The Oshawa Times, 8 Feb 1961, p. 7

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YOUNG PEOPLE RECEIVE PRIZES FOR TEMPERANCE ESSAYS FOR THEIR ESSAYS on temperance the young people pictured here received awards from the Women's Christian Temperance Union at the ane nual prize - giving. In the top picture, front row, left to right, are Maureen Sullivan, St. Andrews Sunday School §haron MacLeod, Salvation CNIB Is Teacher And Friend To Woman Suddenly Struck Blind CNIB and the| I of the Blind and Evan Stasiak, St Andrew's, Back row: Kevin Dancey, St. Andrew's; War. ren Coulter, Northminster; Cheryl Clark, Beverley Hainer, Mary Mark, Joan Stapleton, Elizabeth Macleod and Don | mld Macleod, all of Bt, And rew's and all in the 11 « 12 Dale, "Learning to live with blind-|sponsored by the ness takes a long time," said|Canadian Council Mr. Walter Simmons, Field Sec: non-financial, retary, The Canadian National] Mr, Simmons told of Mrs Institute for the Blind, #8 he|Robert Gordon, a busy house urged citizens to 'Share their|wife whe enjoyed full sight un-| Sight with the Sighted', theit| 10 years ago, One day as she! theme of White Cane Week now did her ironing, little particles underway, The week Jointlyithat looked like soot appeared ihefore her eyes. Suddenly the PERSONALS {house began to get dark. She {turned off the iron and groped The committee which oo. charge of the forthcoming Jay {her way to the chesterfield, In less than an hour she was in| total darkness, When her hus: cette Square and Round dan o|Pand came home she told him mel recently at the. home of(She was blind, He looked into Mrs, William ¥ man, when plans were formu.|Message and knew that it was lated for decorations, novelty fue Later one doctor after an dances and speclal innovations other confirmed her blindness for this fifth annual event [She had detached retinas and Among those present were Mrs, [Nothing could be done, Donald Lowe, Mrs, Alan Lock.) Mrs, Gordon and her famil ard, Mrs, James Moore, Mrf.|faced their problem the Douglas Knowler y Teas, birthdays, parties, wed: ding anniversaries, coming and| going of guests and your own| holiday plans are always of Interest in this column, Write, telephone or visit the social de. partment with your item of news for which there is no charge.| Telephone RA 3-474 Plans are well ahead by the Knights of Columbus for a gay| Mardi Gras dance-at St, Greg ory's auditorium, Among those who will be attending are Mr and Mrs, William Kinsman, Mr and Mrs. Steven Bonfordl, Mr. | and Mrs, Don Leach, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Fair, Mr, and Mrs, | Gordon Dignem, Mr, and Mrs, | William Cardinal, Mr. and Mrs Fred Lawless, Mr. and Mrs Robert Cannon, Mr, and Mrs Fred Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. D Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs, James) Kinlin, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hughes, | Mrs. Gordon Sloan, Lake shore, returned recently from a three-month trip on the con tinent where she visited her son, F.Lt, Jack Sloan, Mrs. Sloan and sons, Tod and Timothy, sta. tioned at Mets, France, While in Europe, Mrs, Sloan visited Paris, the war graves at Ver dun, Amsterdam, Luxembourg and Brussels where she spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Millard, formerly of] Oshawa, Mrs, Sloan sailed from Montreal on the 88 Arcadia and) returned by air, flying by jet plane to Montreal CHEESE MATURES | Cheddér cheese is termed, mild, medium, or old (strong), depending on the length of time it has been aged, New cheddar cheese has a waxy texture while older cheddar tends to be mealy and to crumble more readily, This cheese is a good source of calelum as well as of protein Once cheddar cheese Is un. Niapped, it tends to dry rapidly, therefore it should be tently wrapped and stored in a cool place, The mold that forms on cheddar cheese is in no way harmful and it may be cut off before the cheese is served with wit danger of harm to the re cheese. Army; Judy Marshall, Simcoe | Street; Bonnie Leavitt, Cedar | only | [way they knew how, They push-'the Sightless (THE JOYOUS HEARY) [} : : Jo Aldwinekle, Womew's Editor Disl BA 3.3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdey, February §, 1961 7 | 'St Mark's WA Installs New President And Officers Mrs. Harold Beamish was in- an explanation of the study led as president of the WA book used and also the mags {of Bt, Mark's Anglican Church zine and Church calendars. In at its February meeting held conclusion Mrs, Woolcock | recently of the work she and Mr, Wool | The other officers are as fol- cock did amongst the Indian llows: first-vice president, Mrs, people in their former parish (Walter Cross; second vice-pres- in Bakatchewan apd closed with| ident, Mrs, Colin Parks, re- a verse by Mrs, B, Ostler, Dom- cording secretary, Mrs, Exmestiimion WA President, |Pope; corresponding secretary, The secretary and treasurer Mrs, Joseph Coles; treasurer, (Feporis