THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Februsry 10, 1787 J | | | CAPSULE NEWS Arabs Buy Ottawa Home OTTAWA (CP) -- The United| CCF Leader MacDonald and Arab Republic has purchased a other mémbers of the assembly {residence in suburban Rock. paid tribute ot Mr. Downer at liffe Park Village, the first) the unveiling of a portrait in the embassy home the republic has Speaker's office, | owned in Ottawa. Purchase) : | 4 | NUCLEAR NEEDED ? price was. reported to be about! HAMILTON (CP) -- All Can.| } 0 bassador Abdel Ha-| 13800.000 Eiri ogh a ada's armed forces should be equipped with tactical nuclear! {downtown hotel, | weapons, Gen, Charles Foulkes FELL 12 STOREYS {sald Thursday. The retired! j | NEW YORK (AP) -- Edith chairman of the Canadian chiefs |Harkness, 12, fell 12 storeys) of staff said in an interview that {from her bedroom window late while Canada does not need| Wednesday, She landed in snow | "weapons of mass destruction," | atop a wing of the apartment|its forces should have small ey | ¢ ¥ hotel where she lived. Today she tical nuclear weapons, lis in hospital with a fractured ay Anka' tt amn y |left elbow and multiple rib frac.| _ ADVOCATES FUND MD tures but in good condition, | ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Hugh : : : | Bailey, Toronto member of the] THE WEATHER OFFICE | Saturday. Today will be part. | HAD KIDNEY TRANSPLANT |Ontatio Farm Products Market-| says cooler temperatures can | ly cloudy in most areas with | "BOSTON (AP) Johanna ing Board, Thursday advocated| be expected throughout On- | some snowflurries in southern | Nightingale, 12, of Steinbach,|@ pational stabilization fund to| tario and Quebec today and Man. who received a healthy| clear domestic surplus from the| rm --- | |kidney from her identical twin| Canadian market He told El-| --| WEATHER FORECAST | sister Lana, wa reported ly bel gin County Sos Produces A. Three Hurt i making excelien PC " L | | | Warm Currents 'When Autos | : Coming Back {day from a second operation|serve as a supplement to pro 1 TORONTO (CP) Official northerly 15 Ontario regions. Saturday will be mostly sunny, ~CP Wirephote 1 SEEK SOLUTION T0 WAGE DISPUTE THROUGH ARBITRATION Prof Bora Laskins of the | bitration between the Sand. | Street Rallwaymen's Union | and Ray Renaud, president of University of Toronto (centre) | wich, Windsor and Amherst- |(CLC). Principals, W. H. Fur- | the union, expressed hopes for Friday opened hearings of ar- ' burg bug lines and Local 616, | long (left) of the SW and A, | early end to wage differences, | PRESENT PLAQUES OBITUARIES Kinsmen Honor [mii Past Presidents today, easterly |George Stillaway, of North Bay; seven grandchildren and 16 in! great-grandchildren | Green; The funeral service will be Catholic Church at 9.30 a.m. held at the McIntosh - Anderson | Thursday, Feb, 9, for Peter|Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Mon- Joseph Baron, Westmoreland day, Feb, 13, followed by inter- avenue, who died at the Osh- ment in Oshawa Union Ceme- Wednesday in which her two|vincial hog marketing plans. diseased kidneys were removed HOLD SUSPECT Nw LONDON, Ont, (CP)~A Tor . WON'T TRY TWICE onto man was arrested on theft CAPE TOWN (Reuters) charges Thursday after a woerd sald Thursday, South Af. ated . 0 a8 : Irica will not "allow herself to nah Vio Ipectod het hone us BOWMANVILLE (Staffy -- A forecasts issued at 5 am 15-25 Saturday, [be belittled" on an application] james Monk 25. was charged|mother and her two children Synopsis -- Throughout north-| Northern Lake Huron, south: to remain a member of the with stealing wallets and purses were treated at the Bowman. ern Ontario overnight tempera- ern Georgian Bay regions: Commonwealth, 3f South Africa fom women in three different ville Memorial Hospital for in- tures were 15:25 degrees colder| Cloudy with snowflurries today, ( clear tonight, Partly