R (artillery | BLIND LEARN NURSING Mae Brown, deaf and blind | graduated from a Red Cross for the last seven years, has a home nursing course with the conversation tapped on her help of Miss Drew, who docs volunteer work with the deaf hand by blind Marjorie Drew | and blind at Clarkewood, Mae at Clarkewood, the Canadian | works as a braille proofreader National Institute for the | with the CNIB and plans to go Blind's Bayview grounds in | back to school--to help others Toronto, Miss~ Brown, a na- | who are deaf and blind tive of Fort William, Ont, ' (CP Photo), 'Ca Va' Opens Congo Doors LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)="Ca Ask a non-com In the pay of va" and a handshake--these are (jc a artermaste the informal symbols of Leopold. A 4 Shu quar! ma ery ville for Canada's contingent in partment or the commissary The Congo how he made out on a visit to "Ca va" =literally "it goes' = the UN office, He's likely is a byword among the 350,000 shrug his shoulders and say Congolese in this French-speak. "The usual, Ca va' ing capital city, It is used with] The veteran listener will know a hundred shades of meaning, the man probably went through from the equivalent of "okay" half a dozen offices in the UN or "that's fine" to an expres labyrinth, signed a mile sion of indifference like "'so-50." | forms, found out he couldn't get The handshake is just as com-| What he wanted anyway, then mon, Groups of Congolese meet. barely missed being hit by a ing on the broad main street, reckless truck driver while driv. Ale rt Boulevard, exchange/Ing back to Canadian headquar- quick, 11ght handshakes alll ters. \ around before chatting, Custom-| Both "Ca va" and the hand. ers shake hands with the clerks shake are likely to be far more on entering a store and em- permanent reminders of Leo: ployees begin their day with poldville for the Canadians than a similar greeting for people the most durable ivory pieces they've seen only the day be- picked up from the native mar. fore, ket, For the Canadiens, particu de to of Artillery Man's Company Short Duty Tour |GivesUp LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) ~ An ie replace one of the Canadians Peta- serving 'as liaison officer with {wawa, Ont, had barely joined the Canadian communications The teams in seven Congolese cen- captain from [Canada's contingent in {Congo when he set a record, | Capt. Ray Peterson served the shortest tour of duty of any lof the Canadians so far--little more than a day, He became fll about 36 hours after his arrival in the January itroop rotation, and will be re turned to Canada late in Feb ruary or early March withoul |doing further duty here, | The fliness -- a rarity among ithe generally healthy Canadians l==has brought to the fore a budding shortage of officers |with the 57 Canadian Signal Unit, Peterson was first thought to have dysentery, When his con- dition failed to improve he was {examined more thoroughly and found to be suffering from in {fectious hepatitis, a liver ail ment, He is believed to have {picked ft up before leaving Camp Petawawa, where an oul- break was reported recently, T0 RETURN HOME Maj, Robert Daigle, medical officer for the unit Peter on will be treated at a modern hospital run by an Indian med- ical team near the Canadign headquarters until he is fit to travel, Then he will be returned home for extended convale cence Peterson, who turned 31 the dav - after he entered hospital, had only one complaint shortly after entering hospital, The so licitous Indians were preparing exotic dishes for him, and he couldn't swallow a bit because of his illness It would be fine fo ourmet in this place," 'he sald The food looks delicious bul the very thought of it nearly kills me." He says he a was fed intravenously for a brief period until he was able to take normal food Peterson had been scheduled Your First Dance Lesson Because we want you to see for yourself how easily you can learn the new dance steps, how much fun you have while learning, and how little it now Consult your phone book