Ld - : X WORRY Chandel 2-Bottale ~~ WBENTY Chonnss 4--Bultale CHCHAAY. Channel i~Hamillon CBLETV Channel 6-~Toronts | - WHEW EY Channel T-Baftale WROCTY Channel S--Rochester © CFTORY Channel 9~Toronte CKYRTY Channel 3~Barrie ) Corner MONDAY { B-Ghencinnos $2-From Phase Rools Ne zi . ; 2 ' Mesh '% Ornlea [] BYP 31 Married Jon 7 ~Coronsds § See, / g : / ' he po a, HOPS, ai, nN ; » 7 =A); : " Ey baa a " H-Aupsve With Capt, A i : » ; 3 i 3 ps ; A F 4 Ja iF amily Theatre 7 65 (215, ~Advenluses of Win > 4 E / / ko 216, 29), Vol € ed vn e : 4 (86, Ve fi] : 5 J i J; i i y 4 [Red Mactermaid $460 ts, Fr ] / 3 / / 1 | Chutney $59 (256), [oa TUESDAY ighting Words 5:00 AM, Ba-lssls nom Fou rid iol $F Brighter Day ry ' Roundup B=Popeye ahd Fall #15 AM, Po oh. 4 T Captain Kangsree Sa-Here's Holywood od AN MM, Edge OF Wight is 4:45 PI | TE i gos Junior Roundup i TUPSDAY VE. ne Show | wr A Bn - "PM, mar of the Jungle % is Theatre F - oody Wosypecker me AM, T=Rocky and His 6:00 P.M, 7=Homper Room Friends $-Foeus sLite Of Riley $-~Boro The Clow ' SNews 2-Seience Fheotre for About Fringe Wess, I= Nations Busine 19:00 A AM, | B= Fhree Slooges HT | itt | uk 4~Deceniber er Bride = Midchiel Makers Sports College 10:30 AM, Herk Sheidon = ne, Knows Best 4 5 P.M. Rent Saurshl 52-Fisy Your Huneh | 9. Br Haw) Video Village I Lary Show doi Wolo 10:45. AM, S=Wonders of the Ses Sporty The C "i 4 use Five 11:60°8. 9, Wig Mae Show 4 p T=--Morping Court 3~ Wonders of the Bes . A421 Wenther; 8 Price Is Right 2=Meliraw ; y : y " News: Sports wl Love Lucy 6:00 PM, ] i . Y . | y Huntley Brinkley ba Romper Room 8--Fouun y : ! -- Report 11:30 AM, A=lvanhoe A ) 7:00 P.M, Tlive That Bob S-Three Stooges ACROSS pe fa HULA . - / ' i ie, ii] > gE] 2 4 2-Highway Fel "618 Fie 1, Purchaser 1=The People's Choles | Ha--Concentration S~Wagon Train y 4=The Clear Horizon SBeveno-One | 12:00 NOON o~RBarris Best 6, fitberian Bb lvanhe | Pr » . SCluh 6 " a 5 Death Valley Days of Bugs Bunny me | #= ¥arm Market Report Mongolold god Ve mraf: ETE] i 3-1 Love Luey Tm Camoniiogs | 6:30 PM, 11, Harden a 1 a ae Wilbur sud Mr, wa az ruth or "es News, 12, Habit y ; f g. 7 1 i : A onsequences ows eather; " - T=News: Weather 4 Ne owt Weathers . ih 1, Vousd out Eire ao : WARD WERE vit Tm bis ONLY hey, 73 PM, | 3-Farere and Pais / 14, Vasteners ncket teeth HANI i 3 INNES it AY 7" - 16s Pon | Messer Show | GOSH 1 M [i 7-Cheyen i 12:15 PM, ' Foti he Brinkley 15, Letter 5 Fi ITE} COMNG FOR DINNER ' rtd Amerioane ] 4 Zou Special Day Re PM. 16, Girl's | AND TM LAT : n 0 Tell rl | owe 4 3 --- - $100 P, | $Bpenker of the House (1.Family Thest nickname , Comet/| : n 1163 Danny Thomad' | 12:90 PM, Movie 7% | 17, American Oriental . a p y SKATE EXCHANGE Movie Fant I Plavhouse, } Be Huckleberry Hound Metah 7. a" NN, . ) NEW AND USED t Gnd umber Plasse eyen-o-One - y Mn pe a " "Sar, |e | tag FEA p- PAVER AND CCM, Movie Mininde sod ~Resl Mel, me S2~1t Could Be You Burns. and Allen NAL-dack Kane Show 4~Senreh for Tomorrow | Show FS brage laugh 4 . 4 oo 4) ou: . $3-Wells Farge dy | S=Noondey x 3~ Wanted Desdror ' ' 0% at re oo ; \ QW ' R i -- Cor, Ki ond Burk Bm, 8 \ ) A-Brniing og Boity | els PAL aim Ba chun show | 22, Biggwer wall 19, Hobo 4. 