The Oshawa Times, 11 Feb 1961, p. 16

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&=) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E5 1 Accountants p SSIMED AD RATES [1 Household Repairs pt a mem------ . » le nop We so, | CENTRAL on 10s Bom --wi| errr | CLASS 75 orcs or ios ||CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs 10 |ssoon AVATLABLY. for a first or second | ACIVAL Jom in Cinsds, US. So house for rent with option 10 8.7. MOVES aad Company RT Cont Gravee [lea G morgage, private, Teiepnons OL i ol ig TR bu Low Sows curment, garage, new tied Ughotaiaring, 0. -------- CONSECUTIVE oth Boylston Ht, Boston 18, Mass, TE | m------A---------- pas Tam, "Govewe, omar bier rions: 225 248 [ion Cat RA 84001 Tor 4 free utyg.. Parsonol cer wor - Ew, sie, ai 0 Warvia Avanos, wih £7} 12 Rison Hosd Sout A ms . chard, Mast Ml eonv i YALE, FRIEDLANDER, mowrER, | ¢ SOUECUT 375 413 |VOUR chimney caaner, Chim. FREE ~ Health minded. i UNL TED NUMBERS runing. Telsphoe by + yi oh a Wiest no ---- pp Coy and Auditors, if not paid within 7 days the neys built and sopiired, gas Yoiags to. fours for is sing. estiniul Hving| FATONS in r Oahah Towilte | vie ment, water, lights pata Yom, eh. Charge rate will apply tas. 0A 359, vacuumed, edition or both, Write Nature's Hesith, | man with at least three or ei phone| OKO nooND 7 fer, 7 Two - storey home, a Bi HA poly U4, Toronte Avenue, by only 15 original otal] and driveway, all serv-| PAN ory ar Comineion rwartions, | PROVERRION AL painter and paper| ov Office, WA 5.1373 to arrange interview. Hod or vo '¢ i" 7 1] (hanger Guarapiesd work and mate | AUTHORS iy "wutnit MSS ail / / fi) ory PH Boies pions Bri fais, Free" estimates, "Al Conroy, RA (7008 (ngluding poems) for book publ | ANN'S FABRIC LANG S A ghia tr el wer 3, 1a rain wares. Teo Tom cea Breet Morth, Orhawss Fi der, ---------- 3 tion to $10,000 yearly, Car essen. by inum storms, "yom, I" Frotowionai viotings $7.50 par | FURNITURE vovaires ana ve-uphor 144, Yiracombe, Yogiand. (end. 1908). SHOP MEAT MARKET (ial, Call WA 50006 between 5 a08 7/408 pred sara THREE - room apartment" and bath, WE DEWAR and Co, Avevinianisl] month for 3 lines daily, Each addi quiere See our materia 8 Jor ve giver 113 BYRON J. Ss. vm, Whitehall 32096, Alas, er. |W08r Power Store, heated, heavy | duty ana Auditors, Cadar Glen, Bias, 15 On | oval ne 31.60 car monn. oo iA 37217 ' ELECTROLYSIS | _ writev--mo 8.8152 272 ALBERT ST WIX . room house, bar, yieing. Also room for one girl. Apply BSirest, Oshaws, Ontario. RA Business cords (1 = |) $18.0 tA 3 NTH RLS ho oa: A) 2p fr AB pa Street rr rod Phen iio} latter atineviation, | E Removal of superfluous heir | FEAL THiS MONTH HOME RETZER FY LES EX PERIENCED Aponsible ins Available April 1, HAVE Toon ~ Todern sims wee son | § 07 bo Chiron" 5%, aadnorat FURNACE SERvic Marie Murdutf will be In | pec gs. NOW 39% per yd, | WE DELIVER--RA 8.2471 SALESMEN dro dar Av 1 Ci Bet Ren "oh Si tray | 23% oun ba Osawa, Fab, 2198 0nd 220d, |= weer SON PLAT) ae ms 1, MONTHLY, 0 Hoon Hod, 170 Ail BR Spy 4 he doy ber - ' d WILSON PLAZA 3 4 separate sel m bedrooms, large kitchen, wove, reir 5 viele mat be In 4 A 4 i Hh ST. JOHN'S HEATING ar Pins otal on thy ENVOY RESTAURANT LS Proposed expansion program To fd arator, Washer, dryers PhrLing, Cont, (act ; Davidse fore lication excet . Phone Genosha Hotel on these | SEA COVE requires us fo seek aggresive Tr Don Howe, Healtor, RA 5175 posite 10g services for small husinesies, i A Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which |i MO 8.2387 high calibre solesmen, Grows om, 49 hoviae, double | 00 Genosha, opi y, monthly or # od om: be accepted until 9 am, "od dates for appointment, | HOME OF 9 . 