"wi 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 7, V [Oshawa Bantams Edge Lindsay Oshawa Bantam AN - Stars nosed out Lindsay Bantams 37 when they clashed in an exhibi- tion game on Saturday. i This coming Saturday, the | Oshawa Fantams will mest the 'Oshawa Majors Wallop Orono » ry GERRY BAM " i of he Staton ver Om 3 seven - goa rage in ft sday ni wg fated Sor Toionto Ban ff rioG by the Oshaws travel to Port at the Oshawa Children's Arena. Majors gave them a 105 four game with the victors over the Oromo Gerry Maclesn increased Orphans last night st the Whit present goal - scoring ciip Witting affair with both teams bh' Community Arena. Orono 17 in fenturing closechecking tac collapsed completely in the final his Pen, thes and the rival goalies both stanza wnder the (turning In standout perform. pressure of the Majors, who had be the recipients of 9 ANCES aeerr held in check by the courtesy of - Ron 54 Service opened the scoring Orphans for twe periods Men's Wear, of Whitby, 23 wih the only goal of the first! shawa opened up an early their three-gosl performances, wriod, on # pass from Purdy. 2.0 first period margin only to ORONO - Goal, Melnick; de- 16 10 put the Lindsay lads ahead faye the Orphans come back to fence, Mercer, Powell, 7 10 tit Oshawa came Wack with (aie 5 32 Toad with two late lough, Schell; forwards, Junior 77 three goals in the Next Session. gipy period goals and another West, Kerth West, Raye West, Leach, Elliott and McGraw 86- aiier only 40 seconds of the sec Long, Armstrong, Dean West, ney, OSHAWA ~~ _goal, Courtney; lion, on 8 pass from have the Majors stymied ws tn. OF Reeves, scored for Lindsay, hart . 5 the only goal of the third stanza hate idan Wi BB or elancs; 2 age, Kimara, ; . shton/ forwards, Gi d, to make it a very close game ' - 0 oshaws drew down seven of...» Tran tied the game at 3-3 1awson Tureski, Mae he 11 penalties meted out dur. "Ph Just under four minutes Ledn, Tran, Rennick, Amold, ing the game re-1aining in the middle period. Westfall OSHAWA -- gos), Moore; de. TUreski and Arnold scored in First Period tense, Pradley and Dionne; the ovening minutes of the final. 1, Oshawa: Garrard centre, McGraw; wings, Bar 2 minutes giving the Majors (Tureski, Ashton) ..... 8.28 noski and Kidd; Als ~~ Barr, @ 53 margin. Dean West and 2, Oshawa: MacLean a Geoffrion Leads NHL Point Race MONTREAL (CP) -- Bernie Dig Frosh veads gol scorers ial of ss ga fo penalties. ; ion returned 16 1 sekey WH Li games oromta's Johnny Bower le gr rues 0 tho last, GeOirion won the points the league's gonitenders with & ¢ y th championship in 195455, Team 296 average and Chicagys's week and promt ding mate Maurice Richard finished Glenn Wall is second with 2.60, ened Wis bid for | is S60 Na- ist one point back of Geoffrion The leaders: tional WHockey |eague pos A Pls "" while sitting out #» three game G SCOTINE CHAMPIONS , SHSPERSIOn Geoffrion, Mil 70 36 The Montreal Canadiens' Geoffrion's linemates, Dickie Mahovlich, Tor 41 28 #2 right-winger got back 06 AC Moore and Jean Belivesu, had Moore, Mil na» 6 tion sfier missing SIX EAMES ng (rouble holding thelr third Beliveau, MII 20 78 5 with & knee injury and In (hee gud (ourth positions in the race, Kelly, Tor 1% 5 games got three goals and one Moore collected two goals and Bathgate, NY, 21 2 #3 assist to bring his serson AOE! oe assist to raise Wis total to 22 Ullman, Det 17 36 0 to #6 points on W gomls and 38 gogls, 79 assists and 61 points, Richard, Mtl 15 31 Besists one back of Mahoviich, Beli- Howe, Det 12 M4 That gives him a margin of veau managed only an assist Delveechio Del 21 24 four points over Frank Mahov (and has 7% points on 20 gosls Hull, Ch 7 fieh of Toronto Maple Leafs who sand 38 assists Hay, Chi LE managed hit one gos! and two. The league's leading badman Hebenton, N.Y 2 assists in three games to raise is Chicago Black Wawks' de- Mikita, Chi 1% his total 16 #2 points fenceman Pierre Pilote with a Olmstead, Tor 14 26 40 Rod Gilberts Junior A Council | | " "m Saturday's game was a hard 4 - 2 Robinson, Fi Kaye West tallied within a min Point Scoring Leads Draper TORONTO (CF) Bruce Draper has started picking wp points as if they were going oul of style but may be making his move 100 late The stocky left winger for | Toronto $t. Michael's College Majors is the