¥ 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pebruery 11, 198 Prechines od sdvances by Wi ov 1% & Tole Week re BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity Thie Worl ommon 1981 aie GW WOU ne JIG ' ; 4 Sales Wigh Low Close Ch ge High Low pecasion ~~ The birth of py ' " A nares be hhiop = oe Bigfh o T # § in qd ¢ y 4 o- oh 2 v4 Wesdway $500 21% W 2 -% 2 DB triends snd neighbors The Oshaws "ih yas a 4 from 4 y * : 4 M7 7 i 2 3 Hea 40 5 » 7 is #8 DERE BE YOUr 18 -- | the previo ' & £ fod Wi 1 High Poti 926 25 I 25 47 of wit ol telephone RA ¢ a " imid ¢ " bo on 4 ' Hailinger 478 SI We DY ~1% B . p 5 ¢ " y 2 : f Howe 2 Br BL Ta 2» ; Hud Bay 3 947% wh Woy ® . sin" MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Inpro ) : Con : 7 dra Kx GOOD eh and Vat or hip $ ' f 1 chau » the #Irve By The Canadion Press ' v . oe y bo " g " ' - of 8 Davie 4 in : y or idl > " s ¢ 4 " . . win, on Wednesdny, Febhiunry " 3 ths Pa tnsnd iis Wat 196 ' " s ' " : WE ' i 78 4 tthe Oshaws Generel Hos By JOUN PICTON Brows he week and closed Fark Sales Wigh Low Close CN ge Wight ow $ ' b ¢ sister tor Timmy #nd Canadian Press Staff Weiter with 12 losers against three ISPS TRIALS The yont { i . Phe toronto stock A gains, Two were unchanged " one " ; 2 : 7 py 7 adh moved lower acro hourd BIT Wat, 28 i 3 iW ersom 7 b ; 3 2 Jacobus this week after 10118 PROPS 84 CENTS : ' y b2 4 dave Fapl brought to mind 1} 4 Hudson Bay dropped $4 cents umes seen la it mid Cominco and Labrador hoth Ke On the exchange index trials were off 2.66 at 540.15 . nba LOY ELOCK Mr. and Mis, ¥. 0. 4. » t 86 74 / ota itis p are Happy 16 aanoupce the gold 74 at #676, ba meta A weg € Among ¥ on news of of # son, Peter Alan, 7 tbe. 10 ozs, 200 al 168.05 ; n 5 ' COMPANY mine worn on Wednesdny, Februsry #, 1965, | 81 at 90.21 # Im : ; st Oshaws Genersl Hospitn attracted little adr A y 3 ' on " , v i 3 . 3 Kopan aithough Pacific Pe q i f veak wit arop : , y , - Labrador sre happy Lo announce the Wirth of when they dropped four pein k with a dro . 947 # . "0 7 1, Dufauit wir dnughiar, Ruby dunel, on Sunda I, Dutsuit vionds An esis bo : ' ; y 3 } 4 2 February §, 106 at the Oshawa Monda nd | i : + Toromle 1s Industrials ta re Vv : : : : : ie" Industrials again showed the LOWE John and Ruby (nee Ward) AbILY for rising and fal A wster for frene. Back with a two-point gain i in ) J " A Ou anks to Dr. Baidwin wsday for no apparent i" ' 0 shares compared » oy 4 adn and fell more than a 9.764 000 shares iraded Mee FF Gordon and Desnns ; d . (11 494 " e the arrival of Doug. Frida y 1 Fl $37 1.4 "4 ; . 3 ' { on, on Thursday, Fehrupry 9 Some broker $40,064 fast i - Machen 1 245s . a0 8 7 ois e Oshaws General Hospital, A : ' p er 10g Marjorie Ann General Hospits ection Othe just don't know MiNKEELY Kd and Mary ( But there still ( y advanced Macasea ' 2 : Macfie y Bre DAPRY 10 ARRBURCE HE | ar BIRODE . ed i { e unchan ' NM ] ] / d : : A ™ son Bt Oshawn General Hos mism an Mon y ' ' y / 4 4 4 MacLeod day, Vewrunry 9, 196 ) al as w 12 : ' y ; b : Madsen Magnet Malartie wromi g predic long-range fore oat 65.15 {8.00,. industrials o 0 ' ' " 3 : Maneast U { p note d #60 ' 4 4 : 4 00 3 . Maralgo construction per al CRUICKSHANK, Faward ull show est on Mond gain nothing Kennedy Strives 0 'To Stir Business Gaoldher nme " nomy darkened tl 15 tha Ve Bie i ident Kennde to aleviate 1 finte y dent to ('on and get a gl i recommendation for OSHAWA SHOPPING nemuployment wi 850,000,000 in additional unem CENTRI t problem oyment benefits for 3,000,000 24 H R PHONE SERVIC The labor 4d hose benefits have o ) £ EE ] J | RA B-6555 nounced that the number ) ed 5.400.000 | ary, up 900 000 expire, He also of tempor ] Hdren of he GERROW FUNERAL ith earlier