a ry py Mrs, T. A. Boughton; education were read, Mrs, Philip Law. || Prizes Awarded J | By WCTU ' | For Essay Contest i Mrs, Clayton Tee welcomed "the girls and boys from various Sunday Schools who were pres. ent to receive their prizes for essays on temperance at the an- nual prize-giving of the Osh awa Branch of the Women's |Christian Temperance Union held on Saturday evening in the Sunday School room st Simcoe Street United Church Mrs, Charles Langfield offer. ed prayer and spoke regarding the medal contest in public speaking, She hoped those in tending te enter the contest would contact her soon and urg- ed hoys as well as girls to take part A solo "Bless This House" was sung by Bonnle Leavitt accomp anied at the piano by Mrs. Al fred Barassin, Two girls, Heath. ler Blanchard and Pamela Frauts, who were at the WCTU camp at Consecon gave reports and told of the activities at camp and urged more girls to attend next year, Mrs, Fred Williams who hat age group, The senior group in the lower picture includes | standing left to right, Pamela | Frauts, Northminster; | | Heather Blanchard Cedar Dale, and Donna Dragonatz, Free Methodist, Beated is | Pauline Sewell of the First Baptist Sunday School Oshawa Times ed the furniture back against the in Sunday schools and essays written on temperance distribut ¢d prizes as follows: St. An |drews, 18 winners--David An |drews, Douglas Campbell, Car olyn Carnochan, Cheryl Ann Clark, Kevin Dancey, Beverley Robot hi atl Hainer, Brian Lock, Elizabeth wall, and assigned a special ' ' place for everything, But in|MacLeod, Donald MacLeod, spite of precautions, Mrs, Gor.| Mary Mark, Pat McNicol, Joan Zon found' New. COMETS: on the| Stapleton, Douglas Stapleton, a 4 avs Evan Stasiuk, Maureen Sullivan furniture and the walls always Ellen Wood. ' seemed to stand in the ay 5x Solvation Avy: aur whuides called in the C h ! } pally ev, Filled In Mrs, Gor.Sharon McLeod, Elizabeth Bel: don to knit without secing and|!ingham, Darlene Coull, Marlene to read by recorded books, Bhe|ryant, Northminster: five win- learned Braille to restore her|ners: Warren Coulter, Brian ability to write down 'phone|CNriey, David Mill.., Douglas numbers, recipes and grocery, Mann, Teddy Robertson, lists, She joined the local club] First Baptist: three winners: of the blind and met other blind| Pauline Sewell, Margaret Rice, seople, and discovered that|Aurie Merithew, Simcoe Street blindness did not mean lonell\tour winners: Joy DeGuerre, ness of the life of a recluse, Judy Marshall, Beverley Mor \ Todoy Mn Gordon gays : Leiria, Michael Yearsley, ac nore fun since 08 Ny . sight than 1 ever did before," Free Methodist three win. ners: Donna Gragamatz, Sharon Graham, Sandra Smith, Cedar. Photos, "She can say that," Mr Sim: | mdwards.- chair|er eyes but found no answering MONS conc luded, ""becaused her{dale; two winners: SL ron Hen: john | ning, Bonnie Leavitt, Street: Grace Monk, { The posters were not all in so they will be judged at a later "date, sighted neighbors share their) Albert sight with her, They lend their| {vision on the street, in the shop | ping centre, at her own home vheriéver sight Is needed During White Cane Week, con tact the CNII and learn how you charge of temperance teaching #lready long list of aceomplish 8l secretary, Mrs, Ross Backus; rence, J, A, Leader, invited] dorcas, Mrs, Harry Ferneley, members to their World Dey of social service, Mrs. Walter Prayer meeting on February 17 Meens; United Thankoffering #t 415 pm, which would be and extra cent-a-day, Mrs, John followed by a Valentine tea, Pugh; Living Message and bul Mrs, Walter Meens, social ser letin, Mrs, T, E. Simkin; J, A, vice convener, and several told! South Seugeen in Bruce Centre Women's Institutes Compete In History And Handicraft Mrs. L. G, Lymburner, presi-( Ontario South. w dent of the Vedereien Women s| the some as for Tweedsmutr Institutes | Lories, of BRNOUNCES the resulis of the Women's In| stitute provincial efitions in Tweedsmulr Books end Hendi| erat, : For the Tweedsmuir Histories, which are books of loc Berwick York West; the second $15 to Schomberg in York tre, and the third prize of §! ze of pri Con 19 10, f The Handicraft project assign | by the Federated Women's In- stitutes of Canada this year was the making of a set of six hook-| ed chair seats or chair pads, Competitions were first held at provincial level, the two highest scoring sets in each province to, be entered in the national com! petition, In Ontario the winners were: first, West Oxford Instit- tute in Oxford South; second! Grace Patterson Institute in Ox- PLALA fs ead te Wonday--Jab, 27~ Theatre any Member or Phone Thaatre 3-2843 ford North; third, Honeydale in Leader, Mrs, Philip Lawrence; other members sre going to Little helpers' secretary, Mrs, Hilisdale Manor on the after Clarence Keith noon of February 14 to help The officers were installed by with the Red Cross and to the Iteverend Alfred