8, vens : { | i A -- all Sulina che, i Lr ue ge, oll heated, bd prepared Income tux voturns. MG (| BU 08 FOAPED Suna 'ond RA ing firm selling furniture, fai Siinds, 163 Ritson Mosd Sun of |G END foes I T T00m BpaTiment, " eerree | Cancotiations 8:30 am. Office | Free burner service for fusl ""CHICKEM IN RESTAU NT housefurnishings, draperies, |telephone RA 5.0801 Iaundry room, private bath and. en: SWANCY'S Ontario Aeoownting || tours: Dolly 8-5, Saturday #12 customers ---- - " ; featur ' f VATLABLY, March 1, five - oom bun. |IrANce, parking, 165 Verdun Reed. RA Services. oiler complete, Donkey | REGIA TION tm JomNS Waving sod wiomsge, oavs. THE ROUGH OLD ENGLISH STYLE" | (oper TV's ond opplan (Guommuihieoe Tk ihfge: Cures 1390 : serviees for small business, 134 The Oshawa Times will not be Whithy., Reasonable retes, Fully ' weleome, Taunton Tele AVAILABLE room frost am Hoon k 1, Offices RA 50397, responsivle for errors in advert J R equipped and insured. Phone NA & 21, | 522 RITSON RD, §, FISH AND CHIPS The men we wont will hove phone "iA SBT, upper RT TR located, for Residence, RA 37608, ments submitted otherwise thon | SCOTIAN Cartage, for fast devendubte| w/e nel (ER pA 5.8978 WE DELIVER--RA 8.3151 a chance to make high earn- 8 roam, hi Tage, "Three bed. Te. Call Brookiin, Oliver 53184 for int writing, nor for more fi an one | nA 4. No job too big ori WE a or ings with good chances for East ares, |fUrther Information ie ary advere - - 2--Barristers incorrect "insertion of any RUG and UPHOLSTERY y - 0 ph 0 Sal rainee i 1) en "A My "Lloyd Real [FOUR ¢ om apartment THOMAS = RUNDLE, Barrister, wil. )| fisement, nor beyond the price promotion, ~ Sales Trainees [30 Bi a : Mareh 1, Televi fet, oitor and ile, 2 King] horoed for a ingle Insertion of CLEANERS Whithy, Reasonable rates, Fully equ ¥| RUDY'S LE MOULIN "ROUGE also will be considered possi~ at cy focaiea, Wo ¥ -- it Street East "Phone A 81793 | psd Sdveitnamant in the right ped and insured, Phone RA 8.3661 FASHION HAIR STYLING bly en a part time bosis, We vom for Foon modern ti Mis ee, phone K _-- ! 6 , ARBER SHOP s leasant | % Barristers, Bolicl riising according 10 Professionel cleaning at AND B ask for neotness, 0 pleaso North Oshawa. Telephone RA 84916. GROUND Foor, | 3 rooms, u ig A Foe a ert: Rod Apa or ini lower price » 21--Personal Service offers the newest ond best In CATERERS personality, a desire to meet | GEx room hoiise, centrally located, on (3 I00ms furnished 2nd Too 4 1 r A + ! - 1 y rr, " Dut RA 3278 Residence pho mes, in the cate of display ode Hot RA 5.7488 WILL board children by day or week, | hairdressing for each ond BOWLING BANOUETS people and the bility to work [Bruce Street, newly decorated, ronson. [Sior: love ba s. 15 wairbanke eel iy air WA B80 A ments The Times w . ] private bedroom, Centre Street North, every member of the fomil WEDDINGS under direction, Reply giving able. Apply 504 Front Street : pi. v ' teponyible for more space tha © | Whithy. MO 85034 vely y. full details of former end |MWOUBE, four rooms and bath, eaniral. [SPACIOUS second floor unfurnished wai Jo oo Thomas | that in" which tne octual arror PAINTERS & DECORATORS! - ' Satisfaction Guaranteed PRIVATE PARTIES | present employment, 'age, |! located, ehiidren welcome, #70|SATtmeni, tcluding veirigerator, tee. ireer, Associnie Barrisiers an occupies, The publishers enasavour Industrial, Commercial Or app. == co 5 ee : a Py ' '/ |monthly, unheated, Telephone RA ' 0, Bereens eitors, 130 King Sireel Kast, RA 3028, | 10 reproduce all advertising matter Industral, Lom al, Ww RA - 361 | marital status ond telephones 567708, verandah, garage, Simcoe with, Morigege loans available, correctly but assumes no lio fity De mestis ATCH REPAIRS ----- 8 4 Dy Interviews rH be 67708. Adults only, Telephone KA B-5662 CREIGHTON FRASER, DRYNAN and ony Inaceuracies in any form sits an Iterations | CORNISH [22-TV - Radio Repairs | d only with ficant S4A--A oh & Flats {THRE -- room apariment, with bal. : dvertisement ore contained y shing o | Pp | arranged only with applicants R HAR STE le | Du | Wok Foi, prio | 299 KiNG 51, West 8 Sree. vets ee LY emule Help Wanted |. 