The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1961, p. 8

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Io B THE OWAWA TINS teondey, February 6, 196) HAMPTON HAMPTON -- Mr, and Mrs Dave Hall, Mr, and Mrs, A. 1 Blanchard snd Miss Joan Peel visited relatives at Bramplon on Sunday : and Mis, Lorenzo Trull the Mrs, W, G, White, and Wis aunt, Miss Mency oo. Mr, and Mrs, K. Caverly were r guests of Mr, and Mrs Caverly and family, Bowmanville, at the weekend, i Wayne, Gay he rents Mr, and Mrs, 2 fie Smith, Oshaws, on jay. COLUMBUS COLUMBUA g iin onary meeting of the Women's Asso Viation wh held Wednesday af- tarnoon in the lower hall of the ehureh . Mrs, C, Naylor presided for the devotional. period, she was assisted by Mrs, J. Blark and Miss E. Lawrence; their chosen theme was "Jesus Christ, the Light of the World" The officers for 1961 were in stalled by the Rev, BR, H, Love, BA, BD, Hon. president, Mrs. | (5, Gilroy; president, Mrs, J, McKenzie, second viee-presi-| dent, Mrs, W, Holliday; secre:| tary, Mrs, I. Beott; assistant] secretary, Mrs, L, Dalby; eorr,| secretary, Mrs, 5, White; (rea. surer, Mrs, 8, Mugison; asst,| treasurer, Mrs, C, Naylor; pia nist, Mrs, J, Stark; asst pin-| nist, Mrs, R, Rateliffe; Manse committee convener, Mrs Hayes; G00 eer Secretary, Mrs, C, Shaw; Visiting eommit- tee convener, Mrs, 'T, Fletl; press reporter, Mrs, W. Holli- day; Bible secretary, Mrs, T Flett; Christian Citizen ship, Mrs, R, Beott; Literature secretary, Mrs, C, Naylor; re presentative to the official hoard Mrs J McKenzie, Chureh flower committee, Mrs, A. Beott and Mrs, G, Webber, Reports were given and dur: ing the past year this organiza tion has accomplished the fol lowing: improvements to the parsonage, a sizeable donation in the organ fund, catered to a banquet and entertained the| choir members, The ! treasur-| er's report showed a balance of $633.15, New programs for 1461 were handed out and member ship fees were accepled, During the business period the annual bazaar-date was sel for April 10 with Mrs, Ray Beott and Mrs, J, Stark convening For the entertainment Mrs (!, Shaw, Mrs, D, Dyer, Mrs, J Hiark and Mrs, C, Naylor acted nut & skit entitled, "Let's Get With It", Rev, i, i, Lave spoke on "Look to Jesus Christ to Carry On Our Task, A vote of thanks was tendered to Rev, Lave and everyone who (nok part in the program, he meeting closed with the theme song which was followed hy the benediction, Tunch wé served hy the committees In charge he Explorers held the Ir meeting on Wednesday at ihe home of Mr, and Mvys, Granl Wehher ANNOUNCEMENT Attention all Doubles Club members! You are invited to] attend a dance at the airport on Feb, 10 to he sponsored hy the King Street United Church Club, Columbus members please con tact Mr, and Mrs, Ken Powell fo secure your $3 per couple tickets, The deadline to secure| our tickets is Feh, 6, Do it] now! ' Those people, who are known to have attended the Farmer's exhibition of Implements at the CNE grounds, are the follows ing: Mr, and Mrs, Stafford Cos. way, Mr, Walter Heath, Mr, Wil: liam Neshitt, Mr, Jack Howden Mr, Vernon Powell, Mp, Glen Smith, Mr, Neil Smith and My;| Gordon Corner Mrs, C, Naylor went to Helle ville with four other delegates from the Oshawa Preshytery to attertd a three-day conference ahout the Kkillshop on Audie Visual Ald, It was held at the Quinte Hotel in Belleville PERSONALS We are sorry to hear that Mr and Mri, A, J, Grose of Raglan are both in ill + health, Mrs, (irose is confined to herbed. and Mr, Grose Ii a patient In hel Kast General Mr, and Mrs, and family were Sunday afte. noon visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Gladwin Davey, Cresswell, Myr, and Mrs, Charles Wicks ens, Toronto, had Mr, and Mra, Stafford Cosway as Wednesday evening visitors Mr, and Mrs, Hdward Lavio lette were Saturday evening guests of Mr, and Mra, M, Me Lean, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Fle and Peter, Toronto, visited Sat urday with Mrs, Thomas Flett, Mr. and Mrs, Vice and Peter and Ken, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Dennis i Mr. and Mrs, George MoCuls loch visited with Mr, and Mrs Andy Pilky, Rrooklin, Sunday afternoon Harold Davey MUST PAY MORE LONDON (Reuters) == Rrit: ain's Consevative government announced Wednesday taxpay- ers will have lo, pay about £48. 