& Flot For Rem BE ete Bi RA 4% AL man fom, long ry Ps mA L640 AS Fo Som Aovamiaonny rove, Fy a ----_-- WHR WR aReRatin, Aygiy a Fr we 5, BA 11H z $5--Reol Estate for Sole Weal "yo Ca Prd "5 down ponent yg Aid Bt ot Veiephone Bh 44148 FRE sei, gr 1 554 PETER KOWAL ro roo bones! 5 zon REALTOR BOWMANVILLE She, Ving 1 ie MA 32453 or MA 3.586% Conid be yond 8 Sow rH Lia. WH A848, Aiwa I ------------ 98 tess By Gr Hi 110YD REALTY ww Fars Rapdy 14 ing * Ta | wane Jt) B pRyment, | BROGEAAD| WEE -- Lined Jot, walk rs vee id {ara 7k ons RA 4978 dang it whi wd wl, Waive hs AOREY. govd Prose aes Ld oo Fo id TA ool BAe EXCELLENT SITE On Glendale Ave 5 by 110, close to ores and transporiotion, . Phone RA 5-4939 For REAL ESTATE Phone ' DON §, SMITH Mgr Vickery Reol Estate Separate Business RA B-6228 RA 6.4879 PHONE RA 5-512 Harry ler | REAL ESTATE I ONTARIO STREET /"RA 81679 BRUCE ST, $12,500-817,00 down, cash 10 one open mortgage, $75 month Vy. Nine years bid, Four bedrooms, paved drive, oll heat | GOOD LOCATION $19,500 = 1500 square fest, plus ottractive finished recreation room, Three extra large bedrooms, dining reem, attached garage Broedioom, $5000 down GLENWOOD CRESCENT Six room split-level, attached garage, broadioom sunken Low down payment terms Ay Bui fori FOUR BEDROOMS $17,900 = Seven rooms, split-level, natural fireplace schools, bus and shopping, Two baths, full dining room, entrance to basement, Quick possession WOODCREST NORTH-WEST $13,900 ~~ Three year-old clay brick bungalow, Extra large kitchen, thse id pil bedrooms, sluminum storms end screens, Owher transferred LARACOR AVE $13,000-~Wth $2500 down, Desirable north Yocation room brick bungalow, completely decorated, nicely landscaped INCOME HOME $12 600~8ix room Income home, Oshewa Blvd, North, Two | kitchens, separate entrances, fenced-in yard, garage, ell heat, low taxes, awn, WLAN ws CUA SEPR BF CRW "a is ¥ wring As whi 00 seres form north of Bow mene, on Paves 1564, clone 16 wer ond hoo Fondy ae soil. Largs bem with water gresswe snd ry WG, bert barns wit Resusd for quick wale. Pox ing $1950060. Tenmms on wil gacept hose in Oshews bb : i §T WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR M OVER LOW PRICE $7,900 $7,900 year Gd bungalow with Lond suitable for i lorge lot Port tink Gergening ng of emmbls, A medem CONYRINENCES neation, roo Cshowa. Prone Bill Miller of schol | BA 8-5123 | : Loyd Reelty Lid. Regite RA 8-5123 BA FB 512 PA B-512 01 SIMCOE oT, 10) MAKE AN OFFER This lo mw br bungalow, tour piece tiled by ahaminium sorms ig forge fenced wolie and MOETH vely thee Dearoon > th and $, met, be 16 sche stone fireplace attractive lose to all outside | IM | | | AFTER 5 PM, CALL Winse Brodiey---RA 3.2006 Charles Smith == RA 8.5254 John Fisld = RA 32074 Loreen Keller - ms - RA 3-3770 WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 N.H.A. RESALE ON GRIERSON ST Five-room brick bungalow with finished basement apartment Large panelled living room wiih bookease and natural fireplace, Qning room and modern kitchen. Immediate possession. Call RA 5:6588 for full particulars After Hours Please Call Wes Ellierr, RA 8-058) Charles Rankine, Lloyd Corson, RA 3-2537 Dick Young, Open Evenings gud All Day Saturday WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE « '88 Renault, one owner ROOM and board for gentleman, wash ear, low mileage, tneluding windshield (lng done. 4 home away from homes, washers, sta Lg A transmission Cal | antral, ahatalner. Telephone MO 84700 MO 8-3040 8 pm, WANTED = House or duplex to rent, RA B°3682 RA 37183 ofpm FOR RENT = Two furnished house | adh aption ta purchase, in Whithy MO | keeping roams In basement, grivaie sn central, share bath. Telephones | RODFING, siding, 468, |wulation, painting Winter prices nil Han ate aehine, ral MO b) iH ENT wo Vs room om house, al yA tng, parking space, good location, me Aly, + adiate Rp ation. "Pele: 0 hr § p00 outlets, washer, dryer, lockers, papkin 9 Wa one headroom Free | Rentals $85 ta 3180 monthly, Alsa » pray yo dor 4 Rent building, close to ern three and four bedroom LT YR J © Beaakith, ol, § pi FoR RENT a © Ed hu FOR WENT -- Toe Heir hi room, sult ane or two, meals options Apatiment in apartment building, stove, bly logated. Phone MO 8.5 rl washing facilites, BATK(NG: ENT -- Now Mp 4 Hive