"oo brew Bie Ald rs "i F H. Piho beth Hayes, Grace Webber, 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, February 11, 196) Webb ANNOUNCEMENTS A, J, Cook, Brooklin, spent one od A survey is being made to see|day last week with Mr, and Mrs. { if there are envufth boys around Malcolm, Blackstock. Nell Smith, Columbus definitely interested] Mrs, Ted Williams and Mrs. THE CHOIR in Cubs or Scouts to warrant|Albert Harris, Bowmanville were Aer a strenuous practice |considerationeof such groups 10|Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday night, the choir re- be pried Surther Agm, Cubs Wilfred Sanderson, or Big Os as his through the deep south of the {turned to Mr, Stanley Webber's fidd friends call him~he weighs 298 U.$ oe turned him down! COLUMBUS --~ The annualiell, C. Naylor, Roy Ratcliffe, home for a brief meeting and|{Which parents may enter their e P a es 8 d ds six f ¢ # s name have been placed on and stands sixAwo attributes and had to eat standing up in a meeting of Co umbus United Auditors -- Gordon Corner and social gathering, The following y! imuch of his coo to Mont- kitchen while the white musi- . ' | ordon Co ; officers were elected: Pres, the church door. Plea ign | 3 3 "eH TORONTO '(CP) -- Talking guests have Included Dizzy Gil real concert pianist and teacher cians passed food to him Church was held on Friday Jan {Walter Benth, Collectors--Doug|ygigy Elizabeth Hayes; ~sec.|these lsts, if you wish by Veb. oite with Montreal - born jazz plan. lesple, {Paul De Marky, [through a window, {10 commencing with a potluck Scott, Wayne Beath, Brian Nay- (reas, Mis Carolyn Webber; |Tuary 2, : Thieverge, and Miss Val Thie- ist Osear Peterson is much ke The school is In Canada be-| "Without Paul and my father, In Hamilton once a barber|supper with a fair number in lor, Jack Mountenay and James roclal conveners, Miss Marie] There will be a Eommistor ofl orp from Woodstock ®t carrying on & conversation with CAuse Oscar wanted it that way. I would be nowhere today, They refused to cul his halr, Osear| attendance, The meeting open Nesbitt, Nominating Comm~-- Lavioleite and Miss Lorraine|Stewards organization meetingly coo or Me and Mrs, Ray An Sarn od four people In order to raise money for the! taught me more than I can ever visited the police and the local ed with a seripture reading fol.|€ erk of Session; Chairman of McKenzie, on Feb, 15 at 8:00 p.m sharp, in derson, Whitby, Ire people, institution, the men {elephoned thank them for, not only in| papers, and a score of barbers ow by prayer under the! Trus.; Stewards, Sec, of 88; CLASS PARTY the Christian Fducation Room Mr. and Wp He Is, for Instance, an expert every musician, impresario and music but in the more difficult offered to give him a free hatr-| GE ion of Rev. R, H, Love, Pres. of WA and WMS and Sec. "Ve of the church. If you find that| M nd M13. Gettia photographer, the devoted nin ib owner they knew and art of boing & man," cut, IBA BD Ale '\of Congregation. Ushers and Re. The Live Wire Class. held alyou really can't be there, please(and Keil nels, Hie hattes father of three girls and two ctoq for scholarships, The Oscar Petarson Trio 10% Peterson Is as thorough with, =! inued with, CePtion Comm ~ VW, Beath, R, |party ¥riday Jan, 3 at the home|contact the secretary, Mr. R, pri ' " boys ranging from 7 10 12 "wen known faz spots such consists of Oscar, bassist Rav pis ohildren as he is with his The meeting cont it f I He pburn, 8, Murison, W. Holli-lof Mr. Grant Webber, There|Hogle, Miss Gwin the years, a teacher and the win- Chicago's Tondon House, Brown and drummer Edmund music and his policy of raising the report of the nominating qa. Talicrs--ft, Hopburn, 8. were about twenty in attendance, hond In 0 nan Ros of ner of the Down Beat magazine goons gioryville and Tor. Thigpen, Lynn, 12, Sharon, 11, Gay, 10 | committee as presented, {Murison, J, Lawrence, Flower The party activities consisted of PERSONALS Mr dq Mr a Ni hose 1 best pianist award eight times! eos mown Tavern have con Starting In Montreal with Norman "7 and Oscar Jr, 8 Officers for the year of 1961 Comm ~Mrs, V. Powell, Mrs, playing games and listening to] We wish to extend our sym- Ny ™ Grills in 10 Years, tributed, [bookings In cheap clubs and ¢y he well . behaved, -disci-|are as follows: Sesslon--~Honor-g, Murison, Grounds Comm ~ records, Jim Stark showed some|pathy to Mrs, A, J. Grose and Eg, A Me yh In January, 1960, Oscar and Ibars, the Peterson star 108¢ ntined youngsters has paid off ary Elder, John-Lambert; El C, Naylor, G. Pereman, 5, Sobil, pletures concerning his trip out|{family on the death of Mr. A, Ja pars nd Bi 0 Toronte musician Phil Nim. DAD BOUGHT PIANO quickly. Oscar won 4 $260 (tifa him and his wife, Ll, |ders to relive in 1963, W, Beath,(sy, Gordon, It, Penny, M, Lueyk. West and Grace Webber show-(Grose. The funeral took place onjace Grills a Brian, Brooklin mons decided to form a school| Oscar began playing the rise in a radio talent show and "I am away much of the/8, Murison, A, Smith; 1905, G.