31g 1 Grol e To v Ro eee A SE ¢ ; a -- ; oo Reasonah) » Simeon, Mrect Now, na png hf T. W. PHILPOTT CO. | ipeciolizing SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | ine ented to do froning, preferably | 24 5, OSH A T 2 ne | EW, modeTR, ORE, Swnbedroom | heonable rent, RA 31-2827, after 8. OG. XK. Drymen, G, L. Murdoch, NHA DUNBARTON | | Automatic Watches | IT = DAY OR NIGHT ! in on home. Telephone RA 3.3225 Apartments in new apartment bulid. | Lhd Tooms. and madern ten i i alter m. X 1 € og Park Road, Adelaide Street, b | s close 10 bus and schools, res mortgages arranged. {11-=Business Opportunities DAYS -- MO 8.8729 A 4545 { T.V. and RADIO Bt ---- --| INDUSTRIAL SALESMAN [08 Fark ond, Adelaide J colored |Ual district, $60 per month. Apply 318 MANNING = V. SWASTZ. Barrister, laundry, established EVENINGS TE 9.2364 R 3-4545 | CALL RA 8-5286 LADIES! Delight sour friends and We con offer an exclusive bath, refrigoratir, siove. washer, dry. Guelph Stree! Solinttor, Notary, Mansy to logn hyo. join | operited Tatind wd' doing good . -- " ry G d Aiglibors bY Jnirodusing a new method territory handling our line of aved Nor Must we fo 8p |MODERN two = bedroom snd one: riate, Brues * neko ni " ts reason for All Work Guarantee use on te bedroom apart M oe mover, Other inlerests reason i d fast hf p t -, parinents, conveniences in- Pik Ronin pars, Deg, WA lamest one, tins [et 1. FURNACE SALES | WATCH REPAIRS OSHAWA a ion i pfcy | ncandescent and Huorescent |G oCbe Lie ome (tioor, Mariette, sonvenlunts i L , BA B64 or 3.3308 " TAMFR A. MacDONALD, BA, LEW. jude A h ; AND SERVICE | 1 lamps, Top commission, Age and lsundry, The | home, telephone Kisener Servier, RA room, ps one two-room, on au ry mas and Cedar a | ELECTRONICS 4 no barrier, Repeats credited. he, centr |trict, Adults preferred. Tele Tister and Bolieitor and Notary Pub. (SELF-EMPLOYMENT on a (ull time or a | J. Cornish | $253) | p baths, central, one tric phone R The Commercial Building, 206 King [pert time basis, No merchandise so } M Mo kie Co. Ltd | | ri " Write today to Charles D, |Plock from '0, Free Paring. | | 3-400 | Avaliable ™ -- . Dthawa, Ontario, Clamt par [S000 rates rv Write py yy - dota . RA 5. -5954 299 King St, West {23--Women" ' v's Column | Clarke, Manager, Diomond obs Page Ti) by Aawy 71 Aen TA RABLE, | tacond Toor downtews $30,000 category. Write for free details a. , . 4 - i Consolidared Industries, Box 94-BF Specializing automatic [ar NCER Foundation garments ne all remuneration, thre Lomp = Company Limited, | oe aseiivoninined duplex, range, 80d bath, unfurnished, heavy wirin . MURPHY, BA, LL.D, Lowisville, 1 snout Services pec dividusily designed, siso Spirells Reg, o™ jeonol. Soles oo Box 874, Hamilton, Ontario. (refrigerator, washer and dryer sup: | heat and water, adults only. Available Barrister and Solicitor, § King Street $7 labor plus parts watches tier, Mrs. John Hendershot, , 334 | BOX B42, Oshawa Times == |plied. Locaied at Brookita, Can "OL (A 90._RA_ 98175 East, Oshaws, Ontario, RA 8.2071 fa - | RA 3.454" ul Road [ok nK typist, knowledge of gepersl| ir it --- | I-44 t, private en JOSEPH PF. MANGAN QC.barrister C Us 15<Instruction rm - lerieal work, afternoons, Supply age| ARE YOU COMPLETHL] 04 furnished three = . |tranece, heated, hydro and PH Ho glean. Money ia loan. Office Lith EX L IVE hi rr "i 25-~Pets and Livestock (and full particulars to 843, Oshawa) apartment wit nd refrig Monthly, Felephons YUkon 5200 for g Street | } one laacher for grade ! a 4 _ TV hookup, - xy sutomatie ne or information, Residence, RA 3.3405, ' sthematios fue nights per week, Tel STOP wo jure red Cetman Shephara fe REGISTERED nurse for small private LOOKING FOR dry, cupboards, private entrance, CLEAN, basement apariment. Bess DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barri J Srna " | HOMARKET Food ond |steredy will ma 00d pats or wateh NOsPItal, 1ive in, pleasant living quar. | couple preferred. 