for the nearest ARTHUR MURRAY licensed studio, costs tres, Hudson Bay | HUDSON BAY, Sask. (CP)~ he Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading Col, Paul T, Smith, com- » manding officer of the 270-man, M0 Hudson Bay have for the 4 second time given up responsi-| C J ac pe anadian unit, sent hack Bre ity for ane of their ancient quest to Ottawa for a replace. territories, ment and began juggling the bu ATR . available officers to fill vacan- a om agreement Jatt Kov cies and handie the . monthly 7 v ) udson's y y ; " oy 0 rotations Company surrende red its leased . lands south of Cumberland It is likely to be mid-Febri- fouse to the province of Sas ary or later before Peterson's katchewan replacement can be prepared cumberland House Is the prov with inoculations and other pre- j. 0's oldest established settle- Congo formalities, ment, started in 1774 as a trad-| OFFICER SHORTAGY, ing centre of the company n BARRE 4 For many years, when the There are 25 officers with the oui territory of Rupert's Land, irs 4 signals unit in The Congo, In- or which fasatchewan is part, cluding , Peterson and Capt. wor (he administrative respon Mario Cote of Chicoutimi and sibility of the company, the post! Valcartier, Que, served as a gathering place for Cote, who served In the oul: fur brigades pusping into the side detachments for some time wilderness, after. his arrival in The Congo As civilization advanced into last August, has since been (he west, and north, the com grabbed off hy the operations pany gave up its claim to the department at United Nations yest and with it the area| headquarters here and was all around Cumberland House, but lost to the signals unit In 1928 the company Te In addition almost half the claimed responsibility for the officers serve with administra. land south of the old fort nnder tive departments of the unit or the terms of a lease, Dams otherwise unavailable for liai- canals and other water-control son work with the detachments, measures were installed to help If every officer staved where increased muskrat production he was, there would be just/Trapping of the animals was, enough to go around reserved for Cumberland House ut, for example, Capt residents exclusively Taschereau of Quebec, officer] Since the return, again, of the with the detachment at the responsibility - fo the govern . oy rms of Lhe Congo River port of Matadi, is M* nt, under the i gh due for rotation this month, 1cAse, Managemen ibis : 0 veste e¢ commun Someone must be sent to Ma- to he Yorled iu fe commun, tadi Taschereau can come IY, of whom ") to Leopoldville and be cleared Metis for the return to Canada, And someone must be in Matadi un- til Taschereau's replacement arrives from Canada and gets measured on the earth's surface settled down was a gust in 1834 that hit Similar problems will arise Mount Washington, N.H,, at 231 for the other detachments, miles an hour, Andre $0 BIG BLOW The strongest wind ever Dancing Tonite AT DNIPRO HALL EDITH ST. One block ast of Corner Ritson & Bloor DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" ® EVERYONE WELCOME ® 'Why Curve Balls Curve What makes a spinning ~in baseball, table tennis goll--~curve? A side force, something like a cross wind, develops to push the ball aside, scientists re- ported at the American Phys. ical Society meeting A baseball pitched at mod- erate speed. spinning W rey. olutions a second, can move up to 1% feet off course by the time it crosses the plate, A slow piteh curves more than # fast one, since iL spends more Lime curving Experts say there is no scientific evidence for a sharp-breaking pitch--a base. ball taking a sudden change of direction MEASURE AN ATOM Copper atoms behave us If they were tiny round balls--s0 small it would take 99,500,000 of them lined up to make an inch, How do physicisis know? They use an electric plating device to measure the amount of charge it takes to deposit a certain amount of copper on an electrode Physicists say that, if. you buy a pound of copper, you are buying 4,300,000,000,000,000 