cloudy and ship at the Commonwealth two-car collision, The accident|days. Colder air spread across|a jittle milder Saturday. Winds y prime ministers' conference in| ALLOW TV COVERAGE occurred at about 1,15 p.m, at!the southern half of the prov-lnortherly 15 today, southeast |St, George's Ukrainian London next month and told to] OTTAWA (CP)=Despite vig-ithe intersection of the Solina i Pa vo ha 2 I rked| TY 15-25 Saturday. apply again, it will refuse to do orous objections by Mayor Char-\road and Concession 7, Darling-| cloud prevented any marked Buibia a 80, he said [lotte Whitton, the board of con-\ton Township. {temperature drop. By late to-| Forecast temperatures: CHARGE MAN trol. Thursday recommended war Tavior, 5, of Lot 23, night a southerly to southeast-| Low tonight and high Saturday or Prime Minister Hendrik Ver. oo20 became suspicious of a is refused continued member- homes juries received Thursday in #|than those of the last couple of \ | wh that television coverage of City|concession 7. Darlington Town.| Ty flow will have devéloped| windsor ......... 28 Nineteen past presidents of the club, including the 1928 char ter president, Dr. Lew Hubbell were in attendance at the Past Presidents' Night meeting of the Oshawa Kinsmen Club at Hotel Genosha Thursday night One of the highlights of the gathering was the presentation to each of the past presidents of a bronze plaque bearing the Kin'S the name of the recipient and his year of office The past presidents of the elub who received the plaques together with the year they served, follow J. W. Nicholls, 1060; G son, 1059; J. Menzie, 1958; E. J, Reed, 1957; W. Hunter, 1956; A Pollard, 1055; H. Roughley, 1054; H. Cranfield, 1053; R. Wilson, 1052; J. Risebrough, 1951; H. Robinson, 1947; Dr. R. Cox, 1945; R. Hobbs, 1944; C Cox, 1041; E. 8. Reading, 1940; W. R. Branch, 1938; T, L. Wil COMING EVENTS THERE will be a Tuiamate sale in 4 wore basement, 1n Whithy, Thursday all day. February 16th Crest Garri ANNUAL Meeting Oshawa Division Council of Girl Guides will be held at Guide House, 123 Simooe Street South on Thursday, February 16, at 8 p.m Films and slides of Jubilee camping will be shown. Refreshments, Public is cordially invited KINSMAN CLUB OF OSHAWA DANCE FEBRUARY 15, son, 1981; 1 1930; 1 Hubbell, 1928 John Nicholls, Osler Immediale past president of the club, presided during the early part of the meeting when a minute's si- was observed in remem of the past presidents Those Brooks, Northcott Lundy, Dr Young and lence brance who have passed away honored were: G. T B: Collis, J. 8 W. L. Dibbon, R. H W. H. Gifford, T. ( Russell Storks Gordon Garrison, who propos ed the toast to the association referred to the origin and foun- dation of the Association of Kin men Clubs and touched on the highlights and growth of the service club from its inception in 1920 to the present, The reply to the toast and best wishes for continued growth and development was given by Al Pollard who thank- ed the past presidents for their industrious service In the past their attendance at the ng. { During the fellowship hour a {group of professional entertain. |ers provided a program. | | | 'Eric Morse Is Speaker At Club and | meeti | awa General Hospital last Tues tery, Elder C. Fell will conduct day his 45th year the services The mass was sung by Rev.