Ontario Hockey | Association Junior A Benes' second highest goalscorer, Bul the difference between him snd scoring leader Tod Gilbert of of Guelph Royals is 25 points with only 12 games remaining for Draper Gilbert has 46 goals and 43 as sists in 2% games for M9 points Draper has 34 goals and 30 as ists for M4 points and fourth place in the standings TORONTO (CP)=The Ontario Hockey Association Junior A council floundered through three hours of proposals and sugges tions Monday night and ac knowledged the existence of # controversial farm system which has been operating many years The Toronto Hockey league has been the breeding ground for Toronto Maple Leafs of the National League for years and council members showed con cern Boys from out of town have heen brought here by Leafs and placed on midget teams, released bonrded and sent to school EVEN PEE WEES NEED 'TIME OUT' FOR REST Carl Ruzeki of Rockeliffe, | MacArthur take &. breather Ont, goslie Andre Bowles of | between games in the Inter: | Val-Cartier and referee Dalton J national Pee Wee Hockey tour: | SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR nament in Quehee City CP Wirephoto Russian Ace Says Need Is More Youth of Hela , lst Le 4 Sunday's moved up to Junior Band OTTAWA (CP)=Russia needs games, show Guelph's Jean Ka eventually y they re good more youth and shake-up in tae: telle retained second with 76 enough Placed " i" Ruins ties (0 ensure vietory in the points on 20 goals and 47 As Toronto i horos or 'Toronto world hockey championships inl sists and teammate Bob Cun 1, Mi¢ on oh onting the Switzerland next month, says ningham third with 74 points, in Wid Pollas prem ning the Nikoli (Selly) Selogubov, the So. cluding 27 goals Aoniren nadie $8 i" ore viel team's backbone Murray Hall of St. Catharines Peterhoraugh 4 os, - a id The hig veteran defencersan,| Teepees was dropped into fifth David Bauer of § Jig To ' team captain and honored mas. place by Draper's nine - point Is Sucation Kroun s 107 ter of Soviet sport, is quoted in output during the week, Hall players re ann tod. out. thal the Soviet news bulletin issued has 63 points, four more than It has been pointe Fy has by the embassy here teammate Ray Cullen with 20|players had not only heen § 2 J to from all conls d 30 assists shipped to Toron to YO TE ira hina goals ang os over Ontario for the Marlboros tional team with young play: and Ht, Michael's but boys ob : tained from other Junior A ers," he says, Russia has them teams had asked for releases so and should have good reserve that they might attend St, Mi strength if the coaches don't ig chael's College nore the youngsters I'here is also the question of flexibility," the who most Canadian ob feel could have made the National League, "Our tae ties have remained practically unchanged in recent years and apparently il time {oo give thought to changes and even to goals and 47 assists, & nine adopting something from the ar: point edge over runner-up Buf senal of the Canadian players," falo's Phil Maloney, who has 27 After Russia's 1064 triumph in| goals and 30 assists its first attempt at the world The next four places are dom champlonships when it battered inated by Springfield, league Toronto Lyndhursts and its 1066 statistics released today show, | Olymple championship, Canada, with Brian Kilrea holding third the United Hiates, Sweden and\place followed by Billy Me Czechoslvakia hastened to dup: Yreary licate the Tussian characteris: Pruce Cline, Anderson 18 10D) ined for five goals and an tics of speed and excellent phys: Jroal-scorer with 84, Kilrea L0ps| octet ast week to jump from ileal fitness, he suggests in assists with 40 fifth to third place in the East ern Professional Hockey League WwW ! T . scoring race ' Bow To Pasquale S Still well in front ix Cliff Pennington of Hull-Ottawa Ca |nadiens who picked up a goal Junction Formals, This was all|with the others all having aver: With four gonls and i Rio] due to the fact that when they age games Fv him # pointa=2il gOAIN tangled with the mighty Pas: The fifth game saw a mighty)" ' Olson, whose 31 goals are Johnny Ken's bowlers were/they bowled 1376 over Pas:|and an assist last week and has quales 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' OSHAWA CURLERS, home from their annual (rip ta the famous