T = oma a 2 LU] ' ¥ ' Vinh retun son b vowed Mrs, Stephen Mandryk from left to right are Mrs seated, was recently install- | Peter Zakarow, vice pres ed president of the Ukrainian | ident; Mrs, Michael Bworik Professional and Wusines past president; and Mrs, John women's Club, Her officers Chmara, treasurer Absent EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR 1961 Womens Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Febiwery 6, 1961 77 - y | | 3 | Jo AMdwinekle, --|MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL 19-Year-Old Girl In Despair Over Mother's Dictatorship S . ' » Dear Mary Haworth: | am s'When | get & boy friend he d | M lL 2, girl 18, two years owt of igh doesn't last long. No man or e ica Ifror - school, now gong to college on hoy is gong 10 linger with a ' " 1 igh BA 53-0478 my own here in my home town. girl whe isn't allowed out at mind, as | have no fon or today by Mrs president of the © esque Chub of the she invited, This annual education Canadian Council tla pair of ey father blue print, He sh your sight with the sightless theme of White Cane Week shawa Humor: blind, "Shave § " is the 1661 period of The of the Blind and The Canadian National In stitute for the Blind "Blind persons do through touch and hearing." Mrs, Pike said, "but sometimes 5 makes a world lof difference," She told of a ihlind man she knew who Ibuit #8 summer house In his oackyard, He hammered the malls, shingled the roof, sawed the lumber but his daugh ter did the measuring. "By sharing her sight Mrs. Pike sald, "her father built a shel ter that all the family enjoyed '"' She told of another who built a 16400t hort tHe hought a kit and followed a ared the sightless sight when the picture was Laken: of his teenage son who read the Mrs, Harry Peleshok, recird- plans and lent his vision as the work progressed ing secretary § p ' - Phot Mrs, Pike explained that Ishawa Times Photo pind' housewives shop in the supermarket, With horrowed GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES shopping citizens share choose attractly HOLY TRINITY WA Mrs. W, C Ihe regular meeting of WA of Holy Trinity Church was held recently in the! Camp Borden in Novembe Bargent ga auditorium of the Glenholme! An executive committee was kinson and Mrs, Hugh Me School for Retarded Children formed with the following agree: Mahon Before thé meeting the mem-|ing to act on it: Mrs, Harrison! An invitation was extended bers enjoyed a turkey dinner|16th Troop; Mrs Moore, 20d, ail to attend the Oshawa served by the Women's Asso|Troop; Mrs, Lee, 16th Troop; pivigion Girl Guide annual ciation of this school, During the|Mrs, Bcourgie, th Troop and meeting at Guide House on dinner two presentations were Mrs, Brown, rd Troop Thursday evening, February| made, one to Mrs, Bird Claus, Mrs the WA and {5 now leaving the|ies had been successfully parish and one to Mrs, Robert|organized Williams, retiring president, for cams her leadership for many years,| MITCHELL ' ' During. the business session, The regular final plans were made for a pan Mitchell's Corners CORNERS meeting Home ve r HA and wake tea to be held on Tues Sake a : $ cently with the president, When the meeting was over William Nemis, presiding, Mrs, Robert Williams asked the The minutes were read by rector the Rey i. G. D. Rickey! the secretary, Mrs, Arthur Peel to install the officers for 1061 [INE Mrs . Harry Oyler gave the During the installution he asked treasurer's report all members renew their, Mrs, Peeling, chairman of the pledge of loyalty and devotion to their brooch of the WA Installed were: President Mrs. Clinton ' Nickerson; vice president, Mrs, Robert Wil liams; treasurer, Mrs, Norman Taylor; secretary, Mrs, Lorne Dalton; Dorcas secretary, Mrs James Dobbins; educational sec retary, Mrs, Carl Creamer; Lit tle Helpers secretary, Mrs, Jo seph La Roeque BRD GROUP her report and a total of pose of purchasing a | player, Presentation of the ord pliyer to the school made by Mrs, Willlam Ne Mr, Robert on behalf