The Oshawa Times, 8 Feb 1961, p. 19

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FILTER Queen sales and service, Pree for fal 5 fant. | A i956 WORD iudor, Tie cor Is In im Ley pEwRITER, Remingion, portstie, FUAER chien ta Setvies. 3) for. Som i to lye 8 V0 0 Bo i Si Gi i uf om LS bs FE iin Fe EL r. ---- snd sew ix room Pingaiow, om mes aim "uf Wesi te, BA! --- , 5 Ricest [ry Way, RA 54681, THREE unfurnished rooms, I81Ee Wor: Sigowey Just ouside (Isnewa, van Xi or iors durmation, ee Sens » 4 Via DRMOBILE, 30 Se ; wiih in pe 350. 136 Bh ry yy " ng 9 4 monthly, Tele | BA uF, Biores -- fires TO Geared as "Fal coud Hoey "LAS Var WIE of oon WEN WA Vupgaiow, ve ake over poymanis, $40 d terion, Kelvinator vetriger ly ' 5, 1961 pts, F 45 w 1 rooms, Cen Tek \RRIVATE ~ Fogo 100m completely Iphone RA 57119, Fuiér, hasvy dwy wiring. Teepme marcel wie, WH 20M, Mux. ____ 0 EN Ne ewe vor [furnished sncome home, comer Wot, nase |e (WE pay Wighest, prices ites vision, Thritty Bader View, WA 4 A S-080% SKSIDE ACERS -- treed ot, witke 109 ACRES, good soli, Sroom Bosse, North Geners) Haims, 'very resonate, 1948 DODGY, good tires, $95 OF Wowk |Biare, A 34771, $44 Bimevs | WINE asd cider barrels, wid osk,| 8 ed er THREE room Basement spariment, |proomswr scr. Only $4485 Tear alh conveniences wood arn, hydro and Prose BA 59818 i | Vine Toh 44066, ig [EADY tin cout a's orerens Fash | #0 sizes, Ostawn Wardware 408 © three - place bath, kitchen y jos 6 RA 59978 U i vaereionnd wiring, waisr, $1320, Terma or pangs HA |PWAVE ill rr "spotiess 1955 OLDSMORILE #8, two door hard 50505 for AX #_Choreh. BA 37024. nd nk, new) Lp Pini na! NHA 6 per pent, three « bedroom brick sity Sroveny, indall Hes Jungs low, for quick sale, wa bath oy, radio, automatic, good tises, 9159, hb TR ag tos and _tunth ng A DUNBARTON -- The minis {heard over radio station CIBC vn (bamesiow,' 175 Irontsne. Brocuiin bub COMMERCIAL property on TIng 1resti room, only $11,000 with Yow Gown pey. | Telaphone BA 93400, aor | TABLE aw ~ heavy" duty. #7." ome. | ies, Tire Fiore, 4 Bond, fer of Dunbarton United Church!"Christian Frontiers" on Sun- WEW modern wo - edroom wpariment, @vision, Wis corps ear se Gow phy CN lt re, vitae ment. Francis' Woliowell. A. 5-404. | 16h WOWTIAG Lawrention, we doar third by motor Vertes conds iveme | Breet West, Hib 54533, of Dr. W. A. McKay, conduct day evening at 7 o'clock when et resend, id Freon ices d lids Wx 1, Joaulon Sor daimyo, as Vssness; dover Bosco Restor, RA $9619 dpi wir he A 1 F co Teieghins [oF sore wt Jind Sosa sai ed the regular morning service [she told of some of the activi ring an NEA spproved lo vg C od sre ot snd . , ole P ac Berg Ba id Hdl wary one EAAEr'S terms 4 paisa hose, ries $19.0 wits ume, MODER five room unasiow, eeliween's + 9 pm | veTion wile of mew And Ww EA Jormt * pyihing 'in "trade, Bii| A lovely duet "0, Sweet the ties of the Women's Association, RA S178, Worth end, Vor intormation those Henry Siinsm Hing room, attached garage, "tn CHEVROLET Bel Alr, four @oor, ture Sutarday, ¥ebrusry 31, 1951 #¢ 1.9 9 Mrs, 1 ve TWO - room spariment, with heavy vhone venings, HA SU, Schofield Res) Ea drivewsy, Apply 15 Kingedale Cres ie, whit ewatl, Todi, mille. p.m, fies dispiey 84 on Page 4 nM Iname of Jesus Sounds" was Mrs, Loiten has been an acti wires. Telephone RA 84998 for mors WIALONG. 8 feet x 3) teth, painted, joven Wh 3.5085 een, {Stomnalte, wu Cran toms Ewaiars paper or ul Auction 177 TEAKVISON, Files, Boor motel sung by Mr, and Mrs, Broley member of the Dunbarton WA sereens . ; Intorvmation. \Shorms » 506, Telephone 58478 BARGAIN, only wx thousand dollars, | Wichois Motor Bales, Whithy, MO 34991, | Sales, Class, H, for details 1 or TY in xautiant fo i com ied by Mrs, McKay'for 50 years, ¥is Yom you Joa wd hath iy lun rec price, Piveroom bungalow, of) recently remodetied five room busga For 56 METEOR, good condition, 9925; "53 MAN'S overeons, nesrly new, # shone 54031 for further leuja pani spariment, hance, l 9 Bb epaivs, aif makes, |. the piano, The organist,| The village group of the Unit fh Jala, sore, TEWSTMOL. heating Sour piece bath, low down pac ow. Ah for sui Tots Your g REAL ESTATE Chaveslel, "su-condiioted moras, soul | {oor tion, Telephon WA os cov, ii rushes Association 3 y BAL, Jones Wanilor, WA 54413, 4 body and tires, $215, 925 Doveds parts, atts shes guaran Mrs, H, Stroud, accompanied ed Church Women's on Mort 108 3 Beas oD, LE de ST} 77) rick angsiow, centrally in Phone Drive, Whithy, #0 65130, | 61 MARCONE sets highest (rade'n aL lited J Fe Vc Cras Revie 58 fies, ./the choir fin their anthem! wilt meet on T afternoon SER rooms, equipped