copper atoms ANATOMY OF THUNDER Why does thunder rumble when heard from a distance"? The rumble is partially an echo of the original thunder clap, reflected back from a layer of ice, water and water vapor in the thundercloud it self, a researcher report And what causes the thun- der claps heard at short dise tances? The branching of a lightning bolt, Each point of the branch produces a single explosion heard as a thunder. clap, BAD NEWS Trouble is gathering under. neath all that winter snow, Crab grass sprouts better af- ter a hard winter Somehow the severe frost DANCE TONIGHT Modern-Square TO THE TORNADOS or larly those In dally contact with Congolese, both "Ca va" and the handshake are stocks in trade, The Canadians usually save a handshake for direct dealings| with Congolese, They find it will] frequently break down some of the reserve that Congolses often feel in dealing with whites, [ PUT TO MUSIC | But "Ca va" is used every: where. One song composed by a Ca- nadian heading home after six| months in The Congo included the lines: TO DANCE Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL Oshawa"s Largest Public Dance DOOR PRIZES FOR LADIES FUN FOR ALL--EVERY SATURDAY-8:30.12 THE MUSIC OF ot the 8 BANTING AVE, "So we're saying 'Ca va' to them all, "I'ne Indians, the Belgians and all" It often sums up the frustra. tions the Canadians develop when they've spent two hours trying to get a one-hour job) done at United Nations Head quarters or at a Congolese gov- ernment office, Tidal Flat Hotel Site VANCOUVER (AP) -- A $4, 000,000 luxury hotel is rising here on the remains of an un:| sightly tidal flat, locked on the 'THURSDAY NIGHT * " / ONE NIGHT ONLY ~ AT 7.00 & 9:00 PM waterfront between the down: DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED @ BUY TICKETS NOW! woud hie BUYTUM APFUING TWO COMPLETE SHOWS eo FEBRUARY 16th Xf hd See him 7 In his FIRST motion picture OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE | CASTING MEETING FOR AMPHITRYON as | TO BE DIRECTED BY RUSS WALLER Tuesday, February 14, 7:30 p.m, AT McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY Wednesday, February 15, 7:30 p.m, AT ROTARY HALL | | | | | | | ALL MEMBERS AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS WELCOME TICKETS FOR 7 P.M, SHOW MAY BE PURCHASED FROM ANY MEMBER OF THIS GET.-TOGETHER CLUB! town area and Stanley Park, a mile to the west, : The brainchild of two con-| struction , executives, the Bay- shops Ten, Sanding the best of Neth American luxury with louches of the Orient and South Pacific, will be opened in March as a member of Western Hotels Inc. The 300-room hotel utilizes space on the city waterfront that for years has remained as a sprawling, boggy lot, Hugh Martin and Douglas Welch of Marwell Construction Company saw its possibilities as a tourist centre and formed a partnership with Western to start the project. Tons of fill covered the marsh and the foundations were laid, Built flush on the sea, adja. cent to the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, the Bayshore will have space for 75 boats and mooring area for several planes, A restaurant, in the style of a Polynesian long-house, is be- ing bullt next to the hotel, The Bayshore will have two pools and a 'swimmers' eleva: tor," Beds in the hotel will be oversized, and each room has a drossing area, SMOKE SEGREGATION TOKYO (AP) Japanese | city dwellers can smoke filter-| tip cigarets but their country cousins can't, Because of a shortage of imported filter-tip- ping machines, only 5,000,000 such cigarets can be turned out A yoar---just enough for the big FROM THE EARTH TO THE STARS... this is the story of Wernher von Braun... who thrust the world into the Space Age. the man WACKY|iS THE WORD FoR iT| In PNP is i Nou! Crack your timbers (NOW ON CHATEAU RECORDS) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 THE "NEW" RED BARN hail { seems to add extra 7ip to the germination of crab grass ceeds, report horticulturists for the Dow Chemical Com- pany, Crab grass dies every fall, but leaves