The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Februery 10, 1961 ---- GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN CIVIL DEFENCE SIRENS FOR CITY Present plans call for the installation of five Civil Defence electrical sirens in Oshawa by the end of April, There will also be two each in Whitby town and Ajax. The alert system has been planned under the direction of the Central Ontario Command of The Canadian Army, whose engineers have been busy here in recent weeks making surveys. The city sirens will be controlled from the Oshawa police station initially -- later they will be connected with a secret emergency centre for Ontario, Tenders will be called soon for installation of the sirens so that they can be in operation in plenty of time for Exercise Tocsin, a national alert exercise scheduled for May, TENNIS CLUB POLICIES "CONFUSED" ~The following letter to this column was signed by President Ron Cox of the Oshawa Tennis Club on be~ half of himself and all members of the 1961 executive: Dear Sir: It would appear that the policies and actions of last Year's Directors and Executive of the Oshawa Tennis Club have been confused and misunderstood, It is our desire and concern this situation be remedied, First of all it has been fully established, to the satisfaction of all concerned, that all official actions of the Club (particularly in respect to property considerations) were taken in proper manner and with the ratification of the mem-~ bership as a whole, Various reasons have been given for the Director's action in listing the Tennis Club property for sale, and for recommended by- law changes to establish a Board of Trustees. Unfortunately most of the reasons given have not been accurate and do not properly reflect the concern of those involved, At no time was it the intention of last year's Executive to discontinue the Tennis Club but rather to seek a solution to financial difficul ties so that both the Oshawa Tennis Club, and tennis activities, might continue and grow. The decision made and ratified was that of the ma~ jority of all interested members, and was ar- rived at only after some years of study, and after many membership and fund raising ven- tures had been tried, Any suggestions that the assets of the Ten nis Club might be turned over to any other offi cial municipal body, without complete assur ance of, both the continuance of a Tennis Club, are merely supposition and are inaccurate, The purpose behind the recommendation that the Board of Trustees be established was to involve experienced and older members in the concerns of the Tennis Club, to establish con. tinuity of thinking and action, and to have a leadership group that (because it would not be tied down to the regular work of current opera- ation) could to some purpose devote its efforts to re-growth and other long range goals, The idea of some such body has not been abandoned and will be reintroduced after study by the present Executive, All members of last year's governing body, along with the members of the established "Ways and Means Committee," who worked so hard for the betterment of the Oshawa Tennis Club, are to be commended for their efforts. The Oshawa Tennis Club located at the corner of Ritson Road North and Hillcroft Street invites all interested persons to contact our Membership Chairman, Miss Carol Winfield, RA 8-2233. Yours very truly, The Oshawa Tennis Club, 1061 Executive. Al In reply to the above: The policies and actions of the 1960 directors and executive were "misunderstood and confused" be- cause these people frequently failed to observe routine practices in carrying out executive duties, For instance, no annual membership meet was call- ed in December, The move to place the Club's valuable property up for sale was legal, but inadequately adver- tised, The well-meaning outgoing directorate and execu- tive sometimes operated in a hit-and-miss manner that was bound to draw sharp criticism, The above statement that the original idea for the establishment of a board of trustees will be re-introduc= ed after study by the new executive will do little to ease the concern of those former members who did so much in bygone years to build up.the OTC by financial contributions and personal labor, The tennis 'club wasn't built overnight by the efforts of a few, It was built and maintained through the