904 Grierson Street, |down town, $55 monthly includes seat, Telephone: B i y San at] PHILCO-BENDIX Ayala at ig LLL Freezer Company now in |doks. Will have # Syed RA 58083 or pe ey ate " A BIGG r 6. PT | wi hydro "nd parking space, Call RA 55 elaphon . ) | PATS experiane : . Pus d IMArket 3.5058 J ENCED middle aged cook. ER Iving, 4. n dence, WA | So | EQUIPPED Act now, WA 51054 { Whitby, Offers the finest food Ey id io | Nousekaeper with 'references for smal | Hiri you B, Toom dettad apartment i a OSHAWA Times Classified Ade wil] | LILLIAN Mae Marsh, dance educaior, service in Ontario, All name |BEAURIFERL baby bud Apply Mrs, {adult family, live in, Telephone RA | FUTURE? Ta Achine) A150 separate entrance, $45 monthly, Apply auickly find high calibre workers for Coin-Operated fan ng we hao! ballet, tap, baton, sero- brand groceries teaks and Broad, 114 Elgin Street East - ferred "A 4 2) 4 Lioya Soupls pre. Thomson's Hardware, Little Write you. Dial RA 3.3402 today to start your oo patie, Dreschool, character, Friday, ous to delight the eye, At pn AJAX and Pickering General Hospital APRlY ree Phone 82 ad stirday. Masonie Temple, RA 37283 I Hind N + POODLE ~ (wo white grown females uires ward secretary for February TWO - room furnished spariment, near 9, TWO. bedro i MAGTRRON nd WASTED, arriiers Launderette HARVEY DANTE ACADEMY | CO Rropped, 55¢ Ib, fronts [mae A rena a ork Ransome I 1% 7 hor wick, day duly 81 Avaliable immediately, Can | Bowing a sdroum wel ad Solicitors, Clie funds avail Ho Katon ; Jor, Horsi Assdemy. Baflet, | 9 " 14 ty ot y Dr Phone Cedarview Kennels, RA 85-5083, Fry TRL TTR yo Band | odes ment Suiarding Hine L Gibbons Street, loom, Rashes ana dryer, drapes; ces $ Highland in ' | ¢ y ave special © advertising calendars, v ent, |trally located, Call Dow; L. Gower, Amazing Profit Potential |West, RA A612 | 3igted HOMARKY To he ne 26--Farmer's Column wr esd Mvenal Judies for Deut: specialties, counter check Bienes, it Rg and Realtor HA 84651 of 9 Neo -- uses, A ' { 16--Insurance {geezer (16m 38 per hour. threehour working per:| DOOKs, continuous forms, |DU8 bi Prince Albert : Simeon ROWAN, David T., Waprisier, #olie: with | deposit, Lifetime warranty, A | DEAD farm stock pisked up promptly. 88 per hour, i got ud 6, Trines Albert, ns, North, fully quipped. eisshons tor, 344 Wimeos South, RA 5.0992, Mes ALLNTATE Auto Insurance, 88v8 09] family of four con live well |Lhone collect, Hampton, COlax 32731, lod, Afternoons or evenings. No ex-| Company estoblished over 60 ¥ = room unfurnished apartment (IA 5-034) between 9 & 'Y) ar 7 rience ne T ain you, | . dence, MA 50264 D i » 20 per cent, si the to pay, Fo | Margwlli Fur Farr ' yeors hy Tin, heat and water, suitable for |HODERN, FOUN, CAMERON, barrisie wer, sella: ouble Load pervona) a ae Nome oall| ih iy rere for he 00 [ALFD wheat stra aphone one COIN; pox 1703, Oana. Times If you hove @ ear end ere business Soy ble, RA 3-3081, tral, #78 a arm einberger. tor and Notary Publis Fray King Street ' RA 57413 per wee or information, 3.243 | / A NEW modern, two - bedroom apart:|BA 85148 or RA 3.7244, L inberger East RA "37000 WA and private Double-Profit DON WOLDEN = Fire: wie, and cag | Coll HOMARKET, 107A Col EATON'S in Owhawa recuire toca: Willing 10 work, here is your [NEW modern, 'two . hedro m part Real Estate, hissing fonist 1 optieal department, . Ap WASHERS y Inwuranes, 31° King Street East, borne West, Whitby, MO 127 --Fuel & Wood tio " or _optieal deparir ) oortuntty, Large opeet tor, stove, oy ark INEW modern (wo. bedroom 8 wa: RA Bigs. Res. RA 33378 8.4630 197 PIRCKN of hardwood firewood, Al FROGREAMVY, Company reaiyes| oo. ness. Executive wi be i [in new apartment building, 17 M To Loon Richord Mayock RA 3.7468 | reasonsbie prices. For further informa:| girl to work from & pm. to 8 pm | Ovollable for interview, a Jove, Paved par and ~=Money to Loa {er tion, eall RA 58202 d Saturday morning, Telephone ean: | " . r ou monihiy, 05 Maing oi a. x ; RAT and second movign | DRY hardwood ends, sullabis for far Salary and commission. Tele Pply with particulars fagord. Eh 10. SENTRA 8.4604 or Whitby, Wo $970) nA 5309, Coin-Operated [betes nis purchased and Hi i. SCHAPEI HOUMAN nances, stoves, fireplaces, eto, 35 large phone RA 4771_mornings only | Ing age, experience, ete, PTY Tar A - oy | NTRAL, th vate Money to loi 2h Hannick, Barris King | load delivered. Phone RA $3014, LENARDS Home Distributors reduire | BOX 403, OSHAWA TIMES MODERN four - im , Heal > nt, rooms and bath, oup- DRY CLEANING [reat Fast, RA 3.7233 | COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING p---- [three representatives in this vielaity to Shopping Centre, _ refrigerat ORL ara Mai iin iiehon stove and |FIRAT and second mortgages arrang.