WILL $5 ented, $10,800 with $3509 down, One DON S. SMITH 1055 WORD eusiom sedan, AL mechan. (lowsnee possible, Aso used Wd Abr TH angiime, "Praise the Lord, O Jeru-at? p.m. on Feb, 14 at the home Fi x7 wr ¥ 4 from and up. er 4 ii Rg AR oi No, 31 dows ED DISNEY A eee gr, Dave, WH 21628 or Wik 210 Ran 7 #2 Himes South, BA moi ry sir + wih he pen vise salem", ' 2 by Clu leg Risk. All la ) o fier, come, oy Hutbyhond 5 | LLOYD RE ALTY Ber very Reol Boole on | SORTIAL hardity, VS. Su Tg maw cleciria maar with wml, Meagher', § King ree Wes, DUNBARTON PERSONALS The Circle Group of the Unit " SABIE siness ' % Pree " or 18 Ni fier, ly 448--Rooms For Rent editors vance Res. coo.. RA BABTD \Lioir Suias, Wiis. Wo bows. (Ra soois otter 8 p.m |51--Lost & Found yComgratulations to Mr. fades Chuceh Women's Assoctati RINGLR 7oom Tor Tent, gentleman onby, 82 SIMCOE ST. §, LIST WITH LLOYD BT . 4 OLDSMOPILY, In excellent condi BABY carriage, Idovd, silver white,| WEDDING band, Jost vicinity "of Yang Mrs. Paul Mc * (nee Lois w bome of Mrs, wooing privileges, 7 camrally | ioesied, ' EXCELLENT SITE | soi, clean. extras, must be seen to be |like new, Telephone BA 57815 108 IF: gioes" and Bimece. Wewnrd, Telophons |Fleteher) who had a baby son, Leslie Hollinger on Wednesday, Apply 135 Colina Birest, . i RA 3.2333 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER A appreciated, private, 1008 King West, ther detalls, eh Fry "S408 with any information, 'Raymond Paul, in Ajax Hos- Feb, 15 at 12.30, The meeting SINGLE, furnished bedroonis, On Glendale Ave. | 55s FRIGIDAIRE velrigeraior 56 eubie fi {pital on Jan 20 will be preceded by a Binion i desired, Beparate en ¢ A CHURCHILL AVENUE f . x RA! 52--Legal pital on 3 pr well hasied nd Cra LARGE BRICK BUNGALOW PRICED 65 by 110', close to schools | |i ANOLIR, white. rod and gray Sei: in 9730 dor further eto, 9 90 Mr. Arthur Osborne, brother-| The World Day of Prayer will jr 5 Witom Bloset East, BA For someone who works near LO» LEVEL vd org soration Iper gation, Gusrs ntead $17) cain CHERT of drawers for sale, In 500d | NOTICE TO CREDITORS in- daw of Mrs, Walter Lynde,ibe held at Centennial United VERY sential, | fomioriable | sit] Shopping Centre, B rooms, Here is a real buy, Six good. | #ores pho P y West Motors, pens hap A dl |ondition. RA. 59755 fox more Informa: AND OTHERS {died last week with the funeral Church Friday, Feb, 17 at 3 one or tw, 116 iin Breet Eas. WA| Modern kitchen, dining, We | ized rooms plus attached ng Bl gion BE WL Rh i having 8 Bowmanville on Saturday. \pm. All the ladies of the coms 39707. ing and family rooms, 2 bed- garage, Built on a choice 'RA 5- 4939 trade or terms Nichols Motor Bales, | writers, esteuistors, free delivery, Cail Creditors, ond others ayng (Mr, Osborne lived with the munity are invited to attend, FURNISHED room, cooking Suctitias, rooms end utility room with londscoped ot, Patio ef reor ibang ee | Whithoy, 310 8805 for demonstration, Bill Hamiton, Ash.| claims cgainst the Estate of {Lyndes in Dunbarton for sev. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hopkin. newly deeorsted, WR! 29 Elens Ave foundry tubs, Tile floors Full of home, Can be purchosed IMUST sell 756 FORD Vietorin hardiop, burn ELLEN WOODS, lote of the eral years {son and baby daughter Patricia nue or telephone BA 52346" sized basement with garage, for $3,000 down or cash to HOUSE FOR |sutomatic, $100 and (ake over pay: gor ET REET Wel buy 1, Tier City of Oshawe, in the y nM Honk TWO furnished rooms, suitable for sin. Forced oir oil heat, A lovely 514% NHA '0008, wienis, Telephone RA. 51620, fricerstors, TV's, washers, oinos,| © "op ot of On. | Mrs, Fred Westgate visited re- {visited wit rs, Hopkinson's Ke girls or working couple, close {a reed ov © fess condition Mdid i morgage: [57 WORD Fairlane hardiep, tuilone, stoves, ete, Yor top cash offer, con SuAly 1 nd [lations in Toronto last week, I parents, Mr, and Mrs, C, C, ows, Shovying Contre, WA $4291, 901 home in spotless condition, rons Bill Millar of RA SALE-WHITBY | rivets sale, in good condition, ved act 15 Prince Bireet, Phone BA 81131, fario, are Jequired to Sone "Phe Valentine Tea sponsored |Smith this past week-end, Kigin West ¥ ery deep lo 123 is a and cream, Phone MOhawk 83058 for » ight freezer, B months ull particulars ond details HOUSEKVAFING "yoom, Gan: f OWN 3 3 Bedroom orig bungalow, 3 | ndarmat Bon. AHINAL. prio ond stand, 9" blade, their cloims In writing or by St. Paul's WA has been| Mrs, Marion McClement took branes, 0 minutes' walk to Bouth boii $2,500 DO DESIRABLE NORTH-WEST yeors ol ~ Fo er (74 BUICK sedan, dynafiow, radio and Vs horsepower motor; Telephone BA| ouorvise, to the undersigned, le ancelled, part in the Scottish Concert rel oT single room.