Traveller Tells; [No Jnite Eagle vresites {meeting and listed important 150-50 Club Of Passion Play lcoming events "and invitations {fron groups at King Street and February Meeting | {Northminster Churches. il : | The February meeting of the, gy 7 : Simcoe Street United Church) : At Oberammergau Chur § [50-50 Club was opened with the J Mn Woe s World Day of ; |president, Mrs. George Pearce, | ; 4 Mrs. R. Leo Gray brought to|® r27er Will be observed in Sim- |presiding. The minutes were] : 7, / the February meeting of the coe Street United Church on Fri- é [read by Mrs. Norman McAlpine, | : HR Sruar day, February 17 at 2.30 p.m. 7 Sy, Woman's Missionary Society of and at 7 p.m. Special emphasis followed by the roll call. | - . / '| Following a report by Mr.| Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 / 7 2 Simcoe Street United Church, was placed on this important Fred Britten from the ways and] / { 4 / 7 ity ie story of the Passion Play atievent in which all "Protestant means committee, the meeting g THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 10, 1961 ; E AH va fin ok Yai women participate. / Roel! Foliess varors mht. al A . of colored slides. Mrs. G. W | The annual meeting of the "Api ollies" variety night on| 4, ""w | ¢ Skuce ' coughtful| WMS Presbyterial will meet in | 4 £ / presented a thoughtful y ape 1 and 2 ane ve ans) "Homework Schedule" Features oop BO wore mediation. which in Trinity United Church, Bow. November 4. . : . ' Vom 1 Sroduced ME Sry presenta- manville on Wednesday, Febru. ; Mrs. Lloyd Moody| Di A H&S : : on most helpfully. Thanks to| . Sessi y Ju ana ues. Love Mooty| [Interesting Discussion At fl ee ies" was "cori" x. 27, ¥en ves Bt 0% 1 Tal : 7 presse y Mrs. Rex Har ™ a : . ; Mes, Jvank Singes Sc omp aie | Mr. F. H Ross, principal off Mrs. Graydon Gutsole presid- : : 4 per on behalf of the excellent The speaker will be Miss Chris. ; n| Westmount School, in his open-ed for the business. Secretary, 7 attendance of members. |tine Baxter of India. velt on the Christia Mooay Swe appointments with|ing remarks at Westmount Hjand treasurer reports and cor- God, ending the meditation with and $ Association meeting said respondence were read. the belief that "if you will be. that parents can help a child] April 56 are the dates for lieve in your heart that this is/to have a good attitude towards the Home and School Convention By vip % God speaking to you;; in that homework. A film was shown to be held at Royal York Hotel, J : belief in the Lord Jesus Christ /and the members divided into/Toronto. Delegates to attend » Vo ' A ; you have eternal life. You know groups. Primary Division wasiare Mrs. Roy Spratt, Mrs. 7 5, | when you have eternal life and/led by Miss Marilyn Storm, James Anderson, Mrs. Ralph | |you should proclaim that life|Grades 4, 5 and 6 by Miss Boneham and Mrs. Greyden 4 . / {wherever you go. Eternal life Marjorie Honey, grades 7 and Gutsole. 7 2 ; H comes when a sinner receives/8 by Mr. Grant Stephenson The class attendance prize oy ) | Jesus Christ into his heart as Many worthwhile points were was won by Mrs. June Hinze.| i ; his own personal Saviour." Mrs. emphasized to help the studénts Mrs. Gutsole gave 2 report on| 3 Moody led in prayer. to have.good home study habits. 'a road safety workshop she had Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrand's|Str nts must learn to work on|attended in Toronto recently. | group presented a film dealing their own if they are to be 'A nominating committee, of .