The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1961, p. 6

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Fhe Oshawa Times Published by Canadion Mewspapers Limited, 86 King 5, E., Oshawa, Ont, Poge 6 Saturday, February 4, 196) Investment Opportunity And Canadian Caution There has been a lot of talk these last few years, and particularly dur- ing the past few months, about the threst 10 our economic Independence posed by the grest and growing U8, Investment in Canadas, There are de- mands that Canadians be given more of a chance to participate fn the ven. tures in Canadas of outsiders, that Canadians be given more representa. tions on boards of directors, and so on ~~ and the federsl government has made some moves to promote such participation, It sll sounds * ery patriotic and sin. cere, But Canadians seem to be ex- traordinarily reluctant to risk money in such investments when the chance Is given them, either because they prefer safety to venture or because they do not have the money to invest, George Romney, president of Ame erican Motors, told a Toronto aud- lence a few days ago that his com. pany had been unable to encourage Canadian Investment In American Motors' new $3.56 million plant. In Brampton, He said equity participa- tion had been offered to Canadian investors and his company had eon- sulted Canadian banks and other fin. sncial Institutions, but sll of them had said this was not the time for solicitation of Canadian money, The company's annual production fs ex pected to exceed $15 million, and the new plant Is & substantisl sddition to Ontario's economy, but in spite of sll the hullabsloo about Canadian participation, Canadian money backed AWAY, Before we go any further with the economic nationalism bit, we should make a determined effort to find out why an offer like that of Ame erican Motors was turned down, The answer Is Important, If Canadian in- vestment ean't support Canadian industrial growth, then we must welcome foreign Investment or watch our growth halt and wither, But if Canadian Investment is difficult be- cause of the amuont of money being taken by taxes, then we must re. cognize that taxation In Canada has reached the point where it Is seriously affecting the economic health of the nation, The choice in this case may well be between the growth that makes jobs and the squeeze on pro- duction to provide more hand-outs, which Is a self-defeating process. Religious Instruction By the REV, G, TELFORD, MA, DD Bt, Andrew's United Chureh, Oshawa The whole of life, its character, its mission, its effectiveness Is decided by standards, Industrial life would be chaos without standards by means of which we test size, bulk, quality and purity, Conselously and unconsciously in business, social and private life we use some means of testing and measurement, Character is the response to accepted standards of behaviour, The endless variations in outlook and attitude from race to race and Individual to individual come from Inherited or adopted standards of judgment, In a very real sense Christ came amongst men to offer standards of live ing that would make all the difference between happiness and grief, success and failure, heaven and hell, It is a man's grasp of the Christian ideal that makes him a man and helr of heaven, The Christian Church is trying to serve men by making Christ's values plain, That Is a great part, the chief "part Indeed, of the Christian Church's Job, and who will deny the compelling need for bringing these standards urs gently to the notice of men today? That Is why the Church seeks to enter the schools, not to Implant denomina- tionalism or to berate opponets, or to advocate any specialized doctrines, but to set before the minds of youth a means of judging life and conduct, It is the Church's hope that by set. ting before their eves a pleture of Him who spake as never man spake, they may grasp something of the grandeur and beauty of His nature, In view of this it Is surprising and disappointing that voices have heen ralsed denouncing Christian instruc. tion in the schools, All other consle derations pale beside the need for standards of honor and beauty and purity to be set before the eyes of youth, It has been suggested that clear outlines of all the great world relis glons be presented in our schools, so that the student may make a free and unbiased cholce for himself, This may be advantageous at a later stage when the student is equipped to weigh and balance intelligently but thet Church is deeply convinced that the primary need now Is to pre. sent One whom the Christian world regards as peerless and best, Time Is too short to wander lel. surely In the fields of philosophy and comparative religion, The generation needs now, and more urgently as the days pass, an arresting vision of One who can and does meet every need in progress towards human maturity, 'School Bus Regulations In view of recent accidents it is satisfactory to note that Hon, H, L. Rowntree, Ontario minister of trans. port, has announced additional regu- lations governing the operation of gchools buses, New regulations will apply to All vehicles operated by, or under contract to school boards, and vehicles used solely for the purposes hye Oshawa Times 10 & WILION, Publisher and General Manege © GWYN KINSEY, Rditer The Oshawa Times sembininy | established 1871) and the Whithy Gazette and heonicls (established 1863), I published dally wiindays and statutory holidays excepted), tC d og N pers Publisher Association, The Canadian Pres, Audit Bureau of Cireulation ang the Ontaria Pravingial Dailies Asses slation, The Canadian Prem igi entitled 10 the wae for republication of all ews despatehed in the paper credited ta 1 or ta The Associated Press or Reuters, and alsa the local news published therein, All Tights of special despatches are ale