| Storey and a half, six rooms, a EA y over 19 Sn ws AT 900, | ewsiie, exer fens condition, $0 | 0 Ti iow | Executor and solicitor for the Mr, J, Schraven of Picker: presented by $t. Andrews RA 32408 -------- wt | bedroom end beth down- 6% NHA, RESALE . gage. Bree A cn: | elovhone BA 32 Ao TABLE TW = ary duty 8: 1 Estate, on or before the ing Nurseries is visiting his re. Choir, Whitby, under the direc. ATTRACTIVE Tarnianed rooms. avall| oqirs, hardwood floors aun: forge bn 0 langh + aivie a berm' or toni 'Nichols "Motor Bales, | Telephone MO 62987 for more niorma.| 15th doy of March, 196, [latives in Holland, [tion of Mrs. Spratt, at Fairview sbie in private home 1s, oil heat, full basement, rick bungolow on beaut LE a 114 #4 ¢ osmuch ter that date, p No 3 Liv. 5A 9} a heat good garden, landscaped Jot with forge y 3) B01 LEE inasmuch. es giter { | Mr, Thomas Owens fs pro- Lodge on Thursday evening ' v 6 m " 4 I ¥ exchange, new and used, big he r s of this Estate will Foi oe wv 7 Prk " North section patio 3 large bedrooms, OHM - ony oar ] harden, Say uder, Bog dl Yensthwise sharpening the hy gressing slowly in Newmarket Feb, 2. big In private home #2 Park Road 0) ection, b ' ol Thursday and Friday to 3 p.m be distributed, having regard oils | i North, LR vm HA B67). Plecse sk . dining, rsom; Holyweoe 2h BOLAIOOD 4 : b eondition, as, Jorn, rortaman's. Corner, ta Byron Street only to the aging Jhat have Host Ho i Mitchell has been an els, i tor let RAT 2.2133 bath with vonity and shower aout rr po hai ou? Overweight, fired, been Juceived oy tn wnder- {ill with a skin infection, |McClement and Mary Beth on Deiween 7 ana 8 bm | 4 Wennop ,.. RA 3-233 door, This home Is priced LIMITED (Pontiae $1095 "40 Pontine $985 90 Chere (mo pep) sways lense! No need to be, OSG oo MACDONALD, | The children of Dunbarton are Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, GNE Taree unfurnished room, reAson Evenings RA 5-1396 for quick scle, Phone Bill REALTORS ari SURANCE ¢i80. « wh 4 arma or vrade Lat ma show vou how eas and ple the Barrister & Solicitor, ~~ |enjoying the skating at the Ki-'James - McClement, Mr, and apie rent 2% Vrinee iret --~ We solicit your listings z Homer ot RA B-5123, EAL A i! Motors Bolen, Whitby, MO nt hs for you to loose ne Pid 286 King West, wanis Park rink, The flood Mrs. Angus McFarlane, Don- rod oN eermon "he NHA, 6% RESALE 167 SIMCOE S. H CHEVEOLYT Bel Air four door {Museles, to. make you tes] and look OSHAWA, Ont, . lights make night skating en-| Pr and Beverly of Toronto, Mr, ton or (it other SIAM business, Tela SCHOFIELD NEAR DONEVAN SCHOOL RA 5-6544 sutomatie, radio, white walls, padded" ' H, 34343 after b p.m 0 iio, wh Seen Petar, | You tomorrow st 204 King Sireet Enst, Executor and Solicitor Joyable, McClement celebrated a putin Brod do 5. re ck bungale gash, be 000 ctunt' miles, Accept | BA 52304 for Estate, Mrs, Jeudwine. entertained RA with the help of his NTOWN, two comfortably furnish y = room bri ungalow, Vie, Jess than 0 actus] miles, Accept - = dy id Md ish for eles re otes Ltd Large kitchen end living m | trade and iis RA 6.1203 |FURNITURY, ties, saoms, simon we {her neighbors and friends at a'parents and his sister and fam- spectable English speaking persons Insurance Associates d room, four-piece eolored bath, 1 500 DOWN $1, 0 190 VOLK AGE », rebuilt motor snd | 40 be seen at oihor 4 tea last Wednesda afternoon, lily, Also, one single furnished bedroom »t | ph ' t t / ood condition, afternoons a -- | v h will a Vv. 1 77 Ontario Street | Main Flcor | Stained trim oil hegting, Two-storey, sixeroom brick iransmiston, Sn very aod Fo Yager ro promt El u 0 Feb, 1. | He augh a Ala alen. #55 MONTHLY (wo rooms, heat, and Broadcasting Centre Large landscaped lot, whe home, hardwood up end [CF CHEYROLYT, four door aufomatie, | 106 eyimatin, COMP LS * Ihe regular meeting of tine Masquerade Dance prom- water included, hoiyy duty stove, would will take $1,000 down, Co down, paved drive end gor. Ti t you wy her this dandy |Cleve Fox, J Vaughan Willard Home and|ises fun for eyeryone on Friday, sult _couple, Apply 33 ¥irie Breet REG AKER--Pres, Irwin Crulkshanks ot RA | age, ' vary tractive 'red iumily"suiond iar, Cash, 'terme ox ONE Tiree; most i sit, snd wo. School Association will be held|Feb. 10 at 9 o'clock, Mr, Terry FURNISHED front room, working| BILL McFEETERS e-Pres, | 8.5123, brick, Selling very reasons tendo, Nichols Motor Sates, Whithy Mo|b. ¥, Goodrich Sores . 