8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Pebruery 19, 198) AWE, Te Tesuls or wmen are, not out. Ww. Rouge Ratepayers Crowd Council Room BROUGHAM -- Members of Mr. Bird asked that the re- the West Rouge Ratepayers' As- maining $23,000 be divided ed to see that the recount had, A speech was delivered, Wed-| 'BHS "At-Home" D rawing Near cover the interests of the stu- By PAT GILL jonly will there be a reception|dents. This information helps BOWMANVILLE -- Anticipa- line but we are to have a "call- greatly in trying to choose an tion is mounting as the BHS ""Atler" who will announce each|occupation in later years. |Home" draws nearer and|couple as they arrive. Reeve Scott said that he fail- nearer. O'NEILL DOWNS BHS I think one of the most dis- | CARNEGIE TESTS Grade 10 students wrote Car- negie Interest Test Tuesday, |Feb. 7, in the Assembly Hall. The purpose of these is to dis- | | NOT S80 TIDY NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) sociation crowded into Pickering/among the three municipalities, anything to do with it, but ad-\nesday afternoon, by our presi- ; : | est ay y Pp heartening basketball games in/nfike Tidy, 19, won his title of Township Council Chambers, to- according to the number of chil- vised that the matter would be gether with other ratepayers dren, at $320 per child. seeking solution to their prob- lems, until there was standin Nor ELIGIBLE : wi E Mrs. Jean McPherson advised RESOLUTION PASSED room only at a Council meeting on Monday night. group of 27 from West Rouge, told Council that they consider-| ed the matter of re-assessment for the whole township, agreed upon at a previous meeting, of grave importance. He recom- -- perhaps the best in the prov- ince -- be provided for the re- assessment. tern of the future assessment in years to come." Mr. Frost considered that as sessing was difficult in his area, which he considered urban, while most of the other parts of the township were rural. Subsequent to Mr. Frost's re- marks, and a letter which pre- ceded them, Reeve J. S. Scott noted that there seemed to be some insinuation that there is dissatisfaction with the present Assessment Commissioner. "1 think we must read between the lines in this communica- tion," he said. "I feel we need just grounds to replace our pres- ent Assessment Commissioner." Mr. Scott said that Mr. D. F. Goslin, the Assessment Commis sioner would present Council with his formula for the re- | assessment at a Council meeting two weeks hence. | "He does not propose to re- | assess buildings, but feels that | he will have all he can do to re-| | assess lands," the Reeve said. | Councillor Clifford Laycox con sidered that the matter of en- gaging expert assistance merit- ed "a lot of consideration." He | told of homes, completed on the outside, but far from comple- tion on the inside, having the same assessment as his own,| |" which was completely finished inside and out. Councillor Harvey Spang ask- ed if the assessors always made) a second call. He said that he| had had complaints that they did not return a second time, and thought it important that they do so. | "I see no reason why eur as-| sessors could not back call on every single individual," said Councillor Laycox. "And I be- lieve that in valuing properties houses should be inspected in- side as well as out." Reeve Scott reminded the speakers that the Assessment Department had not been over- staffed. { Councillor Laycox told of the| deluge of calls he had received regarding assessments. He said that a qualified assessor was re- quired who was not a prejudiced individual. "I think we should examine Mr. Goslin's tormula," said Councillor Ross Deakin, "before we consider any action. I feel that last year we condemned employees 'wefore they had a chafice to speak for them- selves." | DELEGATION PLEADS | Howard E. Lowry asked Coun- cil what was going to be done | about providing water for the jl: Fast Rouge area. Voices from the crowded Council Chambers murmured, "Nothing!", and| then, "As usual." | "If there are any more re-| marks, you will be asked to leave the hall," said Reeve Scott, "This is a Council meet-| ing. We are going to conduct it as such." The Reeve went on to explain that a report had been prepared a year ago, and at that time it was not prac- ticable. He said that a further report was in progress, and that' if the report were found expe- ditious, that a petition of over 60 per cent of signatures with a clear indication that the major- ity wanted water, would be re- quired. Mr, Lowry said that from the middle of last September he had paid $60 for water. "I do not think it right when there is a water tank within a half mile away," he, said. "I would not hesitate