Fifth) ve red, Telephone MO 8-300i, Fe Harner -~ bu nmlen, hob walt waa THREE room apariment, oenirally lo hone 0 thted, Private entrance, T oN } BALE ~ Li Brock Hireet South, W hic fet Tile: excellent Sond i inden BE, Whithy, neludes 8 heavy hs, four Food ving J nl, | duty astinghouse Fresser and the mom LE Bachelor apariment finest of fonds proourable, by Hehnied ali arking and Laundry faoll: (01% Think of if, fair. weather or foul, ities Mreat West a y Rex-Nash Tailors [than you are now paying. The sest of Mare | Bt, John W's od shopping centre In your kitchen i) uy briar you without charge, [living being such as if Is, | ix only an.ple [tor Contact J, A, Daly, MO B-4774 [ORENNMAKING ~ Bults, oats ah New "Hare wo hod: {dresnen, alterations and sip covers. A vA, sohaols, $110 month MO B54, Laundry Hpeed "Queen ad. ty ho free WARN: | Giunets, sink and oupboards In kitchen, |oantral Tooation, Telephone MO #4411 FOR RENT = Maroh 1, two hedecom ae 307 who hithy ur three months supply of food guay ir of ---- with each madedn: [fair ta yourself and family, vo, Whit at The Mer call BOONOMART, MO dai thy, Ontario. 18 FEIT) poi med unhare (HOR, Our fond eansuliants 4 i ie roma haat, [PXPIMR our way to hetler ving, '" Ph) Private entrance. Suit {Our many walialieg custamers verify our | Aatament There are many subitity N Bt ors am aha onli welcome, | TORN vot san he SURE it's West inghovse. RENT ova new AlN Toem unkalow, with garage, \n Whithy, $100 SECRETARY math residential eh near high TO THE ADVERTISING AND elephane MO BAL FOR RENT = Rright roam in private PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER This POSITION requires a per home, Privileges, single or twin beds, bus stop at door, Telephones MO 88108 on with previous secretarial or stenographic experience FOR RENT -- Six room hrigh hungs 4] ERA living roam and dining roam, familiar with digtaphone equipment, able to answer ms A100 monthly, Trmmed: ue A correspondence, arrange ap Ee hesit & Woo pointments, ete. Mode | anks cleaned the sanitary a installed, Walter Ward, , phane MO LR fl FOR SALE == Used boats fice with cafeteria. Trans motors, boet trallenn and portation available. Benefits noes, include paid medical and FoR RENT «== Box, boat and hospital plans. Paid vacation gobin trallers, chain sows, this Summer, Apply person skill sows, sanders, ete office WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas EMO 8-02 Rennie Ly HA will gladly DUNLOP (CANADA) LTD 26 | MO 8-3361 FOR KENT = Whithy apartments and houses, modern one and two bedroom sultes, electrically equipped, drapes, TV id te Roa parking. | 990 to 8115 monthly, A, J. Behats, Heal Jantect AE guaranteed, Mra, Toms, MO | - RENT = Modern twa bedroom heated apartment. private hath, clothes available gh 1. Telephone MO, 84487 ar apply PER Week Adaqres 4 family of | antoen Detter planned meals al far ws that you No Dawn Payment Na Obliga: | and A5--Resl Estate For Sole (45---Real Estate For Sole _[A5--ARsel | toate For FRIGATE ---- thoes mien Init: BONER (6( price. Vokes Bog IAW wet WEST he sid (5 settle setaia gain with sar powt, Thee 1 FRE, Wh FARRAR, [BRAY LaUa FRIAS Bl Ratoutie, RA id A Fm avnnd 1/4, Dd IBNA § per cont, (Teme pow-- law findaion, 176 famiags. Risowvn Set Ihvicton. BOL scatpt sav #6 AOWR PRY) Lamant. (HR, $4145 EAERIFEE, HAH Sow, Eada, RpInas at WIG MORRIE . Kiawh, home. Taiephone fit ' [a A [4 £597 TWH BHA soviet lots WW x 1, Vrnuhil perviirs, Bow NAerY terme Fela ame BA AVE, Berth end don FELL price for tine Ha room, bw HrrRy Rome, oR erie Wt. Grwher awa ON Bonk, Wwianes se tent $45 # month. For fell persieviers BA eo or BA GI. Ak fay Kings Corwen WW Wilsow Bawitow 144, Okpwe Shop Gilg ania R. VICKERY Realtor and Insurance 46 KING ST. WEST RA B-46228 HEY Bek 19 settle Brick Houses, 7 storeys, WRC Ca £4 vy 560 excellent conditon, bedrooms, oll heeft, herd floors, gorge low Chureh S., Oshowe re only ther Speciol for $6,500 on Currie Ave om Ins Brick ol furnace, heavy "duty wir 97 66 £ $92.00, See 10 be HE, wir I1Grks See by. 24:84 foxes fires with "me bGr IGHIGT 6X11G% cosy Brick Bun forced oir heat, vene shoo In ir $60.00 per eres work r Alter Six Phone RA B-AB7Y RA 5:6342 Smith Vie kery (FEM FRIDAY MIGHTS DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR GLADSTONE AVE AA