" -- ST. GREGORY'S Auditor. fum was the scene Friday night of merry-making and re. | velry as more than 350 per. | sons enjoyed the annual Mardi Gras Night, sponsored by the | Oshawa Knights of Columbus, Special carnival guests shown City Employee Loses Licence Ralph Campbell, 44 of 124 Guelph street, was sentenced to 10 days in county jail and had his driver's licence suspended for one year when he was convic- ted of failure to remain at the scene of an accident, The court was told that on Feb, 3, at § p.m. a city-owned vehicle collided with an auto. mobile driven by Gaston Henri Strasbogh, 31 of 245 Conant street, A passengar in the city. owned truck got out looked at the damage and then the truck was driven away. An Oshawa policeman and Strasbogh went to the city yard where Strasboug picked Camp: bell from about four others in the office. Police said that Campbell smelled strongly of alcohol und appeared intoxicated Traces of green paint, which matched the Strasbogh vehicle were found on the truck driven by the accused. DOUGLAS H. McKEOWN BANK PROMOTIONS ANNOUNCED Mr. McKeown has beeen ap: pointed assistant manager of The Toronto - Dominion Bank in Oshawa it is announced by Gordon Mile., manager. He succeeds Wilfrid L. McSweeny who has been appointed man- ager of a new branch to be opened in Clarkson, Ontario. I { | | | | | Two Month For Theft Of Purse Magistrate' ¥. §. Ebbs told {Edward Stanley Conroy, 68 Charles street, that he had com- mitted a, "very mean offence which will not be tolerated", and sentenced him {months in county jail, Conray was convicled of |stealing a purse containing $23 {from Mrs, Mary L. O'Brien | Mrs. O'Brien told the court J |that she was sealed on a bench in the Oshawa Grey Coach Ter- minal with her purse, suit case {and a shopping bag beside her |She noticed her purse was gone and called the police, Detective Bruce McGregor |told the court that he had re- B |ceived information that Conroy 2 [had been seen in the bus depot | |during the time of the theft. He | said he searched hotel beverage |rooms and pool rooms and found (Conroy at home, | The purse was recovered from {the lining of a chair in Conroy's) |room, and $21.68 of the money was found under the floor hoards in the hall outside his room. Conroy told the court he was broke and hadn't eaten for five |days, 1t was noted that he had been living in Oshawa since IDec. 19 when he had moved from Bowmanville and was collecting unemployment insur. to two EY Caps PIONEER DAYS in top picture are, from left: | queen and Barbara Meringer, Hon, Michael Starr and Mrs, | 21, shown in bottom picture Starr; Grand Knight J, J, Fox | is surrounded by her court and Mrs, Fox; Mrs, A. Mer. | Kathleen Curran, also 21, and inger and Anthony Meringer, | Irene Wysotski, 20. Miss Mer- Oshawa; Mayor Christine | inger was crowned by Mayor Thomas and T. D. Thom as, | Thomas, MLA. Every carnival has a Oshawa Times Photo | Public To Have Voice In Chest With incorporation of the §. R. Alger, T. E. Cline, J Greater Oshawa Community McCansh, R. Fairthorne, T. L. Chest Feb. 3, all chest busi-|Wilson, ¥, N. McCallum, H, E nesses, will, in the future, be Pierson, F, J. Skinner, E. G administered by an elected Storie (new president), §. T.| body, To an extent, then, sub. Hopkins and M. P. Johnston. scribers will have a "voice"" in| Three directors will retire at Chest affairs the end of the first year, three "Chest responsibility is grow. after the second year and five ing" said Outgoing President after three years. How elections F. J. Skinner last week, "Our will be carried out has not yet Suna finding is near the $200,- been determined, awake Dutchman from York a cee pat 3 MUD SHORT OF GOAL, Sal" waked int th the vi necessary" (rather than the in.| RePOS to Jan. 31, 1961, show, lage of iy Be LY formal arrangement which ex cash and pledges at $195,350.90, (cated on the Yost Ja Sy 1 sted) some $1500 short of the goal of 30 in the seventh concession anc : $211,000, A recent drive for Hos. built a tavern. There, being "a PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS pital addition funds was cited jolly good fellow and assisted A prerequisite in the granting 4s a reason for failure to reach by his "clean, tidy Dutch wife of a provincial charter is a pro- the goal, who seemingly had a winning visional board of directors.