of the school, Mrs COMMITTEE (rl Guide Association wa sof records held on Wednesday evening,! The February meeting February 1 at the home of Mrs, he Open House, and it was Roy Forster, The meeting was decided to have a hake nije record player commitiee, gave #70,50| had heen collected for the pur: record|a discussion of ! rec was|J mis School Association was held re-|\ Mrs Mrs. Leonard Hurren, DUKE OF EDINBURG Velthur accepted Almeans (oo raise the report on the Lakeland Hegional by a vote to hold a honie hake Anglican| Conference which was held atisale to he convened hy George Tonks, Mrs, Sidney At: Varnum reported that) o'cloc for her many years of service to/the 20th, Oth and 17th Auxiliar UN A at re | Company is holding Open House lon Monday, friends of Guiding would of welcomed Refreshments were served byl F The Duke of Edinburgh Home| and School Association held its regular Study Group on Monday | | | evening last at the home of Mrs, | , Manning, | Fifteen members took part in iseipline", Under the guidahge of Mrs, | J ack were Love and understanding was andthe main solution toward disel. thanked the Home and School|pline; Association for its work in mak:\well and understanding at the| ing It possible to purchase one. |child"s level, James Howes realized impersonal, simple and definite, a profit of $12.25 by selling oven| The regular meeting of thelsavers and this was presented), 2rd Group Committee of the|to the teachers for the purchase ooo of Mrs Joseph McPhee, Cadillac willl feb also dresses, Some money ended Mrs members| the Guide| All he February 20 Charles Hall and Mrs, [ } (Kindy Gro | Heard several \guestions| put to the group | knowing the situation Rules should he Welcome little "Pemper"' will be the next| gta, Me. and Mrs ve of study to be held at the Louise. one and avenue, on Monday f at 8 o'clock share sight as coaches on the howling woman who likes to sew thoughtful sight they hats and their 'Share Sight With Sightless' Challenge Of White Cane Week ' | An invitation to every citizen of this community was issued Reginald Vike, the! much ¢ {eyes they also do their family' Because thelr very strict mother, io a with gif friends I think | am going 10 lose my When § go out it is usually hoo! function or movie md Mother By cial Jie, because | can't have # renl dete withowt a big dis cussion or argument with my thinks | shouldn't go any place . planning 10 be, and when | IE WIONE She says | am out without her permission, adult status while she lives while I live with her FEFIS CHEATED i 8 boy wants to lake permission, which 1 think propriate for my 14 sister college woman Year pect to return, but she says that without first seking her "Viease may I go?" | think it is pro per for me to say where I am immediate veply AD A, Only p few gerden plents are x ATIVE, rz harmful when esten, Included Researchers ear 2. Your mother's sl among the hamhd ones Gre not grown; | [that as long as | live under her roof | will never he able to go rer ardiess of my hge or position n short, 1 will never he granted or to keep you tied to her leading strings for life, not so much out of maternal devotion as from a kind of rigidity and selfishness She just doesn't want to éngage in the perennial readjustments that are who valiantly foster pace with their ehildren's hope ful adult 'yompetence me out, she expects him to ask her preposterous, It might be ap « oid hut not for a job-holding I am very unhappy ahout this and 08h, I am being cheated MRS. REGINALD PIKE If you are a man handy with tolls a blind neighbor will ap her hare their sight a8 preciate a little guidance with square dance partners or movie that broken window in the cel escort lar or that patch on the garden There are as many ways of fence Invite your blind friend sharing your A there are to your favorite club or com people Ln see Mis, Pike de- munity concert, Share your sight here hy reading the gram aloud or hy describing scene in the theatre hefore curtain goes up "White Cane clared, Fill in the