B-465] 4 iburben living with ell the § neerled, Ideal location town 3 bedroom, brick newly decorated, socri ticing for $12,000 with $2,500 down with . low monthly payments Call Pat Patterson for mere information extra Close to A Joy to ses, a plecsure to live in, Immaculate 3 bed room brick bungelow, desl for retired or young couple Full*price $11,500, Regson able down payment required and terms to be arranged Must be seen, give Pat Pat tersen a call Sally Wallace Mary Clarke Ossie Martin Doug Gower RA B-4651 LINDSAY AREA 770 workable, acres, nearly all level, produc. | tive clay loam, seeded to permanent pasture, well | fenced, large paved road ! frontage One house, 3 barns, stream, A once- in-a-lifetime oppertunity | to get into large scale | farming at reasonable | cost, Only $45,000 with terms Call Walter Frank McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS MA 3.3393 BOWMANVILLE IOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE §, | RA 5.6544 QLIZZARD SPECIALS You'll enjoy the winter If your name is en the mail box of one of these comfortab le hemes COLLEGE HILL S-room bungalew with gar Hardwood and tile oll heat, storms and many - other extras, ) sell at $8 {00 with REALTOR age tloars SCIeans Priced te easy terms WHY PAY RENT? 6 rooms, close to Ritson South, Just steps ta shops -sghoal and transport; good size lot, Try $500 down at $75 monthly WILSON RD, SOUTH It's @ buy at only $900 down ond $75 monthly, with 3 good size bedrooms, large modern kitchen, hardwood and tile floors, oil heat, All this and much mere for only $11,000 WINDSOR AVE, S-room brick bungalow with finished rec. room, hardwood and tile floors, storms and streens, paved drive, A ter rific in this wanted area, only $12,500 with easy terms 1 | value SHAWA BLVD Builder's tradesin, must sell I-bedrodm brick home with garage on good size lot, sep arate dining area. Livability plu value leader. Only $! cash or terms, make an a 2.900 otter CALL NOW FOR TOP VALUE ASK FOR BILL SWARBRICK | RA RA 5.8342 | 96544 Seren TTI: or ving "Sew Is pia Reine rnd dP Lad LT fa wih | rod rah ho As H Rowe Seeest, oH ov pegrmenta medians. Wi Pde » W ImAaeete oon oF Aown. Better ged cava, Vis dow evn, / we drive wt sornis Kay terme RA $9167 yA a Vora arn Aetovie, Wilh Pi flome an Re SA " yf BOE snd Rentay. Bassons sondivion. #15 ao fw Wei. EWott, 9 W, Wikeon 1A. haw sak sitar i] #158 Rawitnn, Orhann mops ed (antes ERE BF Rel Ale, Fen (IWEEE adeno RE iow, BEA AGRE AAG, BE 3 alii {8 por cont, TH toad lroiess, To. Wow | setont FRAO oer hirinion, WIR Beast ERE Be AHH po tat drat tll ddr dastasned River $580. loge CERIN Ene sehen, tnity i, IWIARE cron pa, Fado, BEHANG. ¢ fost 3 H on BB fapiii het dines, WE Ls veil Bon (mig WA, Tosgnone KA 908 ery, BA SHIN LIVE ret louei A lasvific ov toh | We FINTIAC, iow ease, "Tay Aor, | 8 fo fo wih thie Aopies Wary " oer Fetoghone B "A son , ' wepirne oer # i anand ae pag 4s fad rg ada Wo "on WETEOR Widens #9, aie, gro Motors, opgosis [1 Pais Contes i Vin dd Ratan Rawitor: 154 METEOR, good condicion, $900; jhe i ERevrsiel, reuonittioned RO ¥ ot body and teen, VE We Dovedale ive Whithy. MO 85110 Wid CHEYROLET station whisk, id or hast ofler for Rew Li HECRARI ERY Feiepnone iad w EREYAOIES » #4 Pedy, (4398 enon oh, i MASTATE. Aut eyine Save wp ol WW per gent. Bix months 16 ". For or #, o yp He ir or, LLOYD REAL LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $1,500 \DOWN $1,500 3. advo brick bungalow, only 3 years id, Mo. | me terigh oi though ils home, kitchen 14 x 14 with double sinks, Colored Ape. bath room, Close 1a separéte ond public schools Immediate possession, Phone Bill Miller of RA B-5123 id in, A 14 ape Be | | : ! | ~WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, E Your AUST'N Dealer RA 50331 We hove 6 god assariment of Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade wp or down Liens Paid Off WILBAK MOTORS |¢ 137 KING ST. W RA 5-0732 tre 49--Awtomobils Repairs ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP Complete collision service Kadiator repoirs ond rae coring. Wheghuw alignment, Frome ond w straighten: Ing STEVENSO BA 8-445] { ! i 7; | AROTTAH dry Sole 47 --Automobies For Sele (48 Automobiles Wanted (S0--Anicles For Sole | ORE of (tition ld isin I "WME ~~ Chevierfiaids, Es whe, White