years by the efforts of many, not only for themselves but for generations to come. The trustee board idea needs far more clarification and study before it could be accepted, if, indeed it has any merit at all, MAURICE G, HART JOINS COMMISSION Maurice G. Hart, recently appointed to the Oshe awa Industrial Commission to replace Graham Coulter who resigned, is one of our better known citizens, He has been president and general manager of the Oshawa Dairy Ltd. since 1953 when his father, the late George Hart, died. He was a member of the Township of East Whitby Council in 1829-31, inclusive, and has been active in a number of city organizations. He is a past-president of the Oshawa Curling Club, the Oshawa Rotary Club (of which he has been a member since 1932) and the Oshe awa Scottish Rite. He is a member of Lebanon Lodge AF and AM and a 32nd degree Mason, Mr, Hart was born in Bowmanville and has resided here for the past 48 years, Mr, and Mrs, Hart have four children, one of whom was killed in action with the RAF in the Second World War, He is the late Thomas Hart, a pilot officer, Health Probe Asked For The nine-member delegation said the study the past and present ef- fects of gas, dust, and fumes on the health of workmen in the industry. / (5 Students from the Univer. | Montreal proper and suburban sity of Montreal throw their | Mount Royal, It was the weight on to a metal fence | roughest episode during sey- marking the boundary between ' eral hours of student march- IN MONTREAL ing and singing through Mount Royal and Outremont on opening day of the univer- sity's winter carnival, The Charge Against Hydro Aired At Queens Park TORONTO (CP)--A simmer- dro must acquire about 180said consideration was being ing 18-year-old inter-provincial acres in Hawkesbury for lease/ given to the moving as many agreement boiled over into bit- to Quebec. The property will be homes as possible, ter debate in the legislature affected by flooding the head-| "I submit that the earlier re- Thursday night, {pond level behind a new power lease was deliberately intended Government benches tried to dam at Carillon, Que, 12 miles to cajole and entice these peo- shout down accusations by Ray downstream from Hakesbury, ve Into arconting Hydro's of- Edwards (1, -- Wentworth) that| Liberals were in pe when|fers of settlements," said Mr. the Hydro Electric Power Com- the agreement was made. | Edwards, mission had "plundered and ex-| "I voted against it," shouted "If thiz had been nossible and loited"" the 8,000 residents of Premier Frost, "You shoved it they had succeeded in persuad- awkesbury, some 60 miles down the throats of the people," ing these people to do this, no north of Cornwall on the Ottawa' Mr, Edwards said Hydro last alternative offer would have River, year indicated to residents they been provided" Mr. Edwards said the govern- would have to evacuate thei Mr, Edwards sald he had ment should build low-mortgage area because only a few homes been told by residents that if homes to accomodate property could be moved to another loca- half of the property owners owners in the town forced out tion, |""s0ld out," Hydro would have when their land Is flooded by a He said it was more than a co- been able to make any offer. power development, {incidence that Hydro Issued a | ¢ +h ACCUSES MINISTER Under a 1943 agreement Hy- news release 8 week ago which He accused Energy Resources | Minister Macaulay of following the line of least resistance when the minister vetoed a Hydro plan to build a dyke so the river could be diverted and the homes would not be flooded out, Kennedy Checks Depressed Areas i... WASHINGTON (AP) ~ Freah) tose to an Idle rate of mearlyiaro ag saying in a letter that eports of mounting unemploy-12 ner cent, { "result in delay could quite con- ype in big cities Thursday Goldberg's initial fact-finding cefvahly reopen a matter which fence sagged but did not | break, ~(CP Wirephoto) Judge Puts Picture Ban On Murder Trial SWEETSBURG, Que. (CP)--| In a front-page statement in uine or not isn't the real issue," Many UIC Court Cases ted President Kennedy to migsion will arm the adminis. | wae of high controversy a num- Drder a series of on-the-spot in- tration with data to present 10iy.r of years ago, but which the spections of conditions on the Congress in support of Ken-| na5n10 'on both sides of the river hard-hit