The Oshawa Times, 15 Feb 1961, p. 8

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B TVR OWAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, Februery 18, 1961 [by & pevehiatric socisl worker, PITRE Your LEstimony 16 Beewr: | tones turkey 19. WN MARY HAWORTHS MALL IA 0,5 Reader Takes Issue On Advice ; A Given To Young Mother A A must have, ME i USES A BRICKBAY Pese Wary Baworth: | must would be 10 pat the case on the Dear Wary Waworth: I vas lesue with your second Wang lel (or treatment, wish grest (o resd the letters repr of advice tn the young in the chine of wah | speak. manding yous (or the sRswer yom, whe "almost hates" her, meant That the client wold be gave thal Meads women whe Wh (elder) som and Ir WEE lor wt least p yesr hatefully bests her S-yearaid iy slaps and WE Wm OF Meanwhile, the professions) son Without fue PRI aRtion, as fend watt wold Sod time 14, congie the simile = | gate in gener office by, | oRy, take fhe oid awe I she spply 10 he the howe, fay alter day, tn iby from her. Give Wim 15 any pid Health Chuic In he chat and gossip the time away of the countess kind couples he resides The excise wewally Gven 1s Who RIE Wanting # Asring 19) time | worked 0, that "there have heen cancels loge. She be tarred and, Heglth Chae tions» (enthered. She lan' » mental w het WERE OR May question is: Where are the ©35¢; i she were, she wowd sally made feel sick, vi 7 EF J " 4 | ItEresie tarpry ere A Had A 804 of my owns young Dear BX; Well, where 18 the yd To in mother's come to thet chine |mieresied taxpayer? Whet have cave "00 porte" reed 8 hook most likely the patient would 79% Aone, for example, 19 slertiy" po, the A 4 a rd have received "diagnostic, TMH community 5 the ETYINE| Shame von! ( er aid 4 uss As necessity for uiiding # fire wn | Dear GV 1 take Ht you didw's of 8 social Wistory of the case|06T These procrasiinglons (8% ooq"o ssl text of wy reply a Hil # test Lo determine the {ole)?. MH her perlormance before Reming whe HAS KIND WORD the hook thet tells unstable per thre wis only one fillAimel cod ber hapless som, (WHY LET IT GO ON? there would he & further time leription of the material gath I the child is 16 be dided u 4 a finally assembled, you wold ------.--------" . | Then, wfter more time had structive plans of action | elapsed, the case would come won't . benefit {forward grédumlly for 8 siaffIetiers vituperatively screaming CELEBRATING SILVER WEDDING Banquet And Dance Honors Mr, And Mrs. Alex Nikiforuk | Mr, snd Mg. Alex Nikiforuk flat ware, an electric clothes were pleasantly surprised on dryer and & handsome sum of Baturdsy evening at a 28th money. From their family of wedding anniversary party al two sons end & daughter, the St. John's Ukrainian Hall, Bloor! couple received a set of dishes street east, arvanged hy Mrs.| Short speeches were given hy John Stezik, Mrs. Olga Topping, | Mr. Walter Kuch, Mrs. Stephen Mrs. Andrew Waskan, Mrs, Mi-|Mandryk, Mrs. Btezik and oth chael Sworik, Mrs, Joseph Mu- ers. Mr. Nikiforuk responded pik, Mrs, Stanley Skirrow, Mrs! Mrs, Nikiforuk is the former William Musoronchan and the! Miss Helen Goch, daughter of family of the honored couple. (Mr. John Goch and the late Married in Bt. Mary's Ukrain- Mrs. Goeh and Mr. Nikiforuk fen Church, Oshawa, ftwenty-|is the son of Mrs. Dora Nikifor five years ago, the couple re: uk / iterated thelr wedding vows in| Dancing to. #n . orchestra a ceremony conducted hy the| rounded out the evening Rev. Dmytro Luchak in St. Among the 350 guests were John's Ukrainian Church, The|Labor Minister the Honorable couple were then escorted to the Michael Starr and Mrs, Starr, hall where they were presented the Reverend Dmytro Luchak| with & corsage of white ear-|and Mrs. Luchak and Mr. Ly nations and a8 white carnation! man Gifford and Mys, Gifford, | bread and salt HOUSEHOLD HINT Mrs Nikiforuk was wearing Bright enamel is an ideal fin-| faction. This can be measured hoosts the satiety value of the| 8 jacket sheath dress of apple veen silk brocade with match- ish for the interiors of closels; ng small bow-kmot hat it's easy to wash and will aid Mrs, Michael Kalynke, who visibility and order-keeping, os bridesmaid at the wedding Telbity and png EATS ARO, received a cor . am MA of red carnations snd the PACKAGING CORT best man, My. George Pawlen:| GUELPH, Ont, (CF)=""From chuk 8 white earnation bouton-|the eradie fo the grave you are niere. Another bridal attendant, [under the influence of packag: Mrs. Jack Bawks, who Is on|ing," Frank Stephenson, a con holiday in Florida, sent