. ™: Parke Carroll |-- Mahovlich Thinks | FumertM Dutchmen Not He Can Get 50 Goals %Xamashs 1, ving Grid Team Carroll, former general man By JOKE MOOSHIL Moore, with 79 assists (lo night and three another night. ager and executive vice-presi CHICAGO (AP) -- Toronto's Frank's 21. trails the Toromo,We simply had to do something dent of Kansas City Athletics, LONDON, Ont. (CP)~Execu ter the league, Flint, Mich., is Frank Mahovlich is having star by one point, or he'd wind up breaking every died of a heart attack Saturday. tives of Kitchener Waterloo also expected to join, London | trouble scoring goals these days, Mahovlich, a serious 23-year. Fee ord in the league against us He was about 57 Dutchmen, which had been Lords, Sarnia Golden Bears and hut the Big M still thinks he can old, made no attempt 10 hide his @lone Carroll, formerly sports editor named as a possible entry in Port Huron-Detroit Raiders of bust Maurice (Rocket) Ri- disgust over the close guarding Although Mahovlich is being of the old Kansas City Journal the new Internationa! Football the Senior ORFU would make \ehard"s record of 5 goals in'of Chicago's Fric Nesterenko, checked closely throughout the Post, broke into baseball in 1942 1 € a g u e, announced Balurday up the rest of the list, lone season "He does a lot of grabbing league, it is not only the de as business manager of Min- they will not operate this year. Montreal Alouettes had been | Mahovlich is the first to admit and holding," said Mahovlich, fences whith have heen 0D neapolis's American Association League Commissioner Gordon expected to assist the Dutchies, [i will be somewhat of a hot but I'l get 'my shots at him ping Sim " g lock fae pn? Chub, Gilbride of London said: "With whose biggest stumbling block {low record, since Ric hard's catione of these days, You know appears gainst WIR fn 1945 he became generdlor without Kitchener, the [FL Was $10,000 owed for past oper- was accomplished in M0 games every dog has his day Early in Sunday night's game manager of Newark of the In- will definitely operate this tions, whereas the National _Hoeke) That probably what the he srabied A one. Dusk Loo ternational League and held that year." Alex (1ke) Annis of the Kitch. League how Piajs Vi gam, has Black Hawks were thinking rent darting In on goalle GLEAN post until he became general ye yaid there is # strong pos CT Executive said; "Mier dis been playing 70 games a sea whe Sey decided 10 put Nes 1 appeared as if the Big Mimanager of Kansas City Blues sibility Grand Rapids will en. ©Ussing the football situation son for more than 10 years and 7 would have no trouble getting? 19%. " - with the Montreal Alouettes and nobody has vet malched the HAD TO DO IT No, 42 as he let loose from CArrNI was named vice-presi finding that they are not able 1944-45 record of the former) "He was driving us crazy," about 10 feet out The blurring dent and business manager of ager and executive vice-presi- (0 help us in the way we feel | Montreal Canadiens star said Hawk coach Rudy Pilous. puck, aimed at the right-hand the Athletics when the franchise dent, He was replaced last is necessary 10 operaie success. #1 still can do it," said Ma- "We let him roam early in the corner of the net, missed hy an Was moved to Kansas City in month by Frank Lane after the fully, we feel that we have 10 hoviich after the Leafs and the season and what happened? He inch and came pounding off the November, 1954 ball club was purchased by discontinue football operations Chicago Black Hawks had bat- scored four goals against us one hoards He later became general man-|Charles Finley of Gary, Ind, |in_the-Fwin Cities" al tied to a 1-1 tie Sunday night ~ - - da E---- ------ in which the Big M was shut - lout, *'1 have 17 games left and J ah, \ Paras 11... the most by PREEISION BALANEERD| | FULL COIL, SUSPENSION tough lately so I guess Fil just have to work harder 4 di | . . ar witha deep coil spring at eachwheel gives ie vee cao sarin! 