| But greater response way with Toast beef -- they Joon These 11 men were chosen from Oshawa"s industrial employes, satablished thems) ves 2 gwen the existing Chest executive as |e. sources and former sub.[HO0 # 8 I ; iA scribers was responsible for hosts', {the first board pushing the campaign $20,000 MADE MONEY FAST {above the 1059 total, sald R.| At this time the area was Fairthorne, Chest campaign humming with new settlers. The manager, townships of Brock, Thorah and NPE OTR . re Mariposa began to be settled. EXPECTED GRANTS total is Mr. Plank began to make his $183,080, with campaign ex. money fast, as Uxbridge sat on penses at $17,000. Thus there the -only road through which will be a deficit of $4720, newcomers passed on their way Fourteen of the 18 agencies| will get 'identical sums again this year. Increases will be given ta the Salvation Army and the Women's Welfare League, First Set (This is the second of a series of articles deal ing with pioneer life in this area which will be publish. ed by The Oshawa Times. The articles are based on the book 'The Life and Times of Joseph Gould", by W. H. Huggins which was published in 1887 We are told that in the spring of 1826 there was not a single settler in the townships of Reach, Brock and Scott. At this| time John P. Plank, "a wide. from It was at this time that the enterprising Mr. Plank bought Lot 29 and constructed a saw mill on the land. In the spring of 1834 Joel Bardwell, and Am- erican, and his cousin, Rufus Bardwell, bought out the ad- joining lot and the tavern, pay- ing $200 down, They also made some repairs to a grist mill on the property. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Gould continues, Rufus, who supplied the funds, appeared to be very much "wanted" in the States by some acquaintances who had 'Youths Possessed Liquor Illegally "What is a 'wino'"'? Magis. trate Frank Ebbs asked when he was told that two Oshawa youths nd otaired liquor illegally by aving a 'wino' get it for them Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck *" interest in him, explained that a 'wino' is a per. "In order that he might not Peters guilty of obtaining liquor Miss his way in going back, one and continuously. of those acquaintances called on Magistrate Ebbs found Doug. him one evening at the tavern las Wayne Inch and Gene Allan with the deputy sheriff and con- Peters kuilty of obtaining liquor/stable and offered him safe con: illegally. Both were fined £50 or duct, pledging themselves to one month in jail take geod care of him hy the The magistrate noted that if way youths come to this city and start running around they will JOVIAL HOST have to pay for it. | Rufus Bardwell expressed WILFRID L. McSWEENY Mr. McKeown comes from Dundas, Ontario, is married with four children and will be moving his family to Oshawa in the near future. Mr. Mc. Sweeny has been in Oshawa for the past four years, and during his stay here, made many friends. Enjoyed At | if [BAND PLAYS (formance. John P. Plank | | Sock Hoop dhe Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 196] PAGE ELEVEN |OSHAWA POLICE COMMISSION | on al Fe { for teams defeated Bowman. The girls' senior and junior Witted store manager helped to Friday there was a sock hop in the Fairweather Company Com-| really appreciates this effort|"if¢ had bought. She said, she mission to hold a street fair, late Reeson, gave a tremendous per- celled wanted to hold the street fair one of our new cheers ticularly due to traffic conges- blouses, Needless to say this) their Peterborough store, Commission's policy, teresting gossip around our tions of the company's IBM ma-| ceived from D, W, Wilson, sug- The latest flash is that 12C is agreed that speed limit signs at CELEBRATING the Traffic Advisory Council, was told Friday how the need days this weekend: it Mary Louise Doyle, 231 Mc- ithe Oshawa Police Commission Kenneth de Hart, 41 Adel- Magistrate ¥. §. Zbbs told Lunch Hour icon ; By BARB GREEN . ast week in boys' basketball . he Dr. ¥. J. Donevan Colleg- I M Mac ne fate Institute bantam and sen- - ville. The juniors lost. Forces Thiet On Wednesday we had exact. ly the same results at Whitby Chan e Plea Henry Street High School. g GIRLS NEARER TITLE An IBM machine and a sharp teams hoth came a step closer Convict Ambrose Moreau, of 32 to the trophy Wednesday night Henry siteet, Sone, in a double win against Bow- Sarge ih oon goods. manville. There is now onlv one Bolly | game remaining for each team. Miss