The distafl side of the households had a rest recent. | ly when the Ladies' Auxiliary mm | of the Royal Canadian Legion | quet. Members of Branch 112 celebrated their anniversary cooked and served the dinner | at the Legion hall with a ban- | to their ladies and, above, the WHITBY And DISTRICT " LEGION MEMBERS men get the dinner ready. | ston, William Dilling, William (at the church hall. In the ab-| Hurley and William Conner. Photo by Stannett |Lawrence, vice - : 3 - ~| Mrs, G. Scott opened the meet-|Hall Wednesday evening. Presi- Conrad (Whitby) and Richard Left to right are Harry James, J. Daigle, Arthur Wig- a. Cal ttn ay. | Welcome Member all, ,|St. Andrew's WA | Unity Club To THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Pebruery 10, 1961 § |'To Model Uniforms! Seven Robins | | A Palmerston BS Cobourg Spotted By Long known as harbingers of 13, beginning at 7.30 p.m. This spring, a robin has been ob- meeting will follow a slightly seven robins were seen by Ed. meetings. '% (Bill Stewart won the annual Bowman, of Dundas St. E., of Recently a numbereof parents Rotary Club bonspiel at the Whitby Wille in Oshawa. early have been Showing Qetiziie curt | Whithy Curling Club on Wednes- s week. losity about school uniforms and day. Mt. Bowman, a well - known as a result the commitiee on Somber of the Cobourg rink authority on the habits of birds, this has been quite active and|-- Bill Stewart, Ken Cooper, Ed says that the seven robins prob- ghtained a number of uniforms, |Ruggles and Dr. Doug Gear --| ably remained in this distijet di girls and boys to demonstrate eked out their win by one-half winter and are not migrating between 7.30 and 8.15 p.m.|point over a tough rink from back 19 hele Simmer hgbhal. These will be modeled and dis-|Fairbank. inti Be Jaw Cl cussed, Parents may decide] The Whitby - Ajax plaque was Minto St iitatesd whatever course of action they presented to the Cobourg team Mr Bowman says that he would like to follow in connec-'by Dr. D, C. MacKay of Whitby. does mot think the robins are|tion with such uniforms. Electric blankets were also any Indication that spring is just| Parents of any school children awarded to each member of the around the corner. Residents/in Whitby who are interested winning rink. who are now tiring of a hard are invited. From 8.15 until 9.15] Rotary rinks representing winter hope that spring is just p.m. classrooms will be open Fenelon Falls, Ajax, Oshawa, across the lake, and parents will have an oppor-| Pickering, Rexdale, Wood- ute {tunity to see the display and bridge, Toronto, Whitby, Col |pupils' work and become better bourne and Milton were entered |acquainted with the staff. in the 'Spiel. mm or -- --| Standing in the first draw at {9.00 am. was: Stewart (Co- {bourg); Palmer (Fenelon Falls) {and Webb (Rexdale). Consola- . {tion prizes went to a rink from Pickering skipped by Cooper. Unity Club Past Noble Grand| Second draw (11.00 a.m.) win- in the 100F ners were: Young (Fairbank); St. Andrew's Presbyterian] Church WA held its monthly| "ow meeting on Tuesday afternoon) Visit Oshawa sence of the president, Mrs. F.| president, (Rebekah) met ing with prayer, followed by a dent Mrs. Isabelle Saunders) Wins . . Association meeting will take Whitby Resident pi «= borin "oiune 50 Rotary Bonspiel iserved in this area. In fact, different pattern than former! A Cobourg rink skipped by son (Woodbridge). Consolation winner was Neil Shortreed of Pickering. Second place winners in both draws received briefcases and third placers were awarded desk sets. Brooms were present. ed to consolation winners. Ladies Section Curling Club Ananal Bridge Whitby Curling Club held their annual bridge in the club lounge jon the evening of Feb. 6. The {occasion was very pleasant and successful. The commitiee re- gretted that so many were dis- appointed in being unable to secure tickets but the limited accommodation necessitated a restricted sale, The winner of the lucky draw was Jean Campbell who re- ceived a teakwood tray which had been donated by Howard Doner Interiors and was pre- sented by Mrs. Doner. hymn. Scripture reading was opened the meeting with the) Valentine Tea given by Mrs. D. MacLean. Lord's Prayer. A brief business meeting was| The Iiuiies were Jad 3nd Planned By Guild held. A work meeting was ar-|also sick ranged to be held at the home| members were sorry to learn mp, monthly meeting of the Other prize winners whose names were drawn by Flo Lott {included Alice Price, Maty Cole, {Ruby Welsh, Alice Evans, Dor- leen Shorireed, Effie Wilson, of Mrs. G. Stott on Thursday, |that Mrs. Olive O'Dell Is in the afternoon guild of All Saints'|Ginny Jeffries, Merrill Watson, Feb. 