INSPECTED RCAY BASE | POTATO SAILS VP AYLMER (CP)=d, BR. Stone, WARROW, Ont, (CP)=Ciross deputy penitentiaries commis aes of the Harrow Potato \sioner, inspected the RCAY ste Growers Co - Operative during ition here Vriday to help the fed, = * imbed (0 nearly $1,009 {eral penitentinries commission 000, (he annual report seid, a [Qecias whether io use the fr Sales were ay increase of more 1 a minimum security ¥ be BR (prison. The RAY is scheduled "on $2900 over YA, Grose ; lo transfer its operations from 70Hls of the firm/ tose from A wh : Ayimer to Camp Borden in the 519.090 in 195% 920,000 Inst Jo Aldwinekle, Womens Editor Dial WA #3474 | Lh aid THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, February 11, 1961 7 Brilliant Assemblage Attends Opening of Van Gogh Exhibit His Excellency, Dr. A, HW. J.|ing symbolizing the van Gogh ' ] ly / A wy' f Lovink, the Royal Netherlands Exhibition, Inside, the Gallery Boi Hi 5 Ambassador to Canada, opened is decorated with the Royal Ne- ? p ¢ the Vincent van Gogh Exhibi- therlands cont-of-arms, silk > 1 FINI R H I i) tion at The Art Gallery of To flags and eight beds of sprig ; ' i A RIVIIR IVP ronto, last evening, February 19, flowers, "i y nm Th In his opening speech Dr. Lov: he van Gogh Exhibition fs 8 YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVI ink expressed his = ecountry's\one of the most complex under: / Grd 2 i 4 Wk gratitude for Canada's hospital-| iakings in the Gallery's history ity to Queen Juliana during the 140 van Gogh paintings and \Beeond World War, and for the drawings were unpacked and {part Canada played in the Iib- hung for the Friday opening eration of Holland, The Cana-\65) volunteers, each working a dion tour oh vik Sop point four hour shift, were organized of «= {ings was authorized by the Ne, staff the multiple sales desks 7 ! ' |therlands Government to show where van Gogh books, prints y n Don't let your {its continuing mppreciation, and catalogues are sold to the! t | More than 4000 members at- public, i skin go to bed tended the openin i? ening. o " A i The president of the Gallery More than 100 groups have wid ' f i A v ' y QUEEN OF THE MARDI GRAS Mr, WB, Jackmen, QC, and 87° POKER, SURE JOE) hungry tonight (" 1% Mrs, Jackman escorted the ofl. +. if bobo A w Her Worship 'Mayor Chris: | was chosen Queen of the | Columbus in Bt, Gregory's |ficial party. Distinguished Joa from out of low Already Pictured after thelr wed- | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fd. tine Thomas is seen crowning | Mardi Gras at the dance spon. auditorium last night, guests in the official party ine S50 0 Det LB 4 ford ding recently at Bi, George's | ward Bkinulis and the bride. i Miss Barbara Meringer who | sored hy the Knights of ~Oshawa Times Photo |eluded: the Netherlands Am Te hamyion, 2e1ro) jag Ora, Memorial Church are Mr, and | groom is the son of Mr, and " ---- hassador and Madame Lovink; yn 0m Oaks apes, KONO. | wr, David Vrancis Simpson, | Mrs, Stanley Simpson, all of sarrie, Oakville, Cheslic 8001 wy. pride, the former Miss | Oshawa Tonight give your skin a taste ph Dr. H. J. Reinink, Director: old wn . ota Florida Honeymoon Follows Over 2000 Garments ciuersi of me' aris and Eater. BURL To wicommodstss Mymmatou Wine, is the | ~Photo by Gamet Bellry | of Come Eatrordinnive and nal Cultural Relations of the the Gallery will be open each lot it take its Bll of precious Preston-Attersley W edding Issued Last Month | Nethertands; ole Wordip the weekday evening until 10,30 Pleasure and Business Combine putriments, For no other In Christ Memorial Church] Mr, David Marks of Toronto From Simcoe Hall {Pmllips; the Honourable A. Kel gi eukiy: i538 tore cream helps you so much in last evening Anita Marlene|was best man and