§2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuseley, Tebroery 7, 1961 <i THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2% 37 Ma fe Help Wanted |44A--, & Flots 144, , & Flots Accountants CLASSIFIED AD RATES V6--Insurance _, (19--~Porsonel N FW B N| ESS 2 o " i oo A--hph or 7 og Aggy Ban ba SLIATE dwg Vnsiisen, So *r7l CHILDREN FOR | EXPERIENCED [#7 ly Rent , Oshaws, Ontario, RK SELL AONE services at your Roms, ment, featares Moy Leined spurtman, eon] dove aed Bost, Oshows | Re ga i net | i ADOPTION loom, washer usd a rgereior, Vw people only =~ re GEE" am ain [TT--Money to Loan | GORD, DAVID 4 MICHAEL | UNLISTED NUMBERS SALESMEN [55.1 bad a' Frusies in Bankewgiey, BH if not pod within 7 dan the | re a wr Protestent brothers of 6, Proposed expansion program [TWO reom oo man, AAD ' 4 ed, heavy Gaby 100 RPRTiment, Sng Breet Kost, Oshawa; #, 1, Yio, | Charge 1918 wii opphy, io Moris Broker, ond 9 ore extremely ot» requires us 10 seek 0GGresive woviied, # Sk ft et wove, main level, private 5 F, Friedionder, ¥. Comm, CPA | Above, 1913 aptly ty 19 "ginal Weir Protessionsl Westie, 3 me 10 one another y The high Soon salesmen, Grow- Wr sons - » hess Blog BJ in . FITH, MONTEVIR, RIERY, ond orders for consacive Iinseriiens. 1g gy y " " / / ing firm selling furniture FO bedroom Smee | 5-394 ne ' ' s Chariared Accountants, BA SIH, | whnaqent insertions crceres of 4 iTV rey is on A] 990%] canng for them now ANN'S FABRIC LANG'S housefurnishings, droperies, sures enivped, Tele hone -- sme Street North, Oshewss Ax | ater dole corwtitie 8 new origingl Naas Wortaene and sirvement LJ ie is most anxious to Find them SHOP : carpets, TN.'s ond opphion RA \ 54343 between bam 89d § THREW Cr room aperiment, , Wai raishe H 16856 cries WH, 0 permanent home 6s on 08 ly FY, Lai Bhd took Bk Rod 4 hospital wig WE DEWAR snd Ca, Accountants' Professions! livtings $30 by iro gy [iA oy Wor: possible, Perhaps YOU ore ip P MEAT MARKET hid THRE, i. Smale sha. Moart (very clesn a kis] . Su tors, Cedur Glen Wag, 15 on | mh for Ad 46 oy, Lach * doen, the exceptional couple who 113 BYRON §T, © I The men we went will hove | Lae : $05 fussy yg " so private hath, tire Street, Oshews, Ontario. RA tonal LA phish 41 x 1) $18.00 [FIRST and second morigage, sais will adopt these Bort ho Foil . WHITBY id BE152 272 ALBERT §1 | a chance to make high earns downionn, ri i i ' . a 3 1E4 3 WILAON and Burrows, Chartered | #7 O00 |. dance Borroiers Hi King) intelligent lads end moke it SPECIAL THIS MONTH | HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES ings with good chonces for rm Dhvision_ Wrest viation, . 4 Pe ' ! LPF « eronisnts, Fl cr § 'ond o wan, fons, Comin ob & | Brest Kast, HA 1120 possible Vor them to continue | NEW SPRING PRINTS OUR SPECIALTY promotion, Seles Trainees ; ' Lanna word Box charge | Be adonionel WE WAVE clienis' monies svellable| developing normally. These REG, 65¢ NOW 39¢ per vd, | WE DELIVER-~RA 8.2471 also will be considered possi- mond Burrows, CA, RA § Al Clowtled Advertisements | lor loans on rst ed second morigskes| good-looking yourgeers Gre s---- rr eee ly OG POI time DOSS, We BU SERVICER -- Complete whi must be mn by B pm, the Gay ber Land aise purchase morgages na oii slight in build, blue-eyed [ENVOY RESTAURANT WILSON PLAZA ask for neatness, 6 plessont 'of srvioes for i bginesses wal fore publication i rine, Alresments on oa "ovens, RA| ond i fo it comple a 4 They - SEA COVE Sr de A Fg i in i monthly or wired. Biatements | Jiemo Cords of Thanks whieh ig Mr y or 4 lex) ' y v Vi Fy ured Ineome (ex returns, MIC | My To unt 9 am, | 3-40 ore of Scottish-Germen pore HOME OF people and the ability to work ~~ |11eors, builtin eophosrds, heavy wir urnished three Lie, ent, 19. haskun, hot weiar, LE Ouodtine Yor Lost end Found end | Ean Tnis the New Your wiih the on entoge Friendly, likeable a ICKEM IN RESTAU RANT under direction, Reply giving | ground 4 wh hookup, hot water, A HB CLANCY'S Onteria Aceninting | Concetlations 8:30 am. O11co Lyenience of & second cor. You'll find wo bo ow yo f CH MIN full details of jormer end RA 87977, iy, soibonide. bo vices offer complete bookkeeping | Hours: Deity 8-5, Saturdey B17 J Supermarket of automotive values! a) y T ROUGH" jest? present employment, age usta, prelarred services for small business. 