16, in preparation for the|Oshawa General Hospital. They| Anglican church was held Tues-| Myrtle Conrad, Barbara Elliott, spring bazaar, date to be ar-|wish her a prompt recovery. | day, Feb. 7, at 3 pm, in the Winona McEwen, Marjorie ranged at further meetings. | An invitation to visit "Miz |parish hall with Mrs, R. Smith,| Frost, Jean Heard, Helen Col- The members were very pah Club" of Oshawa on March resident, in charge. Tins, Nancy Vining and Heletha Past Grands, Roll Cali = Planned For IOOF This was a very close game The regular Tuesday evening meeting of the Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) was held, Noble Grand Brother Swain presiding. The usual number of members were in attendance, including several from Port Perry lodge. All were welcomed by the Noble Grand General business was handled in the usual good manner by the lodge, after which some discus- sions were forthcoming on var- ious matters. The members were reminded to be present, and contact all members not present this eve- The visiting committee report. inite information on the condi- tion of our sick brother, Eric Darling, it is believed, however, that this brother is still pro gressing favorably. DART BASEBALL The Whitby dart baseball team was host this evening to the Port Perry lodge team to round out the evening of good fellowship. Whitby took a beating last evening at Brooklin, and appar- ently still smarting from that de- feat, turned on the power to- night, with a re-arranged line- innings, with the game starting weakly by both teams being tied at the end of two innings, three all Whitby went into the lead for the next two innings, however in the 5th and 6th Brooklin caught fire, collecting a oral gf 19 rune, against three by Whithy. Whitby came back with 14 runs in the 7th against nil for Brooklin, making the score 27 to 24 for Whitby at this point. The Brooklin team came to life again in the Sth plating 10 | more runs, against 4 by Whitby, | Independent ed their inability to obtain def- right up to the end of the 7th P* pleased to welcome as a new 7 was received and accepted.|" After the regular business had O ak. member Mrs. Delgalish, former- There being no further business| heen transacted final arrange- ly of Hamilton. The meeting the meeting closed and a social| ments for the Valentine tea and closed with the Mizpah and tea hour was enjoyed. Tea host-|exhibit of art by M. Greene hostesses were Mrs. D. Mac- esses were Miss Vina Whitelaw Mitchell, Tuesday, Feb, 14, were Lean and Mrs. G. Stott. land Mrs. Isabelle Saunders. completed. It was decided to hold the tea in both afternoon 4 and evening serving refresh- ments from 2.30 till 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. There will also be a sale of homebaking in the afternoon with Mrs. L. Beckley in charge of the bake table. | Mrs. A. Conrad will have {charge of tea tables and Mrs. |W. Seals will be kitchen con- | vener. A successful meeting was {brought to a close with prayer, followed by a social half-hour with Mrs. Gagnon and Mrs. By GERRY BLAIR DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating YOUR Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Well Murals The league-leading Toronto Macedonians make Hoar acling us lea a their second and last appearance against the Oshawa Majors at the Whitby Comunity arena this coming -- The members of the Whitby and District High School Board cordially invite you to the Official Opening of , . . ANDERSON ST. HIGH SCHOOL Friday, February 10th, 8 P.M. ning, the coming Tuesday eve- up, to defeat the visitors to end the game by a four-run ning, Feb, 14, at which time the, Port Perry started out slowly, margin for Brooklin. : monthly pre-lodge supper, po plating only one run in the first! According to the latest inform. | new Dog Control grands and roll call, as well as four innings, while Whitby put ation from the league secretary| shown here with two of his ' il the 2nd degree will be held. |across nine. Bro. Bill Lymer, Whitby leads charges. Since starting his job these pomeles; Sane may The pre-lodge supper will get! In the 5th, 6th and 7th, Port the league, including the game on Jan. 9 John has | ded Whitby D y pooniac ing Ad underway at 6.30, after which Perry was held to a total of this evening, with six wins up about 25 stra anes 3 yor ounc. the Past Grands will be in the|eight runs, while Whitby was|against two losses. Brooklin i y. dogs, tne shawa Times Photo chairs and later exemplify the putting across 10. |Ajax, Port Perry, Corinthian, | [WF es second degree. | The 8th found Port Perry un-| Phoenix and Pickering follow in "7 A special request Is being able to plate a single, however, |that