ushering so Roberts, QC and Mrs, Hob-|, sity se url # 18 11 lores ' 0 ny, vats smoothing, ast evening } the Netherlands Consul? hours a day under the su U1] LANNON I rt ay moisturizing dnd nourishing, Attersley became the bride of were James W, Harris and C. The first general meeting of £/'% ; , i 4 John Cecil Preston, The bride Kdward Houck in the new year was opened by General and Mis. D, A. vah joviston oo Ieeior Fo and also neutralizing acid is the daughter of Mrs. Bert A reception followed at Ade. the second vice president, Mrs, llamel; the Director of the » pl Break and Enter saund . The third birthday of the Dr don fherlock reading BOCTe: conditions if they exist Attersley and the late Mr, |laide House where the bride's Leonard Wakeford, in the ah Montreal Museum of Fine "000 A} 2 ia C, ¥, Cannon Home and School tary's and treasurer's reports, Rezular Avothonary Jat #i 4 Attersley, and the bridegroom fsmether received wearing an'sence of Mrs, K, H, Braith Arts, Dr, Evan H, Turner and The Exhibition closes March] Association was observed atl Announcements were as fol: egular Apo oeAry ny 47088 the son of Mr, and Mrs, Wil-loriginal dress of mauve peau waite, the newly - elected presi- Mrs, Turner, and the Chair. 12, 8 which time Vincent W. the regular meeting Tuesday lows: Family Bkating Night at| 102, 10,00; 344 oz, 18,604 liam Preston, all of Oshawa de sole, styled on princess lines dent, The minutes were read hy man of the Board of Trustees van Gogh, nephew of the ar evening, February 7 {the Children's Arena February| 1240s, 27.50, Archdeacon WH, D. Cleverdon and with a small, self hat and the recording secretary, Miss of the National Gallery of Can- tist, will return to Toronto to! Mrs, Irene Taylor, 8 teacher|!# from #.00 to 1000 pm, A / performed the ceremony and a corsage of white carnations. Grace Burns da, Mr. Thomas Maher and accompany the paintings back who has heen with the Dr [night of cards will he held at Mr. W. G. Rapley played the|The bridegroom's mother chose, Mrs, C, M, Elliott, convener of Mrs, Maher to Holland in time for the Euro. Cannon School since its open the school March 9, A meeting wedding music forest green French erepe with|the welfare committee, stated A floodlit sunflower, 17 feet/pean tourist season, The 140/Ing In 1068, lighted the three|of grade mothers is to be held i birthday candles, while vice. at the home of Mrs, Harry Special The hride was given in mar-|a pale green flowered hat and there was still a great need for high, stands outside the build: y r v J 6 bulld: paintings and drawings have| po ddens 'Mrs, Alan Johnston] Hutcheon, Thursday, February riage by her godfather, Mr. vellow carnations for her cor- men's and children's clothing : Thomas W, Dobbie, She wore| sage and read the Welfare report for been lent by the Rijksmuseum) cys fhe pone Which was deco 3% M50 ban Ser the Bitpost Limited ti I an original gown of candlelight! The honeymoon is being spent|the period November 20 to De Kroller-Muller (near Arnhem)| rated in school colors | hon Bling ' d A Amited time on satin peau de sole with a scoop|at Fort Lauderdale, Viorida,|cember 21 CLUB CALENDAR and V. W, van Gogh, Mr, van A group of the Rweet Ade [the "Night of ( ards," y neckline trimmed with import:| As the couple left, the bride| Two thousand and seventy: Gozh's collection 4 ily atlines, under the direction of Mr, Arthur Korry, prineipal, 00 (ATT ed Alencon lace, Folds at, the|was wearing an original sit of two articles of used clothing MONDAY jogh's collection Is normally atiyg, "noon murton, entertained 'Ntroduced a new teacher, Miss Sern waist formed a panel back also! champagne wool with plum|were issued and groceries sup: [the Stedelijk Museum in Amster: | with songs in close harmony|7udith