they 'et! dewnery lov seis, In #00d | KA BHI0S for move informe: bg Ja Avnaianie sedwend fav Giek Senyahees Ravond Havna Firmakings, Vi5 Smens Sth PRAER Gverh Aemutertin. Te BA B11, (ran, alesse ho i te dary ps TH ror fiihered 4 . an | jes andl serviea, Pras | ted j THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Febrery 6, 1961 13 60 Atfend Social Event ENNISKILAEN ~~ A large party uk | aaerin Ag wel Lod fhe Nett Choir menihers About. #6 a whieh included 29 of the feet Tb Pro Prine Yornel Frome Bh WA 81151 fi. Fie ts 4 ged Hgts vets AHA gL EH = Rev doi he Wen Vertast rid Mer BW7 fan move sig oi Be Hi fir with the pew Flagtsa:| So A fl wi SATE preci. rg pew and weed, Ee Soin, Why LAER Is thie pom? Orarwelahi, Wed ited, fe we f LE ROW Yi Psd was And iene Lo i Is for you 1s hanes, With Aieting fiat y fone wp as, 16 make you VEREE younger Bis Personal service i yor Rome soll BA 51M CERIO Tin fhe dash) (rnnoieion rd endian fram yoo ar of Co we Siares, WH 1905 GLIA a.) Joe door havi. liam, rade, Wy ying DOWN - $500 DOWN |Z3iks ant "vo Buys this redecorated bune [108 CHEVROLET Rel Ar tows. door! golow. Large landscaped lof, RFE, we Low tones of $115,00 6 year For mere information call Henry Sovkermen et RA 8-5123 FULL $10,900 PRICE Smart loeking bungelow with fireplace ang recreation room Close 16 buses and school East end location. Fer more information call Henry Spykerman ot RA B.5123 LESLIE ST SPOTLESS BUNGALOW One thousand dollars down bys this home with one 14 year Open morigeage af low payments of $70.00 month ly Opportunity knogks but once, Phone the listing man Bill Millar, at RA B-5123 0 SECOND MORTGAGE |}! Just $1,500 down buys this broom solid brick home, in extra good condific on lorge 149' deep lot, An ex cellent family home, carries for only $75.00 a menth, on one mortgege one Bill Homer at RA 85123 Lloyd Reglty Ltd, Realtors RA B:5123, RA B-5124 RA B:5125 101 Simcoe St, N BREW, GRE wher, low milesge, private whic, BA S101 "PE 0 sedan, Mx cylinder, nel BENE green, holy condition stamuiely beyond critiel em, | GOERET apeech RASERY, Fale, VRE sept spear, Rx Wood while 14, #hagt Fd 5. King West Ho LR ying Cantis Th METEOR, good condition, 935; 0) Chevemiel ditiorad motor, ed body snd tees, BUS. 08 Diovedeie HL win MO 88 pohGE exeationt mechowissl sha, of Ie vw (irme; pends little body wrk iiss WH ad TO got exten profits fiom your Ale Serviee business, diel BA $4402 pow Md let an experiehesd Ad Witter slant your Classified Ad Bringing 8 Rew cus lamers 10h FORD custom sedan galls, eadin, $256 or hast offey {have, WH 29605 or WH 2488) iW OILISMOBILE, in excellent cond) tan, Fiean_ euirhe, must he seen to he 7 ated private, 1068 King West # ror Al mechan cal 5 PONTIAD, new Hires, good motor, $180 or hast offer. Telephone BA 57568 | 80 ANGLIA whits red and grey hit 16006 mile Wher reports 45 mile Per gallon @ paranteed 1666 Wing West Matera, appasie Shaping Cents, | NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW | Sales and service, Showroom open until 9 p.m, at 408 KING ST, WEST n 4b6--Real Estate Wanted WOUSES, (arms and ints wanted for | clients, For fast results eall W, Me Adley Realtor, 12 Prines Breet "a | 42812 or MO 88766 WILL pay cash, five room bungalow. with all sonvenlensces, garage, Prevey ably narth Oshawa No real esiple| please, Telophone OL B-4775 4 47 Automobiles For Sale | Hilllop Motors RA 8-689] THIS WEEKS SPECIALS OLDS, SUPER BB, 2-deor, Hardtop, loaded FORD FAIRLAINE ' OLDS. DYNAMIC B8, 2-door Hardtop, equipped 'er BUICK, 4-door INVINCTA, Hardtop ' BUICK 2-door Hardtop radio, Automatic STUDEBAKER CHAMPION, 4«door , 1957 CHEVROL ET BEL spotless VOLKSWAGEN, radie HILLMAN SEDAN, top eondifion METEOR NIAGARA, 4-door OLDSMOBILE, 4-door, radio, P.B BUICK, 4-door Hardtop, rade, * ABYA WOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 3134 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAndolph 3-346) Tel 196) Down Down $500 $100 tas 1960 1959 $100 $100 $100 Pown 1959 Down 1958 Down 5 1958 Down AIR, 4-door Down Down Down Down Down 1957 1957 1957 1956 1956 Down Down Down DODGE REGENT, 4.door PONTIAC, 2-doer Hardtop, radio PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2-deor radio | METEOR RIDEAU, 2 door Hardtop BUICK SPECIAL, 4. door automatic : FORD CUSTOM, 4. door, loaded