8 complete lineup {| (VTYEENS oll easier... 1ires | | 3 Ciaaride that smooth and gut. Wisse) last longer, too! the ONE GREAT RIDE in ts field, Leafs defeated Detroit Red 7 . 4 Wings 42. It broug ht big Cl l Frank's point total to 62 which mm 1evro el leaves him in second place four points behind Montreal's Bernie / . =» A USLOTY *hkk | (7 ENE a Frank's 41 goals are nine bet f ter than Canadiens' Dickie | * right for so many Moore's total. of 32, second best | in the goals - scored statistics - B.C. LIONS MAY HAVE A BROTHER ACT . Fo i i CHEVRL British Columbia Lions of | son. Bruce Claridge (right) | fon in 1960, is reported signed Oshawa Minor new ; ood Ee AT the Western Inter-Provincial | has played three years with | by Lions, but the club has . |" " " . Vootball Union, may Wave & | Lions, Brother Pat, a lineman | not yet confirmed the sign ] Loo mode . of Washing. | ing CP Wirephoto uveni e Pp ' a JLo brother act for the 1961 sea. | with University 'Point Listings CHEVY BISCAYNE| == ! DOOR OPEN. * * <x * RETAINS ITS | INGS ARE 1 1 Oshawa Minor Hockey Juven ile League statistics, as of Mon LOWEST PRICED FULL-| B® { NEW CAR LUSTRE WIDER, SEATS HIGHER, TRUNK SILLS day Feb, 6 SEAT 14 REAL BA {Erna | mere BEAUTY 15 A REAL BAR: 1 Won 3): GAIN AT ITS LOW-LOW- ov Psu. a PRICE. a ~~ 3 a eae POPULAR PRICED MODELS STV APs Clean in lime ' Oshawa Dairy 5 05017 16 ) for lasting " H. Macdonald 354 46 15 ) beauty & vilue Tony's 130 46 13 Beaton's : 2244 6 By BEN OLAN calls him "a real nice kid and hard and I'd make the NHL be ' | NEW YORK (AP) Willie an excellent prospect elute a had Je ability wib rn JURE GANIES y Last 4 : ' " Vasn een en illie uesday "eh JAN 0O'Nee ; the vational Hor key ! Whe n Willie Joined the club continued While with Quebec games of regular sc hedule n Lingle , I h an ne ogre te with Bp ol he Wl ond later with Kingston they £30 Oshawa Dairy vs Tony's Most luxurious of all player, admits hes been sub neeting with the other playe calle y ni vs several times 9 30 Mac p s Beaton's : . : jected to name-calling and other 5¢ hmidt revealed I asked galled ne Rames Ta n ih i A Macdonald vs Beaton Chev rolets and for 61 a new indignities during his five-year them if anyone had ny ob: coat at. But now that I'nr with L 2.Door Sedan joins the yrofessional career jection 'about rooming with him 4 : > TOP SCORERS 4 4 ; But it hasn't happened so far) NO one objected and he's been eS 4 Pye iy ES Tor Lo G A Pls, Impala series in the NHL," the Boston Bruins FORTIER 5 ith Charlie Burns jo" ike dny other hockey Wredmark, HW, Macs, 11 9 20 rookie said Saturday. 'I've heen €VET SINCE saver, 1'd like to be singled out Dowe, Tony's 910 19 , - oreo expecting some trouble, but I've O'Ree, 25, and a native of ul for making a good showing Cullew, H, Macs £10 18 j ("= ag played in all the league cities Fredericton, broke into profes: gn the ice Matthews, Osh, Dairy 11 6 17 ] and there's heen none from the sional hockey with Quebec City To O'Ree"s credit so far this Yahn, H, Macs 10 opposing players or the fans." of the Quebec League in 1056: season are game-winning goals Lutton, Osh. Dairy Although he played two games against the champion Montreal Vernon, Osh, Dairy for Boston three years ago, this| 'Punch Imlach was coaching Canadiens and Detroit Red Gibbens, Osh, Dairy dh -- a= (Sb { 5 4 $ 5 { » CLEAN NEW STYLE {| (worm amesicas) | WITH A CHOICE OF 3 NEW ROOF LINES §| | *"ShoRts car om i | CORVETTE FULL-SIZE Professional League two months told me that no matter what O'Ree, a speedy leftwinger