2a 33236 tir § {7 A= Cuiding Light . § M, erages rose fam ai Dat Plean 1:00 P.M, Ne |B rid id 4 B-2--Kiondike =Movie Matines $~Danny Thomas SLunch Party 1="The Rifleman 25, Semidivine 9:30 PM. T=Ahout Face 6~The Real McCoys being 4 ' - . L " B=Movies T=Bugs Bunny Show = we rag A 4~Meet The Millers B-=Direetors' Choice 21. Club 7 : T--Adventures In 3=Hour of Stars S2~Hallmark Hall of | obligations Paradise 8~-Mid-day Matines Fame | 20, Bundler $4-Dante 1:50 PM, 4 The Californisne | 81, At home CLEANERS i dxBloge 7 ~ 9-Yours Truly ~Man Hunt gm" 10:00 RM, JeConfidentinl Pile B00 PM, 32, Tirana is S=Wanted Dead O 4~The World Turse H43-Chevy Show | its capital i - ApS, Shana 90 2100 PM S-Moviesbart I' | 84 Hole pierce - 1 RA 5-119 Ba Barbara Stanwyck ~Thentre . ~Andy Griffith Show ing tool 4 or WW, gO wl WORE AS AYOUNG GIRL/ | | AND, IMAGING, IT ISN'T ONE 1 PM Theatre ON OL FAVORITE rl BIT TOO SMALL FOR ME NOW/| Wh "he LiL M. | 886, hn 1-Wyalt Fay | 30, Morte god \ Gills orcsses., fll Vg) 5 "The Best In Town" S2-Jan Murray Show 163- 530 4=Drama Series $=Dobis Willis 87, Beotehe 0) $=News: Weathers S=Women's Show nn PM, man's cap Sports 2115 PM, 1163-Front Page 28,Girl's Bell and Howell 116--Nursery School Challenge y name S~Tombstone Territory | Tim S=Movie--Part If 40, Turkish §-Beotter Laie 63-Talk of the Town LL oo, Works site Y=Lote Show 3:00 P.M, 10:00 P.M, 44, Apportions PM, 88--Dr, Malone Best of the Post YOUR ONE sTor = British Cinema 1i~Publie Service Guide 10:30 P.M, fauna | ® WILD BIRD FEED rarer d=June Allyson Show | 1 M, T=8tagecnach West 82-Loretin Young 1-848-Red Belton Viewpoint 1165--Musie Break ng 0 Closeup 45. Complies. ; 5 d hs - late Bh S=Millionaire 4=Garry Moore Bh "Hh § a) ny . Late Show 5130 M : 4 ow | 1, Vlora and Owe A + i 3 it | | , J CENTRE B2Jack Parr Show T=Whoe Do You Trust |[1183-Quest TODAY' SP ECIAL! I a | ® ICE SALT THE -CLI 'F ILL! 20 isi ¢ Was 000 1 RA 5-6651 © MASTER DOG FOODS A-Manhint 1 LJane Gray L % Thriller " city 4 4 -- 1 =H (#4) hs / -- 100 PM, 7--Houd To Reslity om Ewell Show 42, Kru vw A ; - ] ry 130 P00 » ¥- Sry / MASTER FEEDS Theatre Show 48, Hollander's v ] / / .| 4=House 43 $=Route #6 tongue ' fs SA a g ' OSHAWA 43 8-fports Reel T=Queen For A Day Aleon Presents #-Glen Cannon Story of Love é~Mystery Theatre 64-3~Verdiet Is Yours O-News, Weathers FOR 1360 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN fc sort Prosi $2,348 2 orn Custom radio, hite walls vr ' o SHOW SHOVELS ® BULK CEREALS WELL THEN THAT [|| THE TT PCE ry CTT Whi Ee 1 : D SCAR HER PRIDE 54 CHURCH ST. EXPLAINS WHY $10,000, AND THE YOULL READ THE EVER (= gg ib IT WOULD BREAK, METHING FIFE / { ' SEBASTIAN MACHINE KNOWS m7 | | ame pin Yours Sp ED OUTOR THE 5/17 DIAL RA 8-2220 WAS SHOT! £0 IT BUMPED OFF | | 8&8 You MUST i HER IT8 NO 607 4 n od SEBASTIAN, FOR NEEPITFORA 6~ } i ' CHEATING YOU? MONTH TRIAL THAT Free Customer Parking "SCOTTY'S | BARGAINS Wig (? AD ALL 4 PRAYERS ) ANSWERED .., 14) ARBORITE ph thickness --- 4' x 8 sheets o PER SHEET fo 15.68 46 Beautiful Patterns LIMITED QUANTITY 4' x 8' Sheets of Arborite avallable, 0 PER SQ. PT. vu ne, | YOU GET MORE "TO PUT HIM OUTOR FOR LESS NOU HELP ME ? - 8 MAY NO 8 RANNON, ] + 1 ; I CANT GET DAGWORO a ~ , a a BUSINESS IN 24 HOURS, + TTY' uh : = 8. os \ ROGER SUGGEST You FLY AT SCOTTY'S Lit : R BEEN TRYING TO AND USED FOR Are POWN AND SEE HIM THING FROM REACH You. - MEDICINAL, 3 h JIM CARTER, g PURPOSES. IT 4 wt 17 Cash & Carry Prices LARRY RETURNS " POSSN'T BELONG WN AN ALBERTA 3 por' X d prod 2, ROOER i | \ MILLWORK SECVP, ROGER x , HASON oF THE ! ] § , ~ y = creo ve gl : & Building Supplies NOU x J or Gunes meek. J 11279 SIMCOE N. ! 4 : ; RA 86291