silent gaps on V if you are viewing a pro gram with a blind person pres. ent, The thread of ths tory 1s lost when the visual side alone carries the plot, If you are a offer share lanes or &f the curling meet, to mend for a blind housewife, person," R PAIR OF PICKLES vigitors | the home of their grandpars fydney Courtice, are Lynda Kelly Ellen, | two, daughters of Lieutenant LODGES AND By "THE STARS SAY ILLITA SOCIETIES |For Tomorrow conducted by the president, Sharon Yourth, winner uf the| Mrs, Edward--Hind, The sec |oratorical contest In Maxwell retary's report was read by|Heights School, gave a talk on| Mrs, Ralph Kimmerly and the|Casa Loma treasurer's report hy Mra ap Albert Eddy showed films lames Gould, on differept points in Ontario, Mrs. Roy. Forstér, convener,\and was thanked hy Mrs, Fred reported fie cake sale had heen|w most successful The president rep she and Mrs. Gould ha the training program ents' committees Nov atson The association celebrate cut wil cake president was Mrs {a birthday for par past Wandin ok d its held Coron riod this third birthday in January and] Worthy Mistress, Sister Riva|for social and nitended| VICTORY LODGE Stick to routine its regular meeting in the/nance new ventu in Orange Temple ( hy|Van Slyke presided, assisted hy fairs Ham matter Asi Victory Lodge No, 583 LOBA|tral influences do not counte res, The eve ning, however, will he excellent ommunity af Sister Helen MeRride in the ab Far The Birthday Refreshments were sence of Deputy Mistress, Sis: found it helpful and stimulating. | served hy Mrs, Arthur Sleeman|ter Mildred Carnochan who is alyour horoscope indicates that|@% # liner, It stays in place] in the coming year those who better and will cover sides as Sisteriare so inclined ean gain the well as bottom, | If tomorrow is your birthday requiring un al | and Mrs affairs, particularly if your op portunities come [or soldier, | rn 3 orator reported on the and her committee patient in the hospital He ARSOCIRLION meeting and \ " , ae -- RAMS " Tests were taken hy announced the annual meeting TH PARENTS COMMITY i |Reatrice MoNevin and Sister good things in life they desire] to be held Feb, 16 at Guide| The president, Mrs, FAwin| A ones Wellman 1 | House Higgins, presided at the Febru | through positions Brown Owl, Mrs, John Evans, lary meeting of the Fifth Par in her Pack report explained ents' Committee. of the Girl the procedure for Brownies tak: Guide Association, Mrs, Hugh ing badge tests and that there(MoMahon was introduced as al would be a "Flying-Up mony sometime in April It was decided to hold a Mo secretary's report and ther and Daughter banquet in|arurray Hainer. treasurer April, and to order "Titel financial report l'apes' for the Pack to be pre The committee sented at the banquet cores new member decided : Rylaws for the gioup ate 10 he the Guiders of the Fifth Com. | I A, Yue pany Gnd Pack reting Cards of thank ) i a THR: adiourned . 4 wrds of thanks were read meeting and refreshments were], q. 'served hy Mrs, Lewis Lott, as" y sisted hy the hostess they received discussion on ways tn purchase new uniforms for all "fram retiring executive for the sion After » short business discus by a social hour, The _minutes| dealing with peo; fied, responsible ¥ {by analyzing job slok were given sincerity in their er Wellman and Sister|workers, superior lodge was closed followed @ré not advised Hage of the tides | Visitors were welcomed by the derstanding and knowledge of {Worthy Mistress were read, Mrs, Margaret Anderson was|in different fields may succeed {Initiated into the lodge, Reports on Mrs, James Dobbins read the yy Hist Mrs. | Hoyle, gave le in a digni nanner, Those matters with relation to co i, ote, If un satisfactory, sudden changes Take advan n occupational SCOUT MOTHERS' EX) ¢ The monthly meeting of {he Torifi Bargain You Ce¢n't Afford Fxecut oard of Scout Mothers' Auxiliaries was held recently in the 1st Oshawa Seout HAW, Gibbon street, with 8 to Mrs. G. N. Varnum presiding Iss ] Minutes were