, Wednesdoy, Vebruary 8, 1961 largest. Instead of building the 12 2 Siu pik Denmark Boosts iu Plans Greek here in the slips, which after » + . (wards are flooded. The gates § ' Shipbuilding er 5 [o] 00 towed out. This method of By JOUN CHADWICK gether from huge #00 - ton sec building cuts out the need for ATHENS (Reuters) -- Bpyros to make preparations for two pari of an Denmark, &# tiny country with tions, carried oul bodily by py orane a Sine hau the Ve suouras, the Greekhorn Amer. more films he proposes to make actress who finds the virile # great seafaring tradition, Ras cranes to be assembled when . # a ican film magnate, promises 16 in Greece: The Lion of Sparta, handsome Spiridon in greatly extended is spbuid Lo oy" wis (his method, we 7 6 Welding and shiphulld. (uy Athens into a "Meditersan- inspired by the famous battle shower-one night and (ries fo ing capacity in 8 Wid 10 capture ou uit Lore than one vessel 5, "hep: Shou 197 feet wile can Hollywood" with a $110, of Thermopylae, and The King entice him away from the gi} # sizable share of the world's and Tih feet long, ships Bre gg 000.a-year film industry. must Die, from the novel based from home, mew market for superAaniers at once, The parts can WPI puils in sections, Bs at the Jay: Film - making already is giv. the legend of Theseus and he kept 'in stock' on the assem With its scores of small, old bly line nti! %anted ing - down site. Four \Wrvel uo nian o thrill as famous the minotaur established shipyards dwindling cranes can be used simultan Hollywood stars come to make He intends to build extensi and declining because of the lull 100 900.00TON CAPACITY cously, their drivers co-ordinator o Greek background studios in Mhens with stages! in the world freight trade, Den. Over on Denmark's central Ing the operation by shortwave "oo dustry really Jorge enough to obviate the| mark is concentrating @most 5nd, Vunen, A. P, Moeller, & Tadio, eee iS UAE WaY, SRYS ShOUras to shoot indoor scenes of all its resources in the super. SWpbuilder reputed (0 be the many thousands of Greeks wifi Major productions abroad, | ship field, richest man in Denmark, has WELD FOR WAR CRIMES i" our employment in #1 Happened in Athens is be- To be able to offer clients a "4d # Whole new town built, NUERNBERG (AP)--~A 101 gt wages comparable with those ing made entirely in Greece and speedier job and prompt deliv. "Ih housing estates, banks, mer German police captain Was paid in the United States features the Parthenon, the ery, the yards are adopting see. "OT and hospitals, 10 get the held here today on charges of ~ Suouras president of Mh temple of Zews, the Bacchus| wd tional, assembly-belt methods, MAMPower for his new super helping murder 1,200 Russian cenyry Voy productions, came taverna at the foot of the Aero-| I and sre providing the best pos. "Vecity shipyard at Lindoe. Jewish children and Invalid yo Athens to attend the shoot- polis, and the Greek capital's) hetter--work better sible amenities and working 11s first product, with a dis during the war. Helmut Rawr, 0 00. in his company's impressive, all - white, marble! Dodd's Pills now, You conditions for their employees, Placement of nearly 5 000 tons, NOW Amployed as an office ler gon, v0 Happened in Athens and stadium, |. depend on Dodd's, Burmeister and Wain in Co. 1% competed, and Moeller says Fuerth, Bavaria, was ar ajum. : ee hy : (3 . ) penhagen, reputed to be the Pe il be able to build vessel Ee Yr 8 he Wark, ae largest shipyard in Scandinavia of U9 10 100.000 tons Gt Wis VIE! ouneeg, "Gaur and his special and with 10800 men the biggest "*W Yar police unit combed 1) = ghetto at single industrial undertaking in. Vocal point of the yard are pins in the Soviet Union, in Denmark, has just completed two giant slips, about 965 feet November 1942 for children and extensions costing 150,000,000 long, 148 feet wide and 90 feetisick persons, the spokesman Kroner (shout $22,500,000), deep, and among the world's said