| SERVICE, INCOME TAX [3V--Articles For Rent jaell lingerie, Jew and sports | 38----Male or Female Help Hirt Rly 4-8 {1H ¥. Ava v ar, treet, v ne E MoGhon, acs! | 2 1% 3 od, W, Se m Mo Broker, " | rm -------- | WORT ON the home party plan, Use 3 RA 89741) Rend vr RA pry MACHINES Ld § strmans, | a ro har, RETURNS, Fl OOR SANDERS {ear essential, For aptointment or Wanted BREE « room basement apartment, PRIVATE apartment, three rooms and o [4 v thro #3338 : TREET Toronto collect, at LE 3.05 wr pa ---- Private entrance, bath, stove, refriger.(Pathroom, on street level, stove and 5--Nursing Ser Services Bere 686 OSLER STREE | - ¥. Bodh considering & vocation ator, Guaranteed warm and dry. Bus at |ro(rigerator phliad, central location, CEDARE "Convaleseant 4nd NGE| Bo, |nformation Without [Kame Morigate and sereemen of wie OSHAWA, ONT, ABOARD SANDERS |37--Male Help Wanted II, A door every 2. ims NA 5.8060 or | Telephone RA 5.5 Wome, 24-hour graduste nursing » T47%4 urchased, NHA 1 od RUARY § a ro 5b INCLUDES Sion "lovely two 0 Contact purchase N mortgage arrang a | W400 TO $0000 and more. That 1s what 'QUirements, a desire 10 make beiter - bedroo kee. aS, higy thi wurroundings Obligation , . . Conta relehion, Fraser," Dryoan and Mur.| RA 5 9953 ; REDUCED RATES 0 TO Wdow and more, "That 1s what | {iLrem over ond ae Nhe Davie Fp Yoom furnished, basement bedroom apartment, private entrance : oe, mv outlet, parking, bus ab A ¢ | thelr di ¥ in. RA 8.3248 Phone Saturday -betwe: apartment, Hy entrance, close to A AONNYRRAE, x] ownaws, Care for oid:| KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, |5i save sine moive svatiait | 30% discount on famous (arose " hele districts, 3 You are In and 7 p.m urday "between 1/7 Duplate. Suitable for couple or bache. (100. RA 3.9041 ] A Ld arly peopl supervised, (nquiries LTD {for loans on first and second mort TRY OUR make Enamel and Paint tion where you could work full time or pi Howard Street, back FELY.C ONTAINED "three « room apart invited, abt RA 52330 yl hed " ~ | - door, i fh . pc Yat a [an aio purchase of morigages and BAR.B.QUED CHICKEN | WEBBING HARDWARE (pnd year round, wns vy Ipnediaiey'| 41--Room & Board ee anda ine Nursing are if necesiary. Exeelieni 20 College Street [96,7 King Street East, Oshawa. RA| Chicken plate, half chicken RA 3-4873 , Prof. Roo and bourd for iwo business ONE MONTH entral location, Telephone RA 86489, Feferences. Telephone RA i Torowto 2, Ontario iki a ---------------- with french fries, fish and married, Write R " ro lencher, five-day week, close NEW modern two « bedroom apartment, i { , . to Shoppin "entre schoo! 'e! In quiet residential area, ref or, Optometrists ori IMONEY TO LOAN hips, hamburgs hot dogs, 32--Articles Wanted J -- . " Pao MA Sains tre and school. Tels FREE RENT auiet residential ares, refrigerator FOUN a-- ---- We ndry hone NA a0. and ¥. RICRARD BL - ol 5 PIANO wanted immediately, any ma OUNG gentleman preferred, Modern one- end two « A | ond io cuARD "BLACK. |} of N Telephone WA 24313 $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for MODERN GRILI lor sie, "a ot Amrdinte Jah AX: | GLENN SHAIRAT T, privilexes, single or room io share, odern ond bed. ™Wo hea 36 Simeos . North 4%) | 2eeeD p twin beds, parking space. Telephons| 00M oportments, $85 and vy minster 1 4 LL] pI ph wird 4 jit Siineos. North 1 ressmaking mmediate loan on First and WE DELIVER, wae RA 5:3887 [Tarmes, "70 M78 Queen Street EAM, | | FORMER MANI TOBA RA 59563 for further info ation, up. Best location, Phone information." mA ni or id Pp ---- re Evenings by appointment, - . Second Morte Agrees. - ---- mnt - RENMAMAKER -- Alterations on | HCO rigoges. gree WANTED Used lumber, 80 pieces 3 b A AD MAN ROOM and board for | ! A FOUR | very Tares roo dies' wear and ehildrens. Specialising] ments for Sale, on vacant and SHIRT LAUNDERERS [0 or 2 by 8. 