an ar: sultant to the packaging indus. rangement of yellow roses try, told Guelph Rotarians, "The Grace was sald by the Rev reasons for packaging are (0 Dmytro Luchak who also voleed protect the goods and attract good wishes later in the evening. |the shoppers But manufacturers Following the dinner, with/today have a tendency to over Mr. John Btezik as master of package goods, to the extent ceremonies, the highlight wasithat the cost of packaging may the presentation to the anniver- equal, and often exceed, the sary couple of & case of silverivalue of the product," 3 § Li Sh b & . Bd PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY Jossihing Franets Sarvonii ville and Oshawa and the fir hom of Sore, wre | QUASI 0 do married recently at §t. Hed. wig's Roman Catholic Church, | cupine, Ontario, and the late Oshawa, The bride is the | Mrs, . Savijarvi, The couple daughter of Mr, and Murs, | will live in Toronta Joseph Bamoski of Newton: J \ FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! tonnie the traditional] value of food is a | W bowtonniete and ; [ie extent to which 8 food gives eaten with meat & potato or # | & meal does not rise proportion: "| 1061--pages, pages, pages of pat iq snd, ¥ & peychigtric evalua Raworkt: On the sons how. to get hold of them | pp I sey "lortunate" hecausel a piocs of the reject mother #€1ves and stay calm, cool prt i Po, wonder collected when emotions sre} peyehigirist on this chnic's #8010 vou would let me direct a CHIFRING MH pending dictation and trans | Tore n care of ths newspaper, | deep heown, Applied inserts | : the | The body LX he | eel ehmplete the picture 7 TRACY ADRIAN Imm Two leather textures #8 ( gt the vamp pre in winte calf | well as three distinct colors few words to 86G., EJ. PP mary Ha worth Sowneels Make # newsworthy suit shoe «and BY. whe are urgently con Png ¥ eolismn, not by mail} for spr Mier these prefiminaries | PEC CL ahowt the Tittle i A wel-| oF persons! interview, Welle her] pwmp me iw and Wieck patent leather. A pointed toe and shim, ewrved | HOME DAIRY NEV TEMPORARY LOCATION 16 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe 51. M., Oshows ond WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax THURSDAY -FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS BANANA ROLL CL MADE WITH FRESH FROZEN FRUIT " FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop of the bokery with the large variety, the st it i this any real sense, the mother her 54d by the wall With oil self must first be helped with understanding support and con She from hystencal have & sizable folder of dats conference, pending the avail "sick in the head" and "call "ability of staff members inter: the SPCC ested In the case She has intelligence and sery The -fingl result probably ples or she wouldn't he search ---- i. f KEEP IN TRIM | High Satiety Foods Are A Boon To Diners By IDA JEAN BAIN (ach, and the amount of gastric I vou love to eat hut have juice stimulated hy the food to watch your calories in order] Meat has the highest satiety to prevent creeping pounds tune|value of all foods and therefore in. There's a way (0 make|"sticks to the rhs" longest weight control 8 natural, The|Clear soups and broths, because secret is to plan meals thet are/of the meal extractives con high In satiety but not high in|tained in them, stimulate the calories gastric juices and also provide It's & fascinating fact that|ihat important feeling of satis certain foods appease hunger faction i mare effectively than do other It's well to he in the know {foods ~ completely apart from| about bread and potatoes. While the calorie .story, The satiety|the satiety value of these twol measure of foods 1s relatively low, when] a sense of well-being and Satis: | ice of bread significantly imeal. What ahout seconds? |None on starchy foods, Studies reveal that the satiety value of {in two ways: The length of time the food remains in the stom ately when the amount of bread {or potato is increased. Second | helpings of potato or bread add {far more in calories than in true satisfaction. In contrast, the | satiety value of meat increases (directly in proportion with $e | amount eaten Fish, heing comparatively low) in calories, Is an excellent food for the reducer. However, fish is of mueh lower satiety value | A than meat or eggs. Therefore | ) Eat 8 fish meal, it is a good plan | A to garish the sglad with hard { HY cooked egg slices, Hard-cooked eggs have a higher satiety value than. vaw or solt-conked| eggs do Green vegetables are rela