BUILDS WUGE ENGINES The firm already has secured # firm foothold in the super ship industry of the future by| bringing out what is claimed to C, H. SPOONER WITH PART OF HIS COLLECTION ringing out wht bs Statnied Jo) diesel engine, a 40 - foot high) 7) 4 : monster as tall as a fourstorey | # Free! Marie Fraser's new Mug Hobby Takes High Priced =. "== gz Xr deliyting The Danish firm will build 30 and sour", Write today} ) Family's Time Ferry Ride fui: SIS MESHEAL Ty super ankers, also has con | RIV) Jil . Up amily s iime J Ac re \()[ 1, BE PROUD TO SERVE! whip OM as rarer Sve Tory vi ", TORONTO (CPy=When C, W,j obscure, although hooks on pol perhaps the most expensive licence by 27 firms in 16 coun Spooner bought his first toby tery list 8 number of possibIE ferry ride in Canada can he ries ™ n't real beginnings, It is said that giving @ po hews To build these giant engines jug 42 years ago he didn't r } taken mut this Saskatchewan ¢ s wetting himself nicknames to personsl drinking fiver ci 4 the firm has constructed a 100 ize what he was getting hin River community inte, Now it takes him and his| vessels dates from antiquity yo ooo nr oor oar (rans. |f001-high, 300-foot-long machine wife five hours to wash his and thir Toby Is # comraction| coq over several hundred feet hop collection of 240 jugs, a job they of "Tobias of water It costs you $5, To re. "Our aim is to build quickly (wice 8 Year Early toby jugs generally rep . . oll a . Wile iced TY old saleb| resented the full figure, seated rn you pay anofher 33 o's and to cul out the old weather manager here for the Canadian and holding a mug Their pop-| , | 4 Lg di olf A i Jo bu delays the men will now work Car Company, doesn't agree|ularity brought variation in size $150 oo 00 M 5 : " gh 4 # per cent under cover, com with the saving that you have! Some are no bigger than thim Lp mid ni A " yord pared with only 20 per cent in : a Ang or ¢ Hee od no, 4 the old days," & shipyard of { to be 8 collector, bles while others are of gallon = oD 0 Judd » I one d he! capacity Stent works department ficial sald y Ie na 4 " said. "Maybe it's the contrast] Besides his Jugs Mr, Spooner he ai is operated by Con "The ships will be put to that keeps me interested has pul together r collec on ol Br ja0 Reraiod vy Con. " ' stween|' f sands' Ey 4 There's 8 big difference he twee n| thousands Jnd thousands pa bridge' at the site 950 miles! profit, and the company regards selling railway cars and buying WADA, ries and Antiques north of Winnipeg, The ferry isthe task of carrying tourists as hy Jugs home 1g p 3 the 8. ection representing His jug collection ranges from intended for work purposes, not|a waste of time literary, historical and contem- a Viking, Mephistopheles, Don porary characlers, contains Quixote the Three Mi; keteers -- mainly the creations of Doulton and a crop of Dickens' charac artists, It forms the background ters to Sir Winston Churehill, I for his recreation room bar Viscount Montgomery and the 5 The origin of the toby jug Is' Queen : PROBLEM?" L Moslems Now Around World | rior EDMONTON (CP) = A man| The Al Raschid Mosque 1s a in a conservative grey sult an. 200 - capacity modern building Ask swered the door of his modest| constructed by Edmonton's About Edmonton home, He respect:|faithful and maintained until fully greeted his visitor al last summer without & trained }| Thelr heavily bearded man in wine leader because none Was avail turban, free « flowing grey and able FREE wine robe and white trousers,| Today, with their new officiat Behind this meeting of con: |ing priest, those who are not trasts lay a common goal: A hampered by the working hours DECORATING cohesive family of some 700 of Canadian society may attend 00,000 Moslems scattered prayers, in Arabic and Kinglish SERVICE throughout the world, the estab {on Friday afternoons, Working lishment of an Islamic "United men may sttend on Sunday af " fernoons i you're having trouble sels Nationa id World