12 teat Jong: 150 in | RAILROAD clean quiet home, Kood Jood. RA 8-8676 wa Targ d it NE ] an. ie ult « in og Pag ho, ¥ Huh y R, NEIL €.. WO, "oplometria, | making new ladies' clothes, RA! Improved property, residen . ne BEDI y 4, 100 lin, feet, | x 6, MO FINDS NEW AND RA 83204 " hoa on No th Mts or Dundas' Bid, 306 Dundns yar ZIPPERS REPLACED gz heres, fo hdd LL om Ll lal and Industrial elty, sub - ae A hol ? " Rabin RA se [ALTERATIONS of all kinds for mes, | ol & a 4 bit / Fob Shorten or lengthen garments -- UNLIMITED nei dcosied Fo KL WR A APA RTMENT FOUR - room "apartment seif- contain. r ormal dresses n . " : ospitality at 3 accounts 8" downtown Dominion Rerien 0, ERAT. Formal revels [000 SO Gulls ara pucks, raed WANTED OPPORTUNITIES licsid "at "mibroion's" Rous sui RTME Fain Saga: JWI Gacorsied Bank or 74 Burk treet, lavas PY fd b Scrmeriond. Sscuities. Linn Complete stock of buttons WITH WORLD 40 ai AT BUS STOP nthly, aiable immeriaialy, Ap: SArTevOrs FURRIER and tiled, 112 Simeon Street GILLARD'S | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY FAMOUS SALES dato FER w naar, ind boarg for| SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND : so yen --- North, Oshawa, Phone RA cLeaNIT SERVICE LTD AND FEATHER TICKS das (ree meals per day, eoniral. RA| Stove, refrigerator, parking. v6 LRINOHMAN, DRESSMAKER 5.3568 RA 5.355% I TURN ORGANIZATION 4 tari Land Surveyor, commareisl blue . eter -- U ER Virden, Men., Feb, 11--=This ROOM and board for | RA 5.3302 ting, 13 BI ast, R . Ha oor Svat | Nan Al New, Altaretions Remodelling 22-7V - Radio Repairs RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 Is the story of a man who ven. Telepnone NA 63304" apartment in du. PROFIT by res Wink" Toan i WE € CASH TV, RADIO radi irs. All (collect) tured to try something new. -v " EY Road 4 dally with » Ay HR 4 22 ROWE > STREET makes a Elootronien, INT mmm -- The story of a man who, in fs oerchandise eens ied PAR KWOOD pe Ti wn or Ree gO te ymeni Osh Tim Classified Ad RA 8.6706 ) Elliott Avenue, RA 340702 (Fred) ont Pr brane Ww Call now RA 3.3402 for special PRAIA 30402 mow. PHONE FOR A LOAN SHAW » m gy oN 9 d oa busin 8 rates MANOR Iwo "unfurnished or partly furpished © pe job, en voting only Tm --., Birvesors, 'His Adsialds avenae East |13--Gardening & Supplies | $50 to $5,000 SPECIAL AUTO WRECKING CO. eels for SeRomen, wilh sitble for coun" wih 'mec eh1A" "RA 6 months full-time averaged Phone RA 3481, ge _| ANY Wing of of garden vy expert RA B-6283 [VALENTINE PERMANENT Wants cors for wrecking, eomings of $564.00 per Street Soven or aioe RA Sagas APARTMENTS . "103" Bruce' Steeet an on 6. T. HORTON and Associates, On. |"easonsble rates RA 81004 WA 500 y month, A mun who « dure |GNE Tu APARTMENT bu EE | -- t Y . mished room in new home, with Uding, three - roo trio Land Surveyors, Protest at En | VES $5.00 Parts for sale, also scrap iron ing these same. 10 months == [or without board one wentieman. 887 oN bright and clean, parking, washer, ans ) Sea boa rd Finance ot | and metals, etc. bought. Open eamiad the privilege for him. Dean Street, RA 8.84 Isl, near Shopping Centre, adults only. Whithy, MO 88001, Ajax 798 Edward's Beauty Parlor Sotirdo . 9d the privileg i nnR° 313 Stevenson South, . = a y all day, Phone self ond his ehorming wife of [ONE - re 8--Building Tioder SNOW REMOVAL co Of CANADA LTD. 5 CELINA ST IRA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. | otending a company Sales |%h wear, 1 ew Rome. Soo is SAGUENAY AVENUE Ave A i Wain "and healing pipes, | 0 SIDEWALKS CLEANED | 29V42 SIMCOE ST, S. Please phone RA 3.7633 for | ) A Conference on January J, |housckeeping room. 708 Carnegie (PARK RD, & KING ST. Telrigera r optional, closed in porch, new and used, Shang - . SHAWA on appointment, |35--Employment Wanted Joh, in giseutiul Hawai, nua DISTRICT) suitable to share, 50 Charles street, € - w J nn gibity. Tustalatie fluble