|with prejudice and discrimina-|successful in secondary schools. consisting of Mrs. Robert Joen- | tion, enjitled "A Day in the Planning their time and adher- esse, Mrs. Charles Heath and ee 4 [Night of the Life of Jonathan|ing to a schedule is important./Mrs. Robert Moffat was named MR. AND MRS. ALBERT F. COX |Mole." This film is a fantasy/There should be a place toto plan for the election of of-| / built around a courtroom trial. |study away from radio, TV, ficers. i % ; / "4 |Jonathan Mole is a bitter and telephone and family. Mr. Ross. The March meeting will be| W 11 Kn Osh , C pl ALDERMAN AND MRS. JOHN BRADY biased Canadian, who, one night, hoped that the parents would the birthday party on Tuesday e own awa oupie | reais Je has Powes Ej hin! co-operate in this matter, March 17. Convenors will be| . : | thority. He is im a land calle Mrs. Reginald Bryant intro- Mrs. Victor Kwaites, Mrs. Gas-| C | b 59th A Sa | " Friends Honor Popular Pair JF aaanac" Whele tings are duced the following pupils from ton Plancke and Mrs. Roy) e e rate nniver ry I . opsy-turvy. In Adanac there is/the Lillian Mae Marsh School Spratt | y . : a law which restricts better|of Dancing: Rosalyn Johansen, An executive meeting will be or. au ne Alvent 7: ow ago, and family guests, Mr. and . jobs to people of "pure" stock. | 8 . 9 ; Ine id Feb .| Elgin street east, observed their Mrs. Frank Cox (June), Mr. and : nN 1 ver e ng nniversary An Indian, a Jew and an mie Cameron alice Killer, held at 3 o'clock on Februaryise, wedding anniversary on|Mrs. Clarence Cox (Helen), Mr. | {4 ' Heather Blanchard, Joelle Hub- 13 at the school. Home and Sunday, February 5, at a dinner|Arthur Cox and a daughter, grant are on trial for breakin irta or Sc Counci S - A ng + . y Mr. and Mrs. John Brady, Reverend Norbert Gignac, all this law (the direct opposite of ger, Gniane Hubenet avy ih) neil buy phesfay Feb party with their immediate fam- Mrs, Fred Smith (Florence) and | Adelaide avenue west, cele-/of Oshawa, and the Reverend Canada's Fair Employment resented a dance from a dif- This meeting will feature aly Sng the SnnIveTsary peices MY. Sith, tares Siahisons, Ld NEW FRESH FURS 1961 STYLED brated their 25th wedding anni-|Wilfred Firth of Toronto, and Practices Act.) Fasciola "| workshop on effective speaking, | maid, Mrs. Samuel Glanville of Peter, Abie and Ronald and versary last Sunday. A surprise many of the Oshawa's aldermen| Jonathan Mole, as Lord Chief|-- o_o y. -------------- re '| Bowmanville, The dinner was Ronald's wife, Barbara. f reception, given by members of past and present | Justice, hears the case. There |heid at the home of their son-in-| Mr, and Mrs. Cox were mar- Ld DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORY law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. the family and friends, was ar-| Mr. and Mrs. Brady, the for- are witnesses for both sides. In GC d C 1 H&S M 1 "y : "gle ried in Bowmanville on Febru-| ertrude Colpus eetIng [Fred sm, migin sree east. 75 1 Formac on Perfo DRASTIGALLY REDUGED for CLEARANCE ranged in their honor by Mrs. mer Nellie O'Brien of Peter-|the end, Mole's prejudices over ar On Saturday evening a sur- Clifford Harper borough, were married in St.|ride the reasonable and just ar- IL | : Their day started with a high Peter's Roman Catholic Cath-|guments for the defence and he 5: : {prise party, attended by mem. (Oshawa since 1509. They are Mass for the family in the edral,' Peterborough, February convicts the three men. They ears a n 1t1zens 1p {bers of their immediate family, members of King Street United REDUCTIONS of church of St. Gregory the Great 8, 1936, The bride is the daugh-/are sentenced to a lifetime of was held at the home of the Church. z which Mrs. William Kins- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'|limited opportunity. Mole wakes ¢ L. M. Akin was the to high school. Sometimes the honored pair. Many old time -------------------- sa e Maria Brien of Peterborough, both from his dream, his dissatisfac- ur soaker at the February| basic and fundamental things of reminiscences of Mr. Cox's for- | I s afternoon and of w hom were present for the tion with the real world temper- Sues, sy ar Gertrude Colpus life are forgotten becduse peo-|Mmer musica! days, both with 5 