10 (UC ion on Tuesday, Feb, 14, at 8 Ryan will be your MC for the couple or gentlemen, light housekeep 360 KING STREET, WEST | eble, Call Bill Rotcliffe of | : _ NINE plece dining room set, dark onk ay, ing. refrigerator options, two minutes de FULL $11,500 PRICE RA 5.6544 CHEVROLET half on, -recondiiion. (Moving, must sell, $00 or best offer, In o'clock, A humorous skit has evening, Costumes are optional frou Sous SOTO: BA 4400. : NEW HOMES buys this four-bedroom home Ay Nl is or Ain aafiotd shave. iiood covdition, MA 24719 or furtier been prepared by some of the but a prize will be given for the KM large rogm single beds, suit: ORTGAGES » . gu ¢ 225 eash, OL, 83 agian, | particulars, ) Lor iow Tim binge huts Weng NWA, MOR] A with large kitchen, 'Hos gore $9,900 FULL PRICE ALLSTATE Aull Insurance, Save up to| KANGETTY 815; large crib 83; Hoover 0 mothers und a panel discussion| most origiial, There i also housekeeping i desired, ooniral, RA 2 MODELS TO SHOV age ond large lot, Located In Five-room. bungalow with [25 00 "cent, Bix months to pay, Por|Dustette vacuum cleaner $10 Alin | oe {on "After School Activities" be door and spot prizes, Ree i Model A -- $13,200 = Kendalwood rea. For more closed-in corpart, only four personal service at your home eall RA| good condition, Telephone WA 8.004) By M. McINTYRE Hoop [With Mr, Tickle as moderator, |freshments will be on sale, Tick at furnished housekeeping rooms, $1215 down payment, Information coll Henry years old, modern through. 2802. . Fine Tecorder, dn ixcetlent pondi ' : ! oT " [Teachers will be on hand at 7.30 ets are $1.50 a couple, or $1.0¢ on wi a . 13 Spvke y ey. ) y 1 dition, Jephon 5 or M Specls ink 'ad caghonrdy private fstiet; parke) Model 8 -- $13,300 --- Spykerman of RA 8-5123, out, three good bedrooms, [rd family 'cor "Cath, trade or terms, | 75 Titon Toad North for 'farther' in. pecial To p.m, to meet the parents prior for single ticket, Come and sup. In spics. Avily Jb Anas purest S1,4s8 down payment, Both INCOME HOME Sloime Sha Scraant included. Meate] Jos, Whithy, MO 8901, | (ormation The Oshawa Times [to the meeting, |vort your Home and School As- ONE large, warm furnished room, sin| these models are excellent LANCE AT 6% Coll Bill Ratcliffe of RA lis" CilrVEOLET Tiel Alr, & scares (WASHING machine, deluxe, Beatty, yONDON = Despite the sharp Mrs, Ethel Lotten's voice was|sociation, gle beds, suitable for ane or two gentle volue, price includes stippled BALANCE A Ud 56544 CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor esr automatic pump, in good condition, ¥ or . Ly Le men. Near Simeos South Avply 2 F000 FOES qg room, large 6 rooms down, 3-room aport- padios from 30.05 Try Dominion ¥ire| more information telephone RA 52201, |recession in production of mo p- priedliin Bo Bend inion bination kitchen ond dine ment with private entronce STACEY AVENUE lores, 41 Bond Hireet West LATE model Vitor, 21" television \¢or cape fn the closing months CLEAN, bright double furnished rooms, combing py f 1 : r " | y ¢ ar, §1 twin beds, Also single room, furnished Ing area, 3 bedrooms, Finlay on top floor, . Home Is only 8 7 years old, S-room bunga- 00 TRS drive y more extras, warranty on pleture tube one year, weds, Als / , = 4 ow. mile New' nty, Make Mgagher's, 6 King Hireet West, |of 1060, peak production in the cooking privileges, Central Telephone| ooo" Lith o 10.year years old with double garage, low, 3 bedrooms, modem, (Ti MUCRED, NON Ear ent, corner | 20 0] ; 2 : in large erib, | of 3 peak pe RA 84462 for further details, guarantee, Clay brick, rece Asking price $15,500, Phone reasonable down payment of Conlin Mond and Simeoe Breet] a Oe 4 edison SPYING and summer helped to FURNISHED bedroom In private home,) ©0070 0" 1 Cacdant for the listing mon, Bill ond carries for $60 a month, North, RA #6912 nin privae home 3 5123 | TE RAORADIe, Telephone RA 52416, {ereate the highest all-time pro-! ie gentleman, g J she 1 " LY ud Sultable for one oe Separate, public' and high Millar, ot RA 8.5123, Interest 'and Principal, Ask SELLING or JDuying Blew" is worth 4 ohh y I id |NTORY, fixtures, steel bins, cash regs |duction record in the history of | furnish.| schools within 3 blocks, Pus Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realt Ing price $11,500, Call:now |trins RAR LW TRI bi adding machine, Vght, fixtures, | a ™o Wiad Nousekeening rooms, furnish Block. Stepping & Blochs Loyd Realty Ltd, Realtors, for Jack Appleby at RA or down. Beller p | Apply Ward's Auto Bupply, 79 Bimeoe (the motor industry for a whole ] Pisin 1 Shoppin ¥ » a own. Teller us ) treet North bath by and bedroom, Aly 06 Pal Eo further Informet n RA 8:5123 «= RA 8:5124 5.6544 or RA 3.3398, Fasy terms RA 65101 ties lot rea |year, This is shown in the 1960 eifle_Avenus, ha ¥ 7200, furnished.