ago and coach Milt Schmidt abuses I had to fake, fo work feel now as though 1 belong." » Oshawa Stars i] "TEAMS | Ade) Oshawa Soccer Group Beat Toronto PERFORMANCE |, stars cuoncn | | clo ep | 10-Pi | | CONCEALED COMPARTMENT | | windshield wi In Ex. 10-Pins 4 ECONOM opie 0.3 oupers * ' | Eastway Bow! was the scene kK: a h 4 MAAS deeded ibe OVERLAP TO C Readies For 61 Term saturday eho ied and Cy em ver) | HORE GLASS AREA iN . tween a team of the top howlers The Oshawa and District Soc: healthy position. The auditors) A discussion then fook place from the Toronto Bayview " " " cer Association held its annual replied with a favorable report On MINOT soccer in Oshawa and "Classic League and the best $ Z MRR RRRRRRRNRNNS general meeting in Genosha Ho: and congratulated the treasurer Walter McRae was nominated from the local Lander-Stark tel last Sunday, All teams were on the excellent manner in to form a committee to co-oper:|"(Classic" League ! 4 ] Ld LJ represented and United indi-| which the books were kept ate with the schools and vom The Toronto team and their "a ER : 3 § 0 hod munity associations to try and|gverage re § aw . cated that they had folded and The match secretary gave his 3 # y averages were as follows: Bob 3 would not take part in the lea report and stated that over 200 form minor soccer leagues In'Charron (187), George Thomson bue in 1061 plavers were registered in Osh the spring (180), Roy Swain (17), Art : ad ' The eight clubs remaining arelawa last year We have already been offered ijicks (179) and Stan Gow) ' . : aaa ssd add ALLE EEL LL LL p ity kar ) . trophies for this project so any (175) Ruste, Stella, Kickers, posocia, Next came the election of of: person willing to help with the The Oshawa team had Doug \/ poral rough UEW J vig ow ficers for the 1961 season and| minors please contact Walter Keeler (180), John Masiewich pout they were as follows: Presi: McRae at RA 50440 (178), Jim Thomson (177), Bill club has made application 10| a y 4 : oy wy Jus an tation fs dent, Jimmy Denholm; vice: Before the meeting closed pofts (175), George Brabin left up to the New League president Dr Simon McGrail; | Mr, Wolfe announced that Irwin| (175) and Walter Scott (174), aie . OC ecretary, Terry Kelly; treasur-| Jockel, who was the big power|, he ext: I Council to interview the Club's| ar foinie Howard: Match secre i 4 as the extra man officials and find out their fi-| iv JN ih ypLeh 4 play when Kickers were at their| ynfortunately the home team | tary, Jim Melvin; Council mem: peak, is leaving Oshawa this railed to act as perfect hosts nancial 'position and the play pers Joe Schmi or ; z ers they intend to register Wolfe EH ! ehd and Rodg riweek to live In his native Ger-iin handing the Toronto guests } Ole we election was car many, The Council and mem-|defeats in all three games by The president then called onipied out by John Barnes, who nership wished Jockel all the / of Both sad Lhe joint hy quite comfortable margins the secretary to read ithe Joint took over the chair best in his new job, Arrange: mom a veport" from Council on the wo J J hols The Bayview Club ran into I The only new husiness was ments have been made for an too many splits and were only! past season = lan amendment to the constitu: other social night, where the A h ohit | y H {able to average 166 for the night The president then called onftion to increase the referee's/ Real Madrid vs Eintracht filmigwith George Thomson hein g the secretary to read the joint! fees. This was turned down by|will be shown again. It will be high with 582, followed by Bob report from Council on the past| the membership but it was in the Polish Hall on Olive av:| Charron (557) and Art Hicks season agreed to pay travelling ex- enue on