Woolcock, visit, Members were reminded | The meeting opened with a of the World Day of Prayer lpot Juck luncheon, Mr. Wool meeting on February 17 at cock said grace, The president, Simcoe Street United Church Mrs, Harold Beamish, presided, and were asked to look ove A missionary hymn was sung cefleis given them with plans followed hy the Bible reading #nd suggestion for the next and prayer ior months, Mrs. Alfred Woolcock gave a Mrs, Beamish presented the talk on the meaning of the WA retiring president, Mrs, T, E and its work since it was first Simkin, with a small gift in formed and explained the work appreciation of her services of the different departments, during the past two years, The She asked Mrs. Ross Backus, meeting closed with prayer by educational secretary, to give/the president, Princess Anne and School Friends Have Fun Learning To Skate By M, MCINTYRE HOOD mond ~~ and she fell, It. was Special to The Oshawa Times learned that this was her third LONDON Princess Anne is lesson, with Arnold Garsehwiler, weretly adding one more to her|0of Switzerland, who has coach: gecrety 2 k ed a number of world champion has already become!skaters, as her . teacher, On y these skating lessons she has 's § oe 0 d by her gov: swimming, tennis, athletics and been accompante even go-karting, Now she is tak: mess, Miss Peebles, and her ing lessons in ice-skating from|iwo inseparable school friends, ments, She quite proficient at horse-riding | mony t uary 2 Anglica erend H, ing an expert | Caroline Harilson and Susan Wearing a gaily-colored Fair|Babington-Smit Isle or and short wool skirt,| On the: rink at the same time Princess Anne was noted skai® the Princess were four other ing in & public ice rink at Rich. [children taking private lessons, At the ice rink, the manager, A. V. Hopkins, said; SOCIAL NOTICES "The Princess is one of those youngsters who is fearless with anything rhe tackles, and should MARRIAGE take to skating very quickly." The marriage of Elizabeth! Regarding her falls on the ice, Williams of Carleton, Nova Sco- Mr, Hopkins said: 'Children tin and Sanford Allen, Oshawa, must be taught to tumble natur- formerly of Carleton, was sol: ally without hurting themselves emnized by the Reverend W. It is all part of a young skater's Nevin Aitken at his home, 118 education," Briar Court, Oshawa, on Batur-| ach lesson lasts for an hour day, February 4, 1001 and a half, Hallway through the period, she refreshed persell Mr ond DRRIAGE Say of| With a boitie of soft drink and Whithy wish to announce the|® bun. Frequently she smiled to marriage of their daughter, the other four children who were Joan Victoria, to Lawrence John 150 learners [Butler, gon of Mr, and Mps,| Inquiry at Buckingham Palace ll ler, Oshawa, The cere regarding the skating lessons k place on Friday, Jan. brought the comment that the | 1061, »t Holy Trinity lessons were private "because it Church with the Rey. would be unfair to expect the G. D, Richey officiat:| Princess to skate properly with other people looking on," may "Share Your Sight With * NINA RICCI INFANTS TO PRE-TEENS FINAL CLOSE-OUT 2/3 OFF SALE ON ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE Additional stocks of winter merchandise have just been received from our Toronto stores. A very large selection of PRE-TEEN DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR (At Terrific Savings) Is Still Available gine peg OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- RA 5-857! ALL SALES FINAL BRAND NEW "WHITE" SEWING MACHINES YOUR CHOICE. . PORTABLE or CONSOLE } i i TOIL V TIN 79° $7 Monthly V4 Deluxe Straight Stitch Model The finest full size, precision built sewing machine made, with all the latest time and labor saving devices, Round bobbin; sews backwards and forward = instant reverse sewing of the mere flick of a lever, Built-in window-stitch regulator; hinged foot for sewing over pins end heavy fobrie, Drop-feed for embroidery and dorning = built-in domer Numbered thread tension dial; eutematic bobbin winder, Self-adjusting eutomatig fension release Notched shuttle hook prevents thiead from tangling. Retractable spool pin for easy threading Snap-on face cover for easy cleaning Walnut or light eak finish console, ($3 extra for light eal), | | | --~ a Wiki | Ae hn Reg. 116.95 \ 4°' $6 Monthly Portable Deluxe Straight Stitch This smart portable has all the deluxe features of the precision built straight stitch console model shown above, It has the advantage of being completely portable and is very compact for easy storing, Handsome coppertone carrying case to blend with machine, Note: Later you may purchase a cabinet of your choice for this portable. Console or desk type always available in stock, 20 YEAR QUARANTEE ON MACHINE --| YEAR ON MOTOR AND CONTROLS | YEAR FREE SERVIOE . . . FREE SEWING INSTRUCTIONS "WHITE" SEWING CENTRE OSHAWA TIMES BUILDING -- FREE STORESIDE PARKING

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