| Friends are asked not to call J. C, Pereyma, Interment Was at the funeral home until Satur- in 8t, Gregory's Cemetery, The dav evening church was filled to capacity for the service and the many floral| WARREN B. HASTINGS pieces indicated the high es] TORONTO - Warren B, Hast teem in which the deceased was ings, honorary vice - president and senior consultant of the On- held The pallbearers were Mike tario Motor League, executive Kupnicki, . Paul Wytsoski, Jim|yjee president of the Canadian McMullen, Bill Vetzal, Mikel automobile Association and sec Szoldra and John Strocen, retary of the Ontario Motor Truck Owners Association, died Thursday, He was 70 in F r HAMLETT (Bert) WOLFRAME A patient at § br Hos- pital' tien; at nybroox Hes | In 1913 he joined the fledg- Hamlett (Bert) Wolframe, 53/1n8 Ontario Motor League Nassau street. Oshawa, died at where he became editor of the the hospital Thursday, Feb, 9 |Canadian Motorist. for the He was in his 77th year next 47 years his name wa A son of the late Mr. and/®Ynonymous with the OML an Mrs. Lorenzo Wolframe, the de-| "AA. ceased was born at Bobcaygeon,| In 1021 he joined the Society (Dec. 7, 1884, A resident of Osh-|of Automotive Engineers and {awa for 37 years, he had pre-/became secrctary of the Cana- [viously lived in Fort Willlam dian section when) it was |and Gravenhurst founded. He became vice.chair- | Mr, Wolframe served with the, man: of the section in 1947, later [Canadian Forestry Corps over-/chairman {seas during the First World] Mr, Hastings was ) named |War. He was a member oromL general manager {in 1950, Blane 43, Royal Canadian Le- combining this post with that 1. M " " . He is survived by his wite,|%f CAA executive {the former Mable Willams { Chandler; three daughters, Mrs. | N. Magee (Doreen) and Mrs, ; , both of Osh- : D. Zuer Oe) W. Hepburn|committee on highway researc | Fdith), of Toronto and a son,|and of the board of the Canadian Thomas, of Oshawa, Highway Safety Council Also surviving are two sis. He also was a director of the vice-presi-|| senior vice . president of Affiliated Engineering Societies, one with a weird charter member of the advisory humor, Mrs, Kenneth Melless, and a hlof 221 Dovedale drive, Whitby, mas tree {the mother of three children, is|ceived flowers -- as did her hus:| under doctor's care today -- the band. victim of the prankster's gen- erosity NIAGARA FALLS, Ont William Arnold Richardson, 28,|an experimental basis Thursday trial on a charge of man- ated by TV technicians would slaughter gence causing death to Leanore| ings, woman, | was committed and. criminal The was shol ear tobinson, - 36 nother of two, Saturday in the house where she ived with Richardson UNVEIL PORTRAIT TORONTO (CP)~Rev egislature, had his Aberal Leader Wint 4 BLAME PRANKSTER (CP)| council meetings be allowed on negli A. W.|was | Downer, Progressive Conserva-| charge tive member for Dufferin Sim-| jury coe' and Speaker of the Ontario| hearing evidence that Raymond portrait| Anthony [added to those of his predeces-| beat her when drunk. Mrs, Rein-|, sors Thursday, Premier Frost,(hardt was remanded to Feb. 24 B over the district again, pushing| temperatures again slightly above normal | South rie | St Thomas. {Kitchener . London .. ern Lake Huron, Lake wincham Lake Ontario regions, Toronto ..... sor, London, Hamilton, Peterborough . " Cc scoming| CHARGE REDUCED [Evelyn Jean "Taylor, 27, was) Sotome: C 1 orning. maim Trenton sassereee 20 TORONTO (CP)--Mrs, Mary treated for & fractured collar-| oloar tonight, Cloudy with SNOW" | Fi a arines ... 25 | Reinhardt, 38, on trial this week|bone, and is reported to be in|frries and a little milder Sat-| Musk on wens for murder in the stabbing satisfactory condition this morn-|yrday, Winds northerly 15 today! Kill; to n » {death of her husband, Thursday ing easterly 15-25 Saturday, Fo lve . convicted on a reduced Mrs, Taylor was the driver of| Niagara regions: Cloudy with| Sudbury of manslaughter. Wheiihe car which was involved in a snoufiurries today. Mainly Kapuskasing sire § ommended mercy afler|eojiision with a second auto| cloudy tonight and Saturday, a White River serre: 20 (driven by Mrs, Ella Mae Bow- little milder Saturday. Winds|Moosonee ....... man, 49, of Lot 29, Concession | re Darlington Township, Mrs. | owman was unhurt, | | The accident was investigat- led by Constable Jack Cart. |wright, Bowmanville detach- {ment of the OPP, ship, was treated for a fractured skull and transferred to the Sick Children's . Hospital, Toronto, His brother, Lawrence, 4, was treated for lacerations to the Wind head and then released, Mrs.