H vening guests arrived contin-| reception ed with the happy realization Tee ing d School Association. ple are so prosperous in this|the King Street United Church) | 3 LL {3 at the Brady home to ex-| Wr Brady is the son of Mrs, that there is quite enough pre- ogg Repa introduced Mrs. | country. Canada is a "melting | Sunday school orchestra and his| tend good wishes and the couple patrick Brady of Oshawa and judice in Canada to perhaps iis. 4 x op on "Citizen- pot" because there are people|family dance orchestra, were re- RIGHT THERE rec nany handsome gifts the late Mr. Brady. Mr. Frank someday build his dream world A a. WS aT a new Canadian|{rom every nation seeking free-|Called. Mr. and Mrs. Cox| including a ilver tea Service Brady, the best man, was also] The members then gathered Sp if Mrs Akin mentioned dom and security. delighted the gathering with f V1] Hom heft iminediale family; a present with the bridegroom's into buzz sessions to discuss | 4p few realized the great priv- Mrs. Ross Edmunds presided their duet singing 'of "Poor 1] | im IR Ia mother. various aspects of the film, fol-|;jo005 of living in the free at the business meeting. The Little Joe", which they are al-| PRESCRIPTION f sau street and an electric coffee] Ihe couple have spent their lowing which Mr. and Mrs. R.| gyorg, "On January 1, 1947, we room prize was won by Miss E.(Ways coaxed to sing during such maker from a group of friends, Married life in Oshawa where Barpand s group served re-pocame Canadian citizens, and|Spence's afternoon kindergar- gatherings. A The bride of 25 years ago re.| Ar: Brady is employed in the freshments. as such we have certain respon-|ten. Mrs. Charles Bolton report-| They are enjoying fairly good 730 ¥ ceived in a two-piece dress of Parts and Service department | sibilities. We should contribute ed on the skating party held at health in their 83rd and Slst! eggshell silk brocade with a cor- of General Motors. | HARMONY GROUP |to our country not just sit back the school on January 28. {years and still enjoy company| sage of pink carnations. | | A three-tier cake and white David, Brian and Terence and "Sweet Adeline" is not only aad: : that the school enrolment had of the evening was that all of | / candles centred the table atltyq daughters, Joan and Donna, ; | As Canadian citizens we have| remained the same since Sep-| their many relatives and friends V #1 which Mrs. William Clancy, Mrs.| |. grandson song, It s an institution -- 2 feedom of worship, freedom of|tember with 428 students. He could not be present. AND MORE | ' women's harmony group with|speech, freedom to vote, free-|also stated that a primary choir Numerous anniversary cards| James Conner, Mrs. Fussell Ju-|"" : ; . benville and Mrs. Wilbur Hall] Now in his 6th year on City headquarters in Tulsa, Okla./dom of education and freedom was being formed in the school. |. 0 feceived throughout the| oured tea at different intervals.|Council, Alderman Brady is ' to choose the way of life. Mrs.| Two delegates will be attend- : : | . : . rind were the Misses Joan|chairman of the Traffic Yan The Kitchener-Waterloo chapter ,, "C1 SE Jamaica, |ing the Home and School con-|d2Y in ding any Dirtitay| 4 Here is the opportunity to purchase a fine and Donna Brady, Miss Janice| Transportation committee. He|has received its charter, one of yhere she was born, parents| vention being held in Toronto| o Arius Cox, ney ) quality fur coat or jacket at a fraction of Jubenville, Miss Jean O'Brien has served as chairman of the|300 chapters in Canada and the|must pay to send their children/on April § and 6. fall elri, sons, whose ixthiay) A | i, . : and Mrs. A. L. Stevens. City Property committee andy g as on the wedding anniver- its normal selling price. The little Misses Jill, Janet vice-chairman of the Board of| _"~ | Jary Sate. A lovely basket ofl and Joan Stevens kept the door| Works. He is past-president of | | PERSONALS iri was received from me (ALL and the guest book Local 222 UAW and a former People and St. Gregory's Cath-| ity Tax office where another » EASY BUDGET TERMS The guests included Her Wor-|financial secretary, He is also|olic Parent-Teacher Association. son, Mr. Clarence Cox, is em-| Oshawa were guests last Sunday after- ployed. for FAST, FREE PICK-UP ghip Christine Thomas and Mr.