The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Burean Offices Manager; Lloyd Robertson 111 Dundas $6, West Teh. MO, BVI ormer chatemen of the CBC Sivest Wigh Schosh, without Hs University President Speaker At High School / 4 SEVERAL gaily their | skating party at Jupile at Kathleen Rowe pub- fe school are shown during pm I ---- # " TS ' DEVIL and her escorts were seen at the Kathleen the Whithy Community Arena on Friday, Front row (1-H), ry wy LH, Rowe public school skating party, The three "devils shown are (left to right) Paul HIGH SCHOOL HALLS School Spirit High At By JOAN CALDER Tremendous school spirit has erashed into Henry High, Whit by Girls' Basketball Senjprs were prepared to slaughter Port Hope, They received mueh en: ecouragement and won the game 26-13, During this game, the guards held Port Hope forwards firm: ly down, Team play was dia played when every forward ave assistance for each of the askets. Juniors flopped again, Port Hope won 15-10, School dismissed at 3.30 so our ardent male fans could atch the game, Many left at o'clock Pretty faces and shapely legs present themselves in Henry's new cheerleaders, Leading the senior cheerleaders are Harb Foote, Gloria Bilida, Virginia Atkinson, Pam Jones, Carol Hermann and Cecilia Loomelis Dressed in yellow sweaters and cute pleated skirts, Linda Moorhouse, Judy Atkinsen, Don. na Fraser and Jan Nerwood danced and yelled for Henry as the junior cheerleaders, Henry [line of the eourt into the basket | Carol Batty, forward on An derson, made almost every foul shot she tried, These were about the only points Anderson made although they are coming along Uta Menzel played hetter than ever before, Bhe crashed her way through Anderson's defense and scored the most points for Henry Heniors, Wonders will never cease Henry Juniors won against Ane derson 15:8, Henry Juniors ave {hecoming increasingly better {Opposing teams will soon shud der at the thought of meeting them, ! | Anderson Juniors weré a good mateh for Henry and gave the spectators a run for their money {They started out in the lead [but Henry caught up and by: passed them the senior game. Al one point, [referee Marilyn inp blew her | Whistle to slop play but the ae ton was all in vain, The players {could not hear her do play con: tinued Twa high schools In Whithy Yells filled the gym during | Henry High clobbered Ander: has greatly increased school son on Thursday, Seniors won spirit, or so it seems, The faet 27-7. Their game was very fast that Henry dismisses a halt-hour thus piling up many fouls 'earlier has helped also, Many Elaine Campbell thrust a long peaple leave at four o'clock but yange shot fram the twe-third Cynthia Hardy, 7, and Robert Bruce Ureh, 6; hack row | Fl i (LR), Pillip Pascoe, 7, Jo | AT KATHLEEN ROWE SCHOOL SKATING CARNIVAL ( #nne Pollard, #, and Jane Mason | Successful Event | The CWI held & very success {ful bridge and euchre at the parish hall, John street, on Wed nesday night, Approximately 160 people were welcomed hy Mrs Carter and enjoyed games until | 10.80 p.m, at which time lunch {was served The tasty lunch was arrang ed by Mrs, Marge MacDonald, assisted hy Mrs, BR, H, MeDon ald, Mrs, Ed. Bamanski, Mrs {L, Watters, Mrs, H, Wallers, Mrs, D. Augustus, Ladies sery: {ing included Mrs, J, Corrigan, Mrs, G, Carter, Mrs, P, Me Daniel, Miss Theresa MeDonald Miss Harriet Houlihan, Mrs Peter Riordan and Mrs, Car Parise Father Annett, with his lively personality added enthusiasm and humor when drawing for the prizes at the close of the | eVERIng Atkinson, 5, Naney Polimiw, 10, and Patricia Willard, § ~Oshawa Times Moto ple stayed to wateh the play continue than formerly, ' [thur (hridge The winners were; Mrs, Vos ter (high euchre), Louis Gren: ier (hooby prize), Rita McAr- and Mrs, 1, Wal ters, Mrs, G, Tynde, ¥, Mackey, Mrs. Una Johnson, Mrs, Bil Bentley, Mrs, Dorothy Beamer, Mrs. Ann Neitle, Greg Carter, Bandra Lindensmith, Olivia Det: Mrs, Marita Ullyet, Mrs Carol Weir, Mrs, Norma Bulls, Mrs, Anne Hendriks, Mrs, Five: lyn Miller, Mrs, Mary Jean Cole, P, J, MeCabe, Jim Me Carroll, Mrs, Vera Norwood, Mrs, Isabelle Vance, Mrs, Jean | {lov, Mrs, Haston Kgerer, Maybe this fact accounts for the number of people dropping out of school lately, Personnel Manager To Address Group On Wednesday, Feb, 1, an ex ecutive meeting of the Henry Atreet High Nehool was held in the cafeteria, At the general