Quebee International Bonspiel, report that the 1061 'spiel was the best yet but also brought home optimistic reports of the plans being made for the 1063 Quebee International which will observe its B0th anni- versary that year. Oscar Parker's rink went to the finals in the "Birks Troph event Herb Robin son's Oshawa rink copped Lhe in the Cambrai Club Trophy event, The members of this rink have a handsome souvenir of their trophy & beautifully designed gold pin, with the 10 provincial crests in colo ful enamel surrounding a design of the Cambrai Club curling crest, Large enough be considered broach and lovely enough to attract attention at time == these curlers have a pin that will be the envy of other curlers and if "mother" borrows it once in a while == they needn't be surprised, B, Bonnetia's Whit by rink also came through with tep honors in another of the trophy events to bring this area a major of the Quebec Bonspiel loot, Norm Allan skipped his ~~ rink to top honors'in # special "mixed jitney" event, first time such a competition has been held, They curled from eleven at night until six a.m, and the novel event was acclaimed such a sucess that it is to be part of the regular program next year 1 and honors Springfield Team Dominates Scoring NEW YORK (AP)=The de APPEALS GRANTED fence clamped down on Rpring On occasion, when one NHI, field's Bill Sweeney last week, sponsored Junior A team al hut the American Jockey ready had a boy's release, he erica ww; Dennis Olson Climbs Into Third Place gist and has 75 points on 28 OTTAWA (CP==Dennis Olson to WM 8 tactical man Brvers SHY any ghare The annual Oshawa Ladies' Bonspiel [] two-day affair with the General Motors Trophy as the top award, got under way this morning, at the local elub, They have a full list of 32 entries nine Oshawa rinks and 23 out-of=town entries from Toronto, Peter borough, Lindsay, Weston Unlenville, The gals each have two games today then held their annual banquet this evening with the men's regular club games going on tonight as usualy Tomorrow the ladies will have the ice the with Open el for entire day, the finals in the four separate events carded for Wednesday night, In the men's section, we find the Parsons' Trophy schedule being concluded this week Club manager Rill Brownlee will start his group playoffs in the Pai sons' competition, next Monday, continuing on Tuesday and Wednesday, The following Thursday, the annual Seniors and Juniors competitions get under way, The vice=skips and seconds are forming the rinks (two of each) in the Junior competition with twe skips and two leads on each of the Senior rinks, This will be the only competition going on during the last two weeks of february and curlers who wish to béincluded, are res minded that they must put their names on the lists, which are posted on the bulletin board before Sat urday of this week, The rinks will be drawn this week end and announced on Monday (tops, has B89 points, tied with {Fred Hilts of Sault Ste, Marie Thunderbirds who has 20 goals and 30 assists only able to stay in first place|quale's 1208, For the Western|70 points on 25 goals and bd as for one week and now find them: |Tive team it was Bill Brown 314, | SIsth : . : selves in third place, two points Vidas 205, Paulo 376 and for Second place Eddie Kachur of back of the new leaders, Tuxedo Pasquale's it was Jim Holt 205] Thunderbirds gain e d slightly Pasquale's by a 3:3 margin had bowled in the tenth frame, nacs, each with 54 points, Pasquale's, who have been hot with the exception of the two Jiddie Johnston of Canadiens, Kent's howlers bowled 0076 they score with both anchor bowlers 240 average were only able to win two games on double strikes shutouts with nine while losing three, Fven at that] Kents' anchor bowler shot it might have gone the other first and picked a three pin and way had they won the last game, then spared and struck for a mn Amateurs Granted In the first game Pasquale's score, Hellewell, bowling for ves ' Gifts', Not Money got off to a very fast start when|asquale's, got a strike and fin they bowled 1370 against Kent's ished with 200 and it was all Western's 106, For Pasquale's over with Pasquale's bowl it was Paul Shannahan with 284 1344 against Kent's 1319 and Rill Holt 278 and for Kent's| It was a tough one to