| Mayor to| Whitton said the diversion cre- [disturb the dignity of the meet-| ly| 40, often Reinhardt, , for sentence Unwanted Goods Inundate Home WHITBY (Staff) -- Police are|livery trucks started rolling up| un-/to the door with merchandise dent and many others. He was/nerving pranks played upon a/for the Melless household. the young Whitby mother by some-| nvestigating a series of sense | | CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed to traffic today: Steven. son road south, from Gibb street {to the CPR; Stevenson south, Among them were such time-| closed at the CNR; Mohawk items as a Christmas cake street, from Sherwood avenue large, ornamental Christ-{to Bedford avenue; Bedford av- The neighbors re-|enue closed at Mohawk street, SIX AMBULANCE CALLS Oshawa Fire Department am. | {bulance créws responded to six| of ly UT Business men all said that someone, pretending to be Mrs, THE BEST ters. Mrs. L. Seriver (Ethel), of Ontario Safety League, of the BOWMANVILLE (Staff) | Hastings and Mrs, H. Scriver|Traffic Advisory Board, Can.| It all started in the middle of Melless, had telephoned and or- The encouragement to get out-| (May), of Windsor; five grand: ada's first Traffic Conference December when an advertise- dered the goods. {doors and rough it In the wilds|children and 11 great-grandchil-land of the Canadian Standards ment offering dogs for sale ap-|_ A short lui Sollowed i this es ; .|of vast northern areas was em-|dren {Association, peared in The Oshawa Times. vity, then taxi cabs starte CONDITION SATISFACTORY Iphasized Wednesday night, atl The memorial service will be, He leaves his wife. the for- {to arrive, followed by bearers| william Groves, 22, of 21 . Mrs, Melless was soon swamp- of Ck se food fr an Oshawa ho the regular meeting of the/held at the Armstrong Funeral mer Luella May Rich: a son ; of Uhinese 100d from an Dshawa Maple street, Ajax, wi was Yanadian C tan Sig 9 P Feb. lm . v9 BOIL ed with callers enquiring about! restaurant. Hard on their heels|y . Can | ub ot or Durham. Home at Aa ih Thomas C.. and a daughter, the pets, The Whitby housewife came the dry cleaning men to Tonle gob vit Wl a 1 p Ra 1) p py A " yw " ud BR A | \ 8 > h- nent tion, of " pis EC og Rg Ary Rev. (Nos: E. H. Hil; n brother, ( E. shrugged it off thinking that a pick up clothing all unsum-| day Boivin remains in "satis- LT (Hastings and a sister, Mrs.|typographical error was respon- moned by Mrs. x routine calls Thursday. No fire| |alarms were turned in during] the day. 1961 JUBILEE 9.12 $5.00 PER COUPLE Bor privileges, Tickets avall able from any Kinsman DANCE LOCAL 10th p 50 1961, UPSE Friday, February of Melless. |factory condition," in Oshawa Hall p.m lumbus 9 to Knights of ( (Bond St. West) Door prize refreshments $1.00 Per SOr OSHAWA & DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB VALENTINES DANCE UAWA HALL MAIN AUDITORIUM BOND ST. E/, OSHAWA SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1961 8 PM - MIDNIGHT Admis $1.5 ST. GEORGE'S MEN'S CLUB PRESENTS OSHAWA CHAPTER BARBERSHOPPERS MINSTREL REVUE Al St. George's Parish Hall Sat., Feb. 18 . 8:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 Per Person Tickets ovailable at WILSON REAL ESTATE OFFICE AT SHOPPING CENTRE or PHONE 5.9463 BINGO AT ST. JOHN'S HALL FRI., FEB. 10 - 7:45 p.m. Comer of Bloor and Simcoe Twenty Gomes -- $8 and $10 Five $40 Jackpots BINGO CORONATION | ORANGE TEMPLE ames 8 THE-WEALTH {Eric W, Morse, National Direc tor of Canadian Clubs," and I would like to see our youths en couraged into the outdoors ac tivities.' More than 200 members were taken back in time to the days of the fur traders, who, said Mr Morse, were responsible for the exploration