| Plecse coll Don Stradeskl, RA 8.5125 Members of Oshawa and | BUCK Contry. four door Rordion. widih, reqular #495, clearing at $1 8 production figures which have] By MRS, A, L. HOOEY sent a gift to Miss Raft, the Tait Toussiser eparats entrance,| @venings, RA 8 8423, 101 Simcoe St, N, ene i8trict Real Estote Board 425 'King treet West, BA 8.6175 io Catin. Rivet. Tose diag now been issued, BOWMANVILLE ~~ On Wed. port worker, ow Very central, north, Kiri preferred a. : tate Board 3 1060 CUSTOM Envoy sedan, fully equip: lity, regular) The total output for the whole|nesday evening the congrega:| The Men's club held regular Phone RA 3-850 : 294 EULALIE . ped, Including crash pad, radio, heater, (CURITY diapers, ¥ donen with pur | v [ ' Inited Church meetings and had a ladies ROOM for rent with kitchen, eentral, STORE & SMALL HOME BE SURE TO SEE wheel dises, white. red 'Jenthor uphol- $400. special, 9% por dozen With Ln year was 1,352,728 passenger |tion of St. Paul's United Chu I sult gentleman, available now. Tele: Nice clear compact 4-room punol cribs, Moxatone or natural, 4 cars, This compares with a-pro- held their annual meeting, The night, The men did minor RA 30225 for further Informa: piel bungalow with store "56 CHEVROLET station wagon four | price, #20, Clearance of Inst year's|quotion of 1,160,943 in 1950.|Rev. H, Turner was chairman church repairs, " [3 " door, Looks and runs Vike new, Harlow babe' carriages from $28: playpens \ . LARGE furnished Tousekeeping room aiteched. Jing Sontection. E L'S Motdrs, 438 King Breet Wests A | 08 thy aiveniers ws one man sates Fron, Most of this Increased produc ind Mr. G. W. Graham, secre-| D. A, McGregor Juve his th fof one or two Tadies or married couple, [ ery, soft drinks, elc, 66175 | Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. lion wag gold in the United | tary. report on behalf of the session, zenscnahie, close (0 hospital, Apply 99] in south-west district next to wh METEOR Widens 000, two-door, |ELLING furniture?" We'll buy Wt ite Kingdom, because exports did| The afternoon and evening as- There was an increase in mem- ack Sires: West & COAT). m -- a public park, with geod poe Willow fixeon, radio, automatic, got. | frigerators, vs washers, pianos, no vel ie aE socintions reported doing work [bership of 26, removal by death * y usin In surrounds less inside and on 5 stoves, ele, Vor top ecarh offer co { THO Touma, round viiopen wn Rr Wonderful OppOre 1961 Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, thet 19 Princo Street, Phone ILA 8113] loutput, Cars exported numbered |? the Manse, jantaing es and rantler 5, leaving a total Thine. and. telephone: ET " tunity for retired couple who 1004 METEON, good condition, 9335) | pATNT, Interior, exterior, 83.0 ation, 509,916, an Increase of fewer sinks In. the church kitchen and| membership of 417, 380 residents 5 avrole e-conditioned motor, a teed, flat, LA minor repairs to church prop- and 37 non- resident, Number of LARGE, furnished. housekeeping voom| would like en Income, call 2000 ody and Wren, $373, 338 Dovedats | al Solos, Guarani "and Wieotrlc, 8)than 1000 over the total of erty, The two groups raised families under pastoral over- with fuphoards. and, stove, Plo] Russ Reeve, evenings, RA HOMES OF GRACE and SPACE Drive. Whithy, MO 8:5110, Church Street, RA 3.7624 (908, 061 in the previous year, $2017.01, sight 320, number of persons ble for one or ig gentlemen, Ap » 0 i! VAGEN, radio, Special thi \ 1 200 Marauette Avenue SHAD 54840, NE os fo, os \ Bg Horn in" i wl an 1 Krag) EXTENT OF SETBACK slr. K. Bragg reported for the 1085 npuptisms 34, 'marriages ny RS et ' Telephone " N : [4 'Noo Yok Rom, vr some, Bann Ht | one EARS OLE SO CONVENIENTLY LOCATED sles Todi The latest monthly production|SUn4%Y § and. unls W PLYMOUTH automatic, G-eylinder, |0-7476 { pire Pr ot Ph 8 fen if desired. Telephone RA 3-01 . 