order. The majority of the ! made to all Past Grands and they did come back in the 9th/teams have some postponed general membership, including for three. Whitby picked up six|games yet to be played, with visiting brothers, to be on hand|in the 8th and seven in the 9th. |the exception of Whitby. for this special evening. Past|The game ending 12 for Port] At this time it is apparent Grands and other members who| Perry, 32 for Whitby. Brooklin can tie Whitby for the find they cannot possibly attend) The usual Friday evening of top position by winning their should report their inability foleuchre will again be held in the two postponed games. the committee in order that they hall this week commencing at 8) It was foreseen earlier In the may be counted as being pres-|p.m, and the public and mem- season that the league appeared ent. A phone call to Oshawa, RA bers of the orders are invited to|stronger in some respects, that 5-0647, RA 3-2647 or Whitby, MO|be in attendance to participate what was apparent at the same 8-3435 will suffice, if unable to/in a good evening of cards and time last year, indicating Whit- attend, in your committee ob- prizes, and possibly a lunch. |by would not find it as easy to #% taining the greatest possible rel On Monday evening, Feb. 6, take and keep the top spot in sponse to the roll call. However, [Brooklin IOOF lodge cut into the standing and again win the a special effort to be present) Whithy's league lead by winning district shield this season, as would be appreciated, the game 34 to 31. they have done in past years. Ruth Officers - led ly ir Dr PESIONALS R . St., is convalescing at her home |€s for the St. John The Evan- ev. Nicholson on gelist CWL "Traveling Bridge| hand that fed him is shown in afte Spending 3 ls at the 4nd Euchre" for the month of| a better mood here. The dog, §t. John's Anglican C hu r ¢ h Oshawa General Hospital, Ruth WA held its regular Monday, February 13. Game time is 8:30 pm, On Boxing Day, the Macedonians threw up an air-tight defence against the Majors, to hand them a 5-0 trim- ming. The Majors have showed vast improvement since that night, 'and are currently rolling along on a six game winning streak. {Not including last night's game in Port Hope). The Majors' latest victims were the Orono Or- phans on Monday night at Whitby, when they featur- ed a blistering third period attack against Joe Mel- nick, the Orphan's goaltender netting them 'seven goals, Prior to the final period, Orono had carried most of the play, with the four West brothers and company hemming the Majors in with quick short passes which tended to baffle the defence unit of Edwards, Bar- riage, and Ashton, The Majors have only five games remaining in regular scheduled play -- two at home, and three on the road. All five games will take place next week, with their final contest being at home on Mon~ day, February 20 against the present second place Bowmanville Shamrocks, The Majors need at least a pair of victories out of the five tilts left to play, in order to maintain their lead over the Lindsay Lumber- men, who at the moment, appear to be their first round oppositon in OHA Intermediate "A" play-offs. A as 2 Ps ' TOWN AND COUNTRY ... Tonight at the Whit- THE DOG THAT BIT the | Tuesday, Feb. 7, John doesn't by Community Arena, the Whitby Juveniles host Bow= blame the dog and said that | manville in the second game of a best-of-three OMHA afaid Jon recened mains | Juvenile Minor "A" semi-final series. Bowmanville attention at the Whitby Clinic at home took the opener, 5-2 last Saturday night. Whitby qualifed for this series by knocking off Lind- JOHN GREER, Whitby's | less the owhers call for the Officer, is | dogs they are destroyed. | People wishing to purchase Guest Speaker: Arnold Davidson Dunton, L.L.D., D.Sc. President, Carleton Universtiy Spaniel og s, J ( : Mrs. M. Bowden, of Lee ave [Mrs. Jos. Corrigan, Mrs. D. breed, bit Greer on | for lacerations to both hands, February: Bridge, Mrs. Frank| Ch : anzi, Mrs, William Holley,| 2 female Collie - monthly meeting on Wednesday John afternoon in the church hall, nue, entertained her group of johnston, Mrs. Lorne McIntyre! The president, Mrs. Stan Atkin-|ladies. The lucky winners of the and Mrs. Greg. Carter. Euchre: | son, presided. The opened with WA prayer. Rev. 