i FAST SERVIC | | 40' TOWERS $45 [EXPERIENCED girl requires dormer: this fascinating and Interest. Sy anied To Rem Quiet, residential street, I-bedrom $90 $100 te of plumbing. Dis RA 34841. ©, | lamp {de work and to lve In. Call & ing job? He answered on od I | & 2-bedroom Apartments, . Be arama sare COT AWA HOME| MONEY 10 130" ROOF ANTENNAS $30 36--Female Help Wanted | 0 Jonuory, 1960, from Texos Vinson sires. Phone 101% © | Stoves, "Wigs, TV. outlet, 2-bedroom $110 efinery Corp. of Canada ' y \ WANTED furnished | a threes drapes, parkl ote. i LANDSCAPING | LOAN 20 ROOF ANTENNAS $22| PART time experienced telephone "soll. Limited. He started out on @ ade ian urnizlied Home, wo or three Ret inh "400 monthly, comforioble suburban living cltors for Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa, supplies, Reasonable rent, Writ mates, RA 3.3413 | | Completely Installed [Telophonn Adax WH 2.1894 After 8 pm, part-time basis on February (gf Oshawa Times, 9 Ben In Whitby Apartment House. HOME Ownere=.raol ding al RA 8- 6366 | Monies for all types of mort With 2-Year Warranty (h WEEKLY for Rutiiig ty sn -- iin 44---Hous s For Rent RA 8.7272 RA 5.5787 109 Craydon Rd. MO 8.8533 Hn hithy, LLL | ages for first and second LEN & LOU'S [North American Fashion ohtosks i, elling TRC products than he ROX Fav Tens Tor Tentegil Tet, oF call | Toronto, WA 2 0282, LL tbe, bullding | re Jali oc loin, Martgenon on oil vom of wel . BA necessary. North American Samed on 8 Julie pJelen hot Iya tank, two Havey: " Celina: APARTMENTS w ke, stoops, RA basi, Gordon May.| NOW IS THE TIME short term mortgage for CITY T V oi oar ag TR Sasatrial kt d Te re, . His mL Albert. Street $100 REWARD PLUMBING "and heating 'slpes, fit TO GET MEN | builders; first ond second EXPERIENCED Tonle cook nd pan yt Ig isi! ih Ax intone Singeis. Fr 3badioom _epariments, near om apie TAK oe fod a AT YOUR 8 mortgages and agreements {try maker for modern summer lis in re eh PRA ment. Call RA 8 ow down pay. Shopping Cantre, lactricolly {lulty. Installations Ml reasonable tales.| * REPAIRS OR REMODELLING | for sale purchased. Apply RA 5-7844 rime encione eoranaind oa My | etter. things of fife for his |W MONTHLY fiveruom bungalow, *0.ppeo: Avolloble Feb. Tat. | 4 grigp, new, hundred dolor Sniofmanion sudo nm rsa 00 any LARGE OR SMALL M. Swartz, 26%4 King Street . . [reply to Box 401, Oshawa 'Times. fine wife and 3 children, His iwiephone RA vo Sie Avenue, or 213 MONTRAVE AVE. bill, to the first 4 people, who Woop," =" 0 CALL AJAX_-THAT'S ALL Four, © hawa, Telephone RA +302 SIMCOE ST > I ADIEN nesded to promofs efforts were recognised read: [SEVEN orm house: four APT. 8 send me the name of a person AL Shmbing and" Resting euppites. » ALL ee ---- Ys Sttvice_Colls, $3.00 [Our "personnel make up to gar.| ly by TRC and he became @ [newly decorated, modern conveniences, that signs a lease for & mod ong! | 4 District Manoger, with fur. |TV outlet, refrigerator, washing ma: . A 4 4 | -- |viee. RA 8.2001, ' A jaa. Sn, ip neer RA 8.5103 | 18a--Mortgages i SAMSON | LoL ss | ther opportunities his for the [Sunt slove. 71 La Suite Avenve. RA OFFICE SP CE he) om, centrally located apart 23 oh Re ---- i dds OR anemap--------os-- 8 ment, with reosonable rent W. WARD 110 KING ST. E, OSHAWA | WHEN ANSWERING | kina. At the Jlowail Soles |G oom5 bedroom 3 wiarey hous, FO a WELL DIGGING BY AJAX REPAIR AND Bi MORTGAGE 1. V. TOWERS | HELP WANTED ADS | claimed: the a Si, 840 per month ry. R RENT ir ox 350, Oshewa MACHINE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED MONEY | RA 8.8180 Send copies only of references fortune to read TRC's od for E room avartment, private | Passenger elevator service, -- OSHAWA T Vv ; ond other papers, and ovoid 2 Joleen lust Jonueny Th (hath, } duty ove, bulltdn eup- New bulldog. Cantrglly lo- TWO BEDROOM SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE |14--Household Repairs | : ands, WHITBY, ONTARIO |ieeiotee tn swwrinas, ortit| ~~ AVAILABLE 361 GIBBONS ST. [oor entteel brought me o'lob which hot [Blt BATSON nX3 