000 weer take over paymenth 830 monthly or best URED parts and repairs for ail makes figures, those for December,|™ Mr, Ross Stevens, secretary for more Information, List price $14,900 é. IN os : Ww at Re ] ruthers Is in his 23rd year as|o0 Missiona and Maintenance room brick ranch Buraalew offer, Must sell, RA 6:8125 after 7, ou WHngts Win wifes, resthglaned 100 OVC, Sow gue. serious pa superintendent, A total of $1, reported il $5504 had been 45---Raal Estate For Sale located north oft Rossland 48--Automobiles Wanted washors and "aloves, Paddy's Marke! flu y the oo 9 Wie 2 fe (300.34 was raised for expenses|pqiced for this purpose, CW. L.shaped living on TUTTO 224, Industry suffered in late [) ] bh ng room ang ong BRAEMOR GARDENS WANTE nD w- A ONO owner, er, nndereost | CLEARANCE bark cloth drapery ma only 76, 783 a a a the | Plus $413.30 for new chairs and Officers for 1961 are: Session, DOUGLAS L. nog ) 3 ed "51 or "5 GMC) also Go Kart less [y 42" width, regular $4.93 yar ; #312 for missions, W. H. Carruthers, J, Aberneth good size sating area} 3 Jud : motor, Dave, RA 5.3856 clearing at $1 un yard. Royal House AsCMblY lines, compared with Mr, Turner reported on the A. McGregor, Dr. H. in GOWER-REALTOR rooms, 4-pc, tiled bath, high (Stevenson Rd, North and Annapolis) CAKERIORE Auto Wheckara want | Furnishing, 19 Celina_Streot, 134,861 In December of 1050, The Teen and Twenty Club which lg Dra Ru. dry basement, large area for ears for wrecking, Highest prices paid, _--- export figures also showed almeet on Sunday evenings and *™ ragg, arsons, 4) GLADSTONE AVE, rec-room, $3,600 down, and OPEN DAILY N.H.A, FINANCED RA 51181 A All aluminum products == | onciao nile de cline, They have interesting meetings, Carruthers, J. W. Porter, V, RA 8.4651 balance on a 6% mortgage, - --- me | 1000 . 100 ear, GM or Ford product pre: | Doors, windows, shower doors, f od 20.994 3 od the, Tecple, M. Stacey, John Rice, . lance on y hi ferred, others ponsidered. Phone RA : owers, paving, (dropped to 20,224 cars, com:| Mrs, Turner announce ud \ " 4 coll Bill McFeeters, evenings, 3.0911 awnings, TV towers, paving ared with 49,055 in December, [CGIT had a membership of 19,|A: Cuthbertson, R. Hethering. Want a real steal = just RA 5.1726, WILSON Realtor LiL rm One contract, nothing down, PRIS w ne held an elght-week mis.|ton and G. Graham, look at this: $11,200 -- $ BEAU. VALLEY SPOT CASH For free estimates call w= . i ay AT PTO Stewards: R. Cole, A. Cuth. focared. Only $1800 down | Brand new & ream brick | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 PAID FOR | Aluma Seal Co. lor ution fgures tor Janu SiR, FIL, O88 Corts for Gifs bertson, T. Taylor, N. Wilkins, with monthly payments of bungalow with carport, lo. * lany improvement, The relaxa.|Work Board, selling chocolates Hancock, D. Kemp, R, Stevens, $85.00 per month principal, cated on a lot 75 x 100 ADELAIDE WEST -- 6 ROOMS Good clean cors. Trade wp | ___ RA 5-9365 ANYTIME lion in" the instalment buyiny|in 81d of Camp Pretoria, assist. i Hetherington, K. Mequon: interest and taxes, Situated complete with underground This Is @ home suitable for duplexing end In first class con. a -- ing at Marnwood Nursing Home for ideal boarding home, At hydro and telephoning sers dition, Close to schools and churches, this 2-storey brick home or down, Liens pald off, regulations came too late to af-| yt Rogers, H. Corden, D. Ken: during summer holidays, tray! present home is rented but vice, Living room 14 x 18, 2 Is complete with storms, screens, oil heat, deep lot ond many DODD MOTOR SALES FOOD & FREEZER fect January production, It is gurng for Memorial Hospital nedy and D, McArthur, possession Is to be arranged, large bedrooms end | meds extras. Listed to sell of $2,900 down -- easy terms, 314 PARK RD. § N katy io be Je time jelore Money raised was $110 for Girls yi uditors = C, Purdy and V. m size, S-pe, tiled bathe v A 10 effects of the extension of wan Rn " . Beautiful Harmony Heights, - tly d dod led both GOT A PAINT BRUSH ? RA 3041 PLA the repayment period sui a York Board, Missions and UNI Special thanks wore extended Just the style you are locking 100 amp service, N.H.A, We have eo 6-room h me located at 165 Elliott Avenue, It Is . You may have tried the rest, ( Poe Years y fo n n ' to Rev, an rs. rner for for. The full price Is low, the financing, for further detolls in need of painting, but the location can't bs beat. Tha price HOUS TON'S GARAGE Now try tha best, Eat better 10 ice years ue fel back on ay Sign C nd Tre Dos! their leadership, to the organist, down payment wil sult your coll Henry Stinson, evenings, is $f 5,600, ond the owner has agreed to finance with only AND SERVICE STATION for less 809% groceries sup~ Si BR hd dy $77 to the Boys' cholr, janitor, officers and or. budget, Hes oll the extras | RA 5.0043 $600 down, The balance can be paid ot $65.00 per month. en Fa plied, all well-known pro- |ONE BRIGHT SPOT turned over 0 ¥¥ | ganizations for their co-opera- you want plus a paved drive. Coll RA 5.6588 today, BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- ducts, highest quality meats, T} Bright anot " Work Board, tion. Let us show you this home LARGE PARKING AREA AT PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, Life-time warranty freezer, 10 ono bright spot, not af-| Mpg, K, Werry leader of the today, REAR OF BUILDING LOW DOWN PAYMENT FARM MOTOR TUNE.UP AND the only one guaranteed by (fected by the recession, is the|mxplorers reported a success. . For information 'on hemes . 