|Obsorver--Lois Heddon, Report-ed some of her pictures con Monday, Jan, 6, after which|visite | Sui A A for the betterment of fuzz. 1's|trumpet and cornet in the fam. ih bookings followed, In 1950, | ne "he says, "and this Webber, 1, Ormiston, 8, Webber; |er--Marfe Laviolete, Jr, Concerning local interests, friends and relatives visited with Mo, ba os n p galled the Advanced fchool of ily orchestra at the ago of five at U, he won the Down Beat) out, things & little rough on|1967, Ray Scott, Gordon Corner lgregation--Mrs, 1, MH, Tove, A fine lunch was prepared and|Mrs, A, J. Grose in Raglan, an oe. Norman Gib) Contemporary, Music and atibut gute up win the horns be- award, formerly the almost-iy il because che has to carry | Stewards -~ 1002, Bob Hogle, Chimes Comm ~Grant and Hob: served hy Mrs, Grant Webber,|Mrs, George Bray and Mrs a arliyn, of Mr. present has 38 pupils, Among came too much for his lungs. exclusive property of George) De " Pew Official-- §,|From all reports everyone at-|Irwin Ormiston served lunch, visitors a | Frank Smith (Treas), A. Scott; ert Webber urday bi them is Ottawa pianist Brian| Oscar's father, Daniel Peterson,! i the weight o fthe discipline, But| 4 he | iw. Ofdicial . j A ede dg TR ee 1 ) Browne who ois calls ala Canadian Pacific Raflway| Me" n8 the children know who's boss." (1963, 8. Cosway, G. Pereman, Murison, Music Co mim.~ "Mrs. tending had a wonderful time Shaw, comer." Oscar and Phil both! sleeping «car porter, bought VISITED DEEP SOUTH Now living in Toront the ectire p «the fami iano and the! Recognition followed and in| Peterson family won't sce much Davey, R, Penny. Trust of Metre oe Sevan ln 3 god Bg foil in love with 1953 New York impresario Nor-|of Oscar for a while because of Rev, R. H, Love (chairman), §.| Last May we announced that we were taking an extended holiday, and found it necessary to close our business The Bw 1. a now where vo. got pe, ln "oar 1 ok nd an ag ea) 0. Weal Few for an indefinite period. We are now pleased to announce that we are again offering our Real Estate Services to you to the best of our ability. The ability and quality of our service has been improved by our sales representa- tives whom we are pleased to introduce to you, the mer io od for it," says|the "Jazz at the Philharmonic" | : Pt Taras ci rT Columbus U he'd go away on a trip, he'd The planist had never run give my sister Daisy and me a into outright discrimination in plece, to iearn and if we didn't Canada and Granz offered fo Bd now it when he got back-- it Oscar skip those sections of| t that was #t.'% n 1232] in e the tour which would take him Oscar, " CHEE wee een ae JAN MILLER Well-known Oshawa Realtor and qualified Saleslady. IRENE BROWN THE CHURCH FOR ALL , Also well-known and ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship, It is a storehouse of spiritual values, Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization ean survive, There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church, They ares (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sake, (3) For the sake of his community and nation, (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support, Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily, active in the Real Estate business, The Saxons had a word for Spring. It was Lencten, shortened, in time, to Lent. Bo the name Lent was given to that springtime period of 40 fast days from Ash Wednesday until Easter, Lent eame to mean a time of penitence, And it Ia. Byt it Is also a time of preparation, and of promise, For because Lent moans Spring, it heralds good things to come, It forecasts the glorious message of Easter, It is the dawn of the most beautiful season of the year, The bare branches of these troes will burst into bud and leaf with the touch of Spring. Our thoughts during Lent, our personal prepara. tions, also will reach fruition when 'he 40 days are through, Lent is the time for prayer and self-examination, Make this Lenten season really moan something by seeking help and guidance at your church services, 3 Book 1 John 2 Panlma 86 11.18 I Chronicles 28 0 Job 11 18.14 John 14 84 John 14 8.7 Hebrews 24-20 Chapter Verses 24.26 Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ' PHYLLIS JUBB Well-qualified to help you with your real estate prob- lems, Copyright 1961, Reber Adv, Servier, Srarbury, Va " lo THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE BROWN'S LUMBER AND NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING RA 5.3680 208 Bloor $1. W, SUPPLIES LTD. 52 Wayne Ave. 463 Ritson Rd, N, ROY FLINTOFF RA 5.4704 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE RA 3.7022 67 King St. W, LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5.1044 758 Mary Sb KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8.8412 STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8.3852 318 Dundes St, E., Whitby ROY W. NICHOLS G.M, SALES & SERVICE RA 3.7242 MA 3.338) Courtice Bowmanville A. NEFFERING'S ESSO Na. 2 Mwy. & Thickson's Rd, 857 Gorrord N : Attend the Church of Your Choice A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN Al . 1013 King $1. & so well-known Oshawa resident and previously on our staff, Has now | returned to our organization, JIM HURVID, PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5.858) 215 Wilson Rd. §. 808 HOY CONSTRUCTION. 1154 Nelson St. > HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 8534 Ritson Rd. 8, RA 8.6221 OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL LUDWIG DEZSI 877 King St. EK Painting and Decorating Contractor Mun 734 taatboume Ave, N. H. EDGAR & SONS LTD. PAINT & WALLPAPER R. B. REED & SONS RA 3.7351 34 King St. W. FLORISTS RA 51100 104 King St. W, HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 1089 Nelson St, ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 Athol St. EK RA 3.4412 MASTER FEEDS 84 Church St, GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St, E RA 3.2229 PHONE RA 5-4330 WE ARE ANXIOUSLY WAITING TO GIVE YOU OUR BEST IN REAL ESTATE SERVICE! Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board