134 Bond | REGULATION Gor under "Bale Aue" In Oshawa Hey pring real hoppiness to the HE Js 'OLD ENGLISH STYLE" Pai ih 4 Fu. y after Strpei West, Boom |. Olfics RA 509, The Osnara Times will not be | Classified, couple who adopts them f ~ « marital status end telephone # / TWO « room fursished Residence, HA 37608 rusporaitle for srs in advertise er ---- | you think you would be § $22 RITSON RD, 5 FISH AND CHIPS number, inteniews wil be oped eluting ree her pA Motriet, central) Wa " mitted eth then n 4 p 3 - L315 arronged only f nt for work) 2-Barristers A er thy MONEY TO LOAN terested, and ore Protest | WE DELIVER--RA 5-8 WE DELIVER~~RA 8-315) aed only with opplicents |Frantense Avenue, Apertment J, on bayer M du f who reply in detail to Box 0A tie ¥ ore | ite 10 i -- - . APARTMENT buliding, three - TIO, | eo - TUOMAS W. RONDE, Garver, 30 | Veena, mar werond "the "orcs || $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for | Write . were | 748, OSMAWA TIMES 44 (| 90 sparimenia #ltor and notary public, vi Wink | chal Uh torn single insertion of immediate loan on First and THE MINISTER OF ! RUDY'S LE MOULIN ROUGE | mire, adults 'only, Bireer Ean. Phone 1A 170 Tra "advertisement in which wer || Second Mortgages, Agres: PUBLIC WELFARE, | FASHION HAIR STYLING | priv |41--Room & Board ad Co T-- CREIGHTON FRASER, DRYNAN and ll occurs, And oles reserve the right ments for Sale, an vocant ond PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, | [) rey 4 . EA ---- THOM PHIL fully furnished, MURDOCH, Warriors, oleiors, No | 10 closwity oduertiong eceormg ve | DRE S00 G0 PE Th TORONTO AND BARBER SHOP CATERERS pom YER week, room ond owrd for suitable lor two Gentlemen or working or ile Bank of Commer ag. own 9 cations » ' ofters ' est ond best | y 4 own 3 Simeon brent North, BA 33666; Fi] | in the caw of deploy advertise tial ond Industrial city, whe - oHarg the Pewsst o In HOWLING EANOLET eds, throes ments per dng, central, WA Adelaide Went, HA #4514 ShAciars seumd floor a K. Cruighion, QC; N.C Fraser, QCi Hl monte The Times will not be held wrbon ond country, end Sum~ | He " "a Mi 4 Ad BB ul ATTRACTIVE furnished comfortable, | love, ol sereened GK. Dryosn, G. 1. Murdoch, WHA wonsible for more space hen mer cotiages - every member of the family WEDDINGS ROOM urd hour for wo "renin en 1 tol five room Inga One iia wel |e. Move, hest and Wyte bereonad morgage arranged no which the ectual emir oun » w ving and Storage, Oamans, Satisfaction Guaronmeed PRIVATE PARTIES hare, separate beds, parking, near | | oma Close 10 us. Available now, RA! Adulte only, Kerepmons WA BF 5-664, MANNING ¥, SWARTZ, Barrister : he publishers endeavon Summerland Securities Lim whith R4n4omptvie Laid ust | For app, ~ call RA 8.238) wpe) Telephone HA 54618, 1730 for further particulars, Bolieitor, Notary, Money to loan, Awso-|| 15 dy' 3 tiled 112 Simcoe Stress |r ed and yd ne NA pl, RA 8-436) IROOM and bosrd, gentiemen to share IvEny central -- twa - room apariment, A an Lg Fak A Sinte, Bruce 5. Mackey, BA, Henryl correctly but as . North, Oshawa, Phone RA |BCOTIAN Cartage, for 14st Bependanie mm a roam, $18 weekly, "Velephone WA #9283, Kichen (wilh cuphosrds, sink, wove), iu, i anes pnd prided AL RL Md BRL , 5.3568 (service RA" $3114, Bo Joh to big or 25--Pets ond Li estock | ROOM "sit bourd lor young men, In Som. Fetownone WA Wosse" "06 DE Wansonable rent, WA BUTI, lier be ii IU o / / ig pra bl 00 smal / FL RE PT a Ta | {100 small ~ |36==Female Help Wanted |iriendly liome, gout food, lumehes JWT, lower dupes, "hested, vw YOUNG rogimtered) oh nl Ld L1omn's ms " mponired ed, single beds, TV lounge, pit A iy Al UR «room spartment self oniained | ¥ Be That find vereinl Bal we 4 Kone] MONEY 10 {Whithy [1 bi ind iit eauy. |e." Obedience tr th & CD title (LADY help required, to work mostly | Colborne East, RA 5.7687 4 [private entrance, newly -- degoruied, hedroams, kilehen, 1ving room. hath I he Commercial Bullding, 286 King | a rie SQUID en sellin } A , {room and basement room. Good loess he WEB complete Lohuggin and evenings, Must have esr avaliable, | 1aundry facilities, TY outlet, $70 month. | West, Oshaws, Ontario, Client pork {ped and Inoured Thone BA 83001 wagon set with imported harness ond Telephone HA 83761, Woy Variety, ROOM and board for Genileman, oF iy. Avalisnle insmedioisly APY 847 | oso Parking avaliable Maren |, ing avaliable |12--~Dressmaking oan---- SHOP for your furniture needs the easy [Piiley, RA HH911 Rawslynn Plazes two couples, nice, clean, quiet home. | Barklane Avene RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, LLB A Telephone RA #34204 On N iw way, Rend Oshsws Times Classified Ys CARMILRR wanted, Musi have expen: | {FIVE "room upper duplex 990, radia. | fea E RN two bedroom and one Ririister ana Bolleitor, 6 King Street FURRIER and LOAN yay PI me a hints Pons ence, Apply manager of Wassine Super. WIXTEEN dofiare per week 107 100m | lor off heat relish) A O00, TOI inadronm wpartments, conveniences ine Fast, Oshaws, Ontario, RA 8.2971 4 #r | gl v need 18 In the Oshawa Times Clissified | Market, Alas Bhopping Contre ana hoard, newly decorated rooms. |\(rigerator options), elosed In pore Ce Move, refrigerator, TV antenns You will find hospitality st ie Moulin and dsundry, Thomas and Cedar Th JOSEPH F. MANGAN narrister | DRESSMAKER os of . | sonal Service 35 fection : REGIRTERED nurse for small private foe Motel dd ®t Thornton' suitable to share, 80 Charles street, | ji Adults' preferred, Tels phone R % gg Pigg " nay Ye . oa Monies for all types of mort» PETER Pan dey nursery, si} or half | POODLE w= two white grown females hospitsl, bi pleasant Wing ausr:|Roud South Highway 401 fre «room apariment, sell-con. | 34568 Lid hawa ¥ 4 Wa -- ' . A : . A A 5, Mrs Reed Stouffville #91 teined, unfurnished, hosted, hol snd " New, Alterations, Remodelling gages; for first and second 30 1 0, 86) Bimeos North, |#iso €IENL week puppies, male and fo. [ler WOON snd bosrd, for > With 4 Residence, KA 6040 | Low Press mortgages on oll types of real rd 908 A id mae, All registered stock, Heasonsble, WoUSEKELPER required immediately home orivileges Apply Bimons [aut care gupplied, wired for nesry | 44B--Rooms For Rent PONATD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister] nh pe tat cluding vacant lands; was | Bove Cedarview Kennels, BA 55062. |for adult eoupie, in smal) home. Must| Street Bouth oF telerhione BA 8.8285 . & for tenant's ear, ol! Solleitor, 2 King Wtreet Kast, | 22 ROWE STREET pik ole n ide sid 9 SCHAPEL HOI IMA BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies ready for|be reliable, five days & week. Writs Box Ria stop King Breet Eon Avaliable | SINGLE, Firnighad me, eh aphone: Business RA 3.2201, Kes ] B.6706 shor erm morgaeg ' | training tAIKIng strain. Apply Mrs. | 942, Oshaws Times -- iisekeeping | tired. Separate en. dence, WA 8-5¥3 RA 8-6706 builders; first and second | mpg ere BOOKKEEPING |Wrons 114 Elgin Street East EXPERIENCED middie aged sook 43--Wanted To Rent (MORERN soll-contained duplex, range canes ed hostel fa fi "Wr Te F7, SALMERR, BA, barrister, wollel:| d 8 $ lies mortgages and agreements | Feo l Co INCOME TAX [MALE Beagle, registered, For infor housekeeper with references for small [WANTED = March 1, three = bedroom pled Lockied 30 B and arvey wip | La 3 tor, ete. 1300 Mimeow Bireet North [13--Gar ening wpp for sole purchased, Apply 4 ' mation, telephone MArkel 44213, Bow. duit family, Vive in, Telephone WA house, unfurnished Wowstand and ste. (0 sented at Hrooklin, Call OLIFURNIBHED (wo iarge bed - silting Office HA § at Hesidance, HA 55542 Rg ange M. Swartz, 264 King Street RETURNS A 19104 venson district, Phone 57013 [Faome: Inui in sSuhitards, isa " 4 5 " "- - ro - ! hr 0 MeGIBRBON and BASTEDO, Barristers (ANY hing aire HA 8 LAL East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 686 OSLER STREET | (wANTED three room Tnrnished | vou 1 Sony large Tooms, equipped kit oi pi AR "Avariment Simeos Noi Solicitors, Clients' funds available fo ; (407 |26~~Farmer's Column noariment, grownd floor, central, Tele. | In euphosrds, hot water fre mortgages, 20 Simeoe Streel N 34697 OSHAWA, ONT, B OKKEEPER phone HA 59116 | orn 8, close to en wanteal, bedrest bighen A 85:3566, Charles C. MeGihbon d DEAD (arm siock pieked up promptly LY | clean furnishe ron) ki - HLS 5 INOW REMOVAL Teor RA 5.9953 rE mane BOOKKEEPER (CCFC rr bi hia 8 ttf ig v - at Misrgwill Pur Farm, Tyrone | Kperignced on payro yp rig, stove, washer, TV radio. diahes | 07 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solel 000 AVAILABLE 1 first or second . | # " » tog, 34 Simeone South, RA 5.9502, Hes ori private Fetephone os. | BALED wheal straw, Telephone COlax ing an