Seneco, who has re i em A ace. Her he od HCCeS 08 i | pil p _ Ritson H and A Assoe, y [placed Mrs, Jane Platte, The Aes trimmed with lace, Her head:| colored accessories and a shad: plied to 12 families, Arranged ai coders A dam and Mrs, Walter Ham thanked|' dress was a hali-hat of lace and ed mauve and plum-flowered to have 14 prescriptions filled| Cedar Daly H ukiliaty =| them on behalf of the Home and second Issuance of report cards pearls with an elbow-length!cloche with an orchid corsage. and supplied material for #1 | Lyeeum Club " Assn, . | Behool Association, {will he February 17, when veil and she carried a cascade Mr, and Mrs. Preston will re \dent attending Home Econom:| ilansant Mo AL Club Sorority Makes Four members. of the execu: ome parents will he Invited to of stephanotls centred with alturn to make their home at 301 |jcs class, Arranged ACCOMMO*| Farmony Wi hd 4 Pi [tive gave a somewhat amusing have interviews with the teach. ( but beneficial skit, "The Right mauve orchid, | Brentwood Crescent dation for two nights for woman : ) Miss Jean Webster, maid of Out » of - town guests included| and issued eight meal tickets, South Simcoe H, and 8 Assn Generous Donation and Wrong Way of Interviewing ain Devitiny Pines a. f A Teachers," Pre 4 i honor, wore @a houffant, bell:|Mr, and Mrs, John Bingham, | Arranged for special milk for p VRAD gh Hid hy i Me Th d : UF Rundle Park Auxiliar 4 tendance bh Pianist f shaped dress in lilac haze, peau Bronte; Mr. and Mrs, William |child and paid Publie Utilities! y [ In the "Wrong Way" acting|icndance banner. [Fianist ror ) C de sole satin, fashioned with a! Wilson, Oakville; Mr, and Mrs, account Eo a family and sup: unset Heights H and § To Handicapped {te Ri of OE or Van MoT the evening was Mrs, Roy God. ( od/melece Department wide bertha collar centred with David Marks, Toronto; Mr, and|piied fuel oil for six families, | 3500 ew Fark Aux, At the regular meeting of the/G ord on Sherlock with Mrs | PY: 8 self bow to match the waist: Mrs, Clayton Wrenshall, Willow: | Arranged to have shoes repair.| rd Kcout Mothers' Aux, Phi Pi Cham Bele R Harry Hutcheon as parent I" A social period followed the CITY WIDE FREE DELIVER" line bow, Her headdress was a dale; My, and Mrs Abhott| aq for man and arranged for| TUESDAY al ; apier, Geta Higma Mrs, Roy Haber portrayed the| Meeting, a LL Bb KING 51 ¢ \ $30 SIMCOE ST. 5 matching bow-knot and her Price, Whitby, and Mr. and|ihe purchase of mitts for school gy Matthew's Guild Phi, held at the home of Miss! iouohior fn the "Right Way" enone ia 32245 OSHAWA | "ohione ras: 36ac flowers were white and mauve Mrs, Russell Attersley, Weston, poy and plastic splashers for Ring Bt, Hl and § Assn Elinor Wilson, it was decided and Mrs, Allen Johnston, the| BETTER YOLKS z Chrysanthemums Ina cascade. Ontario, : --____ |mather and milk for infant, Bup-|ge Peter's WA that $150 would be given to the| parent Leftover egg yolks will keep| B ROSSLYN PLAZA - RAB 46GH ii plied material for student al:{Wooderest H and § Assn Cerebral Palsy Association as al Mrs, George Peters presided better and will not hecome dry! FICE ESI SRE ETOLYY VN IIT EVN PRI INET tending Home Kconomics classig A. Home League : result of the chapter's success. at the business meeting with|if they are covered with cold| nd ia Heliots for four students) TOPS Club ful Blue and Silver Ball, Two Mrs. Roy Haber and Mrs, Gor water hefore refrigerating | Attending URRORLIIY classes, | Christ Church Eve, WA leaflets were received re com 4 r. Harold MeNeill reported | King Street WA ing conventions; one is to he the many holiday parties as be:| Canadian Legion Aux held in Halifax, Nova Scotia ng well attended during the | Fyelyn Goodwin Group April 28-80 and one in North Glristmas