PLYMOUTH Station Wagon ; PONTIAC, one owner 10 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 4-door § 25 WILLYS JEEP, snow plow $100 1956 1956 1956 1956 1958 1958 1954 1950 1954 1956 Hilltop Mators "WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS" ALL MAKES ---- NEW OR USED RA 8-6891 Down Down 25 25 25 Down Down Down Down Down Down al od Sa -* a RPL SLPS > tone, tal --avipped Jt | i wih mechiemient | |50-~~Articles For Sols WE phy wand Sore 9 WEReRt Prices In The iy urmitiore Preity's Used Furmiture BA 39071, 444 Bimeoe £ORE, ANE BYST, rete wlephone RA 60851 8 4 ng combination seal and ge. (or snle IN ad condition Telephone RA S4029 for fur RE Alarm aten FURNITURE and spiliances for anle, hint nd seid. Bek wll the rem LADY'S fo ithe pew (orm ation WOW tires. {new Ferry (00m "lentes (TW TN Teiophone YU 47718, i | km Tney the heat for less, Hampton, €O 424 USED parts and vepiirs for sil makes of wringer type washers, Ys hp motors 0 0 W, gusraniecd reconditioned washers and Waves Feady's Market, Hampton, €0 3434 WAREHOUSE clesrance of odds and "Rds, some slERtly marked, Coste for: ard] Tremendous savings, Space over Asvenpert, reg, 899, spesinl $36) mnriie top desks, reg. $50 suie $16 03 pling fied ATES SEH slightly sotled, | wlues lo $90.95, clear oul $16; arhoriie poi poh iulies M8; unpainted desks $14; inpkinted chests, 817; unprinted bool! canes 85.00, discontinued patterns of flowy ends of Wroadioam, seatier mats, #100; hres place bedroom sulle $95; hres piece Berta foam sections] sulle $346, store sample $019, Wilson Fy tre, 40 Chureh Brest, CLEARANCE hark cloth Arapery me tertal, A width, regular $4.95 yard, clearing ot 81 8 yard, Royal House Furnishing, 19 Celta Breet BF. GOODRICH Blores ~~ fires, hat | bertes, Kelvinator refrigerators, (ale {vison Thirty Budget Plan, KA 54648 GOKARY, MeCullosh motor, #78, Tele Phone BA 34813 for further particulars, {WINE and elder barrels, solid onk, ref inl | ail sizes. Oshawa [latin are and F188: | seme {trie 8 _Chiteh HA § | Gowe, ammunition ri hunting "pe plies, new and used, terms 10 per seht |dewn, Dominion Tire Sore, "Bond Blrest Wel, KA H-6611 |GFFIOE, sare and rer aan quip ment, We hy and sell, new Esry (arms. Anything " nde LU Hamiiion, Ashiniin, Bronk POR the best buy In rugs CArpels, ry NuWay, RA B-4601 WT RELEVIKON," Phils, floor adel, with doors, In sxeeliapt condition Tel phone BA 64081 for further partiowiars, YACOUM cleaner repairs, all. m parte, altachments, brushed gu ' toed rebuilt machines, Foti Hay free, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vies, KA 80601 anytime FLECTROWOMNE = RCA "Vidtor, Ad: mish: The finest in TV, HIA and ser: vies, highest tradedn sllowanes at Parkway 'Talevision, 918 Simoes Street North, Color TV an display, VicToR 177 eansole completely overhauled, wil {ture tube, $86. Terms, King Blrest West ABOLISH dry alr With (he haw Flee: teahome Humidifier, from $40.08 Meagher's, § King Wrest Ww BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S tA 34663 SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at. the best riges, fully guaranteed double hung windows enly $18. Call new, . Lymer Aluminum Co, RA television, new pe engher's, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5.5332 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, Invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, alse rollsaway beds, Phone Ald Rentals RA 8.1644 20th Century FOOD PLAN ESTABLISHED 1953 Qur years of experience In the food and freexer business assures you of the highest qualtty brand foed products, and leading name Canadian made freezers of your choles, Complete line of meats, vegetables, fruits, and gro. cory (tems supplied, AB and up 48---Automobiles Wanted dearest \ art fo = TH LH CAR AUCTION Every Saturday, 10 am, Buy or sell here, Good se lection including 1941 Chevrolet and Corvairs Oshawa Cat Auction 25 Grenfell StS RA 8.5170 -- - SALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down Liens paid off NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST, N, WHITRY MO 8.8001 CARERIONE Aile Wheoke fe to or Nreeking Highest pri han oar, OM or Fo ne others a SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up down, Liens pald off DODD MQTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.941 a HOUSTON' S GARAGH | AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM {« PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. "MOTOR TUNE-UP AND | GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING $V RA 3.7822 oF | | | BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 807 KING 57 OSHAWA Oust § Wilson Read) RA 3.4 Res. 5:3574 W, i terms available Freezers $279 CALL RA 8:1128 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ~ All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down For free estimates call w- Aluma Seal Co. _RA 5.9348 ANYTIME PLAN IFOOD & FREEZER You may have tried the rest, Now try the best, Eat better for less 80% groceries sips plied, al' wellknown pros ducts, highegt auality meats, Lite-time wiyrranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Mousekeeping Ne down payment, Call now for Pemonstration ne obliga tion, 5.3709 coverings clear mit 36¢ per foot; | RARE, hiss Forng, KIineel Rew, shh be ody #75 Comorne Strest W whl arhaon, [AWN es soar Prom free astimptes iad Cleve Fox, 413 Simese Worth, {UREN tires, mont ail sites, $1 sod BK. F, Goodrich Sores, BA 54543 servies,| oniie.| | CURITY dippers, Wrest quality, reguter With Wis choice of subject "A $4.05, special O0¢ per Aoren with pv chase of orth or earrings, Large fal) panel erihe, Roxsione oF natoral. frie 0, Clearances of last Waly enrriages from P $808; stecliars 55.085 Mah chiles 108 | Wison's Farnum Church Blrest | | iw | ill tying for top _| the breaking draw Mr, how] Low scorers Ormiston' i f oon ton, Master (odes lov & new WETE WF lomoreow wt 34 King Street E01: | ments were served, Everyone is est | Community Hall "ve, | hese our new minister, Mr, W, vesr's and Charles were recent vish ARYPEne (ors aon young fry. The 'EVENING WAS enchre and Lost Helr with our chotr lender and Zr esiden, Mrs (IE, Wright, and Mr. 0. C, Ash {ton in charge, Those winning Highest scores in suchre were and Mrs, Stuart % 'Dome were visitors at J Drew's, ur. £. W, Carole, were Mr. and spent In progressive games of | Pi Mrs, Mrs, Keith MeGili and Messrs, | Cook, Oshaw, {54 Thompson snd Ag Jom. was lucky ere Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs A. Werry whe played (he role of a gentleman In the ames, In Lost Halr Miss Mbrie kell, Master Charles Ashion were high and Miss Gall Stain Douglas Ashton low seorers, {invited 10 8 second party in the snd on Friday, |Feb, 10, st §- p.m A large congregation was In {attendance Sunday morning 16 Crawford, deliver 5 sermon Family Matter," Mr, and Mrs, 0, C. Ashion| with Mr. and Mrs, G| Beech, and Mrs, ¥. C. Ashton, | SEATING Vorrifyrel Well way W fe | Maple Grove, 1 irigerators. B, WRIRETE, (AROS oven, sie. For lop sash offer eon tort i] Prinee Street. Prone BA $115 PAINT, interior, wxterior, $3.95 walion All colors, Guaranteed, fiat, gloss Ostiaws Hardware nd Fieetnie, Chvireh Street, BA 37 FEM oll burner, et with contre, wiring and 206 gallon tank, $75; one G00 gelion tank | 87478 TYPEWRITER, Femingion porianie, | #40; rae dink machine, LAL] cash register wdds and ah} Mationnl with tape, $90, 136 Simeon Sirens font' | Harry and John Raker wees | | | will not be responsible for | |don Yeo's Miss Darlene Selick, Bow manville, is~with Mr, pnd Mrs G, Yeo, Her m % In Bow: RA & 52--Legel any debts contracted 'in my name by my wife, GLENDA MARLENE MILNE, from this date forward without my written consent BARRY MARTIN MILNE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others havin claims against the estate © ROBERT ARTHUR FUDGER, late of the Township of East Whitby, are required to send full particulars of sueh elaims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, on or be fore the 1st day of March, 1961, after which dete the Estate's assets will be dis tributed having regard only fo claims that have been re- eelved, ERNEST MARKS, Solieitor, 17 King $t. East, Oshawa, Ontario, Qc, Six Killed In Alpine Avalanches PARIS (Reuters) Alpine avalanches during the weekend killed at least six persons, in cluding four known dead In a village of 160 inhabitants wh was evacuated today In the face of new avalanche dangers, Eighteen houses In the ham. let of Roochemolles were smashed In an avalanche which roared down on the village close to the French » Itallan border Saturday night, Rescuers Sunday pulled out the bodies of two men, one 71, the other 74, from the snow mass, Earlier the bodies of a Bl.year-old woman and her son, 27 had heen recovered KESWICK (AP) = An aval anche hurtled down on a party of 10 mountain climbers Sun: day and buried several of them under a sliding wall of rocks and snow near this English hamlet, Food Plan Might Not Work Here TORONTO (CP)=How well & United States plan to distribute surplus food to persons on wel fare might work here brought widely different nlons from olitiolaps and lator leaders unday night, Ontario Welfare Minister Ces elle, CCF Leader MacDonald and Toronto controllers Phillips Givens and Willlam Dennison agreed the plan was worth studying, Paul Hellyer, Liberal mem. ber of Parliament for Trinity, said the current system of cash relief made more sense President Kennedy has an nounced that food stamps will be issued to welfare cases in six States of the US. including Detroit, The stamps eonld be re deemed at designated men chants for surplus stocks, Willlam Jenaves, president of the Toronto District Labor Couns oil and David Archer, president of the Ontario Federation of La. hor were in favor of the system being tried in Canada, { Mr. MacDonald said it, was {worth exploring--many persons] paid so much for shelter they Feb. 8, from 2.30 p.m had little left for food # burn, Telepnoms Ba Mrs, Allan Martin and family, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dorland were Sunday ten guests of Miss Fisie Oke, and brother Albert r. and Mrs, Melville Brad. Saskatoon, Mr. Rupert Byers, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Brunt, and family, Mr, and Bowmanville, were recent visi: tors at Mr, and Mrs, A, Brunt's Miss Jean Baker, Messrs Sunday visitors st 0, C, Ash ton's Mr, and Mrs. D, Yeo and Lorna, Oshaws, were with Gor manville Hospital for an opern- ation on her fool, 'Mrs, Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, Mrs, ¥, Toms, Mr. and Mrs, E. Trewin and family were Sun fay ten guests of Mr, and Mrs, «Graham, Purple Hill, On her return | guests at Mrs, J forty MS. (3 Miss Nancy Wood, Gates 8 few days Mills, Oho, with Mr. and L2 on Pethick, will be attending The id Stone Mather College, of Western He serve University, Cleveland, Mr, and Mrs, A, 1. Wear and, Susan were with Mr, snd Mrs, Norman Wearn, Nobleton, On Thursda: , Mr. and Mrs, Grant Werry were ten ots of her patents Mr. and rs, Herbert Bow. manville, iy . and Mrs. Clark W, , Toronto were (en , and Mrs, Grant evening Mr, and , Ormiston wers visi: tors of Mr. and Mrs, Hoskin { Smith, Hampton, Pleased to report John Griffin has returned e from Osh ju. hy tal, hear Mr, Elliott whe ar yA living In halt the house of Mrs. C, Boyd, has taken to Oshawa hospital, Meg, Robt, Burgess, Mr, Wes Taylor, Tyrone were callers at Mr. and Mrs, Howard Stevens, Stevens is In iM wish her back to Tefresh.| Ohio, Werry's, Saturda health, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Gim- bleft, Oshawa, Mr, Keith McGill, and Sunday ten b Fons st Mr. and Mrs, R, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Nobes, Havelock, Mr. snd Mrs, A, Flintoff, Oshawa, and Mrs, P, Ellis, Fred Carter, Burketon, spent Sunde with § Yelth Meat, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Ferguson were with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hendershot, Oshawa, Brooklin BROOKLIN «= Activities of the Brooklin Women's Institutes were resumed at the January meeting held in the basement of J ewhunip Hall on Wednesday afternoon, In the absence of the premdent, Mrs, C, DeJonge pre. sided for business and opened|7 meeting with the WI Ode and Collect In unison, TT [READ MINUTES The minutes, financial state. ment and correspondence were read by secretary - treasurer, Mrs, Arthur Elliott, Brief report was presented on the luncheon served to 4H Girls Club on Achievement pay at Brooklin, In connection with the Triennial Conference of ACWW to be held collections of articles to be dis: tributed from Ontario to other delegates, a special contribution y[from all members in Ontario will be carried by the delegates and presented to Associated County women of the world for the 'Pennies for | Friendship Fund" Motion was made {o hold spe: clal collections of pennies at February meeting fog this