a minute pay- ing $500, if only to flush the toilet." He said that there were too many septic beds in the area, and that the wells were too close, with the water likely to become contaminated.' Mr. Lowry urged haste. RETARDED CHILDREN A. H. Bird, Campaign Man- ager of the Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Association for Retarded Children, addressed Council, seeking assistance in this en- deavor, He said that only in the last 15 years has something been done for these children, and spoke of the original school, the move to the old Brock Road| School, and the recent move to their new building, Aldon House, | in Ajax, where 27 children, 12 of them from Pickering Town- ship, were educated by three teachers. Mr. Bird said that in 1959 operating costs were $13,748.33, in 1960, $14,480.57, and that it is estimated that costs will be $16,- 000 in 1961, He said that the total building project amounted to $67,000, $21,000 of which was supplied by the Provincial Gov- ernment, and $23,000 by the as sociation. council that they had appointed S. R. Frost, spokesman for the@ member to the Court of Re-| \vision who was not eligible to!' sit in that capacity. She read portions of the Mu-| nicipal Act which stated that| such an appointment must as- sure that the taxes of the in- r i | . dividual had been paid, and she|Bad built their homes on water- Don Mawry will operate from 28-27 for their team. mended that the best assistance), 3 2 coorained that this was|COUrses with resultant drainage(a stand at Montgomery's Serv The fans went wild. It had not the case. "It strengthens : 3 _.. tions that there are errors made/ "We hope that Council willpare» gaid Mrs. consider the very best technical «pyr, . oF pi Errors were made all through with a load capacity of 2200 gal-\both sdes of Liverpool road, were swamped by O'Neill in help in arriving at a fair and the election." She mentioned lons be | | equitable assessment," said Mr.|the recent recount of votes for/Brougham Fire Department, thelto the southerly limit of Bay Frost, "one that will be a pat- Deputy-Reeve. dent, Dixie Gill, concerning the histo A f i ri) oH ry was played last Friday 3 A received by students who had jor Girls. twas: de drowns The. Chemo Bowmanville juniors were ship-winning pint, he swallowed never been before and who p. were a little dubious about what, oading by a great margin con-|his false tooth. {tinually throughout the game, |-- to do and how fo act, etc. ------ - BACKACHE Our "At Home" is to be dif-| o'Neill crept slowly up until A May be Warning issued without the signature of|ferent than other year's. Notighe was just a point behind her the township engineer, the road SSE {AH | competitors. BHS managed to superintendent, and the health] A licence will be issued to hold her lead. Then seconds be-| uit. He Said vt Yesulied from Dow's Taxi to pick up {fore the finishi buzzer went] the complaints of residents in Pickering i 'Nei i | e p 5 who gers in Pickering Township. Mr. O'Neill scored ending the game Backache 3s olen: camsed by Tay kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy- headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better--sleep better --work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 9 Councillor Ross Deakin su {mitted a resolution that all fu-| {ture building permits be not! problems. The resolution was|ice Station on Lot 6, Con. 1. |geemed so sure that BHS| |carried. d | conten- : { A resolution was passed that would win. And then to be beat-| A resolution was passed thatia "No Parking" bylaw be pre- en by one point! Tank ftruck|{pared to prohibit parking on| To add to this our my McPherson. an International seniors! the({south from the railway bridge their game. | Wednesday, Feb. 8, BHS \teams played Donevan in Osh-| purchased fer icost not to exceed $1500. {Road School. VIGOR fuel cil service... We have 9,000,000 gallons of oil storage in Oshawa-- the biggest oil reserve per customer of any fuel oil distributor in this area! BIGGEST 4 We have 20 trucks--the largest delivery fleet in Oshawa to give you the fastest automatic fuel oil delivery and burner service possible! FASTEST BEST LOWEST COST Our uniformed drivers are competent and courteous. Every one of our burner technicians is a bonded and factory-trained mechanic. Vigor fuel oil--the cleanest, purest, hottest-burning fuel oil your money can buy--sells at lowest prices! VIGOR OIL COMPANY 78 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA One phone call is all that's necessary, we do the rest RA. 5-3571 RA. 5-1109 lease "MOLSON'S EXPORT NILA LEA RECA i LARGEST SELLING ALE MOLSON'S BREWERY (ONTARIO) LTD. -- INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINGE 178€