areas, nedy's $1,200,000,000 emergency have come to accept," The jobless picture was de- plan to aid the long-term unem-| He said Hydro's latest pro aetibed a vem tan it has Ployed and children of idle) coy ould only force residents een in A ' Ld The. labor department added A January job report shaws U0, BrefiC AU BRCCP FO 48 areas to its list of commun- over-all unemployment In that| os the amount Hydro intends ities having substantial labor month was 5,385,000 with 1,880, |40 pay for their present homes." surplus---or an idle rate exceed- 000 idle 15 weeks or longer. The|™ | to th ie in Pin per cent, More than half| report also showed 1,687,000 nor- It is oy omer the 'major industrial areas in/mally full - time workers em- and the cabinet fo ithe Od the U.§., or 76 out of 150, now|ployed only part-time. | teps necessary So iy. and right lig lt i Employment in January was the situation," he said. Kennedy directed Labor Sec:|64,452,000, & record for the retary Arthur Goldberg to make month, Anticipated Mr. Justice Louis Philippe|La Presse Thursday, the news. Mr. Justice Cliche sald. "The Cliche of Quebec Superior Court| paper's staff photographer Jear- fact is that in the public mind Thursday banned the taking of Yves Letourneau states 'on my a man behind bars Is a con any more pictures of Abel Vos- professional honor" that the demned man, This Is against burgh, charged with the murder photo of Vosburgh behind bars our form of justice, I now ad- of his wife and 11 of his child- was authentic, Letourneau says vise the press and all other| ren, until his trial is over. the photo was taken at the news agencies to be prudent in In an interview, Mr. Justice Sweetsburg prison follownng their treatment of this case, I Cliche said that "any pictures yosuiian's preliminary hearing wii hoi in Sonempt oy ple. y in| Feb, 3. ure-taking 'o ccuse . Suken of Vosbutgh anywhere ib "Whether the picture Is gen-fore his trial is ended." from now until his trial is over will amount to .contempt of an we av MIOT@ Discipline wants to see the spirit of Brit- {sh justice and fair play return to the case. He said he will de- liberately delay his decision on venue for the trial until "pas-| sions have calmed and obvious Special to The Oshawa Times mental WILL DELAY commission should a defence - sought change of By M. McINTYRE HOOD contagion has had a cooling-off period." LONDON - Discipline within the Labor party is tightening, Members of the party, including one member of parliament, are His decision on the applica-| finding out that no longer will tion Monday for a change Oflpersonal attacks on their lead: venue likely will be delayed os ye tolerated, Violations of a "for months, because I belleve| yonant agreemerit reached with the Interests of justice will be|in the Parliamentary Labor best served that way." Party that personal attacks on Vosburgh 1s charged with the colleagues should stop are being murder of his wife and 11 of sovarely punished, One Membof of parliament is under threat o his 15 children, whose charred) 20 3 Con ly or remains were found after their| 4i.0.t attack on Hugh Gaitskell, shanty home at Noyan had been yo party leader, destroyed by fire Dec. 9. Vos-| "his member is John Baird, burgh was the only one in the jor. wing member for Wolver- house to survive. hampton North-East constituen- The judge said he was issu: cy, He is alleged to have at ing his warning about pictures| tacked Mr. Gaitskell in an after- because "certain publicity and| dinner speech at Cannock, Staf- pictures" have overwhelmed the|fordshire, in Miss Jenny Lee's basic fact that an accused is in- constituency. He said that "the nocent until proven guilty, | leadership of the Parliamentary He said he referred particu-|Labor Party stinks". He de- larly to a picture in Montreal| scribed Mr. Gaitskell as a La Presse showing Vosburgh be-| 'stubborn little man™, hind bars in the jail that is part START INVESTIGATION of the Sweetshurgh court build. Mr, Baird's statements, which ing. The judge sald he suspected are claimed to be a direct con- that the picture was a fake-- travention of the new rule, have with bars super - imposed on been brought officially to the Vosburgh after a photo had notice of the Opposition's chief been taken of him in a corridor,| whip, Herbert Bowden, and will the courtroom or elsewhere. 