Sylvia Soltys, manager of p Limited store, at the Osh-! Donevan's corridors in both the P21 Lay junior and senior lunch hours, WA Shopping Centre, fold the! The Oshawa Police Commis- Some form of noon hour enter. court that Moreau had ap- gion Friday afternoon rejected a tainment has long been needed |Proached her on Jan. 8 for a re- request by Unit 42, of the Cana- at our school. The student body [fund on a dress he claimed his dian Corps Association, for per- ¢ was certain the dress had been jn June or early in July, on towards brighter lunch hours, stolen, but did not have time 10/Church street, between Rich make a check, So she gave mond and William street, In assembly Wednesday, the Moreau two gift certificates,| The Canadian Corps told the school band, conducted by Mr. which she immediately had can- commission by letter that it Miss Soltys told the court, to raise money for its building The cheerleaders did an un- 'we make no mistake, we know fund, rehearsed pep rally in assembly! every dress that is in the store, Magistrate ¥, 8. Ebbs said he also. They made a valiant ef- ,.4 the head office knows the did not feel allowing a street fort to dance the Charleston to whereabouts of every dress in fair would be a good idea, par- There was also an exhibition stock in any of the stores." She'(jon on Church street, by the girls basketball team. said the stolen dresss had been) His Worship suggested the Hairy legs peeped from under picked out with two others a few Commission inform the Corps' dainty pleated skirts. Muscles y,. oc earlier for fransfer to Secretary that permitting -a bulged under pretty blue street fair would be against the description is surprising. Ac-| Moreau cross examined the Other correspondence re tually, the well concealed secret witness and changed his plea to ceived at the Friday afternoon 18 at they were not girls at! guilty, Miss Soltys was able to eating ae a letter from the ey were boys. ald 2 abula. | Traffic visory Council, re- "™ { state that, t the . ' The following is the more in. *'#' ha hrough the tabula garding a letter the council re- school chine, this particular style, size, gesting that "Radar Area 12C has declared war on 12A. and model had not been sold in' Ahead" signs be placed at sev. The fact that there are no girls any of their stores in Canada, eral locations around the city in 12A seems to be a major, Moreau was remanded for! The Traffic Advisory Council strike against them already.| gontence till Feb. 13. and the Police Commission way out in the lead. Bob Hop- all the approaches to the city kins has the measles should be sufficient and the |radar warning signs would not . be warranted. Stole Radiator BIRTHDAYS Mr. Wilson, in his letter to . Congratulations and best To Bu Oil wishes to the following resi. Y dents of Oshawa and district Oshawa Magistrate's court] Who are celebrating birth. for oil for his stove drove Henry Those who celebrate today Herbert Connor, 414 Bloor street] are east, to steal a scrap automobile] Bob Cowan, R.R. No. 3 radiator from Buck's Body Shop.| Bowmanville; Linda Clark, A junk dealer paid him $2.76. for| 804 Athol St. §., Whithy; Connor also admitted stealing Kim St; George Hutson, two other radiators and three|' 270 Gibbon St.; Gary Cooper, atteries at different times from| 69 Avenue §t.; Raymond Kel- atteties 4 ! o ; notsd that hel lar, 254 Albert St.; Donna the shop. lt was 1 ; Plancke, 254 Bloor St. W.; had worked there at one time aide Ave. W.; Shirley Weeks, Connor that he should be more| careful in future, "as you can't afford to do thing like that, and you can't afford to drink." convicted {lice constable for the force. Ballard, Hampton, Ontario; Bernard O'Brien, 324 And. erson Ave.; Ellwood Cook, 84 Bond St. E.; Lynne Mac- Millan, 893 Masson St.; Mrs, Ruth Falkenham, 387 Gibbon St; Fred Bengel, 278 Court St Those who celebrate on Sunday are: Donald Colby, 117 Warren Ave.; Mrs. Ruth Shobbrook, 138 Cadillac N.; _Sharen O'Donnell, 90 Rosedale Ave.; Carolyn Scott, 302 Muriel Ave.; Tommy Vann, 148 Cad- fllac Ave. S8.; Debra Hol- brook, 318 Pine Ave The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "Vil. a of the Damned" and "The Marauders" Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am, and 10 a.m. Phone RA 3.3474. {fourth class | Patton is required, an addi | Conroy of probation and was ordered to stay away from Buck's Body | Shop was ly for the months needed and summer three required this year. The Chief Constable | municipalities. If the additional |granted, the Police Department will then have six cruisers and three motorcycles. The present strength of the force is 75 and the population os Oshawa as Jan. 1 was 60,146, tler thanks and proclaimed himself profoundly sensible of their love and affection and of the interest manifested for his safe return. He had, he claimed, a large sum of money with which to al- leviate the concern displayed by his "friends" south of the bor: der. "But", he added, 'you LONG LIVES 1 q | JANG Li Uh, Tool. without resting and re.