t ' aetin the right eelour tone The O orld visitor Wasi RETAIN IDENTITY to blend In neatly with your was Muhammad Fezl-Ur-Rah- --agked if there 1s the prob PRA ONTS hay send a man man Ansari, professor of mod [lem of the newer generation te YOUR HOME, This qualified reps ern philosophy and Islamie the. gradually abandoning the ways resentative will help you make profess ology at the University of | Bf its ancestors, Abd Al-Hel dagurator telecoms wi a Karachi nd Jie Presiden of said he doesn't think so " , AND AT NO COST TO YOU the World Federation of Islami! wa re y 9 today , , . Phone RA 3.4922 Missions, We retain our Identity, We make your appointment, will never lose it, We are flex His host was Hammudah ABd| ible as far as social life is con 2 year ew leader! perne Al-Hel, 33-year-old new leader: oorped PRESTON'S are the exclusive agent for popular, hard-wearing of Edmonton's 400 Moslems «Wa helieve in Christianity who form the centre of Islamic gud Hn You cannot swing TONE CRAFT PAINT PRODUCTS, the makers of famous activities in Canada away from the religion of being PLILTONE plastic flat finish paints. 948 exciting decorator He 18 the first religious edu [respectful ot Moses We have to colors to choose from Sieg Joan of ihe nye {| rewpect him in the same way tasehid Mosque, having studied] oc Mohammed, We believe their in Cairo and at Montronbe| Mohan do not conflict ' DECORATING McGill University, He repre "A Moslem must believe in SUPPLIES sents a first sop in the tk ull the prophets Christians he nll goal by providing qulaified| jaye in, not only in Mohammed i leaders to lead Moslems "lo: Al are menitoned in the Koran 19 BOND WEST RA 3-4922 ward world peace and mutual if you helieve in Mohammed understanding." and not In Jesus you are not a Moslem, After all, the hasie dif<| ~ BUILD GOODWILL, ye "We believe that if we have ference het ween Christianity & and the Islamie religion is that rood Moslems in, for example, 2° React and the United HA we holleve Jesus was a human 'person and not the Son of o they are bound to give a good "Impression of their history and God." SHOP AND SAVE Gly y ONI eligion," ) fel says | rl FL WR BE Bi LIKES LONG GOODBYES T GL A W ARE CUT GLASS " 'dmanto 5 HOOC epre 'ORT TALBOT, os (Ite ' BLASS A maton, RON Oe <= Mm. Mary Williams THE CLASSIFIED WAY ... "ee ; LOOK FOR Initial step in the plan, said learned here today tha her 19 TUMBLER \ ATTRACTIVE R Muhammad, who was here on year - old daughter, Jeanette, | h "wor ol ', I& lo deter 6 miss iy re than two a J 200 WHITE AND BP + ya 8 rid Ey NI Haig iy --- ] 300 -- WATCH FOR THE INSIDE EVERY PACKAGE OF Extra INSIDE hte ni KE "Extra 4 lation, a job he said was ham: round trip to North Africa In a wred in the past when most cargo ship, Jeanette wenl Moslems lived under English aboard the 6,856 - ton freighter and French domination 1Oreosa to say goodbye to her "Unfortunately there was a boy friend=-and was still aboard ; : : : : ' conspiracy Against Moslems, when the ship left for Algeria Lever Brothers shopped the world for a premium you'll be Everything was done to under: The freighter was due back in yo Fo ' Wd ine: Ute Mb of Mosler " Kngland Friday proud to own, They found it in "Laurette" glassware, "Laurette" is an exquisite pattern deeply etched into shimmering glass by B A S K E 1 skilled cutters, You'll love "Laurette," Look for it in every package of Extra=the new blue laundry detergent, -" King-size Extra contains one piece 'ol hand-cut "Laurette™ P - ( A | S stemware; Giant-size, a 9 or 11 ounce tumbler; and the new Regular-size Extra, a matching 5 ounce juice tumbler, Start now J Te | EVERY THURSDAY to collect your very own set of genuine "Laurette" glassware, \ : aa Tt ev S000 nT USE NEW BLUE EXTRA WITH CONFIDENCE, FOR vf TO umm ] mt i OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED EVERYTHING YOU WASH IN YOUR MACHINE=0R BY HAND 4 Wit cle ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet PAGE MARGARINE