T1100!) Radwow' nk. Loans now | ADARTMENTS ' h 0 dl - ded fine earnings. In available, MO 8-2563 -- MO 8.3809 led, repaired. Fron estimates, ---- - provi no - 9 ddition, the opportunity to Excellent location, New build- 204 CHESTNUT ST, W, : ir eb " | Current Interest Rates OFFICE CLERKS A P.O. BOX 329 ke baw Wy pay pull: ver SUPERIOR t and know the country's FOR RENT THE TIMES ing, With or without lease, Our rates| =-Fast Confidential Service \ - finest le be: | call 11--Business Opportunities Mattrassas rebuilt, Osawa 'Uphorsiary| =No Hidden Bonu | APPLIANCE SERVICE required by , on Bune s Dd ones or for rent with BUILDING LLOYD REALTY Co. 10 Bond Sireel West. Dini RA Television - Radio - Range I's given me a liberal edu- option to buy RA 8-5123 =~=No Chatte!l Mortgages W, . y i ---------- --] ashers - Dryers and Oven Government | cation in salesmanship, It's of ] R t T. L. WILSON } i, Uving quarters, RA 3 «| ==No Co-signers Control Repair Specialists | enabled me to travel and see Contac! low rent, ising au v RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS Pooments to Sut. Yer PH. RA 8.4873 | Departmen ts, country I'd never expected 10 IN AJAX Phone RA 3-3474 |44B--Rooms For Rent MEATED store for rent in Western j =. SYmEng NW il | see. What's more, in 1961, " Ey building, ys big West. Parking. CLEANED Budge, | Frid BURK STREET , | Oshawa, Ontario. I'm going forward for a fuller 2-3 BEDROOM wr A keepiy Mone ERA Professional Cleaning Absolutely No Cost To _Fast Service - Sensible Rotes | . life and still greater eam. APARTMENT adult only, parking space. Apply 99 Home or Plant | You Unless Mortgage salary $2100 $2820 ings." If you are interested BUNGALOWS Elgin Street East p-- Menbers of the Nationa Arranged TV TOWERS Salary Increases Semi. in such opportunities -- If In well kept bullding thet |THREE furnished housekeaping room Institute of Rug Cleaning Annual | you wont to associate with a Fully serviced, excellent provides: Rear Shopping Centre. Telephone R OIL COMPANY NU-WAY -- RA 8-468] |} ALLIED INVESTMENTS 40-ft, self-supporting tower firm recognized for its high schools, wonderful commun . Lots of cupboard space, "hy eS ur, any Ume Satur, - y | re For tull particulars es to | quality products ond out ity. Rentals from $75 te FURNISHED single housekeeping room h modern ond well COMPANY Hot i galvanized No paint, | residence, qualification res standingly fair treatment and 95 monthly 2. Modern kitchen, with washroom, sink, parking facili as bli hed : tati DODD & SOUTER 51 KING STREET E, ang) ste With Bd Moring quirements ond application close help ond association g . Excellent floor plan, tos, Jory central, Apply 96 Centre ini ished service station PAINTING & DECORAYING ! Diol RA 3.3993 Anvtime | Tota! price ag, | forms, see Posters on display with home office officials ond CALL . Balcony. NOOSERENG Fo Sve 19 'ease. CONTRACTORS | For Day or Evening guaranteed for yeor $57.50 at the National Employment personnel -- then write to J A VONDETTE . Paved parking, trance, 10 minutes* walk' te South Gen. Smiall amount of capital re- Painting Poperhanging, | Appointments Aw Service and Post Office day for full details. Address . , Complete laundry facilities. [eral Motors, Linens, dishes, refrigera- quired. Sa. TY Mute, 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES PISREL let Service Apply before FEBRUARY 20, | your latte 10 0, 8 Stephens REAL ESTATE BROKER Central location ASR, Tivgllel. Ale Wiuate You ¥ jaintin . eo .le 19 0 / dresident Texas Oil Re : frm . PHONE RA 8.6472 107 BYRON & S.. WHITBY ACROSS ONTARIO TV Enterpr 15e5 ( A b, Te mmission oe gl hte jo Lim | Days WH 2-1100 PLEASE PHONE CIGHT housekeeping room, main floor, DAYS MO 8.5231 Member Ontario Mortgage 253 Drew St 25 St, Cloir Avenue East ited, 28 Industrial. Toronto Evenings -- WH 2.2273 furnished or unfurnished, near South After 6 PM. NIGHTS RA 5.7426 Brokers' Association RA 3-3553 ' Toronto 7, Ontario. Ontario, or WH 2.1173 ' MO 8-4770 stun, 47 Fark Youd South,

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