lose as it was Tony Vidas with 2¢d and this game would have kept Paolone with 257 Kent's out of first place by one Rut the neversay-die boys of game. In this last game for Pas Johnny Kent came back to nose quale's It was Garside 331 and out Pasquale"s in' the second Mellewell 300 and for Kent's, it game with a score of 1197 over Was Dill Brown with another 308) yan Norw 178 and in this game it was and Paulo with 205 with the ype Olymplos Paulo with 278, Rill Rrown with other bowlers all having fairly 1960 and Tony Vidas with another good scores Aage Moest of the Norwegian 270 wha led the way. For Pas. For Western Tire bowlers it) Association said: "What we de quale's in the second game, It was veteran Tony Vidas who cided in a board meeting this was Hellewell with 280 and Gay side 371 The third game saw the Pas./made up of (273, 373, 251, 205,|0f money, to athletes who es. BRIGHT BITS: Oshawa Merchants, of the UAW League, were whipped 13-8 in thelr exhibition game at Napanee on Saturday night, when they met the Comets, defending OHA Intermediate "A" ehampa ON- TARIO MINOR Hockey Assoclation groupings have been Port Perry, Uxbridge, Pickering, Beaverton, | Association Monday night announced, Cannington, Frenchman's communities have teams entered in Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget and Juvenile "C" listings towns have a club in each of the four classes, Garrard Road and Frenchman's Bay have teams in the Bantam "D" playoffs also OSHAWA CITY LEAGUE entries for OMHA honors, have been drawn agains Peterborough again, all sections, Juvenile, Midget and Rantam and also in Pee Wee , , , WHITRY Ajax, Bowmanville, ete, are classed in the ""A-Minor" eash awards to ita athletes, Ray and other neighboring {brought a threat from | Mayer, chancellor of the Inter « some of the amall three in big game of the afternoon, when (198, 260, 203, 314, 308); Mike events in international meets, Criticizes System | Tied for fifth are Sam Bettlo) they came out on the struggle all the way for that|or Sudbury Wolves and Stan] short end of the stick, 108ing 10/third win ana after all bowlers Maxwell of Kingston Fronte:| of late, again came up with a anchor bowlers, it was found who allowed eight goals in three 6394 score and, although Johnny that each team had an identical) games, loads goaltenders with a He also leads in Denying the report, Chairman quale team come up with their 242) followed by Bill Brown 1203(tablish national records or win appealed to the OHA in order that he might go to $1. Mi chael's on grounds of wishing to continue his education at that school, The appeals have been granted and the boys became property of the Maple 1eafs Pollock and other members of the council felt Ht. Michael's operated under a different set of rules from the other clubs and could see no reason why a boy who is the property of one club should be granted a release to move to Bt, Michael's Hap Emms of Niagara Valls stated: I don't think we should blame Father Bauer, After all it's the Leaf scouts that send the boys there," Pollock, who for yeflrs has signed some of the best juniors for Montreal right under the noses of the other members present, suggested that the other five clubs in the seven team loop should set up a hockey league such as the one in Toronto so they could bring the good players to the town of their Junior A club and have no fear of the boy being drafted or signed by anybody else Nothing was settled on the is sue A motion for improvement on the draft rule was suggested hy FEmms, It ealls for dropping the age limit to 15, Players drafted must play for the Junior A team and if they cannot make it be returned to the elub from which they were drafted or, if permission from that eluh he oh tained, play for the B team af filinted with the A club draft ing them Tale-Of-The-Tape On Tonight's Fight | MIAMI BEACH (AP) -- Tale of-thetape for tonight's NBA light heavyweight title fight be Bowdry in Miami Beach Johnson Bowdry bd 2 178 178 B10 H:10 7h ¥ 1614 i LH] Age X-Weight Height Reach Nock Chest Normal Chest Exp, Bicep I"orenrm Wrist "int Waist Thigh Calf fi Ankle 10 | XeDivision Limit, Official (weigh-in at noon today | 7 17 % 40 14 164 1214 1 A [] 13% bY] 12 bY] an 164 1h 4 Palson, Walle, lott, Leaming, Sution, Norkes and Stroud TINDSAY ~~ goal, Williams; defense, Pabeock and Horton centre, Purdy; wings, Service and Warsley, alts Walton Baldwin, Willis, Lack, Wylie, Le Maire, Knightly, Reeves and Imrie, Play Soccer? Don't Forget Your Revolver! SAN SALVADOR (AP)= Several soccer fans are nurs ing bullet wounds, unexpected vietims of a soccer brawl that got out of hand Leach, There is no love lost when | an Argentine team meels one from neighboring Uruguay And the Argentine juniors and the Montevideo Defensor teams upheld tradition Sun. day although they met some 000 miles from their home lands Hough play began almost as soon as some 20,000 fans set tied into their seats, The ref erce's threat to expel players committing flagrant fouls had little effect Midway in the second half, two players swapped punches This sparked an explosion which involved all those on the field, Spectators joined In, | Hundreds of fans in the stands got into the net hy setting fire 1&FBent cushions and hurling thém in the general direction of the field The referee suspended the match when the punching, kicking, nrmiwisting, shoving and wrestling continued The Uruguayan team, main target of the crowd's displeas ure, was put in the stadium basement until things cooled off, The crowd around the basement doors refused to dis. nerse for hours, Then police fired some warning shots, Jimmy Anderson 8nd) os jeiiehener-Waterloo Beavers iWeen Harold Johnson and Jesse! which found thelr mark in a few unlucky fans The game was tied 0-0 when called NHL LEADERS ule of each other to once more even the count, Then the Ma ors broke loose with five unanswered markers, three of hem unassisted, to win hand Hy Gerry Maclean and Dan Tur eskl led the Majors to their one « pide victory with three goals each, Garrard, Arnold fran and Lawson were the other Oshawa scorers, Raye West with two was tops for the Orphans, while Chuck Arm strong, Jumor West and Des West added singletons, cen penalties were called by referee Blan Boshier, including # 10-minute misconduct to Mel Behell upon completion of the game for disputing an off-side call Just prior to the end of the (contest MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS , . . 1) The Oshawa Majors increased their current winning streak to six games, and moved closer to the Toronto Macedonians in first position, The Macedonians meet the Majors at the Whithy Community Arena on Monday, 3 1 16 19 ] Y] fic 7 Dean # ' 10 2 13, 14 (Rennick) vovevvrevnee 18947 Orono: Armstrong (D, West, Jun, West) 17.13 Orono: Junior West (KR. West, K, West) ... 1740 Penalties = Armstrong 4.04, West #05, Barriage 05, Mclean 17.32, Armstrong 8, Second Period . Orono: Raye West ...... 49 Oshawa: Tran (Hennick, Maclean) cviviveveeee 180.90 Penalties ~~ Courtney 12.17, 'hell 11.36, Melnick 15.15, Third Period Oshawa: Tureskl (Garrard) covvvviviveee 1.99 Oshawa: Arnold (Westfall) vovvvvveveese 5.42 Orono: Dean West (Armstrong) .oeeeveees 8.90 Orono: Raye West (Powell, Jun, West) ... 748 Oshawa: Tureskl .... 8.50 Oshawa: MacLean .., 11.92 Oshawa: Tureskl ,.v00. 15.38 Oshawa: Maclean (Rennick, Tran) ...e.0 1843 15, Oshawa! Lawson (Westfall) +vvivvnvneee 10.10 Penalties =~ Westfall 7.37 and {February 13, for their final ap- Schell (misconduct) 20.00, -------- Coca Colas Blast. Cay Lumberkings The second - place Coca-Colas, v crew of the Oshawa Industrial!) Basketball League made sure ens and Love finished it for 1e Lumberkings, of their position last week ay WIGH SCORERS Ca Hal they manhandled Ernie Lumberkings at Simcoe by the score of 73-57, Coca-Cola squeezed out In front in the opening period edg- {ing Cays 15-13 to take a two. point lead, John Love was the |big gun for the victors hitting|y for eight points, while Jim Ste:| 3 | venson and Marcel Boivin split] 13-points to keep the losers q. close [Je The Refreshment squad pull|s, {ed farther ahead In the second jj stanza _outhustling the "Kings"| | 28:16, Bob Hill, Love, Bob Booth Il v w LB The Colas were paced to thelr ictory by John Love, Bob Hill and Bob Booth with 22, 21 snd [12 points respectively while for Cay's, Jim Stevens and Low ere tops with 24 and 13 points, COKES »= Love, 23; Salway, Booth, 12; Shields; Gedge, 9; addier; Hil, 21, Total "; ouls 10-out-of 36, CAY'S == Boivin, §; Longley, Stevenson, 24; Mackness; spma, 2; Low, 13; Campbell, Mutthews, 