000.000 (S182,000000) @& year more fo their socialized health sevice. The additional funds will he obtained by higher weekly deductions from wages and inceased oharges for deg} tures, eyeglasses, medical pr seripiions and a number af other items spital g § Shell's researc on propeller-icing enables today's Super Shell to check cold-weather stalling--and give your car top performance Shell's discovery of a new way to keep ice from sticking to metal now lets your carburetor shrug off frosty rime before it stalls your engine---a problem which cal Read tf occur many degrees above freezing, age little-known facts about this cause of cold-weather stalling --and how it is tackled by one of nine ingredients in today's Super Shell gasoline, | [ sell conditions whith occur too ofien for comfort, the carburetor in your ear may make ice faster than the refrigerator in your kitchen, : ~~ Fliig partic les of ice build up they block the carburetor throat, Then you sath," An annoying phenomenon which can éffeet two out of three cars on the road, This problem has bothered automotive engineers and motorists for years, Particularly because it can happen even-at forty-five degrees Shell scientists, looking for a way to prevent the dangerous icing=up of hw propellers, found the answer, "They discovered a new way to discourage ice from sticking to metal surfaces, Today, this very same principle is applied in Shell's ae "carburetor anti=icer, Why can earburetorgice nl 48 degrees! The alr your engine bredthes ¢ ONEAIAS Moly ture, Much of it condenses in the carburetor, here the evaporation of the fuel may quick] drop the temperature to well below freezing ==and that means ice, Today, the anti=icing ingredient in Super Shell simply coats the vital carburetor pares to help keep ice from sticking, And that's the root of the problem, Here are a few facts about the jobs done by Super Shell's other ingredients, Read about them to see how they help give your ca top performance, Ingredient #2 Is "TCP Tor power, mileage and longer plug-life Super Shell now contains an even better version of this famous additive, It was Tost proves how TCP neutralizes glowing deposits Ihe electrically heated piston, Above, has been sprinkled with twa kinds of efigine deposits, 1h glowing deposit, av left, had not been neutralised with TCP, The deposic on the right had, With TCp in action, there iano trace of glow, originally developed for UAE TH aviativg gasoline PCP* additive can give (ONE more power; 17-extra miles per tankful; YOUE cf MP HO 1S per aind make your plugs last tice as long "aun 3 PRAVBMARE BOR THIS UNIGUE § rade TOP does this by neutralizing the harmful effects of engine dle posits, It stops them from glow ng vhien luday § aviativg-y liot==a major cause of power boss It also stops them from diverting pirk =a major cause of "missing," Ingredient #3 Is "'eat=cracked' gasoline for power with a purr [his Is petroleum that has actually cry d under 1o0o-degree heat and catalytic action Its heavier molecules have been i d into livelier lighter ones, \ N shell man cheeks furnace which presheats the petralenm before it is fed into catscracker near by, and the roar sounds like ade Nand I'he result is a high=octane ingredient tha makes vour engine pure with power the moment you put your toot down, i 0 ore; "Catseracking" refers to the we of a that Tas the ability to alter molecules without changing catalyst @ substance INYAOTIONN Ingredient #4 In heavy alkanes for pawer and economy at all speeds Shell ientifis will tell vou that gasoline can he tO Sensith I'hat's thes untattering description of a "touchy" ga oline that pertorms well enough Ww hen you re fri ny slow ly ' hit Carses kno I and loss of phwer when you Se ed