and binding to gether of this continent's coasts Guided by map, air photos and |early diaries, Mr, Morse and a group' of five others, during summer vacations, made a spe cial project of retracing old ex plorers' and fur traders' routes across Canada by canoe, cover ing more than 2400 miles "Canada is a sea of forests {laced with streams and rivers and sprinkled with lakes, thus should you set a canoe in prac tically any city, vou could travel anywhere to any place you might choose with very little trouble," said the speaker. He said that Canada has one half of the world's fresh water, 75 per cent of which drains into the oceans and 80 per cent of the old explorers' routes and por tages are still quite evident, son setting out in a canoe to follow "This east « west water throughway which binds Cana. dian shores is beyond descrip. tion and I would like to see young groups participate in this project," said Mr. Morse. Descriptive slides on the areas travelled by his group were then shown to the attendance STRIKES ARE OLD STUFF The first strike on record was in Rome in 309 BC when a Greek flute player named Aristos called his or. chestra out because they weren't allowed to eat lunch in the temple where they performed Gio on strike today against budget problems. Rent that extra room for extra cash with a low cost, fast work. ing Oshawa Times Classi- fied Ad. It's easy, just dial RA 3.3492 now. A friendly Ad Writer Is waiting to help you making it fairly easy for a per-| {Donald Wilson, assistant reclor| m of St. George's Anglican ' Church, will conduct the ser- vices F our-va MRS. ISABELLE THOMPSON In failing health for the last six months, Mrs, Isabelle Eliza beth Thompson died Thursday Feb, 9, at the family residence [855 Christie avenue, Oshawa She was 83 Born in Darlington, Feb. 2 1878. the former Isabelle Leask married the late Frank Thomp leon at Ryland Farm, Taunton, {April 6, 1807. She was an Osh awa resident for seven years Mrs. Thompson was a mem ber of the Northminster United Church and the Women's Asso- ciation of that church, She was lalso a life. member of the General Motors Unit shop stewards, of Local 222, Thursday night expressed in- creased alarm at the four-day work week some departments are currently working under, There have been one-day shut downs, which GM officials say are to control inventory. | The general feeling among the stewards was that the union should a ac } © any {Women's Association of Kedron iy Rpprvach pS Sompuny {United Church and a member of | gor hot come 'workers would the Solina Women's Institute Ihe as well off collecting unem- Williams, all of Toronto, 'sible for the mistake. Then de-.| Week Alarms Stewards best attendance of any re:opened last September The Local 222 president add- MeNess' name called a radio | study. ed he hopes to see the s am e/ station and actually went type of attendance at all gen- the air" to ask listeners if they eral membership meetings SET SALES About area in 1960, more than half {them on the instalment plan. general bor borrowed Mrs, Melless' va- (lic speaking' and parliamentary UAW, membership meeting since they cuum cleaner. Once again, trye procedure, committeeman and| a. | 19,000 television sets ed to jump off the hook. The mer finance committee chair were sold in the Oslo, Norway, doctor is treating her for a ner. At 1.46 a.m, one day a Whit-| General Hospital today. | by restaurant telephoned to en-| lenquire why the barbecued BURT TO SPEAK chicken she had ordered hadn't! George Burt, Canadian region-| been picked up. al director of the United Auto- Nine days ago Whitby police mobile Workers of America, i were called. They interviewed will be on hand Saturday and lone suspect and the persecu- Sunday for three union educa-|| {tion ceased for eight days -- tion classes to be conducted at |until yesterday {UAW Hall, 44 Bond street east. | + Yesterday