meeting of Wednesday, eb. § Mr, Ken Cowan, Personnel Man ager of Dunlop of Canada will speak to the members on "What Management Kxpeets when Pu pils apply for Positions" It was decided that "Games Night! would be held April 24 {on Thursday's game, more peo: BROCK WHITBY So ---- Evening Shows ot 7 and 9 pm, EVES PRESLEY turday Matinee at 1:30 Heavy snow fall in Whithy on Friday appears ta have F caught many drivers ww Exams begin in three weeks, | Parise, Mrs, J, Parsons {| Mrs, D, Harlow, M, Grenier, [Harriet Houlihan, L, Grenier, (Mrs, Shirley Hodgson, Mrs, Wil fred MeDonald, Mrs, K, De (iray, Mrs, Birbeck, Miss Viola Wilkinson, Mrs, Marilyn Regan, Ruth Tushingham and Margar et Maidlow, Other ladies participating in this event included Mrs, 8, Hro nishewski, Mrs, Hen Hamilton, Mrs, Peter Den Biesen, Mrs, J MeCarroll and others - in the High School, Grade 12 and 1 are invited to attend the Feh # meeting, Mes, GG, H, Bremner will have on display publieation from the library on "How to Study Kffeetively" and other topics pertaining te pupils and parents A. wd od aware. The driver of the car shown above was proceeding west along Dundas street when the icy road caused the ~Oshawa Times Photo | | Bridge And Buchre At Hillcre Boned of Governors and Row eles president of Carieton Univernisy, A the officiel (Ottows, A. Davidson Dunton,C%: part REF I51. Jom the Evangelist YW Catholic Church, will give the Rev, J, Vanitheir pinth win in #& row last ation, wad 7 inva 4 L, of the Duteh Re Feb, 19, Taking part in the cere] y esident males of he veming Will be othe. Wie Sibeterior a ition, will give the prayer of ictal represemptives of the Lown of W and the Township of (Wikithy, whe make wp the school R#reR, And two catinet ministers, present Hom, Dr. M. BE. Dymond, Pro Hewve vineial Mimster of Health and Hon Michael Starr, Feder Minister of Labor Mayor will re Heber Down will repre sent Whithy Township, Hon, Dr. mol wd Hn hu Starr will CC] Ing. | The Whithy Distriet High Representing the Department School Are was formed on Jam. of Educoton will be 1. 0. W 1, 1049, and is composed of the Fowler, town rnd township of Whithy , high school classes SCHOOL, BAND were held at the old high school, A new Innovation in Wiithy ion Colborne street west, In thet High Schools, & band, will make yenr, the new school was open |Ms first public yg at ed on Henry street and Colborne Ihe ng. The band is com {Street School became & pie posed of Grade § students school | A school Bible will he pre | ent. @ithews, who ted by BR, FP, Matthews, wh lis president of the Oshawe and In the following years, Weh District Gideons, School fags school population increased and will he presented hy both Whithy {this yenr, Right after the Christ: Chapters of the 10DE, Mrs mas vacation, almost 11 years FF, W, Browne represemting the : | : | I i NEWEST SCHOOL, 19 the day from the beginning of Viscount Greenwood Chapler,) the sehool wares, the second and Mrs, §, C. Roblin represent school was opened, This is An-ing the House of Windsor Chap derson Bireet High School, built! ter, to ae date 400 At the conclusion of the offi: The new school, incidentally, cial opening, the public is in is almost identical to the Henry vited to inspect the school Present Plaque t H&S alt in fad. Hillcrest Home and Behool, The Association held its monthly won by Miss Kirkweod's room meeting at the school on Wed: for the Jr, and by Mrs, Slew nesday evening, The president, art's room for the Sr, Mr, E, Mrs. ©. Blurgess, was in the Vairman then introduced Mr, chair, The meeting opened with Doug Maundrel of Hillerest wis Key, I, J. Austin, oA Stanley Martin the town of Whithy wnd) THE OSHAWA TWES, Sevwriey, Vibroery 4, 1967 § Ninth Win For Jrs; Trounce Cobourg 11-3 By CLIPY GORDON (Mackey, Kadwell) ,,, 108(12, Whithy: Middicion Whithy Witicrests racked 7, Whithy: Tren " Cran, KAkE) 1rrvieie BH 13, Whidhy ' SHO au il) ++er+s Ld Lids 14 (Fram, wa night #8 they whipped 06 Col" Clete) 1 rererrereres "Wy Tom ihowrg Rockets 119 right in Co) 9, Cobowrg neon bowrg, The win moves the Hill (Ewart, DUB) 1/000 crests (o within these points Pomaities - - Kad ohh 2.0, the je; eriod ' 10 ine " PPP pr ie i051 Trigp 12,9 The Hillere revererer 4 HB AP A (Mi 17 ' Whithy : M v 5, 1 (Fran, Chascrewsit) » 937 and Record (majors) 11.18, | their chances | pace Lyn Middieton gun for the Hitlers (CRasCLOWsNs) 1ors0ee 1 0 1d