Saturday 15, Apri (541). The treasurer then gave the penses to officials coming from Membership cards will be for On the other hand the Oshawa financial statement and showed| Toronto or referees going to warded to all club secretaries iq, pul Ly retort ovous} {oF aale Rot be team averaged 178 with Jim the League funds to be in al Peterborough or sale to their members, Thomson the leader with 579. ded by Bill Potts (546), and] George Brabin (540), Jim also HAWA BOWLING NEWS had the high single in the match, | a fine 228 } No doubt the Bayview boys| CRA LEAGUY Fount®in 920, Don Patterson 220, Keith team had the only 700 bowlers of the would like a return match at standin -- Thornton's 55. Has Reens Smith 318, Hose Jackson B, Rusty night. aa the action was tougher this Bayview Bowl as soon as pos: st Homers 33, Ringo Markers 39 Howard 218 He, Ken Johnson 417 Hea! week due to the new pink in the alleys, [sible to prove they are much] Mons 50 Hutton Pushers 4b, (Russell 313, 303, leas Hele 213, Kilen|naturally, At least that the story ¥oink patter than they displayed here. | A niners 4B, Abstainers 48, Spade 43, (DeOMOTY 1, Tip Buechler 21, 20, around \ \ 8 45, Argonauts 45, Ras Shirley Weeks 200, Bill Clark 208, Marg, 5 Himes was hack on the beam pit igy Hr sunnyside 39, Aristo Guisole 208, Rob CGermond 208. Dot again with a fine night's bowling with . ' ! un ADDI ity Lymer 203, Chuck Grimbleny 205, Marg | 764 (108, 330) and K. Jordan, steady as erat 37, Hidos W. Annies 33, SEOUL 301, June Lawson 203. Nancy always, bowled 703 (303, 230, 200) Zion Ss Pee Wees Wi, Outsiders 31 Charaeiers pe Vi Howard 202 Hieh March High Si $ ' 2 ¢ J. Patraboy 13 Cust | aris Ne. 2 99, Harman"iea" 27, Composites Carl Wahrer 202, Marg ft 2 g Gor. short of MS Hdop. hy 8 ping), VE Conn a 3 and Riders 10 rue to Toad as they Mand 200 and Russ Pinch 300 )7H, A. Groene 315, R. Leger 91. 4A an ort erry ha Si a from Apples The Lemons this week ix a Stag Night | F. Hayward 23, H. Peterson 35% ( Vf | Nok and BomHiers hoth moved up SEAR. the hors hear Sack LN 4. Bailey 24% M. Guisrd 34 and E, Sim:| Zion Pee Wee's again were with shutouts over Side Sh Ta Miteh Gleooit 96 and Bob Weeks 99 Lemon League here were three | thE XiCtOTS against Port Perry) tery, w le REE entra: Sunny side who made this distinctive club this heuse Teague All-Stars at Port heating the other WEDNESDAY NITE INDUSTRIAL week: G, Nurgess 83, P. Zoldra 84 and | Pap S rd 70 \ white: washed Sliders and th a . ¥ PD #1 erry on Saturday, ox wore all 3 tor Bathe No.| Points «= Contral Hotel 8 Legion ean 86 If it's any consolation H h Pa Hide y 3 Outsiders, Atoms, Rascals 1s Legion "A™'S, Logion "C1, H, and | follows, there were at loast six others owes of Zion started the ul A K. Hardware 4. Macko Real Estate 0, Who were on the verse of joining you. scoring assisted by Huggett, | stainers, the fosers heing Sports, n ang Abhi pohly Storie, Trouble Albany Restaurim Dihawa Tv 1 Helter shooting next week then Cook assisted by Fountain| MODEL ILLUSTRATED: IMPALA SPORT SEDAN ~ Givek Sites. Also & 81 winlJury and Lovell 4, Ruddy Electric 0 Fg A Art ad agnd Te ein [Hil] + Cornish 3, Rrown % 1, Kintoohs 3 MOTOR CITY SPECIALS and Hircock assisted by March Whitewall tives sptional af extra cont ' AL MOTORS VaLUR Mavis Taylor with 768 ( and Firefighters 2 Laundramats took four points from (all in the first period aver A%0 F. Schneider M41 The Coolers and Freeser three and The second period saw Hug pader this we Ih A an Th on 210), 1312 i, Bob Leask a1} J HR, Rangettes one Jim Raxter Th (20) i a4), Leni Mann Ta, F. Landry 715, 8. Bara 71 High Triple Innis De Long 603 Bell score unassisted and then v TH (37, 206), Of 703 (1, Hobbs 692, G Gwilliam & 25, 230, ™ Isabelle Wilson 673 Ovler