'be the subject of an investiga. RRL For Labor Party tion by the shadow cabinet, The likely penalty would be the with- drawal of the Labor whip from Mr, Baird, which would put him outside the pale in the House of Commons. This might also be a half-way step toward expulsion from the party, which would re- quire a decision by the full membership of the Parliament. ary Labor Party. OFFICIAL IN TROUBLE Another somewhat similar case, on a slightly lower level, has cropped up in Buckingham shire, 'Ray Bellchamber, an of- ficial of the Buckingham Labor Party for the last 23 years, has been expelled from it because of persistent criticism of its lead: ers, and particularly of the Labor candidate for the econ- stituency. Expulsion was order: ed by a general meeting of the management committee of the party, The decision was made after Mr. Bellchamber had made an unrepentant statement to the committee, After the decision, Mr, Bell chamber's only comment was: "It is certainly no secret that the candidate is not everybody's idea of what a Socialist candi date should be." He is, however, making an appeal to the party's national TORONTO (CP)~More than 500 cases are expected to have appeared in Ontario courts in the year ending in March as the result of an increase in Unem- ployment Insurance Commis- sion investigations. Officials sald Wednesday a beefed - up investigating squad and use of special techniques have resulted in an Increase in prosecutions against those sus- ployment Insurance Fund, A post-audit check began last June fis responsible for more than 15 per cent of the prosecu- tions. In a post-audit check, in- vestigators compare bene. fits paid out with contributions made, and if 'an employer Is making contributions for an em- ployee while the latter is draw- ing insurance, a more thorough Investigation is made. Officjals say stiff fines (some as high as $750) and jail sen- tences are acting as a deterrent to thg offenders, 'We have found / magistrates In the last six months have been taking our cases very seriously." Gestapo Boss 'Hangs In Cell DORTMUND (Reuters)--Ru- dolf Bataz, 57, a former high ranking Gestapo officer under during the war, has hanged| himself in his prison cell, the Dortmund public prosecutor an-| nounced Thursday. | Batz, Gestapo chief in the! Arnsberg district and believed to have been the highest 8S| (Nazi elite guard) and Gestapo! officer in the Ruhr area when| the war ended, was arrested at! Bielefeld last November, executive to be reinstated | DIDN'T LOSE | HER COMPOSURE RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Israeli movie star Dahlia Lavi popped into the swim. ming pool at her hotel. A second later the bottom of her bikini popped to the surface, She swam in per- pendicular fashion to the side of the pool and, mur- © muring "this is so embar- rassing," snaked into some slacks and departed, pected of cheating the Unem-imore, arrest in connection with shoof-| Ings in this West German area| a series of tours into the trouble|™ "Go Appeal For RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. |and Pittsburgh Sunday. vleveland, Balti-| pounds, shillings and pence Philadelphia, Clavel Kansas Thursday made an urgent Goldberg will be at Chicago, Decimal Coin INCLUDES BIGGEST | Some of the biggest cities ar. plea IC d St. Louis. [to the government -- switch to| om York and Chicago re-|the decimal coinage "as soon| Gary and South Bend, Ind, and| |Lansing, Mich, today, Detroit land Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, For Britain | 5 major labor mar- |nong the BAT to the] LONDON (Reuters) -- The depressed list, They include men who total up Britain's| ible." main unchanged from two as poss i | The 33,000 chartered account.| Instollot out months ago at three to six per| 'he 33,000 chattered ACCouIL] ation by own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 US. Attacks UX.