EATON'S tlight s LINGERIE and FOUNDATION GARMENTS "Arnel" Tricot "Wests, Panties ~~. J=Vesis ® With narrow built-up shoul ders, dainty picot edging, ® Sizes to fit 32 to 40, 99 3 for 2,85 K--Long Leg Panty ® Bonded leg edge with picot edging, ® Sizes URL 32 10 40, 3 for 99 | OVERSIZE to fir 42 to 44, EATON Spotlight Sole, each ,,..., 1. 29 > hy! me WS-KYLON.TRICOT 0)ziy 7 LINGERIE FASHIONS | Only at EATON'S! Dainty stylings . . . in 40-denier opaque nylon tricot . . . lavishly trimmed with "Ban-Lon" lace \ A--S$lim Slips C--Full-length Nightgown E--Bed Jacket r H--Brief * Ordinarily 6.59 ! Ordinarily 9.59 Ordinarily 6.49 | Ordinarily 2.89 ! ® Embcoldered sheer at front and back, bodice, : ® Bodice with embroidered nylon sheer overlay, fitted midriff f 9 . ' eo Embroidered sheer overlay at yoke and Peter Embroidered sheer and lace forms triangular ® Lace of top and hem edges, # Wide band of lace for shoulders, at hem, Pan collar, insert at sides ® White sand, shell pink, pool equa and white, ® Sh » ite sand, pool equ: ® Ruffles at collar edge, ¥4-sleeve edge, Nylon sheer ruffles at leg edge, bi A ell pink, white sand, § jue Shell " Whit op i shell . | L--BRIEF M--FLARE N--SHORT ® Sizes to fit 32 10 4 ® Sizes to fit 34 to 42 ® Shell pink, pool aqua, White, white sand, shell pink, pool aque. -- EATON Spotlight Sel h 4.59 3 T N 4 fi ht I A 69 ® Sizes to fit 32 to 38, zes fo fit 32 to 38, 4 PAN Yolo, 'woeh ATON Spotlight Sale, auch, , EATON Spotlight Sale, each EATON Spotlight Sale, sach ' LEG PANTY CUFF PANTY iy ees s rT) » Wilh banded leg ® Banded. leg edge ® Picot edging at $f . & B--Waltz-Length Nightgown D---Baby Doll Pyjamas ; with pico, with pleat rims panty cuff, sth Nightg Ordinarily 7.99 G--Slim Petticoat F--Flare Leg Panty enn +fumin ¢ Jen 0 ' to ' ; @ Ordinarily 7.99 | . ® Round neck with embroidered sheer overlay i ¥ 499 | y ' Embroidered sheer at bodice front and back, at front and back Ordinaril ---- Ordinarily 3.59 ! EATON Spotlight MION Spotlight EATON Spotlight fitted midriff ® Loce at yoke and hem edge; ruffles at pant ® Panels of lace with embroidered nylon sheer Sale, each Sale, euch Sale, each Wide band of lace at shoulder, hem, leg edge i Mert trims hem, : bd Yrimmed with hones of lace and Insert of Straw hat (gold), shell pink, white sand, pool ® Straw hat (gold), shell pink;- pgbl equa, ® Sid# slit for easy walking, edged with lace, embroidered nylon sheer, aqua, - "i white , sand p- ® White, white sand, shell pink, poel aqua, ® White, white sand, shell pink, peel aqua, Sizes to fit 32 to 38, ® Sizes to fir 32 to 38, "me ® Sizes to fit 24 to 30 waist, ® Sizes to fit 32 to 38, EATON Spotlight Sole, each." 6.69 EATON Spotlight Sale, each 6.59 EATON Spotlight Sele, each , ... 3.49 EATON Spotlight Sale, each ,.,, 2.49 S for 2,59 ki for 2.59 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 209 PHONE RA 5.7373 'Milady' | Corselettes Y%-"\C {§ . UIIEESN \ Sa AVE NTE, dR | Corselettes * Qudinarily 9.99! : | : \ : = . Vi i | Rea. 10.50! 1, = Two-way stretch elastic, Ribbed waist, Well-boned cotton batiste front slide fastener, garment with elastic side Nylon taffeta front and : ) | - i panels, Elastic front gus bust sectons, White; B : y ie ) -- i setd and back insert for cup to fit 34 to 44; C We ! -- - 1 i ease, Built-up shoulders, cup to fit 34 to 46, = RE af 9 : elastic straps, ont slide en h\l ' gs ' 3 y i astener; nude only, EATON '49 Sole . | 1 % = ; i i # @ Straight hip, bust sizes y : ! : oe 36 to 46; Average hip, 36 EL (CE). ER, i § IF ee to 46; Full hip, 36 to 44, 6-49 J : od "iy fd EATON '90 Sale SS Bras 'Ripa' Hi-Rise 'Alpa', Juniors! Girdles, Panty Sketched: Just one' of frm he rt. Solin 10.50! Girdles and Brief Panty Girdles Ordinarily 6.50 ! Si ; Ordinarily 10.50. Ruterly 8201 onglines section cups with 'Cord- White nylon 'Pow Net' with dipped waist; rayon satin ; 8 = Rayon-pattemed cotton 10.--'Lenc" elastic built tex uplife, elastic panels, Net', Rayon satin elastic HOHE nd bake bane: up back. Wide shoulder 4,--White Nylon Power 2--LONGLI . 3 gs = § cum, back Gnd on, LT Girdles, Panty Girdles Brief Panty Girdles «Bron locings.action iach Siraps, we »3uction. ems EATON er s : Average hip, short length roidered cotton cups == 1 88 panel; Side slide fastens Ordinarily 6.00 Ordinarily 4.50 waist 34 to 34. a arg White 'Cordtex' uplift in veseang Lu closing. Average fitts 8 ond 6--Sizes small, medium, m Lroon Jonge waist 24 10 lower , C cup to fit i . 36 and 38, Full hi od | Ing waist sizes 27 to 34, large and extra large to fit 2 7-=Sizes small, medium, large dh waist 26 to $6 and 30. 38 to 44, D cups, 38 to to 32 walsts, to fit 25 to 30 waists be ANDAR Sib EATON Spotlight Sale EATON Spotlight Sale EATON Spotlight Sale EATON '69 Sale To Spotlight Sale wi 5.88 3.88 2.88 4.69 2.68 r EATON S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 609 PHONE RA 5.7373 Store Hours: 9. 30 a.m. iid 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 RN