6, Total, 57; Fouls -out-of-21, and Sid Gedge all scored well for the winners with Low, Bol {vin and Stevens trying hard for| | Cay's, | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings = Toronto, won 20, lost 15, tied 0, points 07 Points = Geoffrion, Montreal, LL) Gonls il Asnlntn Kelly, Toronto, 98 Shutouts==Hall, Chicago, Pennlties == Pllote, Chicago, 104 minutes Mahovlich, Toronto, [Matthews and Beliveau, Montreal; | | contest in the final quarter by | outscoring | CATE 0 Cola lengthened thelr lead again | this time coming out on top 21 120, Booth, Hill and Rick Salway | {added the Cola's points while | Stevenson continued his fine scoring with help from John Love to lead) Ernie Cay's, Coca + Colas wrapped up this After the halftime rest, ont Cay's 148 to win going away, Love and Hill took Don't Miss HORWICH JEWELLERS SMOKE SALE NOW ON! SACRIFICE PRIGES! { winners' total while Ste- | TIRE SALE ing! OSLO (AP)=The chairman of [the Norwegian Track and Field de: nied the group plans to grant A report of such a plan had Otto] | national Olympie Committee, to egian athletes at fu: | led the way with a terrific score) weekend was to give special of 1334 with no 300 scores but prizes, worth specific amounts { ID-WINTER -- We SASy ET ® NEw TOM LE W an J UDGET Taps "9 eing, c W8 finen NEW TRanmaner with more tread fo + lots you Go-Go-Go--through ice, mud and snow! GRIP the road FOR ONLY DOWN 2 groupings , . . » SOFTRALL CLUBS who participated under the Oshawa City and District Softball Association banner last season == or who intend te enter OASA playoffs this year with this local governing body, are reminded of the softball meeting called for tomorrow |Kent. For -the Western Tire! For Pasquale's, it was Gar (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock, at the UAW Hall, [team, Vidas had 251 and Ivor dide with 1139, Rernard 1384. } ane APOF ) . [Jones 247 Jim Holt 1222 and Hellewell 1143 The 1060 financial report will be presented, along with | 3 | other clean-up business items HAROLD JOHN. (oJ8 he four: game Weslsrajfof tour Kamet. Bit Hoult 4 SON of Philadelphia is a 3-to-1 favorite to defeat KO sare of the afternoon when 317 for twe games artist Jesse Rowdery when they clash tonight at Miami Most of the teams in Group * Beach for the NBA version of the world's light-heavy- Nn" were very hot, especially weight title = the one the NBA took away from Archie whi I pg Yat wt " . " . elght teams six of them had Moore, a couple of months ago THE RICHARD. | To Play In North Bay scores of aver #000 SONS will not be in the Canadian Brier this year, The | | TORONTO (CP) Par Next week the teams bow! at : famous curling foursome from Regina were beaten OW | Marlbores and oF) a Reto York Row! and things are going Saturday, on an extra end, in their own Regina sone chael's College Majors will play '® be very interesting as Pas. ; ¢ playoffs, this means that the rink that has wen the one of their scheduled Ontarin QUale's with seven points, take Trail 4 Sweden 1 Macdonald Brier for the past two years and both Hockey Association dunier A ON the leaders, Tuxeda Junction > Rorder City Junior B teams won the "World's Championship" in Scotland games in North Ray Feb. 15 Formals, with 11 points, and a Chatham 3 Wallaceburg 3 will be on the sidelines this time, 975, / or otherwise perform well," He sald the association feels "the decision we took is quite] in accordance with the interna: tional regulations' and that the prizes "could be anything=--but they will be things, not money." HOCKEY SCORES | Western League Victoria 4 'Winnipeg 1 Eastern League Clinton 4 Philadelphia 7 Saskatchewan Junior Melville § Estevan § Moose Jaw § Saskatoon 2 Exhibition they rolled a score of 1307 Paulo 1310 (190, 278, 181, against Kent's 1103 and in this 208); Paclone 1177 (257, 224, 291, | game it was Bernard 320, Helle: 241, 238); Jones 880 f6r four well 310 and Garside 208 who games (153, 347, 351, 339); Ron helped beat the boys of Johnny Swartz 163 for one game | Fully Guaranteed WINTER TRACTION NEW TREAD TIRES FOR Size 70x 13 and 750 2:29 WITH CLASS "A" TRADE-IN 4 Toronto St, Michael's he move was approved hy the win by Pasquale's will move Ontario Intermediate A {league council Monday night, 'someone else into first place, | Georgetown 4 Milton 2