assisted by Howes and hI 330, 201), Edna Cutler 64a (363,601, G. Moss G14, J. Vasko 068 8, 2031 Wima MoQuade #63 |) Pid i , ain), Ix Clark #62 (330 23% Jim Iman 663 A, Bryant 662, B 0 ny, 2 and Shirley Morning then Rarager unassisted and| Clements 857 (343, 231), Marg Shemilt D0. Henning 638 and P, Francis 631 | 31) then Tierney assisted by Tay. 30 (346, IM), Fern Ruechlor #18 (364) Singh over 230 B. Berwick 280 Phoebe Mullen 200. Myrtle 10, y Cathy Smith 635 (376, Mary Huisman n Rata 30 RB. Gardian "66, KB. Skel 0 241, Darothy NMelean 23, Ethel &33 1300), KA Mareh €3 (27), Helen tan i, E. Simkins 252 and L. Wat Toppings 211, Hasel Weddup 206 and Only the fine goaltending by Pineh 631 (337, 330), Myrt Alexander Kins & Marion Sloboda 20 Doug Lowes of Zion kept Port] » \ i oh Jv M35 Laundramats & Free . i 620. 398, 23, Rich Atarch " DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE eecers § Rank perry off the score sheet. This Sinrlle Rout 637 (306, 308), Sheila Pat. | ottes | and Coolers 1 torson 633 (370), Stove Malniohuk 8311 Allen's BA, last week's leader, fel) \ is the second shit out in a row 623 (337. 202). [hy the wayside, being shutout by All INEIGHRORROOD LADIES for Lowes Rote March [Stars 30. MeLaughlin Fuel leading the! We Rad an even dozen 600 triples to MY tmanski 613 (MY group, whitewashed Peacock Lumber, day, Feading this group is Belly Pearse 208), Vie Williamson G08 (236, 318), Joan 3.0. and the yest of the teams split with 861 (354, 222), Sure hope Pole gots Daniels 25), Mary Pirie 2330, Gladys Lawrence S07 (240) Gord Reid 604 Mints s lghter for al 234° Molly DePratto | Knight 2 4 ® . . \ 19%. 200 t » R o atte | Knight 313, June Yuilll 213, ¥) ist | 200), Calin LaValle LH] 35, 208) nit 2. Pleasure Valle 11a 'hoebe hn each had 604. Mally (912, Ella Hall 319 \ Wi nia aA 200. M : Art Merrick 800 (313, 20 Richmond Tire 2, Post Office 11 Slow th v I Phoebe with 347, [Vi Norris 203, 331, Dolly Swanger 203 Ss » arry ona imi e ) single and Good Singles were 10 v Doug [Ball Monctonians 11 and the eur 1 Barnes 640 (384) i ary Chl ) ' adbhent 502 Marshall 0, oy Doug B, n sadePs of this section, Jury and Lovell m2 Y Ma ( in. on HH "Gum fe Fier Tor 140 BON Gladys Harper 8, Cis Rookert i e Stars | 317, 33%), Ad od 634 (346, 200) \ 202 Vous ly 9 Chueh Lock 2, Fred Henderson 335. Team Standing MoLaughlin Fuel Metis Waite HR ade ah HH on Wellaan Hip 20d JOR'S. truly D ST. WHT, OSHAWA, ONT. WHITBY, ONTARIO ob Lomer 3M, Gea. Tavier 352, Doris 12 (Won First Section), Jury Lovell | Eh, M y, Bea Al ? BIR (217 Pushers came Clark M8. Bde Nathan 343, Bill Rowden 10. Allen . n AS All Sars 8 Blue Hi Chis ¢ ul PTE a Bi Mat Fy RB ashbeh 'rom Bg Pg" - Jk Mag, Rontin A] ad ark BN a Stan LN Slaw Ral » A Monctonians vison 610 (38%) and Ellen Burrus 600 game for the Pushers over 1000, inel Haan pe) Murray ; ivy 91, 2 Wie Mare 6, Pea ch 1 v hey 4 Rieh A Ry dentally. Nice howling Is! Carlings WATCH THE CHEVY SHOW TUESDAY NIGHTS OVER CBC 1 a rence 229, Bd fh, moan ost Office 3 and Pleasure sobel Hubbell came up with « nice 3, Pinchers 3, Fargetfulls 3, Fiyers 2 Jos France 337. Esther Davis 206, 3M. Valley 4 6 game 10 lead Whe single > sin Plo : ' TV. CHECK YOUR LOCAL PAPER Jack Little 236, Eve Seow 24, Bev High Triples The MeLaughigs Fuel oh pH May a no, Fr igh eny 4, Belles 1, Dingies | and | f 0 R T | M t AN 0 ¢ H AN N EL sma? J 2 fi 14 i : " ifs O'Nee's first real chance in'the team. at the time and I'll Wings Dudley, Tony's 4 | pias the big league, He was brought always remember the advice he "I'm confident I can score 20 wait, Tony 7 2 # 4 3 up from Kingston of the Eastern gave me," said O'Ree, "Punch goals in this league," sald gonorowski, Tony's 4 3 1 ) 4 4 4 J ees RA essssssassasssnne CL RY IIIT Has