awsel, Apply fully first Lid] Jom erm Toni, good 4a ind linen by phlied, aie block off Bim In RNISHED room, cookin dence, RA H0264 SIDE WALKS CLEANED FIT "rh Von Prospesis TRY OUR 4 2406 letter neluding salary, 10 {10 bast end of vty, $80 monthly {newly decorated ly 2% JON A. CAMERON, barrister, salle) : Antly with. 8 gh interest, tow monthly | BAR.B.QUED CHICKEN [WAY for sale, bic. per bale, Telephone Bill Miller, WA $5123, Toya Realty DEMBABLE second floor downtown (0c 0 tolephane FA $334 for and Notary Buble, 104 King Sirest FAST SERVICE payment Oshawa Times Classified Ad, | db, hudba iid HA 58208 evenings Post Office Box 331, |ia [and bath, unfurnished, heavy: wiring, ies olan e od eo Tady t 2269 A and 1 ' b ¢ 0] W n ' ' closets ah rq 41 a a Lo, nd private] Dial RA 3:3403 now Chicken plate, F " cl ch " |27 --Fuel & Wood | Oshawa YHREE unfurnished rooms, IArge stor: [het oa Daten, widulls only Mt ALL TRE first floor, Yerr HK WOMPHREYN, Boyehve snd Tillman, | OSHAWA HOME ™E fast way to bring h bu ore for | with french fries, fish ane hie room, private entrance and drive. | pr s B60, RA B-BI7H |lacation RA 38470 ' the offiee equipmen re not dein chips, hamburgs, hot dog DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur * i " {#66 = THREE room apartment, sink, | SINGL "5, Hoyehy, WA wn kd ido a milk shakes "| anges, stoves, firepinees, sto, $s A 37---~Male Help Wanted kter, henvy duty wiring. Telephone cuonoards in kitchen INGLE room for ane Senemen elon 4 p g 1 Ll wiv hr heavy wiring. itn Shopping Centre. omforiahié hed, ly King Street East Phones: Office RA 51117; Res, RA LANDSCAPING LLL load delivered, Phone RA 8.5014 RA 56835 parking space, suitabie for couple, vel large inset $4004 or Whithy, MO 8278/1 RA S530) MODERN GRILL . mr | FOPNOTCH salesmen We need two | WOUSE, four rooms and hath, central able immediately, Telephone RA 55812, [RA 5.872 Avbly #3" Grentell" street, a {salesmen to add io our present stall, jy ooated hild een: | WE DELIVER ~ RA 5.3867 |31--~Articles For Rent anloaman 01 10 0m Drement foe I niaied. ehiidron welcome, 479 FOUR room, heated upsialr apartment, ™wo0 mw rooms, suilahle for wine Money to loan IMMEDIATE | model ear, free to travel and willin newly decorated, private entrance, |gle girls or workin ouple, elo AT v Nollie < « C a Wor op n " he MIX + room three hedroom, two-storey Share bath, Telephone HA 88478 for ) a ry AREER and Kelly, Barrisfers,~ Salial | RA 8-6366 SHIRT LAUNDERERS FLOOR SANDERS | k. Top earnings for the right own, hopping Centre, RA 8.0297 - Wincor i men, All eustomer leads supplied, house, Arthur Btreet, $80 per month to further particulars gin West ZIPPERS REPLACED oom, private | | - ih Residence phon | CUPBOARD SANDERS (Teieshane MO 83501 for personal in retpohsiile * tenants, Telephone "RA FIVE = room spariment, hydro, heat, | HOUREK KEPING ' any | - -- > . view supplied, unfurnished, near | ' anes V. Melly FA, BCL RA 804% NOW 1S THE TIME MONEY Shorten or lengthen garments, FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT ALERT dealers ean average 93,00 an FIVE « room (three « bedroom) house, PETking facilities, available hs we trange, 10 minutes' walk to South Gen i ) 5 | | | Hesidencs phon es teryie 52717 altar 6 p.m oral Motors, Linens, dishes, refrigers ig Hrostata Barristers: apd. Cuffs ond pockets renewed, REDUCED RATES mir, selling our line of daily necessi:| 8% heating, close to separate and pub: phone "RA S664 for further Informa' (tor, stove supplied. Al 3 Kong Wrest Rast, HA | 10 GET MEN Complete stock of buttons, 50 single room, ties, Watablished "elientele in your lle schools, children welcome, Resson. Hon RA 34408 treet Kast, RA 8.6246 AT YOUR CALL AVAILABLE TO GILLARD'S | surroundings. High eommission, bonus, | ble rent, Telephone KA #587] | WACHELOR apartment In © RATMEWE, WA, Barrier, soils REPAIRS OR REMODELLING : tor, ete, 13% Bimene Street North CLEANIT SERVICE LTD h re enoes, aitached garage, Apply 76 Har: le Whos TRAC Narnia Jn al Offies RA pei Residence, RA 5asas,| LARGE OR SMALL | HOME OWNERS RA i] 555 RA 3-4873 NEAT, intelligent men, over 31, to train Tis Avenue jad evar: Apply Avh 1, $12 Monttave ATVIY Pina ut Fore Rond Lf ---- orth : Ply - --- ma ws for well Wnown organie | EXECUTIVE "home No S=Nursing Services [CALL AJAX---THAT'S ALL 32-Articles- Wanted [tion. Up to $10,000 yearly, Cay essen: | trees to rent S118 a nas rous unfurnished rooms, vate on |: 870. 