-China it unemployed, while Detroit to say just when it planned to| make the change. [ The accountants made their| appeal in a memorandum to Chancellor of the Exchequer| Selwyn Lloyd, At issue is whether Britain should continue its present way | of counting money ~~ 12 pence make one shilling; 20 shillings make one pound--or go over to Statement WASHINGTON (AP) ~ The United States took sharp issue Thursday with a British declara- tion that Communist China should be given membership in the United Nations, The open disagreement be. tween the two allies on this question raised the possibility | i w il f [3 . er voids oN smovaown| New Jail Going Up {on the problem of admitting Red Near Gravenhurst China to the UN may now be coming to an end. ' There was some suspicion in| OTTAWA (CP)-~A minimum diplomatic quarters here thatisecurity prison is to be estab. British Foreign Secretary Lord|lished this year at the site of a Home had made the declaration wartime air training base near in an effort to manoeuvie Pres). Gravenhurst, Juice Midiator dent Kennedy's administration| Fulton announce ursday, toward a different policy on Red) The Gravenhurst institution China. Washington's reaction will eventually house about 100 was designed to block any such prisoners who. are to be trans. janoeuvre, ferred from prisons in the King. y Lord Home told the House of ston area. , 8 Lords Wednesday that "the Mr. Fulton also announced facts of international life re- that a correctional work camp is quire that Communist China(to be set up on the Camp Pet. | should be seated in the United awawa military property near Nations" -- even though Red|Pembroke. It will be in opera: | China has smothered Tibet, re- tion this summer with 80 pris. sisted conciliation efforts and oners and a staff, a 10-based system such as is used in Canada, The accountants sald it was "wholly inappropriate" that Britain, "which regards itself as an International banker," should be "the sole surviving ex. ponent of a currency system | abandoned in every commer. cially-advanced nation," SALUTE TOMORROW'S 1111115 CARRIER Is Learning To Become A BUSINESS MAN Your Help Will Be Appreciated proclaimed its belief in war, Work on'the Gravenhurst pro. Asked about this statement ject is to start within a few Thursday, state department weeks. press officer Lincoln White first| ------ sald: "1 would Tike 10 MAKE | oy AA clear that the views expressed & by Lord Home are not the re-| sult of any consultation between ¥ our two governments," I$ " He then reaffirmed U.S. oppo- | sition to seating the Communist || Chinese in the UN. A TONIGH AT §2224 6-9 P.M.CASH AND CARRY FURNITURE T ONLY 5 pints. Electric Kettles By General Steel Wares, Capacity 6.99 lale fl _--_-- Nickel Mines That no one be allowed to TORONTO (CP)~District un- work in a place in which the air fon No. 2 of the International|contains dust, fumes or smoke Union of Mine, Miil and Smelter | in injurious quantities; that joint Workers (Ind.) said Thursday it safety committees representing will ask Premier Frost to es- miners and employers be estab- tablish a' commission to investi. lished; that all miners be cer. gate dust, gas and smoke con- | tified; that no miner be allowed ditions in the Ontario nickel in-{to work for more than eight dustry. hours in any 24 - hour period; The union, representing 22,000| that coroners' juries be manda- miners, met Mines Minister|tory in all cases of fatal acci-| C. Schiller, left, poses today Maloney at Queen's Park Thurs-|dents, and that no miner be al:| with Larry McLain, president day and presented six recom-|lowed to work alone under! of the fraternity at Lake For- mendations. ground. | est College that depledged Model PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS PRESTO Electric Steam and Dry Iron We still have a good selection of models ranging from Perteble Trane sistors up to full Stereo-Mi-Fi Consoles, all to be sold at Warehouse Clearance Prices, For the Stereo fan, we have units to build In end Install yourself, so be sure to come down early while our stock lasts, OPEN 1 P.M, to 6 P.M. Monday through Saturday While the Sale Lests This sole and these low, low prices are extended to residents within the circulation area of the OSHAWA TIMES ONLY, RADIO WHOLESALERS OSHAWA WAREHOUSE: LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF sIMEOR ST, L 8 end BLOOR ot 401 Highway . Ample Parking ~~ come to main office entrance AHN 3.99 Bthorfords FURNITURE 'BROTHERLY' FRATERNITY ? LAKE FOREST, Ill.--Donald | Schiller because of his Jewish religion. The local chapter of Phi Delta Theta says Schiller is acceptable to it, but the national council of fraternity turned him down. Schiller continues to live in the frater- nity house as a non-member, «(AP Wirephoto) 156 SIMCOE §. all i ll ls G6 nn mM

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