICE that Kens Members and all interested persons are cordially Invited to canoes [parking Rentals S88 to. S130 monthly. [tors, apposite Brewery on hing n : nm chain saw Bungalows $90 fn SUIS monthly, A 0 and ream heat \ cabin tralian, eh WOWL ISERats Reatior. Contact 3 A Paley [Nveen and seam, tadia, healer, wig One contract, nothing down, PAINT, Tnleriar, exterior, $388 gallon. neth Duro, King Street East, attend skill saws, sanders, ete HRN AL / Ale windshield washer, sxsellont can | For free estimates call == [1000 Guaranteed, fiat, gion Oshawa, Ontario, proposes to RA 50331 | | [Ree td Mow offer fr vale vies of | KD. MORLEY, K. J. MacINNIS WILDE RENTAL Alon, law iisae. Carl RA 42008 be Aluma Seal Co, [ron Public Auetion the followine | President and . Secretary SERVICE & SALES |ROarING, alding, savestroughing, in: hween § and ¥ pw . We have a good assortment RA 5.9365 ANYTIME | SALE Yehicle In necordance wit Chairman of the Board PARLE, weneral vepalrs ft U e his rights under said Act for 1415 Dundas E MO B-3226 (Winter prices. PRI Harper. MO F450 BUYING OR SELLING SEE 51 Yad Can emer | a debt arising by Garage TED CAMPIN HOUSTON'S GARAGE | RICHARDS a by | ams Lun oy follows MERRY MENAGERIE BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. MOTORS AND SERVICE STATION FINE FURNITURE | prices" filly * guorontesd. | Desember lw 1938, BRAKE SPECIALISTS. COM. The home of quality, tradis Double hung windows enly pr $ Ea A . 0 " $18 Call now Dacombear 31st, 1959 144 BROCK ST N ' WHI TRY MO 8 474) | #07 KING §Y OSHAWA PLETE BRAKE SERVICE toma! and modem age fur LYMER ALUMINUM €0 to February 9th | a) hat Bast of -Wilion Road) MOTOR TUNE. UR AND niture. Complete oom groups | 19 R MWS Co WORKING MAN'S CARS | BA saisa he ssore | GENERAL REPAIRS gues, Sw mer ln | RASS | She S030 67 KING ST, W cation == RA 83171, ss CHEVROLET Bel Air, automate adie. VB. Licence ISABYAN MOTOR! - RA 3.7822 - | BEST QUALITY . id n AJO0DY. ONLY $625 FURNACE FUEL Oil Dobie 20th Century ! aw: Charles Kilpatrick MERCURY Fourdoor Sedan, V-& standard gear shit. | S : ALL CASH - | STOVE OIL . ak : Licance A092 onl on a $473 | CALE S LT, $ $ FOOD PLAN hil hy ICE iy TLR Hl 190 ! WONTIA eh NW gance | L$ 5] ER For clea an deal f 5 > . RP oT xual 48 Fam Linney M4 1743 ALES and SERVICE down Lists part off | o ESTABLISHED 1983 | DIXON'S | Auctioneer, Mal Prime ; ROLE an BD \ : 334 RIISON RD. SOUTH fp Yeon of experience in Place af Sale CHEV WOLEY Sedan Delivery ence 1402 IC * : 0 \ AW A ON om NICOLS MOTOR SALES at and frebser business RA 3.46483 i Spertest Warehouse, : RAndoiph 1-144 : Iv 9 we high oor ast PONTIAC dan, adi, sunviser, Liserwe A41805 . $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Quality oY Bu py : se Oshawa "one ONLY 18% | CAR AUCTION MO 8-300) and leading nome Conadian | SEE HOME APPLIANCES | Time of Sale: February 23rd 1952 PONTIAC Cone. Licence AJZT912. ONLY S48 | --- | Made freezers of your choice \C} 5 196) 2.00 am He3E PONTIAC Seem. tie ASO. OH 10" 2e3 Frey Sotwdav. 10 am. | 49%==Automobile Repairs Compiste line of mean QHAWA LTH, - 3 ! 198) HEVROLET § Licence AI13708 ONLY... SBS Buy or well here. Good wn | vegeiables, nits, and gro 20 SIMCOE SOUTH JAMES A. MACDONALD by $ a glib Cy - Wk "- Ad \ Ve hucking 194 | BODY WORK cary (tems supplied. Budget FOR FRIGIDAIRE ! Banister & Soligiter } \ ® r ance AJSR02. ONLY as Chaviolet and Corvals PAINT) ems avaik ALES AND SERVICE 284 King Street West | ME TEC . oe NP7598 ONLY $85 NG Freese: $279 We LES ND § ICH | Oshawa, Ontas { Qshawa Car Auction | MECHANICAL WORK CALL RA 8.1128 FOR Domestic and Commercial = | Solicitor for Kennath Duma HERE 1S WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 25 Grente RA 8.5170 | QUIK Ren PX ERY FURTHER INFORMATION RA 5.5332 " : - ' | SERVIC le " PURLIC OFFICE 1-=1¥3 TON 1954 GMC TRUCK. DUAL WHEELS NAGY MOTOR SALES | LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. | WATER § ; ! ITY OFFICER ' h . : A SICKROOM EQUIPMENT LONDON (CP) = George! STAKE BODY 9 x 734 x 4 FEET HIGH, EXCELLENT a | FREE ESTIMATES a RutoN ol : Purified or olstem FOR RENT or FOR SALE wiohinson, politica orrespond A CONDITION MERCEDES - BENZ . DKW MARLJAN'S ha Dig TRL i : SY Me and wells, delivered any Hospital beds, whee! chain, ont of The Evening Standard, | Sales and service. Showioom | - where. $8 for 500 gals. $9 A has been appointed ohief pub da Dhsey \ 30 Other Cars To Choose From apt wntil 9 paw. ab x GARAGE : 300 gals. Special tates wild walken de Nelly officer of the Conservative 1 Disteiuted by King Putas Renate bg A ~ 408 KING ST. WEST #20 CORDOVA ROAD | on wausst #¢ large \ thes a party. Re succeeds Ronald 4 THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS | RA 3.7102 RAR I ™ Maw | toa A Reon 0A Brigit Tanah le Ioturng to pref TR Or a i reg Phone Ald Rentals RA 5.1444 'vale Dusiness

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