reserved, Offices: Thomson Building, 435 University Avenus Yoronta, Ontarie; 640 Catheart Street, Montreal, PQ, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by earrlers In Oshawa, Whithy, Ajax, Plekering, Bowmanville, Brooklin,d | on Perry, Prines Albert, Maple Grave, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, IVI peel, aunten, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, jive Leskard, Brougham Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwond, Kinsale, R The Oshawa Times lan Blackstock, Manchester, Pontypool and Newsastle, net over 4% por week, By mail fin provines of Ontaria) outside sarrien delivery areas 12.00; ehewhers 15.00 per your Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 of transporting children to and from school, The regulations require that all such vehicles are clearly marked with signs reading, "School Bus" All vehicles, when used solely for trans. portation of children, shall be painted yellow with black trim, The regulations also require all vehicles carrying ten or more children to have safety equipment at all times, They must have an interior mirror; tire chains or snow tires on rear wheels except duals; a speedometer; the body floor constructed in such a way as to prevent the entry of ex haust fumes; twe windshield wipers and a defrosting device; inside lights; an axe or clawbar and a fire extin. gulsher; dependable tires and emer. gency exits, The minister added that all ves hiclea used as school buses would re. quire a certificate of mechanical fits ness, to be filed twice a year, In respect to the requirements for the driver 6f school buses, Mr, Rowns tree said that all applicants must be 21 years of age or over and would be required to pass a apecial diving teat, A higher standard of proficiency would be required in the test, with added emphasis on knowledge of the rules of the road and sign recognition, The test would also contain references to bus and equipment maintenance, The driving test must be taken in an actual school bus, READERS' VIEWS MARCH OF THE CLADIATORS Poor Training Facilities Seen Dear Bir: Your edition of Monday, Jan, 80, 1961, carried a Canadian Press wire-photo picture on the front page of the Principal of Cornwall Collegiate and Voca- tional School, the Manager of the National Employment Ser. vice In Cornwall and the Techni. eal Director of Training courses in the sald school, and the stor- ies on pages one and two of the sald edition described the "big response for jobless classes" in the above-mentioned Cornwall School, and the "factory train. ing for unemployed in Corn. wall", The problem of adult educa. tion and unemployed re-educa« tion both In basic and techni cal skills Is assuming a perma« nent place in the minds of all thinking people throughout the country, Your paper recently carried en item respecting the trip of George Roberts, Principal of 0OCVI, to Ottawa to confer with Department of Labor officials and outstanding industrialists with a vew to setting-up a na- tionwide study of the problem and subsequently you earried a long follow-up article on the matter, Your edition of Jan, 81, 1061, carried a Canadian Press de. spateh from Ottawa quoting Im. migration Minister Fairclough as stating that there Is little room for the unskilled or half. skilled worker in the world of tomorrow, As one extremely Interested in this problem I would like to 'compliment your paper on the excellent coverage it Is giving to these vital matters and I hope that the interest of local Industry, labor leaders and re- presentatives of the unemployed will be more greatly aroused INSIDE YOU than up to now appears to he the case, Your edition of Jan, #1, 1961, contains a news story respects ing endorsation by the Oshawa City Council of an 11-point brief presented by Malcolm Brown on the subject of unemployment One of the eleven points was "training programs in new skills for the unemployed works ers', In regard to this rou quote Mayor Thomas as saying 'perhaps something might he done through the High Schools, So far as I am aware no aps roach has been made to the Board of Education or to its of ficials or to any personal group in regard to this very impor. tant matter, If, however, the request for assistance is made the Board of Education will find itself in a very embarrassing situation, The shop accommodar tion in Oshawa Is Inadequate, overcrowded and rundown, Not until the new High School and buildings are opened without re. duction ir present plans will the situation be adequate to handle the existing educational prob. lem, At the present time technical and vocational Instruction at OCVI is being given under diffis culties which effect both teachs ers and pupils, GEORGE DRYNAN Oshawa, THANKS Dear Kir: I should like to thank you for your assistance in providing such excellent publicity for the OCVI Drama Club production of "The Heiress', The pletures and articles you published eons tributed greatly to the success of the production by ereating Interest In it 0evi AILEEN HALL Prevention Best Cure For Sinus By BURTON HM, VERN, M.D, How can you relieve that bone » crushing sinus misery which comes every winter? To help your nose warm and moisten alr, Nature has hollow. ed out four bony eaves (sinuses) that open into each nostril, The lining inside the nose spreads Into each sinus to provide walls to-wall covering, Each sinus resembles a wine bottle with a narrow neck, In fection, alergy or irritation often cork this narrow neck with swollen lining, Infection soon blooms in the stopped » up sinus, The Irritation can start many ways, IRRITATION FACTORS A sudden gush of water up the nose irritates the sinuses of high divers, When you blow your nose hard, mucus blasts nto the sinuses, Overheated homes and desert climates can dry the sinus until germs grow like cactus, Eventually, germs