sehson ayn of | Court Oshawa, 10F Bay, Ontario, May 20.28 a Il staff assisted) Calvary Baptist YWMC [ An invitation was received the Christmas Cheer Committee West Courtice H and 8 Assn, (from Gamma Epsilon Chanter with parcels for needy famil-|§t, George's (Ritson Group) [to foin them on Founder's Day i | y i PR Rs 7. Millen. convene | Beta Sigma i to he held April 20 at the Hotel HF, , €0 | 8t, Stephen's Genosha in the Corvair Room of the property and mainten: Pythian Sisters [A letter was read from the In ance committee, reported the Kate McLaurin Aux [ternational Office re Endowment property as being well main-|§t, George's WA Fund; from this fund they wish talned, Ww. Y. Namo Nellie Dearhorn Group to give $5000 per vear for a 18 Simcoe 5t. § WT, fe, con ' eamp at Magnetic Springs, Ohio yoner. of he clubs committer, WEDNUADAY die for Physically Handicapped Oshave many people who had served 1st Scout Mothers' Aux a ed Jom as volunteers with the different|7th Scout Mothers' Aux , decided tht 31 vd be Himes and Rad 8 a . Extn 1 Grown. Cn ites donated to the International Tin for bringing the ha sid work Cedardale WA . Yowment Fund from the I'hi Phi To Our Valued Customers: to the attention of the public BE Robort Thormion Hand 8 Septet ; " " At the close of the meeting Patriarch Militant Aux 1 nominating committee . Mr, MeNeill 3 red o Iguting Pert Lb [] Wh vlpcted an 18 AK joowe For the past month our normal way of conducting busi the Golden Age Club and chil. Pearl Group [Miss Lynn Sohusrman, Mise ness has been greatly upset, due, of course, to the disastrous 4 . [Centre Sireet WA Diane Hubbell, Mrs, W, R 9 y upset, / : ' : tao Sek ang yor 1 AUR EAT Eapicion end Miss Blinos Xi. fire in Downtown Oshawa on January 10th, and the resulting ' : fi : Court Charlene, COF decided te combine the model 0 | CARRIED AWAY [Pilot Club i i dh lg smoke damage to our premises. CAMBRIDGE, England (CP) |8t, George's Eve, WA at Woodview Clubhouse at the J oor, 20, was fined £5 uppy Doubles' Club , arch if possible. All Kenneth Woor, 26, was fined £ | i Doubles' CI h end of March if | | 1 oy for stealing his. girl's pay en:| Calvary Baptist WMS members were asked to. have We apologize for any inconvenience caused, Thanks to velope as he kissed her, "It wan Christ Church Eve Guild Inames of girls interested in join 1 i sticking out of her pockei wo 18! George § wa, ing the club in by the next meet those who so kindly understood the circumstances, : took it," he said, {8t, Andrew's W/ ing GROWING UP 80 SWEET ae Tint lh Cultural Drogram: The group We will resume normal operations on Monday next For a Valentine candy treat,|("hallenger Group read and discuss ol Ye chapter ew P ' hte 4 " ™ APR sing Your Leis J 1 Daughter of Mr, and Mrs, | ding, Stacia is the grand: [fold crushed peppermint candy|17th Scout Mothers' Aux oe eating will ie held February 13th, Our store Is completely re-arranged and re~ John Szewypeiak, Veteran's | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, into divinity fudge, then decof:|8t. Mark's WA road, is 10-year-old Stacia | John Terech, Oshawa, and |ate with more crushed candy, |Jayeettes [at the home of Miss Diane Mol decarated. It is full of beautiful new up-to-the-minute spring who was one of the pretty | Mr, and Mrs, Steven Szcaype 12th Scout Mothers' Aux, {lon February 21 : bridemaids at a recent wed: | ciak, Toronto, S------ - styles, These shoes have been arriving all this week from our CE ------ =Photo by Mary's Sudio | Circle Eight | manulaeturers. Grace Zwicker WHY PAY MORE? SHOP & SAVE AT : | "SOCIAL NOTICES | ames Officers | Bruce Moores Wed | The annual meeting of tne | Once again our store will lead in bringing to you the | | Cirele Eight Square Dance Club| It te in st tail - Self-Select Sh displayed Tie rsiabe: of Gites Hel RECEPTION [Girele Tiptt Buuate hance Club ultimate in shoe retailing -- Self-Selection = Shoes displaye ena Zwicker And Bruce Church.' Mr, and Mrs, Norman Leach, | following the regular practice at| in an urderly way for your own choosing. Of course, our ex- {ll Moores, both of Oshawa, was Taunton, will be happy to re. the Oshawa Airport, | solemnized recently at St. Mary ceive their relatives, friends| Officers elected for the com.