tively low in satiety, hut they do enhance the feeling of well heing hecause of the quality of bulk they provide. Total bulk content of a meal is an Im ortant factor In fullness' sat sfaction Fats hoost the satiety value of the meal, hut they also hoost calories, Fat should he trimmed from meat. Use fat where it Is most appreciated--for butter on hread where it can he seen Instead of smothered In vege: tables. A hall pat of butter on a baked potato is most satisfy ing IN ADVANCE 4 When a new hahy Is expected, 4 the other small child in the fam: 12-20 ily should be told well in ad house, for gardening, sunning SEW- RAP-GO ass Drapes happy relaxing. Whip up sev EE ad By ANNE ADAMS oral a * VINETIAN BLINDS Fashion's gayest style -- the the shower -- wear it 'round the Printed Pattern 4581: Misses "DRAPERY TRA S Snappy-Wrap, A snap to sew - no waist seams. Pop it on after |Blzes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, Size 16 takes 4% vards 30-inch fahrie Send FIFTY CENTS (80¢) in coins (stamps cannot be mecept: (ed) for this pattern, Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD: RESS, STYLE NUMBER | 8nd order to ANNE ADAMS, {care of The Oshawa Times, Pat: {tern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario ANNOUNCING the biggest|. * [fashion show of Spring-Summer, "RUGS SPREADS terns in our new Color Catalog Just out! Hurry, send 33 now! HOW and yours by ® Add an extra Bath. Charge oom Budget Plan, | Lay-a-way or Gash and Carry ' © modernize your pres sent kitchen-sink and bathroom fixtures, For Service and Repairs CALL RA 5.5132 TODAY Por FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS and NEW FIXTURES I BRR ys be Coats for Spring 1961 . + +» now at Walker's You con be among the first to enjoy the new sasy-comfort 1961 stylings . , , free: dom of movement through raglan sleeves, deep armholes, and low yokes . , ; @ choice of elegant collar stylings all the way from large wing collars to band necklines and collarless coats . . , a dash of boldness in large buttons widely spaced . , , plus @ choice of sleeve styles--regular or new shorter length , . . these are just a few of this season silhouette features that make the new coats so desirable . , , you'll want to see and try them on, Fabrics: All wool, wool and mohair Colors: Green, red, beige, gold, blue, lila, plaids, tweeds, er white Sines: Petites fp to 16p Misses 10 to 20 Half sizes 1414 to 2214 (Net avery solour In avery style or size) (A) An entirely new styling In lovely afl weel fabric . , . new band necking gives collar lose affect , , , shorter slesves . large butters , Qreen, red of belge potite sizing 8p te 8p. Bash ' 8) A dressy style tallored of all weel walskind Ie, comtertable raglan sleeves hand stitch: ing en cellar and cuffs beige, blue ' or loden , . petite sizing Bp 16 4p, 24 98 Bosh A ; ' (€) Seft- woe! fabric In large plaids sembing with lerge stand-away coliar and shorter blasves 10 give a mest fipped)ing slihayette MB) One of sight styles in all wepl and mehalr sealskin fois fabrics so typical of Spring 1981 with large stend-away collar shorter slesves, large Buttons, . , see If in white, hogy, {ila¢ or mint palion fines +» petite sizes Bp fo |ép ethers In single or double Breasted styles, shorter wm low yoke back end front, desp arm heles and shorter raglan sleeve creates distinguished aif expertly tailored oll wéel and mehair fabric ee this coat In white, gald er turguelse sizes 10 v0 18 others In single and double breasted styles and sizes 8p te 6p of finish abr double breasted effect, sen IF In Nilge and white, beige and J white or mint and white petite 4 0% dizer Bp te V4p. Fash ' and regular sleeves, small and epllariess sryles sizes 10 10 18 or 1815 te 29 98 HA Nash ' 1416 t 2215, Kush 11 Even before Spring arrives a new hat gives such a lift Palighthul to see. lovely to wear hats for one with srewn height te balance fashions a. n} ++ ond add @ touch of Spring 10 your present «oe Wh in bralded afiaw, strawsloth oF a fobrie in sailor, draped srawns end turbans, vai trimmed claches, All to Wt you feel Soring BA Ww arrives (ry) Draped crown oF braided straw teime and velvet ribban, y aid Ly 0) Alpaca fabrle turban draped Wn tes diate trimmed with single bow, : bhi ©) Bambon claghe trimmed with taffeta vali, WALKIN 5.98 GUSCOTT PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD, Store Nours: 0. 400 Night 0 500 am > a VWALKER'S of OSHAWA Oshawa Shopping Centr Stevenson & Rie Street RA 8.4626

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