'G. Nicholson presided over the installation of officers as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. G. Nicholson; president, Mrs. Stan Atkinson; vice « presi. dent, Mrs. P. Burdge, also rep- resentative in the parish coun- cil, recording secretary and press, Mrs, George Page; treas- urer, Mrs. H. Parish; corre: sponding secretary and Little Helpers secretary, Mrs. Nor man Bradley, educational sec- retary, Mrs. E. LaTrobe; Dor- cas secretary, Mrs, Bernard Sangwin; social secretary, Mrs. Gordon Kyle; social convener, Mrs. William Bonk. Following the installation the regular business session too! place when minutes and re. ports were read and approved Plans were made for the forth- meeting card games were: Mrs. KE. Mrs. William Allan, Miss Joan| 'Douglass and Mrs. M. Bowden. The hostess served ments. | Cronin, Mrs. Charles Bailey and Seeks Home For say in two straight games. Game time at the arena for tonight's play-off action is 8:30 p.m. , . . Kingston Frontenacs handed the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens one of their worst beatings of the 1960-61 EPHL season, [Miss Jean Stewart, Mrs. Vic Joly and her d ter, Miss Lilian, of Mon refresh | { On Sunday, Michele, daughter have returned to their fre Homeless Dogs of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown, after spending a week as the celebrated her 5th birthday. For|guests of Mrs. Joyl's sister and| the occasion a family dinner was brother-in-law, Mr. and arranged. Present were: grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, her aunt, uncle and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Silver, Sharon and Danny and Michele's sister Donna Marie and brother Patrick, her| Robert Gagnon, of Euclid St. | Linda, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Henry Scheppat, brated her 13th birthday on nesday, Her school compa of R. A. Mr: and Mrs, Ted Rundle and|turns of the day. children, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. Henry St. Mrs. Olive O'Dell is in the Oshawa General Hospital. Her coming "'Pancake Supper" 10 friends wish her a speedy re. be held Tuesday, Feb. 14, in the parish hall, committees ap. pointed as follows Kitchen, Mrs. G. Keddy, Mrs George Page, Mrs. William Bonk and Mrs. Stan Atkinson; serving, Mrs. Herman Parish and her committee. A motion -- has been made to attend the Wednesday lent devotions in- stead of the Bible Study The meeting closed with a covery, Mr. Jack Forrester, of John meeting in the Legion Hall on viieet east at the new sewage|ing to purchase one of these St. E, is In the Oshawa General Wednesday with Mrs. Earl disposal plant. Stray dogs are homeless canines can do so for Hospital under observation, His Ormiston presiding. During the kept there for 72 hours and if| the nominal fee of $5 by contact. friends wish him a complete re. covery. prayer read by the president Tea was served by Mrs. G. Keddy and Mrs. E. LaTrobe, BROCK reature sta (WHITBY) 7:20 AND RTS AT 3 9:45 i \ METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER prassety A GEORGE PAL Production JIM E MACHINE shoring merroCOLOR ROD TAYLOR-ALAN YOUNG k and Mrs. Louis Rousseau Sr., of Legion Rux. Plans Social The Ladies' Auxiliary o Royal Canadian Legion he business meeting a date l been chosen for the Auxiliary's period they are transferred to{Dog Pound. The number there Fall Bazaar this being Friday, Oshawa to be destroyed. Nov. 24. Th bers le od" inal job as dog collector on Jan. 9 . le members learned of the of this year he has collected] Health Unit Warns sickness of Mrs, A. V They offer her best wishes for about 25 dogs, so far 10 have a speedy recovery, A draw was deen destroyed. Three dogs Of Water Danger held in the course of the meet.(have been sold to the general {ing and the winner was W. Dilling. Plans are being made for a BITTEN ONCE AY "Social" for the ladies and a 5 guest at the end of March. Con- been taking care of the town's vener is Mrs. V. Moore committee: Mrs. W. Hay, [N. Richards, Mrs, P. Azappardi, | part Mrs. M. Shelley and Mrs Norris The next meeting of the s|iliary will be in the form of alic '| social on Feb. 22 when the A i 1| Commander, Miss Rose Bate, of John said "They are all alright SUPPly are being adopted, be 8 | Bowmanville, will be in at {tions members may ask. hoped that a large number wil! now," said Mr. Greer. Distem. ation of food attend this social meeting The meeting closed with \ '"Queen." Hutchison School and friends wish her many happy re- ance and will answer all ques.