CHAPEL Kenned a wnry » ked ator Arthur Goldber lation Hnimum Kindness beyond price Bir "eases | | IN MEMORIAM uded reque 190 KING STREET WEST ( $75,000,000 WILEON d 4 i payment ( h ' Cand ) Hy "IN MEMORIAM _(Fi2h 52 7 me ti Pent i» gf de BRL ES PL mews Te es ANDERRON In loving memary of HY ishand and father, Thomas p who passed away Februar oe knew, when we woke that sorrow the day would hing e call wan sudden, the shock severe park with ane we loved so dea ts hard 1a eratand ne and wtomobile Ind hard | vith layoll nerease the number) y 70.000 ne YARMOLA +p f plant ited totallin Obaska O'Brien Oka Nare O'Leary Opem Oi Orme Oink Pac Pamour Paramag planned 1 death we TTR \ | for the Beyond aur power : IJ missed and ever remembered wife and family { 1.8 pei nowy = 1a tovine amy of « CARD OF THANKS cont last week from the previo dear hushand and dad, Edward Brown , d ul 4 Ae % away Fehrusry 12, 1048 | around fl cent) d | ) 1 i ) + Perron f LA t ' \ ' A 1 a i okie 0 ears have passed since Lan ' n 4 2 7 of « t § orders from. the : 1 : 4 Piteh OF w | ated [ ! i : : f kT ] Placer ( Pow Rou } ( Preston ! ' | 1h Lon 0201 h Pros © Alr we loved was ealled awa and m hor It was His wil , ff Af ernmen \earts he liveth # 4 nEly remembered by his wife and family blow again Purdex \ 1 22 2 ' 1 Que Ascot Beta G 3 Que Chib ¢ Callinan 74 Que Lab C Disco 1 d 05 Que Lith Gon Gillies 1 34 Que Man CGA 1 ] Q Metal ( olator vhen a lade a fined 20 RUFFAM In loving memory of o f { \ ufacturing tear mum and granny, Annie Allison J b BARUCH ed AWAY ORE Year \f nearly $2.000.000 and en of their exe t Haliwel 2 Qunston Taibhon A y h 2 Quemont Inreus | J Radiore Mand 8 3 ' Rainville { ) N . ( k Rayrock oe and J ? pr ' ' y hy , 4 1orrison 1 Realm 10300 Renabie 2 saw you sinking ou fade awn : were almost broken, ; ) i wes and individ 50 hard tn sla . r ing to ® AAW you sleeping, fil free fram pain A pris / ( , id not wish. vou back ik Ne : ¢ suffer that again nant In er remembered hy son Alfy, Pear), | HE dren Howse! RUFFAM ving embry of a candsan (8 . " | ; 3 i Canadian Vehicle ; Production Down no passed awa FORONTO (CF) Canadian moto ehicle odu sadness {fn on NEABORN | 1 ah eel estimated at 7.672 unit fumiry wah, to skbress"ty d with $44. Tast weol eo Un din Ait ) Li : | oJ . \ \ iomaobile y H 4 16 1 \ 1 Stanek Steeloy Steep Rt ) 'Il y Sturgeon 26:00 h 6.935 and ' " ; ; be ' 5 2 Sullivan 8315 d ith 1 Sunburst 7000 this veal Sylvanite 16850 embered hy daughter Joyée, of the W Lan i COMDATOS $103 1 4 : " ) reani aw Dave and grandchildren neighbors and \ R ' a 4 J Ly 1 autoanty support and assist 1 correspondin , ( 7000 Territory RUFFAM In loving memory of a preciated ¢ | . y A Ang Cdn 2 ! Thom L dea nother. and. grandmother, Annie ! p 3 1 y Anglo Nf 4104 J " f 4 b \ ooo. 14 y Tort Buffam, who passed away . Asbestos is a Wy 2 \ ' 600 163 160 00 ' 6 owag 1960 Fad f . 4262 173 182 163 A \ I'rans Res -- -- 1. Magn ; : \ ¢ 6700 105 103 10: Tribag a sad bul sweet remdm A -- 1000 12 4 Trin hib Dom 2500 ] 1 Asbestos memory, fond and true ; H a Mather, Ham 4 : Y p 14007 $40 " ) Un i af I tar you Dam Tex 1 ) ai N TH 6700 128 122 p Dow Biew \ ) \ py \ ¢ 0200 (11) inet asim tame | SHOP AND SAVE... A owe th NR 2 fia 1" off doa iE mpathy, flo Gideon Y ] 1] I nh f mmerce Ir ' sof a p A \ y and grandma, Annie } 13 5S ted of 625 Who passed away Febru Away the edge of of, | Nursing turns back every leaf eral Moto " Ma and grandson Arian RUFFAM loving memory of a ¥ \ ( 13 2 17 Jlolam dear mother and giandima, Annie Al - eC | ) \ { A y n 8 y 0 ' cedon J] who passed away Feliu 1 | {| ( | Al SI IF D WAY . . 5 . i J hi hid I J 'rn Lol M ll A Tl ¥ i 3 ) Willroy Is as dear today h ) ' ng 1 ) Wiltrey passed away Tavie I |] Winch d 3 enn Uran . 