30% discount on famous apartment me make Enamel and Paint [Catalogue on request. Familex Prod: (NW house, at 70 Harris Avenue, with |bullding, near Shopping Centre, alse ATTRACTIVE" Tirnished og D WEBBING HARDWARE juts, Dept, 24, 1600 Delorimier, Moni: two nedrooms, all the Istest eonveni: two + b apartment, Norn, YN Fa g be | tal, Call HA B:5006 between 5 and TR Realtor WA § trance, TV outlet, not wired for y BRADUATE nuree, available for home| RA 8.5103 | BOR ROW WATCH REPAIRS WANTED = 8 Wbrary table or mail| p.m 4 PAT ' GUY Hove, heal Tun DachIng, Avatenie » i SIX voom, 3 bedroom § storey hors | duty, Telephone RA 57415 ic isl dosh. stitable (or living: rom. Tels WANTED {wo men, partie for ok | Arthur Bt, $40 per month to responsible | T- APPlY 217 Conant Hires! INE Tn i ed DARE Convalescent and Naming] 110 KING ST, £, OSHAWA ' ornisn Phone tablished Watkins route, For appoint: (tenants, Phone RA 52717 after 6 pm, [TWO - room apartment, Corivate ai (ONE Targe unfurnished oom, ven 1 hile rent. 26 Prince Street Home, 24-hour graduste nursing sery ] 600 " ; [WANTED w= diver's lung or aqua lung ment phone HA 5.2383 for further par. trance, heated, hydro and water, $40|% os, Quiet, anal wirroundings | AJAX REPAIR AND wl, 299 King St, West lin good condition, Telephone RA 84038 (ioulsrs ROWMANVILLE «= seven « room domi; | monthly, Telephone YUkon 82008 for (WTORK for rent downtowns 8m Y v v detached house, oll furnace, ecentrally Brooklin, O1, b4031 CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Specializing. automatic |or write Box 837, Oshaws Times JOIN the Tong Tist of Property Gwners fasted Prone MA 3.5908 | further information {Street established barbershop nese " tion or sult other small business, Tele NNYBRAE, of Oshawa, Care for eid 4 OLD movie magazines, 1040 to 1060, who know the surest way to rent thelr (Two. bedroom apartment in modern y people, RN supervised, inquiries | 1 == ousehold Repain REPAY AS LOW AS watches [WIE pny Wood: price, Write Box 441, ansrimenis is wiih an Oshawa Timas NIX « room house ai Clarke Birest: ypuriment hullding, avaliable now, (Phone RA 3.4343 after 8 p.m, viled, reasonable rates, HA 52330 4 ler " oil heated suitable for |p), MO 8.509: A . {Ex RA 3.4545 |The Oshawa Times Classified Ad, Dial RA 3:5408 today tof | Phone $092 hopom or apply [EXTRA large furnished housekeeping . | » two eouples. Avallable February 18, Ap: jo) a it Apt. 8, W ILBERLY folk weloomed Tn our home YOUR lusal ohimagy eissnar. ¢ A $35 00 MONTHLY PIANO wanted immediately, any make Place yours wee | Ply 395 King Siveet East | raydon_Wowd Apt. 5, Whithy, _ | room, wilt two gentlemen or opi, ursing care Ul necessary, Excellent CLEAN, ba i f, 468 Bimeoe Bireet North, RA 37 stalled, furnaces vaeuumed, Ir (22--TV « Radio Repairs {or size, all cash. HOward 62313, AX. | AN rarer = Todor | |G N basement apdrtient, near I [ veferences, Telephone HA B.5286 [% weCurrent Interest Rates | minster $0470 1578 Queen Street Hast,| J d #556 monthly Includes heat, Fug NISK Hght hou i males. RA LEW. |TV. WARIO ear radia sepaira, All| Toronto | BOOKKEEPER | nedintely, Slose to sohest, $105 monthly, | 12dre and parking space, Call RA ¥-3938 witavie. for geniiem onted -- Serv aot Pano | Y | Hie ' | 8 North General Motors, A ol Ll] 6----Optometrists |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs ve. Fast Confidential Service minke Thompson Flea ron! 181 BEANO wanted Immediately. any make [ Pelept RA 5.0310 FOUR + room heated apartment in vil, | North poly Phan Op etrist wee: | 0OVEPOA Ike Naw, Got the best for less : Eillott Avenve, RA 50708 (Pred), |r We Hoon ard 60018 Ax ' s on payroll, tvpr | slephang RA [Tage of Little' Biitain. three plece hath, [Awa Boulevard North or telephone (18 F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of [at Modern Upholstering, 143 Simeoe| ==No Hidden Bonus {minster 8:0479, 1378 Queen Street Bast Xperience oN i Yl he [CENTRALLY located. fiveroom house (separate entrance, $45 monthly, Apply |B-4856 --- Optometry, the examination of eyes, South, Call RA 8.6451 for a free esti > | \ \ 1 1! Ing an asset \pply Tully Yir ee bedrooms), oll hested, neat, com: Thomson's Hardware, Little Britain, | pOWNTO N, " i Colborn + Hines Nth at | mate. ==No Chattel