an enormous crop of seeds to sprout in the spring, And the seeds also, benefit from the frost break: up of the sofl and the added moisture from heavy snows, Crab grass killers prevent new seeds from germinating, Oldest Piano In Northland GREAT WHALE RIVER, Que, (CP)~A 900-pound player| plano which Arctic explorer! Robert Viaherty brought to Hudson Bay 50 years ago Is still treasured here, Vigherty brought the piano with him when he came {0 ex- plore t he Belcher Islands in 1910, During a six-year expedi- tion, ¥iaherty's life was twice saved by Wilaltuk, a sturdy Eskimo guide and ¥iaherty's constant companion, ! When he departed he gave) Witaltuk, who loved music, the piano Witaltuk became a proud owner and during one winter, | when the piano would not fit in| his igloo, he covered it with skins, loaded it on a dog sled and set out for a Great Whale River (trading post #0 miles away. | When he arrived he discov-| {ered that his friend had been transferred to another post 400 miles down the bay, Witaltuk set out again with his howling huskies and the piano, He finished the trip at his friend's trading post by setting up the plano In an abandoned shack, taking six wives and founding an ¥skimo dynasty that still exists the whole length | lof Hudson Bay, | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Beturdey, February 11, 196) MAYS SIGNS AGAIN SKATERS ARRIVE SAN FRANCISCO (AP)=Gl: BARRIE (CP) ~ More than ant outfield star Willie Mays-- 300 speed skaters from the highest paid player in baseball Unite. States arrived by train ~has signed his 1961 contract Thursday for the fifth annus! in for $85,000 the same as he re lernational speed-skating com. ceived last season, Willie, 30, petition which opens Saturday, will be playing his 10th season. Among them were Bog Savage Last season he hit 319, finishing of Detroit Wolverine Club, last third in the National League year's outstanding skater and top senior A competitor, batting race - his | van show; the Sieve Allen | show and many times on the ly on tour and will appear in | Dick Clark Show, You will person at the Regent Theatre | also see Buddy Knox and his on Thursday, February 16, fer | Rhythm Orchids in his first one night only at 7.00 and 9.00 | motion picture, "Jamboree" p.m, Buddy has appeared on | with Connie Francis, Frankie many of the top ranking TV | Avalon, Fats Domino and shows, including the Kd Sulli- | Count Basie"s Orchestra, Buddy Knox and Rhythm Orchids are currents * TODAY ONLY +» "AGAINST ALL FLAGS" "SEMINOLE" "JUNGLE MANHUNT" | ONTARIO'S FAVORITE FUN SPOT VALENTINE BALL Wed., Feb. 15 9TO 12.30 ART HALLMAN and His Orchestra TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT Kinsmen C ub | Kinlock's Men's Wear Wilson & Lee Music Store Kinsmen Club Members $5.00 Per Couple! (Club Privileges) |JUBILEE PAVILION | jwhen you See how the Navy sticks the Army ' sad sacks"; with the crumbiest {ship afloat | PICTURES , . presents FRED KOHLMAR PRODUCTION JACK RiCKY LEMMON-NELSON The key man in The high C's man; \we 3 The Apariment™ The goes fo seal - 11g G . in p HiP i. ARMY JOHN LUND : CHIPS RAFFERTY TOM TULLY _ JOBY BAKER WARREN BERLINGER favo PATRICIA DRISCOLL. « 74 d SCARE STORY BY +(HERBEXT MARGOLIS avo WILLIAM RICHARD MURPHY ¥ 4 CINEMABOOPE 'aro EASTMAN | FEATURE TIMES: oh cities, . 1:45 « 3:35 « 5:35 . 7:25 Lost Show 9 p.m. Some women never give " A " » FOR YOUR FAVORITE ' VALENTINE A TICKET TO . ' The Foyal Ballet." NOW ON SALE AT THE PLAZA THEATRE , PHONE 3.2043 3 DAYS ONLY FEB, 27-28 v 2 a name... just a phone number! Aye pe 2D This is Liggett, ., whe called Gloria whenever his wife was away) owned Gloria! GEORGE SANDERS in This is Steve... knew that ne one man CinemaScope METRO COLOR who. LAST TIMES TODAY "Village Of The Damned" ¢ ADDED FEATURE +» "The Marauders" IN TECHNICOLOR ELIZABETH TAYLOR ADMITTANCE woJrom first man to last! DINA NERRIL ox ove wi MILDRED DUNNOCK + BETTY FIELD JEFFREY LYNN / KAY MEDFORD « SUSAN OLIVER fr CHARLES SCHNEE wu JON MICHAEL HAYES TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGH