~ 6000 READERS The British buy more news papers per person' than any other people in the world, Tenific Bargains You Can't Afford to Miss During Horwich Jewellers SMOKE SALE Now On!! 14 TVR OSHAWA TIMES, Mandey, Vehruary 6, 1961 BIRTHS RAEN Jot and Whiriey (nee Bove) wee Kappy 16 sORoURex (he rin of thelr duoamier, Elons famn, 7 1s & ove, on Friday, Fowuary 3, 19% #t the Cnhawn Gonarsl Hospital A Witla stater fov Jownny. Thanks to Dy Todd ge Fire Razes Turkey Farm TRAVALGAR (CP) &FTr Saturday night the Export Food Products Limited tuikey farm and 5.009 young turkeys The blaze ended a pix - year fight by residents to have the (turieg farm removed, The 10 acre farm is dn the middle of the township's best residential ares J Fire Chief George Wright sald the fire is believed to have been (eaused by overloaded electrical wiring. He estimated the loss at $50,000 of Today's Sto TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canvien Press By The Coninn Frew Taronta Mork Exehange Feb & Guotations in cents amess marke §, dw AWARE, INDUSTRIALS Wigh Low a.m CW ge a "Ww My Ts 9 Nn "in "w 1% 19% 7% LLU 1 "Market Lisfings 'on Toronto Exchange "MINES ie ve Sales Wigh Low 1) a.m. CW ge we Ns WH Bis Wigh Jow a.m, Ch ge Pr ul "" " 4 , "wo uw 7 7 7 9% 4 06 197 154 7 ih : 7 ' wow Vk Th Wh on A I Ne low a.m, Chge 74 ed i 4 " "oe Wigh Low a.m CN go $3 92 1 "we own» i 15% Eig 19 % Wa 7 Wei Hoek thore fangie hatin Am | aita feximn Lunhst Mason Malartie Warboy Martime Martin Melntyre Koch destroyed Royal Bank MJ Ld # Maurice fale iL ad Wigh Vin ins " $s 4 Work Salen 90 T% + m0 ily oy #5 0 (samon Huien 706 Ld Vion 1200 oy ad 100) 2800 Hon 1000 Cd 11000 106 1500 000 190008 125 S00 ork Avoenie Agnies Ane Atl € Cop Atlas Yk Aimaeho Aumag Alnor Purnat Bary Fan Base Mets Franka Crown Tr a het Seay 0 Brige fiom Fleet Dom ¥ ah 0 Fry Linn Saves Dom Tar fiom Test Ey A Fam Play Fanny ¥ Flestwon Fain Coutinenn Gen Bake 6 Dev GW Gl Pape Gl, Vow w 100 GN Gas wt 210 GN Gas § w 160 ' Gr Wo G0 Frans ME Gr Weg vt #9 % 11% Ha? ong Gr Wy 36 w 100 44 ] Gur Tr Ai Wali ov Weston 4 Fr nt 551 Weston M West A wi Cor Anglo NA Aho ston sulin wie never Arte haw milverw Himpions Slaves somville Pr ddd Sattar Hale Best (an nieinhi A io fair of fae is tl of gives Wednesday's ria fll of woe, TRirsday"s Chia K far 5 go : Fridev's cmd jo loving snd giving. | Satirday's emia works ward for fee} ad] And 5 amid (set ie Born on The) ganhiatin fray : nd wise, sed good, and Monday's emia Fraesduy's «wid is ad » Yd L2 ring 1000 285 woo M2 "we i8 we A Rules is inn 5 LL Ld or Wark Ed 19 w wh i Ve) zn . Ati AWE pr Aen-All Aen All A Alta ast Alta Cine Alte Nal Gan 140 Ag CC pr Alga Afvimint Al 1 wy " Anthes A La Argne Bank 8 ViVi w Ha Wie Min id 210% 1, §i% 94 $i% $44 150% 20 Ciaran Rearing (hie verse by Conn fer Collen giways Want (6 know when Any of the weak was (hele With duis Keep thie and iher imporiant nie mation for youe smid's futire. An Con ani Times Birth | sanouheement will include (he Aaa of your eWid, (he any of week, month and vesr of Wirth fhe weight and other vial inform flan, A printed messhge can Hees) record 1a Baby's ne ? sos Times Wirth notices is only Ww To piace » notice, phone BA 33493 DEATHS COCRBERN Entered #fler foiling henlth In the Hillsdale Manor on Sgturdny, February 4, 1981, Annie MM. Locke, in her WIth yonr (for marly of 28 Albert Street, Oshawn) Beloved wile of he Inte John Cork Wien and mother of John 1, of Osh dames of Colborne; Mav Cock Annie (Mrs. B. Hynes) Oshawn; Matilda (Mrs. T Butiery) Bowman ville; Helen (Mrs. Earl Bileox) Osh Kana (Mrs, Fred Winters) Flor ian; desr sister of Lisle Turpin of Wicklow. The ate Mrs. Cockburn was wise survived! by 16 grandemidren, 24 grestgrandehiidren, Fon generations By Ber oldest ghild and four oungest. Hosting ot the 4 MM. Wack Funeral Home, Gratton, for on Tussday, Vehruny wt Interment Union Cemetery Min Corp Min-Ore Senlon % | New Hosen ¥ 5 Sew Jason | Le die Min Wl ar am f ' Camp Chil Astor hor writes Gi ent Pore Hester wime och Win mn ake anage Beth G Ihaeny Halhiwi Marcus "Me Mosher wp Corp MAN nN Mylam Nigkel - MB Norana Sor moriartie Normets) Northgate Opemitka Orehan Vamour Varamag Vavmanst Pee Expl Venriens Pick Crow Vitehtrre Freston 4300 550 Pros Ar 9306. 130 Gruemont i85 #70 Halire 1000 49 Henim 50 2 | 2 Kio Algom 2621 86% io Kup me Wh Horhe 1000 104 1g "or rr Hockwin wh 7 Hyanor 2500 16% Tr Can PL, More Fun from the Makers of "CARRY on NURSE" P ~ 1600 mW 1500 1006 154, ye Gunn 714 70 19 nm 8 es 00. 17 ne 12 {ioe 0 0 6 Zon 44 4 00% tk 0 $7 5 $8 Ww 83% Ho Bmith fmp Wank fp Inv Twp ON tmp Toh A inn 192 He oh 000 Mil 04 Mig ints pest wn p v i) " ne lox Br 5 Mel Ih (6G ny 1006 8704 Zetars LL ED OILS ' ' ' f a Copran Daering freer Horn Dieinite rerinen Facknam frome LL Wiirm pon 116 "4 yo Ton "wo 0 1000 " 10] YI nek pm borne 10008, 700 Wi 00 3% 1000 106 405 1066 925 yin $33 20) 1 . 910 605 oh i b v 7500 0% $12% 12% Bear 100 7% 2 Zalnpn 0h 1% i :] 16h Fervitory Tiara Tommi Vin 4 4 VU Ashestos 47% i'n Keno Ventures Gunnar th wie rest on Suturds HARDING fmtane Hosp ¥ etn y Entered Whithy Dron of Verna and the pres 1 Resting 'tthe Hame tal WN Vy (L] LU Oshawa,' $50 bo Any evening with memorial servic ME 4 the chapel Tuesday, Februsry 1, 3 pm $iste 35% 35h Interment Oshawn Union Cometer sekahul $i 13% ie Can Wake 0 $74 y i" » » MGM's Whit on Br wis At Fairview Lodge sitar a lingering (liness February 5, 186], Amels Jane ie) Seatman (formerly of Myrtle) od wife of the late Frank Lewis t f 0. Dyer (Ne and; and Mrs Toronto, in - the Robinse LE Resting #1 (ha B the Chapel MEY meiery Wedanesds ferment Gr PRITCHARD, Judge John ¥ After # prolonged fines #t the Oshawa Gon Hospital, on Sunday, February 4 Judge John Elton Pritehard of 408 Whithy, Judge of the beloved husband of desr father of John Nesting »l the W_ ¢ #ral 1961 Fairview Drive County of Ontario Ciraes Helen Kyle and Mary Lore Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy morning at 11 mm. then # United Church, Whithy, for service p.m, "Interment Harriston Ceme on Arrival of motors lL app slely 430 pom he minster I. Smith, Wellington Lodge No AF and AM, Toronto, will held Masonic service Monday evening £30 pm. All Masons wre Invited attend at ta SUTHERLAND, Wobert John Hud at Plekering, Ont, on Sunday 1961, Robert John Sutherland his 20th year, dear son of Melville Sutherland of Woodstock and Mrs, Wil m Howard of Pigkering, Onl dear | hrather of Barbara (Mrs, John Briggs) | of Searborough, Donald of London, | Ont, Daniel HON, Cornwallis, NA, and Clarence Sutherland of Woed - slogk, Resting st the New William ¥ Sherrin Funeral Home, No. 3 Highway, Pickering (Just east of Harwood Av enue North, Ajax), Funeral en Wed nesday, Feb, 6, at $30 am, to Bt John 'The Evangelist KC, Chureh, Whit hy, for requiem mass sl 10 am, theneg fo the M, D, (Mae) Smith Fune Home, 60 Wellington Nirest North, Woodsipek, from § p.m, until ® pm, Wednepday evening, Inierment St, Mary's Cemetery, Woodstook & " ton Gm 5 80% 1s + | By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor The amount of money in volved in the proposed merger of the Canadian Bank of Com * imerce and the Imperial Bank of Canada, and the resounding name contemplated, gives the transaction a super-collosal alr to borrow a Hollywood term It is well to bear In mind however, the nature of the $4,200,000,000 of assets involved This Is not money or property which belongs to the two banks concerned, Much the greater {part of it is made up of the sav nes and accumulations of in dividual Canadians, businesses and institutions, Accordingly, the current transaction Is not a merger of two entities owning assets worth $4,200,000,000, but of two insti tutions which are caretakers fur BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT n # much greater extent it is the merger under one management of the savings of many thou sands of Canadian At the end of its last fiscal year, Oct, 31, the Bank of Com merce had so-called assets of §3,155,273,000, This included de posits of $2,916,400,467, of which 51,404, 188.960 was personal sav ings deposits At the same date Imperial had assets of $1,057,705,751, of which deposits accounted for $070 201,509, including personal Savings of $489,432,404 MEANING DIFFERS Thus, "assets in the case of i bank, differ from "assets in the case of a company, business or industry. When a company says It has assets of, say, $100, 000,000, it means It owns things which are supposed to be worth that amount, When a bank says #i| Merging Banks Assets Mostly Small Savings ment feeling that it would be very dif ficult to get approval of a mer of ome such sum for other peo By whatever definition, how ever, the transaction is a bigger one than most people have ex pected even. in this time when big mergers are in the air Imperial, In sixth plac among the nine chartered bank was considerably smaller than the "big five", but it was still big. ts well-developed individ uality and pride in its history perhaps gespecially in its bank Ing service to new communities made most people think it would continue as a single entity It can be taken for granted that the decision to merge wasn't taken lightly and that the government didn't give its assent lightly "ih Ker of two banking that proved open fg mergey While tal reg operstions aril for Just yee development of smaller in titution compete with the branch system of the he fined Interests Hreny NI Council dogs while allowing birds to be kept The Lengue Is ostrich 2 WA 2% Bales Sudbury Water Supply Freezes Lahrair but t thi In ilies ning there was considerable uch large and strong The fact merger h bhaen ap throws the field wid institutio the crews were working around the SUDBURY (CP)=City works Wednes oll mm. 5OK000 he number may reach 1,000 year riearhy Coniston, 65 fam have heen without run water since a main froze ay peculation about what may lie in the future bignes with & cap now seems & recognized for cross « Canada this doesn't neces there is institutions the clock to repair almost 250 frozen water service connections dur ing the weekend I Fxeessive freeze-ups this year were attributed to light, snow fall and deep frost penetration During an average winter there are about 12 connection freezes, may rement mean no place muller future possibly They would have to CENTRAL COLLEGIATE DRAMA NIGHT SOLD OUT! Thurs & Fri, Feb, 9th and 10th TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 11th Canine Defence fight the ban, BAImission 50¢ Time 8 pm tenants an I big banks, but they might fo do this if they con themselves to the special of relatively small uble TECHNICAL TROUBLE ALBANS, England (CP) has barred cals and from a caravan site here National helping sending caravan The fact that a merger was decided upon and approved BUSINESS MAN SALUTE TOMORROW' 13.1)]3! 50 FRANKLY SENSATIONAL SHOCKER ABOUT THE FREEADVING, FAST-LIVING REBELS OF AMERICA'S BEAT CULT! IA IAN TIMES CARRIER s Learning To Bacoms A od ADULT ENTERT, FAMOUS PLAYERS LAL AN ARTHUR FREED PRODUCTION Subterraneans LESIIE CARON 1 h 11 GEORGE PEPPARD ICE RULE RODDY McDOWAL [ GERRY MULLIGAN - CARMEN MCRAE + ANDRE PRE AN CinemaBeope and WETRGCOLOR AINM T THER ADDED Noy® FEATURE 0 cry, GLENN FORD HIS 1S THE HUMAN' agutt enrerraimvment LOCKES FLORIST ond all Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8.6555 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA 8.6226 390 KING STREET. WEST» IN MEMORIAM FINRER In loving memory of Arthur Charles Fisher, dear father, who passed away February 6, 1950 Gone dear father, gone lo rest, Away from sorrow, vare and pain, May you rest in peace dear father Until we meet again Lovingly remembered hy son Wil, daughter «in « law Ann, daughter Anne and son-in-law Jim MARTYN In loving memory of Flora Martyn, dear mother and grand mother, whe wed away February 6, 10 Today ree sad memorie. Of a dear mother gone (0 resi, . And the anes who think of her today Are the ones who loved her hest Lovingly remembered by daughiers Gladys, and Margarel, sonindaw Jim and geandeniidren, Joan and Bill MePFHERNON = In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Ruth MePher son, who passed away February 6, 1960 I remember a life filled with love, I remember the smiles we could share; 1 remember an | glance up shove, ¢ 1 remember it offer a prayer athe hours of oy, whort the' they he For a wite and a mother | know For the dear one living in Memory, Like the Ruth in our Bible, so true Lovingly remembered by husband mily my HERNON = In loving memory of ear daughter, Ruth Peever Mo Pherson, Who passed away Febuary 6 1960 The blow was great, the shook severe, We little thought the end was near And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell Mare cach day we miss you, Ruth Friends may think the wound healed Hut they little know he sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed Lovingly remembered hy mother and father, sisters, Mary, Clara and brother Harold MoPHERMON In loving memary of our dear mother, Ruth Peover Me Pherson, who passed away February 6 100 We have only your mim ry, dear mother, To remember our whale life throug But the sweetness will linger forever As we treasure the image of you Lovingly remembered hy and daughter Shirley and sondn law Jim, grandehildren Timmy and Debbie =» son Keith [83 82 such a sum. While it takes the form of a corporate merger, to It has assets of, say, $1,000,000 000, It means It Is taking care 'U. S: Still Sends Goods To Castro | MIAMI, Fla, (AP) The says, "US, exports to Cuba for {United States still supplies Fidel the same period totaled $3,840 {Castro with millions of dollars 000." in trade to buy guns, oil and machinery, says the Miami Her. Shipments from Cuba included ald 4 cucumbers, tomatoes, tobacco, pineapples, pumpkins, peppers, frozen froglets, ginger, oranges and beeswax; to Cuba, about 50 railroad cars of lard and live stock weekly "At the present pace, Castro pockets more than $60,000,000 annually through the export of! {fruits vegetables and other commodities, despite economic restrictions and severed rela | | points up the costs of carrying on a coastdo-const business in competitive conditions, It seems to gixgansent to the opinion that bigness is needed, and bigness in a greater sense than was gen erally realized Before (he it present develop KINSMEN CLus VALENTINE BALL Wed., Feb, 15th, 9 to 12:30 p.m, MUSIC BY Art Hallman &i&'aa JUBILEE PAVILION tions with the United States," the newspaper says The Herald, in ap article by {Dom Bonafede, addy "U.S, producers dre restoring {Cuba's livestock Industry, de-| {pleted after the revolutionary {government assumed power, | {with Weekly shipments of hun {dreds of breeding cattle and hogs and breeding chicks, | HAS FAVORED POSITION | LOOK! FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING! | "ASHES & DIAMONDS" A DRAMA OF LOVE and ASSASSINATION ! ws §QOIIING se ENGLISH TITLES and POLISH DIALOGUE (An Acknowledged Masterp HEAT THAT BOILS4 £0 e = Tor, Star) "Preferential duties granted Cuba after the Spanish-Amerl: | {ean War are 'still in force, "giv-| Ing the Red-stained island a fa ivored trade positién over all other countries, including our closest free-world pallies | "Canadian exports licensed in| that country may be shipped across the United States in bond| and sont to Cuba from Florida! ONE DAY ONLY! T urs., Feb, 9th ~Continuous from LFEATURE TIMES 1140 « 3:30 5:30 - 7:30 Your Help Will Be Appreciated LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:20 I : | The glowing hot best-seller is on the screen! ZIMBALIST DICKINSON : KELLY: AME SHON WARGIALL ART [PLAZA ; COMING "The Royal Ballet" STARTS T0004 without further restrictions," | | The Herald says "U.S, depart ment of commerce figures show TOE RANK ORGANIZATION PRestnia A PAUL GHINNER PRODUCTION MARGOT FONTEYN that Cuban shipments to the| (nited States last November | 'alter the embargo was ordered == amounted to $5,000,000," it NET EARNINGS y THE CANADIAN PRESS Halton and Peel Trust and Savings Company, year ended Dec. 81: 1960, $43,357; 1959, | $38,752 N. Slater and Co iended Oct, 3 share Lid, year| 1960, $302,518, | a 1959, $474,840, $3.08 EASTMAN COLOUR mv MICHAEL SOMES AND MEMBIRS OF THE ROYAL LN PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY PAWL Chinn MePHERSON «= In memory of Ruth, | wha passed away February §, 1960, suet | denly, & year age AM Looking back with memories | Upon the path you trod We biess the hours we had with you | PHELPS In loving memory of a And leave (he rest) with God [dear brother and uncle, Thomes Phelps, Ever remembered by the girls at {who passed away February §, 1960 Bimpron-Nears MePHERSON = 1 loving memory of my dear friend Rul whe passed away Fohpuary & 1960 In my heart a wiemary Ia kept Por a friend 1 vespevied and never greet » Ever remembered by Dorey The world's weary troubles and (rials are past . In silence he suffered, In patience he hore, Until God called him home to walter no mare Ever rememhordd by sister, Kia Ibeth and family | will AIR x 3 DAYS FEB, 27-28 Al ONLY MARCH fst Monday --Feb. 27 Jheatre Party--Womens University (lub Secure Jickets From Any Member or Phone Theatre 3-2843 mA LONELY? "I've got a whole new slant on life since 1 joined Arthur Murray's, Peopla are so friendly there and we have such a lot of fun at the wonderful get-togethers, I'm never lonely anymore!" M.L, Life is never dull once you're o good dancer! And learning to dance ot Arthur Murray's is as easy as ABC, His famous "Magic Step' gives you the key to all the latest dances, Studios are open dail P.M, to 10 P.M,. Visitors die al. ways welcome, Come in now, Studios open daily 1 p.m, to 10 p.m, PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS SPECIAL OFFER § (Adults Only) ONLY 15.00 ARTHUR MURRAY W. MARKS, LICENSER A LJ ¢ Sage 1115 SIMCOE ST RA 8.1681 They fought for the Ultimate Prize! 3 Nin Fairing ANTONY CARBONE BETSY JONES-MORELAND EDWARD WAIN NEW Sastman 52.50 COLOR stig and Directed by ROGER CORMAN A FILMGROUP PRESENTATION AND THE FUNNIEST PICTURE THIS YEAR! TRALA "arr JONATHAN HAZR « JACKIE JOSEPH ! MEL WELLES SE |