150-acre farm In Newtonville area. Barn and house, Asking GENERAL REPAIRS, Good- Housekeeping, No [commercial vehicle branch of|ful year, The girls made an Af- RETAINS TITLE far. in ma y List Cone, Thon ugh This only $15,000, Will toke house es trade. For full riod 67 KING ST, W. down payment, Call now for (the Industry, Production of vans, rican village. The girls enter-| DORTMUND, Germany (AP) Ossie Martin Sally Wallace ee, coll today, RA 3.7822 Demonstration == no obligas trucks and Bisses Jeached a ined theif Mothers 2 bay E brieh Schoeppner of Serhany sha . fc at it TE h record production of 457,972 over |quet, "hrs! L retaine § Luropean light. Kary CA 468) Sewer Mibing 0 o es After Hours Please Call: WwW | L L | S RA 5.3709 __[the year, compared with 870,481(took candy to the Marnwood heavywelght boxing title Sunday Lloyd Corson ,, RA 3.2537 Dick Young .. RA 3.7183 In 1050, Overseas shipments of|nursing home and sang carols. night by stopping Paul Roux of Wes Elliott ,,. RA 8.0581 Charl ki " BEST QUALITY these were also a record with] The Afternoon and Evening I" rance in the 13th round of a W HITBY CLASSIFIED 6-- ls ne 402 MOTORS FURNACE FUEL OIL (Li 104 vohiclos worth approx Auxiliaries of the Women's Mis schedule a er Seb -- mately $300 million being e sionary Society sen pner weighe pounds, Roux 4 be Real Esiote Wanted | bid =A\omobile Li Sale TINTON 20: STOVE OIL mate y $300 million being export- Oshawn Presbytery. The mem 170 Relea danounds, Roux wi ay cash, five roo ungalow, Alx sedan, 1 eondit r oy Pop 3 5 Ll FOR RENT - «Now large two bed:|300 and $40 for two one hedroom apart. Spe all vonveniances, Earage: prefer: radio, whitewaii Wi take older oa ou EXPERT SERVICE The total value of all the mo.| PC" Made regular visits to the Luxembourg stopped the fight I | ) y 0 A 4 sie Jers were t to 97|after a minute of the 13th bo- north Oshawa No real eo oan Dard payment, Reasonable, RA Dealer tor industry's exports for 1960 sick, Flowers were sent ale m h b room apartment, | diate possession, ments, In apartment building, close 10 please, Telephone OL 8.4773, DIXON'S people and Christmas baskets| cause of an injury to Roux's left y Is, $110 mont ping Io ' 'eCON nar A food parking, hear schooks, $110 month: {rookin, OPT lnn: | Ample parkin 7 biles For Sale |i DOUGH edin Va Tis Tn om of RA 5-033] was a record of nearly one and/yo "7. ear, Schoeppner was well ahead WHY con Lavra Speed Goren | "| ~=Automobiles For Sale the fleest used cars ever to come on RA 3.4663 three-quarter billlon dollars, The Mission Band and Baby on points when the referee in. Wash, Bring ¥ , In for free wash, (ROOM. AM hosed tor gentleman, wash CHEVROLET, Hiandard Arana: , away Motors Lut, | We have, %, ocd. Suerimint This figure Includes sales ' of pand held regular meetings and|tervened. 108 Brock Are uoky prises (central, abstainer, Telephone MO 8-4709, (#lon, four-door, mechanioally y iso OHV » se rs, tractors, parts and accessories, ------ -------------- [dark green, very mood tires. AVROLET two door, li P 1A ES FoR RENT = i eutet wie maven = House or duplex to rent, offer, 'Telephone RA 8449), Drones Yhitewalln, best offer, Tele. ls SEE HOME APPLIANC engines and garage equipment. | MERRY MENAGERIE lin, good pATKIRG Phone Mo with PHO to purchase, in Whithy, MG i BEROTO sede inde rig et i before § p.m |CASH FOR YOUR CAR OSHAWA LTD, - #270 -- [inal Leh green. body and meek In LhaMoniL La er Trade up or down 90 SIMCOE SOUTH . WANTED = Twin Baby eAFriafe, ROOFING, miding, on ne ¥ Devond eriticiam, tion throughout, ele Liens Paid Off Lourdes Girl : Distributed by King Features Syndicate, kia} MO Sans, sulation, painting, general repairs. Ba at Sa, uBRulnery | Tedio, aii Hl Street WILBAK MOTORS FOR FRIGIDAIRE WENT Fisraomed hoe, oil | inier_brices. Phil Marper. MO #4358. WASH, fui, Ait, SHIEK, 0000 walle l/6e 'tomate vedere" ordi SALES AND SERVICE or Pas honing, pH 13 Wellington | AucTroN Sale of new and wed furnt Motors opposite Shopping Centre, i Teles 137 KING ST. W, Street, W [ture Saturday, February 11, 1041 at 130 = [03810 after ang RA 5 0732 Domestic and Commercial Back In Hospital | " - COMFORTABLE bachelor apartment, IP Soe display ad on Pa i in| 1088 HO) | v RA 5.5332 Nving room, kitchen, bathroom, stove Fi A paper or nder" "Auction | CAR AUCTION ok ih Soon ane A narndtn,| re | TORONTO (CP) = Fernande etrigerator, parking and ALIS a ud kay i| Every Saturday, 10 am, |Itiophone RA 58001 for more inform 49--Automobile Repairs SICKROOM EQUIPMENT Denomine, 5, of Hannon, Ont, . (2 ter available afternoons and ' sid ----~ - - A 3 Street West, MO 8.2060 . a who was taken to the shrine at atin] I 1 Reliable, Telephone MO| Buy or sell here, Good we- i TONTIAG wedin, radio, washors, ANDY NAGY'S FOR Ren oe FOR Sa Lourdes, France, last year in fl N L] . rc A BALLER RIG LH [WANT D = One or two bedroom apart: | lection Including 1961 be appreciated, Siwy Seaway or BODY SHOP Hospital beds, whee! ¢ oil search of a cure for a congenital 8 Jair of Huuters with arn ma hid {ment, preferably in house, with private] Chevrolet and Corvairs, Ltd, Whitby, MO 8.3an Complete collialo eFith invalid walkers, bedsides, fjllness, returned to hospital A " |entrance, heavy duty wiring, available bd or " | mplete ollision s y \ m . eantile Dept, Siore, Whithy, Ontario, | FRLEARES. he Phone MO 8.8848 Oshawa Car Auction 1a CHEVROL RT Sodan, tie clang | Radiator repairs ond res commodes, crutches. ond |Tuesday, FOU REN = ovely in Whitby, 3100 28 Grenfell St . RA 8:5) 70 [also Admiral upright freezer Best| coring, Wheel alignment, canes, also roll-away beds, Doctors at the Hospital for hly, 'residential "aren, near high E-- Offers, 378 Buena Vista Frome and wheel straighten. one Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 [Sick Children said tho girl en. ---- Eh Mot ee | SECRETARY BUYING OR SELLING SEE |'00 FORD Fairlane, two door, six eviin: ing Phone Ald Rentols RA 5-1 644 tered the hospital for a routine FOR RENT « Bright room in private] TO THE ADVERTISING AND der. standard anti, adi aba | STEVENSON'S RD. §. check, They said a small ab. Pon ion at daar! Telerhone Mo's ois | PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER TED CAMPIN 030 GEVIOLET wa Ale sodan. VA. | RA 8-445) 20th Century cess or boil at the upper end of tle, A nice clean ear, only' $045, an incision made when she un. FOR WENT -- Six room brick bunga | This position requires a pers MOTOR Sutoma i: OC) hn eva , "low. large living reom and fining room| yon with previous secretarial OTORS Seaway Motors Ltd, Whitby, MO 8.3331. | 50-----Articles For Sale F D PLAN derwent a seven-hour operation three bedrooms $100 monthly, Immed: fale possession, MO 8.834, or stenographic experience, 607 KING ST, =--=OSHAWA (It FORD tudor, ho ae: he ELECTRONOMB RCA Victor, Ad ESTABLISHED 1953 in December, 1059, was. lanced, ARPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary| fomiliar with dictaphone (ust East of Wilson Road) [finished in a beautiful Corinthian white, Shire, Mian in wn EL "Stl Our years of experience in Doctors sald she would prob. way, new lank talled, Walter Ward, equipment, able to answer _RA 3 A494 Res. S. 5574 aaa, Seaway Motors Ltd, Whitby, MO parkway Televi , 08 § Street) the food and freezer business |ably remain in hospital until the . . ¥. 304 Chestnut West, phone MO 83363. | correspondence, arrange: ops L Lolor TV on dis assures you of the highest [boil healed, They said she was -- A uidtkhdt pointments, etc, Modern of ss A quality brand food products, [lively and full of laughter but FOR SALE =~ Used pooh, fice with cafeteria Bit SABYAN N MOTOR! NAGY MOTOR ¢ ALES | SALE and leading name Canadien had gained a little weight, motors, boat trailers an portation available enetits | 1 a + tt made freezers 6 your choicg bo ; gh : convey include pold medical and | SALES LTD IMERCEDES - BENZ . DKW, Alum Aid JFrodue ! Nd a be Comple pte line. of meats, |. Mrs, De nomme said in Ham 2 R tal pl Paid tion | . est quality a he bes . n ilton the girl hadn't "a minute FOR RENT == Box, boat and hospital plan aid vacation Sales and service, Showroom prices fully guaranteed, vegetables, fruits, and gro. SICRAEEE SE TE ee cabin trailers, thoin saws, this Summer, Apply person t items supplied. Budget |SiCRNeS See returning fro skill sows, sanders, ete, nel office WILDE RENTAL DUNLOP (CANADA) LTD SERVICE & SALES 15 Dundas E. MO 8.3226 MO 8.3361 NTR. Sa IWAGEN open until 9 nm. qt Double hung windows only tary te lable Lourdes, But last week she was A $18. Call now, erms available, "eo ul 1 by ki 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH 408 KING ST. WEST Freezers = $279 and up convulsed by wracking Ts. | L | 2 2 A "You can't eat me! I'm a handsome OSHAWA, ONT, ymer Aluminum Co, CALL RA 8-1128 FOR [pain all over, Then the pain ) " | Teli RAndolph 3-3461 RA 3.7132 RA 8-5385 FURTHER INFORMATION |stopped." ~~ duto & frog by & mean old $e

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