1180 108 : whered by daughte + » ¥ iE 3 " 5 Audre son in faw Bob and grandehll A IC 2 FOR TH E \ $ i f Gl Mining | A 3 al dren * ] Goldray 1 1 ; A A and B Yrandue ) 1 Young H G METH In loving memory of a wil \ F 3 i x \ A N t Lead @ hand and father, Grant, whe i \ 0 82 2 A Feh 1839 nine 0 \ . walk (he road alone A ¢ : i eid y 3600 Be side hy wide oh ) iy 3 uch 4 p wed NR 1 3500 625 61 25 ere oRNMes A mament --_-- tA l 1 2 8 a 820 a 20 of life divide 1 ) $0 | Railey NG. A% ag A 1 00 255 250 250 of i i 7 p 10% 8) N 0 of Lakes 3000 Yukon Con 18100 53 30 30 . nAppiness Burning tears i 1 [ No -- blessed memories \ ' ne 106 Ye. Tahal ceasure Through aul [ : : ) a A H a . ° ° violated regulations, the spokes. Ft, S00 | A Loe eae Bo Canadian Mining se \ wing wile, Mary, and son, Eric B A S K F Tv Ht \ \ Jialta y . 1 g Genex Mines Ltd, owns a fore SMITH | of # ; al RT 1 mer _zinc-lead-silver producing n loving memory of oul dear won, Grant, who passed away : . mo property in the Sudbury area, March Minerals Ltd. has min- will he done. Tard Wut th ne A : 10 | 1Irms ccuse ing claims in Colter Township \ hleeding i A "3 N N \ Wl! A God's arden of ¢ : i 5 WV \ : 5 | 0a - J 3 » 'or M Fare: ol Br ud 00 134 \ N N \ \ M WASHINGTON (CP) == Thejessential to an informed and re- St oe Po FA w hie A ' Mother And Dad N . i a pe } 113 ' United States Securities Ex. alistic evaluation of th» worth producing property wall ~ h ; of the securities which Tegistra- EB Propesiy in the Sun and Mes. Jesse Smith : 0 Al ! , \ } change Commission Friday ac: ti ould provide." geon Lake area of northwestern SMITH A memory of our dea ; HA : se any 4 " an would provide Ontario's Thunder Bay are: er ua and poi 5 ' 0040 $14 cused three Canadian compan. The commission has difficulty! 4 1 \ ay area A , Mith LL 1 ' o 1 \ 126 Wo 810 C5) \ y { o resuls 3 res is 0 y . © y ak have a { jes of violating regulations re policing sales by foreign com- All the companies have head - - ~ \ ) ap G00 108 100 8 0 . . { T EVERY | HURSDAY J WLLL 5 quiring that companies register| panies, especially those in Can. Offices in Toronto but none have W : ! \ m Pe ' 3 8 with the commission before they| ada. stock exchange listings. ) vi i ' ' ho ' \ 13 attempt to sell stock in the ---- ------ United States TEST CASE FALLED \ " I'he companies named are der the {anada - United Tobacco Average [ ) ! Bo + , . \ a0 6 Genex Mines Ltd, March Min. Stites extradition (treaty, the . n ng 7 he Mh 3 \ erals Ltd. and St. Anthony, commission attempted in 1957 to P 55 3 C OSHAWA [ IMF 5 ( | ASS Fl ED : ' ) ¢ Mines Ltd. All are A tof lest the possibility of extraditing nce . ents BN L J | X A ' : have headquarters in Toronto, |Uanadians to stand trial in the, 71 SONBURG (CP) -- The ear Kind face or y ; - v . . Sh AY I \ spokesman said. the three|United States on commission Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco Joving smile welcome | , 0 AY x ividoit 10 were found to have solicited cus.| charges but the test case failed. Growers Marketing Board re- cant \ ih A ! N tomers for their stock' through{ Until steps can be taken toiported sales Friday of 2,309 0: 5 \ \ i ! TL $10 the mails without first notifying/stren gth en the extradition pounds of tobacco at an aver. the mission and filing re. treaty, the commission will con price of 55.35 cents a pound ' quired linancial formation, tigee notifying stockht; lers andi Total sales to date reached thus depriving ivestors of the the public generally of the Ca- 151,429.066 pounds at an aver. the ¢ i avoid sa | & sadly missed by her husband Man , a gl 11 Pele - 0 Long Point 8 incial and other information! nadian companies which have'age price of 27 cents. at | would give to clasp your