| perienced shoe fitters will make sure that you are fitted cor of the People Roman Catholic and neighbors at the Solina|iNE year are as follows: Presi: | . Church with the Reverend N, J,| Community Hall on Wednesday, 990 Jarl Huntley; vice-presi. rectly with the-styles of your choice, Gignac officiating, February 15, from 2.30 to § p.m. gent, Coelt Sproule; {ensure The bride is the daughter of and 7 to 0 p.m, on the occa: yay re § grr odi secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwicker, pir § r Mrs, GJ, Kelly; social cons - ypen Daily to 10 m invi i Oshawa, And the bridegroom 13 noma "" Yh wedding anni: vener, Mrs. 'A.B, Derumaux; 174 Ritson §. - Op Y pm. | We invite you to come and see us in Downtown Oshawa, the son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold membership convener, Mrs, You will find a smart store, where it will be a pleasure to shop. K. Moores, Yarmouth. Nova ING AGEN Gordon Lofthouse, : | Scotia ENGAGEMENT | Mr, Sydney Hopkins presided Specials ! Mon,, Tues., Wed. We will be glad to see you Yiven In marriage by her Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Greer for the elections and in the en: glad you, of Ajax announce the engage | forced absence of the president, hater. daw, Mr. Dy fuort An ment of their daughter, Rub y the retiring officers were com: WIENER MAPLE LRAP 18. 1 00 I Yours sincere! ina gown of white brilal lace Marie, to Mr. Bruce George plimented on their achieve (LOOSE) FOR * Yi over neau-de-soie designed with Travel, son of Mr. 'and Mrs, [ments . 07) a beateau neckline, short ira G, Travell of Oshawa, The The Circle Eight club holds anceyd sleeves and a fully gathc Marriage will take place on| Muare dances every Wednesday B TTER FIRST 66° skirt. A pear and sequin sti Friday, March 3, at 7.30 p.m, MEN at the Oshawa Airport, A GRADE Le, Paul's United Church, DeEinners' group, sponsored by ed gown held her short veil and In St Bogan she carried a nosegay of pink (Ajax. the club is meeting Tuesday A . ------------------------ {nights at the same place and the roes, white feathered earna- Ia BREA CHRISTIES 2 33¢ alling and teach L are tons and stephanetis LOWER TEMPERATURE |b thine he (Jeeching i shared SLICID FOR Members of the Better Shoe Guild of Downtown Oshawa. The Boll Mrs; Delbert Anthony was the| Glass absorbs heat more rea.| Mr, Alfred Dergnaux, Mr, Gor-| matron-of-honor in a blue-green dily than metal, therefore it| don Lofthouse and Mr "Ted" | CIGARETTES YOUR CHOICE 3 09 printed crepe sheath featuring glass baking pans are used for| Reed. | CARTON . shoo a portrait neckline and short/b aking, oven temperatures) The membership convener is) ; ATI sleeves, She wore a blue foath-i should be reduced by 23 de. now in the process of taking | Green ONIONS 3 27+ ol ered hat and carried a nosegay| grees [names for beginners for late BUNCHES th of pink feathered carnations and rr seemed | SDPIRE. OF 0@TlY fall and next tha white chrysanthemums bridegroom's home on Park! ednesday Mr. Karle Park of| SHOP AND SAVE DAILY AT GLECOFF'S Mr. Douglas Pipppy acted as " ? Yorkton, Saskatchewan, will be| best man road north. The newly wedded aiiending as visiting caller for| OPEN DAILY T0 10 P.M. A reception was held at thelpair will live in Oshawa, [Circle Eight, one ounce size