Mortgages | 96 RYE DAY ¢ RIC ANT prod Who wani pels wath ihe| letter, including Salery, to Het 0 moninly, Re 39879 oF BA | Fung 8 " housekeeping rooms 107 elokn: wl Phe venings by appointment ey - AY © J ho 0 ' Lid, RA 3 A inter who Co-Signe Clasmfied Ads dail Make sur our 2 - - o-- spectable English speaking persons, wan hl Ag) E-- PAINTING and paper, Mnsing inter o Co-Signer TV. and RADIO | hasite Ads Hay} RAs Sura 1 Post Office Box 331, NEWLY decorated seven » room brick PARKWOOD Also, one single furnished foom af A ® ry b house, paved drive, gar V anten: 77 Ontario Street The Dundas Bidg, 508 Dundas |DOTMation. gi 7 to Sult Your CALL RA 8-5286 | Oshawa {na, centrally lncaled, Telephone RA TE MONTHLY te Foun : "hily, MO 8.3671, Closed Wed, | CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recov | ---- |3-0004 After § p,m 0 water included, heavy duty €HTYUCK, RO, onomairia Please | like new Why ber jroret Our w~=Absolutely No Cest Te | All OeHAWA WANTED Foun. room house, collage, garage MAN R sult couple, Apply 33 ¥irie ay Becount. t I 3 atisfaction gu \ y | . for storage, large fenced In a, near Wok or 14 Burk treet Invalid en | Mattresses. rebuilt Oshawa Upholstery You Unless Mortgage As ELECTRONICS SCRAP IRON, POULTRY WANTED (untae, Vacant: now. Witte Box "4d, APARTMENTS TR en: | BE amined at home, Dial RA 5.4387 ta, 10 Bond Street Wes ' ranged RE mn AND FEATHER TICKS [Oshawa Times for further particulars ng, relvigerator wont two minutes T-=Surveyors PROFESSIONAL painter on paper ALLIED { SAMSON | TURNER SALES | oni FOUR ~ voom hungalow, good from four corn condition, for Tent or wile, Low down ON BONEVAN AND FLEINCHMAN, Op. (Manker Guaranteed work payment, Call HA 8.8530. Foo taro Land Surveyor, commercial hiue nals, Free estimates, Al Conroy, RA | RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 | CENTRAL = two + tamil 5 SAGUENAY AVENUE fo Kesping ae 2:4 a0. R Bowe Sat Heal, SA t PHOLATERY at (ts best for less, Ws) INVESTMENTS T.V. TOWERS {collect p------ PERSONNEL ig ate At furs 0 ih hd (PARK RD, & KING ST a oe -- p TONE, pecialize tn ehesterfields, recovered, . N -- i Iiahie tenants, Telephone RA 83083 . FIM nd Froifone, nia ia Lag periaiat, 0 repaired. Pres ssimates, COMPANY RA 8-8180 | SHAW OSHAWA DISTRICT) Bedroom and Kiiohen wiih tefrigorator: ; sink and cupboard; private tollel; parks RA 5.6881 Re, terms, RA B:3604, $1 KING ST, E ! 4 . | 44A--Apts. & Flats d at t tha apace, Apply 136 A Rts A fh, ¥, WORTON and Associates, go! RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS | Phone RA 3.3993 Anytime OSHAWA TV. AUTO WRECKING CO | Due to a large expansion For Rent 2 Quin, tdentiol_4ilaet 0 i Cc u kina lorie Lang Surveyors, Prefestiosl Kn. i how | For Day or Evening 361 GIBBONS ST Wants san for wrecking programme by our well |FEE oom modern" Stoves, 'frigs, T.V, outlet, | hithy, MO 6.8001, Ajax 728 CLEANED Appointments farts Yor 30'0, 040 Jcrap iron established manufacture [fridge and stove, three-pise '| drapes, parking, . ete, Quebeo Breet for further We ' at [ and metals, ete, bought, Open x Apply 70 Centre Bireet, lope arto Lane drofession aning i . yi t 9 ly, CLEAN, h Rarer os "Hh Aduinide Avenue East | Professional Cleaning 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES SUPERIOR Saturday all day, Phone ing firm, we will require yoy ==C void spaviment; prs ene from. $90 monthly EREAN, Dr duila me or Plan A - CF 4 4 4 . vid dP W Ho ne Sloot, a ACROSS ONTARIO APPLIAN "ERVICE IRA 5.2311 89 BLOOR F immediately severa | |vate entrance and hath, oentral, stove, H conking privileges. Centra a T PHONE isan efrigerato plied If desired, Avall " » 8---Building Trades 1 Instivate of Rug Cleaning Member Television - "Nia + Range | aggressive sales people 10 [yhie February 15. Anply 67 ai street,| RA 5.7272 RA 3.5787 (RA hid02 Jo lutihar de -- nstityte © LU ing be -- - ------ - - | 0 droom in priv shame, - Drvers and ™ -- Ye Apartment 1, Telephone RA 88180 4) RNTRIED hes We Rave equipment for the thawing of] NU-WAY RA 8.4681 ONTARIO MORTGAGE | Washers ryers and Oven | 34...Auction Sales sell fast selling most pop ido ng Log nek 1B ol: Ren Specialls " FURNISHED apartment, living, hed n " futon water pipes In minutes. No fire BROKERS' ASSOC | Control Repair Speciolhts, - |qymnon rite ol ow al ned Tarr] ular products, Fully guars [RRKNIILD. amarante