|2 past president of the Ontario] From their wide circle of The executive of T, >. Thomas MLA, the Rev. Amateur Softball Association. Bi Mr. and Mrs. Brady re- Presbyterial WMS met at noon of Mrs. Luella McMullen,| From their immediate family| erend Lawrence McGough, the] Mr. Brady is active in the|ceived a great number of greet- Northminster United Church to Simcoe street south, on the 0 ihe honored' pair received. a) and DELIVERY SERVICE Reverend A. G. Quesnelle, the/work of the Catholic Women's|ing cards and many gifts of present reports and Is. com-/casion of her birthday. plete plans for the 33rd annual McMullen They have four sons, James,| KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)--|and enjoy these privileges," she| Mr. G. W. Reddick mentioned at ail times. Their only regret i | sceiv f money and a birthday| .. N Rev d Sk ye, thei 4 of St. Mary of the|flowers. received numerous purse o y Vejen Francis Soumave. Mellwage : | meeting to be held in Trinity cards and many friends from cake, suitably inscribed, was i111); United Church, Bowmanville on Oshawa called to extend good made by Mis, Fred Sills. | { PRESCRIPTION B77] CHEMIST | goa 0 Wednesday, February 22. Ses- wishes. | The evenin : i i | g of playing euchre [iiss ho SA gions begin at 3.30 a.m, 150.300) ,, birthdays, parties, wed- and the singing of old songs, {Ee IDEs ERE DeuvERY 75 KING ST. EAST [7.45 p.m. Guest speakers will be 4 BKINGST E a EST S 745 pn. Cu p ding anniversaries, coming and closed with buffet refreshments. os OSHAWA p20, eo OF o> Mrs. B. H. Soper, President of ; wd | Conference Branch WMS and going of guests and Your own Among the guests were Mrs. ROSSLYN PLAZA - RAB. 4668 I OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA 'Miss Christine Baxter of the holiday plans are always of samuel Glanville of Bowman: NEI TENT TI ITT PER, | Uni h Mission in India. /interest in this column. Write, ville the bridesmaid of 59 vears| [United Church wil on a again telephone or visit the social de-\......" YN years) |to evaluate the meeting on Mon. Partment with your item of |day, February 27 at 1.30 p.m. in news for which there is no| [St. Andrew's United Church,|charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. Oshawa. | 'Guests from out of town at the reception for Mr, and Mrs. | Mrs. N. T. Holmes, of Har-| . ati i mony will be the guest speaker |" ohn Brady, celebrating their| at the tea to be held next week|Siver wedding anniversary, in- |{in the centennial hall at King iin . me Patsiey! Street United Church under the ie NB x, and R iy! i auspices of the WMS. Entertain- {Mond TIE, All. an Wd ment will be provided by a| Edward O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs, | quartette from the Swe e t| Leonard O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Adelines. Tea hostesses will in.|Richard O'Brien, Mr. Clar ej ae Mrs. T. J. Shortt, Mes 0 Brien, Mr. Fred O'Brien, Mr. | E. H. Peever, Mrs. N. H. Edgar|Beérnard O'Brien, Miss * Jean and Mrs. 'W. R. Short. {O'Brien and Mrs. T. D. John.| ston, all of Peterborough; ai Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mec-|Frank Brady and Mr. Jack] # Mullen of Stirling, Ontario, O'Brien, both of Toronto, ZELEERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS VALENTINE ROSES ARE AT THEIR BEST, THRILL HER WITH DEEP RICH RED COLORED ROSES $5.00 $7.00 $10.00 DOZ. SPECIAL! I This year send your True Love a beautiful Attractive "Be my Valentine" novelties, , bright and attractive, filled with Valentine TH Rap . Nee. dC ors i" \ : oy | Valentine arrangement of white Pom Poms SHAWA KINETTES | dent, Mrs. 