and secre tions combine into a bone-hreak» ing pressure, This often pushes a small trickle down the back of your throat and into your bronchial tubes == a post-nasal drip, DOURLE TROUBLE That tickling cough which gags and chokes you each wins try morning often stems from sinus trouble, The doctor may have to attack your sinus ins fection to clear up chronic bron. chitis and other lung troubles, For sinus trouble, all the anti hlotics in the world aren't worth in one good medical corkscrew, If the doctor can unplug the sinus, most of the infection will pour out, He'll probably prescribe antibiotie germ-killers, also, SHRINK SWOLLEN LINING Nose drops and sprays can pull the cork hy shrinking the swollen lining, The sprays have to be aimed upwards and the drops dripped in with the head hent back to help the medecine float "down" to the top of the nose, One of the newest nose sprays includes a special plastic tip which fits snugly into the nos tril, Ry following simple direes tions, the gadget builds up enough pressure to force the spray into any blocked sinus ond then vacuum each sinus clean, WORK FROM INSIDE Today, your doctor can even prescribe nosesdrop pills which do an inside job, Soon after you gulp down a tablet, nose drops circulate throughout your sys. tem, shrinking your sinus lining, Old-fashioned prevention still beats any modern cure, Rlow your nose lightly, one nostril at a time, Keep your home moist == you may have to vaporize a gallon of water a day in each room, DISEASE PROBLEM Hardening of the arteries is the basic cause of coronary thrombosis, senility and strokes and is the biggest disease probs lem in the Western world, . GRATEFUL FAMILY Dear Bir - We would like to take this op- portunity to thank all the good and wonderful people who so kindly donated clothes to us and for the cash collection they took up for us when we lost our he- longings Sunday, Jan, 22, 1961, We have heen fortunate enough to find a small place at Bowmanville where we will make our home now We have heen temporarily with friends who were so kind to give us shelter Thank you and God Bless You Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Santo and Bowmanville Margaret BY-GONE DAYS # YEARS AGO WW. G, Worden resigned as engineer for the Board of Water Commissioners, : One of Oshawa's oid lend marks, the tower on the oid Bons of Temperance Hall, was torn down, Oshawa General Hospital was bequenthed a valuable set of in struments and a supply of drugs, according to the will of the late Dr, ¥. Warren of Whit- by. Alex Hall, George Jamieson, John Yule, William Taylor, Alex Grant and Cyril Schofield rep- 'yesented the Boys' Club, YMCA, #t the Boys Conference In Trenton, George Puckett, treasurer of Bt. George's Anglican Church, was presented with a writing desk and chair, at the annual vestry meeting, In apprecia- tion of his services, The con- struction of the new rectory was almost completed, The Florence Nightingale Lodge, 100¥, Bowmanville, celebrated the 50th anniversary of its formation, Joseph Bryant, Toronte, only living chartered member of the lodge, was pres. ent, The canteen u. the Oshaws Armories in connection with the Ontario Regiment was opened, A YMCA membership ecam- paign was launched with a pro- poned objective set for 500 mem- ers. J. I. Whattam was elected chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners as successor Lo ¥, J. Bailes who resigned, At the annual meeting of the executive of the Ladies' Golf Club which was held in Welsh's Parlors, Mrs, ¥. W, Cowan was elected president, Mrs, G, Mae- Donald, vice-president, Miss Alma Frankish, captain snd Mrs, Herbert Schell, vice-cap- tain, C, N. Henry was reelected chairman of the Board of Edu- cation By defeating George South. well's rink in the final contest for the Mutual Life Curling Tro- phy by a score of 107, L, 0, Clifforid's rink won the coveted trophy. QUEEN'S PARK support by the industry, wary 4 Wig packing hoes ned. fhe copied it just as it was, including the ading Form Letter For Margarine Cam- paign, PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM May you in nineteen sixty-one Have ample luck and lots of fun, We like a lawn covered with NOW No leaves to rake, no grass (0 mow, Of course, English - speaking people are smart, If they weren't, they couldn't learn so support for the yale members Fut i i doesn't look asin really get very or, Against 8 ently lukewarm the certain of raising the hackles or Fug ers if any serious consider, [] majority of farm wives actually use margarine, But in politics when argu ment is opposed by strong emo tion the latter almost invariably wins out, EMOTIONS IMPORTANT In fact emotion seems to play ® particularly strong part in ow political scene in Ontario, There is the liquor situation, of course, almost com ) guided hy i Recently the question of reli ious teaching In schools has heen to the fore again, and I certainly is another emotions matter, There is fluoridation, Sunday sport and Sunday movies and a wealth of other less general matters in which feeling Is apt difficult a languags as English, to outweigh reason, 135 SIMCOE ST, NORTH ® RESIDENT PARTNERS Gordon W, Rishi, €.A, RIA, Burt BR, Woters, CA, Hon, J, W. Monteith, F.E6.A, MP, Gordon W, Rishi, €.A, RIA, Robert W, Lightfoot, €.A, Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants PARTHERS; OSHAWA, ONTARIO » TELEPHONE; Oshows RA 5-3537 Alex WH 2-0890 Bowmanville ZEnith 45780 A Brosh Monteith, B, Comm, George £. Trathewsy, 6A, Burt R, Weters, €.A, EVERYTHING GUARANTEED ONTARIO No. 1 SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS - 39: FIRST GRADE FRESH BUTTER FOR AN ECONOMICAL MEAL PORK LIVER "29: Prices effective at your DOMINION STORE ot Oshawa and Whithy until 6 p.m, Wednesday, February 8, DOMINION STORES LTD, we

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