fund, to be forwarded to Toronto of fices, In compliane wis re: request from Mrs, 1, C Lym: nr bunner, provincial prodent for assistance to National Founda: tion Fund, decision was reach. ed to forward donation. We were informed that pollections for Adelaide Hoodlexs Home: stead Fund to provid museum | had passed $3500 mark, a wplen:| did response, Correspondence received from Mrs, Ceell Run: nals, Barrie Island, qhairman of safety committee, urged all members to continue to stress safety in the home at all times and also on the Highways, Ten tative plans were made tp serve refreshments at opahing of new Public Library Building on Wed: nesday evening, Feb, 8 Mrs, Albert Cooper and Mrs, Irwin Shaw kindly consented to ate tend the Leaders Training School at Uxbridge as leader and assistant leader respective. ly, to receive instructions on| Spring project, An interesting program was provided by Mrs, Wm, Nesbitt, convener of Home Weonomies and Health, who presented an interesting and educational out line of the District of South Ontario Workshop 'Eat to Live to enjoy good health, it is ne: cessary to eat good nourishing foods, school lunches, what to grow, fun with food, pre-natal and children's clinies were briefly alluded to by the speaks or, "True of False" question: aire which followed talk tested our knowledge and skill on these {subjects, Vote of thanks was ex: pressed hy Mrs, C, Delonge on behalf of the Institute | OPEN HOUSK AT NEW LIRRARY Open House will be held atl (the new Public Library Build. ing, Vipond road, on Thursday, | § pm, | in the afternoon and ™ p.m, | in 1062 in Australia it has been to decided that instead of shipping an WI Holds Meeting of books hich was Ssctmin. ued on Dee will be resumed on n Priday 7 Feb, 10, at the usual on fat dai re, Com. mencin, § from t hours brary wi gueh Today 0s Ae ni « § pm, and and A «9 pm, Hatuiays on am, to 12 noon onl vr note the brary will not be open In futuré on Saturday af ternoons or evenings, EXECUTIVE MEETING An executive, meetin, ficers and directors of Brooklin Horticultural Society will be held on Monday evening, Feb, 0, ath pm, in the Ladies Par. lor at Christian Education Hall lan programs, flower shows activities for 1001, ACCIDENT Mrs, Will Draper, a foriner and Joye resident of Brook lin, had the misfortune to fall and break her ankle, while visit ing friends In Exeter, She Is now convalescing at the home of Mrs, David Livingstone, 208 Byron street, Whithy, Cards ahd calls welcomed during shut. In hours, Speedy recovery Is wished from Brooklin friends, Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Graham were Sunday guests at home of Mr, and Mrs, John Ford and family at Oshawa, PONTYPOOL Mrs, Sam Manetta is efjoy- [ing a holiday In New York 'with her daughter Betty and Sister Eva, Thomas White is in Toronto at the home of his daughter Yetta, under doctor's care, John Payne is in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, He had his operation last week, The sympathy of the com: munity goes out to Mrs, La: verne" Chapman on the death of her mother, Mrs, Hooper, Neatleton, The Junior Bogs Hockey tem seems to be going places, They played Orono boys at Orono and tied with them, Janetville at for of |Janetville and beat them, and Omembe at Omemee on Satur Say afternoon and beat them. Score 7 to 3 Clifford Fallis, Clifford Curtis, Curtis McKay and Mrs, Rich Jardson attended the joint meet. ing of the Manvers Charge of the United Church at Janetville on Friday mght, Mr, and Mrs, Clitford Falls and family have moved into (their new home on the Drum road, Robert Halleran celebrated his #0th birthday on Saturday, Mr. Halleran is hale and hearty and can step down the street [a8 smartly as a man 20 years younger Mrs, George White, who cele: brated her 83rd birthday on Sun day helps with the housework ey day, Mr, and Mrs, Curtls McKay [visited friends in Peterborough Mr, Cecile said such a method |in the evening for the benefit of jon Sunday, would involve a federal govern:|the ment decisjon and the govern:|to attend the opening ceremon. Were dinner guests of Mr. ment had digcussed and was les to be held on Wednesday Mrs, H. Richardson oa discussing it, # public, whe are unable! Miller g r. and Mrs, Orme Sufiday: (evening, Feb, §.The circulation evening.