'A. C. Stone, sec- | Mrs. Jo . : 3 i goa | oo ? one, sec rs iy laciean ang. his | with red carnations and red hearts in a milk flowers. special dinner party this week | ond from left, in cutting the | James Clements. I to mark the coming of age of | birthday cake are past presi- | | g 4 glass vase | dents, Mrs. Ray Hobbs, left, ~Oshawa Times Photo | 1 : . 3.50 and up to 7.50 their club. Assisting the presi. Special $7 50 . |Night, which the Oshawa club] Club's 21st Anniversa |will hostess, reported that May | i : Red, White and Pink. - 2 I y {30 has been set aside for the |occasion. Preparations will get . The Kinette Club of Oshawa|tended to the newest Kinnette,|under way shortly. * . i . . 0Z. st te February sneal mee: Regitar, Mrs Ken Wright nat 3 poriuck supper was be | SAVE 1.00 NS TREHE send Valentine Howers | wood Room at the Hotel Gen. of the Kinette Club stood at 50,128 pannel among the Sonera) : iN", 1g to your own true love, For your Valentine Lady. Brighten her home osha. During the business session|go towards expenses encounter-[| DAISY-STREWN BEAUTY for (Al even if she is many with gay colorful springtime Hyacinth pans, Guests of honor for the even. reports were given by the follow-| 03 1" the preparations for the] Your Valentine! -- Sizes §, . b/ £1 J also potted Mums, Cyclamen, dish gardens H. R. Hobbs - 1945, Mrs. James|ern reported that the Kinette J back . Clements - 1948, Mrs. Jack Rise- Club of Oshawa with the help| held In September. i backyoks, poteirpockets: ond brough - 1952, Mrs. Thomas Pol-|of 1000 Marching Mothers rais-| The meeting was then turned I G iy NY litt - 1953, Mrs. O. A. Pollard|ed approximately $9300.00 in the|oVer to the entertainment chair- prettily bowed at neck.*Colours: y BY I Special Valentine Bowl arrangements with Mrs. Holt Webster - 1958, Mrs. paign. The final accounting will| Southern and her committee, In|} ond blue on blue LER {1% Mixed Spring bouquets. Daf- And John Maclean - 1059, Mrs. Earle be slightly higher when ail re.|honor of past-presidents the} 3.99 i . 2H fodil 0 " li q $3.0 Up Southern - 1960. ceipts are in. | 'Kitchen Tune Busters" mem. | : e Bcc 3 One Tulips. 5.00 1.50 and 10 00 President Mrs. Arthur Stone] Mrs. Howard Vice gave a de-|Pers of the Rebekah Lodge from . . bh proposed a toast to the past-|tailed account of préparations|Brooklin presented a program ing, their years in office. Past. /take place on the annual Kin.| served with coffee. president Mrs. John Maclean re-|Kinette Night, March 11 at the] The next executive meeting Downtown LIMITED Shoppin i 102 KING W. 163 BLOOR W. sponded to the toast and cut the Hotel Genosha. All Kinsmen, Will be held at the home of the] 21 Simcoe St. S. 226 Stevenson's Rd. S. foe anniversary cake Kinettes and their guests are president, Mrs. Arthur Stone. Phone RA 3.2294 Phone RA 3.2209 | RA 5.1131 Now Two Oshawa Stores To Serve You RA 5-2512 » | . | p Osh K C 1 b |; M2. Douglas Lowe, chairman DUSTER oF Valentine price awa Kinettes Celebrate [oe taming inser clap : | Corations will soy Youtrs my Valentine" celebrated it's 21st. anniversary Mrs. Bruce Caverly. Mrs. Douglas Hart reported| There 5 still time to ing were Past-Presidents: Mrs./ing Chairmen; Mrs. Earle South- national Kinsmen convention to M & L. Generously cut with} and green plants. 1954, Mrs. Richard Donald - 1957 recent March of Dimes cam. man for the evening. Mrs. Earle blue on white, pink on white t | . . beautiful spring flowers. presidents and recalled some of now under way for the upcom.|0f Songs of the good old days. ] I the highlights that occurred dur-|ing Shamrock Ball which will| The anniversary cake was then DOWNTOWN H NEW DRIVE-IN ee ons rioris FLOWER SHOP L | ] A special welcome was ex- cordially invited. Tuesday, February 21.