| augh:| Since John Greer started homes in Whitby, People just Mrs. (his job as Whitby dog control/don't care for their dogs and |officer, fewer homeless dogs! consequently they are picked up and are roaming the town streets./and destroyed," explained Mr. Every day John patrols differ-| Greer. |ent sections of the town at dif-| At the present there are eight ferent times and picks up dogs dogs awaiting their owners at on the loose. the pound. If they are not pick- Usually when the dog is wear-| ed up in the next 24 hours John ing a tag, John returns him to Will be forced to get rid of (his owner along with a warn- them. Among the dogs awaiting |ing. The Whitby bylaw govern. disposal are: a Golden Labra- ing dogs states definitely that| dor, Cocker Spaniel, Collie, they are to be tied up at all Terrier, Retriever, German times. When John picks up a Shepherdand1l-month dog without a tag he immedi-| Spaniel. ately transfers him to the Whit-| Some of the dogs that will be by Dog Pound destroyed unless someone calls f the! The dog pound is located for them are worthwhile pets Id its|across the tracks on Victoria and hunting dogs. Anyone wish- cele- Wed. nions has no one claims them in that/ing John Greer at the Whitby incidentally is MO 8-8021. Since John Greer started his/™-- allee. | The Ontario County Health {Unit has issued a warning to householders regarding their Yin hi water supply. The warning is CONN NaS issued because of a current 2 misplaced dogs he has been bit: oa ce alomage Wieh nay rs. ten y ve. 116 2lsom native . A js On Syesday 3 some alternative supply. W. slashed his hand to the point (2 S the unit's bulletin: where he had to: veceive. medi. Weather conditions have aux- cal attention at the Whitby clin- caused a shortage of water in Asked whether this had/30/me private' water. supplies. Zone changed his opinion of canines| Where temporary methods of Mrs, | Public and the rest have been picked up by their owners. During the time tend-|by me." ure of the source of water for "Distemper is a common dis. drinking, and the washing of It is/ease among local dogs right eating utensils, or in the prepar- per is a contagious disease and 'Where any doubt exists," the 6-2 in Kingston on Tuesday night, before 2600 fans -- a good turnout for a mid-week game, and also taking into consideration that Hull had played only six days previously. The victory for the Frontenacs was their second against the Canadiens in the last three meet ings between these two clubs, Hull edged Kingston, 4-2 last Sunday afternoon in Hull. Orval Tessier showed signs of his old self of one year ago, when he set & minor pro league record with 59 goals. Tessier scored three against the Habs, while Dick Meisner, just recently returned . om sick bay added a pair. Long John Henderson turned in his second straight magnificient performance against the Habs. On Sun- day afternoon, the Canadiens peppered 17 shots at John in the opening period, but Kingston skated off with a 1-0 lead -- having only 5 shbts at Johnston in the Hull net. Kingston increased their spread to six points over their closest rivals the Sudbury Wolves, as they continue their torrid battle for the coveted fourth and final play-off berth, Both clubs are now even in games. Kingston have a strenuous week ahead of them, as they head for the north once again. On Thursday night (tonight) they tackle the second place Sault Ste, Marie Thunderbirds ~~ tomorrow night the Sudbury Wolves entertain the Frontenacs, and on Saturday night, the exciting race between Sudbury and Kingston resumes again, this time back in the Limestone city, concluding their vital home- and-home set, If Kingston are fortunate enough to claim victories on both nights against the Wolves, the pressure would definitely be on Sudbury, as they would drop 10 points behind Kingston, With only 20 games remaining in the EPHL schedule the ten- sion is beginning to mount. Also considered a ser= ious threat for fourth spot are the Montreal Royals. Whether they can continue to climb without the services of Jacques Plante in goal, is debatable. At the moment they trail Sudbury by only two points, and Kingston by eight , . . Whithy and district fans were treated to a special performance by the Guelph Royals of the OHA Junior "A" circuit as tley easily downed the Whitby Hillcrests, 6-3 in an exhibition tilt at Whitby Tuesday night. Rod Gilbert, although not. figuring in the scoring gave a splendid display at the art of stickhandling -- mainly while Guelph were shorthanded -- content to just rag the puck. Also showing real well was Jean Ratelle, a tall long-strid- h the oftens cripples-a dog unit warns, "water should be "A lot of dogs don't have'boiled." ing centre, HERE'S A FAMILY-SIZE VALENTINE ! Have your own home for '61! Come in to BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES now for the expert building e quality materials neces- advice you'll need, all th sary. The advice . . . and estimates, too . . . are free! FINANCING HELP! Wood Panelling perks up your home! Costs as 14¢ per tile. rR) & ZX D0e CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH DIAL RA 5-4704 Floor Tile is ecoriomical, easy to install. Low as low as per tile. OSHAWA, ONTARIO