morning a neigh: The classes will deal with pub- or ¢ O¢ (00L wn O' CONTROL © With COOL CONTROL BREWING = 27. o & out the ot H Walle, ay to form, someone using Mrs. Stewards training and time "on| Dow knows how to brin sparkling zest in beer. Exolusive © Qui Conte! Cool Control prowing Suards the temperature, guards the flavour of Dow---every step of the way "til the cap goes on the bottle. When you uncap a Dow, you pour yourself *hq easy-drinking best in beer. PRESIDENT NAMED knew of a vacuum cleaner re: TORONTO (CP)=The Lord's pair man . Day Alliance Dominion Board Mrs, Melless' telephone start: announced Thursday that for- man J. Gordon Coburn has been elected as president for the coming year | of vous condition whil® Whitby {police are still investigating. |She was a former member o [ployment insurance benefits! [Eldad United Chur h. : land supplementary unemploy- | Her husband, Frank Thomp- vent benefits. The gap, it was son, predeceased her Feb. 9, pointed out, in many cases is 1954 only $10 difference, Surviving are Malcolm Smith, Local 222 |daughters: Mrs president, explained today that inson (Larine); Mrs what is further agitating the sit. ite Trevail and Mrs, uation is that some departments! {Kilburn (Marion) are shutting down a few points A sister, Mrs, Charles Adcock of an hour early Drs the (Barbara), of Cobourg; three eight-hour work day is com- grandchildren and four great: pieted. Thus the result is that! grandchildren also survive, [some workers are not getting a The bosy is resting at the|32.hour work week in. Artastrong Funeral Home. The However, Bill Harding, chair memorial service will be held man of the GM shop commit Saturday, Feb, 11, at 3.15 p.m. tee, said that if workers are | Rev. H. A. Mellow of North- (only going to be off one day minster United Church, will con-|this month, and one day next {duct the service. Interment 'will month, then the shut-downs stop {be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. |there,. the union wouldn't have i |sound grounds to approach the MRS. SAMUEL 0. REID |company, seeking a layoff on. | three Oshawa Murwin Dick- Marguer- | Walter| VINYL & . | RANCE | FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY 'MINOR HOCKEY EXHIBITION GAMES Saturday, Feb. 11th-7.30 P.M. Toronto "Marlboro" Bantams vs LINOLEUM | Vinyl Asbestos Brokén Cartons In failing heaith for the past| President Smith said today he year, Elizabeth Stillaway, be-|is in full agreement with Mr. | loved wife of Samuel O. Reid, | Harding. However if the fous | died this morning at Halliday day work week continues past| Manor, 620A Richmond street next month, the union will defi. east. Mrs, Reld was in her 77th|nitely have to do something year about it, f Born at Hamilton, Ont, the! The four-day work week will deceased was a daughter of the be further discussed and thrash- late Thomas and Pamella Still-led out at a GM unit meet- away, She was married in Ham: ing next Thursday, Mr. Smith ilton in 1903 and had lived in the said, Oshawa area for 40 years. She| Following the shop stewards was an adherent of the Seventh. meeting, the local held a gen. day Adventist Church [eral membership meeting, Mr | Besides her husband, Mrs.|Smith said the union executive {Reid is survived by a son, Louis feels extremely gratified at the A. (Sparky) Reid, of Oshawa. [turnout at Thursday night's [] PER TILE 13 Full Cartons PER TILE 12V4* (10.00 per full carton) 9" x 9" tile. In a full range 1270 SIMCOE ST. N, McCULL LUMBER CO. LTD. Linciau Oshawa "All-Star" Bantams 8.' Full Cartons ¢ PER TILE 8 (10,00 per full carton) 9" x 9" tile. Available in @ wide range of colers, Broken Cartons PER TILE Burlington "Braves" Midgels vs Oshawa "All-Star" Midgets Admission: Adults and Students 50¢ Children 25¢ CHILDREN'S ARENA THERE WILL BE ND PUBLIC SKATING RA 8-4688 Also surviving are a brother, meeting. He said it had the