Lake 138, Woghorkewt 3 snd 5, 9.55, Walsh (mejor and (2 P & ointing & Decorating THINKING OF PAINTING Cy | nesisted on WALLPAPERING? oh Tripp and Kimer I sank & pair, with single count ers gong 1o Bulch Kadwell, Ken | Koberts, Dave Nicholishen and Gord Luke, Dunn, Finkel and Stevenson scored for the tail end Rockets i On Tuesday night the Hill] crests will get 8 renl test as) they will play host 10 the Guelph | Royals of the Jr, A league, The Royals are rated ns one of the hest Jr, A teams In the country | | right now, Many people feel thet | the Whithy Hillerests are one of | {the best Jr, B teams M not the {best and the results should he very Interesting Indeed, Don't [forget game time is 8.90, | Cobourg drew first blood in) last night's game as Dunn broke the goose egg. of Godridgs in| Vir" ase, The locals Ww getting organized and | Ww did not hit the score sheet nil] the 14.14 mark, When they did get the puck rolling thelr way | they made good use of it, They) scored four goals In Just over {four minutes and led 41 at the lend of the first period The second period was & very {even affair as both teams scored a pair of goals, Nicholishen and Phone OL 5-4441, Brooklin or vish our store of 6751 " Crook AT TONY & SON LTD. LITTLE ® Roandalls. plumper FOR A TUNE-UP | | ! SAVE MONEY -- DO-T-NOW PLENTIFUL LABOR SPEEDY SEASONAL SERVIOE Your MODERNIZATION, REPAIR, ond REPLACEMENT HEAD the Queen' with Miss G, Kirk; This plaque was donated hy|Tran were the gunners for the wood at the plano proved The majority has voted in favor of school uniforms committee was appointed fo choose the uniforms which will Curtiss whe Home and in to Mrs, A C founded the first School in Brantford Memorial Nbrary fund, Benevolent Lodge Plans Special Meet The regular meteing of Ben evolent Hebekah Lodge No, 132 was held in the 100V Hall Whithy, Owing to the very cold weather the attendance was light, Noble Grand Bister Greta Campbell presided assisted hy viee grand sister Stella MeLean who reported for the sick eom: mittee sending flowers and cards to these under doctors care Sister M, Detlor was welcom- ed hy the officers and members having heen Initiated at Alay during the Assembly President's visit by good attendance Is hoped for the next meeting when Fast Noble Grands of Benevolent Lodge will eceupy the officers chairs All other husiness being al tended to, Lodge closed in the usual manner PIER INROLVENT NEW YORK (AP) == Alfred Hleele, late husband of actress Joan Crawford and president of the Pepsi-Cola Company at his death, left a gross estate of $607,198 hut actually was insely: ent, an intermediate estate accounting has disclosed, Burro gate Joseph Cox Thursday signed an order allowing Lillian Steele, whe preceded Miss Crawford as Steele's wife, to examine the executors of the estate, Nleele died at the age of 67 April 10, 1050, Various the school hoard and won by|lecals with Finkel and Steven reports were read and ap: Hillerest school in the field day son doing the honors for the last June Mr, Charles Stafford intro Afhiced the guest speaker, Mr, close for the first 19 minutes | Harr [member he modeled at a later meeting, Ambulance. Mr, H a m m o n d| then the roof fell right in on the The president then called on showed a film entitled *"That| Cobourg team who must Mrs, J. Frost who paid tribute|they may live", This film ill-|thought (hat the locals were |ustrated artificial {and the importance of neti) 1916, immediately, The film was fol profits to go to the Curtiss|lowed by a question and answer home no less Hammond, who of Toronto Bt, Is a John respiration period and everyone was im: = | pressed with the importance of the knowledge of First Ald, The speaker was thanked by Mr, A. MacNaughton, The meeting closed and a social half-hour followed with the mothers of Mr, Cather: wood's room and Mrs, Berger: in's room acting as hostesses, Present Play At : Home League Balvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly meeting at the Citadel on Thurs: day evening, In charge of the devotional were Mrs, Farle and her group, Mrs, Captain Roberts closed the devotional period with prayer, The business meeting was pre sided by Mrs, Captain Roberts and further suggestions were made regarding money raising projects for the Fresh Air Sum: mer Camp. Following the busi ness meeting a shor play was put on with Mrs, Har! in charge, Taking part were: Mrs, Donnithorpe, Mrs, Archer, Mrs, Wilson and Mrs, Bhepard, Lunch was served hy Mrs Earl and her group. The next meeting will be In the form of a Valentine party and the Ajax Home League ladies will attend, Mrs, Donnithorne and her group will be in charge, Family Monuments Created To Individual p 4 Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 310 DUNDAS EASY MO 8.3552 | losers, | "Phe third and final period was |The Whithy team managed a | pair of gonls in that time and have | only fooling for the first 58 min utes, It is mighty hard to be: lieve but the Hillcrests fired than three goals in the final B4 seconds, The Rockets did have a team oul there too, fans, Don't forget the big one here tonight when the Pieton Mer: chants will invade the local arena for their final appearance of the season, Then on Tuesday night the Sueiph Royals will try to snap the Whithy team's win ANE: SUMMARY ist Period , Cobourg: Dunn : (Stevenson, Kwart) pa hii , Whitby: Roberts (Nichol : Yahen, Mackey) verre MM 5, Whithy; Tripp It's the easiest way , waiting and wo " oh 1 CORVERIEnt way 10 { 102 BYRON $1 WHITHY nN { QUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING REQUIREMENTS FREE ESTIMATES--NO OBLIGATION DON'T DISTURB YOUR SAVINGS! ; Buy on the LA.C. Merit Plan Pay te LAC, MERIT PLAN Way... 00d puioy of he sxire bonefls| Modern Indoor Comfort , . . Saves Health , . , Saves Wealth Abert Kandabs RY. 7 1774 CMO 2991 (Nicholishen) syeeenes 15.42 4, Whitby: Middleto (LUKE) veervrenirnnnns 30.08 , Whithy! Luke y itd leton, Tran) «vo 18.80 Penalties = Bobbie 6,80, Luke 7.92, Walsh 11,00, and Period 6, Whitby; Nicholishen Whithy Churches IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER of the applisation name of serialn streets In The Corporation of The Town of Whithy nd INTHE MATTER of the application of the Council of The Garperatien of the Town of Whithy for approval of ih) By-law Ne, 338) and iis By Law - No, $304, TAKE NOTICE that | have Shpelotes Friday, the 24th of hive y 198), T 1030 a'closh In the # in my Chambers of the Howse. whith for sanildering By» Low Ne, 339) apd Ne, ha and for hearing hots ver sating and opposing the shange Hk of strents In the seid By-law whish fellew: Byslaw No, 3384 == The! the name of Tulip Termes be changed to Hutthinson Nave, aliaw No, 3334 == That the name of that part of Lee Avenue situs Boren Street 0 of the third seneession, be shanged 10 Falrview Brive, DATE at Whithy, this Sih dey of January 1941, de APEROVED: a \ Kanne wige Tou K. FRGIY, lors of The Carparation of the Town of Whithy, Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1AM, MORNING WORSHIP BEGINNERS CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL Whitby Baptist Church Rev, Thomas Webb, Minister Mrs, W, E Summers, AT.CM, 10:00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, & 7:00 P.M, REV, THOMAS WEBB FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St, N,, Whitby Pastor: Rey, § C, Corbett, §,Th, P18 AM, Redio Broadeast CKLB 145 AM, Bible School Hour 11:00 AM, & 7:00 PM, Our Pastor preaching at both services Orehestra and Special Musle Everyone Walcome O.H.A. Junior "B" Hockey TONIGHT, FEB. 4th 8:30 PM, WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev, John M. Smith, BA, B.D, Mini Rev, Mrs, J, Beaton, ART.C, nister nist A.M, Butler, BA, Assistant Minister MORNING WORSHIP -- 11:00 AM, "THE ELDERSHIP" ees CRUSES MISHAP PICTON MERCHANTS vs WHITBY HILLCRESTS ORDINATION OF NEW ELDERS SUNDAY SCHOOL 11100 AM, Girls and Bova under 9 wear 9:45 AM, Girls and Boys 1100 AM, Infont Care Junior Worship Adults 75¢; Students with the Junior "A" League le Tues, Feb, 7th ot the Arena, Game time 8:30, auto to leave the road, push through a barbed - wire fence and finally stop against a tree, Whitby Community Arena @ SPECIAL NOTICE eo Don't forget Whithy Nillerest Junior "B's wa PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ' 307 BROCK, N, REV, JOHN SCARR, Pastor cords and Children 50¢ J Residence » MO 8:8772 Churgh = MO 8.4610 843 AM ==RADIO BROADCAST, CKLB, OSHAWA 9:45 AMOUR GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 AM COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M. ~GREAT EVANGELISTIC RALLY Special Music by Our Junior Chale Whithy's Friendly Chuieh == Where Jesus Is Real aders, Guelph Royals, Whitby Community =Oshawa Times Photo

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