ready by Mrs Miss During WwW, C,. Sargent and the treas urer's repomt was given by Horwich Jewellers Mrs, G, E, Fitches Mrs, Varnum reported that the Oshawa Clergymen's dinner would he held at Camp Samac onsMonday, February 13, and that Open House would be held eh Now On!! at Camp Samac on Friday ruary 1] SMOKE SALE A FINER BLEND . YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! \ ANNOUNCING . . - . The addition of Mrs, HegasonAMa our SLENDERIZING SALON in THI CLINIC, Whitby ta many of you Now look and extra inches, and pay a visit to is the time to aver modern Slenderizing Department WHITBY Mrs, Hegason was farmers ly with the Canadian Health Studies in the Shopping Centre and needs no introduction those bulges at Beauty Clinic Hair Stylists (Famous MAXINE SLENDERIZER included) PHONE MO 8.3061 FOR APPOINTMENT sseuse) to BEAUTY our ultra the Vie The B. J. Burgess toria, British Columbia Vickery, little girls are also the grand. | Walter Burgess, Rockwood, daughters of Mr. and Mrs, | Ontario, Walter Gallanger, Victoria, | Photo Bryan Bro, Vietoria, B.C, and great granddaugh- ' B, C, | ters of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Oshawa and Mr, pro the the Week is B won derful time to make friends and your sight with a blind | who wives of the ses to recede, your mother is acting as though at tudes time, Fixed in the habit of rego fod ning the show {the idea and denies Answers do not necessarily reflect the epinien of ell doctors, The ond treatment of disease Is the function of the patient's night when #ll social functions for the age-groups 19 to 23 are from 8 o'clock to midnight from 8 o/clock 18 } a.m Southern oily I see now that marry, because she is trying to pick my girl identical proplem with Please try to help us friends titude is so lacking In reason and common sense thet it may be impossible to get through to her with a blast 10 truth thet might waken her to recognition that you do have inalienable hu man rights in the situation Uneonscimusly, require advance Low fike the fabled tried lo «¢ can hall ally resi the fact that you are of an age diagnosis tn he exercising some personal personal physician discretion in regard to your so cial pursuits MUST DO TO LEARN Her harsh refu you some suitable initiative on { it would he to deny a crawling hahy the right to walk when he (or | first steps, True, to let the baby | {try is to run the risk that he {may | bruises {learn is hat score is just she) is read a few But the hy doing get Maybe your mother fancies |herself an old school gentle woman imposing an elegant brand of restraint upon you in [respect to would-be heaux, as [if {his were the Victorian era |ewhich of course it isn't As for what to thing you can sensibly do, is to) hear with Ithrough wlly equipped fo be self-support-| ing, Then, team up with one or two other career girls to share] An Apartment, As A conservative| college -- Jor af i SL 40 King FE, hshand has her until FOR BEAUT, PORTRA I {venture " self relipnee Mary Haworth through | her column, not by paper MH. mall or persons! i counsels Woe ier in care of this news or wn or ® Concer Defense of my ® Color-Blind Test almost r aunt, & Ae ony pleats or Howers har Sunt. ' ly found in gerdens poisonous? I will never One an plants of the Solencese family, madadendrons, mountain eure, Christmas rose, ond monkshood, The sesds and juice of pleander " More knowle lines moy BIE VEIy Palsonus, G5 66 MOY @ Ay : , Are thers other plants of the Apocyneces color family the of he is. tryin » $. UVES Doss the body "put wp 8 A No fight" or build any defense against concer? A; Twa things sie involved in the disesse which we know a ore wudying phase of concer In their serch for better methods of trestment, The test wally for color Dhindness, In whic person being tested views o series of color plates such os the Ishihara series), bye almost oll subjects with any des . this wlong these the answer 19 the concer problem to "fool" it ron ho Wen the failed 1 cancer--the tumor and the