| OSLO (AP) -- A Norwegian freshing yourselves', {life insurance company has re- He instructed his son to pu up and groom the travellers horses and to have his two best| {horses fed and ready by early morning as he would travel nel and eight vehicles, police, 56 policemen, two civil: ian personnel and nine vehicles. Norway's farmers have such nel and six vehicles, great longevity. Life expectancy| Hamilton's population is 258, for the farmers and their wives |576 with a 46.1 square mile area Chief Constable Herbert Flin. 45 toff Friday afternoon requested vehicles. 453 Rosmere Ave; Ralph | In addition, Chief Flintoff Police personnel, seven civilian with 14.86 square miles to po- [noted a cadet to replace now|P® Constable Garry) {tional stenographer, particular.| There are 174 policemen with 14 is additional school crossing guards will be flu. 1 and 11 vehicles. {trated the need for an additional |" ¢ personnel and 11 velicles {vehicle and one more policeman] , x |by comparative population fig-|!on of 82,500 with 32 square get to the city council finance |ures with Oshawa and 11 other miles to police, 92 policemen, committee for its approval, | cruiser 1s According to Chief Flintoff, |tents stolen for the period over Chatham has a population of Thursday night and Friday 20,401, an area of eight and one|night, two more were reported [third square ssiles to cover, 42/by the Oshawa Police Depart [policemen, five civilian person. ment today Cornwall has a population of reported stolen from a car 43,250, a 30 square mile area to T Guelph has a population of the 38,000, eight and three quarter|239 Montrave avenue, Oshawa. {|duced farmers' group policy Square miles to police, 51 po:| A battery valued at $18 was curred at the Queen and King premiums 50 per cent because|licemen, four civilian person-|giolen out of a car belonging to street west intersection at 2 |Harry Hobbs, 370 Arthur street, p.m. Friday afternoon caused a 'Reject Request For Street Fair suggested if these signs were! He said by issuing courfesy implemented they may help con- parking tickets to visitors and trol speeding in city streets. | oo 16 Oshawa residents, ill feel NO ACTION ings would be caused among The Commission decided it the city's tax payers. The Chief would take no action on a reply Constable pointed out his de- from the Traffic Advisory Coun- partment, in co-operation with cil's reply to its suggestion that/the city council Traffic and pedestrian traffic lights on Stev. Transportation commitiee as- enson road north, at the Wood. sists people attending conven. crest and Adelaide McLaughlin tions with parking problems by schools would be more effective. finding accommodation in one of and more economical than adult the city's parking lots. crossing guards as requested by| The discussion resulted from the Board of Education, a letter from City Engineer, ¥. Chief Constable Herbert Flin- E. Crome, which he received toff and his department re- from the Chamber of Commerce ceived a letter of commendation Transportation, Traffic and Po- from Mrs. E. Panes, 51 Second lice Liaison committee, suggest avenue, Toronto for the rever-|ing this courtesy be extended to ence and dignity shown by the visitors to help attract conven. men on duty while her late tions to Oshawa, father, Arthur Ayers' funeral Mr, Crome forwarded the let- cortege proceeded along King ter to the Police Commission for street its comments and suggestions, The Commission granted the Oshawa Police Association per- FORWARDS LETTER mission to hold its annual Police] Miss Evelyn Found, Commis. Ball, at the Jubilee Pavilion, sion secretary, was instxucted to April 19 forward a letter of condolence to The Commission rejected a Mrs. J. E. Pritchard, following suggestion that courtesy tickets|/the death of her husband