up, So they put heavy alkanes nto Super Shell I'his ingredient is prized for its insensitiviry, le hoeps actane ratings high enotigh to give vou Wenty of knock=froc power at all speeds ora: Heavy alkanes also have the advantage ol lowering your fuel consumption, Your chgine can tse them up slowly give vouall thi poawer-you need and sul Ingredient #5 is anti-knock mix for extra resistance to knocks You might suppose that two high-octane ingredients are enough to give vou knocksfiee serformance, But Shell's scientists have ears ike musicians, They insist on adding a hee al anti-knock mix to Super Shell's formula, AROLINE ALICE E DRY HECRRE BY BOL RRA RG, BATANTS 1944 1% an 101 wind that blows nobody any good, When Shell re were tackling the problem of propeller-icing, they found, that a "surfactant film, one tensmillionth of an inch thick, was enough to help prevent see™ wicking to metal, This same principle is the ¢ {11 iN 1 so effective that one tea Joi pet gallon cin hoost ant knock rating hy Seren pong Chis mx has the icky Job of regulating comida io that Super Shell gives each piston AT , even push rather than sharp blow which would cavse a knnel Ingredient #0~y butane Tor quick starts on eofd thornings Hy itsell, butane is so volatile that it would actually boil in your refrigerator, In Super Shell, it helps your engine fire in second hink what this means in cold weather, Your and NOY IN Vuh battery is relieved of strain patience, voTreSfier Sell is primed wich butane all ear round, In winter, Shell scientists simply merease the quicksstare dose, Ingredient #7 is mixed pentunes for fast warm=ups on cold days Fentanes are made by tearing gasoline apart, Hi h as vou split logs mto | indling TO start a log fire, i In this case, the "lags" ars petrolons 1's heavier liydrocarbons, A special process transforms their woleciles from slor=hurning "lags to quick ring "kindling," NEE RESULT Past warmeup and top pectoris Ace mn a hurry, Ingredient #8 Ix gum Jietaive to keep the fuel system clean Even the purest gasoline can farm gum wlgn wired, This ean clog carburetor, fuel lines, ecret of the antislcing ingredient search selentises . and purnps, But, wich Super Shell you needn't worry, A special gum preventive does the trich \ NY It acts Jil £ Keeps an eve on unstable elements=stops \ polis CHa antrolling L] nob You ean forget this ugly plotwre iF you fill up with today's Super Shell, Tt shows the actual gum that ould Yorm in your fuel system if you used a fio [ine that didu't contain an effigien WN preventive, Imagine what this gum could do ingide Your carb ar, The thought Is horrible, them from clotting and forming gum, Super Shell makes gummeadsup engines a thing of the past, Ingredient #9 is Platformate for extra energy, more mileage ft takes one million dollars' worth of platinum catalyst for Shell to produce its Platfarmate, Hut fortunately for you and for us, this pres cious stuff can be wed over and overagain, The -platinum process, which givies Plat formate its odd name, reforms petroleum mnto fuper-energy components=sich mn J - that goes into today's Super Shell, If you have been bothered with mysterious stalls that often. occur even on days when the temperature Is well above freezing, you should try a tankful of Super Shell, There Is an excellent chinee that your trouble Is carbueasetr-leing, xylene, These thece alone release 7 per cent more useful energy per fllon than the best 100-0ctane aviation gasoline, But make no mistake, This is not untamed energy, Far from it, The super=energy of Plattormate is harnessed by the eight other ingredients in Super Shell, where it behaves so well you scarcely know it's there, That iy until you note your extra mileage, After that, there is no doubt, bengene, toluene and lest Super Shell for yourself Lry Super Shell next time you fill up, You'll soon feel and hear a difference in the way your engine runs, That difference is tp pegformiance, A BULLETIN FROM SHELL RESEARCH MNRLAATA

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