avi: hed: OFFICE SPACE Soiuione hk eh Masard, hoero Welding, RA 31474 | - PH. RA 8.4873 ture and appliances at Midtown Furnls| raed For interview [refrigerator, washing machine; also LIGHT housekeeping room, ¥ PLUMBING and howling pipes, fil DODD & SOUTER oh Nivel k Street North, Whithy parking fachities. Business couple pre furnished or wnfurniahed. MIN aM Sealing wien, Hb / 49 BURK STREET February 1, 1001, at 130] phone ferred, Apply 34 Lioyd Breet FOR RENT Park Hond South, RA 8:04, © ng from septio tank to sewer a spe RAIN ING & DECORATING MO RTGAGE Fast Service » Sensible Rates display ad on Page 4 in GROUND floor, four + room apartment, TWO light housekeeping rooms, furnis elalty, Installations at reasonable rates CONTRACTORS Jem Ll sday's paper Whitby MO 8.5861 laundry room, private bath and en. od, also apartment with kitshenette, Tatormation and estimates free on an Painting, Paperhanging, trance, parking, 165 Verdun Road, RA| Passenger elevator service, |bath, living and Redroom, Apply 306 Pa pe of plu Dial RA 5404), J Gyptex, Full Wall Murals | AUCTION SAL [ 5 3006. New building Centrally los elfle Avenue, RA 37 cL Foley | Gyp ' v These positions offer FURNIBHED able for ons / . LIGHT keep! oom, 4, KUL topes of home repairs and re Spray Painting , Having received instructions Steady Employment FURNISHED foun ui a lor one cated in downtown area A Ping modelling, Recreation rooms, roofing, 107 BYRON ST, §, WHITBY AVAILABLE 40-11, self-supporting tower, from the executors of the teady Pr oyme phone RA :3276 or 330 Celina Street, Moderate rent. Leases now (very central, north, Mir preferred, Wotkmatap [aranieed, Free ni DAYS MO 8 323) Hot dip galvanized, No paint estate of the late WILFRED | =--Highest Commissions [TREC Maroh 1 twa Tedvorsr] @vOilable, Phane RA 39503, is OWners--roofing, SAing, Aves NIGHTS BA Yale w=Current Interest Rates Complete with new Morina MARKS, Port Perry, there will ~=Steady or part time EE CE ry a eated, or ON LF ein aL hek, Sd: L " J 1 0 n Jdver b 3 J + troughing, insulation, painting, Ph PAINTERS & DECORATORS 61 all «+ channel antenna, be sold by public auction the Closed territory further Information, J THE TIMES phone RA 3.9835 for further informas Harper, Whitby, MO 8.4358, Industrial, Commercial, w=Fast Confidential Service Total price, Installed and Household Contents at Stirte -- --- -- tion { THREE . room basement apartment, ALL type: bullding vepairs, roofing, uaranteed for year $57.50, sant' Roo 13 . BUILD NG WRVox! URI, SREY, Tabi es, Ade Domestic w=No Hidden Bonus | © vant's Auction Room, Required Immediately three « plece hath, kitoh ardi | 0 d new! » 45---Real Estate For Sale TN ar aa Gordon Mey Fi no hw Ne {18 FIaTiEe: at Service loll 3h b> iho 2 Thuridey 2 DRIVER SALESMEN ay AVaiiabie Rare fi? ephone ni -- Ib p---- 1 Wee Inishing ww ome N hy M 4 t : evening, February JE | ir Oshav A 88572 ont T. L. WILSON jLiupne Fi a oh oh - Tend Office Furniture o Chattel Mortgages Vv En erprises 7:30 pm Doors open at for Oshawa, Whitby, Alox area Contact . R J RODUCTS mod K 0 ' 1 reasonable rales T. W. PHILPOTT CO, w=No Co-signers '253 Drew St, 7.15 pm Terms cash, FOR NEW HOME PRODUCTS nt RRL Phone RA 3.3474 HOUSE FOR i Ag estimates free on any DAYS --- MO 8.8729 Payments. 18. Suit Your RA 33553 Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, $65 WEEKLY pharm d SALE-WHITBY iy plumbing, ial RA 24841, J] EVENINGS = TE 9.2364 A ju r---------- | T--tmployment Wanted TWO Far Aaron. Vi Tavs APARTMENT 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 3 ' TOWER 45 wd by Salary guaranteed with eoms wiring, Telephone RA 84376 for more old, $600 down, take a tr een men] FURNACE SALES ==Absolutely No Cdst To 4910 3% Reg the lm MAN desires | mission, applicants must linormation. . In well kept building that year oa, small 2nd merts BAd., plumbing, healing and engineer AND SERVICE You Unless Merigage 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30(a 41th after 8 pom + . have late model car, have |§ih FOR FOUR - room and bath newly | provides: gage. Full price $11,900, Ang. 835 Simeon Steel Bui Poh Arranged ; ROOF ANTENNAS $22/8 K¥Liany LH woman wii thre fon elder | art npearante 2d 1% Ehhies haat wat Ne retnuaraier Y. oie} SupbUan Apaes. Wate Ful prica 311.900, W. WARD HN Lid, 20" ROO $ » d Say, Driver's pi on Jiriaerator hots of cupben Fe WELL DIGGING BY RA 5-5954 ALLIED INVESTMENTS : iv | led [Toenoe. OF" wii baby wit, five-day | supplied For appointment oon North ' Earn ile : y ! 