the be issued to out - of - town visi- late Judge J. E. Pritchard last tors violating parking bylaws. Sunday, Chief Flintoff said it would be, In the absence of a third almost impossible for the men Commission member, Her Wor- on the beats to know which cars, ship, Mayor Christine Thomas especially those with Ontario 1i- was appointed acting chairman cence plates, were from out of of the Oshawa Police Commis- town, i sion, --- Chief Stresses Need For Extra Constable, Cruiser and 84 four civilian personnel and 13 | vehicles, pA Sudbury has a population of civilian personnel Kingston has a population of when setting up its 1961 budget 50,982, 12,67 square miles to po- 76,800, 54 square miles to police, to allow for an additional police lice, 72 policemen, four civilian 86 police personnel, 12 civilian |cruiser and one additional po-| personnel and 17 vehicles, {personnel and 19 vehicles, Windsor's population is 122,319 Kitchener has 70,000 people, 93 lice, 234 police personnel, 23 civilian personnel and 44 ve hicles. Chief Flintoff pointed out Osh- {cadets, 28 civilian personnel and|awa's population is 60,146, with 45 vehicles. {21.8 square miles to police, 75 Peterborough's population is police personnel, four civilian 46,502 with 8.7 square miles to personnel and only eight ve- | police, 66 policemen, two civil hicles. ; The commission approved the |Chief Constable's requests and |will send a copy of its 1961 bud- rsonnel and 18 vehicles. .ondon's population is 102,000 with 11.3 square miles to police. St. Catharines has a popula- ley, 72, of Lot 4 Concession 3, East Whitby Township was in collision with a car driven by Ralph David Ballard 27, of Lot 18, Concession 5, Darlington Township at 10 am. Friday morning. The accident which caused a total of $175 damage to the two' | vehicles involved occurred at {the Prince and Bond street west {intersection | John Gilbert Whyte, 29, of 178 A camera valued at $300 was valencia road, Oshawa, was the |driver of a car which came into hursday night. The camera|collision with a second auto which has the owner's name on|driven by Gaston Maurice Du. back belongs to Alan Bailey, [pont, 30, of 35 Hall street, Osh- |awa. The accident which oc. Steal Camera Value $300 In addition to the four cases of cars being entered and con- Oshawa Thursday night, total of $325 damage to both is 71 and 75 years respectively.|to police, 404 police personnel, A car driven by Sadie Gorm. vehicles, with his father and the earnest guests as far as Toronto. "Now, gentlemen," said the, hospitable host, 'have some- thing to drink and don't spare the good liquor, We will also soon have supper and, when you are refreshed, we will make an early start betimes in the morn- ing." To Mrs. Bardwell, Rufus ex: plained that he had intended to return to the States to attend to some business matters there, but since a couple of friends had dropped by, he would travel down with them, This relaxed the guardians and we are told, 'their enter. tainment was of the most boun- teous and liberal character -- more especially in the liquor line. They drank freely, went to (bed in a most glorious condi: tion and slept soundly. LEFT IN NIGHT While they slept, Rufus Bard: well did not. At midnight he and his son were making treks from Uxbridge on two good horses, leaving word that they 'had taken advantage of the fine weather to ride out early and would likely reach Toronto be. fore their friends. It was late in the morning be-| fore the "minions of the law"| arose. After a leisurely break. fast they enquired of Mr, Bard: well. It is not told how the con- & stables returned to Toronto, or what account they gave of the Uxbridge episode, but it is men-| tioned that they had to groom and saddle their own horses and, on leaving that morning, there is something added about "sadder and wiser men". Four smiling skaters, champions all, pose during workout Friday while prepar. ing for the North American | Figure Skating Champianships being held today and Sunday in Philadelphia. On the right is Don Jackson, Oshawa, Ca- | nadian singles champ for the | Ist three years and winner of | US Men's Singles Champion; DON JACKSON COMPETES IN U.S. the North American Cham- pionships, last held two years ago. Others, from left, are: Bradley Lord, Boston, Mass., Laurence Owen, Boston, Mass.,, US. Ladies' Single Champion; and Wendy Gris ner, Toronto, Canadian La- dies' Singles Champion.