vic: 3 d of DRYents ims reaction 16 the fumes, The 1748 of redegreen color deficiency, and keep concer lesion tends to grow end it's wise 10 become Ld nvade normal body tissue, while the person's body resists 10 vary ng degrees, If the body wins the wattle all is well, If the tumor wins, the COncerous process Goes in. until the end, Much is known about tumors, how they grow and how they destroy tissue, but not much has been learned about y's power 10 resist cancer ards eventual itiness strikes King Canute ommand the the march of he automatic Questions directed to Selenss sal 10 permit AS Wrong as AH King 5 y to take the lated with a family physicien before When you move to @ new neighborhood, it's wise 10 make yourself known to the doctor of your cheics, Then, if on emergency arises, you will pot be o stranger 19 member, our friendly and com patent staff stands ready to serve your prescription needs him, re Kdivors, P.O, Pox 7, Termine! "A", Toronte, Ontario will be incorporated in these olumns when possible Ka STEERS bumps and only way to do, the only you are vocation: | and the market today, end people have be cated to their use, so that moths are sel In any modem household, Come dom feeble whe live in bessmen! RA 5-018) ures they een take, in March In late summer financial mat: ters will he governed hy espe: clally fine stellar aspects A child horn on this day] would make a good physician | | Hush-A-Bye - DIAPER SERVICE HOUSEHOLD HINT | I'n make bureau drawers snag « proof, line them with alu minum foll rather than paper itized and fluffy Canisters available Gift Certificates For Further Information Diapers supplied , , . san- soft, CALL RA 3-2138 WHY PAY MORE? SHOP and SAVE at GLECOFT SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd. $. Open Daily fo 10 p.m, Specials ! Mon, Tues., Wed, MARGARINE 4 .. 89° Hien. 66 CIGARETTES .... 3.08 HEAD LETTUCE 2... 25° 3 LBS 1:00 CHEESE SLICES '< 29 HAMBURG CODFISH 2 !* §5¢ BLUE BLADES 5.) 15° room sealed up tight, where yeu hay. kind or another burning censtantly In the air, L) fo methods You can buy a "mildew box" - - which MILDEW IS A HOUSEHOLD ENEMY ! Moth preventives and moth killers are pretty commen en Bur mildew is another sory, M paple know, 1) course, thet mildew Is o fungus resulti rom dampness) but many People whe ape are/ unable te prevent LJ ness from Invading thelr siagsers (Um thinking pertisulerly 5 or improperly protects, ouses) don't always realize thet thers are 4s ar meas Probably the eldest solution te this problem is to have a o small heater of one destroy the melsture But this isn't a very practical plan in today's compact suites and houses, so | suggest ene of the other sity well edue rious problem -- of is cardboard container with & subs the sir, You Hmply the water periodical "" y, 08 it fan 4kat need cleaning any clothes away In storage, why net let ws you? Theat may net eli I mild thet the out 0 Fiis-box in the eleset and empty There are chemical mildew killers which are effective But the main rule to remember Is never stare garments Ordinary dust often found in stored clothing "foed" on which the mildew fungus feeds, Bo bel n 1 the very fore you put them for costly and annoying problem, to wear when you need them * i SORA guarantes it will go ao long we toward cutting down nd your clothes will or 1 on this 0 ready ne en se a be RICHARD HUD The original Egg Oreme Shampoo made from real eggs to beautify your hair AH eloanses, In two ty pes: for Dry hair: for Normal te Oily hair, RICHARD HUD A ereamy fr type finish fo al tangles and A unique son diXloning rinse DD) action," So simply to use--just shake on hain he Dottie after shampooing a diregtly from t eomb Ro 28 KING E. OSHAWA XK BI NUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO NUT CREME RINSE ant rings that adds a glossy salon | types of hair, KNminates Tis, % I CREME RINSE'N SET = x G SAVINGS ON... Richard Hudnut Hair Products! ON SHAMPOOS AND RINSES 784 VALUE, \ Now ONLY 4 Of LIMITED TIME ONLY A DIAL RA 3.4621 &