5 MPANY Completely Installec bo hil 37" labor ph ports 5 %0 S ' ¢ With 2-Year Warranty | 36._Female Help Wanted | BAldwin 1-5539 TWO BEDROOM , Balcony DOUGLAS L SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE bor plus pe -1 | KING STREET § WHITBY, ONTARIO | FURNACE SERVICE | Oj 23m ame | LEN & LOU'S | SRE, RF Sess, At dei | 3386 Younge 31, Wilowdale | APARTMENTS | 4 Compiers lam GOWER-REALTOR , Complete laundry facilities, 41 GLADSTONE AVE | a {oonditions. Reply In own handwriting % . G MO 8.2563 MO 8.2809 2334 Hours Per Day For Day or Evening CITY I.V. 10 Rox 346, Oshawa Times "|36--Female Help Wanted Excellent location, New build Central location tents th © : RA 8.465) 204 CHESTNUT ST. W Appointment Ing, with or without lease Call PLEASE PHONE EG a eiST: JOHN HEATING! 7 Jol rane RA 5.7844 CASHIER - TYPIST | LOYD REALTY | "MO's.4770_ | ing'utres yon vic 11--Business Opportunities 5 MO 8.2387 tual Maier Ovaria Mo gage | . 802 SIMCOE ST. $ RA 8-5128 | MONTH FREE RENT your budget, 4 foam bulge: ty parlor business id Urner ice for tu ngtio Nos ~ » ow in Nor , With dow FATARLIANED bei barr Se bras burma wniey 'for on Brokers' Association |__T.V. Service Calls, $3.00 J LOCAL UTILITY OPERATION -- ADELAIDE TERRACE aH and. wih Gown Mmvestment, has y clientele and | SHRNTTURYE repaired and Teuphol. 19--Personal SPECIAL ONE MONTH 329 Adelaide W,, New Mod: Let' Ossie Marten show you fewliown location a "a ads, by u ern Apartment; luxurious 2- ponth, Equipment, supplies tneluded tn |f10r"s Nee our materials for re-cover Requires The Services Of pa 3 us 2 J Ing: Brus R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street |RIRE tn Toronto wanted. Leaving Osh FREE RENT bedroom suites, broadicomed 1] . of $2000. 3808 down, Call now 3 W J D dares Millen, Real Esiate and ask for | RA 37318 dua around © te Tio Telephone RA [VALENTINE PERMANENT A Competent Famale Cashier throughout, drapes, stove Just came in, three bedroom John Field, RA 81670 {SE With any information | Banking Experience Necessar Modan one. and two « bed and refrigerator; all-channel brick bungalow, north west C 1S TUNER soamter Bar Wa. shisksn iin | 13==Tnatruction Hr ER WAVES $5.00 Must Be Familiar With All Kinds Of Office Equipment | room apartments, $85 and TV, laundry facilities and area, with small basement ha Shin A A FRITATE Jeacher. Wlutent counsellor ig gigin Sires West at Typing Ability Essential { up Best location, Phone parking. Immediate posses apartment, Ideal for any size M3 Simcoe North Aol now, RA 81084 | ===! Edward's Beauty Parlor p e ; RA 8-8676 sion, See Apartment 2 family that enjoys a small EXCELLENT oppartuniiy for ambitl | LILLIAN Mas Marsh. dance educator. | ELECTROLYSIS 5 CELINA ST } GOOD STARTING SALARY { - ----------------" e------ income to help pay off the aus parson, Fully equipped lunch room, [dancing sehool, ballet, | Daten ore ' - 3 ¢ a , 2 BEDROOM rigage. Oil heat, well ki Sas Parvan, Tully suited, lunch roars dancing sehen, biiiet, tab baien; sere Pim tha SESS ALL MODERN EMPLOYEE BENEFITS APARTMENTS Marigege. SH hat, will mph ont. Contact Hand K. Hardware, Saturday. Masenie Tommer RA FRY Removal of superfluous hale 5 DAY WEEK | APARTMENT he hd Simos South, RA BHM. Val FEUER IVER ACADEMY an appointment ) 3 sonable down payment, lands, RA 33711 Raton. Tap. Reval Academy. Hallet Marie Murdutt will be in - AN: Aik ts Shoald: Ale. in Wri | 2-bedroom apartments, near AT BUS STOP Pat Patterson 12D ki Mighiand Reiser now. 434 King! Ouhawa, Feb. 21st and 22nd, | 23==Women't Column pplicants should Apply In Writing Shopping Centre, electrically SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Mark Clarke ae resme ne Hon Aa in n § SPENCER Foundation garments. In tating Age, Experience and Qualifications Te equipped. Available Feb, Ist Stave, refrigerator, parkin : Sally Wallace 01 Minds for men, (LEAKN ia dance, svpart nastrustion tn] Phone Genasha Hotel on thes dividually designed. also Spirells Reg stay gere 9 ¢ a ind Reh et ' p 213 MONTRAVE AVE | Doug Go rete, Ie SI arent, ROS tain Per tee for oppointment, faaretier, Mra"Joka Headeraner, SH BOX 540-OSHAWA TIMES APT. 8 RA 5.3302 RA 8.4831 ete, this home today,